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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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10 hours ago, Turquoise said:

I am jumping ahead on good news Sunday. We moved into our house today! The movers ran late, so I was upset that I felt like hours were wasted. But we’re here, we had a nice dinner with my parents, our dog got to go on a walk around the new neighborhood, our bedroom is liveable, and I’m in my recliner with gelato. The rest of the pieces will fall into place.

Congrats on your new home, @Turquoise! Moving days are the hardest days, physically. It's such a wonderful feeling when the movers leave and you can begin life in your new home. Every box unpacked is an accomplishment. Enjoy!

I appreciate all the kind and thoughtful input about my Mom. She doesn't have a UTI - that was what even she thought, but that's when she was diagnosed with the compressed discs. She probably would not take an anti-depressant, especially if it would preclude her from her nightly glass of wine. (she really does only have one and often doesn't finish it, but she looks forward to it) We pick our battles and her getting the 2nd shot is the one we're focusing on now. My biggest concern is getting her safely in/out of our SUV for appointments. It's not ideal for someone so frail. Thankfully, she doesn't have dementia. Only her body is failing her 😢

My good news for Sunday is that we have beautiful new floors in our home. Vinyl plank floors throughout the first floor. And the really good news is that our noisy floor guy is gone! His radio blasted, the compressor and grinding tool were also noisy, which is to be expected. But the dude never stopped talking! And he talked so loudly. He was a perfectionist, which is a good thing. Our ears are enjoying the peace & quiet as we put everything back that we had moved. Also it's a glorious spring day today!

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

My biggest concern is getting her safely in/out of our SUV for appointments. It's not ideal for someone so frail.

In my area, there is a service that provides transport. Cost is based on income. It can range from free, to a few dollars. A person can be transported in their  wheelchair. The vehicle has a lift, and the chair is secured in the vehicle. No clue if your area provides such a service. One warning, here it can make it a long day, depending on how many stops are involved for others using it that day. If you’re interested, her family doctor should have the information, if you don’t know if this exists where you are. 
Here you need to make arrangements a week in advance. A little hint when using this, call for pickup when you know you’ll be ready soon to return home, not when you’re actually done. 😁

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31 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

In my area, there is a service that provides transport. Cost is based on income. It can range from free, to a few dollars. A person can be transported in their  wheelchair. The vehicle has a lift, and the chair is secured in the vehicle. No clue if your area provides such a service. One warning, here it can make it a long day, depending on how many stops are involved for others using it that day. If you’re interested, her family doctor should have the information, if you don’t know if this exists where you are. 
Here you need to make arrangements a week in advance. A little hint when using this, call for pickup when you know you’ll be ready soon to return home, not when you’re actually done. 😁

In many communities, the transportation is done by Provide a Ride.  There is some sort of agreement with Medicare/Medicaid, too, which can pick up the cost at least some of the time.  They've got a website and you can find out if someone is eligible on it,

The one drawback is that Provide a Ride is often busy during the day and your mother may not be the only client they are serving with the same vehicle.  So, there may be several pick-ups and drop-offs during her ride which can prolong things.

My brother, who gets Medicare/Medicaid and doesn't drive anymore, uses it to get to his psychiatric appointments.  He doesn't love it because it can be slow, but says they're reliable and the drivers are really nice and very helpful, especially to those with physical limitations.

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This is my favorite part of Spring, when the flowering trees are in bloom, and the others are starting to get fully leafed out.  It's a beautiful transformation.  The fresh cut grass smell!  Opening the windows and letting the Winter air out...it's lovely.  

Of course, living in the Midwest it'll either snow tomorrow or have the highest temps with humidity on record. 

  • Love 9

My Good News Sunday is that I made wonderful food for the week! I have always cooked on Sundays for the week... I always say I work very, very hard to be lazy. I made an awesome meatloaf (which shall be portioned out and stowed in the freezer); a spinach and sausage cannelloni (of which I cooked some in my homemade pasta sauce... the rest will be frozen for future enjoyment); Zucchini Fritters; Herbed Corn off the Cob; Mashed Sweet Potatoes... and my breakfast eggs. Cook a few real eggs with Egg Beaters, Mushrooms, and Turkey Sausage. Bake it in a casserole dish, portion it up... and then in the morning all I have to do is toast some bread, a bagel or and English Muffin and Voila! Warm it all up and breakfast is ready! Major stress reducer.

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i was gone on a short roadtrip when the news broke about joshua. i stayed with friends that i have often stayed at before. this time, they have a 1 year old goldendoodle. guess what? i am allergic to it!  i came home a day early and have been in resting mode all day today. did watch church, tho!  now i am catching up here.  oh and based off the 'tired' of this short trip, i probably wont be driving to texas anymore and rather flying. i am exhausted!

  • Love 9
23 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I live in an area where both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are available. I'm not sure which one to pick. Any advice?

According to this article, the Moderna is slightly less effective for people over 65.  It's still pretty good, but Pfizer may be better for older adults.  

If the FDA moves as expected, Pfizer may expand eligibility to 12 and up soon so there may be more of a demand for that supply.

Side effects tend to be similar between the two as they are based on the same technology.

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21 hours ago, Temperance said:

I live in an area where both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are available. I'm not sure which one to pick. Any advice?

My DH & I both had Pfizer and had little to no side effects. Everyone I know had chills, headache after 2nd dose of Moderna. 
Everyone is different though, so pick which you’d like.

Edited by realityfan26
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2 hours ago, Temperance said:

I live in an area where both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are available. I'm not sure which one to pick. Any advice?

My first thought was chose the one that is most convenient to you, location wise.  It will make things easier in the long run.  I've heard an over-whelming majority of people have no effects after Pfizer. A lot of people that had Moderna had a very rough time after the second, and that includes my mom.  She's 68, mostly healthy with elevated cholesterol and a back injury.  About 12 hours after the injection, she had horrendous chills, headache, and body aches.  It lasted until the following evening.  

I had both doses of Pfizer, and my two-week wait is over May 10th.  My appointment was last Monday, and I was out of there around 1005am.  I was great until 3ish.  My arm was sore, and I was getting a headache I couldn't ignore.  I went to bed that night hoping I was done.  Nope.  I woke up at 100am with a pounding headache and extreme muscle/joint pain.  By 500am, I added a fever of 101.8*.  I was able to sleep a decent amount, and I was on the mend at 100pm.  ***

***My quick notes.  I'm 41, I have some semi-serious health conditions, mainly tachycardia and asymptomatic anemia (tossed in with intractable & chronic pain).  I also have diagnosed EDS, and potentially POTS, but that's undiagnosed at this time.  I already have joint/muscle aches and overall back pain through the day.  This vaccine just amped everything up for me.  I'm glad I did it, and I would do it again.  I think it's just something you have mentally prepare yourself for either scenerio-1)  You'll do great! OR 2) You may have a rough 24-48 hours.  Just remember, if you do have the side effects, they will go away in relative time.

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My family has had both vaccines spread over all of us except the children.  So far we've had reactions to all of them (all except one person dose 2 was by far the strongest) with one exception.  My 91 year old mother didn't complain of anything after getting Pfizer either time.

Usually the worst of the reaction lasts maybe 12 hours.  One of my kids it was about 24 hours.  It's still so much easier than having COVID and worth it. 

Edited by Absolom
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3 hours ago, realityfan26 said:

My DH & I both had Pfizer and had little to no side affects. Everyone I know had chills, headache after 2nd dose of Moderna. 
Everyone is different though, so pick which you’d like.

I am having my 2nd vaccine on May 14th.  hope for no side effects.  i just went food shopping and got some Gatorade and stocked up on Ibuprofen.. just in case.. however, i have to be careful cause I am having 3 teeth removed on Tuesday.. so also had to make sure I had soft foods (yogurt, eggs, mashed potatoes).  i am terrified.. I got Pfizer

Edited by Boston
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10 hours ago, Temperance said:

I live in an area where both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are available. I'm not sure which one to pick. Any advice?

In my family, half of us had Pfizer, and half had Moderna. My husband who had Moderna and younger son who had Pfizer had zero side effects, my older son and daughter in law who had Pfizer were sidelined the day after their second shot, and I had Pfizer and had some minor chills and a sore arm after my second one. 

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On 5/2/2021 at 7:52 AM, BetyBee said:

My biggest concern is getting her safely in/out of our SUV for appointments.

I recently read that Pennsylvania is making it possible for people who can’t, or would have difficulty leaving their home, to get the immunization at home. I thought of you. Perhaps that’s an option where you live? Here, it’s through Area Agencies on Aging. 

Edited by ginger90
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11 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

My mom would've been 89 today.

Hugs to you missing your maternal unit. 


I just wanted to pop in and let you guys know my Mom is HOME, she is eating real food (small amounts but she wants it), she is weak and even slower than usual, but she says all the furniture at my house is too high or too low for her so she is headed backdown stairs to her house today. I am making her wait until my sister's caregiver gets here to assist her before my sister wakes up. 


I am so glad, the last few days I have felt like a 4yrs old who just wanted her Mommy back. Have a great day everyone. 

Cosmo has his annual vet appt Wednesday, and I have learned he does NOT like the heat, the groomer appt is on the 19th so he can get trimmed up and more comfortable. 

  • Love 20
50 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

My mother would be 83 today. She was born in 1938, and my phone is currently at 83%.

If I played the numbers like she used to.........

If I were you and I was going near anyplace where I could buy a lotto ticket today . . . Just saying. 

I hope you and @doodlebug are comforted by good memories of your moms today.

6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I just wanted to pop in and let you guys know my Mom is HOME, she is eating real food (small amounts but she wants it), she is weak and even slower than usual, but she says all the furniture at my house is too high or too low for her so she is headed backdown stairs to her house today. I am making her wait until my sister's caregiver gets here to assist her before my sister wakes up. . . .

Cosmo has his annual vet appt Wednesday, and I have learned he does NOT like the heat, the groomer appt is on the 19th so he can get trimmed up and more comfortable. 

I'm glad she's back, and showing strong signs of independence. You have dealt with so much these last several weeks, my hat is tipped to you and I hope you can rest up pretty soon. Not to mention, you're doing an awesome job taking care of Cosmo. Talk about a "lucky dog" - that's him. Thanks for sharing pictures; he's looks like such a sweet buddy.

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This is hilarious but should make you guys laugh. I cannot remember EVER seeing my Mom with an innie belly button! Her's popped out after she had my sister, and then she had her gallbladder out in 1991 and got the hernia, she told the surgeon "now I can resume my career as a bathing suit model". Her stomach looks so weird to me now!

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

My mother would be 83 today. She was born in 1938, and my phone is currently at 83%.

If I played the numbers like she used to.........

My mom won on scratch offs. Not a lot of $ but she won. Most I won is $10 🤣. I miss my mom. Not the same without her! Moms are everything ❤️. Big hug to you. 

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, sixlets said:

I had both doses of Pfizer, and my two-week wait is over May 10th.  My appointment was last Monday, and I was out of there around 1005am.  I was great until 3ish.  My arm was sore, and I was getting a headache I couldn't ignore.  I went to bed that night hoping I was done.  Nope.  I woke up at 100am with a pounding headache and extreme muscle/joint pain.  By 500am, I added a fever of 101.8*.  I was able to sleep a decent amount, and I was on the mend at 100pm.  ***

For the record: I'm 62, had the Pfizer shot on 3/16, and had those symptoms for 4 WEEKS after the shot. The symptoms started to diminish at the 4 week mark - fever began to decline, headaches lightened up, body aches lessened, sleeping dropped from a high of 20 hrs/day to a more normal 8-10. It's been over 6 weeks now, and I've been fever-free since last thursday. Headache is now ignore-able. Have started to resume my normal activities (hiking, weightlifting, skating) but I am SO weak. 

I will not be getting the second shot. Besides the fact that it's been more than 6 weeks since the first, the thought that the side effects might be worse from the second shot is terrifying. 

I'm glad that the majority of people have had good experiences, but people like me are out there. If you look at the VAERS website, there are tens of thousands who've experienced severe side effects. 

But the worst part of all? I GAINED weight. Ugh. The ultimate crushing blow! 


I got the Moderna vaccine and the aftermath of the second dose was a little rough for several days, but well worth it.  The fear of not surviving covid was a great motivator for me.   Getting fully vaxxed was the most important thing in my life.  I’d go with either Pfizer or Moderna.  My family has received both.  I have friends who got J&J and had no issue with that one either.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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19 minutes ago, skatelady said:

For the record: I'm 62, had the Pfizer shot on 3/16, and had those symptoms for 4 WEEKS after the shot. The symptoms started to diminish at the 4 week mark - fever began to decline, headaches lightened up, body aches lessened, sleeping dropped from a high of 20 hrs/day to a more normal 8-10. It's been over 6 weeks now, and I've been fever-free since last thursday. Headache is now ignore-able. Have started to resume my normal activities (hiking, weightlifting, skating) but I am SO weak. 

I will not be getting the second shot. Besides the fact that it's been more than 6 weeks since the first, the thought that the side effects might be worse from the second shot is terrifying. 

I'm glad that the majority of people have had good experiences, but people like me are out there. If you look at the VAERS website, there are tens of thousands who've experienced severe side effects. 

But the worst part of all? I GAINED weight. Ugh. The ultimate crushing blow! 

You absolutely do not have to answer this question, but did you have COVID before getting the shot?  I have heard anecdotal evidence of more severe reactions with the first shot if your body already recognizes the virus.  Your reaction is also a replica of what some people experience when they contract COVID.  Not everyone gets the pneumonia, some people just have an overdeveloped immune response that puts the body on "heightened alert" for a long period of time.

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48 minutes ago, Bewitched said:

You absolutely do not have to answer this question, but did you have COVID before getting the shot?  I have heard anecdotal evidence of more severe reactions with the first shot if your body already recognizes the virus.  Your reaction is also a replica of what some people experience when they contract COVID.  Not everyone gets the pneumonia, some people just have an overdeveloped immune response that puts the body on "heightened alert" for a long period of time.

We think my husbands reactions to the 2nd shot was because he was exposed to Covid, thankfully he tested negative when he had to get tested. We read that you can get bad reactions if you have been in contact with someone that had it or like you said, even had it.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I recently read that Pennsylvania is making it possible for people who can’t, or would have difficulty leaving their home, to get the immunization at home. I thought of you. Perhaps that’s an option where you live? Here, it’s through Area Agencies on Aging. 

Thanks @ginger90! My sister talked to Mom's local pharmacist yesterday and was told they could probably arrange an in home vaccine for her. That would be best, so I hope it works out! I think when it's our turn to take her to the doctor, we'll swap cars with my daughter, so Mom can get in/out of the vehicle more easily. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, BetyBee said:

Thanks @ginger90! My sister talked to Mom's local pharmacist yesterday and was told they could probably arrange an in home vaccine for her. That would be best, so I hope it works out! I think when it's our turn to take her to the doctor, we'll swap cars with my daughter, so Mom can get in/out of the vehicle more easily. 

I understand completely about the car thing.  My dad is a lot like your mom with the mobility issues.  His occupational therapist recommended that we get a special tool to help him get in and out of the pickup truck.  It was called a "Car Door Automotive Handle Standing Aid Cane"  They cost about $15 and are also useful for the lower cars. 

For the broader issue of caring for someone with long term issues, we hired what I've been describing as a private social worker.  It's a local company that has been helping us navigate all the issues.  We gave them all the info from the VA and the LTC policy, a rough budget, and what our needs were in regards to assistance inside and outside the home.  They then did the legwork in telling us what was available, how much it was going to cost, what paperwork was needed where and when, etc.   They also have a rolodex of the "good" companies to work with based on our needs and preferences.

They can also step in and act as patient advocates with Drs and hospitals.  They were instrumental in helping us straighten out an issue last year with a hide and seek UTI he had.  He'd end up in the ER due to being unable to get up after falling, and they'd say he had a UTI, start him on antibiotics and the next day decide they were wrong and it was just his blood sugar.  It was back and forth with this routine for 2 months before we called the company in and they helped us get the attention of the right people that he could not be released until they figured out why his blood sugar was going so high all the time.   The hospital eventually found an unusual UTI that required IV antibiotics to clear up. 

You may find something similar would help you guys set up a short and medium term care plan for your mom. 



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Of our family, my two sons had the Pfizer shot a few weeks ago due to their jobs. One felt absolutely horrible for the next day and a half (after the second shot), and the other had no side effects whatsoever. Mr Jyn and I completed our Pfizer shots three weeks ago - I had no side effects, and he had some body aches and weakness, but some of that could have been due to some very strenuous gardening the day before. My son-in-law had the J&J, and just had a headache and general malaise, and my 3-months pregnant daughter had her second Pfizer on Saturday, and was barely able to get out of bed yesterday, but is feeling much better (if not 100%) today. My mom got her second shot today. Hopefully she will not have too bad of a time of it.


Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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12 hours ago, Bewitched said:

You absolutely do not have to answer this question, but did you have COVID before getting the shot?  I have heard anecdotal evidence of more severe reactions with the first shot if your body already recognizes the virus.  Your reaction is also a replica of what some people experience when they contract COVID.  Not everyone gets the pneumonia, some people just have an overdeveloped immune response that puts the body on "heightened alert" for a long period of time.

I wondered the same thing, but I tested negative (both the rapid and the pcr test) at the peak of symptoms. It's theoretically possible that I had it asymptomatically prior to the vaccine, but just incredibly unlikely; I faithfully isolated for the entire year, only venturing outside to walk alone. (We ordered most of our groceries online, going to the store very rarely and only during senior-citizen hours. We don't even go to the gas station - we have an electric car!) I was tested for everything under the sun, including tick diseases (what I thought was the most likely culprit, given all my outdoor time), mono, tuberculosis.... all negative. Another thing I wondered was if I contracted covid AT THE VACCINE LOCATION; there were hundreds of people there (it was in a gymnasium) - but my covid tests were negative. All the doctors I saw eventually threw up their hands and said "must be side effects!" I did get a covid antibody test, which showed that I have antibodies, but it doesn't distinguish between disease-acquired and vaccine-acquired antibodies. 

My anti-vax friends love me more than ever now, because I'm their shining example of the Big Pharma Conspiracy. Ugh. 

The problem is, it's ALL anecdotal evidence. No one is actually collecting/studying any side effect data. I put an entry in the CDC's VAERS database (alongside thousands and thousands of others), I emailed the CDC (multiple times), I called the CDC (multiple times), and I faithfully responded on the V-Safe app every week. Never heard back from anyone - which is incredibly disappointing, because I think experiences like mine are important to study. If prominent vaccine proponents go on television saying "it's safe safe safe! side effects are minor minor minor!" and then people like me come along (and I'm not alone in this), that just fires up the conspiracy theorists even more. Furthermore, the handouts you get at the vaccine location say "side effect are minor, but if you experience anything unusual, contact your healthcare provider" - however providers have ZERO information. (nevermind that access to American healthcare is atrocious and fantastically expensive - I really had to fight for appointments and testing, and we used up our entire deductible [$5500!!!!] on this). 

Oof. Sorry for the ranting. This has just been such a touchy subject for me, as I really want to do my civic-vaccine-duty but I feel cornered. (and now broke). And it sucks to be extremely sick and then ignored by medical professionals. 

But then Joshie came along and provided a huge distraction.....


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I have to have 3 teeth pulled tomorrow (Tuesday).  I have NEVER had a tooth problem except braces when i was young.  I am so scared and freaked out about it.  They are all on the same side.  I asked the dentist "am i gonna look like a jack-o-lantern?"  Luckily they are all on the left side and back teeth. . (It is because of all my meds i've been on since 1998).  I have been praying i won't look like an old lady.. I'm not that old.  Does this make me shallow?

8 minutes ago, Boston said:

I have to have 3 teeth pulled tomorrow (Tuesday).  I have NEVER had a tooth problem except braces when i was young.  I am so scared and freaked out about it.  They are all on the same side.  I asked the dentist "am i gonna look like a jack-o-lantern?"  Luckily they are all on the left side and back teeth. . (It is because of all my meds i've been on since 1998).  I have been praying i won't look like an old lady.. I'm not that old.  Does this make me shallow?

How far back in your mouth are they? I lost two teeth right alongside each other, before I was 30 - the one was a milk tooth with no adult tooth behind it, and when it finally gave up the ghost, the infection took out the tooth alongside it as well. But they were far enough back that no one notices unless I point it out to them. And I've never had any trouble eating, etc. Hopefully yours will be the same.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Boston said:

I have to have 3 teeth pulled tomorrow (Tuesday).  I have NEVER had a tooth problem except braces when i was young.  I am so scared and freaked out about it.  They are all on the same side.  I asked the dentist "am i gonna look like a jack-o-lantern?"  Luckily they are all on the left side and back teeth. . (It is because of all my meds i've been on since 1998).  I have been praying i won't look like an old lady.. I'm not that old.  Does this make me shallow?

I have had 3 wisdom teeth pulled, a molar and I lost a tooth back in the 90's. That is the only one where if I do a wide open laugh or smile really wide, you can see the gap. The others no. I don't remember any of them being pulled as I was knocked out. I had a great dentist when I had the wisdom teeth pulled and excellent medication. No issues with healing or eating anything.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, skatelady said:

I wondered the same thing, but I tested negative (both the rapid and the pcr test) at the peak of symptoms. It's theoretically possible that I had it asymptomatically prior to the vaccine, but just incredibly unlikely; I faithfully isolated for the entire year, only venturing outside to walk alone. (We ordered most of our groceries online, going to the store very rarely and only during senior-citizen hours. We don't even go to the gas station - we have an electric car!) I was tested for everything under the sun, including tick diseases (what I thought was the most likely culprit, given all my outdoor time), mono, tuberculosis.... all negative. Another thing I wondered was if I contracted covid AT THE VACCINE LOCATION; there were hundreds of people there (it was in a gymnasium) - but my covid tests were negative. All the doctors I saw eventually threw up their hands and said "must be side effects!" I did get a covid antibody test, which showed that I have antibodies, but it doesn't distinguish between disease-acquired and vaccine-acquired antibodies. 

My anti-vax friends love me more than ever now, because I'm their shining example of the Big Pharma Conspiracy. Ugh. 

The problem is, it's ALL anecdotal evidence. No one is actually collecting/studying any side effect data. I put an entry in the CDC's VAERS database (alongside thousands and thousands of others), I emailed the CDC (multiple times), I called the CDC (multiple times), and I faithfully responded on the V-Safe app every week. Never heard back from anyone - which is incredibly disappointing, because I think experiences like mine are important to study. If prominent vaccine proponents go on television saying "it's safe safe safe! side effects are minor minor minor!" and then people like me come along (and I'm not alone in this), that just fires up the conspiracy theorists even more. Furthermore, the handouts you get at the vaccine location say "side effect are minor, but if you experience anything unusual, contact your healthcare provider" - however providers have ZERO information. (nevermind that access to American healthcare is atrocious and fantastically expensive - I really had to fight for appointments and testing, and we used up our entire deductible [$5500!!!!] on this). 

Oof. Sorry for the ranting. This has just been such a touchy subject for me, as I really want to do my civic-vaccine-duty but I feel cornered. (and now broke). And it sucks to be extremely sick and then ignored by medical professionals. 

But then Joshie came along and provided a huge distraction.....


Medical literature is showing evidence of Long COVID Syndrome which refers to people who have the actual virus and then continue to have symptoms for months afterward.  There are many major medical centers studying this and running clinics.  While it seems that your problems were triggered by the vaccine and not naturally acquired virus, it could be that one of the major medical centers in your area has such a program and you could at least talk to them if not participate in some sort of study.


The VAERS system is very good in that it lets anyone suffering from possible side effects of any immunization to report it.  You don't have to be a medical provider, literally ANYONE can file a report.  That is, however, its drawback, too.  There are literally hundreds of thousands of reports already on file for the COVID vaccine.  Someone has to go through them, classify them and look for trends.  That is how the initial data on the J&J vaccine being possibly related to unusual clots in women was discovered.  Someone at VAERS compiled the data, saw the reports and alerted the CDC.  That complication occurred in less than one in a million vaccine recipients; so the system works.  However, if your side effect is even more rare, it is going to be a while before a trend can be discerned and someone has to first go through all the complaints that the vaccine caused people to get acne or their hair to fall out or caused them to fall and break their arm.  There are, unfortunately, far more anecdotal cases with little merit than actual reports that need to be investigated.

Edited by doodlebug
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59 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Medical literature is showing evidence of Long COVID Syndrome which refers to people who have the actual virus and then have symptoms later.  There are many major medical centers studying this and running clinics.  While it seems that your problems were triggered by the vaccine and not naturally acquired virus, it could be that one of the major medical centers in your area has such a program and you could at least talk to them if not participate in some sort of study.


The VAERS system is very good in that it lets anyone suffering from possible side effects of any immunization to report it.  You don't have to be a medical provider, literally ANYONE can file a report.  That is, however, its drawback, too.  There are literally hundreds of thousands of reports already on file for the COVID vaccine.  Someone has to go through them, classify them and look for trends.  That is how the initial data on the J&J vaccine being possibly related to unusual clots in women was discovered.  Someone at VAERS compiled the data, saw the reports and alerted the CDC.  That complication occurred in less than one in a million vaccine recipients; so the system works.  However, if your side effect is even more rare, it is going to be a while before a trend can be discerned and someone has to first go through all the complaints that the vaccine caused people to gain 20 lbs or their hair to fall out or caused them to fall and break their arm.  There are, unfortunately, far more anecdotal cases with little merit than actual reports that need to be investigated.

There is one in Albany! That is a great idea to pursue. As for Vaers, yes, there are over a million entries now - but, they can be filtered by duration, onset date, etc. And there are now far more than 6 like me! Which makes me annoyed that I was not contacted (despite many attempts on MY part). Also, you cannot EDIT your entry without an ID number for your original entry - which you can only get via email from them. And they have not responded to my email, so my entry is incomplete. 

Ohhhhhh I need to add to my entry that I gained weight!!! 

Thanks for your input; I was hoping you'd respond! I've always had a great deal of respect for your medical perspective - even since the TWOP days! (although if I remember correctly, you were eventually banned from there). 

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1 hour ago, skatelady said:

There is one in Albany! That is a great idea to pursue. As for Vaers, yes, there are over a million entries now - but, they can be filtered by duration, onset date, etc. And there are now far more than 6 like me! Which makes me annoyed that I was not contacted (despite many attempts on MY part). Also, you cannot EDIT your entry without an ID number for your original entry - which you can only get via email from them. And they have not responded to my email, so my entry is incomplete. 

Ohhhhhh I need to add to my entry that I gained weight!!! 

Thanks for your input; I was hoping you'd respond! I've always had a great deal of respect for your medical perspective - even since the TWOP days! (although if I remember correctly, you were eventually banned from there). 

Just an ugly rumor I was banned from TWOP.  As I'm sure you know, people rise from the dead all the time online.  

Thanks for the kind words, I hope you get some answers and feel better soon.

I suspect the VAERS people are also classifying the side effects by severity which is why a side effect that can result in death or longterm disability was picked up so quickly.  It's going to take a while to assess the rest.

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