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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

My girlfriend works as a court reporter or does legal transcriptions. Mostly the latter as she can do it from home and have no social contact with people. Business is slow and she decided to rent out her master en suite bedroom for income so she doesn’t have to stress about her mortgage. Yesterday I went over and painted the rooms while she worked.  She knows my hidden talent. I can edge (cut) in a room without taping it with precision. I’m fast. Today I have aches in places I didn’t even know existed. I’m very small and all that climbing is something I’m not used to. Oh boy am I grateful for Advil gelcaps. It was worth it to see the relief  on her face. Today I got a call at 8 am. I had left my sweater over there. She drove over to return it and brought me a blueberry muffin. 

I love to paint. I won't say it is instant gratification but I like the fact you can change the entire look of a room in a day. Solid prep work is key

My mother in law calls me her personal painter. last grandkid's bedroom I did I learned how to do stripes from a youtube video and it turned out really nice. never too old to learn something new. 😀

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22 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I had to put my cat to sleep today.  She had not been eating right which for her is odd. I dropped her off at the vets I could not stay due to Covid and I had to be at work. They tested her a problem with the pancreas ,that was clear so they did the  feline equivalent of a CBC. They found she had liver problems. To investigate further they would need to do xrays. With the xrays plus what they were already doing it would cost over 900.00 and I did not have that much money. Then there would have been the treatment. I just did not have the money so I told them to put her to sleep. I was not able to be there..this was not because of Covid I was at work and could not leave. They are very nice there I know they gave her cuddles. It was so sad coming  home. I am truly alone. I am having problems stopping crying which is not unusual once I start crying I have problems stopping. 

I am so sorry that you lost your beloved cat.  I hope you don't deprive yourself of another cat and deprive a cat of a loving home.  Maybe an older cat who would have trouble finding a home would be a reasonable compromise.

I hate to even consider not having a cat.

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10 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn’t you say you already had Covid?

I think most hospitals are requiring Covid tests prior to surgery.  They probably would not take someone at their word that they had already had it. Also there are still questions about whether people are immune after having Covid, and if so, for how long.

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5 hours ago, doodlebug said:

One of my nephews is very handy and, when he got laid off from his job, he used the local shopper website to advertise his services.  He did all kinds of garden work (he's got a real eye for it as well as a green thumb)  and other household repairs.  He started getting calls from friends and neighbors of people he had done work for and, eventually, found a full time job courtesy of one of his customers who knew a place that was hiring and needed someone like him.

When I look for someone to help me around the house next door has a lot of good people there. 

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@lookeyloo, in the weeks or months before people close to me died, and in the weeks afterwards, I felt as though I were in a kind of tunnel.  It was not a time to focus on my own feelings, but instead a time to help the other person live and then die, and afterwards a time to bury myself in all of the administrative and other work that follows a death.  Only after I emerged from that tunnel did I begin to touch with my fingertips the edges of the yawning hole where that person should still have been.  If that’s where you are now, if that’s how you feel, there are really no words, only tenderness, which I hope surrounds you and which, like so many on this site, I send you, with all my sympathy, over the ether. 

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11 minutes ago, Liddy52 said:
25 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn’t you say you already had Covid?

I think most hospitals are requiring Covid tests prior to surgery.  They probably would not take someone at their word that they had already had it. Also there are still questions about whether people are immune after having Covid, and if so, for how long.

I think she was trying to ask how the poster knew she'd had Covid if she'd never been tested before.

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23 minutes ago, Suzn said:

I am so sorry that you lost your beloved cat.  I hope you don't deprive yourself of another cat and deprive a cat of a loving home.  Maybe an older cat who would have trouble finding a home would be a reasonable compromise.

I hate to even consider not having a cat.

The problem is money. I did not have the money to have my cat treated. If I get an older cat I will be in the same boat a sick cat and no money to keep them healthy.  As I said I will get a bird after the first of the year.

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On 11/18/2020 at 5:15 PM, SunnyBeBe said:


Now, the not so good news. Wake County Civil Courthouse is closed due to covid outbreak. All filings have to be left in Dropbox. Courts closed. I don’t know who got it, attorneys, judges, clerks, ....? From what I saw today..criminal court won’t be far behind. I pray I got out unscathed.....tried to be careful, but could not socially distance in courtroom. Too crowded. I was in and out in 5 minutes though..held my breath. All wore masks. Hope to be set for isolating by end of week. I’ll only go to my office to pick up mail and  them place it on the porch. I’m not going into my office anymore until things get under control. People there not safe. Idiots. Too disgusted to post about right now. 

Is your porch secure?  I just ask because the incidences of porch pirates have been rising dramatically.

5 hours ago, not you again said:

Yes, we would definitely need help doing that, if it comes to it.  But there aren't any moving companies where I live.  I was considering asking the 2 furniture stores if their delivery guys ever did work work not involving deliveries. Never hurts to ask!

Do you know about Nextdoor.com?  You sign up to a specific location/neighborhood.  People often post offering services such as landscaping, odd jobs, etc, or you can post asking for recommendations.

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51 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

The problem is money. I did not have the money to have my cat treated. If I get an older cat I will be in the same boat a sick cat and no money to keep them healthy.  As I said I will get a bird after the first of the year.

That's what happened when my sweet puppy got sick. Didn't have the money to get her treated. 

Hugs to you. I know you miss your cat.

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1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

The problem is money. I did not have the money to have my cat treated. If I get an older cat I will be in the same boat a sick cat and no money to keep them healthy.  As I said I will get a bird after the first of the year.

I'm sorry.  I didn't want to make you feel worse.  

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33 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

You didn't. I probably did not explain well in the beginning that money was a big part of my reasoning as to why I would not get a cat.

One thought...rescue groups and shelters are often looking for cat-savvy foster homes for cats that don’t do well in a shelter environment. They pay for the care...foster homes provide the love. ❤️

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22 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn’t you say yesterday that you had Covid a while ago and maybe heart complications? I apologize if I misunderstood.

I had COVID before there was even a test for it.  I know I had it because I have antibodies for it. 

Edited by iwantcookies
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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

One thought...rescue groups and shelters are often looking for cat-savvy foster homes for cats that don’t do well in a shelter environment. They pay for the care...foster homes provide the love. ❤️

My son and DIL have fostered cats and my sister fosters dogs. They have all loved the experience. As wiser said - the shelter pays for the care. 

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2 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

One thought...rescue groups and shelters are often looking for cat-savvy foster homes for cats that don’t do well in a shelter environment. They pay for the care...foster homes provide the love. ❤️

I think this is an excellent idea if you’re up for in the future @crazycatlady58. Foster homes are always appreciated and there’s no financial cost to you. 

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3 minutes ago, realityfan26 said:

My son and DIL have fostered cats and my sister fosters dogs. They have all loved the experience. As wiser said - the shelter pays for the care. 

This is something that I have thought about, though Mr Jyn has not really warmed up to the idea. I get his point, though...I think it would be hard to have an animal that you would have to give up at some point, and, also, to an extent, to have to put a lot of work into getting an animal with less exposure to a good environment past their various issues, training them, etc...It's wonderful work for those with a true heart for those animals with hard backgrounds, but not so much for those really willing to work with behavioral issues and such in older pets. I'm not sure we, at least, would be temperamentally suited for such rehab situations. 

On the other hand, our older cat, Cora (who you see in my avatar) came up us through Craigslist, at 10 years old. I would probably not have thought to get a cat of that age in the normal scheme of things, but after our 18 year old cat passed away, leaving us with one 7 year  old cat and an 8 year old dog, we were not looking for another kitten, and kind of fell in love with her picture that someone posted on Craigslist. They did hem and haw a bit regarding her age, but gave us a record of her background when we agreed to take her. We really didn't study it right away, but when we did,  found that she was a good five years older than their "guess", and that we would actually be her fourth home. And we cannot imagine why anyone could ever have given her up, as she is, literally, the best cat we have ever had (and we have had our share, to be sure!). She's 15 now, if her records are to be believed, and acts like 10 years younger. I can't imagine not having her in our lives.

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13 hours ago, doodlebug said:

In my Catholic high school, there was an elderly nun who used to walk up and down the hallway pointing with a ruler and ordering girls to 'Kneel!' if she thought their skirts were too short.  The rule was our skirt had to skim the floor when we kneeled.  She'd let us get up right away though.  She had kinda bad eyesight though, so we got very skilled at rolling up our skirts at the waistband to make them short enough, and, when Sister Modesty ordered us to kneel, we could bring the skirt down to regulation length with a quick flick of the wrist.

This brought back memories of my best friend.  In High School (public), our dean of girls would do the "kneel and measure" routine.  My friend was sent home because her skirt did not touch the floor when she knelt.  Her mother was not happy at all!

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@crazycatlady58, I've been off this forum for a few days and just now catching up on the posts. I'm so sorry about your cat, but it sounds like she was so sick that even if you poured money into more tests and treatments, you really wouldn't have spared her more suffering. IMO it was an act of great kindness - and unselfishness - on your part, to let her go.

I posted here last year about having my little heart dog euthanized, and I'm not getting another dog. It's not the only factor, but TBH the cost of owning a dog did figure into my decision. I haven't even dared to add up the total of what I spent on that dog during the last year of his life, but it was a LOT. Finally, his last weeks became a routine of his not tolerating almost any food except baked chicken, having several seizures a day that began with projectile vomiting, and after those he wasn't really himself for hours. Not to mention how much weight he lost. I have always wondered if my vet thought I made the euthanasia decision a little soon, but he hadn't seen how terrified Jasper would look when he sought me out just before one of those awful seizures. I was drenched in dog vomit (sorry if that's TMI) and holding this seizing, scared, little dog, trying to comfort him during and after the seizures. And my vet believed my dog had a pituitary tumor (inoperable) there was no way that would get better. @crazycatlady58, I wouldn't wish those awful weeks of a loved pet's suffering with an incurable illness on anyone, or their pet. 

Sorry for the ramble. Jasper died a year ago this month and I've missed his fluffy happy goofy little self a lot lately. 

@not you again, the carpet layers who installed my bedroom carpet moved furniture as well. I just prepped by removing all the knickknacks, etc., ahead of time. It actually was a great clear-out and clean-up project for that part of my condo. The master bedroom closet is HUGE and over my 8 years of residence had become sort of a Bermuda triangle of stuff I didn't know what else to do with. And I had to get everything off the floor in there so they could replace the carpet. I'm glad I started a week or more ahead of time. When I started bringing things out of the closet, it was like one of those clown cars at the circus, where a ridiculous number of people pop out of a small car. I remember standing in my bedroom looking at all the stuff I'd pulled out of the closet and laid out for sorting. It was one of those WTF?? moments for sure. I had a HUGE haul of donations to a charity thrift store out of that effort, and it felt great! 

Edited by Jeeves
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1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

@Jeeves, I am so sorry about Jasper. I will tell you, though, that most vets believe “better a month too early than a day too late” when it comes to euthanasia. You did the right thing. ❤️

Thank you so much for saying that. I hadn't heard that before, and it helps. Even a year later. 

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5 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Thank you so much for saying that. I hadn't heard that before, and it helps. Even a year later. 

I have had to make that decision for my own pets and I can tell you that it’s the times when I hesitated too long that haunt me more. I think we pet lovers have to believe in a kind of Pet Hippocratic Oath: Above all, do no harm.

We have to love them enough to lose them, for their sake.

Big hug.

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12 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

I have had to make that decision for my own pets and I can tell you that it’s the times when I hesitated too long that haunt me more. I think we pet lovers have to believe in a kind of Pet Hippocratic Oath: Above all, do no harm.

We have to love them enough to lose them, for their sake.

Big hug.

Yes- we love our pets so much, but often our last act of love is to let them go. You guys may remember I lost Charlie, March 9th (right before lock down), it was SO QUICK he made the decision for me and died in his sleep only a few days after started to act lethargic. 

Mr Norris took a bit longer to go, and when that Thursday in June came around I made the decision to have him euthanized on Saturday if he didn’t pass before then. Dehydration is no way to go. I would want more for myself so of course I would want it for my cat. 

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@Jeeves and @crazycatlady58, I feel for you, it’s never easy to make a life or death decision, especially on behalf of a pet that has become a family member 💔

Some of you may know that I am applying to law school this cycle (it’s a second career, I’m an accountant now). University of Arkansas is inundating me with pitches to apply, and all I can think of when I hear from them is Derick f*ing Dillard 😂

The rule of thumb is that you should go to school in the state where you plan to practice, so I’m only applying to places in my region (plus possibly a total reach or two). Arkansas is far away and so not really an option for me. But I think it’s funny that that schmuck has apparently raised its profile to prospective students 🤦🏻‍♀️ Wonder how they’d feel if they knew!

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17 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

They did blood work and COVID test I guess it’s a routine thing before surgery 🤷‍♀️

I don't think they were talking about your preop testing that you just had.  Cookies, you told us you HAD COVID back when it was so widespread in NYC.  I remember your post.  How could you have known you had COVID that time if you weren't tested?  There is no blood test for acute COVID, just the nasal swab.  Also, I seem to recall that the upcoming surgery on your legs is not your first, that you had another one in the past couple months.   Where I live, everyone having any kind of surgery at all has to have a pre-op COVID test and its been that way since June.  How did you get the initial surgery done if you weren't tested for COVID beforehand?

By my calculation, this had to have been your third test at the minimum.

Edited by doodlebug
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So sorry about your cat, @crazycatlady58, and everyone else dealing with the loss of pets. They're always the best of friends. I lost my Chihuahua I'd had since I was 11 a few years ago, and though I have another Chihuahua I absolutely adore now, I still miss my other little buddy. 

33 minutes ago, rue721 said:

@Jeeves and @crazycatlady58, I feel for you, it’s never easy to make a life or death decision, especially on behalf of a pet that has become a family member 💔

Some of you may know that I am applying to law school this cycle (it’s a second career, I’m an accountant now). University of Arkansas is inundating me with pitches to apply, and all I can think of when I hear from them is Derick f*ing Dillard 😂

The rule of thumb is that you should go to school in the state where you plan to practice, so I’m only applying to places in my region (plus possibly a total reach or two). Arkansas is far away and so not really an option for me. But I think it’s funny that that schmuck has apparently raised its profile to prospective students 🤦🏻‍♀️ Wonder how they’d feel if they knew!

This is making me laugh really hard. I mean, I'm a U of A grad and a proud Hog (WPS!) and all, but you're really right about location. U of A law school is your best option if you're planning on living in Arkansas, simply because of the networking (I don't know any lawyers here offhand who didn't go to the U of A), and if you're into ag/food law or if you're in a neighboring state and could benefit from the relative cheap tuition. But I don't think it makes sense for anyone in your situation to consider them. 

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8 minutes ago, Zella said:

So sorry about your cat, @crazycatlady58, and everyone else dealing with the loss of pets. They're always the best of friends. I lost my Chihuahua I'd had since I was 11 a few years ago, and though I have another Chihuahua I absolutely adore now, I still miss my other little buddy. 

This is making me laugh really hard. I mean, I'm a U of A grad and a proud Hog (WPS!) and all, but you're really right about location. U of A law school is your best option if you're planning on living in Arkansas, simply because of the networking (I don't know any lawyers here offhand who didn't go to the U of A), and if you're into ag/food law or if you're in a neighboring state and could benefit from the relative cheap tuition. But I don't think it makes sense for anyone in your situation to consider them. 

Yeah. U of A is a solid school and one of the absolute cheapest in the country. But the bar exam is set by the state, so it’s recommended that you go to school in the state where you’re planning to sit for it and practice. Plus, yeah, networking is a huge deal. Anyhow, I’m hoping to stay in the same region I’m in now, mostly because it’s home (I grew up here and my family and lots of old friends are here), but also it’s a major metropolitan area that’s famously good for law.

I did well on the LSAT and have a high undergrad GPA, so some schools are reaching out about possible full rides, and I may apply to one or two of those in case I don’t get a great offer here in my region. I might also apply to one or two crazy schools like Harvard just because who knows, maybe I’ll hit the admissions officers the right way 😂 But otherwise, my list is just every ABA-accredited law school within about a 2-hour driving distance from me.

That’s already enough, there are something like seven around here — two highly ranked ones, three “regular” ones, and two “lower” ranked ones (all are good schools, I’m mostly worried about rankings because of scholarship money and post-graduation job prospects).

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3 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Yeah. U of A is a solid school and one of the absolute cheapest in the country. But the bar exam is set by the state, so it’s recommended that you go to school in the state where you’re planning to sit for it and practice. Plus, yeah, networking is a huge deal. Anyhow, I’m hoping to stay in the same region I’m in now, mostly because it’s home (I grew up here and my family and lots of old friends are here), but also it’s a major metropolitan area that’s famously good for law.

I did well on the LSAT and have a high undergrad GPA, so some schools are reaching out about possible full rides, and I may apply to one or two of those in case I don’t get a great offer here in my region. I might also apply to one or two crazy schools like Harvard just because who knows, maybe I’ll hit the admissions officers the right way 😂 But otherwise, my list is just every ABA-accredited law school within about a 2-hour driving distance from me.

That’s already enough, there are something like seven around here — two highly ranked ones, three “regular” ones, and two “lower” ranked ones (all are good schools, I’m mostly worried about rankings because of scholarship money and post-graduation job prospects).

I think you've got a good plan! I was having a quarter-life crisis a couple of years ago and really started considering law school. I basically looked at U of A and Tulsa. I'd also applied to Tulsa for grad school, but the fuckers wait-listed me and the U of A gave me a full ride. By the time Tulsa contacted me to say, hey, we found money for you, I'd already committed to U of A. (Not that I'm actually bitter about it. I think the U of A worked out a lot better for me in the end.) I figured the same thing would happen with the law schools, especially since U of A is quite generous with funding and Tulsa isn't. In the end, I never went through with applying to any of the law schools. But even when I was a kid I used to think about law school. Good luck! I'm rooting for you! 🙂 

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4 minutes ago, Zella said:

I think you've got a good plan! I was having a quarter-life crisis a couple of years ago and really started considering law school. I basically looked at U of A and Tulsa. I'd also applied to Tulsa for grad school, but the fuckers wait-listed me and the U of A gave me a full ride. By the time Tulsa contacted me to say, hey, we found money for you, I'd already committed to U of A. (Not that I'm actually bitter about it. I think the U of A worked out a lot better for me in the end.) I figured the same thing would happen with the law schools, especially since U of A is quite generous with funding and Tulsa isn't. In the end, I never went through with applying to any of the law schools. But even when I was a kid I used to think about law school. Good luck! I'm rooting for you! 🙂 

Thanks! 😊 I really appreciate it. I’m sure I’ll be one of the oldest, if not the oldest, in the class, but...

When I graduated college, I applied to law school right away, but then ended up deciding not to go (wanted to be a writer, blah blah blah). I regretted it later, but figured it was too late to change my mind. And then I decided to pursue accounting, because at least that was relatively cheap to study and get a license in (compared to other white collar professions like medicine or law) and there are always jobs in accounting. But I was talking to my now-ex about law one day, and that I regretted not studying it and wished I were a lawyer, and he was like, “what?! You can still go to law school if you want.” In retrospect, I think he was probably just being contrary like always, but it did make me think, “hmmm maybe I can?!” And when shit started hitting the fan both in my life and in the world, I was like, “you know what? Screw it, this is what I want and I’m not dead yet, so I’m going to do it.” My family and friends are trying to be supportive now that they see I’m serious about going through with it, but they initially tried to talk me out of the idea and still clearly think it’s hare-brained. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But hey, it’s my life. 

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5 minutes ago, rue721 said:

Thanks! 😊 I really appreciate it. I’m sure I’ll be one of the oldest, if not the oldest, in the class, but...

When I graduated college, I applied to law school right away, but then ended up deciding not to go (wanted to be a writer, blah blah blah). I regretted it later, but figured it was too late to change my mind. And then I decided to pursue accounting, because at least that was relatively cheap to study and get a license in (compared to other white collar professions like medicine or law) and there are always jobs in accounting. But I was talking to my now-ex about law one day, and that I regretted not studying it and wished I were a lawyer, and he was like, “what?! You can still go to law school if you want.” In retrospect, I think he was probably just being contrary like always, but it did make me think, “hmmm maybe I can?!” And when shit started hitting the fan both in my life and in the world, I was like, “you know what? Screw it, this is what I want and I’m not dead yet, so I’m going to do it.” My family and friends are trying to be supportive now that they see I’m serious about going through with it, but they initially tried to talk me out of the idea and still clearly think it’s hare-brained. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But hey, it’s my life. 

I was mainly pretty desperate to escape a shitty job, so I was going through so many various schemes to escape, and law school was one of them. My grandparents have always been very supportive of me and anything I did, but when I told my grandmother I had another idea for an alternate career path after having a new one about once a week for months, she asked 29-year-old me, "What do you want to grow up to be today?" And that made me realize I was making panic plans more than anything. Ended up quitting the job that was making me so miserable and starting my own WFH business while I work part-time at the library I've been at off and on since I was a teenager. Some people have been kind of assholes about the fact I'm still at the same part-time job I had after high school after getting a master's degree, but it works for me. As you said, it's my life! 

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rue721, I'm so impressed that you're starting your second career schooling. I think I've been out of college and out of practice studying for too long to be able to do that. It's like my brain couldn't retain the studying and knowledge like it could when I was younger. But one of my 2021 goals is to learn a second language. I'm either going to try learning Spanish or French, probably Spanish since I have a rudimentary knowledge of it already and I have an aunt who speaks it. That's probably all the schooling my brain can handle, lol!

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7 minutes ago, Zella said:

Some people have been kind of assholes about the fact I'm still at the same part-time job I had after high school after getting a master's degree, but it works for me. As you said, it's my life! 

I have the same type of people in my life. I have a master's in Information, Communication and Technology, but my official job title is Administrative Assistant I. I did try to find a job in that field but I don't interview well, especially when the interviewers are kids younger than my youngest child and I wanted to stay in the area I live, which has limited opportunities. Plus, I love my job. I don't make enough to have to pay back my immense student loans, but enough to have financial security if I budget. 

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Just now, Nysha said:

I have the same type of people in my life. I have a master's in Information, Communication and Technology, but my official job title is Administrative Assistant I. I did try to find a job in that field but I don't interview well, especially when the interviewers are kids younger than my youngest child and I wanted to stay in the area I live, which has limited opportunities. Plus, I love my job. I don't make enough to have to pay back my immense student loans, but enough to have financial security if I budget. 

I interview poorly. I just--I get nervous and I try to be funny when I'm nervous. It does not end well! I've literally seen the look on two separate interviewers's faces change midway through where they went from "Maybe" to "Aw hell no." LOL I've only ever gotten one job from interviewing, and that was the one I ended up being so miserable at. 

So, jobs work out for me a lot better when I get them through networking or when they're like my WFH freelance stuff where someone is referred to me or I exchange emails with someone or do the occasional phone interview but nothing in-person. I can pretend to be a functional human more effectively that way! 

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Just now, Nysha said:

@Zella, every successful job I've gotten has been because I already knew the people hiring me and we knew we were a good match. 

What is your WFH job, if you don't mind me asking?

Same for me!

I do freelance editing, mainly copyediting. I've been doing that since I was an undergrad for extra money, but it took an embarrassingly long time for me to figure out that was probably a more rational escape plan from my job than anything else I came up with. 😂

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I'm enjoying this career discussion. You all rock.

Thanks to everyone for your kind words about my late dog Jasper and the hard decisions we often have to make about our furbabies. I've had dogs and cats throughout my life, and made those decisions before. And cried many tears. But somehow Jasper's loss just hit me harder than I can remember any other such loss. 

I don't think I've mentioned this here, but I stumbled on a little COVID era grocery shopping hack. I live in a dry climate and always have a hard time with those thin plastic bags in the produce section. I snap one off the roll and then struggle to get it open. In the era of mask-wearing I ain't gonna pull down my mask and lick my fingers (and now that I think about, it licking my fingers in that situation is so gross I'll probably not do it again if I survive this fucking pandemic in good enough health to go grocery shopping minus a mask). 

Then one day I stumbled on a solution. Our grocery stores usually have a popup container of sterilizing wipes right at the cart collection area (even pre-COVID), and I usually grab one to wipe the cart handle. I had already passed the trash can so the damp wipe was sitting in the cart. When fumbling with the bags in the produce section, I saw the wipe. I rubbed my fingers and thumb on it to moisten them, and aha! it was easy to open the stupid plastic produce bag. 

I know, plastic bags. I don't use them for every bit of fresh produce I buy, and I collect them and take them into the store where they have a big barrel for recycling plastic bags. I therefore harbor some hope that I'm mitigating my impact on the environment. 

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On 11/19/2020 at 6:57 PM, crazycatlady58 said:

No backup cats. I am 65 and will not get another cat. While I am healthy now I have to keep in mind what will happen as I age. Also finances played a part in this I truly afford to give a cat  the care they need if they get ill. I plan on, after the first of the year getting a parakeet .

Sending hugs and purrs.  I know how much it hurts to lose a cat.  Ours died in April of 2019, and we are not getting another one.  I would suggest you consider fostering kittens as there always seems to be a need for that.   I would do it, but my husband is having issues with his leg, and the last thing we need is for him to trip over a cat and break a bone or two.   My neighbors foster and almost always have a litter of kitties that I can go visit.

When my cat died last year, my BFF for the past 60 years, sent me a little statue of an angel holding a cat.  I still sometimes cry when I look at it.  I  sent one in Dec to my cousin when her cat died and another to a friend whose cat died last month.  You might want to get one for yourself.


What you said about not being able to spend $900 on cat care really hit home.   My husband grew up in the country, and he really isn't into spending lots of money on vet bills to give an animal a few  more weeks or months once a major health issue arises.   Unfortunately my cousin who lost one of her 3 cats in December spent a minor fortune keeping her 15 year old cat alive.  This is a cousin who already had credit card issues.  I think the cat stayed several times overnight and got ivs. 

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crazycatlady58, I've just caught up on the thread and let me add my sympathy. You did the right thing, as devastating as it was. That's the hardest part of having a pet, knowing you'll outlive them and having to make the hard decisions for their comfort. My last dog, the sweetest bird dog you ever would meet, had seizures her whole life and developed Cushings disease towards the end. It broke me to let her go but I could see she was miserable and I was keeping her alive for my own self, because I didn't want to let her go. I hope you can find peace with your decision because it really was the right one.

Jeeves, Jasper is the cutest name and I hope you find comfort in his memory. I couldn't even think about my Olivia the first year without crying and I still tear up sometimes, three years later. 

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On 11/19/2020 at 7:57 PM, crazycatlady58 said:

No backup cats. I am 65 and will not get another cat. While I am healthy now I have to keep in mind what will happen as I age. Also finances played a part in this I truly afford to give a cat  the care they need if they get ill. I plan on, after the first of the year getting a parakeet .

crazycatlady58.. I am so sorry for your heartache.  I had a cat that was rescued from downtown Boston, a college girl rescued her but couldn't keep her, i  eventually got her (to make a long story short).. and she was a BEAUTIFUL Maine Coon Cat.. BUT, SHE WAS SO BITCHY.. She loved me, and some of my GIRL friends, but she hated MEN, i think cause when i got her i was living with a guy and she loved him.. after that?  No way.. My brother took care of her when i was on a 2 week vacation (he said NO PROBLEM).. THEN I get a phone call, the cat is HISSING.. and my brother has a chair up his front like a lion tamer.  I loved her.. she was so sweet to me.. I still have dreams about NOT feeding her.. I don't know what that means, but i'm not going to a therapist for THAT.  I


I cried all the way home when I had to put her down.. 12years.. I don't know how i got home i couldn't see thru tears and rain.  


Sorry for the rant.. we all love our animals



Edited by Boston
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As I lie in bed with Squeaky and Big Boy (you’d never know which one is BB 😹) I am so grateful for them. At 17 they are developing small issues, but I take every day as a blessing. It’s made my isolation so much easier. I’m very sorry to hear about everyone else losing their fur friends. They take a piece of our hearts with them. Some people are going to heaven. I’m going to the Rainbow Bridge to be with all my animal friends. 

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@crazycatlady58, I’m so sorry about your kitty. It is the hardest decision to let them go, but you did the compassionate thing.

Everyone’s pet stories are making me tear up. I said goodbye to my 22 year old cat in 2018, and my 19 1/2 year old cat in January. Both ad health problems in their later years, and it was tough to see them decline. We got 2 new cats (12 & 14 months) in March, and they have been just wonderful.



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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:


As I lie in bed with Squeaky and Big Boy (you’d never know which one is BB 😹) I am so grateful for them. At 17 they are developing small issues, but I take every day as a blessing. It’s made my isolation so much easier. I’m very sorry to hear about everyone else losing their fur friends. They take a piece of our hearts with them. Some people are going to heaven. I’m going to the Rainbow Bridge to be with all my animal friends. 

Wow! 17 years.. you are so lucky and you are right.. what a blessing.  My (first and longest age) cat was such pure peacefulness for me.. (as i said she loved me, not everyone else) but i really wish i could rescue another cat now when my life has slowed down.. not sure if i could afford medical bills though..we will see.  LOVE THIS PIC!

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Pretty kitties!

 I just found a new (well, judging from the Mom jeans and perms it’s new only to me) series on Amazon Prime Video called “Dogs With Jobs.” If you’re a dog lover, this is for you...these animals (and often their owners) are AMAZING. It’s funny...my older dog, who is part Border Collie and thus extremely visual, ignores the whole thing.

My Golden retriever, OTOH, who usually doesn’t care much for other dogs, is FASCINATED by the show. He will occasionally go over to the television and get up on his back legs trying to see better. Which offends my other dog, who knows this is BADDOGAGAINSTRULESBADDOG behavior, so he grumps down off the couch and drags the offender down again. We call him The Enforcer.

This is big-time entertainment in our world these days. 

We’re a simple people.

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