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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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11 hours ago, Jeeves said:

I hear ya, @ChiCricket. I get allergic reactions this time of year, as far as I know it's triggered by trees. A few weeks ago it was bad but now it's calmed down. Good luck with it.

Just because they are looking so pretty today and they cheer me up and maybe someone else would enjoy them, I'm sharing this pic of the flowers I bought at the supermarket yesterday. 


Thanks, @Jeeves!  Your tulips are brightening my day. 

The death rate here in my region of Spain appears to be flattening slightly, although it now stands at 44 per 100,000 residents.  A terrified neighbor flew to my door on Sunday to announce that an ambulance was parked in front of our building, and although there are plenty of reasons to call the paramedics other than the one we're all afraid of, I admit that I freaked out.  Very happy yesterday to be told that it was one of the other reasons (someone's blood pressure spiked - and who can blame it - leaving no lasting harm).  

How's everyone doing in keeping to a routine at home?  I swear, I'd do better if I had a sheet of gold stars to award myself.  🙃  I've always been pretty self-disciplined, but now I'm a slacker.  I look at myself and just shake my head and laugh.  

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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

Chiming in to say the group here making masks for local hospitals has said this elastic deteriorated quickly in the washing/sanitizing process hospitals use but okay for home use. 

I only saw it in context of making masks for home use, not for hospital use.  Sorry, should have added that to my original post.  

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52 minutes ago, On the Bias said:

Thanks, @Jeeves!  Your tulips are brightening my day. 

The death rate here in my region of Spain appears to be flattening slightly, although it now stands at 44 per 100,000 residents.  A terrified neighbor flew to my door on Sunday to announce that an ambulance was parked in front of our building, and although there are plenty of reasons to call the paramedics other than the one we're all afraid of, I admit that I freaked out.  Very happy yesterday to be told that it was one of the other reasons (someone's blood pressure spiked - and who can blame it - leaving no lasting harm).  

How's everyone doing in keeping to a routine at home?  I swear, I'd do better if I had a sheet of gold stars to award myself.  🙃  I've always been pretty self-disciplined, but now I'm a slacker.  I look at myself and just shake my head and laugh.  

I'm so happy to have done anything that makes your day brighter, @On the Bias. I appreciate your taking the time to tell us what it's like for you during this time. You should give yourself a gold star or five, for what you've posted here. 

I firmly believe there's no need to gorge myself on the awful details of the disease process of COVID 19, but OTOH I haven't witnessed it at all. Our lives are disrupted and we're washing our hands like nobody's business, curtailing our movements, and cleaning like we're paranoid. But the reason for all this, sometimes seems like a remote concept. Until I think of China, and Italy, and Spain. 

As for me at home, I need to up my game. I'm sliding into a funk but I'm fighting it. Seeking a good balance between using the innernetz to stay connected and spending too much time online. 

Sending good wishes to all here in the prayer closet.

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The grand dog is old and has a lot of issues. He has stopped eating and is pretty miserable. He is going over the rainbow bridge later today. This is the sick son’s dog. So we are bummed. And son has oncology appointment tomorrow and that always agitates us too.  But we are otherwise safely isolated with enough food, toilet paper and booze. 

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I'm grateful for a roof over my head, food in the cabinets and family for support and company. Sometimes its hour by hour or day by day waiting for time to pass. I'm grateful to all you all for allowing me another connection in these isolated times we are living in.

I was very happy to read that NY's numbers are changing for the better. Let's hope this trend continues and happens in other states soon.

I'm also eager to live our new normal of life, after this pandemic.

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42 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

The grand dog is old and has a lot of issues. He has stopped eating and is pretty miserable. He is going over the rainbow bridge later today. This is the sick son’s dog. So we are bummed. And son has oncology appointment tomorrow and that always agitates us too.  But we are otherwise safely isolated with enough food, toilet paper and booze. 

I’m so sorry that your son has to go through this now. 

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3 hours ago, sixlets said:

I only saw it in context of making masks for home use, not for hospital use.  Sorry, should have added that to my original post.  

Still, an excellent suggestion!  Thanks for giving us another option.    Isn't amazing how we're coming together and McGyvering solutions for these shortages?  Our parents, grandparents, great grandparents; who made it through the Great Depression and WWII on their own ingenuity would be proud!

My employer, who poo-pooed the notion of cloth masks just a couple weeks ago, is now distributing them to all employees to wear at work and whenever we're out and about.  We're supposed to launder them daily, too.

We keep having bi-weekly Covid updates in my department, but we're just in waiting mode, really.  My employer is still predicting Ohio's surge in mid May while the state epidemiologists claim it will be mid to late April.  As Mark Twain once said, 'There are lies, there are damn lies and then there are statistics'.

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5 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Chiming in to say the group here making masks for local hospitals has said this elastic deteriorated quickly in the washing/sanitizing process hospitals use but okay for home use. 

My DIL works in purchasing for a hospital and said they can’t take any donations of masks that are sewn. The needle holes from sewing is the reason. Virus can get in those microscopic holes. Their masks use glue. Who is using the homemade masks? My other DIL sewed our family some masks that we’ll use for going to the store, but not hospital grade.

Edited by realityfan26
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11 hours ago, Zella said:

Anyone heard from @galaxychaser lately? Noticed she hasn't posted in nearly a week, and I know she's in NYC. Hope she's okay and just busy. 

I've been thinking about her too & hope she's OK.

Speaking of Not Heard From  Posters,  has anyone heard from @Christina87?  Her posts dropped off (understandably so) since she got her new teaching job & then she got sick in the fall.  I miss her posts & feel a little more attached to her because she is around my son's age.  Hoping things are going well with her & that she's just too busy to post.  (But the mother in me keeps going back to her being sick in the fall with a respiratory illness(es) & her long recovery from them. Hoping they don't come into play if she's gotten Covid sick.) Ugh, I have to stop thinking like this but it's  hard with all the negative stories going around.  So I'm off to watch my recorded My Three Sons, Dragnet and Beaver to refresh my mind & work on a jigsaw puzzle.

  BTW, I'm really getting addicted to puzzles.  I find the shopping for them as enjoyable as putting them together.  I buy them from all different sites incl Etsy, Ebay & Mercari so it may be getting the best deal is causing my excitement. Or it may be just getting any puzzle that's causing my excitement since puzzles are becoming scarce & hot ticket items during the quarantine.  Luckily I have birthday money & gift cards to use from my birthday in February. 

Happy Tuesday everyone!!

2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

P.S. My daughter had an art project she did with her kids. Her back door. 8D472EC7-7453-459F-9458-3CB117703B3D.thumb.jpeg.d88066744dd3ef01ddf72054efbc898a.jpeg

That door is beautiful.  What did she use?  Tissue paper? Washable paint? 

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1 minute ago, realityfan26 said:

My DIL works in purchasing for a hospital and said they can’t take any donations of masked that are sewn. The needle holes from sewing is the reason. Virus can get in those microscopic holes. Their masks use glue. Who is using the homemade masks? My other DIL sewed our family some masks that we’ll use for going to the store, but not hospital grade.

It’s so interesting hearing these stories. When our local group got started it was at the request of a Few local hospitals. Then more came on board. Then the different patterns were posted. Then there were recommendations on fabric, ties vs elastic, nose wire yes or no etc. so now there is no standard and we hear mostly everyone is grateful for any kind of mask. Very confusing. I am making them for the family. 

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36 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

I've been thinking about her too & hope she's OK.

Speaking of Not Heard From  Posters,  has anyone heard from @Christina87?  Her posts dropped off (understandably so) since she got her new teaching job & then she got sick in the fall.  I miss her posts & feel a little more attached to her because she is around my son's age.  Hoping things are going well with her & that she's just too busy to post.  (But the mother in me keeps going back to her being sick in the fall with a respiratory illness(es) & her long recovery from them. Hoping they don't come into play if she's gotten Covid sick.) Ugh, I have to stop thinking like this but it's  hard with all the negative stories going around.  So I'm off to watch my recorded My Three Sons, Dragnet and Beaver to refresh my mind & work on a jigsaw puzzle.

  BTW, I'm really getting addicted to puzzles.  I find the shopping for them as enjoyable as putting them together.  I buy them from all different sites incl Etsy, Ebay & Mercari so it may be getting the best deal is causing my excitement. Or it may be just getting any puzzle that's causing my excitement since puzzles are becoming scarce & hot ticket items during the quarantine.  Luckily I have birthday money & gift cards to use from my birthday in February. 

Happy Tuesday everyone!!

That door is beautiful.  What did she use?  Tissue paper? Washable paint? 

Yes, I hope @Christina87 is okay too!

I've been watching Dragnet during all this too. That and Green Acres and Hogan's Heroes. 🙂

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Has anyone used YouTube tv? I am going to have to put my cable on "vacation"if Comcast will let me. I am working very reduced hours( I work retail and while we are not open to customers there are things we can do in the store) and can't afford the monthly cost of cable. I do like to watch certain shows and do need the distraction with things the way they are now.

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4 hours ago, Jeeves said:

I'm so happy to have done anything that makes your day brighter, @On the Bias. I appreciate your taking the time to tell us what it's like for you during this time. You should give yourself a gold star or five, for what you've posted here. 

I firmly believe there's no need to gorge myself on the awful details of the disease process of COVID 19, but OTOH I haven't witnessed it at all. Our lives are disrupted and we're washing our hands like nobody's business, curtailing our movements, and cleaning like we're paranoid. But the reason for all this, sometimes seems like a remote concept. Until I think of China, and Italy, and Spain. 

As for me at home, I need to up my game. I'm sliding into a funk but I'm fighting it. Seeking a good balance between using the innernetz to stay connected and spending too much time online. 

Sending good wishes to all here in the prayer closet.

Interrupting my afternoon slack-off to say thanks, @Jeeves, and that I agree that too much information can be very disturbing.  There’s a purely factual Covid roundup online that I’ve taken to calling Sleep-B-Gone because I’ve had to to limit my visits to it to the a.m. hours.  Of course, if anyone is sick and tired of waking up in the morning relaxed and refreshed, it’s a great remedy - just read it in the evening before you turn off your light and you’ll be staring into the darkness all night long. 

Seriously, the roundup is quite good if you are interested in the worldwide progress of, and against, this disease.  Just go to Telegram (an encrypted chat platform like WhatsApp or Signal) and follow the Covid-19 Pandemic account.

And now back to my completely unprogrammed slacking.  Stay well, everyone.


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11 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Has anyone used YouTube tv? I am going to have to put my cable on "vacation"if Comcast will let me. I am working very reduced hours( I work retail and while we are not open to customers there are things we can do in the store) and can't afford the monthly cost of cable. I do like to watch certain shows and do need the distraction with things the way they are now.

Yes, we dropped cable a few months ago and switched to YouTube TV and I am satisfied with it. Huge savings and we can still watch most of the same shows.

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1 minute ago, DangerousMinds said:

Yes, we dropped cable a few months ago and switched to YouTube TV and I am satisfied with it. Huge savings and we can still watch most of the same shows.

That's good to know. The only problem I can think I may have is I would be watching it on my tablet and I read while I am " watching" T.V. and all my books are on the tablet. Thank you for your response.


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1 minute ago, crazycatlady58 said:

That's good to know. The only problem I can think I may have is I would be watching it on my tablet and I read while I am " watching" T.V. and all my books are on the tablet. Thank you for your response.


how funny is that? i thought i was  the only one who did that -- read while watching tv....

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45 minutes ago, Zella said:

I've been watching Dragnet during all this too. That and Green Acres and Hogan's Heroes. 🙂

We've been watching the Beverly Hillbillies! I was never a huge fan, but it's kind of comforting. Green Acres and Hogan's Heroes would be like that too. 

I made a mask and a half yesterday. First one turned out ok, then my bobbin was giving me trouble. I have to finish my book club book today, so I won't finish #2 until Thursday. If that goes well, I'm going to make a few more for my sister's family. 

ETA: My book club will be meeting virtually, btw.

Edited by BetyBee
Clarification on social distancing
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COVID update at lunch from my employer:  Numbers keep growing, but, it appears that Ohio is NOT New York and, presumably due to our pro-active Governor and Director of Public Health, our curve looks to be much less steep than theirs.  Obviously, it is still fairly early, but it looks like the great public education on staying home and keeping social distance is going to pay off here. 

However, now that we might have flattened the curve, it means the timeline will be extended and we need to understand that these measures are probably going to continue to some extent through the end of the year; so now we're looking at longterm issues like how to provide care to regular patients for things like routine Paps, birth control, annual exams. 

We have a plan for deploying our OB/GYN's to an Urgent Care setting to divert non-Covid patients away from the ER.  We were supposed to start doing this on April 1, but, our ER's actually have seen a 30% decrease in patient volumes due to people staying home, so this is on hold but we can start it up with less than a day's notice.  A 2 day 'dry run' is happening this week to get the bugs worked out. I'm on the roster for the urgent care to work second shift about half a dozen times, but don't know if it will happen.

We are all being issued cloth masks which are recommended to be worn anytime we're within 6 feet of a patient.  The Amish community here in Ohio have made them for us. I've been doing this with the one and only paper mask I've been issued daily for about a week now, it feels weird.   As we all know, wearing a mask protects other people, not the person wearing it.  BTW, they are telling us we should put the mask on as soon as we arrive at work and only remove it for lunch, otherwise wear it continuously.  I have not done that.

It also turns out that some nitwit who was symptomatic, lied about it when he was screened when his significant other was in labor and spent two days wandering around the hospital birthing center and post partum units.  He is now admitted due to the severity of his symptoms and tested positive for COVID.  Lord protect us from fools.


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1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Has anyone used YouTube tv? I am going to have to put my cable on "vacation"if Comcast will let me. I am working very reduced hours( I work retail and while we are not open to customers there are things we can do in the store) and can't afford the monthly cost of cable. I do like to watch certain shows and do need the distraction with things the way they are now.

I love Youtube TV.  I cut the cord over a year ago.  I have tried Hulu, but they keep raising the price and the reception started to have problems.  Plus I do not like their program guide.  I have found Youtube to be excellent.  The cost is less than Hulu, and I have had no problem with the reception.  The channel lineup is excellent, in my opinion.  Plus, and this is a biggie, they provide PBS as a regular station.  It is very easy to record and watch your recordings.  I am very happy with YoutubeTV.

Also look into Pluto.  It is a free service with a whole lot of programs, with some live channels.  They have great "binge" channels (Midsommer Murders, Addams Family, etc), movies, and an amazing amount of interesting programs, all free.

I have never once regretted dropping cable.

P.S.  It works very well on my tablet, too.  I use the tablet to watch in the kitchen.

Edited by CalicoKitty
added more info
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1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

That's good to know. The only problem I can think I may have is I would be watching it on my tablet and I read while I am " watching" T.V. and all my books are on the tablet. Thank you for your response.


Can you watch YouTube on your tv and then read on your tablet? I watch YouTube on my tv when I’m cleaning. 

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NC has a slight flat line on new cases, so, I'm going to accept that and not look again until tomorrow.  I'm trying to avoid too much info that tends to upset me. 

Also, today is the ONE YEAR anniversary of the death of my one of my BEST friends from cancer!  It still hurts me every day and I cry about it often, though, it's been  a year.   I just sent his mom an email and am calling her later. We have visited, called and emailed since his death.  It's helped me so much after his loss.  Just holding on to each other.  Most of our mutual friends are scattered about now.  So, this will be a tough day emotionally.  Just wanted to add that this man was the BEST guy ever.  Just a joy to know. Always there to help you and have your back.  He was so precious to everyone....family, friends, strangers, animals, etc.   I hate cancer. He was only 59 years old. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

COVID update at lunch from my employer:  Numbers keep growing, but, it appears that Ohio is NOT New York and, presumably due to our pro-active Governor and Director of Public Health, our curve looks to be much less steep than theirs.  Obviously, it is still fairly early, but it looks like the great public education on staying home and keeping social distance is going to pay off here. 

However, now that we might have flattened the curve, it means the timeline will be extended and we need to understand that these measures are probably going to continue to some extent through the end of the year; so now we're looking at longterm issues like how to provide care to regular patients for things like routine Paps, birth control, annual exams. 

We have a plan for deploying our OB/GYN's to an Urgent Care setting to divert non-Covid patients away from the ER.  We were supposed to start doing this on April 1, but, our ER's actually have seen a 30% decrease in patient volumes due to people staying home, so this is on hold but we can start it up with less than a day's notice.  A 2 day 'dry run' is happening this week to get the bugs worked out. I'm on the roster for the urgent care to work second shift about half a dozen times, but don't know if it will happen.

We are all being issued cloth masks which are recommended to be worn anytime we're within 6 feet of a patient.  The Amish community here in Ohio have made them for us. I've been doing this with the one and only paper mask I've been issued daily for about a week now, it feels weird.   As we all know, wearing a mask protects other people, not the person wearing it.  BTW, they are telling us we should put the mask on as soon as we arrive at work and only remove it for lunch, otherwise wear it continuously.  I have not done that.

It also turns out that some nitwit who was symptomatic, lied about it when he was screened when his significant other was in labor and spent two days wandering around the hospital birthing center and post partum units.  He is now admitted due to the severity of his symptoms and tested positive for COVID.  Lord protect us from fools.


Good news for Ohio. I’m out now driving in SW Ohio and I must say there are far more cars in the road than I expected. Not sure that’s a positive.

14 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Can you watch YouTube on your tv and then read on your tablet? I watch YouTube on my tv when I’m cleaning. 


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4 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I would not know how to set that up. I don't have a smart T.V.

Do you have a tv with an HDMI port? If so you could buy an amazon fire stick and that would turn your tv into a smart tv. You could get YouTube, netflix etc etc without buying a new tv. 

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32 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Do you have a tv with an HDMI port? If so you could buy an amazon fire stick and that would turn your tv into a smart tv. You could get YouTube, netflix etc etc without buying a new tv. 

No my T.V does not have that. I downloaded Pluto TV and will play around with that for the next few days to see if it gets the channels I watch. I do want to thank everyone for the ideas. They are much appreciated.

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3 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

No my T.V does not have that. I downloaded Pluto TV and will play around with that for the next few days to see if it gets the channels I watch. I do want to thank everyone for the ideas. They are much appreciated.

If your TV has RCA/composite jacks (the red, yellow, and white circle ports), then there are versions of the Roku (the express)  that work with those older connections.

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4 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Still, an excellent suggestion!  Thanks for giving us another option.    Isn't amazing how we're coming together and McGyvering solutions for these shortages?  Our parents, grandparents, great grandparents; who made it through the Great Depression and WWII on their own ingenuity would be proud!

My employer, who poo-pooed the notion of cloth masks just a couple weeks ago, is now distributing them to all employees to wear at work and whenever we're out and about.  We're supposed to launder them daily, too.

We keep having bi-weekly Covid updates in my department, but we're just in waiting mode, really.  My employer is still predicting Ohio's surge in mid May while the state epidemiologists claim it will be mid to late April.  As Mark Twain once said, 'There are lies, there are damn lies and then there are statistics'.

The model is only a prediction, not a hard truth about what will happen in the future. The problem is people take the modeling as a hard truth as to what will happen. We've gotten more and more advanced in modeling (look at papers from the 1980s and early 1990s, a lot use modeling techniques we now teach in undergrad classes). It's hard to explain to people that it is a theoretical prediction based on various factors. 

I'm cautiously optimistic but I've basically written off this summer. I cannot believe all the major sports leagues are in talks to start/re-start their seasons in May though. After Gobert, you'd think that the owners would be more cautious. 

Anyone remember Animaniacs?

Good idea: "Keeping your star players healthy and at home"

Bad idea: "Getting them to play during a worldwide pandemic because you want to turn a profit."

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3 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

That's good to know. The only problem I can think I may have is I would be watching it on my tablet and I read while I am " watching" T.V. and all my books are on the tablet. Thank you for your response.


We watch you tube all the time on our TV using an inexpensive device called Chromecast.

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You guys, I have no idea how to link this short video, but it is so amazing and funny!


It's about the church members that still congregate and refuse to stay home!

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian on Facebook, called Thou Shalt Stay The Hell Home!


I hope some of you can watch it!

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10 hours ago, On the Bias said:

How's everyone doing in keeping to a routine at home?  I swear, I'd do better if I had a sheet of gold stars to award myself.

I have to write a to do list for every day and check things off.  I also have to remember to include a rest day or two every week.  It's helping.  Even the small accomplishment of marking off the extra tasks makes a difference.

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1 hour ago, peppergal said:

If your TV has RCA/composite jacks (the red, yellow, and white circle ports), then there are versions of the Roku (the express)  that work with those older connections.

That's good to know. Does Roku require internet!

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5 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Has anyone used YouTube tv? I am going to have to put my cable on "vacation"if Comcast will let me. I am working very reduced hours( I work retail and while we are not open to customers there are things we can do in the store) and can't afford the monthly cost of cable. I do like to watch certain shows and do need the distraction with things the way they are now.

My daughter and SIL switched to youtubetv last month when their DVR died.  They are very happy with it and it seemed to work fine when I was visiting.  They bought a Roku to use to connect. 

"That's good to know. Does Roku require internet!"

Yes, I believe it does.

Edited by Absolom
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Glad to hear @galaxychaser & @Christina87 are both safe and sound.

4 hours ago, zoomama said:

how funny is that? i thought i was  the only one who did that -- read while watching tv....

I do just about everything with the TV or music on. I have to have background noise & sitting in a quiet room rarely happens (except being outside.)  I've been this way since probably middle school & my mom even let me have the TV on while I did my homework.   As long as I got it done & kept my grades up, she was OK with it & I did. 

4 hours ago, BetyBee said:


ETA: My book club will be meeting virtually, btw.

My sister's book club met Sunday outside in one of the member's yards, who was the host that month.  The members had to bring their own lawn chairs, own drinks & own snacks instead of the host fixing everything & they wore masks.  I think it was about 5 or 6 of them & they sat more than 6 feet apart.   I think Covid was talked about more than the book which they knew would happen. But at least it got them all out for a few hours and in the fresh air.

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On 4/4/2020 at 9:49 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

During these crazy days I have had some bizarre thoughts....so, with these shelter at home orders...how are people carrying on with their affairs?  Lol

I work at a motel. Business is down 50-65%, but people are still checking in and leaving an hour or two later. I'm confused by this though because according to the travel ban, they don't have permission from the governor to be on the roads going to and from motels to meet with their mistresses, lovers or paid professionals. They only have permission to be on the roads going to and from essential businesses. Motels are considered nonessential businesses with the option of staying open or closing. What motel is going to close? They'll go out of business. So to answer you're question, some people are still carrying on their affairs but they shouldn't be. It's a loophole. This is a complete breach in quarantine and it's not being monitored by anybody! To monitor this situation you'd have to put a cop in the parking lot asking people why they're checking in to a motel. It's a $500 fine right now! Well, that's my two cents. Glad I got that off my chest.

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7 hours ago, Barb23 said:


  BTW, I'm really getting addicted to puzzles.  I find the shopping for them as enjoyable as putting them together.  I buy them from all different sites incl Etsy, Ebay & Mercari so it may be getting the best deal is causing my excitement. Or it may be just getting any puzzle that's causing my excitement since puzzles are becoming scarce & hot ticket items during the quarantine.  Luckily I have birthday money & gift cards to use from my birthday in February. 

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Ooooooh, me too!!  LOVE shopping for puzzles almost as much as doing them! Never thought of Etsy though for puzzles - gotta do that ASAP!  The only new one I have right now is one I’m not excited about!   And with all the kids home doing school and our dining room table in heavy use, I have no place to put one!

2 hours ago, louannems said:

You guys, I have no idea how to link this short video, but it is so amazing and funny!


It's about the church members that still congregate and refuse to stay home!

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian on Facebook, called Thou Shalt Stay The Hell Home!


I hope some of you can watch it!

Thanks for that!  Will look it up!  

@Christina87 I feel for you! I am attempting to do online school with four kids, plus work! I have such compassion for you teachers who are attempting to put this all in online format! I have been so impressed with all of the teachers, but especially the music and art teachers to have to find a way to make something so hands-on virtual! I have been super impressed with one of my sons instrumental music teachers who has made it so interactive!

as for me, most of my clients are happy to do telemedicine visits. A couple per week still insist on being seen in person, so I have had to venture out, but minimally! 

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16 minutes ago, GinnyLee said:

I work at a motel. Business is down 50-65%, but people are still checking in and leaving an hour or two later. I'm confused by this though because according to the travel ban, they don't have permission from the governor to be on the roads going to and from motels to meet with their mistresses, lovers or paid professionals. They only have permission to be on the roads going to and from essential businesses. Motels are considered nonessential businesses with the option of staying open or closing. What motel is going to close? They'll go out of business. So to answer you're question, some people are still carrying on their affairs but they shouldn't be. It's a loophole. This is a complete breach in quarantine and it's not being monitored by anybody! To monitor this situation you'd have to put a cop in the parking lot asking people why they're checking in to a motel. It's a $500 fine right now! Well, that's my two cents. Glad I got that off my chest.


Oh, I see.  I guess they must not mind the fine. They must tell their spouse they are going to the store:(

I suppose that it’s possible for essential workers to get a room to protect their families. I saw on the local news last night that an ER doctor was staying in a borrowed travel trailer in his driveway, to prevent infecting his family. He got to see them in the yard from a distance. His wife is working on getting RV owners to loan the to doctors, so more families can be protected.

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Just got a call from my dermatologist who I see twice a year for skin cancer checks. Had an appointment scheduled for the 20th. They rescheduled me for the beginning of June. Looks like they're shutting down except for scheduled surgeries. 

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28 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:


Oh, I see.  I guess they must not mind the fine. They must tell their spouse they are going to the store:(

I suppose that it’s possible for essential workers to get a room to protect their families. I saw on the local news last night that an ER doctor was staying in a borrowed travel trailer in his driveway, to prevent infecting his family. He got to see them in the yard from a distance. His wife is working on getting RV owners to loan the to doctors, so more families can be protected.

There are several hotel chains and Air B'n'B type places that are offering free or discounted rooms to health care professionals who are either trying to quarantine away from their family or have gone to hotspots to help.

Inspired by Jeeve's tulips, here are the ones I got at the grocery store last weekend.



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5 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I would not know how to set that up. I don't have a smart T.V.

Buy an Amazon Fire Stick.  They are inexpensive and work very well.  And they are super easy to set up. That takes the place of having a smart tv.  As long as your tv has a usb port, and you have internet, you are good to go.

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1 hour ago, CalicoKitty said:

Buy an Amazon Fire Stick.  They are inexpensive and work very well.  And they are super easy to set up. That takes the place of having a smart tv.  As long as your tv has a usb port, and you have internet, you are good to go.

Sadly no USB port.

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Just got a call from my dermatologist who I see twice a year for skin cancer checks. Had an appointment scheduled for the 20th. They rescheduled me for the beginning of June. Looks like they're shutting down except for scheduled surgeries. 

Someone I know went to see a dermatologist today. She had a mole that her husband said had changed in some way. She sent pictures to a dermatologist, and the dermatologist told her to come in and get it looked at, especially since most people aren't coming. It turned out to be nothing. The dermatologist said that she was sorry my friend ended up coming in, but she couldn't tell if the mole was anything serious (like cancer) or not from the photos. 

Edited by Temperance
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1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Sadly no USB port.

There’s a you tube video on how to convert a tv like that into anything you want. I’ll post link tomorrow. Just need conversion connectors.

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25 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Someone I know went to see a dermatologist today. She had a mole that her husband said had changed in some way. She sent pictures to a dermatologist, and the dermatologist told her to come in and get it looked at, especially since most people aren't coming. It turned out to be nothing. The dermatologist said that she was sorry my friend ended up coming in, but she couldn't tell if the mole was anything serious (like cancer) or not from the photos. 

Thankfully, I don't have moles. My nasal cells have been more like little red patches of skin that never healed. One on my shoulder, the other on my arm. I haven't seen anything new, so I'm okay waiting until June. 

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  This has been a long, weird day. I attended my first (and hopefully last) virtual wake and funeral.    People were "there" from Illinois, New York, Puerto Rico, Colorado, California, Hawaii, and Germany.

   Then, tonight, I hooked my husband up for the last part of his family's Novena(?) for Flaco which involved 3 sayings of the Rosary. We finally finished that, and I unhooked him (he is so technically inept) and finally he's sleeping, so I got to watch TV.

 The end to this weird day was turning on WGN TV news and seeing my Dr SIL Nathan being interviewed again...I had no idea he was going to be on.

  This time it was about the  legalities of a case that happened here in Illinois of two doctors that were able to override a patient's family's wishes not to resuscitate somebody with COVID-19.

Turns out they can, if the patient didn't have written instructions ahead of time....😱

The families have no say so on the phone...


Side note...I...just...I don't even know how to explain how strange it is to see my SIL on TV...my daughter had a career in broadcasting...he never ever wanted to even be photographed....ever.

   I knew him way before he became a doctor..he's still just a big lovable tall goofus that married my daughter to me...ugh..sorry..I'm rambling..but I wrote it so I'll post it. 🙃

PS   everyone there had to wear masks..and that was as close as they were allowed to get to him.


Edited by ChiCricket
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