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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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What is it with this show and getting members of your own family to officiate at your wedding? Can't anybody spring for a real minister? Does it always have to be some internet fake ordination?

5 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Yes, Julie, please die.

5 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Can someone please advise Susan Hayes to tone down the campy overacting a few dozen notches? Holy crap she is freaking annoying. 

1 hour ago, lb60 said:

Die, Julie, die!


The rest of you smug, sanctimonious Salemites can go pound sand.

I think this is what happens when the show tries for ... er, I'm going to say "ambiguity"? Trying to establish some sympathy for Gabi -- but, as usual, the show has gone too far, to the extent that I have not an instant's pity for Julie, nor the tiniest scrap of sympathy for her, heartless, screeching harpy that she is. Sure, I would have tried to grab that phone away from Gabi, too -- but only to see if her handy-dandy phone app has a Flambé setting. After listening to Darling Julie heap endless, over-the-top abuse on Gabi's head, I was ready to fry that bitch myself. What a cruel, hypocritical waste of space she is.

Also, what was the "brown-eyed, brown-haired monster" rant about? Was Susan Seaforth Hayes ad-libbing like a lunatic, or has Julie just gone full-on Hitler Youth Wannabe? It didn't even make a lot of sense. Hey, Julie Fubar, you know who else has brown hair? You, sweetheart.


Edited by Sandman
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1 hour ago, SueB said:

Bingo.   It undercut Lani’s character — unless they were going for a pun on ‘revealing’.  *rimshot* ... I’ll show myself out now....

SueB, you win the internet!  Your posts today have been things of hilarious beauty.  Ab Fab in every way!

All I have are a few random thoughts on today's outtakes from Tidy Bowl commercials.......

I think any revenge fantasies I've ever had about Abigail were fulfilled today by whoever in Wardrobe dressed Abigail in that emerald green old  St. Patrick's Day tablecloth.  It looks somebody raided the basement at my old grade school and whipped her up a dress.  

Abigail never looked worse - which warmed my heart.

Does anyone know if you can get Gabi's app at the Apple Store?

Of course, it would be wrong to hope the app works, I know that.  After all, Julie has been around for forever and I can honestly say nobody makes forever seem so long as she does.  Quite the talent.  I think SSH was born in the wrong time period, she would have been perfect for silent films.  She'd have been even better for pre-movie stage plays of which no record exists.  You don't see talent like that very often, something I don't think I'm as grateful for as I should be.

I congratulate Julie for not spitting her dentures across the room when she was foaming at the mouth!  Of course, she exercises that mouth every chance she gets, and it shows!

It pissed me off when I saw Lani show up in that nuns outfit.  It horrified me when I saw she was wearing castoffs from the Victoria Secret bargain bins, obviously stitched together by some drunken mice in their spare time.  

Eli is such a lucky man...... right?  

Julie may not be as beloved by the Salem townspeople as she thinks, since all the crowd gave when she collapsed at the end was one collective, bored yawn.  

I very much enjoyed the Sonny and Will scenes today, scenes we rarely get to see.  Yeah, they were plenty corny but I liked the characters together and I thought that both actors feel very comfortable doing scenes like that.  That was nice to see.  

Now, their kissing was a little worriesome, since neither guy seemed to have a clue where the other guys lips ACTUALLY were.  Kissing a chin or an upper lip doesn't scream romance - unless you're Julie, but then again, she screams everything.

I'm hoping that Abigail has to wear that green dress all week.  Please, Soap Gods, be good to us (and mean to her)!

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Sonny wears a button up shirt and dress slacks to go ice skating? 

Dude has been unemployed for 2 years but is constantly in Brooks Brothers finest, if the Show is to be believed he wears a neck tie and patent loafers to the gym. Regardless I enjoyed the flashbacks and WilSon have such a nice chemistry when they are allowed to be light. 

Sal Stowers acting is dreck and it should not be front burner. The fact she’s been on for years and still so terrible really is a sign to call it quits. The only thing I enjoyed of her and Julie’s crap was that this storyline may end so I don’t have so see Lani on as much and screaming at JJ daily about that bitch and her problems.

Julie you’re right it was wrong of Gabi to give you Stefan’s heart then use the app to threaten you, she shouldn’t have given you the heart at all. Lani also mentioned it was wrong to give the heart just to boss people around and blackmail. So you both are right, she should have let you die out right? 

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8 minutes ago, Sandman said:

I thought so, too.

I was shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you! 😂 They had Sonny talk about how his "ego" needs stroking (uh huh, yep, totally your ego and not something else) and how he wanted to do something with Will that involved athleticism, agility, and would get his heart rate up. How in the world did they sneak all that by the EP on set who hates the gays? Meanwhile, I was loooooving it! 😍🥰

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1 hour ago, boes said:

I think any revenge fantasies I've ever had about Abigail were fulfilled today by whoever in Wardrobe dressed Abigail in that emerald green old  St. Patrick's Day tablecloth.  It looks somebody raided the basement at my old grade school and whipped her up a dress.  


1 hour ago, boes said:

It pissed me off when I saw Lani show up in that nuns outfit.  It horrified me when I saw she was wearing castoffs from the Victoria Secret bargain bins, obviously stitched together by some drunken mice in their spare time. 


59 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Sonny wears a button up shirt and dress slacks to go ice skating? 

Dude has been unemployed for 2 years but is constantly in Brooks Brothers finest, if the Show is to be believed he wears a neck tie and patent loafers to the gym.

Yes, what is up with wardrobe?  I too loved the green tablecloth - SOOOO sexy!!!  I think various tablecloths, sheets, blankets, rugs, and bits of upholstery should be her permanent wardrobe.  Maybe a drop cloth or two.   I especially appreciated the hair that hasn't been washed in about 2 weeks.

Wardrobe has never known what to do with Lani.  Apparently someone thinks she should be inappropriately dressed at all times.  These are the same people who had her wear a really short, sexy, cocktail dress to her son's funeral. 

And yes, this show really doesn't know how to do "casual."  Victor hasn't gone anywhere near an office in years, yet still sits around the living room wearing suits.

While I REALLY hated the wedding scene today, I was willing to sit through it if it meant this stupid storyline was finally coming to an end.  

And JJ looked stoned as shit today.




Edited by DaphneCat
Accidentally submitted too soon
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I really can't imagine that Sonny could actually figure skate and do a double axel. And then creepy Evan comes with a rose for him for Valentine's Day. Few people do write poetry or anything these days.

I thought the Julie thing and the Gabi wedding was a fakeout.  Maybe this will be the end of the stupid pacemaker App story. Deep down, both women hate each other and see themselves in the other - a side they don't like to see. Julie's histrionics were atrocious and she got back to hating Gabi in one nanosecond. Ummmm, maybe see things from Gabi's perspective. You overcompensated for getting a heart transplant. Maybe what Gabi did with the App was wrong, but lady, you deserved something for your treatment of her and folks you don't like. And to stop the melodrama. What next - tying Gabi to the train tracks?

I really can't with Lani. It was inappropriate for her to crash the wedding ceremony, strip out of the nun's habit in some Fosse type maneuver to some inappropriate black lace negligee type dress and wail about her woes about Eli and being forced to dump him at the altar and still love him. Eli, I would be hesitant to bring her back in to my life - which is probably what you will do since she really really loves you and will do this crap to you because she feels she is right.  Lani just loves herself and is behaving like a petulant child who did not get her own way. Watch out, Eli. Maybe go back to the nunnery, Lani, or find some other occupation.

Abs looked terrible in her dress.

Valerie maybe should have a chat with her son about his poor relationship choices and talk to him about maybe going back to DC and the FBI for a bit. And let Labi and Gani duke it out with each other.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, katie9918 said:

Gabi is a psycho. No sympathy.

I'm glad Ari wasn't there to see that mess. That poor girl has been through enough already. Gabi and Julie were both awful.

And why couldn't Lani call Eli off and talk to him in private, instead having him be humiliated AGAIN in front of everyone. I guess her revenge against Gabi was more important then her so-called love for him. SMH.

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, QueenSerena said:

… (uh huh, yep, totally your ego and not something else) and how he wanted to do something with Will that involved athleticism, agility, and would get his heart rate up.

This was pretty risqué dialogue for this show.

Let's face it, this iZap pacemaker story isn't making either Julie or Gabi appear to best advantage, shall we say. The fact that this show's idea of "going to the dark side" (which is terrible and contrived and played out in the first place) is to force a character to become some combination of crazy, evil and stupid meant that Gabi has essentially become a different (and very short-sighted) person. Should I care that this person is torturing and possibly killing someone else? Probably. Do I actually care that this is happening openly, in view of half the town? Not really. 

But sanctimonious Julie makes me sick.

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I know that Gabi has done some horribly criminal actions in her quest for revenge, and even though they are in the right, it is zero fun watching all of the alleged heroes of the town take their turn saying something mean to Gabi, especially Lani and Julie who have dialed up their smug mean-girlness.  I know they are in the "right" but they're both so unpleasant I can't bring myself to care and I hope Gabi gets away with her plot.

And Abby must have forgotten that she's blameless because she actually mentioned that she knows Gabi has a reason to hate her--I am shocked 🙂

I did like the brief moment between Gabi and JJ: 

"I thought you were my friend."

"And I thought you were mine."

There were only two lines, but CB and CM put a lot of unspoken meaning in those two sentences.


  • Love 14

Awww...the end of today's show had me teary-eyed....it paid tribute to Bill Hayes 50 years on DOOL.  They showed clips from the early days with Doug & Bill Horton meeting in jail....Doug(Bill) was a good looking guy.  Its really amazing to think how long Bill has been with ONE show!   And I guess this was JJ(Casey) last day on the show? Casey looked like he was really sad & not just acting. Loved the family hug with JJ, Jack & Jenn.

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I know we are supposed to be against Gabi but these sanctimonious idiots can all GFO. Yeah Gabi went far but I guess we just forgive Lani for killing Gabi's husband?

Line of the day - Gabi to Julie: "Would you stop talking already"! 😂

Amen. I rather poke my ears out than have to listen to her.

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4 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

know we are supposed to be against Gabi but these sanctimonious idiots can all GFO. Yeah Gabi went far but I guess we just forgive Lani for killing Gabi's husband?

Lani didn't shoot Stefan on purpose.  She was shooting at Vivian (who was pointing a gun at her) and Stefan jumped in the way.  Big difference between that and purposefully holding someone's pacemaker hostage.

  • Love 15

I was in teary eyes too.  It's amazing that a fictional TV show can show clips of a current actor/character from 50 years ago.   I don't remember much about Bill Horton, though I must have seen him in those clips with Jennifer on her wedding day.

I know I'm in the UO club again, but I'm going to miss JJ. 

I also don't hate Lani like most do, and look forward to the eventual (I hope) Elani reunion.   At the same time, I don't hate Gabi, which is all due to CB's acting, where while she's being "evil" she can also make me feel sorry for her.

  • Love 8
54 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

I know we are supposed to be against Gabi but these sanctimonious idiots can all GFO. Yeah Gabi went far but I guess we just forgive Lani for killing Gabi's husband?

Lani was a cop doing her job - and didn't dumbass Stefan jump in front as the bullet was flying? That's not on Lani, as far as I'm concerned, but dumbass Stefan.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Lani didn't shoot Stefan on purpose.  She was shooting at Vivian (who was pointing a gun at her) and Stefan jumped in the way.  Big difference between that and purposefully holding someone's pacemaker hostage.

Not on purpose but it only bothered her for a second before she went on with her merry life.  Never acknowledging she had once again destroyed Gabi's life.


Edited by bobcat1946
  • Love 6

People don't love you, Julie, they're just afraid of you.

"I had a cop buddy of mine take Chris in." So, JJ just gets random people arrested even though they haven't committed a crime?

How did Lani put her life on the line?

Right, Abigail, you have no compassion.  We know that.

Was that bad staging, or did they intend for Chad to walk between Abigail and the camera?

Is this goodbye for JJ and Abigail?

Poor Ariana.  Both her parents in jail.

They unapologetically showed us multiple Bill Hortons in those flashbacks.  I guess the digital series has started a trend.

Egad, who was that singing horrible?




35 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Actually, it's kind of on Lani, or at least the PD, for having ridiculously slow bullets:)

But it was JJ's fault that he shot Theo.

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3 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I know that Gabi has done some horribly criminal actions in her quest for revenge, and even though they are in the right, it is zero fun watching all of the alleged heroes of the town take their turn saying something mean to Gabi, especially Lani and Julie who have dialed up their smug mean-girlness.  I know they are in the "right" but they're both so unpleasant I can't bring myself to care and I hope Gabi gets away with her plot.

And Abby must have forgotten that she's blameless because she actually mentioned that she knows Gabi has a reason to hate her--I am shocked 🙂

I did like the brief moment between Gabi and JJ: 

"I thought you were my friend."

"And I thought you were mine."

There were only two lines, but CB and CM put a lot of unspoken meaning in those two sentences.


Big mouth Julie would not let them talk.  It was all about her.

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Of course, what Gabi did was wrong and reckless.  But I totally blame Lani for being the stupidest person in Salem.  Even today, when Abe and the Eli  challenged her as to why she didn't tell them, she really just looked stupid and pathetic.  Let's say Lani told Abe.  And Abe confronted Gabi with Rafe.  Gabi might have denied it but she would have been compelled to turn her phone over to Rafe and the whole thing would have been done.  So Gabi looks and is guilty, and appears to be unhinged, but Lani just looks stupid.  I feel very sad for Eli that he has to now be stuck with her.

I guess I give Gabi a pass, because people like Kate get away with everything, so I have no doubt Gabi will too.

CB was very good when she was trying to explain it to Rafe, but I still cannot buy that Stefan was the love of her life.

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1 hour ago, boes said:

Can I sit with you at that table?  I love JJ, have from the first day he was on.  He's become a good actor before our very eyes and I wish him the best,  

But I'll miss him.

I will miss him as well, I just hated the majority of JJ’s storylines especially his last one with Haley.  Casey Moss’s talent was wasted on this show and I hope he gets a better acting gig in the future.

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24 minutes ago, bannana said:

et's say Lani told Abe.  And Abe confronted Gabi with Rafe.  Gabi might have denied it but she would have been compelled to turn her phone over to Rafe and the whole thing would have been done.  So Gabi looks and is guilty, and appears to be unhinged, but Lani just looks stupid.  I feel very sad for Eli that he has to now be stuck with her.

I thought it was stupid that she didn't just grab the phone away from her when she pulled it out and explained her evil plan in the first place. It was literally right there.  And, it's a phone, so I doubt it was a one button hit and boom.  But, yes, telling Abe, or anyone would have worked.  They literally just needed to distract her long enough to take her phone.  The whole thing was so contrived.

And, honestly, I'm "behind" Gabi in her hatred of Abigail than I am for Lani.  Sure, Lani killed Stefan, but didn't do it on purpose.  Mental illness or not, Abigail framed her for murder and got her sent to prison.    

Is there anybody of the younger generation on this show that isn't completely horrible?  JJ, I guess.  And Eli, but he has horrible taste in women.

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I LOVE that Sonny and Will went ice skating, it is a fun winter activity. I also love that Sonny mentioned pair skaters whom fell in love while skating together and yes, his Russian pronouncing was horrible.  I’m not sure I buy Sonny’s hobby is ice skating. I know when he first got to town he loved to do outdoor things like rock climb. But to me it just doesn’t fit his character. And if he’s attempting double axels he trains A LOT. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, willgracefan said:

I LOVE that Sonny and Will went ice skating, it is a fun winter activity. I also love that Sonny mentioned pair skaters whom fell in love while skating together and yes, his Russian pronouncing was horrible.  I’m not sure I buy Sonny’s hobby is ice skating. I know when he first got to town he loved to do outdoor things like rock climb. But to me it just doesn’t fit his character. And if he’s attempting double axels he trains A LOT. 

Maybe Kristian Alfonso gave Freddie some pointers.  😛  (Before being cast as Hope way back when, I guess KA used to ice skate, I think maybe at a competitive level? May be mis-remembering that part, though.)

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7 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:


I did like the brief moment between Gabi and JJ: 

"I thought you were my friend."

"And I thought you were mine."

There were only two lines, but CB and CM put a lot of unspoken meaning in those two sentences.


This would have more merit if up until a few weeks ago JJ/Gabi interacted on a regular basis instead JJ had his ill fated romance with Haley and Gabi was with Stefan and the show acted like they didn't know each other so this fell flat to me from a writing standpoint.

1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

Maybe Kristian Alfonso gave Freddie some pointers.  😛  (Before being cast as Hope way back when, I guess KA used to ice skate, I think maybe at a competitive level? May be mis-remembering that part, though.)

She did there was a whole montage in the 80s of Hope skating and Bo was watching her in a tux I think.


Back when soaps had a budget and were magical.

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7 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Awww...the end of today's show had me teary-eyed....it paid tribute to Bill Hayes 50 years on DOOL.  They showed clips from the early days with Doug & Bill Horton meeting in jail....Doug(Bill) was a good looking guy.  Its really amazing to think how long Bill has been with ONE show!   And I guess this was JJ(Casey) last day on the show? Casey looked like he was really sad & not just acting. Loved the family hug with JJ, Jack & Jenn.

 Yes it was and while I will miss JJ/Casey he's better off I just hope Casey finds a much better gig so I can enjoy him in it because JJ hasn't been a good character in years. I wish we had a Doug/JJ scene and we didn't get one at all.. or a JJ/Kayla scene. Glad his last scenes were with Jack/Jennifer at least.

While that was great I do think Bill/Doug deserved better for a tribute episode like SSH/Julie. He should've gotten more flashbacks/focus instead it was about this lame wedding reveal and Bill Horton with Doug sprinkled in. Plus how can you not have Doug with Gina/Hope yes Julie his is OTP etc and love them but Hope is just as important as Julie to him.

Watch Y&R's tribute to Eric Braeden's 40 years on the show put this to shame....

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3 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

Great memory! Its on YouTube. Magical indeed.

So they didn't take it down good to know.

Soaps were something I watched with my mom(who's no longer alive) and Days was one of them... she quit at one point though the ones she watched regularly were GH and Another World.

That being said this was also featured in a variety of Bo/Hope montages through the years on the show and was referenced when James Ingram passed away last year


Edited by CanaryFan98
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I almost ff'd the entire show due to the stench of smugness from the Salemites.

Julie and Lani reminded me of junior high schoolgirls who didn't like someone in the class - shades of Chloe and Ghoul Girl - now Ghoul Girl Gabi. The screaming and semi-caterwauling almost did me in.

Yes, what Gabi did was wrong and a poorly planned revenge for what the good moral folks at Salem did to her, did not bat an eyelash, and life carried on because they were right and Gabi was from the wrong side of the tracks. And they did this a number of smug times. Yes, Abigal, Gabi does have a reason to hate you. You sent her to jail for a crime she did not commit. And yet you show zero self-awareness. Like Julie and Lani. Gabi should be evaluated for mental health and probably sent to Bayview for a few weeks for assessment and treatment of PTSD.

Lani looked really inappropriate in her lacey see-through nightgown type dress. Was she expecting Eli to dump Gabi at the altar and move on to sexy times with her? Did she borrow the dress from Kristen? Does she think Eli will fall for her immediately and not question her about her behavior over the past year?

JJ has zero business calling a cop buddy to arrest someone when he had no evidence of any crime.

I ff'd through the Doug and Bill Horton stuff.

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I cried when JJ left.  That one last look.  I really liked him. And he was a Big Damn Hero today.  I hope Casey Moss gets a new gig soon.  

I need a break from Julie’s voice/attitude.  Let’s put her back to one-liners. The tirade was enough for me to starting hunting for that app on MY phone. 

On the other hand, Gabi.  Gabi’s dialog today was just so textbook narcissist. She’s the victim? I’m ready to start a GoFundMe for Ariana’s emancipation.  Daddy Sonny has been stable (except for being sleazy with the Manny) but she needs to avoid her mother.  

Lani lost all sympathy from me with the way she laid expectations and a kiss on Eli.  Eli needs to peace out for a while.  

My greatest wish: Doug & Julie go on a cruise again (watch out for that coronavirus you crazy kids!)

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I was able to tolerate today's show. In a manner of speaking. CB and CM were the highlights for me. 

Julie shut your stupid ass up, yes Gabi totally went too far rigging the pacemaker but don't rewrite history regarding Nick, he was an ass and that's putting it mildly. Thank you for reminding me why you deserve even less sympathy than Gabi and even Lani. She got on my nerves real bad with her "Abby had nothing to be sorry for" attitude.  

I liked Abby's character for a hot second and then she had to claim herself for "protecting" Gabi. Bitch please, you give yourself way too much credit, if you pressed charges on her, she could have and would have pressed some right back because last time I checked, framing someone for murder is hella illegal. A Federal offense at that. 

I'm half-convinced that the writers are stalking some DOOL threads because what Gabi said sounded really familiar(and accurate). I chuckled when she said "Abigail and her merry band of alters"

Oh Lani if only you had did all of this a year ago, could've spared me the sight of Gabi and Eli getting together in the first place....Must you make things so hard? 🤣🤣

I'm gonna miss JJ count me in that table as well. 

Random, but I really liked Jennifer's shirt today! It was very cute IMO 


Edited by TeamGabi
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6 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

This is the Hope that I love and I miss her so....

Great clip! (Before I started watching...) Romantic, fun. Damn, this show used to be good. In any case, at one point when Hope was talking to Bo there, if you cut her hair short, her face when young was almost a dead ringer for Lisa Rinna/Billie. (And I never liked any Bo with any Billie, but the resemblance was there. Maybe that's what attracted Bo to her subconsciously? Shrug.)

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Gabi could have avoided all of this if she'd just gone with her first instinct and never given Julie the heart to begin with.  

So, okay, the app doesn't work, but I bet she could run Julie down with a car, poison her Depends, slip some arsenic in her Dentu-cream.  Gabi, USE YOUR IMAGINATION.

Hey Julie, you might want to go check those Horton Christmas ornaments, Gabi has had one since Arianna was born.  She's been "part of the family" ever since she gave birth to her and Will's child.  Funny how you always forget and discount that your precious Nick was torturing Will and keeping him from his child, but then I guess Nick was more of a Horton than Will is.  

Julie is exhausting.  

She sure was having a good time today.  After getting all that attention at the Square, she even managed to push JJ aside when Jenn was telling him and Abigail about Bill's death.  She's such a special person I think she should be cast in bronze, like a set of baby shoes.  No need to wait till she's dead, either.

The Doug, Jenn and Jack scenes were really nice IMO, as were the following family scenes later on.  Poor Doug didn't know how his life was going to change.  He came to Salem to fleece a rich woman and ended up married to a rabid parrot.  Can't win 'em all, Doug.

JJ was terrific today, just terrific.

Edited by boes
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12 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Great clip! (Before I started watching...) Romantic, fun. Damn, this show used to be good. In any case, at one point when Hope was talking to Bo there, if you cut her hair short, her face when young was almost a dead ringer for Lisa Rinna/Billie. (And I never liked any Bo with any Billie, but the resemblance was there. Maybe that's what attracted Bo to her subconsciously? Shrug.)

I thought that I was the only one who noticed that Billie resembled Hope and even Carly as well. In Carly's case it was actually referenced in dialogue..

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7 minutes ago, boes said:

Poor Bill didn't know how his life was going to change.  He came to Salem to fleece a rich woman and ended up married to a rabid parrot.  Can't win 'em all, Bill.

For a sec, I got confused as Jenn's dad was also named Bill. Then I realized you meant Brent Douglas/"Douglas Williams" as played by Bill Hayes. Too many Bills, damn it!

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1 minute ago, WendyCR72 said:

For a sec, I got confused as Jenn's dad was also named Bill. Then I realized you meant Brent Douglas/"Douglas Williams" as played by Bill Hayes. Too many Bills, damn it!

Ooops, I should have stuck with Doug, sorry about that, I'm going to go change it back to his character's name

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Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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