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Season 1 Talk


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My favorite scene was when the men all reacted to the word "period." It never ceases to amaze me how some men can talk about the most disgusting things at work but practically go into little old ladies' faints if menstruation is mentioned. It happens every month, guys. Get over it.

I've watched horror movies since the age of 8. I still cringed too. We are aware that it exists. Not every guy wants to talk/think about it.

I hate the trite sitcom plot of "don't get a vasectomy...because oh, what if we want another baby?" (complete with dewey eyes), so I appreciated this mostly straight-forward take on the issue. I think this show did their false vasectomy episode better than Modern Family (which turned into a treacly mess at the end). It is possible for couples to know they are done having kids, and not be tempted -- even in the slightest -- by the possibility of another baby. Even though it's the unwritten law of sitcom land that the man never gets a vasectomy so the writers can do the "surprise pregnancy" plot later on, I hope this show doesn't go that route.


The contrast of Dre's boss calling the woman employee "Sweet cans" and her calling Gloria Allred was so fantastic. I love how this show manages to do the old sitcom tropes and be socially aware at the same time.

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I hate the trite sitcom plot of "don't get a vasectomy...because oh, what if we want another baby?" (complete with dewey eyes), so I appreciated this mostly straight-forward take on the issue. I think this show did their false vasectomy episode better than Modern Family (which turned into a treacly mess at the end). It is possible for couples to know they are done having kids, and not be tempted -- even in the slightest -- by the possibility of another baby. Even though it's the unwritten law of sitcom land that the man never gets a vasectomy so the writers can do the "surprise pregnancy" plot later on, I hope this show doesn't go that route.



I remember that on Home Improvement, though Tim was opposed to getting a vasectomy, his doctor was able to convince him, that if he did, he'd be able to have sex with Jill anytime he wanted; there were no more restrictions.  Well, knowing Tim, naturally that convinced him, because he was so worried about his manhood. It was done well and I know it made me laugh.


Ahem back to topic.


I only got to see the first half, but so far, the funniest scene for me was seeing Maury Povich, telling Dre "You are NOT the father! You will NEVER be the father!" while all those disco lights are beaming and Dre is doing a victory dance.

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Diane to Zoey: "Until I was three, I thought I was the only one who could see you!" 

The scene with the kids all together cracked me up.  This line from Diane and Jack made a funny as well.


I see that these latest episodes are featuring Jack and Zoe with some nice lines as well.


Overall, I have enjoyed having new episodes and watching Black-ish on Wednesday nights again.  Charlie continues to be funny with some absurd true story.

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I thought that was more about slamming Mo'nique. She made a fool of herself a few weeks ago with her claims that she was blacklisted becsuse she refused to play the hollywood game. I love that the Blackish producers weighed in on the issue very clearly.

But why namecheck Lee Daniels? Is it a little friendly rivalry because Black-ish is in part of Empire's time slot?

But why namecheck Lee Daniels? Is it a little friendly rivalry because Black-ish is in part of Empire's time slot?

I have no inside knowledge, and am prepared to be wrong, but I took that whole exchange (the slam at Mo'nique aside) simply as having fun with how absurdly elongated and complicated the name and identifying modifiers of the movie got, thanks to protection of copyright and corporate branding and all. It almost seemed like breaking the fourth wall, Junior having to go back and say the legally mandated full name of everything, lest lawyers break through the front door and sue the family.

  • Love 4

This clicked on all cylinders.  Every scene pretty much killed.


I like that the workplace scenes seemed to acknowledge how completely inappropriately absurd the dude-bro conversations are.  I know that it is part of their stchtick and it is a funny recurring gag, but the "and this is why I record all these meetings" was just about perfect.


There were so many to choose from, but I loved the scenes with the kids when they first discussed "Aunt Flo".  Diane of course was perfectly Diane "Are you guys getting birthday money we don't know about?" as was Junior being perfectly junior "If it is a boy I'm thinking Gimli.  And if it is a girl, Gimli still works."  and of course Jack & Diane's exchange about the softness of turtle skin "Why are you fighting me on this?  it is the unborn monster in mommy's tummy!"  Jack's facial expressions killed me.


And I loved everything Bow did.  Especially her face when she asked Junior if he was experimenting with drugs.


Everybody was spot on.  Great episode.

  • Love 4
Junior's fantasy/scenario at the end?  That was just creepy on all levels imaginable.



I have to say I didn't like Junior's scenes this episode.  Particularly when he was down on his knee singing in the bathroom, and his story of how the entire family, except him, dies in a fire.  It was a little creepy.



I agree. Both scenes were just off in tone and took something too far. Usually Junior's scene are fun and the actor's timing is so good. He had some weak material here and did his best, but I recoiled from both scenes and wish to erase them from my memory.

I noticed that while in bed discussing their kids and "our plan was to have them out of the house by the time we're 50" they glossed over what we learned in the vow renewal episode, that Zoe was born before they married. I like the possibilities that we will see more about this in the future. I'm still thinking that Bow is supposed to be about 2 years older than Dre. 

I guess I'm in the minority here. I thought the premise of this episode was awful. I had hoped that it would turn out that Dre had gotten the vasectomy after all. C'mon, this man was willing to jeopardize his family's balance because he was afraid of 30 seconds of pain? I can forgive a lot of things in the name of comedy, and I have accepted the inappropriateness of the office discussions (I liked the woman recording conversations and contacting Gloria Allred), but this vasectomy twist just was not at all funny because it made out the main character to be a selfish asshole.  I can accept imperfections in main characters, but this was an unforgivable character flaw that put Dre's integrity in question. In all those years, it never occurred to him to rectify the situation? For me, this is level of deception is unacceptable, even in the name of comedy.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I'm sick of the "man won't get a vasectomy cause he's afraid it will permanently damage his dick" joke. Har har. Not. Because millions of men get vasectomies and function just fine afterwards. In fact, not worrying about pregnancy releases inhibitions, guys. Almost every guy I know got the V when they were done having kids and it was no big deal.

And yes, Hollywood writers, most people are perfectly comfortable making that decision permanent and do not wistfully think about some possible future baby until menopause, gawd).

And maybe I missed something because I didn't see the ending, but why didn't Dre worry for the last 8 (9, 10?) years about Bow getting pregnant? She obviously wasn't using any birth control.

  • Love 1
And yes, Hollywood writers, most people are perfectly comfortable making that decision permanent and do not wistfully think about some possible future baby until menopause, gawd.



Most people, yes. However, I do know one man who wouldn't get the snip even though he was 60 with a young child and had raised two other children who were by then out of college. He told his 42-year-old wife, who argued that the surgery was more complicated, and expensive, for her, "But we might get divorced and I'd meet another woman who wanted a child." Now, I thought it was the height of selfishness, but he really did express that sentiment. And I can buy that some guys are either really worried about the pain (not just 30 seconds, there's some recovery time spent sitting with a frozen bag of peas on your balls) or fearful that something might go wrong and they could never get it up again. Not rational fears, but real ones I've heard men talk about.

I guess Dre's "out" was that he thought Bow was on the pill anyway so he needn't worry.

Edited by RedHawk

I don't think either my husband or I have ever laughed so hard at something on TV as we did when Dre threw the glass of water in Bow's face. Not that throwing water on someone is even inherently amusing - I just watched several Amazing Racers get doused without cracking a smile - it's just that it was so random and unexpected. And Tracee Ellis Ross totally broke, which only added to my enjoyment.

  • Love 3
I took that whole exchange (the slam at Mo'nique aside) simply as having fun with how absurdly elongated and complicated the name and identifying modifiers of the movie got, thanks to protection of copyright and corporate branding and all. It almost seemed like breaking the fourth wall, Junior having to go back and say the legally mandated full name of everything, lest lawyers break through the front door and sue the family.

I assumed along the same lines too. My favorite reference was when Michael Scott said, "Would you mind if I listen to my book on tape? This is a novelization of the movie Precious based on the novel Push by Sapphire."


I thought they said that Bow had been on the pill for bad cramps all these years.  And she  had recently stopped taking them and thus the pregnancy possibility.


It was rather vague to me - Dre thought she was taking the pill for cramps, but Bow responded that she hadn't had them for a really long time. Not sure what a "really long time" is, but I interpreted it as years.


I can accept imperfections in main characters, but this was an unforgivable character flaw that put Dre's integrity in question. In all those years, it never occurred to him to rectify the situation? For me, this is level of deception is unacceptable, even in the name of comedy.


Yeah, I think it was a poor writing choice for the deception to have gone on for years.  I've never found the trope amusing, but I could have maybe sorta kinda thought about being sympathetic to Dre if the timeline was significantly shorter.  For example, if they agreed on it in the last six months or so, and Dre never got it done.



I thought the funniest part of the episode was between Bow and her co-worker.  The way Tracee held her hands the entire time just cracked me up.

Edited by ribboninthesky1

I haven't had an vasectomy (wrong gender for that), but I am pretty sure that a vasectomy hurts less than stepping on a rat trap.  


I think Junior just wants to be the hero and be loved and popular and all those things that most teenage boys who have a popular sibling want.  Who would love and adore him? - orphans.  How could he be in an orphanage? - if his family dies - and they all have to die or he might not be the one in the limelight.  And what will make him "better" than the other orphans? - if he did something heroic, like trying to save his family in a fire.  I don't think Bow and Dre have to sleep with one eye open.  


Back in the 80's I worked in a small office that was predominately male.  When the secretary (that's what we called them back then) went on a break they would ask me to answer the phone, even though I had other people working beneath me.  One day I pointed out the wrongness of always asking me to answer just because I was a woman.  Then I pointed out that it was even more ridiculous because secretary was a man.  The secretary was gay and I would have made a comment about stereotyping gays except it was the gay male secretary who was always asking me to answer the phones when he was out.  

  • Love 2

Yeah, I'm sick of the "man won't get a vasectomy cause he's afraid it will permanently damage his dick" joke. Har har. Not. Because millions of men get vasectomies and function just fine afterwards. In fact, not worrying about pregnancy releases inhibitions, guys. Almost every guy I know got the V when they were done having kids and it was no big deal.

And yes, Hollywood writers, most people are perfectly comfortable making that decision permanent and do not wistfully think about some possible future baby until menopause, gawd).


Lord, yes, So very yes.  This "sophisticated viewer" is so damn tired of this.  Dre is the perfect character to stress that his manliness is not in his balls, much less in a tiny tube near his balls.  On ce, i would like for a sitcom to set up the vasectomy bit, then have it done and move on to the REAL A-plot.

And I can buy that some guys are either really worried about the pain (not just 30 seconds, there's some recovery time spent sitting with a frozen bag of peas on your balls)


And Bow says "Women have died from childbirth.  Get over your damn self!"

  • Love 5

Was I the only one who thought Junior was referencing Lord of the Rings when he first said 'Precious'? That's what I thought was funny, thinking it was LotR, then thinking he meant the movie, then understanding he meant the book. Of course the long title is always funny.


Anyway, I loved this ep. Yes, the vasectomy story is a golden oldie, but I thought this was a fun and different take on it. Plus there was the whole side plots of the children misunderstanding what was going on. Jack and Diane trying to stay the babies was the best.


Was I the only one who thought Junior was referencing Lord of the Rings when he first said 'Precious'?


Nope! I thought Lord of the Rings first as well, especially given how many times Junior has talked about that film series and its characters. I don't think I realized it was wrong until they mentioned Mo'nique. Then the lightbulb went off over my head. LOL.

Also, I was super pumped to see the woman who played Brandi Maxxx from Parks and Rec as the fat friend turned hottie. I always thought she was really funny on that show, I would be ok with seeing her and the rest of Bows college friends pop up again.


Plus, she talked to me a bit on Twitter when I tweeted about her being on the show. And Tracee Ellis Ross favored a few of my tweets! I have no idea if she runs her Twitter, or if someone does it for her (pretty sure it would be her) but it made my night either way.  

  • Love 6

I thought this episode was solid with fun moments. I was so glad that Bow was able to show her friends how competent she was as a doctor. Because she was not coming off well up to that point.


Dre was ridiculous, but I understood where he was coming from. He thinks he knows everything about Bow, only discover her college romantic debacles.


I love Diane. She cracks me up. From "Diane," "Charles" to "it won't happen to me, it will happen to him." The kids were funny with their reality show. I busted out laughing when Junior talked about the Real Word being back in the day when you had to watch shows and the commercial live and you could not pause them. They really are from another generation technology-wise.


Charlie never ceases to make me laugh. He is a hot mess. He has to share everything, like his botched circumcision. Bwah.


The friend obsessed with David Spade, rejecting Josh's move was nicely done.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 2

I think I need to rewatch the episode because Dre came of as a jerking to me. He actually has in a few episodes, but there wasn't much grey area for me here. I will try it again.


I agree. I thought Dre came off as a world class a-hole in this episode. By the time he had Bow doing shots in the game of "I Never," I was done with him. I would be OK with him acting like such a jerk if there was some payoff in the end, but there wasn't. I feel the same about last week's vasectomy episode. Essentially, this episode ended with Bow telling him why she was dumped so much as if SHE should be the one apologizing. It just rubbed me the wrong way. Other than Dre being a jerk and never being called out on it, I liked the episode. From The Real World: Old People Eating Cheese set up to Charlie going into anaphylactic shock, the rest of it was comedy gold.

  • Love 8

My favorite part was Bow standing there in her Spanx after her caftan came off.  I think it was the juxtaposition of having that beautiful, flowing, comfy-looking caftan and then the reveal that she wore Spanx underneath that I found so funny. 

Oh man. I didn't even think about the absurdity of wearing spanx under a loose caftan. I also loved how she asked for her diaphanous caftan even as she was embarrassed and panicky.


Really enjoyable ep. I was pleased with the reason that Bow had gotten dumped so many times. That never occurred to me, and I kept wondering what flaw caused these guys to dump her.


Diane and Charles at the door was fantastic. 


Love that Bland Lance asked, "Do you have any room temperature water?"


Charlie calling Shawn the Nostrodomus of thick chicks was great. "Thick-Odomus."


I'm not sure why, but when Jack said, "Is there a villain in our house? Like Bane?" I cracked up. Something about him choosing Bane was hilarious.


The very end of my recording cut off. The last thing I saw was Jack saying, "Probably," which was funny. Did anything come after that? 

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 3

Oh man. I didn't even think about the absurdity of wearing spanx under a loose caftan. I also loved how she asked for her diaphanous caftan even as she was embarrassed and panicky.


Really enjoyable ep. I was pleased with the reason that Bow had gotten dumped so many times. That never occurred to me, and I kept wondering what flaw caused these guys to dump her.


Diane and Charles at the door was fantastic. 


Love that Bland Lance asked, "Do you have any room temperature water?"


Charlie calling Shawn the Nostrodomus of thick chicks was great. "Thick-Odomus."


I'm not sure why, but when Jack said, "Is there a villain in our house? Like Bane?" I cracked up. Something about him choosing Bane was hilarious.


The very end of my recording cut off. The last thing I saw was Jack saying, "Probably," which was funny. Did anything come after that? 

Jack said Probably I'm a hot mess lol. 


I agree. I thought Dre came off as a world class a-hole in this episode. By the time he had Bow doing shots in the game of "I Never," I was done with him. I would be OK with him acting like such a jerk if there was some payoff in the end, but there wasn't. I feel the same about last week's vasectomy episode. Essentially, this episode ended with Bow telling him why she was dumped so much as if SHE should be the one apologizing. It just rubbed me the wrong way. Other than Dre being a jerk and never being called out on it, I liked the episode. From The Real World: Old People Eating Cheese set up to Charlie going into anaphylactic shock, the rest of it was comedy gold.

Glad to know it's not just me. That game was the point at which I verbally expressed what a di..jerk Dre's character is.

I also have a personal belief that one's spouse should be your most dedicated PR person to the general public (well other than your momma) so, Dre trying to humiliate Bo in front of the group was particularly terrible in my opinion. I too waited for the payoff and was disappointed. How is it that after everything done to her Bo ended up having to redeem herself by providing an acceptable reason for being dumped?

Don't even get me started on faking the vasectomy.

Edited by red12
  • Love 10


I thought Dre came off as a world class a-hole in this episode. By the time he had Bow doing shots in the game of "I Never," I was done with him.


I was fine with him at first, because his reason for not wanting her friends to come over was pretty solid. If he has to watch his wife behave unlike herself, going over the top trying too hard to impress her former college buddies, and if she expects him to play it up too, that doesn't make him an asshole in my book. I like that he doesn't want to be anything but himself and he likes and thinks of Bow as impressive enough as herself and that being over the top fancy isn't necessary.


But the whole story with him being upset that she's been dumped a lot seemed insulting and ridiculous. And him embarrassing her by turning it into a game was even more ridiculous. She owed him no apologies for that, or for choosing not to share that history with him.

  • Love 3

I can totally identify with Bow and her Spanks. She's tall & thin but wears Spanx. I'm 5'7 and weigh 138 lbs and I wear Spanks. People are usually surprised that thin people wear Spanx.


In informercials, they usually show fat people squeezing into them,


I have worn them on special occasions such as weddings, but they make me miserable.  If I had on a caftan like Bow, I would not wear them.  I do think Bow looked gorgeous last night.

I was fine with him at first, because his reason for not wanting her friends to come over was pretty solid. If he has to watch his wife behave unlike herself, going over the top trying too hard to impress her former college buddies, and if she expects him to play it up too, that doesn't make him an asshole in my book. I like that he doesn't want to be anything but himself and he likes and thinks of Bow as impressive enough as herself and that being over the top fancy isn't necessary.


But the whole story with him being upset that she's been dumped a lot seemed insulting and ridiculous. And him embarrassing her by turning it into a game was even more ridiculous. She owed him no apologies for that, or for choosing not to share that history with him.


Although I liked this episode, the show seems to follow the same premise lately -- Dre acts like an asshole, family/friends/work acquaintances react to Dre, hilarity hopefully ensues.  However, this pattern is making me dislike Dre and lessening my enjoyment of the show.  I wish they would change up the dynamics a bit where Dre isn't always the asshole.

  • Love 4

You can't tell me they couldn't get some actual ex Real World cast member on the show. Most of them are starving for attention these days. 

I just knew Tami was going to find her way onto this show. Or someone else from the early seasons.


As for the episode, I didn't really like Bow being the butt of every joke.  I also didn't get Fat Shawn chiding Dre about Bow being around her ex but seemed okay with her husband (Bland Lance is her husband, right?) being around his ex.  That triangle confused me a bit.


The Diane-Charlie feud is enjoyable.  That both of them recognize it might make it even better.  Also, Jack knowing he is a hot mess seems right.  He does seem to have that kind of similarity to his mother.


Lastly, the kids reminded me that I am old enough to be their parent and thus we come from a different generation.  Yes, I watched the Real Word (early seasons).  Yes, I remember having to watch the show that night or risk never seeing it again until the summer.  Yes, I remember setting up the VCR to record a show while I watched another show on a different TV.  Yup, TV viewing has definitely changed over the years, though oddly, I am back in the old-school TV watching stage.

Edited by AyeshaTheGreat
  • Love 2

Ugh.  If I had to rank all the characters from most liked to disliked, I have always had Dre kinda low on the list.  But this week he fell straight to the bottom with a huge gap.  Yes, He's even below Charlie -- who has really grown on me.  


I've always cut him some slack because he is supposed to be self obsessed and that is his schtick,  But he knew how well Bow wanted to come off in front of her friends and he sabotaged her.  It didn't come off as funny to me, it came off as a bit cruel.


But I love TER like a fat kid loves cake!  And I loved food for her party (yes I watched the show while I was hungry, bad move!).  She is like a modern day Lucille Ball.  Her comic timing is fab.


The Diane/Charlie thing is comedy gold!  They are using it sparingly and thus it has great comedic impact.  And we still don't know what caused their enmity.  That is the beauty of it!


Also, I love the fact that Josh did not know how to use chopsticks!  On tv everyone just effortlessly uses them while eating Chinese.  But Josh was struggling.  Much more realistic.  A nice little sight gag that was just allowed to happen with no special attention or commentary.

  • Love 5

Yes, I can relate to Josh struggling with chopsticks. Been there!

I have to admit, I have long wondered what Bow sees in Dre. I've never seen this great marriage that most do. For him to completely go off the rails in this episode after lying for years about a vasectomy just makes him look even worse.

Plus, there was just an episode where he was doing the most about his birthday. So I don't understand what his problem was with bow wanting to impress her friends. He's always whining about something.

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