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The Bachelorette in the Media

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 saying that not only was Aaron not even invited to the Family Visit and didn't know about it when it was happening, but that it ended up being at the same time as Packer OTA's, so Rodgers was at work in Green Bay at the time. Unspoken as to WHERE he got that info, but you can probably guess who said it. Sounds like that entire scene might have struck a nerve. Yet, the show and Jordan, acted like Aaron was "missing," and that it was his choice and a slight against the family. They played it up. 

I never took that scene as Aaron being invited at all. Especially when they pointed out they don't have a relationship even before the hometown dates episodes, why would Aaron be invited. The episode prior to the hometown dates, Jordan specifically and out right said Aaron would not be there and listed the family members who would. Jojo even asked if Aaron even knew Jordan was on the show and Jordan didn't know. So how did they act like Aaron was invited and missing? 

Aaron won't see his parents or attend his grandfather's funeral. He has more issues, than Jordan's love life. May be his ESPN reporter friend should watch the show before attacking and actually comment on Aaron's actions towards his family not Jordan's. 

Edited by Artsda
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Frankly, I find both sides a little over the top in their reactions about a situation that no one, unless you know any of these parties personally, truly know about. And I didn't see the reporter's reaction as so over the top unless some parts were edited. He pretty much said Aaron was never invited anyway and that even if he had been, he likely would not have been able to make it due to football commitments. Something clearly happened in that family. Only Jordan, Aaron, the rest of their family and close loved ones and family friends know what that is.

But some are passing judgement like they know for a fact what happened and I think that's a little ridiculous in my opinion. I'm not saying people cannot speculate because that is what often happens here but the vehemence in which some have commented on Aaron, who is not even on this stupid show is crazy to me because no one knows for a fact what happened between these people. YMMV of course. 

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She's now posting articles about the "family feud" on her Facebook page, including an article blaming the whole thing on Olivia Munn. Way to endear yourself to the family you want to join, dipshit. She really is just 25 years old, isn't she?

Wow. That is just...not a way to approach life. That is not her family, regardless or whether or not she picks Jordan, and she doesn't know Aaron or Olivia. Completely in poor taste to post an article referencing the rift, much less one assigning blame. 

ETA: If that isn't, in fact, her page then apologies to Jojo. 

Edited by Jillibean
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1 hour ago, LBS said:

But it's not her actual page.  It's a "public figure" page. 

It doesn't look like JoJo has anything to do with that page. The website that's listed in the "about" section is a random gossip blog.

Say what you will about her, but I believe the real JoJo has enough class not to post gossip stories about the Rodgers family on any of her personal social media. 

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Personally, I like the seasons when the guys pretty much are all infatuated with the lead (definitely Emily, and Jojo too, and of course Trista). That's the setup--the lead has to decide which hearts to break each week, and that's what I like to see happen. I personally don't like the seasons where the guys seem like they aren't that happy to be there for whatever reason, perhaps because the lead is too obvious to them about who she will choose too early or they were disappointed in who was cast as the lead (that would be the majority of Kaitlyn's bachelors, some of Gillian's boys, and Ashley's). One thing Emily's season had going for it too were that the guys seems to be having a lot of bro-fun in a group (hello, men in kilts throwing giant logs challenge). 

Pathetic as I am, I watched Celebrity FamilyFeud this weekend, which featured a Bachelorette team vs a Bachelor team. Andi was the team captain and was just as smug as ever.

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3 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Pathetic as I am, I watched Celebrity FamilyFeud this weekend, which featured a Bachelorette team vs a Bachelor team. Andi was the team captain and was just as smug as ever.

Sadly, I watched it too...loved Andi's face when it was revealed that the number one answer to "name the person you feel most guilty lying to" was "spouse or mate." She said grandmother lol

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On August 2, 2016 at 9:52 AM, portergirl99 said:

Wow. That cover photo of Jordan is .................................... not attractive.  At. All.

Definitely something cartoonish happening with his face there!  

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12 hours ago, Pickles said:

Pictures on Daily Mail of JoJo and Jordan furniture shopping in LA. She is wearing a knit dress with no bra. Yikes. Her boobs look enormous.

Wow, she is full-on beaming at the camera in those pictures, waving, even turning around to keep smiling at the photographers. I think these two are at least united in their love for photographers who want to photograph them. 

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13 hours ago, Pickles said:

Pictures on Daily Mail of JoJo and Jordan furniture shopping in LA. She is wearing a knit dress with no bra. Yikes. Her boobs look enormous.

Yikes, going braless in such a paper-thin dress is not a good look! On the other hand, those that were doubting that JoJo's had a boob job now have a confirmation. 



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On 02/08/2016 at 4:47 PM, Artsda said:

JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers discuss Dallas, the dog and ‘I do’s’



This cracked me up for some reason:


I can’t wait to show him the city, show him the places that I go, show him where he’s going to be grocery shopping.

This is cute though:



What are some of the quirks you’ve discovered about your future spouse?

JoJo: He’s so much weirder than I ever thought he was, and I love it so much. He does a weird accent. He breaks down in song and dance every now and then, which I also do.

Jordan: For the amount that she says she’s not a good dancer, it’s amazing how much she practices around the house indoors. She baby-talks a little bit. And her obsession for refried beans!


Edited by GinnyMars
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22 hours ago, Jillibean said:

Wow, she is full-on beaming at the camera in those pictures...

Full-on high-beaming for sure! Oh, you're not talking about her breasts. I can't make it up to their smiles, so I'll have to take your word for it.

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Ames is the kind of sophisicated, intelligent, and adventurous person that it seems like the bachelor should be.  Someone who is unique, not cookie cutter the same.  The article highlighted his sense of adventure and wonder of life.  I liked him in Ashley's season (but never thought there should have been that boxing match...).  Anyway, cheers to him and his new wife.

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Yeah, I wondered the same.  That article is unintentionally funny to me.  From Ames being "so classically handsome he could be a model for a Ken doll" (???) to "Really special things don't have to happen on top of mountains. They can happen in a pharmacy." (Hmm, okay)

WASP-y, indeed. 

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12 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

"Really special things don't have to happen on top of mountains. They can happen in a pharmacy." (Hmm, okay)

Translation: "I'm certainly rich enough to orchestrate a grand proposal on top of a mountain, but I'm also old money, and my family frowns upon ostentatious displays of wealth, so I chose to be quirky and proposed in a pharmacy."

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I'm no Jordan fan, and he probably is a lying sack of crap famewhore, but I think his ex needs to get over it.  She's just making herself look stupid now.  Be glad that you're rid of him and find someone better.  This posting stuff in the media crap really needs to stop. 

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Exactly.  Maybe her integrity wouldn't be questioned if she didn't start the social media wars.  Oh but when he lied, she just had to speak up because her parents taught her to be honest.  She could have just said "lying sack of shit" and left it at that & not tweet a response.

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On 8/9/2016 at 0:54 AM, Armchair Critic said:

Did Jillian have some work done? I didn't even recognize her.

In the photo, her face is scrunched up, so it might make it harder to recognize her.  But I saw her TV show about remodeling houses and even after several episodes of watching her walking and talking STILL could have been persuaded it wasn't her.

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