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S17.E13: Coronapocalypse


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9 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

Even Michelle Duggar figured this one out.  Of course one of her daughter-slaves had to enter the dates in for her.  Maybe that's something the nanny could do.  Queen Robyn is still in bed.

Speaking of the Nanny, wasn't it widely reported (possibly inaccurately) that the Nanny brought Covid to Robyn's Nest?  Suddenly, it came from the school that the older girls attend, where "protoculs" were not observed. Could this be because thet don't want to acknowledge that they do indeed employ a Nanny and her husband?

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1 hour ago, Kid said:

I have to say that if I had had a son and he was like Gabe, I would have been quite pleased.

Most parents want their kids to do better than they did.  Kody seems to want the opposite - I think he's angry and jealous of his sons.  However, and this drives me crazy - I can't ever see Kody treating Logan or Hunter the way he treats Garrison and particularly Gabe, and they are all his sons from the same mother.  If Kody is scared or intimidated by Logan and Hunter (and he should be), then why does he go after Gabe with such vitriol?  That has never made sense to me.  Kody seems to enjoy knocking his two sons down several pegs whenever he has the chance, and this moron needs to understand - the fact that his grown sons WANT to spend time with him, and he's categorically denying them this, means that eventually they are going to learn to contentedly live life without Kody's presence.  Just because Kody has King Sol as heir to his throne doesn't mean he should be throwing away his relationships with the rest of his sons.  Kody is scum.

33 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I have watched both seasons of The Vow, and Kody reminds me a little of Keith Ranere. He also likes to inflict mental pain with his mean remarks 

Ooh, interesting.  I agree, there's a god complex that they both have (add David Miscavige to that too).  All little men who think extremely highly of themselves, and will not be questioned no matter how convoluted their rules are, and use mental torment and isolation to get what they want.

50 minutes ago, kassa said:

I don't think Gabe's issue was his birthday being forgotten - that was just the salt in the wound of Kody calling him up to gloat about (almost) his entire household having covid, and how awful it was, and how Robyn and the tenders were suffering, and it was what he had been trying to prevent all this time while Gabe and Garrison were laughing it off, and maybe Gabe had it, but nothing like THEY have it, and DOES HE GET IT NOW HOW RIGHT KODY HAD BEEN ALL ALONG?!

The fact that he did it on Gabe's birthday just made it worse. 

ALL OF THIS.  He didn't call Gabe to gain honest information on Covid, he called to rub it in Gabe's face and for the record, it wouldn't surprise me if Kody actually did know it was Gabe's birthday and purposefully delayed saying anything about it.

19 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

I'll add my own thought onto this. I suspect he wants everyone to do as he says, when he says it, but also ONLY the most recent "idea". Within two sentences he has contradicted himself three times and he is expecting them to have blind obedience...but only to his most recent statement. Yet how on earth can you even follow him to know exactly what you need to be obedient to...because he won't even decide and be clear in the decision. And he can barely articulate a well formed sentence or communicate his ideas. It must be maddening.

I have thought this about Kody since season one - the more chaos he creates, the less he actually has to do.  If no one understands what he's doing or where he's going, he doesn't have to deal with those icky female things like jealousy, love, quality time, etc.

12 minutes ago, magemaud said:

And why were he and Robyn sitting on the "bride's side"? 


Since there are empty seats behind Christine and Janelle, I think he sat his real family on the other side on purpose, to make a characteristically ego-driven statement that his widdle fillings got hurt by those two big meanie wives of his.  I don't care if he needed 8 seats together or whatever to seat Robyn and her spawn - he's Logan's dad and should've set aside his temper tantrum to support his son.

Of course, it could've been Logan himself who wanted his parents separated.  If so, bravo.

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59 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I think it's stress.  I believe Robyn is a burden to Kody. The OG wives are independent and can handle their own business.  Robyn and her kids seem very needy. They probably are a drain.  In the old days, Kody used to be able to go wherever he wanted and do whatever he pleased.  I'll never forget the sight of him just bouncing around.  He appeared so much happier.  Now, Robyn won’t let him out of her sight. He isn’t allowed to be gone for more than two nights at a time and is forced to be (gasp) an actual parent. The stress appears to be getting to him. He can barely cope. Hence the anger and aggression.

Kody is also older and tired. He isn't 25 any more with the energy of a 25yrs old. Also the OG wives did a lot more on their worst day than Robyn seems to do on her best. Meri was probably the most emotionally needy one 20yrs ago, but she only had ONE child who was often hanging with their siblings, if Meri had not gotten involved with the catfish, I could see Kody escaping to her house when Robyn got on his nerves.

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3 hours ago, Libby said:

Producers are showing them as they are. They are not covering for them at all. If they start seeming like decent people next season, we'll know that they pushed back on production and got their way.

I am loving the fact that they are not  holding back. They probably hate Kodyvirus'  guts too. I love the juxtaposition of the THs. 

Edited by MsMalin
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Kodyvirus  reminds me.of a manager I used to work with. She always had to target and torment and gaslight someone until they quit. Then she would pick on someone else. She met her match when she targeted me and I went to HR and that was the end of her.

Why would Kody ask Gabe for Covid advice after all of the disagreements they had over it???

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15 hours ago, VioletNevermind said:

Right you are- thank you.  It’s fixed.  I’m terrible with names on a good day and these people have too many kids, lol. 

I was very sad for Gabe.  He seems to have taken Kody's dismissal the hardest.  Robyn should never wear that costume again.  Period.  Kody really seemed the need to one up Robyn and how sick she was.  He is a real attention seeking shit. I don't need to see Robyn's spawn either.  

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16 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

"Loyalty" is code for what exactly? Kody told Janelle eleventy billion times he needed her loyalty without ever defining what that meant! Or maybe she knows the code and is aware of what he's asking for, I was left frustrated and annoyed. Of course I often am when it comes to listening to Kody. He says he is begging Janelle for empathy for his broken heart, but all he talks about is Robyn?

Loyalty is code for siding with him instead of Christine.  Kody no doubt feels betrayed that Janelle will not tolerate any Christine-bashing, also Janelle knew that Christine was planning to leave since Las Vegas and didn't inform him and it was Janelle who told Christine in Las Vegas to buy the house in Flagstaff because she needed to get her finances in order before she actually left Kody.  So I think Kody feels betrayed by Christine actually leaving and he also feels betrayed by what Janelle has done to help Christine.

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16 hours ago, Adeejay said:

 I don’t believe he had an issue with Janelle being too independent when she was helping to support the family, but because she sides with Christine and wants money to build a home, suddenly, she is disloyal.

Yes and Janelle's comment "I just want my estate" might be a clue that Janelle has a similar plan to get her financial ducks in a row so that she can also make her exit. 

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14 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

Wow, watching this asshole Kody makes my blood boil!! I do not understand how the hell is Janelle okay with how he treats her kids?? Especially Gabe! She is telling Kody he is her best friend and she wants to stay with him!! Omg, if any man treated my son/kids like that, my mama bear would castrate them!! I don't care if he is the bio dad!! That makes it even worse!! Why is she okay with this?? Everyone keeps saying she's so smart and such a strong woman, I don't see that, because she sees and hears the way he treats her kids, yet she doesn't do anything about it. I think maybe it's low self esteem or maybe she doesn't think she can have a better life and meet someone else. It doesn't show her ever putting him in his place. She stays silent when he's there in person.  In her talking head she will say things, but not to him. It's frustrating to see her not defend her kids. Sobbyn sure did a number on him, now they are both the "victims" in this mess. He is so blind to see how she destroyed the whole family!! And she has him believing that she is the one being bullied!! I hope they both read all the comments on Instagram and Reddit. I hear rumors that Janelle has left him, I hope it's true. He was totally trying to manipulate her into leaving just like Christine did. Notice when she says she wants to make it work with him, he gets all quiet and doesn't know what to say, like he's bugged that his efforts to push her away isn't working. That was their plan all along, to check off all of the wives, one by one, so they can be together just the two of them and Sobbyn's kids. They're probably planning on giving away the extra lots on CP to Sobbyn's adult children. I hope TLC cancels Kody and Sobbyn. 

Or Janelle has an exit plan.  I am catching up on all the prior seasons and am currently watching season 14 when they moved to Flagstaff.  All during the Las Vegas years and during season 14 Christine is putting up a front even though she has already made up her mind to leave.  Janelle told Christine to make sure she got her finances in order before leaving, it stands to reason for me then that Janelle would do the same before she decided to leave. 

I don't know that Kody would want Janelle to leave.  It seems like Janelle has always been a huge financial contributor to the family money fund. 

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10 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Hey Kody, Janelle and Christine had 20 more years of history together under many different experiences, that is why they are close. Why can't you get that into your thick skull?

I found it really interesting that Robyn didn't want to live in the one big house.  She espouses the one big family theme endlessly, complains that her children are not mothered? by the rest of the wives like the older children were and yet when push comes to shove she doesn't want the experience of having the whole family under one roof.  Isn't that what she claims to have wanted all along?  I would have thought she would have jumped at the opportunity to be in everyone's face constantly.  That and the comment of one of the other wives (I forget which one) that Robyn had always been a bit distant.  How do you connect with someone who is distant with you?  (Even if you wanted to?)

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48 minutes ago, procrasstinator said:

I found it really interesting that Robyn didn't want to live in the one big house.  She espouses the one big family theme endlessly, complains that her children are not mothered? by the rest of the wives like the older children were and yet when push comes to shove she doesn't want the experience of having the whole family under one roof.  Isn't that what she claims to have wanted all along?  I would have thought she would have jumped at the opportunity to be in everyone's face constantly.  That and the comment of one of the other wives (I forget which one) that Robyn had always been a bit distant.  How do you connect with someone who is distant with you?  (Even if you wanted to?)

Thats because when you are an adult living with other adults there is compromise on things. (the reason the Lehi house worked as well as it did was there was a bit of separation with the wings, from what I have seen most plural families live that way, compared to each wife just having a bedroom and sharing the rest of the space with the other adults)

Robyn didn't want additional mothers, she wanted caregivers she didn't have to pay. When you are paying for caregiving there are boundaries that there are not in familial relationships. Essentially Robin wanted to have her cake and eat it too.

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1 hour ago, procrasstinator said:

Loyalty is code for siding with him instead of Christine.

I think it's also siding with him instead of her boys, Garrison and Gabe. And that just now occurred to me. He wants to be right about everything, even when he changes his mind about what that actually is. And he is pissed at Janelle's boys for not agreeing with or following his covid protoculls. Be loyal to ME, Janelle, and force them to apologize and grovel so you can prove that loyalty. Blech. He's a shit.

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5 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Robyn didn't want additional mothers, she wanted caregivers she didn't have to pay. When you are paying for caregiving there are boundaries that there are not in familial relationships. Essentially Robin wanted to have her cake and eat it too.

I doubt she wanted even that.  I am just now realizing how much deception is going on in these shows.  What the characters are saying and what they mean are two (usually) vastly different things.  I don't think Robyn really wanted additional mothers or free caregivers I think she got what she wanted a monopoly on Kody's attention, legal status as his wife, the illusion of financial security? and domestic help that she can boss around.  What I should have said in my post was that Robyn didn't do a very good job of upholding her image by not at least pretending to love the one house idea.

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6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

This one is rough.

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Season 17 – “Coronapocalypse.”  Alternate title, “Kody Brown: It’s All About Me.  Always.  And Don't You Forget It.”

Sigh…..I love to recap.  I love to write, and I love snark.  But this episode was triggering in so many ways and my ability to snark might not meet my own high expectations.  Because once again, Kody Brown has managed to stun me to the point of not even knowing what to say.

BUT – here we go.  Apologies for the length but a lot of sh!t hit a lot of fans. 

Previously on SW – Kody spouts off some misogynistic crap he learned on HeManWomanHatersClub.com.  Something about how all women are bad and there’s no love without respect, blah blah.  This is only the first 15 seconds of the show and he’s already showing his ass.  He’s only getting warmed up, folks.  Strap in.

We begin with a short Robyn segment where she wrinkles her sperm eyebrows and pretend rages that if Kody doesn’t get his crap together, he’s going to ruin every single marriage he has – hers being the unspoken exception, of course.  Whatever, lady – take several seats, we’ll see you plenty later on.

Look!  Truely is actually allowed into her dad’s house!  At least this one time, anyway!  Kody asks Truely if she brought her pajamas and she replies that she did not – she tells this strange man that her mother said it was up to her if she wanted to stay the night, and she clearly does not want to.  Kody asks her if she wants to help him “work” because he has zero idea how to interact with this child, and also probably because he knows she’ll say no and then he can whine that he tried.  Ari, meanwhile, tries to tackle Truely to the ground and has to be warned by Robyn to take it easy…this girl definitely runs that house, not that I ever doubted it.  We see an outside drone shot of Robyn’s castle, and I had to pause it a few times – this HOUSE.  Did you look in the windows?!  Every windowsill is loaded with tchotchkes, and the basement looks to be filled floor to ceiling with boxes.  When we’re treated to a brief look inside the house, there’s not one square foot that doesn’t have a mishmash of Hobby Lobby 50% clearance items taking up space.  One of her built-in living room shelves is literally crammed with enough figurines to stock a second-hand shop.  Maybe when this show finally tanks, Robyn can get a guest appearance on Hoarders. 

Next up is a LONG segment with Janelle and Kody going out to eat at Fat Olive’s, the place that gives its customers 50 sliced lemons free with appetizer.  Janelle wants to “soothe the waters” with Kody, because it’s been a rough summer.  While Kody squeezes a lemon into his water with his mask dangling stupidly from one ear, Janelle broaches the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.  Kody says that if the family gathers, he’s not going to keep quiet about the disrespect he’s gotten from certain family members, and we all know he’s talking about Gabe and Garrison.  He says that no one who harbors any animosity towards him and Robyn gets an invite to dinner unless he gets some serious groveling and apologizing from them.  Robyn’s fake-concerned face pops up and she whines that she didn’t even know that Kody was going to ask the boys to apologize to her, but that they were indeed texting her and blaming her for the fact that their dad wanted nothing to do with them for the duration of the pandemic, but it’s certainly not her fault because she loves them, and seriously – shut up, Robyn.  For real, stop.  You’re an idiot.

Basically, Kody’s warped thought process is, if the members of his family cannot defer to him as Supreme Leader, then they can take a hike, and that includes Janelle.  Janelle grows a backbone in an interview and drops a truth-bomb – per Kody, Robyn is the victimized saint and everyone has been such a big meanie to her, but Janelle says that Robyn kept herself separate from the beginning.  Back at the lemon restaurant, Kody gets all up in Janelle’s face and I physically recoil in my chair and nearly spill my wine as I reach out to slap him out of her personal space.  He Manson-eyes her and says that they have never lived like a married couple.  Janelle is all, “dude!  You were never around!  If I wanted anything done I had to do it myself and you were cool with that for 30 years – now all of a sudden, you want to claim your Lordship over your household when you’re never even here?”  Kody whines that Janelle does things without his input and she’s like, I’ve been doing that for the entirety of our marriage and now suddenly, that doesn’t work for you?  Kody starts listing the things that Janelle has done to erase his title as Headship, like visit their grown kids without him (he wouldn’t have gone anyway) and buy and RV (he never helped her look for something to rent).  Regarding the RV, he grouches about how he doesn’t want dogs and dog hair in his bed, and I’m like – sir? You don’t shed copious amounts of crunchy extensions on every pillow you lay your permed head upon?  Please.  This whole stupid and lengthy conversation comes down to brass tacks because what Kody really wants is Janelle’s allegiance regarding his divorce to Christine.  Kody interviews that he’s currently experiencing divorce heartbreak (even though he’s told us several times that he loathes everything about Christine) and he demands fealty from Janelle, which she’s not about to give.  They also both question if they want to continue going forward as a family.  For the love, Janelle needs to peace out – and if she hasn’t after what we are about to see, she can go jump headfirst into Plague Pond after a sewage flood for all I care.

Because now it’s Gabe’s turn.

But first, Kody tells us that, 20 months into the “coronapocalypse” (give me a break, drama queen – yes, the pandemic has been/is absolutely horrific.  But now that it’s hit the only few people you really care about, it’s time to turn it up to 11 and coin it the apocalypse?), it’s hit the most careful people in the entire world – Kody and Robyn Brown and their kids.  We see a stranger in a black hoodie coughing, and it takes me a second to realize it’s Robyn – without her eyebrows, I didn’t recognize her.  She’s sick – and forgive me, I have to bring this up – but not sick enough to stop filming herself being sick.  Kody moans that he doesn’t even know what day it is because he’s been so busy taking care of everyone else but you guys, he’s sick too and he has every single symptom of Covid and some that I’ve never heard of (later he tells us, no lie, that his ASS muscles hurt).  So with Kody going out of his mind with worry over Robyn, he calls Gabe, because Gabe’s had Covid.

He calls Gabe – on Gabe’s birthday.  And I KNEW this was going to be bad, but….

Gabe relates how Kody called him to ask questions about Covid.  Gabe tells us that he really wanted to remind his father that it was his birthday but also wanted to see if Kody remembered.  Shocker - Kody did not.  And then Gabe, this man-child, breaks down, sobbing.  SOBBING.  THIS is real emotion, Robyn, if you ever want to compare your pretend dry-cries to a person who is actually clearly broken.  THIS is what Kody is doing to every member of his extended family in one way or another.  I have a son near Gabe’s age and if anyone made him this despondent, they would be answering to my earth-scorching rage.  It’s SO hard to watch – this kid, once the tears start, he can’t stop them.  And while I am also tearing up watching this play out, I am silently applauding Gabe for allowing himself to be filmed during a deeply personal and vulnerable moment, because there’s probably no other way to make Kody see what he’s done to his son.  Dear Gabe – I hope you do what you need to do to heal.  I honestly hope you end up okay.  Sincerely, all of us watching.

Gabe tells us that Kody did eventually call back to wish him happy birthday because Janelle probably texted Kody to remind him, but Gabe says that phone call – in October of 2021 – was his last communication with his dad.

So let’s wrap this up with the Coronavirus-Nineteen-‘Pocalypse or whatever Kody’s calling it now. 

They all have it, except Aurora, who – upon learning that despite her dad’s extreme protoculls, it got into their mansion anyway – shuts herself in her room and doesn’t come out.  After 10 days, Kody tells us that Aurora came upstairs crying that she missed her family.  Aurora?  Why don’t you give your step-brother Gabe a call and ask him how he handles not seeing his family?  Just a thought.  Not that I blame Aurora completely – she’s been brainwashed by her parents for a decade.  Plus I’m certain that Kody pushed the doom and gloom narrative of Covid upon those kids so hard that they were probably afraid to breathe in public. 

Because now Kody’s sitting in his car outside the ER where his Queen is currently waiting to be seen by a doctor, wondering if he should check himself into the hospital and perform his own chest x-ray in order to be close to Robyn, but – in a rare and fleeting moment of clarity – realized that it might not be a good idea because other people might actually be sicker than he is.  Wow, Kody.  You think?  I mean, with your ass hurting and all, you might be the second sickest person next to Robyn, that is.  So brave.

Robyn manages to once again film herself from the ER and says that it’s a struggle to breathe (but not, apparently, to film herself).  Her tests come back normal and she’s released, and I don’t want to talk about Robyn anymore.  We see Brianne and Aurora on the couch, and Brianne looks identical to her mother as she does the patented face-scrunch, talking about how scared she was and again, I don’t blame her, as I’m sure Kody did his very best to tell Brianne that Covid likely got into their extra-protected home via her going to school.  Unfortunately we keep getting Kody’s dumb face interspersed during all of this, telling us about his brain fog, and how he didn’t even shower for three days, and how his trapezoid muscles hurt in addition to his gluteus maximus, etc.  Etc.  Etc.  Etc.  Etc………..

I swear I am going to get to the end of this recap.

In a Kody non-sequitur, he tells us how he drove past Christine’s house and had to remove his hoodie because it was choking him in his rage.  Huh?  What – you know what, never mind.  Moving on.

With the Covid disaster behind them, it’s now Halloween and Kody dresses up like King Tut and Robyn as Cleopatra so Prince Sol and Princess Ariabelliobla can trick-or treat in their very own yard.  What fun!  I wonder if Kody took any of his other kids trick-or treating?  See?  He is an involved dad!  It just depends on which kids you ask.

He sucks.

The End.

P.S. I forgot, Meri also showed up to collect her $147.85 royalty check in a self-filmed talking head.  She must have a contract that insists she appear on the show for a minimum of 5 seconds per episode.  Whatever.

Thank you do much for thr recap., I couldn't bring myself to watch. Used to be a rerun on Monday evening at a earlier time not today... form what I see the comments and recap did all I need to know ...just kill this show now! I'd watch Christine and Janelle on their own for a year or two and the grown kids and their families as long as no Kootie or Sybbon...

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Nah, that is Aurora.

If it weren’t for the TV show putting them all in the public eye for now, I would bet money ROBYN would groom her daughter for this. The family tree is already a wreath, and although I have never picked up child predator vibes from Kody, ROBYN is all kinds of shady. 

1 hour ago, procrasstinator said:

I found it really interesting that Robyn didn't want to live in the one big house.  She espouses the one big family theme endlessly, complains that her children are not mothered? by the rest of the wives like the older children were and yet when push comes to shove she doesn't want the experience of having the whole family under one roof.  Isn't that what she claims to have wanted all along?  I would have thought she would have jumped at the opportunity to be in everyone's face constantly.  That and the comment of one of the other wives (I forget which one) that Robyn had always been a bit distant.  How do you connect with someone who is distant with you?  (Even if you wanted to?)

One of the primary textbook actions that abusive partners do is isolate their prey from their family. Robyn did everything she could to separate Kody from everyone else and he’s too dumb and vain to realize it. Heck he prob even wanted it. But Robin is bat crap crazy and I would not put anything past her. 

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18 hours ago, Adeejay said:

 “Robyn is perfect, Robyn is great, Robyn treats me the way I'm supposed to be treated.”  Egotistical blow hard!  So, after almost 30 years, Kody is now wondering if he and Janelle are a good fit.  Janelle was always allowed to make her own decisions and he was okay with that. Now, he is changing the rules to justify pushing her out.  I don’t think he wants her to be a better communicator or to be more loyal; he wants her to be submissive like Robyn.  Someone should probably tell him that loyalty and being submissive are not the same.  I don’t believe he had an issue with Janelle being too independent when she was helping to support the family, but because she sides with Christine and wants money to build a home, suddenly, she is disloyal.

Agree with everything you said here. I guess it's easy for Robyn to be submissive when she's getting her way. I would be submissive too, to my own plans. She just makes him think it's his idea and he's getting his way.

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Am I mis-remembering, or was the Nanny's case of Covid just a scare for the family but nobody contracted it? I read that they all had gathered for Ariella's birthday which would have been in January then afterwards it was determined the Nanny had exposed everyone to Covid. I'm sure it was mentioned last season. Last night we learned that Kody and Robyn tested positive in October. 

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2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Am I mis-remembering, or was the Nanny's case of Covid just a scare for the family but nobody contracted it? I read that they all had gathered for Ariella's birthday which would have been in January then afterwards it was determined the Nanny had exposed everyone to Covid. I'm sure it was mentioned last season. Last night we learned that Kody and Robyn tested positive in October.

Yeah, that was an earlier situation. That was the time they all went and got tested in the car and Kody was particularly disgusting about it. That scene still makes me want to throw up.

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19 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Some of the TH scenes appear to be in response to someone else’s TH.  I really wish the producers would have shown Kody Gabe’s TH and filmed Kody’s reaction. I’d really like to know if Kody felt any remorse whatsoever.    I’d like them to have then shown both TH scenes to Janelle 

I see that as a tell-all possibility.  If it isn’t, it should be,

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18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Unless, Kody is faking a lot of his bizarre behavior, I wonder if he might have something wrong….I mean really wrong.  Like maybe he needs a full neurological work up.  When he was debating over going into the ER….I thought it might have been a good idea. , but not for covid. There are some neurological disorders that cause people to lose it, like he’s been doing. Even a vitamin deficiency can cause cognition issues.  He might have been annoying before, but this is to a whole other level. Plus, Janelle talked about things she told him, yet he has no memory if it. Plus,  forgetting birthdays, forgetting kids ages, mixing up what he’s said before and to whom, emotional outbursts, depression, etc…….it should be checked out.  

Sounds like menopause. 

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With all the talk about Kodouche and his relationship with Gabe and the others, I must remind that, in many polygamist communities, the young men are actually banished from the community, lest they interfere with child brides with the older men.  In his own way, Kodouche is doing exactly that with his sons.

Edited by b2H
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4 minutes ago, Hanya2 said:

I love that Truely is a reader, and didn't bring pajamas, but did bring several books to read to pass the afternoon at Cody's. It looked like one of the books was The Maze Runner, which is a great level Young Adult science fiction book for her to be reading.

Sorry, I just jump for joy when I spot fellow readers who don't go anywhere without a book.

Lovely thought but I fear Princess Pest is much too hyper to have let Truely get a few seconds alone, much less time to read. 

Edited by Soup333
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I watched the episode. For a supposedly happy family, Robin's house seems filled with a ton of anxiety. Aurora and Brianna were far more emotional than the situation warranted, and I'm really curious who convinced them that mom might really die when the odds of her surviving were super high. Robyn never even landed on oxygen and the girls were still in tears during an interview clearly filmed after Robyn got better. I felt bad for them because someone clearly has them all worked up.

Kody did seem to be trying with Truely. I will give him that. But he sucks otherwise. And I guess Meri wasn't invited to Halloween, despite kissing their asses for months. That should tell you something about Gabe's odds of being included.

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OMG - I can't believe that preview where Jenelle walks off because she doesn't want to sit there and be yelled at by Kody and Kody is telling her "it's a really bad idea for you to walk off on this one".  Is Jenelle supposed to submit to Kody having a temper tantrum directed at her?  Does he ever consider his responsibility to everyone else in his whole family other than Robyn's?  (Obviously we don't think he does.)  People on the forum are wondering if there is something terribly wrong with him - he is showing the absolute worst side of himself in the scenes with everyone else and also in his THs.  Normal people might try to conceal the worst sides of themselves - especially if it's being filmed for others to see, but he doesn't.  AT ALL.  I would say he has problems with almost all of the older children - as they grow up they can see for themselves what he's like based on how he's treated them and their mothers and form judgements of their own.  If those judgements are negative, then he blames the mothers for that - not the fact that he has not behaved in an exemplary way.  The two youngest children don't know any better, and Robyn's daughters have been groomed by Robyn to suck up to Kody.  

Edited by whydoievencare
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I have watched both seasons of The Vow, and Kody reminds me a little of Keith Ranere. He also likes to inflict mental pain with his mean remarks 

They both have really shitty hair...


Lovely thought but I fear Princess Pest is much too hyper to have let Truely get a few seconds alone, much less time to read. 

If only she had a room of her own, or even a space shared with a sister. Truely should have said "I didn't bring pajamas because I don't have a place to sleep here."

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4 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

Robin is clearly needy, a victim, a hypochondriac, etc. While I think she made the right move going to the hospital, I think I'd be a little embarrassed at the gasping, dramatic, woe is me / what if I dont see me kids again, when all the tests were fine and she was sent home same day.  Esp when Kody's ass is hurting  ! 😁

Don't forget, she was wasting away.🙄

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2 hours ago, dariafan said:

Who was looking after the prince and princess while kody was parked outside the hospital ?  Aurora was in a different part of the house.   Did they make meri make a blood oath to not tell anyone they let her in ?

That's the NANNY'S job!!  Not old Meri.  Only if she brought a sack of cash!  Then they MIGHT let her in.....

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20 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Don't get me wrong, I think its horrible Kody forgot Gabe's birthday...

...but I thought every family 'secretly' texted everyone with reminders of whoever's birthday it is. Just my family?

Oh and as mentioned above - Ari and Sol. If they did a Tell All with those two, I'm sure they know everything, even more than we do.

We do!  I remind my friends of other friends’ birthdays too, because people get busy, health problems, marital problems, job problems, stress of life and you just get distracted.  The next day, you see the reminder and hate you missed it.  

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That Halloween scene was ridiculous and for so many reasons.  The first would be the outfits Kody and Robyn were wearing.  They seriously looked like shit. 

And I don't understand keeping the kids from trick (or trunk) and treating ... they are out in the world, going to school, right?  Masking, distancing, whatever.  I'm sure there could have been a way to let them go door-to-door at least a little.  I see no legitimate need to do it the way they did ...  

.... unless Kody just wanted to showcase what an *awesome* mom Robyn is, of course.  Because she is always all about the kids, making sure they have a great!!!!!!! time!!!!!!!!!!  Look at the cool plan she came up with !!!!!  Yeah, Christine, suck on THAT!  Robyn is a great mom!!!!! She is!!!!  She is!!!!!         bleh, spare me

On a positive note, I did get a kick out of Aurora's hippie costume and set up, with her in the back of her "van," complete with hanging tapestries and a dream catcher, playing guitar and dispensing candy to the little "soul seachers."   

Hopefully they planned more for the kids than running to a car and a couple of doors.  That probably took five minutes.  Maybe make a little party, roast some weanies?  I don't know, maybe Kody didn't have time to script it for Robyn the kids were happy with what they got.

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On 12/4/2022 at 8:01 PM, VioletNevermind said:

Oh, and Kody tells Janelle that he feels “rejected” by her?  All aboard the Gaslight Express!


Kody: We haven't been acting like a married couple for 30 years.

Me: Then why didn't you say anything before now? Oh, right...because you were waiting for the right time to punish Janelle for his "disloyalty."

Speaking of disloyalty, that creeped my shit out. He seems to define loyalty as his wives putting him first, at all times and in all circumstances (no matter how unreasonable he's acting), even ahead of their own children.

Any deviation from this expectation, for whatever reasons (even requiring housing or necessary surgery for your kid) is an immediate rejection of Kody and grounds for shunning.

You just know that whiny, narcissistic gasbag has been storing up grievances for years.

Edited by the-grey-lady
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8 hours ago, magemaud said:

And why were he and Robyn sitting on the "bride's side"? 


My explanation is that Logan can’t have a major life milestone without Robyn being late to it and Kody wasn’t allowed to wear a too short kilt or officiate this wedding, so he had to settle for being late so he could make a dramatic entrance and get the most attention possible, so those were the closest seats available when they arrived.  

Back to the episode, I feel like that trifling trick-or-treat nonsense was done just for filming because Kody’s “Precious Moments” family is fairly boring unless he’s flipping out about something, so it was filler. Robyn, Aurora, and Briana can only “no tears” cry so many times.  Day’un is MIA, Solomon is probably trying to get some sleep before little Aerosol Can throws a rave later that night keeping whole house up. 

The Covid protuculls only matter when Kody doesn’t has to see the rest of the family.  He was probably ok with them going to strangers’ houses.  Plus there’s no way he wanted to waste that sleeveless King Tut costume on just Robyn.  He might be on the prowl for a new wife that has a positive checking account balance and a credit score greater than 5. 

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1 hour ago, whydoievencare said:

 People on the forum are wondering if there is something terribly wrong with him - he is showing the absolute worst side of himself in the scenes with everyone else and also in his THs.  Normal people might try to conceal the worst sides of themselves - especially if it's being filmed for others to see, but he doesn't.  

Well, see, here's the thing.  Nice Kootie does not bring in viewers.  People are watching this crap and eating it up.  He's already sold his soul (and that of his harem and the eleventy seven illegitimate children) to TLC.  The absolute worst of himself directly relates to increased ratings.  He needs the show, he needs the money.  There is nothing wrong with him other than greed and the need to keep the shitshow running.  And as long as people watch, he gets a paycheck.

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