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S17.E03: The Labors of Life


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3 minutes ago, waterytart said:

Nobody else here but me?

I'm here. I might fall asleep though!

Here's what pissed me off the worst. Kodwad being so pissy and sour grapes, which BTW, I do not think is scripted. Kody is a straight up diva caliber bitch. His inference that he is as good as it gets made me yell. I dont actually do that often.

Edited by Art Of Noiz
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5 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I made comments in the Live thread.   An additional thought is that I don’t understand why Robyn needed Mykelti’s help in Utah  more than Christine did- who had a newborn.  Has Robyn ever raised her children without an additional helper living with her? 

It makes me wonder if Jessop's family had to help her. Or her sister Lisa, Mindy's mom. Robyn didn't have babies in UT. At that point,, all she had were  Preston's kids, all in school. 

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Kody - what a jerk. Tells Christine he doesn't want to be "intimate on any level" then wonders why she wants to bail.

His lame butt defines intimacy as "trust and attraction." Doesn't seem to understand that there are many ways of being intimate for a couple who loves one another. He's in it for the control aspect; I'm certain of it. He hates to lose control, even over someone he has no more interest in being intimate with.

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Kody still thinks Christine is bluffing, she can't be anymore clear that its over. His bafflement at the whole situation is baffling me divorce is not unheard of in plural marriage, she was clearly unhappy wiith you

I thought Christine was saying it was up to the girls to arrange their Covid tests but Kody the eternal victim seemed to interpret that as he was supposed to book the tests and Christine was being vindictive by not doing it.

I love how Covid showed Christine (and maybe Janelle to a certain extent) that she doesn't need Kody. I wonder if any of this would have happened without Covid or would she just be muddling along still. Janelle putting it to him, just how long are you going to keep this up got a cheer from me, it is nonsense, hes not immunocompromised he just likes putting arbitrary rules in place to show hes in charge.

His whining about how its cold and inconvenient for him to see the children outside is such nonsense like you don't need to be outside for hours, go for 5 minutes or if thats too inconvenient, you stay in the house and have them talk to you 6 feet away through a door/window.

Poor Meri, I thought all the tributes to her Mom were lovely. I hope Meri is able to grieve her passing and not dwell on that she wasn't there in time.


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I thought I remembered from earlier seasons that the relationship between Mykelti and Christine wasn't always so great, so maybe Robyn filled a gap. I remember Christine not being all that excited when Mykelti first talked about marrying Tony, and I think there was some angst when Mykelti left college as well and maybe even in high school? I just remember there being issues, and it seemed at times like Aspyn was more Christine's favorite. Maybe that is why Mykelti drifted over towards Robyn and became close to her. 

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5 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I was confused and probably misheard but did Mykelti and Christine tell Robyn to make sure she put clothes on during FaceTime because they were filming? Does Robyn forget to wear clothes, did Mykelti just word it weird, or did I mishear because I was too busy hating Kody? 

That’s exactly what she said. It was odd.

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Was Mykelti telling Robyn she had time to change out of her pajamas and shower?

I somehow missed Kody saying he is as good as it gets. I guess having 4 women vying for his attention for years contributed to his already big head.

As much as Christine is a great mom and raised some great kids, I don't think she was ever a great mom of teens. She even said in this episode or last, Ysabel and her needed to be away from each other. Also wasn't Mykelti the original rebel teen daughter then Maddie followed suit, or was it the other way around?

Edited by GeeGolly
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When Kody was making a big deal about how if Ysabel chose to go back to in person school, it meant he wouldn’t be able to see her (forget all the brilliant suggestions by Janelle and you all here)…it’s not like he was seeing her when she was at home doing online school FOR A YEAR before schools opened back up anyway.  So if she chose to continue online school now, how would that change Kody’s visiting behaviors? (Rhetorical question. It wouldn’t, because he would still blame Christine’s travels.)

What a jerk for making this about Ysabel and her choice, instead of admitting it’s his issue with Christine that makes him stay away.

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22 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

As much as Christine is a great mom and raised some great kids, I don't think she was ever a great mom of teens. She even said in this episode or last, Ysabel and her needed to be away from each other. Also wasn't Mykelti the original rebel teen daughter then Maddie followed suit, or was it the other way around?

Mykelti's younger than Maddie, so I'm not sure -- but Aspyn also went and lived at Robyn's for a while in Vegas because she and Christine weren't getting along. That was surprising at the time because of Christine's rep as a super mom to all the kids and no one really liking Robyn generally. But she does seem to have good relationships with Christine's two older girls. (And Christine, for all her personal jealousy, seems very magnanimous about that and kind to Robyn. So I struggle to believe she was ever mean TO Robyn. I think she complained to Kody about how much attention he gave to Robyn and her kids and in his usual failure to grasp anything nuanced or emotionally complex, he took that as her being "mean.") 

Edited by taragel
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28 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

As much as Christine is a great mom and raised some great kids, I don't think she was ever a great mom of teens. She even said in this episode or last, Ysabel and her needed to be away from each other.

This doesnt surprise me though. Christine is an excellent caregiver and very nurturing (which is why she was so good as the primary caregiver when the kids were younger) but that doesnt mean she had the personality type to guide teens into adulthood. I could see the kids feeling very stifled and smothered by Christine (although of course they knew she loved them, and they her) because she was "treating them like a baby". What people need from their parents at 5 is not what they need at 15. Usually if people are really great at one life stage they weren't excellent at another. I am not surprised AT ALL that Christine had personality conflicts with her kids as they got older and no longer "did as they were told" and obeyed her because she was the adult, and she met their basic needs. It doesnt mean the kids were little disrespectful assholes or anything, they were just becoming different people than Christine was.

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1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

I was confused and probably misheard but did Mykelti and Christine tell Robyn to make sure she put clothes on during FaceTime because they were filming? Does Robyn forget to wear clothes, did Mykelti just word it weird, or did I mishear because I was too busy hating Kody? 

I think it was just Christine and Mykelti saying "heads up, we're filming for the show.  You've got time to get yourself camera ready"

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9 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I made comments in the Live thread.   An additional thought is that I don’t understand why Robyn needed Mykelti’s help in Utah  more than Christine did- who had a newborn.  Has Robyn ever raised her children without an additional helper living with her? 

I've been watching old shows of Sister Wives and saw that way back when, Robyn had Mindy (her niece) helping her.  And later, of course, the nanny.  I don't get it.  If she doesn't work, why does she need help?  Would the money be better spend on this huge family?

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43 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

As much as Christine is a great mom and raised some great kids, I don't think she was ever a great mom of teens. She even said in this episode or last, Ysabel and her needed to be away from each other. Also wasn't Mykelti the original rebel teen daughter then Maddie followed suit, or was it the other way around?

Mykelti was definitely the rebel daughter.  Very flighty, spontaneous, immature.  Maddie and Mykelti are just 6 months apartment, but there was a huge difference when each announced their plans to marry.  Everyone was happy for Maddie, but thought Mykelti was rushing the marriage as she and Tony only knew each other 5 months before they decided to get married.  They wanted to marry in August, but Kody convinced them to wait until December. 

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I would never want to be filmed partially nude, in labor. I also didn’t want anyone but my husband and medical staff around me. Kody continues to be an evil jerk and no one ever comments that all video calls are him and Robyn together. 
I feel bad for Meri and I hope she remarries and never speaks to Kody again. Also:I think the Brown kids who have partners and/or spouses have all found loving people who are nothing like Kody. Good for them.

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Sobbyn sittin' there looking smug on the conference call pissed me off.  I caught her 🙄 face and wanted to reach thru my TV and slap her silly.

Kootie was his usual assholey self; no surprise there.  If I hear "protoCULLS" one more time, I'll scream!  

No way would I have a baby on TV!  I think it was Tony not wanting Kootie to watch Mykelti giving birth, and I don't blame him.  Too bad Sobbyn was invited to witness the event.  I do remember Aspyn living with Sobbyn at one point.  They called it a "polygamy perk."  Was Mykelti sent to be a mother's helper to Sobbyn so Sob could monopolize Kootie even before they married?  I wonder who actually came up with that idea.

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First of all I don't care to see Mykelti giving birth. Second, why does Christine keep saying that Mykel and Tony are the perfect couple? A great team, a united couple, blah blah. What do they do that is so special? Tony is still a weirdo. Just because his sperm works doesn't make him some super duper husband. 

I was so pissed watching that zoom call. Mariah not saying a word because she obviously means nothing to this family. Sobbyn sitting next to Kody of course, afraid to open her mouth. She is very calculated about everything she says. It's almost as if she's afraid to go against Kody for fear of his backlash. Then you have Christine acting all happy and chipper like all is well with the world. She must be back on her happy pills again. 

I'm surprised at the closeness of Mykelti and Sobbyn. It seems like the boys in the family have a problem with Sobbyn and the girls get along with her. Strange. 

Kody= it's too cold to sit outside and visit my daughter. What in the ever loving fekkin' hell is wrong with this guy? 

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1 hour ago, Cancun said:

What a jerk for making this about Ysabel and her choice, instead of admitting it’s his issue with Christine that makes him stay away.

The constant gaslighting from Kody to his kids is really disgusting and he should be deeply ashamed, but we know he's not capable of experiencing that particular emotion......but for him to proclaim to be shocked that his older kids prefer the company of their friends rather than their dad isn't at all surprising when you consider he hasn't maintained a relationship with them for years.  Why on earth would any of his kids stay distanced from their friends on the off-chance that Big Daddy might stop by for a half-hour a week from next Thursday?  Kody needs to stop thinking that he's the glue holding this family together.  None of them are that into you anymore, "dad."

47 minutes ago, mytmo said:

For Kody not to be there for Meri and at least driving her to see her mother is inexcusable.  

There was a talking head of Kody wearing a tie and sitting in what looked like Lizzy's Old Timey Inn, so I assume he was there for the funeral, but there's no way Robyn would allow Kody to drive Meri to Utah on what could've been an open-ended visit....Sol and Ari can't function for longer than 12 hours if Kody's not there, you know.  But again, Kody is a disgusting human being for constantly dropping the ball on the rare occasions that his family really does need him.  But pretty soon, his phone won't be ringing at all except for Robyn calling from her upstairs boudoir, asking Kody to bring her tea and cookies after her second nap of the day.

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Who watches this show to watch someone give birth???  Not me!  There was entirely TOO MUCH time spent on this, but I guess the only other thing to show is a fractured family arguing amongst themselves. 

And it's ridiculous when they show us how "EXPIRED" all their story lines are by flashing the date (from Spring 2021). 

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26 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

First of all I don't care to see Mykelti giving birth. Second, why does Christine keep saying that Mykel and Tony are the perfect couple? A great team, a united couple, blah blah. What do they do that is so special? Tony is still a weirdo. Just because his sperm works doesn't make him some super duper husband. 

I agree if I never see another birth on this show, it will be too soon.  I honestly don’t know that Tony is so over the top great but I think he is seemingly supportive of Mykelti, which is a lot more that Kodster ever was, so I think some of it is Kody set the bar so damn low any halfway normal acting husband is terrific.  Christine didn’t know some men could be bastards, but she knows now.  It’s also probably a perk that it probably ticks Kody off that even the least favored son-in-law is deemed a good husband while he’s not.

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I think what Kody doesn't get with his digs about how Christine will be no happier without him is that Covid gave her the chance to experience life without him so she knows pretty much what shes getting into.

The clip from the end where Kody wants 50/50 custody reminded me so much of this scene from The League, Kody has absolutely no intention of parenting Truly any more than he is currently

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Not only did Christine learn how to get along without Kody so did all the children still living at home.

No more family get togethers . No listening to their father blither on and dispense his “wisdom “. They learned just where they fell on the family pecking order and made their choices accordingly.

Kody still doesn’t get that his teenage kids would much rather see their friends than him. Just like most teenagers.

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3 hours ago, Shauna said:

I've been watching old shows of Sister Wives and saw that way back when, Robyn had Mindy (her niece) helping her.  And later, of course, the nanny.  I don't get it.  If she doesn't work, why does she need help?  Would the money be better spend on this huge family?

There’s been talk about Robyn’s need for help in the home for years.  I’m not implying she has an issue, but I wonder if she struggles with an ailment that incapacitates her for some reason.  Some people with migraines must go to bed and can’t get out for days. There are other ailments that render a person unable to care for their family too.   I’m just wondering…..this would also explain why Mykelti told her to get dressed for the Zoom.  Maybe, she isn’t able to do that a lot.  

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Second, why does Christine keep saying that Mykel and Tony are the perfect couple? A great team, a united couple, blah blah. What do they do that is so special? Tony is still a weirdo. Just because his sperm works doesn't make him some super duper husband.

 I think Tony actually likes to spend time with Mykelti and may, on occasion, do something nice for her. The bar is very low for Christine. 

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2 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

 If I hear "protoCULLS" one more time, I'll scream!  

Whenever I hear Kootie say "protoCULLS", I think HE is the one who needs to be culled!

Kootie knew Christine was with Mykelti for the birth. If he believes he deserves 50:50 custody, why didn't he at least stay in contact and do his parental duties by zoom, phone or text?  I wonder if his "long conversations" with Truely happened once or twice? Perhaps Christine or Truely will tell us.

2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

why does Christine keep saying that Mykel and Tony are the perfect couple? A great team, a united couple, blah blah. What do they do that is so special? Tony is still a weirdo. Just because his sperm works doesn't make him some super duper husband. 

Tony makes chicken cordon bleu and tacos.  He's weird, but so is Mykelti and their interests, sense of humour and personalities seem to click. Compared to how Kootie treated Christine, Tony is an interested and caring husband.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

It seems like the boys in the family have a problem with Sobbyn and the girls get along with her. Strange. 

When Kody and Robyn were courting, he used to take two of the older girls with him when he went to visit her for the weekend.  I distinctively remember the time he took Maddie and Mariah.  Allegedly, the girls were there to babysit.  

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Ahhh yes. I had not thought of that. Now that I remember I don't think Tony and Kody were ever very fond of each other. Keep throwing that shade, Christine!

Christine was not initially a big fan of Tony either. None of the Brown adults were. It was during that period when everyone was on the Maddie/Caleb love train, and Mykelti mostly appeared to be an annoying distraction. 

Kody is very much deserving of the shitty edit he is getting from TLC this season. But Christine is being made out to be better than she is. I've been watching this show from the beginning, and Christine is not a saint, and her life did not appear to be as bad as she now makes it out to be. Christine screamed from the rooftops about the joys of polygamy for years, while letting her daughters (mostly Aspyn) pick up the slack for a father who couldn't be bothered to parent. She took food stamps, possibly as a fraudulent single mother, and let her kids go without health insurance while continuing to get pregnant and take care of Janelle's kids. She is no mother of the year.  

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I may have blacked out in rage, but did I hear Kody mumble something during the Zoom meeting about how he couldn't risk getting Covid-NINETEEN (man, this drives me way more nuts than it should) because it would interfere with his fitness goals??  So let me see if I understand - he won't see any of his kids because if he gets Covid, he might not be able to do his morning zoomies around the backyard?  His narcissism knows no bounds - what is he doing, training for the Mr. America contest?  

And I burst out laughing when Mykelti was in labor and Robyn was Zoom-cooing, "Just breathe through your nose," the call glitched a little bit, and Mykelti said, "breathe through my nipples?"  Mykelti might not be the sharpest crayon in the box but she's quickly becoming one of my favorite Brownies.

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6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Saying that it's too cold to sit outside and see Ysabel?  

That perplexed me. I just researched temps in AZ in the winter and several sources said 64-70...wtf he talking about? Besides, as someone already mentioned, if it was 5 degrees he could find a way. He sounded like such a whining baby saying that.

I think at this point Christine thinks that any monogamous marriage is better than what she endured.

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17 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I may have blacked out in rage, but did I hear Kody mumble something during the Zoom meeting about how he couldn't risk getting Covid-NINETEEN (man, this drives me way more nuts than it should) because it would interfere with his fitness goals??  

You heard it correctly.  I wonder what happened to his fitness goals the year that he developed a huge gut?  TLC occasionally still uses the promo of him in a blue shirt looking ~8 months pregnant. It was before he began ramen noodling his hair.  It may have been a sympathy pregnancy - only for Robyn would he compromise his fitness goals. I wonder what happened to his fitness goals when Janelle moved out of the rental house when it sold and he could no longer work out in her garage to Pachelbel for the camera?

Edited by deirdra
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