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S17.E02: Is There a Favorite Wife?


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Forget the nanny, What. Does. Robyn. Do????? If I were Christine that alone would have been a deal breaker after she single-handedly cared for all those kids AND homeschooled them. And they are wasting money on a nanny for Robyn's TWO younger kids? So Robyn can do what, exactly? You know if you can't manage to care for that many kids, maybe don't have them? 

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1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

I was shocked and appalled at the way Cody was talking about his own children, his flesh and blood, on national television. 

Well, see, here's the thing. His "wives" have let him do it all along. 

They have let him ignore the kids, talk smack about them and treat them as invisible after Sobyn came along.  I am not in any way defending Kootie because he is just scum but. in my opinion, the wives are complicit in his behavior and deserve no passes for not stepping in long before the damage was done. 

You know that crap had to have been going on for their entire lives - the whole "flight from Utah" which scared the hell out of them and yanked them from their home for the sake of the drama.  They all bought into it, the are all equally guilty.  

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Polygamy sets wives up to not only compete against the other wives, but to sadly, also compete against their own children. Its all about being the best wife, having the best home environment, having the least chaos and the least amount of problems and of course meeting the husband's needs.

Kody wanted to enter the home, have a kid sit on his lap a bit, eat dinner, get boinked and go to bed. In the morning he was up and out the door. The wives wanted time with him. If he was with the kids, he wasn't with them.

As @Cetacean posted, they are all complicit. 

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1 hour ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

With all of Kody's babbling about sacrificing and keeping the family safe from covid...does anyone know if he or Robyn ever got vaccinated?  Or is that the safety line he is not willing to cross? 

Christine is the only one who posted about getting vaccinated. Of course, that doesn’t mean the others haven’t been.

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11 hours ago, Mothra said:

Why hasn't he talked to the other poly dads we've seen him describe as friends?  How do they keep their wives happy?  How do they conceal their favoritism?  We've seen "therapy" slide off his back like grease off fried bologna.

I'm ashamed to admit that I wonder about this too. Kody seemed to hold his polygamist buddies in very high regard. Those other men appear to run tight ships. The wives do not appear unhappy. Kody really only has one wife left. And she's not looking all that happy these days.

Also, do all their other polygamist friends live in one house with their families  ? If not, how did they manage covid ? Did the wives later flee ?

5 hours ago, waterytart said:

Forget the nanny, What. Does. Robyn. Do????? If I were Christine that alone would have been a deal breaker after she single-handedly cared for all those kids AND homeschooled them. And they are wasting money on a nanny for Robyn's TWO younger kids? So Robyn can do what, exactly? You know if you can't manage to care for that many kids, maybe don't have them? 

Agree 💯.  This would send me over the edge. Christine was the basement wife for more than a decade and did by far more for the family than any of the other parents: raising the kids, teaching, feeding  cleaning, and keeping the house running. And then Goiter comes along and does not have to lift a finger.

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On 9/18/2022 at 11:25 PM, javajeanelaine said:

Kody acting like he is sad about Ysabel leaving is laughable . Where was he when Ysabel was having major surgery?

Notice the only child of all of them that he is concerned with is Truely.  What about the rest of his kids - you know, the ones he is trying to protect from the emotional trauma Christine is inflicting on all of them, including the ones that want nothing to do with him.

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20 minutes ago, b2H said:

Notice the only child of all of them that he is concerned with is Truely.  What about the rest of his kids - you know, the ones he is trying to protect from the emotional trauma Christine is inflicting on all of them, including the ones that want nothing to do with him.

What a jackass, only becoming concerned about his 12 year old child when her mother is moving away.  Ironic how he completely ignored her, knew nothing about caring for her, and to add insult to injury, doted on Sol and wore him around his neck like a tumor.

He said he "fills" pathetic, and he's beyond that, as a husband to three "wives" and 13 bio kids that he so generously donated sperm for.  

Kootie, go hide in the closet.  I hope you and Sobbyn drive each other crazy daily.

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It's great to see Christine looking so positive in her decision to leave this sham of a marriage    It shows on her face and lights up her whole being.  Does kodouche really expect her to sit there in an empty loveless marriage just for the sake of the kids?   What an asshat.  She deserves better. I'm happy for her.     I know how scary it can be when you don't think you can make it on your own.   I'm proof positive that we are stronger than we think.  Ive been on my own for almost 4 yrs and though it's not easy....I'm doing it!   Way to go Christine!! ☺️

57 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

And then Goiter comes along and does not have to lift a finger

Lmfao!  😂

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On 9/19/2022 at 6:35 AM, laurakaye said:
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The TLC intern made a slight error in naming this episode – “Is There a Favorite Wife” should’ve been, of course, “There IS a Favorite Wife.”  I guess we can let it go this time, young intern, but we’ve got our eyes on you.

We open on a Janelle talking head, where she admits – despite Robyn’s Kody’s 250-page binder listing the Brown Fahm’ly Covid Protoculls  - that she has Covid, as does Garrison, Gabe and Savanah.  She feels like crap.  This is great news for Kody, because it shows that not only did his protoculls work (since he doesn’t have Covid himself) but it means he’s free and clear from having to stop by Janelle’s house and deal with her no-good, free-loading sons for at least two full weeks.  It’s twisted but Covid is the best thing that happened to Kody Brown – he can be at Robyn’s beck and call and it’s not his fault he can’t go anywhere else!  It’s Covid-19’s fault!  He is blameless, you guys – and we’re just getting started.

Kody tells us - in a self-filmed segment from a cozy spot inside of his closet full of Ed Hardy bedazzled lavender shirts - that he simply won’t take accountability for the fact that Christine is leaving him, since her reason for leaving is that he rarely comes over to her house - he says that since Christine keeps insisting on traveling to see her kids in Utah, he can’t possibly come over and risk getting exposed to all her nasty cooties.  But since Kody was rarely at Christine’s house, his reasoning is moot.  He can’t get exposed if he’s never there in the first place.  But honestly, trying to reason with Kody Brown is like trying to reason with a toddler who missed a nap and has a full diaper, and Christine knows this - which is why she answers every one of his accusations throughout this episode with a steadfast certainty that we have not previously seen from her…clearly, taking care of all those children has come in handy for dealing with the biggest child of them all.

Robyn – in a stunning black and purple shiny polyester leopard print blouse (seriously, WHERE does this woman shop?  From the 1981 JC Penney catalog?) – insists that Kody shares his time evenly and if they aren’t tracking that, it’s because they’re struggling – with what, I wonder?  The fact that Kody is never at anyone else’s house?  Because if they’re struggling with that, then clearly he is NOT spreading his time evenly.  Kody and Robyn Brown – Master and Mistress of Gaslighting and Double-Talk, ladies and gentlemen.  Suddenly a disembodied, nails-on-a-chalkboard voice screeches to us that Kody has always been super busy and energetic – who is this??  OH, it’s Meri – I forgot all about her.  She’s STILL here?  The camera flashes on her image and look, I know that wearing horizontal stripes makes one look wider and that the camera adds ten pounds, but WHOA – maybe it’s the camera angle but Meri looks far heavier than Janelle at this point.  The only Meri Brown I am familiar with has the flawless skin of Malibu Barbie and the slim physique of a seasoned athlete, so to come face to orange-tinted face with the real Meri Is jarring.  Janelle pops up and says that she never really knows where the hell Kody is…and I’d like to give the TLC production person a raise because these statements are intercut with images of Kody running aimlessly around the Vegas cul-de-sac like an unhinged lunatic, followed by a clip of him selecting the perfect shovel for scraping snow off of logs on Coyote Pass and – my fave – a drone shot of him standing alone on a pathetic mountain of dirt like he’s playing King of the Castle.  That’s what he’s doing when he’s not visiting his lesser wives and their pesky kids?  Busy my ass – busy hiding from everyone.  That’s likely why he won’t give up Coyote Pass – he’s probably building a tree fort with a sign that says “No Girlz Allowed” as we speak.

Robyn blathers about how Kody is just SO BUSY that she had to hire a nanny to help her with her kids because it wouldn’t be fair to ask Kody to help, since he’s got all of these other stupid obligations to his other kids…and then we hear from Big Daddy who tells us that he’d rather pay someone 20 bucks an hour to watch his kids rather than he himself “baby-sitting” (&^%#$) them because time is money and if he’s stuck in the house trying to keep Ariabellilbla from swinging off the chandelier, he doesn’t have time to check and see if anyone wants him to do a $100 Cameo (still no takers, big guy? Shocker) or to drive around in his convertible wearing his sun visor pretending to take important calls.  The man has obligations!  Just not to his family.  Except Robyn.  It’s simple, really.  But it still doesn’t explain why most of his talking heads are coming from inside his closet.

If you were worried that we wouldn’t get a segment of Robyn’s Dry Cries© (patent pending), fear not.  Look, this pandemic has been hard on her too.  Yes, Kody is at her house 99.9% of the time, but he’s grumpy!  And he’s stressed!  Those logs on Coyote Pass aren’t going to strip themselves!  So it’s not as much fun winning the game having him there ‘cause he’s not the happy-go-lucky doofus that she fell in love with.  As she expertly dabs at a non-existent tear, she tells us she misses her husband.  Oh, poor baby – cry me a dry river, Dark Queen.  You got what you wanted, but now you don’t want it anymore.  To which I reply – hahahahahahaha.  Have fun cleaning his weave from the shower drain on Planet Kody forever.

Back in Christine’s library, she and Kody are talking again.  Kody actually apologizes for being so angry at Christine last time they talked but before my ice-cold heart can melt just a bit, he tells us in a talking head that he thinks her leaving is an injustice to HIM.  He’s afraid she’s going to go around the country telling everyone what a massive jerk he is.  First, if Christine did do a country-wide tour to talk about her life, I would buy a ticket – but second, no one who watches this show needs her to tell us anything about what a dorkwaffle she married…we can certainly see that for ourselves.  Kody may have temporarily pulled the wool over the eyes of The Big Three, but I think it’s safe to say that none of us have been fooled with regard to Kody Brown since the end of season 1.

Let’s try to wrap this up because while this was a good episode for drama and truth-bombs, it’s basically Kody saying that he’s disgusted that Christine wants to break up his precious family – you know, the family that he has no intentions of seeing unless he happens to bump into Garrison at the 7-11 or something.  Speaking of Garrison, Kody tells us that this same narcissistic kid gave Kody a call telling him to peace out, see you never.  Kody is galled – GALLED – at the nerve of this brat who he explicitly ordered to move out of his mother’s house so Kody could spend 15 minutes every other month seeing Janelle and Savanah.  Who does Garrison think he is?  Janelle manages to make me laugh when she tells us that Kody can’t do jack about who lives in her house, since it’s her name on the lease.  Robyn pipes up saying that she’s rilly tried to talk to Gabe and Garrison but they shut her down every time (virtual high-five to G&G).  But then Janelle tells us that whatever minimal time and effort she’s currently getting from Kody works for her – unfortunately her boys don’t see things the same way…while it might be fine for Janelle to interact with Kody once every blue moon, her boys would actually like a relationship with their father.  Janelle has dropped lower than Meri in my wife rankings, because she’s actively allowing Kody to hurt her kids while filming it for our entertainment, so she can suck off to Planet Kody and play second fiddle to Robyn and “buddy” to Kody for eternity.

In conclusion, Ysabel has decided to move in with Maddie and Caleb in order to attend school, and Christine wisely admits that this will be great for Ysabel – to not only be away from Christine while she figures out how to break away from Kody, but so Ysabel can see what a real relationship looks like.  Kody pretends to be worried that Christine bailing on him will cause Ysabel to seek out unhealthy relationships, which is funny – look at your other kids, toolbag.  They moved away from you and they all seem to be doing just fine.  They’re just not that into you, Father of the Year.  Look in the mirror - actually, never mind - you'll just get distracted by your hair.  Jerk.

Episode 2 - it's getting rill, y'all.  Still boring, but rill.

Too funny!  😂

@laurakaye great recap!! 

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How Robyn can act so dense like she has absolutely no understanding of why the others feel the way they do about her is so unbelievable I'm almost ready to believe she is consciously lying.  She must think she can pull the wool over the eyes of the entire audience that knows exactly why Christine and the other wives are unhappy because it's all on screen for anyone with a brain that isn't in denial to see.  Now she is trying to claim that the other wives aren't seeing reality and they are blaming her for what is wrong with their relationships with the Kodouche as if she had absolutely NOTHING to do it.  I would have a hard time being convinced that she couldn't see that she was at the very least complicit in taking advantage of his extra attention without concern for how the other wives might feel about it.  She is the one that's not seeing things in their proper perspective and lying perhaps to herself but definitely to us about how she wants the other wives to be happy.  If she did she would never have just sat back and reaped the reward of all his extra romantic attention while all of them were so unhappy.  Now she is trying to claim that he spends the same amount of time with her as the others and they're wrong in their perceptions about that, but we all know that's not the truth.  Does she think we were all deaf, dumb and blind when we saw with our own eyes that he was spending more time with her, showing her more romantic interest and neglecting the other wives?  It's all on video for anyone to see!  

And Kodorf's apology to Christine, as if he was sorry about how he came off in last week's episode was not for her but a self-serving attempt to make himself look better.  He had a few weeks to reflect on how the way he acted to Christine in the last episode might make him look to the audience and realized he'd better change his act.  But it was too little too late and came off completely disingenuous, especially when he feigned caring about Ysabel.  It's very obvious to the rest of us that he couldn't give a crap about Christine's or her kids' feelings no matter what he says.  After all, Christine was just supposed to be satisfied in a marriage with a man who was never in love with her and not complain when he ignored her and her children or blamed her for his lack of interest in her.  This guy is such a self-serving misogynist it would be unbelievable if we didn't know it was completely true.  And calling his son a narcissist was beyond the pale.  He's the narcissist!  

As for how horrible all this dirty laundry airing is for the kids and his relationship with them, this douch head is beyond caring about that too.  And I hate to say Christine is complicit in it too because she is also airing it on screen for all to see.  I suppose Christine thinks the kids already hate him for their own reasons so this can't make it any worse.  But it can.  And I hate to say that she has also sold out for the almighty dollar in giving the network a juicy plotline to continue the show and keep the money rolling in despite what it might do to the kids.  

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How Robyn can act so dense like she has absolutely no understanding of why the others feel the way they do about her is so unbelievable I'm almost ready to believe she is consciously lying.

I think Robyn does see why they are mad and is just trying to cover that up. But I also think the others think Robyn has it way better than she actually does. Yes, Kody sits in her house and has sex with her. But he's not a hands-on dad, and I doubt he jumps in to help cook, clean, or anything else he might deem "unmanly". He tucks in the younger kids at bedtime, but I doubt he's giving them a bath, handling discipline, etc. I think that's where the nanny picks up the slack, because Robyn is also unorganized and seems a tad lazy. 

I also think having Kody in your house is likely closer to having an additional child than it is to having a functional adult who helps. And I think Robyn likely resents how much of handling Kody is on her now, when she signed up for polygamy. 

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On 9/19/2022 at 8:14 PM, MsMalin said:

I was so pissed off when Kody said his kid was a narcissist. What parent who loves his child says that on national tv? 

If I'm not mistaken, the only two kids I've heard Kody talk major crap about are Gabe and Garrison and the armchair psychologist in me wants to know why.  These are two sons of Janelle, the wife he claims to have this chill and easy relationship with (i.e. - she doesn't ask anything of him except to change the occasional lightbulb and a quick boink once every other year), so why would he risk rocking that particular boat?  I can't EVER see Kody talking smack like that about Logan or Hunter - and taking it further - about Leon, Aspyn, Maddie, etc.  Why does he focus his rage on Gabe and Garrison?  Is it because they've been the most vocal about his neglect?  But yet, these are Maddie's brothers, and we know Maddie is a fave of Kody's because of his man-crush on Caleb.  And I thought that Kody worshipped Hunter for his wrestling prowess, and Logan because he was Kody's first and most cherished son.  Or - and this just occurred to me - is it because G & G didn't take Dayton under their protective wings and pretend that it was okay that they suddenly had another brother their own age - a brother that Kody lavished attention on - causing Robyn to dab her dry tears that those big mean boys of Janelle's were being mean to poor widdle Day'un?

That's a lot of thinking about what goes on in the pea-brain of Kody Brown, and I apologize.  I have always wondered why he seems to hate G & G so much.  I hope they both have a great life without their sperm donor, since Logan is basically their real dad anyway.

On 9/19/2022 at 8:36 PM, MsMalin said:

Funniest sight ever: Kody acting like he was King of the World! standing on top of his dirt pile.

I am willing to bet that Kody called production with that idea: "Hey, let me climb up this pretend mountain while you fire up the drone and have it circle me from above - it will look like I am thoughtfully surveying my land, whilst contemplating my place in this world and being at one with the trees and the wind.  This will make me look like the pensive, handsome, deep-thinking, poet/surfer/renaissance man that I see in myself."

Production: (rolling eyes) "Okay."

Audience:  (collectively ROTFLMAO) What a massive toolbag.

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33 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I can't EVER see Kody talking smack like that about Logan or Hunter - and taking it further - about Leon, Aspyn, Maddie, etc.  Why does he focus his rage on Gabe and Garrison?  Is it because they've been the most vocal about his neglect?  But yet, these are Maddie's brothers, and we know Maddie is a fave of Kody's because of his man-crush on Caleb.  And I thought that Kody worshipped Hunter for his wrestling prowess, and Logan because he was Kody's first and most cherished son.  Or - and this just occurred to me - is it because G & G didn't take Dayton under their protective wings and pretend that it was okay that they suddenly had another brother their own age - a brother that Kody lavished attention on - causing Robyn to dab her dry tears that those big mean boys of Janelle's were being mean to poor widdle Day'un?

I don't think its that. I think that Gabe and Garrison have been the most vocal about their opinions of Kody (and publicly) . The other kids (including Logan) may not agree with the things that Kody has done, but they have taken a "I was taught to respect my elders and as long as I am given my space, I am not going to say anything publicly about what my parents choose to do." So Kody doesn't feel "attacked' by them, and Kody probably respects their boundaries (they have also been adults longer and out of the home).

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5 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

I think Robyn does see why they are mad and is just trying to cover that up. But I also think the others think Robyn has it way better than she actually does. Yes, Kody sits in her house and has sex with her. But he's not a hands-on dad, and I doubt he jumps in to help cook, clean, or anything else he might deem "unmanly". He tucks in the younger kids at bedtime, but I doubt he's giving them a bath, handling discipline, etc. I think that's where the nanny picks up the slack, because Robyn is also unorganized and seems a tad lazy. 

I also think having Kody in your house is likely closer to having an additional child than it is to having a functional adult who helps. And I think Robyn likely resents how much of handling Kody is on her now, when she signed up for polygamy. 

Kody is one of those men bastards that does what he wants to do, not what his wife (or in this case wives) want or need from him.  It's all about him all the time.  Then he tries to spin it that he's doing a whole lot for them and their children, when if you look at each situation is still not enough.  But that's one of the big problems with polygamy.  Even if he wasn't so selfish he would still have a hard time keeping everyone happy.  But no one told him to have 4 wives and 20 zillion children either.  And he sold the wives a bill of goods that he was going to be able to handle it all and WANT to do it, too!  And at least some if not all of them were naive to think he was going to run himself ragged enough to pay equal or sufficient attention to all of them.  I'm not saying that to make it their fault, but it is an inherent pitfall of polygamy.  If other men have been able to overcome it that's great, but in this case the problem is not really that he isn't able to meet the needs of his wives and children, but that he doesn't WANT to meet the needs of at least some or most of them and has shut down from even attempting it because of that.  And he's trying to act like it's either not true or OK.  But it IS true and it's not OK, plus you don't enter into a marriage with anyone issuing an ultimatum that it's your way or no way.  That's a completely 19th century outdated outlook based on women being nothing more than "chattel".  The fact that Janelle thinks she has the "last laugh" by saying that what he wants to give her "just happens" to be enough for her is BS.  I don't buy it for a minute.  She has SETTLED because she's convinced herself this is all she needs.  And as long as she's willing to live in her delusion, she thinks she's "happy".  But even if she has lesser needs than the other wives she's still full of it and playing right into Kody's misogyny.

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1 minute ago, Yeah No said:

The fact that Janelle thinks she has the "last laugh" by saying that what he wants to give her "just happens" to be enough for her is BS.  I don't buy it for a minute.  She has SETTLED because she's convinced herself this is all she needs.  And as long as she's willing to live in her delusion, she thinks she's "happy".  But even if she has lesser needs than the other wives she's still full of it and playing right into Kody's misogyny.

Janelle might only need a small amount of attention from Kody but it's clear that he's hurting Gabe and Garrison deeply, and since THEY clearly need more from Kody than Janelle does, she should be fighting for them.  But she's not.  She's settled (lazy) and doesn't want to rock the boat (get out of her Barcalounger and ask Robyn to let Kody out of her basement so he can spend time with her boys).  For that, Janelle sucks.  I don't care what she does or doesn't need from Kody, she needs to stand up to him for her kids' sake but that's too much work for her.  She is incredibly lucky that those boys don't resent the hell out of her like they do Kody.  She needs to watch it or she's going to be stuck in a crappy RV on Prairie Poop Pond all alone except for her dogs, her mountain of spices, and her tube of Plexus.

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1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

I also think having Kody in your house is likely closer to having an additional child than it is to having a functional adult who helps. And I think Robyn likely resents how much of handling Kody is on her now, when she signed up for polygamy. 

I could see that. But I also think Robin never EXPECTED Kody to be a functional adult who helped with the domestic responsibilities the way a lot of women living in the 21st century would. I think Robyn expected Kody to bring to the marriage, 1. sexual attention, 2. working sperm for more children, 3. sister wives for domestic duties, 4. emotional attention, 5. resources (not necessarily in that order).

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Janelle might only need a small amount of attention from Kody but it's clear that he's hurting Gabe and Garrison deeply, and since THEY clearly need more from Kody than Janelle does, she should be fighting for them.  But she's not.  She's settled (lazy) and doesn't want to rock the boat (get out of her Barcalounger and ask Robyn to let Kody out of her basement so he can spend time with her boys).  For that, Janelle sucks.  I don't care what she does or doesn't need from Kody, she needs to stand up to him for her kids' sake but that's too much work for her.  She is incredibly lucky that those boys don't resent the hell out of her like they do Kody.  She needs to watch it or she's going to be stuck in a crappy RV on Prairie Poop Pond all alone except for her dogs, her mountain of spices, and her tube of Plexus.

Janelle doesn't want to look like a loser to the world so she defiantly has pushed this image of being happy with very little and a champion of making do with nothing.  Just how true that is no one can really argue and it may convince some people, but she can't hide how her sons feel about Kody and that should be the breaking point to get her to defend them over Kody because not to wouldn't look great on her either.  Continuing to side with Kody over them might backfire on her and they might end up resenting her too.  

I actually think Janelle doesn't have the gumption to stand up for herself even if doing so might make her happier in the long run.  She isn't up to taking the risks Christine has.  So she clings to this "I'm happy with little" mantra to avoid having to do all that plus she thinks it makes her look like a winner with Kody.  Meanwhile we all know she is not and just accepts any old scraps that fall from his table.  Maybe this situation will make her grow a spine.  I'd be surprised if she did but also happy.

Edited by Yeah No
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Except the odd thing is that Janelle has left before...she took off on Kody before she was pregnant with Savanah, if I recall.  So if she could do it once when she had five little kids, it seems that she could do it again if Kody refuses to have a relationship with Gabe and Garrison and then blames them for all of it and calls them names on national television like the coward he is.

I have more respect for Meri sticking around for a paycheck and to purposefully be a thorn in Kody's side, but Janelle?  Screw her.  Kody actively dislikes THEIR sons and she's still sticking around?  That's the worst - I don't care how hot she thinks Kody looks in a ponytail.

Edited by laurakaye
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12 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Except the odd thing is that Janelle has left before...she took off on Kody before she was pregnant with Savanah, if I recall.  So if she could do it once when she had five little kids, it seems that she could do it again if Kody refuses to have a relationship with Gabe and Garrison and then blames them for all of it and calls them names on national television like the coward he is.

Yeah but wasn't that before the TV show?  She doesn't want to look like a loser on national TV.  Plus she's gotten more complacent and sedentary as she's gotten older.  It becomes harder to be up to handling the stress of making such a big change.  She doesn't have the ego strength to do it like Christine does.  At least not until she wakes up.

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The G & G/Kody feud is the result of the Kovid rules. Savannah, Ysabel and Truely were impacted by the rules, but Kody actually blamed G & G for him not being able to see Janelle. He actually told Janelle to kick them out. It didn't help that G & G scoffed at covid and any protocols around it, but Kody fought dirty. He fought dirty with his own sons.

Came back to add, so it makes sense to me that G & G are outspoken about Kody and not the other siblings.

Edited by GeeGolly
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15 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

What a jackass, only becoming concerned about his 12 year old child when her mother is moving away.

My kids used to be that way about their toys. They would totally ignore something for months until I gave it away and then of course they were looking for it, "how could I get rid of their favorite" whatever, etc. 

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My take on Kody is that he definitely holds grudges forever. He isn't the type of person capable to let things go because he truly believes in his delusional head he is right. Robyn has contributed absolutely nothing to the family financially, yet expects all the rewards and the big 7 bedroom rennals from above. She is manipulative with what she says to Kody to get her way and make it seem like she is the poor misunderstood wife who only gets scraps thrown to her and had her chastity stolen right out from under her and then went on to spit out 2 more kids with the cretonne.     

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Also, do all their other polygamist friends live in one house with their families  ? If not, how did they manage covid ? Did the wives later flee ?

I don't know but there was one family (a husband and either three or four fairly attractive wives). They seemed pretty happy and they had a nice house; I think that all of them lived there together. The Browns visited them in one episode a few seasons back. I don't know how that family managed Covid but since they were all together in one home - and all of them seemed like fairly rational people - I'm guessing they managed it better than the Browns.

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7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I could see that. But I also think Robin never EXPECTED Kody to be a functional adult who helped with the domestic responsibilities the way a lot of women living in the 21st century would. I think Robyn expected Kody to bring to the marriage, 1. sexual attention, 2. working sperm for more children, 3. sister wives for domestic duties, 4. emotional attention, 5. resources (not necessarily in that order).

I'll add a #6 to this. Robyn expected Kody to do things and say things how SHE believed they should be said and done.  She learned early and quickly how to speak to Kody so that he not only listened, but heard and respected her opinion and direction. I think deep down, Robyn truly believes that she ultimately knows exactly how the most perfect polygamist family can function...if all the players would just do and say exactly as she directs it. 

The problem now is that Kody has fallen into a black hole of depression (my opinion) and his very core identity has been shredded.  He only knows the emotion of anger and I would not be surprised if he has spent time reading about "how all those horrid women just ruin men and take advantage of them and destroy their families" and any other misogynist spin he can put onto women.

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One thing that's sad about the way that Kody and Robyn have manipulated this family dynamic is that Sol and Ari are being cheated out of their brothers and sisters. Kody's other kids support and care for one another. They also have so much fun together. (There are a couple of individual exceptions, but I'm talking about for the most part.) Robyn's kids aren't included because of Kody and Robyn's sneaky, manipulative ways.

As much as Robyn wants to rewrite history, her three older kids have their own father and his family, that she has tried her best to take away from them. I'm not buying that he's this abusive monster. She wouldn't have let them visit with him after the adoption if he was. She also insured that Kody's kids would never envelope them into the fold, by isolating them and making sure that Kody treated them better than his own kids.

She is doing the same thing to Sol and Ari. She's stealing their family from them. They are missing out on a huge, fun support system because of her needing to control her loser husband and "win" over her sister wives.

That woman is toxic to anyone who crosses her path, especially her own children. It's very sad.

Edited by Libby
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I don’t think Janelle stays because she’s afraid to look like a loser…I think Janelle is probably the only one of the wives that wouldn’t particularly change her current life with Kody as far as a husband-wife relationship.  I mean she’s told Kody to fuck off and and said he basically has no say who stays at her house because he’s not on the lease. She seemingly does what she wants when the show isn’t affected.  She travels to see her kids and grandkids despite Kody’s objections.

 I think she ultimately stays because of the show/social media money.   I mean this episode like most others, she comes and goes as she pleases, if she left, I don’t think her life would change except she’d have less money unless they’re going to continue the show with all of the wives, but Robyn declaring they’ve left. I think as Christine said this episode Janelle’s kids are irritated by how Kody treats her, but I don’t know that Janelle has ever shown she’s wanted anything, but for Kody to stop spending so much money.  (I’m not including things she may have wanted for her kids).

Since she left Kody before the show, I think if she were that disturbed by him, she would leave again. I think she sees her kids are basically grown so leaving Kody isn’t going to improve their relationship with them and it will decrease her show money and audience to shill Plexus. Plus she’s get her quarterly weenie roast al fresco when weather permits, if she even cares about seeing him at this point.

I think when she talked about her and Kody’s relationship struggling, but it’s “good”, has more to do with his complaints about their kids.  I think she doesn’t care Kody is/was a part-time husband because she is/was a part-time wife and didn’t want to be more than that because SHE had a full-time wife and mother in Christine.

Watching this episode makes me realize, Christine needs an intimate marriage, Meri wants an intimate marriage , a marriage Kody to acknowledge her existence.  Robyn wants a wallet, Janelle wants to listen to Slim Shady on a loop, see her grandkids, eat canned cabbage, and occasionally ask Kody to haul her trailer out to Coyote Pass.  I think Janelle is the only one that never truly needed to be the favorite wife because I think she knew even the favorite wife is not as important to Kody as the favorite husband is to himself.  I think Robyn might finally be getting a taste of this based on her I have to remind him I’m not the one he’s mad at.

 I could see Janelle moving or traveling more after the show ends, but I don’t think Kody would factor much into the decision. Based on the way she was talking about her kids, I think she relates better to them now that they are grown.

With that said, I kinda wish Janelle would run off in the season finale, just to see if Kody would attempt to make nice with Meri to pretend this “plural marriage” shit show should get another season.

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1 hour ago, waterytart said:

Have any of you gone back and watched this series from the beginning? I'm kind of tempted to do it just to see it with the perspective we have now but I don't know if I can take that much Robyn and Kody.

I have and I definitely saw things I missed the first time around. I stopped when it got to the catfish episodes, though. I couldn’t sit through the same stuff being rehashed a hundred times again 😬

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On 9/19/2022 at 7:10 PM, bichonblitz said:

The only reason Robyn keeps defending him and acting like a united front is because she has nowhere to go. Stuck with five kids and no income? Nope. She's staying put until she figures out how to get out from under Kody's regime.

I have a very simple solution for that: Fix the other marriages! Janelle and Meri will definitely be open for it, Christine probably not. It would get Kody out of her house after 1 or 2 days and she would be Queen of her own castle till His Lordship returns. 

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10 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don't think its that. I think that Gabe and Garrison have been the most vocal about their opinions of Kody (and publicly) . The other kids (including Logan) may not agree with the things that Kody has done, but they have taken a "I was taught to respect my elders and as long as I am given my space, I am not going to say anything publicly about what my parents choose to do." So Kody doesn't feel "attacked' by them, and Kody probably respects their boundaries (they have also been adults longer and out of the home).

I think that's right. And Kody did get mad at Logan--remember the 'no luau, we don't eat pork,' conversation in Hawaii? 

Kody was pissy that Logan was going to the luau and planned to eat pig.

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The would rather pay someone $20 to watch his kids so he can make $200 really bothered me like its so illogical to have kids if you don't want to raise them, spend time with them or be around them at all. Kody would be better off sponsoring a child in a 3rd world country or something rather than having a bunch of children and just leave them to their Mothers and babysitters.

I was dying for him to explain how it would work if Christine stayed in Flagstaff like he wanted, how would he co-parent Truly would it mostly be him off making money 🙄 and her in the care of a babysitter or would one of the remaining wives be designated as her caretaker.

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4 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

Kody was pissy that Logan was going to the luau and planned to eat pig.

During one of their fambly trips, Logan ate bacon inches from Kootie's face and Kootie said he doesn't eat pig. Logan asked "since when"?  That clinched it for me that Kootie made up his version of "the principle" as he went along.

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The major points for me:

1.  You do not babysit your own kids.

2.  Now utterly self-centered to think that Ysabel is moving away to NC BECAUSE OF HIM.  The universe does not revolve around you Cooty.  

3.  Cooty saying that he and Christine should be working on their problems, not her leaving.  Idiot, she's been trying to do that for a freaking decade.   

Edited by Granny58
remembered stuff
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Kody is like folks who claim to be serial monogamists but barely have a week between relationships, what they're really doing is staying with someone they're unhappy with until they're fairly certain they have someone in the wings.

Kody wouldn't have shut down the sex with Christine if he wasn't getting it from Robyn.

And I would love to give Kody a reality check. A therapist is not going to help Kody encourage Christine to work out a way to stay with him when he doesn't love her or want sex with her.

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On 9/19/2022 at 9:32 PM, Emmeline said:

Here is an idea Robyn, take care of your children.  You don’t work and you don’t need a nanny.  I don’t remember Kody ever taking care of any of the children.

Can you believe that Kody charges $99 for a cameo.  Maybe that’s were he got the $200 per hour from.  Good lord are people crazy.  Meri charges $60 and Christine $40.  

Who would buy a cameo from Kodoofus?   It would have to be for a gag (pun intended)  gift.  There cannot be any people on this planet who are admirers of Kody. So $99 is too expensive for a goof on your friends. 

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Janelle could have low libido, she could be settling for what she felt was the best deal she could make, she could be closeted... all sorts of things. What we DO know is she does what she wants and pretty much always has (going to work and then a movie if she felt like it, even with all those little kids at home).  Above all, she seems to want to be left alone to do what she wants, so this is about as good a time for that as any.

One facet of this lifestyle Kody doesn't seem to have thought out is that they have created a community of adult children who are more than happy to provide the social and emotional support circle these women have lacked for decades. They're not isolated and faking that they are getting all their needs met by each other.  Even if they had never gotten the tv show, moved to LV and become more mainstream culturally, the kids would have grown up and even if they stayed in the religion, the moms would have naturally gravitated towards helping them with their growing families. 

The "family culture" only really exists for the pre-Robin siblings, Christine and Janelle. But that's a pretty big group of people, especially as you add their spouses/partners. 

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