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S02.E10: I Know Who Did It

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2 minutes ago, FGomez said:

In addition of course, there was no way whatsoever to think of this before last second in episode 9, when she herself, we don't know why, incriminates herself saying "I am Becky".

The only reason I can think of for her to do this is that some killers want to get caught to be famous/infamous (words that Charles mentions in S2 E1] Normally, this is more a serial killer trait. Poppy does say she knows where the "bodies" are buried. It doesn't seem like there's a large gap in time between Ok in OK and the beginning of OMITB, so it seems unlikely that Poppy has killed more people, but who knows what they'll throw at us? Is Poppy also secretly Jan? 😉

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26 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

The only reason I can think of for her to do this is that some killers want to get caught to be famous/infamous (words that Charles mentions in S2 E1] Normally, this is more a serial killer trait. Poppy does say she knows where the "bodies" are buried. It doesn't seem like there's a large gap in time between Ok in OK and the beginning of OMITB, so it seems unlikely that Poppy has killed more people, but who knows what they'll throw at us? Is Poppy also secretly Jan? 😉

I think she did this because Cinda told her that she wasn't going to promote her and give her a podcast, so Poppy decided that Cinda had to go, thus she started to frame Cinda the murder instead of Mabel, Charles and Oliver, her original targets.  Heck, she might have even been willing to throw Kreps under the bus too, if it got her what she wanted.  

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Am not surprised by the killer’s identity as I was spoiled by the S2 soundtrack released weeks earlier.

Re S2 murder mystery, it was a little underwhelming. The killer’s motive was a bit implausible IMO. Her boss insisted on a murder for her podcast idea to be considered. Bunny was a collateral damage because of the painting or because of the trio? Poppy found Rose Cooper, why not kill her? Why she outed herself to Mabel? That was sloppy.

I thought we will be given a glimpse on what actually happened, step-by-step, starting from the encounter in the diner. Everything was simplified, many details were left to our own interpretation and imagination.

I find it hard to believe that after attacking & killing Bunny, then running through the Arcatacombs, Poppy managed to stand next to Cinda, in time (with all the equipment? Can’t remember…) without raising any suspicion.

The comedy part in the killer reveal party was top notch. The slo-mo was f-king hilarious. It’s the best part of this episode.

To those who didn’t believe on Paul Rudd’s cameo, gotcha! 👻

For S3, I wanna see the trio doing more investigative works rather than the mumbo jumbo red herrings, family dramas and insubstantial B-plots.

Finally, ❤️ this callback!

Edited by SnazzyDaisy
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1 hour ago, grandmabegum said:

The only reason I can think of for her to do this is that some killers want to get caught to be famous/infamous (words that Charles mentions in S2 E1] Normally, this is more a serial killer trait. Poppy does say she knows where the "bodies" are buried. It doesn't seem like there's a large gap in time between Ok in OK and the beginning of OMITB, so it seems unlikely that Poppy has killed more people, but who knows what they'll throw at us? Is Poppy also secretly Jan? 😉

I assumed she was trying to frame Cinda (and punish her like she did her boss) by revealing herself. But this show obviously isn't meant to be an airtight mystery. Nobody really had that much of a reason to kill Bunny at all!

Still laughed many times and totally enjoyed it. Glad to see Lucy at the opening night performance and not Alice. I know she's not the murderer and might be back, but I'm glad she's not so important to be there with Andrea Martin. 

I really do want to see Paul Rudd get to act with Short and Martin--and he'll be great with SG too.

Took me a minute to get what that final music was, the yodelshop version of the themesong. It was awesome.

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I rewatched and caught something regarding motive.
When Becky/Poppy and Kreps were in bed and Becky/Poppy says she is unsure about it (i.e., murdering), Kreps justifies the killing by saying about Bunny "she's old and she's mean."
Then he adds that he will finally get a promotion and a better place to live. 
Kreps and Poppy were using each other.

If Oliver hadn't shut the door on Bunny, I'm guessing Poppy/Becky would have just had to wait until a little later, because her plan was always to text the trio to get out of the building so she could frame them.

I'm still a bit confused about who knew how much at what time about the Murder Reveal Party, but that's okay.
And I don't know which time Howard fainted for real. 

I wonder if Oliver found a place in the cast for the doorman in the play Oliver was directing a year later.

Regarding next season: Who is "she" who Charles warned Paul Rudd/Ben Glenroy to "stay away from"?
Maybe Paul/Ben was a former stepdad of Lucy's?
ETA: Or, more likely:

11 hours ago, Notabug said:

"Her" could also be Andrea Martin's character.  Maybe she is makeup artist for the play and Ben is mean to her?

Also regarding next season: I may take a break from these boards, now knowing that people who were spoiled post here, because, even though they try not to spoil, it's kind of impossible once you know a spoiler to not have it seep into your ideas about another aspect of the show--which is why I avoid spoilers so obsessively.
It's just a show.
And I think the audience is supposed to be discussing Who Did It? 
Other shows' show runners have managed to keep spoilers under wraps, so I'm guessing these guys let stuff leak? 
I wonder if they'll keep stuff closer to the vest next season, or not?


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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

I wonder if Oliver found a place in the cast for the doorman in the play Oliver was directing a year later.

I was surprised when Charles walked out of the wings instead of him, tbh! 

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Interesting, I kinda wondered about Poppy and the final twist.  Not quite sure about how everything fits together, so here's how I see it:  Becky had a miserable life in Oklahoma, with a drunken father and a scummy boss.  Her only respite is listening to Cinda's podcasts, so she disappears and starts a new life as Poppy.  She then gets a job as Cinda's assistant and steers her toward her own disappearance in Oklahoma. Which seems risky, but she's counting on I guess, enough time passing, she completely changed her appearance and accent and helps steer Cinda toward the Mayor as the "killer". And with Cinda's personality, Poppy could hide in the background.  While there, she meets and seduces Krebs.

Being used to the abuse, she puts up with Cinda's and wants a promotion, so she suggests the disappearance of Rose Cooper but Cinda shoots that down.  Poppy decides to go with the Rose Cooper story anyway, probably meeting with Bunny at the diner to ask questions, since she owns one of the Rose Cooper paintings (and her mother was involved with Rose and Charles's father?) Or maybe she does this even before she brings the idea to Cinda.  Either way, Bunny tells her to fuck off, and after Cinda tells her she needs a murder, Poppy and Krebs come up with the plan (to help their own careers) and she goes to kill Bunny and texts the Trio to get out of the building, but when Mabel gets caught up in it, she decides to frame them?

However, in the course of the investigation, she realizes how awful Cinda is and thinks she can get her out of the way and perhaps get her own podcast?  (She had framed her previous boss, after all)  But when Mabel outshines her and gets Cinda's approval, Poppy snaps and confesses.  Adina Verson sold it and I feel really sorry for Poppy/Becky who just had a really shitty life (but it doesn't excuse the horrible things she did).

Now for next year, Paul Rudd as the victim should be fun, but I'll be curious to see how it fits with the building.  And I think we all agree we need to see Lester's backstory.

"Gut milk lite--with none of the crunch of the original"  What the hell is in gut milk?

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Add me to club of those thinking Charles really died. I was like "wow! they gonna have a 3rd season without Steve Martin?".

The mystery was so and so, but I do  not watch this for the mystery, the cast is so good, most of the characters really interesting and the whole show is so good feeling that I honestly do not care who killed who.
And talking about the cast... I just realized the makeup lady/Charles's new love interest is "Sister Andrea" from Evil. Wow! She so good and so different in Evil. There is an amazing scene in the Evil season finale that involves her and a shovel you should watch. It won't really spoil you anything.

Oh and I didn't recognize Paul Rudd. Wth? he is so recognizable, has he done work on his face or something?
Anyway, a very enjoyable season for a very nice show. Bring season 3!

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16 hours ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

One complaint: I don’t understand how the Rose Cooper stuff fits in or what Becky/Poppy’s plan was after Bunny’s murder and how she’d planned to use it to get famous. Was her goal to frame Cinda? And why was Becky/Poppy with Bunny in the diner at all? I missed that.

From what I can put together, she discovered, at some point, that Bunny had the Rose Cooper painting. (Maybe she found out when she was with Cinda talking to residents during season 1?) She wanted the painting to use as part of the podcast she wanted to do on Rose's disappearance. It sounds like Poppy went there regularly to get the #14 sandwich (either for herself or for Cinda).  She probably saw her there when she went in to order and sat down to bug her about the painting again. 

I think her goal was initially to frame Mabel, but when it was looking like they wouldn't be able to pin it on her (Kreps likely told her that they just didn't have the evidence to nail Mabel), she decided to start throwing Cinda clues to Mabel, Charles, and Oliver. 

9 hours ago, Notabug said:

"Her" could also be Andrea Martin's character.  Maybe she is makeup artist for the play and Ben is mean to her?

One thing that stuck out tome was Charles telling Ben "be smart," and that made me think of Jan. We know Jan had an interest in younger men. I could see Ben hating Charles because Jan is obsessed with him, and Charles repeatedly warning him to stay away from her because she's crazy and dangerous. 

Outside of that, my other candidates for who "her" was were Mabel and Lucy. We know Lucy had issues with her newest stepfather, but we never really got into what, exactly, was going on with her this season. Just that she seemed to keep wanting to escape to Charles' place. Mabel felt a lot less likely by the end of the scene, because the only thing I could think of that would make it Mabel was if Ben was interested in her. But Mabel's reaction to his death struck me solely as an "another fucking murder right around us??" kind of reaction, not like there was any kind of connection between her and Ben. 

So, I guess I'm down to Lucy or Jan. 

9 hours ago, sjankis630 said:

I can understand the disappointment folks have in not all loose ends being tied up. I am glad the killer didn't turn out to be some random person like Nina's fiance/husband who we only see in one scene.

That is really who I thought it was going to be, right up until episode 9. I figured he was with Nina to get to the building, and he was pissed that Bunny staying on would delay his plans for the building.  After episode 9, I was pretty sure we were looking at either Cinda or Poppy. And I was leaning towards Poppy, since Kreps never saying his girlfriend's name, but describing her as brunette with glasses made me think it was misdirection to make us think it was Cinda. 

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28 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

That is really who I thought it was going to be, right up until episode 9. I figured he was with Nina to get to the building, and he was pissed that Bunny staying on would delay his plans for the building. 

I forgot about that, they never explained WTH the "burrito" thing on top of the building was supposed to be. Or why they had the whole scene with Nina basically bribing the doorman with a new job. Is that a setup for next season, because it sure didn't add anything to this season.

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1 hour ago, Zaffy said:

The mystery was so and so, but I do  not watch this for the mystery, the cast is so good, most of the characters really interesting and the whole show is so good feeling that I honestly do not care who killed who.

I was resistant to this philosophy until the last four or so episodes, when it became super clear that the show isn't being written as a whodunit, let alone one for viewers to solve with the characters. Really, it became clear to me by I think 2x2 (and I whined about it here LOL) that the writers were holding back information, and we weren't along for the characters' ride. It was a clear tonal shift from season 1.

And the rest of this is just me rambling... The first season felt more interactive, and, while I've heard people say that almost no one guessed Jan, people did guess Jan but thought she was a way-too-obvious red herring to actually be the killer. With season 2, they went the opposite way; I remember wondering what the hell happened to Cinda and the competing podcast during episode 5, which means half the season went by before Cinda/Poppy (let alone Kreps or whatever) were truly on the canvas. Apparently even body doubles were used to specifically make sure Poppy wasn't recognized in any of the earlier episodes. So, I don't think we're supposed to be watching for the mystery.

I'd prefer season 3 be about the podcasters being hired to podcast/solve a murder that doesn't personally involve them. That's where the writing and tone of the show is going, and I'd probably prefer to watch the characters be the characters, with the murder plot as silly sitcom noise that won't make a lot of sense at the end of the season but also doesn't need to. Another part of me thinks the show would have been far better as a limited one-season prestige series. 🤷‍♂️

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3 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

Apparently even body doubles were used to specifically make sure Poppy wasn't recognized in any of the earlier episodes.

I'm guessing the info about body doubles was leaked before the end of the season? 
Regardless, it seemed like there were more leaks of spoilers this season than my bathtub faucet --and that's a lot. 
So, although this may be true if you watch the show on a deserted island with no Wifi:

5 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

it became super clear that the show isn't being written as a whodunit, let alone one for viewers to solve with the characters.

it seems Martin and Short are trying to be hip and require viewers to sift through social media leaks and spoilers to solve the murder, if indeed a viewer wants to solve it before it is revealed in the finale.
If that's the way they want to do it, so be it. But I am pretty fanatical about knowing the rules to the game I'm playing, so I'd just like to know what's what for next season WRT spoilers/no spoilers.

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“I pick up your dry cleaning. And I drop off your dry cleaning. And I pick up your dry cleaning. Why can’t you just wear something you can wash?”

Killer or not, she does have a point. 

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2 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I'm guessing the info about body doubles was leaked before the end of the season?
If that's the way they want to do it, so be it. But I am pretty fanatical about knowing the rules to the game I'm playing, so I'd just like to know what's what for next season WRT spoilers/no spoilers.

I read about the body double today. It might be linked here in the media thread, or I might have read it while browsing around somewhere else. 😅 Poppy's actress said they realized her body shape is too recognizable, made her do weird contortions to conceal her shape and boobs (I believe in 2x2), and then cast someone else for the rest of the scenes. They definitely did not want viewers to figure it out....which isn't the achievement the writers might think it is.

Your second paragraph is also where I'm at, more or less. Season 1 was a lot of fun because it was solvable as-is, all the clues were meticulously there, and we usually knew everything the characters knew (the early Mabel Actually Knows Tim reveal was so well executed). It's a different approach to the show now - certainly more character driven and less mystery driven, which isn't necessarily bad thing - but I don't know if I'm really on board for the season 2 version of the show...or all the weird Hollywood circlejerk stunt casting. 🥱

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1 hour ago, GaT said:

I forgot about that, they never explained WTH the "burrito" thing on top of the building was supposed to be. Or why they had the whole scene with Nina basically bribing the doorman with a new job. Is that a setup for next season, because it sure didn't add anything to this season.

That and what is going on with Lucy are the two plot points that I hope we get more on next season. I would assume that, since Nina is in charge, we're going to see that plan for the building progress (or attempt to progress, with the residents resisting).  And with Lucy, we got some hints that there are problems at home, but no real explanation. Since we saw her in the 1 year flash forward, I'm assuming she'll be around for us to get more of that story. 

44 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

I was resistant to this philosophy until the last four or so episodes, when it became super clear that the show isn't being written as a whodunit, let alone one for viewers to solve with the characters. Really, it became clear to me by I think 2x2 (and I whined about it here LOL) that the writers were holding back information, and we weren't along for the characters' ride. It was a clear tonal shift from season 1.

The stories of the murders seem intended to be the catalyst for the backstory and development of the main characters. The show isn't really about the murders, it's about them.  And I can get that being the angle, because the leads are freaking magical together, so their back stories and the relationship among the three should be the "star" of the show. But, I can also get how frustrating it must be for viewers who are hardcore into solving the mystery as the main purpose for watching. 

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32 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

I read about the body double today. It might be linked here in the media thread, or I might have read it while browsing around somewhere else. 😅 Poppy's actress said they realized her body shape is too recognizable, made her do weird contortions to conceal her shape and boobs (I believe in 2x2), and then cast someone else for the rest of the scenes. They definitely did not want viewers to figure it out....which isn't the achievement the writers might think it is.

Your second paragraph is also where I'm at, more or less. Season 1 was a lot of fun because it was solvable as-is, all the clues were meticulously there, and we usually knew everything the characters knew (the early Mabel Actually Knows Tim reveal was so well executed). It's a different approach to the show now - certainly more character driven and less mystery driven, which isn't necessarily bad thing - but I don't know if I'm really on board for the season 2 version of the show...or all the weird Hollywood circlejerk stunt casting. 🥱

Thank you, @dovegrey. That explanation and your take on it makes me feel better about knowing the show's "rules." 
I love your assessment regarding:

  • "Poppy's actress said they realized her body shape is too recognizable, made her do weird contortions to conceal her shape and boobs (I believe in 2x2), and then cast someone else for the rest of the scenes. They definitely did not want viewers to figure it out....which isn't the achievement the writers might think it is."

😁I wish you could make that comment on some live panel.

I guess I'll have to continue to read interviews about season 3, and hope the writers will be sensitive enough to give spoiler warnings when necessary. Most do. 

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17 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I would assume that, since Nina is in charge, we're going to see that plan for the building progress (or attempt to progress, with the residents resisting). 

Maybe. But I thought Nina was reconsidering the blimp addition after Bunny's death and her baby's birth, when she was talking with Lester during the blackout.
So I won't be surprised if the blimp is dropped with nary a mention, or even if unhappy Nina decides to move to country and there's a Whole New President of the coop board. 

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23 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

The stories of the murders seem intended to be the catalyst for the backstory and development of the main characters. The show isn't really about the murders, it's about them. 

Those two elements aren't mutually exclusive. IMO, the writing was far better and purposeful in season 1 by weaving those two elements together, and it was a pretty fun and compelling ride to watch and post about the characters and the mystery last year during its live run. I didn't get that this season, and, speaking of characters, I find it a real shame that Bunny was killed off for this storyline. I really hope the writers don't keep killing off/writing off Arconia characters to bolster the main trio's development.

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8 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

I find it a real shame that Bunny was killed off for this storyline.

I kept hoping that Bunny wasn't really dead, but, alas, we only got Charles with the fake knife and the fake blood (not that I wanted Charlies to die!).
I do feel better seeing on IMDb that Jayne Houdyshell/Bunny was working on 2 other projects. Maybe we will see her in some fresh flashbacks in the future? 
In the opening credits to this episode, cartoon Bunny was walking a different, yellow bird in the first "scene," and then later, I'm pretty sure it switched to the parrot. Should I know what the yellow bird signified?

I'm glad Oliver (and Winnie) are developing an attachment to Mrs. G. 🦜

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2 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

None of the unexplained crunch. LOL.

Right at the end of the podcast too. Perfect timing. There were a lot of moments where I laughed really hard, and I enjoyed the season overall. They upped it here for me. 

They almost got me with Charles getting stabbed. It went to commercial too fast, and I thought, no way. The entire reveal was very killer. Just going around and around. Poor Cinda had to endure the slow motion and tomato to pull it off too. 

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And another thing that bugged me (I'm just going to have to post them as I remember them LOL), that whole slow motion thing. To me, it felt like since everybody loved Steve's physical elevator comedy season 1, they decided to come up with another physical comedy thing for season 2. It's like having Amy Schumer for no reason, there really wasn't any reason to do that whole slow motion/tomato thing. It was kind of stupid. They tried to recreate too much of the feeling of season 1 without really having a plot reason for it.

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Honestly this came together much better than I thought it would.  Even going into last episode I couldn't imagine them pulling the threads together into something that was at all foreshadowed.  While not all questions were answered, and the mystery was secondary to the season, I think there is enough of a through line for me to accept Poppy as the killer.  I thought she looked sufficiently different at Poppy not to be recognized, especially as Becky and Poppy were both background characters in their own lives. 

I imagine that as she investigated Cinda's knock off podcast and her own idea about Rose Cooper she also learned more and more about the Arconia.  That may have been as much of an impetus to interact with Bunny as the painting was.  Poppy or Kreps probably spied on Bunny and saw some of her secret comings and goings.  I think revealing herself as Becky was probably more about persuading Mabel that Cinda was guilty than anything else.  She must have sworn Mabel to secrecy and believed that Mabel would go along with it.

Finally Oliver get's his son to look at Mrs. G.  Even if it was a ploy, I choose to believe that he has gotten some level of support for the bird.

Season 3 brought to you by Gut Milk Ultra.  It's a murder in a building, at least.

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I never watched this for the mystery.  Although there were people who had some excellent speculations/guesses, it never really looked like there were meant to be solid clues.  But as I said, I'm wasn't here for the mystery - I watch cozies like Miss Marple and watch gritty, dark British procedurals for mysteries, both whodunits and psychological investigations.

I love this show because I love the people, both as characters  and as actors.  I could enjoy watching them wash dishes.  They are funny but in spite of the exaggerations, such as the slow motion, mostly they are funny in a very real way.  Steve Martin and Martin Short have incredible chemistry and Selena Gomez adds a little tartness and balances the boys.

The only criticism I have of the show is there are too many loose threads.  There needed to be a bit more point to some things and more resolution to others.  The theme of troubled relationships with fathers never went anywhere - I guess Will acknowledging that Oliver was his father regardless of biology was at least one point.  Rose Cooper, the two paintings, the addition to the Arconia, Alice and Theo are just a few things and people needing some resolution.

I'm not ready to let go of them and will re-watch the entire season now.

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22 hours ago, twoods said:

It got dusty with Will and Oliver’s scene. I’m glad that he knows Oliver isn’t his real dad and is okay with it.

I don’t want to start a fight in the boards, but as an adopted child, I feel I must express how offensive it is to refer to a parent who raises a child as “not real.”  To say this implies that the relationship between Oliver and Will is lesser than that of a biological parent and child or an artificial relationship rather then a genuine one. Being a parent is not about providing DNA, it is about providing years of love and care for a child. As Will himself said, Oliver is his father in every way that matters.

A better way to phrase this would have been, “I’m glad he knows Oliver is not his biological dad …”

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Sorry I didn’t mean to offend you. Biological is the correct term and I misspoke.

I wonder if Theo and Will will have a scene or two together next season since they are half brothers. I really liked the Theo and Mabel combo so they may be fun to watch.

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I hope it's revealed that Lester has a role in the play. As someone else asked, would that be normal for the director to be in the audience or a stylistic choice for the show? Liked seeing them all together for opening night and was happy to not see Alice. I want SG's green dress from that scene.

The 'her'? Hmmm? A former stepdad of Lucy's? I'm surprised Oliver would cast an actor who is so hated by Charles unless it is something that just happened. Did he try to derail Mabel's art career?

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1 hour ago, callie lee 29 said:

Still processing the finale but off shoot question: is it normal that a play's director be sitting in the audience for opening night (or at all)?

No. Not for the opening night. Sometimes during previews so they can see how the show plays for the audience. I have sometimes passed by a director sitting in the back row going over notes after the show lets out. But once the show is opening there’s no more changes to be made and no reason for them to be in the house rather than backstage.

But it’s a common movie/TV trope to have the director sitting with friends or family watching the show. Just a way to get them all together I guess.

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22 minutes ago, Atlanta said:

The 'her'? Hmmm? A former stepdad of Lucy's? I'm surprised Oliver would cast an actor who is so hated by Charles unless it is something that just happened. Did he try to derail Mabel's art career?

Paul Rudd's character was already attached to the show when Oliver was approached about directing.

So Kreps thinks that Becky/Poppy was the smartest woman on the planet, huh? She behaved like a complete and utter idiot many a time - like mentioning that she saw a young girl in the passageway. And telling Mabel her real identity. 

Going to Oklahoma to make a podcast about Becky's "murder" was an incredibly dumb idea, too, even though we're supposed to believe that she somehow pulled it off without anyone figuring out who she was. The change in hairstyle wasn't that significant. These must be the same people who can't figure out that Clark Kent is Superman!

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9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

it seems Martin and Short are trying to be hip and require viewers to sift through social media leaks and spoilers to solve the murder, if indeed a viewer wants to solve it before it is revealed in the finale.

I don't think it had anything to do with them. Hulu sent screeners to a number of reviewers, some of whom were unscrupulous and leaked major spoilers. Collider accidentally posted a spoiler-filled article before they meant to, and although they took it down, the damage had already been done (and a cached copy of the article was still available). Also, some Russian leakers posted multiple screenshots (possibly some video?) and a synopsis of the finale... so there were a ton more spoilers floating around than there were in season one. I hope that next season, Hulu learns from that and does not send out screeners of the final episode(s) -- or if they do (so that reviewers/recappers can have their finale articles ready to post right after the finale), they send them just a day or two before and not a couple weeks.

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I enjoyed it a lot, even if some of it made no sense.  The Killer Reveal party (or is that killer Reveal Party?) was hilarious, especially the slo-mo accusation.  I laughed at Howard's fainting and Uma's cake comments too.  (I'm sort of surprised Nina wasn't there too, but guess the writers thought her presence would be superfluous.)  I knew by then the murderer wasn't Cinda, but gasped when Mabel accused Alice, then gasped even more when Alice stabbed Charles.  (Yeah, I thought this was Steve Martin's exit.)  I didn't guess Poppy/Becky until the truth came out.  

Was Cinda in on the plan to get Becky to confess?  I couldn't tell if she knew what was going on or not.  Was Becky trying to frame Cinda or Mabel for Bunny's murder?  Or maybe no one and let the mystery evolve organically?

Loved Oliver and Will not caring about the dna test.  Hated Mabel and Alice painting over the mural.

15 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

the yodelshop version of the themesong. It was awesome.

It was!

I never read any spoilers so everything was delightfully fresh when I watched.  Looking forward to season 3.  (I'm guessing "her" is Lucy's mom.)

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14 hours ago, Zaffy said:

The mystery was so and so, but I do  not watch this for the mystery, the cast is so good, most of the characters really interesting and the whole show is so good feeling that I honestly do not care who killed who.

Same here.  I just love watching the 3 leads interact. They have such great chemistry.  

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One thing that hit me about the Poppy/Becky change in hairstyle-I think it's supposed to drive home how very forgettable Becky was. She was so plain and boring to the people around her that someone with a new haircut, glasses, a different accent, and a totally different context didn't twig anyone's suspicions. Which drives home how sad she truly was as Becky. No one knew or remembered her well enough in life to recognize her in a disguise. They only cared about her as a symbolic dead girl.

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

Was Cinda in on the plan to get Becky to confess?  I couldn't tell if she knew what was going on or not.

I didn't think so when Mabel accused Alice, but Cinda had to be in on it. The trigger for Poppy was Cinda gushing over Mabel and offering her the podcast. That's why I said that she knew they were going to do the slo-mo and tomato, so it makes it even better. Even though she was an opportunistic hack media hound, she did the right thing in the end. Of course, it helped her show too, but still. 

Going back to rewatch the reveal is even more funnier.

I just need an explanation to the crunch in Gut Milk. 

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24 minutes ago, Suzn said:

Me too!  Art should never be destroyed!

I confess to putting a lot of my old preliminary drawings in the dumpster.
But Mabel's wall was not preliminary sketches.
I accept that an artist has the right to destroy their own work,
I think we agree that we are questioning the writers' choice to destroy Mabel's work. 

Since I still flove the show, I am hoping that at the end of the last season we get a flash forward to 2072 or so, and there's a plot based upon someone discovering Mabel's "Bloody Mabel Period" mural beneath coats of paint, and restoring it in the end, maybe even giving it a permanent home in the Met or someplace equally illustrious. 

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11 hours ago, Atlanta said:

I hope it's revealed that Lester has a role in the play.

I thought I saw Lester and Howard at the opening night, in the row behind MS, SM, and SG.

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I am guessing that Rudd’s character is subletting Amy Schumer’s Sting penthouse while she is in LA shooting her tv version of Only Murders in the Building after she and Oliver completed negotiations over the rights. And since Rudd was coughing up blood when he died, he was poisoned in the Arconia - so technically there will be a murder in the building.

Edited by Dixie Sugarbaker
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36 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I just need an explanation to the crunch in Gut Milk. 

Crystal Meth?

20 minutes ago, Roxie said:

I thought I saw Lester and Howard at the opening night, in the row behind MS, SM, and SG.

I want Lester in the play as well, so I will just imagine it's scripted that he enters from the audience.

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19 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I wonder if Oliver found a place in the cast for the doorman in the play Oliver was directing a year later.

42 minutes ago, Roxie said:

I thought I saw Lester and Howard at the opening night, in the row behind MS, SM, and SG.

You're right, ROXIE, he was in the audience.

14 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm assuming she'll be around for us to get more of that story. 

It looks as if she got a job on the Brazzo's set.  She's carrying a walkietalkie and has an ID tag.

4 hours ago, Haleth said:

Hated Mabel and Alice painting over the mural.

I was as upset about this as I was about Charles being dead!

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13 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Paul Rudd's character was already attached to the show when Oliver was approached about directing.

So Kreps thinks that Becky/Poppy was the smartest woman on the planet, huh? She behaved like a complete and utter idiot many a time - like mentioning that she saw a young girl in the passageway. And telling Mabel her real identity. 

Going to Oklahoma to make a podcast about Becky's "murder" was an incredibly dumb idea, too, even though we're supposed to believe that she somehow pulled it off without anyone figuring out who she was. The change in hairstyle wasn't that significant. These must be the same people who can't figure out that Clark Kent is Superman!

Blakeston- was that established? I actually thought that Charles was the one attached to it that made Oliver say yes. 

I was howling at the slo-mo, and the whole Killer Reveal Party actually. I also love that Lucy is still around next year. Can't wait to see what it brings.... I will certainly miss this show. 

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14 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Going to Oklahoma to make a podcast about Becky's "murder" was an incredibly dumb idea, too, even though we're supposed to believe that she somehow pulled it off without anyone figuring out who she was. The change in hairstyle wasn't that significant. These must be the same people who can't figure out that Clark Kent is Superman!

Well said, I was just coming here to say the change.  Hair dye and glasses, really?  Not like she had a nip/tuck new face to go with it.  How could she be involved in interviewing her family, the mayor, anyone without them noticing?  Loved the series, but that was a really weak plot point.

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15 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Going to Oklahoma to make a podcast about Becky's "murder" was an incredibly dumb idea, too, even though we're supposed to believe that she somehow pulled it off without anyone figuring out who she was. The change in hairstyle wasn't that significant. These must be the same people who can't figure out that Clark Kent is Superman!

1 hour ago, jabRI said:

Well said, I was just coming here to say the change.  Hair dye and glasses, really?  Not like she had a nip/tuck new face to go with it.  How could she be involved in interviewing her family, the mayor, anyone without them noticing?  Loved the series, but that was a really weak plot point.

 Very true, (and I always love a good Clark Kent/Superman dig, heh) however, also sometimes true in real life and definitely true in this show vis a vis Becky/Poppy is:

6 hours ago, questionfear said:

One thing that hit me about the Poppy/Becky change in hairstyle-I think it's supposed to drive home how very forgettable Becky was. She was so plain and boring to the people around her that someone with a new haircut, glasses, a different accent, and a totally different context didn't twig anyone's suspicions. Which drives home how sad she truly was as Becky. No one knew or remembered her well enough in life to recognize her in a disguise. They only cared about her as a symbolic dead girl.

This reveal of Becky/Poppy's lack of self-worth and lack of identity being the key to her downfall struck me as a more serious note in the otherwise comedic shenanigans of this last episode.
They didn't explain it with dialogue. We were left to notice for ourselves that Becky/Poppy/Anyone/Nobody——who went unnoticed throughout her life other than how she could serve others' needs in the moment: Her father, her boss the mayor, Cinda, and Kreps——ultimately served our need for a murderer who was not too easily discovered.
Barely mentioned was the mayor who went to prison for killing Becky.
That could have at least been a 2-part L&O-type show.
But here the mayor's fate was just a footnote that explained a step along the path from Becky concocting a disappearance story, to Poppy getting some "justice," to eventually killing a woman who was "old"——with "old" here spoken by Kreps to mean of little significance, with Kreps apparently not considering that Becky/Poppy saw herself as equally insignificant——and, like Cinda, Bunny was labeled by Kreps as "mean." 
Certainly Bunny answering the door with "What the fvck are you doing here?" didn't deter Becky/Poppy from her mission.

Edited by shapeshifter
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22 hours ago, Lugal said:

"Gut milk lite--with none of the crunch of the original"  What the hell is in gut milk?

Well, we know 13% alcohol, right? No matter what happens Season 3, I really hope they keep the Gut Milk jokes coming. It never fails to make me laugh.

I absolutely loved the yodeling version of the theme music at the end. Genius.

I think it's best to not over analyze the mystery or there are just too many plot holes. I really don't care that much though. The three together are such a delight I don't even care that much. I can't wait for Season Three!

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I was happy to see that, a year later, Charles was still with the make-up lady. I loved Andrea Martin on SCTV. I would be nice to see her get more screen time. 

I think they have dropped some things this season. Charles was talking to the prison lady, then suddenly he wasn't. I was glad Amy Schumer was only in the one episode - or was it two? Anyway, I thought she would make one more appearance. I'm glad she didn't. 

I also didn't get why Poppy killed Bunny. 

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