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  1. Claire got a new phone when she got out of the hospital (which was also monitored by Grampire). Nikki wouldn't have needed to call it since Claire was pretty much chained to the Raunch and in everybody's space doing the Welcome to the Family Hugfest. Remember Billy's Tardis trailer?
  2. Or rename the Young and the Restless to The Old and Resting up. Half the other real action happens off camera and gets talked about later. Let's do that with Danny and Cricket... I love how she has designer accessories for her booze and breath mints. Guess a tin of Altoids might attract attention. And I checked how much a flask holds because I can't believe Drinnki is getting that sloshed on its contents. They hold between 6 and 8 ounces. (Ladies' flasks are 6 ounce, usually) So we are lookng at 5.5 to 8 shots, depending on how you call a shot. Drinnki looks like she's swilling a double shot, but it's at least a 1.5 shot. Taking a 'sip' everytime she feels the need adds up in a day, especially with the days she's been having. So when and where is she refilling the flask? Does she keep a gallon of Wodka in the barn? Does she go out at night to the all-night bar for her refills? Does she have a lot of flasks? Does DoorDash provide this service? Isn't anyone asking about the breath mints?
  3. An at-will employee can be terminated for any reason or no reason at all. There would only be unlawful termination (and basis for a suit) if the employee was fired because their employer asked them to do something illegal in the course of their job. At will works both ways, too. Daniel could have left anytime he wanted. Which brings me to: Amen. I'm sure it was all unicorns and roses when they started this, but the honeymoon is definitely over. Danny should have quit as soon as he and Heather bumped uglies and then negotiated what he could take with him. It's time for Tucker and Audra to swoop in on a takeover.
  4. Wow, she's enabling herself with the I'll-pace-myself therapy. Guess she doesn't need Jack anymore. Get to a clinic, Drinnki!
  5. Yeah, and she was dropping it coyly on the side her son was sitting. Glaaaah. I don't understand how Daniel could keep eating. I've gotten more feeling from the AI telemarketer phonecalls I get every damn day. Why didn't they just ask Alexa? Oh, wait, Adam did put in a call to Dr. Sharon. Only if you wear it.😏 Did I miss something with Lily? She seems to be admitting that the cause of firing Daniel and Heather was because he cheated on her. Is the board going to see it as a just reason? How is Abby going to vote? Will Jill side with Lily in woman solidarity? Is the Board going to chastize Lily and then give the jobs and/or games back? I was thinking how savvy Lily was when she pointed out how much Daniel brought to the table vs how much CW invested in it. And she (or her legal team)had the good sense to make an ironclad contract re ownership of the product. I'm #Teamlily but I wish she had a better reason for firing them.
  6. My mind went this route, too, as she has computer skills ( that may be useful for phone taps, video photage) and may soon be out of a job. Remember way back when Phylth was in every story (as the star) and solved all the problems in GC? She found the cell phone in the trash dump and it even had battery left! And didn't she sove the mystery of who how Diane was killed? Other money of mine is on grisley grimace Nick-he's killed before and now he really wants to stop Jordan. For good.
  7. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Don't beat yourself up. There were some good parts- like the fact that the action kept moving. We weren't subjected to a couple sitting in CL or Society talking about what had happened off screen, we actually saw some interaction of the characters that kept me awake. Coulda done without Dummer's screeching. (When did she change clothes and take off her makeup, by the way?) However, the plot holes in this thing are big enough to drive the florist truck through: Flower deliveries at night? I realize that it may have not been that late when the party ended since Hairyson was still up but it had to be at the very least after eight. Your weekly flower delivery comes at night? I like my flowers in the morning, thank you, when they are fresh. Tracy saying that she was up every hour to check on SleepingMyBeauty. And she didn't hear a body been schlepped down the stairs? And how did Jordan get by Kyle who admits he was downstairs? Tracy speculating that someone must have been staking out the house to know when the deliveries were being made. It would have been nice to foreshadow why would anyone want to steal Hairyson so that alternate theory could work. It taking so long for everyone (except Drinnki) to realize accept that Jordan didn't leave town and just might be responsible for this! Jack and Victor on each other's contacts. I thought Jack blocked Viktor a long time ago. And them combining their 'security' teams. 0 plus 0 still equals 0, boys.
  8. It would be funny to find out that this person had called six other lawyers who turned his case down. One word: Flab
  9. In the movie I could see why Tom gets angry and kills Dickie because of the way Jude Law played him. Who wouldn't want to be that guy's best friend? Marge even says it's like the sun shines on you when Dickie is interested in you. In this series, I could see why Tom would want to kill Dickie, not for friendship reasons, but because of the wealth. Both Dickie and Marge came off as shallow,entitled rich kids dabbling inexpertly in the fine arts. (We also feel the disdain for the wealthy Americanos from Det. Ravini when she wants a ride back home and he says there's a train and bus.) I'm sure Tom felt he could do better things with their money and opportunities. If he has to kill to do it, no big loss.
  10. Oh, ffs, cue the freakin' violins. I can't believe that a young kid would know what a Lucky Charm is other than cereal. And NuHairyson is young enough to have a nanny so no, I don't believe he understands a 'lucky charm'. If he does, he should get a new one, 'cause this baby isn't working out. And who the fcuk talks to a charm? I would have bought this story if the bunny was a stuffed toy and Claire also had a stuffed toy she talked to. That would make sense. How did Jordan get a chloroformed Claire and NuHairyson out of the house? DId she choloroform Billy and Traci, too?
  11. Continuity Rant: No way, unless she has a matching one, would Auntie Jordan allow Claire to have any tattoo. Come on, wardrobe, cover that shit up. Side boob! Eewwwww. (Is there an actual wardrobe department and someone in charge? See above) Especially since Christian has a blood relationship with the celebrants (uh, grandson) and Hairyson has none since Dummer is NOT his MOTHER and Kyle is only Viktor's son on paper that has long since burst into flames. The set up seems to indicate it. If Viktor's Crack(head) Security team was a wee bit smarter, they would have had some people outside the GCAC watching who goes in. Although, given their track record, I think they would have overlooked a minor English lord out for a drive in downtown GC. My mind went to possibly being Bad Assley who woke up/Houdini-ed her handcuffs and planned on blaming it on Tucker OR Teen Ass who wanted to save them from Ms. Ashley and/or Jordan. Whatever, the stories are getting so dumb that my only recourse to enjoying any of them is to illogically overlap them. When I saw the Wedding Photo behind them I wanted there to be one for each year they remarried. I liked that Diane brought up his other marriages. That can't be the same kid-this one can actually talk to the other characters-not his mom/handler off stage. I find him annoying too, tho. I love this.
  12. No one even considered she might be having a stroke. And I guess Jack has the new Iphone16 pro that has had the numbers 9 and 1 removed. Still has Sharon on speed dial, tho. Maybe there is a clinic like Connor's where they can teach her how to live with it. Or maybe Daniel could develop a new game (Princess Assley) just for her.
  13. I'm not a big fan of Tucker, the character, but I do enjoy the actor's take on him. He can be fun to watch. If there has to be a murder in GC, could it please be Assley's alters, Teen and Mean? I can stand the Assley Original and her bitchy, entitled attitude. I can't with the alters. I'd like to keep Audra, as well, as a friend to Sally. Well, if they de-age Claire anymore she will have to crawl back into the egg. She has to drink a glass of water in the Jazz Mortuary? Even Drinkki gets sparkling water. Suprised they didn't give Claire a sippy cup. And speaking of age: wouldn't Summer be like 10 years younger than Claire? She'll get community service and get to swan around GC telling everyone how she's changed. I forgot this was another term for high-heeled shoes and went a completely different route. And all the other woman who are inappropriately dressed for their jobs and hang out at the three major watering holes.
  14. I loved all the steps-I got an "I'm in an Escher drawing" vibe. I did think it bold to show Caravaggio in black and white, but then it is all about the light, isn't it? Well played. The more I watched the more I liked the directing and filming choices.
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