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S06.E13: The Day of the Wedding

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22 hours ago, ams1001 said:

At the same time, the wedding almost felt like a funeral at some points.

Agreed.  I'm going to go against the grain here.  I was not a fan of Beth and Madison.  It seemed rather juvenile.  Also, Madison had twins with Kevin as a result of a ONS.  If Kevin had done to Madison what Madison did to Kevin, she would have flipped out.  And I thought it was beneath Beth, whom I usually love.

Still can't figure out why Philip loves Kate.  I was surprised that Rebecca didn't call Philip Toby.

I agree that Kevin did a good job standing in for his dad in those moments with Rebecca.

  • Love 14
22 hours ago, drafan said:

Rebecca singing that depressing song while everyone held their breath was just stupid. And I loathe when a performer can't play the instrument and they fake that they're playing it.

Was that supposed to be the intended wedding song?  I thought Kate said that Rebecca sang whatever song was planned to them as kids.  I got the sense that this wasn't Kate's intended song, but instead Rebecca remembered the song from the night she went out with Jack and played it instead.

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12 hours ago, Empress1 said:

They are so cute! I loved seeing them dancing and happy. Vanessa Bell Calloway is so gorgeous.

This is a really trivial thing but I thought it was … I don’t know, noticeable, that Madison just put her hair in a ponytail for the wedding. The rest of the women had their hair done; she did not.

I totally noticed that too.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Trillian said:

As a Sophie fan, rooting for those two crazy kids at my lonely table for one, I’m guessing they won’t go down the cheating road because the audience wouldn’t like it. We saw them in this episode taking a stroll together and looking pensive:  was Sophie perhaps telling Kevin that her marriage is troubled and/or essentially over so that she’s free to fulfil my dream of their getting back together?

I also was surprised to see Miguel walking Kate down the aisle, as much as I was pleased the poor guy got the honour. Leaving aside the etiquette of giving away a mature second-time bride as if she is new [TM Miss Manners], Miguel was never a father figure to Kate, either in having taken that role when she was a child (since her own father was alive until her late teens) or in anything we’ve seen since.  I think they missed the chance - in keeping with earlier themes - to have Rebecca walk her down the aisle, perhaps accompanied by Miguel.

Oh, and by the way, shut up, Randall. 

May I join your table? 

I'm already annoyed that a random wedding singer* is thrown into the mix, even if for a couple episodes. There has been a thread connecting Kevin and Sophie the entire series, why keep bringing her back - let alone back up - if they aren't going to be endgame? I think if Sophie's marriage was a happy one, she wouldn't be flying solo at the wedding. He was at the engagement party, and wasn't he the same fiancé that Sophie was initially having problems with? If it's not going to be Sophie, they might as well have kept him with Madison (who I'm enjoying a lot more now that she's not with Kevin).

It would've been cute if little Jack walked his mom down the aisle. 

*there's something about Katie Lowes that every character she plays rubs me the wrong way. I don't know what it is… 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 13
11 hours ago, funnygirl said:

May I join your table? 

I'm already annoyed that a random wedding singer* is thrown into the mix, even if for a couple episodes. There has been a thread connecting Kevin and Sophie the entire series, why keep bringing her back - let alone back up - if they aren't going to be endgame? I think if Sophie's marriage was a happy one, she wouldn't be flying solo at the wedding. He was at the engagement party, and wasn't he the same fiancé that Sophie was initially having problems with? If it's not going to be Sophie, they might as well have kept him with Madison (who I'm enjoying a lot more now that she's not with Kevin).

It would've been cute if little Jack walked his mom down the aisle. 

*there's something about Katie Lowes that every character she plays rubs me the wrong way. I don't know what it is… 

Scoot over, you two. 

I’m still rooting for Kophie. Could they have brought her back to screw with us, sure? But she has been in every season, every timeline, including her and Kevin being married in the “What if Jack didn’t die?” fantasy scenes. Kevin’s toast quoting Sophie’s favorite movie with Sophie right there in the room. I feel like it means something and is leading to them as end-game. 

I think the Kevison ship has sailed and sunk. Madison is basically married to Dan Fogelman’s doppelgänger (if you squint a little bit) and I don’t see Dan killing himself off. 

I’m really not up for it being the wedding singer and am calling BS now on TPTB doing a possible retread of Jack meeting and falling for Rebecca when he walked into a bar, to find her singing “Moonshadow.” Let Kevin have his OWN storyline, including finding his (potential) forever love.

  • Love 13

Regarding Randall's endless toast, that's where they could have used more inspiration from 4 Weddings and a Funeral. And who ends a wedding toast with "Cheers"? Isn't it usually "To the Bride and Groom! "?

What ever happened to the storyline with Madison's mother and her British accent when she abandoned her as a child and left her earrings with Madison? I still expected a connection with Phillip. Sure were a lot of motherly red herrings with jewelry in this show.

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11 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

This. My mother was the sweetest person but she was verbally abusive to her caregivers- swearing at them, insulting them, and even threatening to hit them.  Also she got her days and nights mixed up and would call me at 3 in the morning.
The writers just don’t have the time to delve into all of the aspects of the disease, so we are being spared the messier ones. But anyone who has lived through it knows exactly what Miguel was referencing when he talked about how hard everything was.

OTOH my father was the exact opposite with his dementia.

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I’m hoping for Sophie only because

I can’t get the picture out of my mind of the  actress who plays wedding Singer being such a doormat and unappealing character in finding Anna.

Madison always gets exactly what she wants. She wanted to sleep with Kevin and she did. She had twins with Kevin when she didn’t think she could have children. She had Kevin as a live-in helper. She bailed out of the already planned wedding so she could have her perfect dream wedding. She didn’t want to move into a new house with Kevin but just stay in her bungalow and so they did. She didn’t want to travel with Kevin when he was making movies, So Kevin turned down great opportunities. She wanted a man who would who would stick to her like glue and she found Elijah.  Her devoted Elijah.  Her perfect family. Her perfect white picket fenced cozy home.  Puhleez don’t let her want Kevin again.

  • Love 13

Miguel needs a friend, preferably not one named Pearson. Jeez, the guy just wanted one hour to do wine tasting and have fun!  He's the one having to deal with the brunt of Rebecca's illness day in and day out, which is a disease far worse than depicted here. We thought for a long time that my grandmother was just an alcoholic until the booze was kept away from her and she still had violent mood swings with memory lapses. She was living with my parents (who were also elderly) and then the rest of the family, who never once offered to take her in themselves, fought my parents like crazy when they had to put her in a memory care unit...after she'd accidentally almost burned the house down about 5 times.  Horrible disease, the long goodbye is awful. 

For an episode focused on hair, Madison's was awful, but she's also the mother of 3 young children so it's probably pretty true to life to just throw it back in a ponytail. Rebecca's haircut just looked like Mandy Moore with a shorter haircut, at least they didn't do some horrible 80's Dorothy Hamill bowl cut on her. Kate and Phillip just seemed like they were two co-workers at some other co-worker's wedding.  

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, Ohmo said:

Agreed.  I'm going to go against the grain here.  I was not a fan of Beth and Madison.  It seemed rather juvenile.  Also, Madison had twins with Kevin as a result of a ONS.  If Kevin had done to Madison what Madison did to Kevin, she would have flipped out.  And I thought it was beneath Beth, whom I usually love.

Still can't figure out why Philip loves Kate.  I was surprised that Rebecca didn't call Philip Toby.

I agree that Kevin did a good job standing in for his dad in those moments with Rebecca.

I get what you're saying about the Wedding Sleuthers Beth and Madison's escapades, and I agree that it was inappropriate and juvenile.  But for me it was comic relief because the whole show I was on tenterhooks anyway, although I should have known better that Rebecca would come through on her piano solo performance with flying colors.

That adage: Show, don't tell?  They didn't do either about Philate for me. 

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, buttersister said:

Based on this ep, $5 on Sophie. She’s the one that got (thrown) away, and both of Kevin’s parents knew and liked her. 

I think the writers have always had Sophie as endgame.  This third time's a charm cliche is just the sappy kind of love and romance story they're always trying to sell.

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Yeah, I feel like the show realized it too late that Elijah really didn't have a reason to be at the wedding, or in the immediate family picture, so they had that one-off line from Kevin that he was the designated little kid babysitter.

His reason for being at the wedding was the fact that he is married to Madison who is the Mother of two of Rebecca's grandkids.

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On 4/19/2022 at 10:00 PM, CleoCaesar said:

Madison and Beth had a puzzling amount of chemistry in their Nancy Drew scenes together.

An unnecessary musical number, a long drawn-out Randall monologue, the origin story of Jack’s pornstache...this episode had a lot of filler.

The scene where Old!Rebecca mistook Kevin for Dead!!Jack was well done. Don’t say I never said anything nice about this show.



I never heard of that song that Rebecca's was singing.

  • Love 1

I fear that the drunken ghost of Jack Pearson is going to take out both Madison and Sophie’s husbands, whoever the Wedding Singer might be involved with, along with Miguel for good measure, just like he did with Philip’s poor blind barren wife. Kevin will then marry all three women, Miguel will finally be out of the picture and all will finally be right in Pearson World.

Why did they turn the six year old kids into such assholes? No kid that age would say that to their mother. I, for one, thought she looked very cute with the short hair. 

  • Love 17

The first time I came home with really short hair my four year-old burst into tears, but he didn't say anything mean.

I don't think Beth and Madison were wearing identical bridesmaids dresses, they were just similar.  I  imagine, since they've back slid into high-school girls, one called the other and said, "I'll  wear my white dress with embroidery on it if you wear yours!"

My money's on Sophie, too.  Kevin and the three suspects probably stayed up late drinking and sharing TMI, as you do, and Sophie said she and her husband were getting divorced, just didn't want to tell Kate and put a damper on the wedding.  As if that could get any worse.

Kevin must have paid for the engagement party as well as the wedding, and all their friends must be rich, too, to want to spend so much time and money celebrating for Kate and Phillip.  The custom in my family is to get two of your best friends to go to the Justice of Peace with you and then out to dinner some place nice.

  • Love 9

Super totally nitpicky and minor point, but why was their engagement party a year+ before their wedding? (Madison said she had a nine month old, and was maybe 6 months pregnant at that time, husband#2 said he had been working on the song with Rebecca for a year(?)) Is that normal? I mean, sure, waiting for the perfect venue takes time but with Kevin's money (Kate and husband#2 clearly aren't paying for that with their private school "teacher" salaries, I wonder if they are even paying for their house now, or is that still on Toby?) that would seem to be less an issue. To give time for Sophie's marriage to fall apart? To give time for Rebecca to fall apart? To work around Randell's Senatorial campaign? 

  • Love 6
16 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

It would also be weird if Madison, Kate's good friend, was invited to her wedding but couldn't bring her husband as her plus one.  And it would also be odd not to have Kevin's kids attend since all the other Pearson grandkids were there.

I don't have a big problem with Elijah attending the wedding, but I don't think he needed to be in the family pictures.  Standing on the sidelines distracting the kids, fine.  In the pictures themselves, not so much.

Of course Madison and Elijah would both be at the wedding as Kate's best friend with her husband,  but to me there was no reason for either one of them to be in the family photo.   It would be like having a remarried ex wife in the family photo if they had ever gotten married,  you don't see that too often.  

14 hours ago, Crs97 said:

I think Kevin’s walk with his mom when she thought he was Jack and referenced Sophie told us all we need to know about his ending.  I don’t like it, but I think we’re stuck with it.

Yep, as soon as Rebecca fondly remembered Kevin and Sophie and said they were just too young the first time around (and Kevin paying close attention),  I was resigned to Sophie being end game as much as I wish it wasn't true.

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Kevin will pull a Kelly Taylor and chose himself. He just wears a ring in the flashforward because Rebecca got upset that 'Jack' wasn't wearing his wedding band anymore.

One can dream, right?

On a more serious note it would be great to see next week that all three women were indeed in his room but he did not sleep with any of them and there's a 'harmless' explanation for all the pieces of evidence Cagney and Lacey Beth and Madison collected. That does not rule out that he gets together with someone at a later point. 

Edited by MissLucas
  • Love 16
4 hours ago, cameron said:

His reason for being at the wedding was the fact that he is married to Madison who is the Mother of two of Rebecca's grandkids.

If nothing else, Elijah is Madison's +1 so not understanding why the questioning of him being there. Madison and Beth were the only bridesmaids.

I'm not questioning him being in what appeared to be a few pictures, either. Madison is an aunt to Kate's kids, even without being with Kevin as she and Kate were friends long before Kevin, their kids are first cousins. Not that I'm stanning Elijah, but he and Madison have been married for a while at this point, they have a baby of their own, and he's not just her husband but the twins' stepfather, they are his stepkids obviously, and they seem close. I'm sure it was nice for Madison and Elijah to have a picture with the twins all dressed up. I like the extended family vibe. 

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Ohmo said:

IDK....I've always had the sense that everyone THINKS of Kevin as a fuck boy looking for love, but that's not really how he sees himself.

Agree. He was surprised and I think hurt by what Cassidy said about him leaving chaos in his wake. I don’t think he wants to be that guy. I can’t remember if he was supposed to be a player in his divorced days after his career took off, but even if he was dating/sleeping around, that doesn’t necessarily mean he was a fuckboy. If he was honest about it with the women he dated/slept with, it’s above board. If he was promising things and then hurting them, that’s another story. (He did ditch the woman he slept with at the reunion but he was in the throes of addiction then and literally minutes from melting down so I’ll give him a bit of a pass.)

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52 minutes ago, HappyHanna said:

Super totally nitpicky and minor point, but why was their engagement party a year+ before their wedding? (Madison said she had a nine month old, and was maybe 6 months pregnant at that time, husband#2 said he had been working on the song with Rebecca for a year(?)) Is that normal? I mean, sure, waiting for the perfect venue takes time but with Kevin's money (Kate and husband#2 clearly aren't paying for that with their private school "teacher" salaries, I wonder if they are even paying for their house now, or is that still on Toby?) that would seem to be less an issue. To give time for Sophie's marriage to fall apart? To give time for Rebecca to fall apart? To work around Randell's Senatorial campaign? 

I was engaged for a year before MH and I were married. I think it has less to do with storylines and more to do with the logistics of needing to find a venue, vendors, etc., who fill up very, very quickly, especially during prime-time wedding season (May/June in my location). My dress alone took 6 months to come in and this was after a few months (not constant) of looking and some additional time for some minor alterations. Whether Kevin kind of money is involved or not, it's not as if vendors can chuck other customers that they have signed contracts with if bigger bucks come along. If you have an especially popular venue, DJ/band, photographer, etc., planning more than a year out is not at all unusual. 

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

The first time I came home with really short hair my four year-old burst into tears, but he didn't say anything mean.

First time I came home with really short hair, hubby and kids were outside playing as I pulled up. Hubby said "Sir, you're driving my wife's car." Kids cracked up. We still laugh about it. 

Randall, shut the f up!

  • LOL 14
1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

My biggest worry is how  young Rebecca knew that porn stars all had big mustaches?  Did they even have VCR's at that time?  Was she slipping into Art Theaters in the afternoons with her pound of ham festering in the car with her Cornish hens.?

We had VCRs in the 70's.  Rebecca may be a bit naive, but who didn't know male porn stars had mustaches?  

  • Love 12
45 minutes ago, izabella said:

If "Pound of Ham" Rebecca wanted a change, she could have just...bought turkey or roast beef.  Of course, the big 3 stinkers would probably revolt until she went back to the store to get ham instead.

Randall would have given a long speech on why ham is the best and not turkey or roast beef.  What was with ham and cheese back in our day, anyway?  It was that or PBJ.  Or maybe egg salad.

  • Love 5

Mandy Moore and Jon Huertas were the MVPs of this episode. They broke my heart.

Randall — way to read the room. Of course he didn’t see how much Miguel just wanted an hour to relax and enjoy wine. It’s consistent to his character, but it doesn’t make it anymore enjoyable to watch. Also, him saying that Kate has an infectious smile made me howl with laughter. The writers have to be fucking with us at this point.

Kate and Phillip had some of the worst vows I’ve ever heard. “You hated me when you first met me.” “Definitely not love at first sight.” Who in the hell says these things in real life as they are about to get married? Totally sucked any sort of romance out of the room. 

I am team Kevin/Sophie at this point. I don’t want Kevin paired off with someone random woman that we’ve just met a la Kate and Phillip. I’ve always liked them together, and it would be emotionally satisfying for me.

I agree with those that do not like the new Big 3 little kids. This is the second episode where they’ve just been plain mean to someone. Poor Rebecca. I thought she looked cute. In particular, I do not like the actor that plays Kate. She seems sour and gloomy like her adult counterpart. At least the former actor had some joy in her performance; the new one seems sullen. 

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12 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Randall would have given a long speech on why ham is the best and not turkey or roast beef.  What was with ham and cheese back in our day, anyway?  It was that or PBJ.  Or maybe egg salad.

I grew up with a mother who splurged on turkey.  I believe ham was a staple lunchmeat back in the 80s because it was so cheap and ham and cheese was super easy.  The other lunchmeat option was bologna.  Roast beef was a luxury.

Now, did Rebeca get regular deli ham, or did she get Islay's Chipped Ham.

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I haven't been bugged by Randall like a lot of other people here, but boy did he piss me off in this ep. Completely tone-deaf to correct Rebecca about Kevin being Jack. I understand Randall hasn't been around to see this latest development, but common sense tells you not to do that. Be kind.

Randall is the Out of Town Sibling. This is the person who hasn't seen the parent in months, so they are shocked! at the change in their condition. They then try to get the people caring for the parent to change the treatment. My brother was long that person, but now mom has moved near him, so I try hard not to be that person.

Regarding correcting her, my sisters-in-law did this constantly with my mother-in-law, despite my DH and I telling them they were making things worse for mom. They said they didn't like to lie to her (mom taught them well). But it also came across as trying to fix her, like if we make a photo book naming everyone in the family, she'll remember who everyone is. Doesn't work like that. They just couldn't accept it.


I too found it maudlin and uninteresting. In fact, I don't even know what the lyrics were because I found myself tuning it out.

Same. Quite boring. Strange since the cuts to young Rebecca singing showed a very upbeat song, so if it was meant to be the same song???



Re Kevin and who he slept with... I'm of the opinion that he didn't sleep with anyone. Each of the three women came into his room for some other reason. However, I really don't care.

Yes. Done with the teasing, show. Just tell us. Nobody cares anymore.


Rebecca's meltdown about her hairstyle was ok -- Many of us have been there done that -- but the fact that the kids' reactions bothered her was ridiculous.

Yes. I understand younger kids maybe not recognizing their mother (this happened to my sister) but usually kids are taught to be nice. Or they really don't care. Or -- am I the only one? -- the haircut was fine! I thought most people with a bad haircut just shrug it off, too. Figure out some way to make it work until it grows out. Rebecca wearing a hat was ridiculous.


Loved the scene with Miguel talking to Rebecca about getting her hair done for the wedding. He knows how to talk to her. It was sweet and believable.

I have always loved Miguel and consider him the unsung hero of this show.  Any ending that fails to give him his due will be hated by me.

Miguel needs a friend, preferably not one named Pearson. Jeez, the guy just wanted one hour to do wine tasting and have fun!  He's the one having to deal with the brunt of Rebecca's illness day in and day out, which is a disease far worse than depicted here.

Reminded my DH and I of DH's father brushing his mother's hair when she had Alzheimer's. So sweet. For once, somebody on the writing staff understood how family members help the one with Alzheimer's.

We dragged my father to family weddings just so that my mother could attend with a break from her care-giving duties. The Out of Town Sibling was tasked with that.


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22 minutes ago, smartymarty said:

Regarding correcting her, my sisters-in-law did this constantly with my mother-in-law, despite my DH and I telling them they were making things worse for mom. They said they didn't like to lie to her (mom taught them well). But it also came across as trying to fix her, like if we make a photo book naming everyone in the family, she'll remember who everyone is. Doesn't work like that. They just couldn't accept it.

One of the first, very basic things a family learns is to stop correcting the person, because it's not like they are children who will learn if taught or corrected, so all it does is cause distress.  I would have expected Randall to have known that even if he wasn't there all the time, since he's the type to scour the internet for information.  There's a ubiquitous book that is always recommended when a family member is diagnosed - did Randall just stop reading and researching after the big push to get Rebecca into that trial?   I'm surprised Randall didn't do a minute's worth of research on what to expect with a family member with dementia.

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Re Kevin and who he slept with... I'm of the opinion that he didn't sleep with anyone. Each of the three women came into his room for some other reason. However, I really don't care.

I think Cassidy decided it wasn't a friend's with benefits evening and he slept with the wedding singer, but was still thinking about his talk with Sophie....who I hope was telling him about the break-up of her marriage, since otherwise Kevin is a very bad man if he broke up that marriage.

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12 hours ago, sashabear21 said:

Miguel needs a friend, preferably not one named Pearson. Jeez, the guy just wanted one hour to do wine tasting and have fun! 

They ALL need friends who aren't named Pearson, or aren't romantically connected with a Pearson. I said that last week too. And yes, I get that it's TV and not real life and it would be a pain, I suppose to have to cast the friends and come up with storylines for the friends but this family is so insular. I've been rewatching "Parenthood" and most of the core family members have storylines that involve people outside their own extended family and it feels much more nice and normal. 

And similarly, if this was "real" life I think Kevin would end up with the wedding singer, or someone else we've never seen because that seems way more statistically likely. I know couples that have reconnected with past loves but it's rare. But in fiction, it makes more narrative sense that you bring back characters you have previously introduced because you don't have to waste the time building the connections. They tried to fast-forward it with Mean Phil(lip) and I don't think did it very well.  

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6 minutes ago, AriAu said:

I think Cassidy decided it wasn't a friend's with benefits evening and he slept with the wedding singer, but was still thinking about his talk with Sophie....who I hope was telling him about the break-up of her marriage, since otherwise Kevin is a very bad man if he broke up that marriage.

Sorry, but if Sophie cheats with Kevin, she is the one that broke up her own marriage,  Kevin wasn't the one who had taken vows.  It isn't a shining moment for him,  but it drives me crazy when the unmarried party is supposed to take the blame. 

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19 minutes ago, izabella said:

One of the first, very basic things a family learns is to stop correcting the person, because it's not like they are children who will learn if taught or corrected, so all it does is cause distress.  I would have expected Randall to have known that even if he wasn't there all the time, since he's the type to scour the internet for information.  There's a ubiquitous book that is always recommended when a family member is diagnosed - did Randall just stop reading and researching after the big push to get Rebecca into that trial?   I'm surprised Randall didn't do a minute's worth of research on what to expect with a family member with dementia.

My aunt was a nurse who spent many years working in a nursing home.  She was not in the memory care side of the various facilities where she worked, but any nurse working in an 'old folk's home" (her words) has a working knowledge of dementia and Alzheimer's.  It's inescapable.  The first time she visited my grandmother who suffered from dementia did not go well.  She really struggled.  A working knowledge of the disease goes out the window when it's your parent.  

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3 minutes ago, mansonlamps said:

Sorry, but if Sophie cheats with Kevin, she is the one that broke up her own marriage,  Kevin wasn't the one who had taken vows.  It isn't a shining moment for him,  but it drives me crazy when the unmarried party is supposed to take the blame. 

I really wonder if Kevin/the show would do this. As I said, I don’t think he wants to be a bad guy when it comes to love. He knows what it’s like to cheat and hurt the other person and I wonder if he’d want to be part of it on the other side. And the show isn’t generally that messy about love - couples have had rocky starts but none so messy as infidelity.

  • Love 5
59 minutes ago, PepSinger said:


Kate and Phillip had some of the worst vows I’ve ever heard. “You hated me when you first met me.” “Definitely not love at first sight.” Who in the hell says these things in real life as they are about to get married? Totally sucked any sort of romance out of the room. 


Agreed.  All it did was remind me that she was married to someone else at that time.   But I also didn't care for how quickly they started dating.        

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5 minutes ago, After7Only said:

Agreed.  All it did was remind me that she was married to someone else at that time.   But I also didn't care for how quickly they started dating.        

Yes, going out for drinks to commiserate with a male colleague immediately after signing the papers is a bad look for a straight woman, IMO.  It also makes the guy look a little predatory.  Had they going out in a group of coworkers; fine.  But the show wanted us to buy that, up to that point, they had only worked together and hadn't any relationship outside of the job which makes the two of them pairing up and going out to drink to celebrate her divorce seem fishy.  The fact that Kate had made it clear in all of her interactions for more than a year prior to that that she didn't want to be married anymore didn't help, either.  She was ready to move on long before the ink was dry.

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