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S06.E12: Katoby

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2 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I hope Toby found a better local job. That one looked awful (for him). He needs a community.

Presumably Toby is still in LA post-divorce because of Jack and Hailey, but that house he moved into after the beige apartment (the one where he showed Kate how he set up Jack's room mostly in the same layout that was at hers) looked a lot like the house Toby looked at for all of them in San Francisco. Am I wrong?

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I don’t have anything against Phillip, I just don’t see him with Kate. It just doesn’t fit. Maybe as I see more I’ll get it, but I’m not going to hold my breath. Tbh, I don’t understand why they didn’t put Kate with the neighbor if they really wanted to breakup Kate and Toby. They are actually close and he likes the kids (at least Jack). I could see them growing closer as her and Toby grew apart.

After seeing the entire story of the divorce play out, I don’t think anybody really looks bad. They both made mistakes, but honestly they just grew apart and made themselves miserable trying to pretend they didn’t. I get Toby’s desire to have a job that fulfills him and provides a very comfortable income. The biggest mistake that Toby made is not bothering to show Kate that there would be opportunities for her to continue the work she loved in SF. There has to be schools that Kate could work at there that would provide her the same fulfillment. That isn’t something that is specific to LA. 

In the end, I have to say that I would make Kate’s decision to stay in LA. She said two things that brought me to her side, especially since Toby admitted there was a job in LA that would allow them to pay their bills: Haley has family close and Rebecca is there. Those are two very important things that aren’t in SF, and Kate doesn’t know how long Rebecca has left. I agree with other posters that Jack would adapt to living in a new place, so that isn’t as big of an issue as Kate was making it, and more money is a benefit for Jack. Kate would have been more honest if she said LA is where she is most comfortable with her friends and family and she would have a hard time adapting. 

I kind of wish that Toby didn’t leave his job to try and save the marriage because it just made him miserable and it really affected his ability to be a parent. It doesn’t matter if you spend more time with your kids if that time isn’t making anybody happy. Quantity is important, but so is quality. The marriage was over, so he could have just kept his job until at least a better option in LA came up.

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I'm still confused on the timeline. We saw little to no scenes of Kate and Phillip being friends but all of a sudden they are friendly enough that he texted her to take her out to karaoke the day her divorce was final? Was the first date with the mariachi band before or after that? When did Toby come over with the kids to find Phillip in the house?

It almost looked like they left it ambiguous as to whether or not Kate and Phillip cheated or had an emotional affair, but I doubt the show meant to do that.

Edited by LexieLily
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what even was this episode

1. Little Jack is the best
2. So they are getting around Kate not being a teaching by having her be a "supervisor"?
3. That was the world's worst therapist - not suggesting they spend some time alone to eat dinner until they are 18 months into therapy?
4. Why would Kate talk with Jack's teacher for 20 minutes when she knows she has an appointment? That wasn't being kind, Kate, that was torturing the teacher who just wants to go home, or grade papers, or finish a lesson plan, or sort pencils so they don't have to listen to a Pearson Speech.
5. Toby was honestly pretty close to the truth with that yelling at Kate that she is just looking for Jack.
6. am I bad if I laughed when PMJ said his wife was hit by a car and died?
7. I hope we get an episode like this for Rebecca & Miguel
8. ~6 year old Jack (or whatever age during the Philip proposal scene) was probably the worst kid casting - this show is normally pretty good at casting, but that one was a miscast.
9. I did not, and still don't buy, Kate & PMJ - especially now that she knows his history. Kate has always had to win the tragedy pissing contest.

2 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

Also, the problem with doing a flashforward where you establish a couple on the show is divorced and one of them is remarrying is that there is now little purpose in investing in that couple's marriage, as we now know it is going to end, and the way it ended was really predictable.  The only thing I liked was Toby telling Kate that her biggest problem with Toby was that he was not Jack Pearson.  That was a huge truth bomb and you'll notice Kate doesn't really deny it.         

She looked great for being in her 60s.  I think the only thing they did was gray up her hair a bit.

Yeah - they should've shaken things around a bit if they wanted to have us care about the marriage... instead of devoting a few episodes to it when we knew what was going to happen.

I think that all Old Kate had was some gray hair. I'm surprised she isn't dead yet when she's maintained that weight for ~2 1/2 decades (assuming she's 60). I have to imagine Old Kate has had at least a couple of heart attacks, given her family history and her medical history.

Edited by bros402
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After this episode ended, I thought of the Entertainment Weekly interview that dropped a few days ago where someone on set was asked if we'd need to bring the tissues and she said something to the effect of, we should bring a beach towel. Was there anything in that episode that was supposed to make us cry? If there was, it sure didn't work for me and I have cried at many TIU episodes. I did some eye rolling, no tears.

I am NOT buying Philip's, "You make me happy, Kate." Why? They're on their first date! It's a visual medium--SHOW not tell! But they didn't give this supposed romance any time to develop. It all got smooshed together in one episode.

I'm glad that Toby seemed to have found a good long-term relationship but I'll be ticked off if that's all we get to see of his future happiness. He may not be a Pearson, but he has been a character on the show for six seasons. 

At least Jack has gotten his father's love for Star Wars characters. I'm happy for Toby about that! 

I agree with everyone that we'd better get the Rebecca/Miguel love story episode.

  • Love 20
27 minutes ago, bros402 said:

I think that all Old Kate had was some gray hair. I'm surprised she isn't dead yet when she's maintained that weight for ~2 1/2 decades (assuming she's 60). I have to imagine Old Kate has had at least a couple of heart attacks, given her family history and her medical history.

Lots of heavy people make it into their 60s without having heart attacks.  Jack had a heart defect that was diagnosed before he entered the service and that there is absolutely no indication he ever had it monitored or treated.   We have no indication that Kate has a similar defect so I'm not sure that bit of family history is relevant.  

  • Love 11

Ugh. Thank the fucking lord for Little Jack.  That kid is a treasure. Adult Jack II is nice too. But Little Jack is the only thing that distracted me from how much I no longer gave any fucks about Kate & Toby's marriage (I'm not 100% I ever cared a lot).  I spent the whole episode that wasn't little Jack vacillating between rolling my eyes at the mad dash through a relationship to somehow suddenly get us to Kate with Phillip, trying to get a handle of the fucking timeline that bounced around like someone gave Chronos crack, and trying to figure out how in the hell there are enough episodes for Kevin to end up married in any plausible way after seeing him 4+ years into the future serial dating like he's regressed to season one.*  

As for the last bit, I have never liked the idea of Sophie being end game because they've already tried twice and it kinda makes her look more romantically dysfunctional than Kevin, which... Sweet Jesus.  But I can't see how they can cobble anything else together unless he and Cassidy dance around each other for at least another 5 years before dating.


*Speaking of Kevin's S1 dating life, I noted when they were listing off the his string of "faces of [product/service]" girlfriends, one was a mobile phone company.  It should have been AT&T for a nod to Milana Vayntrub (from the AT&T ads who played Sloane in S1 last seen abandoned on stage by Kevin).

Edited by RachelKM
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21 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

and trying to figure out how in the hell there are enough episodes for Kevin to end up married in any plausible way after seeing him 4+ years into the future serial dating like he's regressed to season one.*  

That was an interesting choice, yeah. Are we supposed to assume that Madison and Elijah's impending engagement as of last episode regressed him to what we saw here? Did Madison and Elijah get married? They made a point to have the line that it was Elijah's baby, How much time is there usually between an engagement party and a wedding? We saw Madison in the five-year flash before tonight in her bridesmaid dress and she definitely did not appear to be heavily pregnant the way she was at Kate/Phillip's engagement. I'm still confused on all of the timeline jumps. Apparently Kevin was back on the serial dating/vapid women path as soon as Nicky and Frannie's second birthday, which I'm guessing is a few months after where we left off last episode?

Edited by LexieLily
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3 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

Ok, I watched this and didn’t see Sophie. I need a rewatch. The actor playing Philip really sold that scene about his wife. I resent how shoehorned into this show he has been but he did a decent job. 

I didn't see Sophie either. Was she at the engagement party?

I don't think "Phillip" sold the scene.  He read off some lines that we were expected to swallow without any context or showing how this relationship developed.  I can't fathom what we are supposed to believe he sees in Kate.  And the dead wife story made me want to puke.  Such over the top storytelling.

  • Love 22
10 minutes ago, MBayGal said:

I didn't see Sophie either. Was she at the engagement party?

I don't think "Phillip" sold the scene.  He read off some lines that we were expected to swallow without any context or showing how this relationship developed.  I can't fathom what we are supposed to believe he sees in Kate.  And the dead wife story made me want to puke.  Such over the top storytelling.

Sophie was in the flash forward at the engagement party with her new husband. Kevin looked at them “sadly” and mentioned to Kate that he’s happy that she reconnected with Sophie. 

The dead blind wife thing wasn’t so bad to me, and sort of put into context why Phillip was a serial dater. I didn’t mind his relationship with Kate and I’m sure with more time we would have seen their buildup (especially with how someone as miserable as Kate could make anyone happy), but I do appreciate that him and Toby were cordial to each other. I’m also happy that Toby re-married, and for once Kate had a decent speech with the “this is not the end our story” by divorcing. 
Only 6 episodes left? We better get a Miguel and Rebecca backstory or I will be pissed.


  • Love 7
3 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

Also, the problem with doing a flashforward where you establish a couple on the show is divorced and one of them is remarrying is that there is now little purpose in investing in that couple's marriage, as we now know it is going to end, and the way it ended was really predictable.  The only thing I liked was Toby telling Kate that her biggest problem with Toby was that he was not Jack Pearson.  That was a huge truth bomb and you'll notice Kate doesn't really deny it.        

See, I'm the opposite. Knowing it ended in divorce made me a lot more interested in seeing how they fell apart because if I didn't know they ended up divorced, I definitely would have assumed they worked it out some how because that's usually the nature of television.

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, twoods said:

left? We better get a Miguel and Rebecca backstory or I will be pissed.


Really they have never shown this?  How crazy!  I’m a new watcher who decided to tune in for the last few episodes out of curiosity. This is such a strange show. I tried the pilot years ago and gave up because all the flash backing and forwarding annoyed me. But I know it’s super popular, so I thought I’d check it out. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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17 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

Really they have never shown this?  How crazy!  I’m a new watcher who decided to tune in for the last few episodes out of curiosity. This is such a strange show. I tried the pilot years ago and gave up because all the flash backing and forwarding annoyed me. But I know it’s super popular, so I thought I’d check it out. 

Well, tonight's episode must have blown your brain to bits! I think many of us who've watched all six seasons had to take a beat with each new scene to figure out where it fell in the timeline. I can't even imagine what it must have been like for a newcomer to the show to try to understand what was going on. This was non-linear story telling on steroids!

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6 hours ago, weightyghost said:

Kate is a miserable human being. Even on her wedding day "something will go wrong!" Like geez.

I didn’t take it that way. I thought she was being realistic. It’s almost guaranteed that at any wedding some things will go wrong (often little things that don’t really matter much, occasionally big ones) because life just isn’t perfect. The really miserable human beings are the bridezillas who expect everything to be absolutely perfect and pitch a fit if it isn’t. So, much though I don’t like Kate, I can’t fault her for that statement.

Edited by CarpeFelis
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6 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

We're lucky there's only a handful of episodes left or we'd get a full episode on Philip's blind, dead wife. 

A fan saw first week of May is Miguel's episode so hopefully more of him and Rebecca, moving to Texas etc.

The week AFTER wedding is called ""The Night Before the Wedding" PLEASE don't let it be Kate's wedding. 3 weeks of this wedding? Let it be Kevin's, anyone's but hers. How much more can they drag it out unless we have to see who Kevin slept with and they can't fit it in the wedding day with all the hullabaloo.

Edited by debraran
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8 hours ago, Eliot said:

Did I hallucinate, or was there a flash forward many, many seasons ago that showed Toby in bed in a dark room sobbing? Or did that already happen and I just missed it?

That was when Rebecca was presumably on her deathbed. IIRC Toby was alone in bed sans wedding ring. But he was apparently happily married to the yogurt woman for a while. Maybe she dies later.

  • Love 3

What is wrong with me that I was rooting for Kate and Toby in the few nice moments they had last night? I don't even like Kate and I know how the relationship ends. I feel very manipulated. Possibly because I am in a long-term marriage that has gone through many challenges and at times we bicker the way they do and I am rooting for myself? Hearing someone else snipe at each other is really tough. I think the writing was really strong in those scenes.

I don't buy the Phillip transformation or that relationship either. I think it added nothing. 

I was so happy for Toby when he met the parfait woman. Also when he found another house. Between the depressing office and depressing house I was feeling terrible for him. He gave up the great job and gorgeous SF apartment for nothing in the end. But apparently his life does get better. It's pretty realistic with divorce- the same income now has to support two households, and something's gotta give.

Bobba Fett in the toilet- oh no! Love it. Little Jack is the best.

Next week looks like it's gonna be rough. Unhappy that it's yet another Kate centered episode, but looked like we'll be getting a lot of Rebecca and Miguel too. I still remember how hostile the kids seemed to Miguel in the beginning and it never made sense based on the timeline. It would be one thing if they cheated while Jack was alive but there was a significant gap. Who wouldn't want their widowed mom to find someone who makes her happy? And from everything we have seen thus far he has been an absolutely stellar husband to Rebecca. The kids are lucky they got together.


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16 minutes ago, gameshowjunkie said:

That was when Rebecca was presumably on her deathbed. IIRC Toby was alone in bed sans wedding ring. But he was apparently happily married to the yogurt woman for a while. Maybe she dies later.

Future Mrs. Toby Damon / Parfait Woman is alive at the time of Adult Jack Damon's show at the bar, ten to twenty years after Rebecca's deathbed at the cabin. Why didn't we see Adult Hailey at that show? 

But now we have a new possible adult to be arriving at the deathbed cabin in the ten-year flash - could Parfait Woman be included in the 'they' coming with Jack? 

Edited by LexieLily
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7 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Why didn't we see Adult Hailey at that show? 

I don’t know why in show world, but my guess is that in the real world it’s because they didn’t want to pay Adelaide Kane just to stand there for 30 seconds. I have a similar question though. Now that we know they’re both alive when their kids are grown, why didn’t we see Kate and Toby when Hope is born?

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Yeah, the sudden romance of Kate and Phillip seems forced, and seen in flashbacks it seems to have progressed too rapidly.  There is zero chemistry between the actors.  I do like that both Kate and Toby came to realize they are better apart and both found new partners.  Having all of them there for Jack's performance was lovely.  They all seemed at ease with each other which is a million times healthier for them and for the kids than the constant bickering.

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6 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

I don’t know why in show world, but my guess is that in the real world it’s because they didn’t want to pay Adelaide Kane just to stand there for 30 seconds. I have a similar question though. Now that we know they’re both alive when their kids are grown, why didn’t we see Kate and Toby when Hope is born?

I suppose that bar scene could have happened in a window of time after Adult Jack met Lucy but before Lucy became Jack's wife/Hope was born.

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8 hours ago, anniebird said:

I'm definitely in the minority here but I thought this was one of the best episodes in a long, long time. Things actually happened that moved the story along, Toby finally told Kate the truth, that his biggest sin is that he's not Jack Pearson, and we got a glimpse into the future. I've been watching this season just because I've invested so much in this show I wanted to see it through to the end but I thought this episode paid off. 

I am not a Kate or Toby fan but I do agree that this episode was better than some in the past because it moved the story. 

We actually saw Kate and Phillip's relationship, the breakup/divorce and a flash in the future with adult Jack starting out.

I know that a big reason the flashbacks are used so that can utilize  Milo but enough is enough especially if you want to finish a story.

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7 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I suppose that bar scene could have happened in a window of time after Adult Jack met Lucy but before Lucy became Jack's wife/Hope was born.

I think so. It definitely seemed like Jack was just starting out, so Hope being born is still a little more in the future from that. I just originally was worried since both Kate and Toby weren’t there, but now it seems like they probably are alive then.

  • Love 3

Yeah, show - I see what you're trying to sell but I'm not buying.

  • I guess when that therapist got out of her chair you'd find a sticky note on her back reading 'Please, kick me'.
  • Kate and Toby bonding over mocking their therapist was in a nutshell why their relationship was doomed.
  • Kevin is back to emotional speed dating? Why exactly? No other reason than prepare us for *dramatic pause* the return of Sophie!
  • Speaking of Sophie - how will the writers get rid of her husband? Death by kitchen appliance? Prepare your Bingo cards, folks!
  • Of course Randall runs for Senate.
  • Best scene runner-up: Toby pulling a Diana and telling Kate that there was one pe(a)rson too many in their marriage.
  • Best scene: Jack throwing dropping Bobba Fett into the toilet. I had to laugh at the stricken faces of his parents. Nothing a pair of rubber gloves and some rubbing alcohol can't fix. The Beskar can take it!
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10 hours ago, ams1001 said:

ccording to this recap it's 2032, and the bar is around 2043. Kevin's kids look to be around 10 or so in the cabin scenes.

10 hours ago, Quickbeam said:


That is the most depressing thing about this show: the future , 2043, looks totally boring. Unless future Little Jack is singing in some equivalent of a "period  theme" pub that are around now.  Its the future!! And Toby is there wearing an old man's cap, they haven't figured out how to grow hair 😞.

And I appreciate that they want to cast blind actors but unfortunately that had broken their usual pretty spot on casting of the kids at different ages. Chubby 6 year old Jack totally fit as Katobi's kid, but we had already seen grown up Jack who is a totally different body type.

I think the whole premise of trying to take the story into 2043 was a big fail.


ETA:  the worst marriage therapist ever is only after 16 months of therapy  suggesting they have a dinner alone together

Edited by Blackie
eta, clarity
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