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S16.E07: Choosing Kids Over Kody

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I remember another of his birthdays when the kids pooled their money to buy him a fancy watch.  He opened it and said "wow, my 8th or 9th watch"

I didn't watch the earlier seasons so I missed that.


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9 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

By "deceived by Meri," he means she pretended to be all in for polygamy when, as anyone can plainly see from the minute Janelle came into the picture, she's not on board AT ALL.

Could have something to do with the fact that Janelle divorced Meri's brother to chase Kootie.

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5 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Could have something to do with the fact that Janelle divorced Meri's brother to chase Kootie.

...or not.  Meri was madly in love with Kooty and wanted him all to herself.  She no doubt thought SHE could make him forget that crazy idea of having other wives...

1 minute ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

I don’t think she pretended to be all in.  She was raised with polygamy and she thought that was what she wanted.  I just don’t think she realized she would be so jealous and needy. It’s one thing to grow up in polygamy and think it’s great and it’s a whole other thing to be a sister wife and actually watch your husband go off and be with another woman 2/3rds of the time. She should have left him 25 years ago and forged her own path, but for whatever reason she decided to stick it out. 

Raised in it...but definitely not cut out for it!


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5 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Could have something to do with the fact that Janelle divorced Meri's brother to chase Kootie.

And Kody supposedly met with Janelle to discuss marriage without Meri knowing. Kody and Meri were also recently dumped by an 18 year old that they were hoping would become a sister wife. 
Meri and Janelle started off on the wrong foot.

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3 hours ago, deirdra said:

I remember another of his birthdays when the kids pooled their money to buy him a fancy watch.  He opened it and said "wow, my 8th or 9th watch

And then later on, at the pawn shop his friend owned in St George, he pawned one of his gifted watches for a big tv. Jackass. 

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4 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

I seriously doubt that even if Janelle followed all the rules, and Christine did the same, that Robyn would allow them to come over for Thanksgiving.   I'm sure she would come up with some excuse - not believing the actually followed the rules, catching them in a small discrepancy, or saying unless they had it outside, it couldn't happen.   Janelle's boys would flat out not be allowed - no matter what.    Robyn talks a big game, "Oh we need to get back to a family", but not in her house.     When Meri said she could be there, Robyn did not look thrilled.  

I think she was expecting Kody to yell, scream, and give them hell at the meeting.    But when he said "appreciate", she almost burst a vein.   

Just to clarify as I'm not sure if my message came across as I intended. But this, what you write above in your post, that's what I meant with "It's not that he has rules, it's how he bent them to suit his needs." Even when the wives do exactly what he says, he turns 180 degrees and backs out with some sort of stupid excuse or a totally different interpretation of his rules..

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26 minutes ago, deirdra said:

She may have said she wanted polygamy because that is all she knew, but hearing them having sex on the other side of paper-thin walls in a trailer probably soured her quickly. That doesn't mean she was being deceptive.

...or it does and she was.  Honestly, only Meri knows for sure.

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This was last week too, but kody saying they need to treat his roles like “scripture “… don’t they pick and choose the things they follow from the Bible, or how they interpret it? If they treated the rules like that they’d all be following different ones (like they are)

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24 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

...or it does and she was.  Honestly, only Meri knows for sure.

She also has said that the HBIC gets a say before 2nd, 3rd & 4th wives are added to the fambly.  Was she lying about that too?

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55 minutes ago, deirdra said:

She may have said she wanted polygamy because that is all she knew, but hearing them having sex on the other side of paper-thin walls in a trailer probably soured her quickly. That doesn't mean she was being deceptive.

Okay this comment gave me a visual that I didn't want! 

side note - all this time I thought that Janelle never revealed on the show that she was previously married to Meri's brother. Upon rewatch she did mention it one time very briefly "But it didn't last very long at all." You have to wonder what "called her to the faith" and made her start spending time at Kody's dad's ranch. She wasn't chosen and courted. She inserted herself. 

Also Christine, whose own mother left polygamy when Christine was 18 or 19, never hesitated to live a plural lifestyle. Yet she also says that she was really surprised by the incredible struggle with jealousy. So it's very possible that these women- as young girls - thought they wanted to practice polygamy - but had no idea what they were getting into.

Edited by Tuxcat
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JMO opinion but I think Meri would have agreed to anything to marry Kody… in their book she made it very clear how over the moon in love she was.

when Kody and Robyn went on their honeymoon Janelle and Christine were pissed off but all Meri said was that she wished he’d be back sooner because she misses him so badly

i think there’s a good possibility that Meri thought she’d be able to make him so happy that he’d change his mind about polygamy or at the very least that she’d always be his favorite and have a special place in his heart and when he didn’t change his mind and he was more than happy to take on new wives it pissed her off… then the new wives started popping out babies like PEZ dispensers and Meri started taking out her anger and jealousy on the kids….she never blames Kody…. Even after all the shit he’s pulled she’s still starry eyed and begging for his attention.

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No matter what Christine and Janelle and their families did, Thanksgiving was out of the question. They could have followed every rule to the letter and on the day before be told “Sorry, the CDC says no gatherings more than 10 people.” If this was truly filmed in early November as one of the wives said in a talking head, it was also possible that they already knew this (late 2020 we were being warned of a spike due to the Holidays even before Halloween). I am seeing news articles from early November 2020 recommending against anything but small gatherings.

I am also seeing the very reasonable suggestion in these same articles that people test if they feel compelled to gather. What a reasonable compromise would that have been? Of course, that assumes one is looking to compromise.  But as has already been mentioned, the rules were about control not COVID.

If his kids didn’t resent them then, they will after watching this episode. He’s not a dad….he’s a baby daddy who dropped his seed and hightailed it when the going got tough.

I keep waiting to see a statement that Janelle has finally said “peace out!” or “F—- off” and officially left too. She seemed on the verge in this one.

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44 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

You have to wonder what "called her to the faith" and made her start spending time at Kody's dad's ranch. She wasn't chosen and courted. She inserted herself. 

Janelle's mother married Kootie's father a few months before K&J married. 

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23 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Janelle's mother married Kootie's father a few months before K&J married. 

Yes but Janelle's mother went to the ranch (and "fell in love with Winn") to check up on Janelle who was already hanging out at the ranch and feeling "called."

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1 hour ago, hoosiermommy said:

No matter what Christine and Janelle and their families did, Thanksgiving was out of the question. They could have followed every rule to the letter and on the day before be told “Sorry, the CDC says no gatherings more than 10 people.” If this was truly filmed in early November as one of the wives said in a talking head, it was also possible that they already knew this (late 2020 we were being warned of a spike due to the Holidays even before Halloween). I am seeing news articles from early November 2020 recommending against anything but small gatherings.

I am also seeing the very reasonable suggestion in these same articles that people test if they feel compelled to gather. What a reasonable compromise would that have been? Of course, that assumes one is looking to compromise.  But as has already been mentioned, the rules were about control not COVID.

If his kids didn’t resent them then, they will after watching this episode. He’s not a dad….he’s a baby daddy who dropped his seed and hightailed it when the going got tough.

I keep waiting to see a statement that Janelle has finally said “peace out!” or “F—- off” and officially left too. She seemed on the verge in this one.

I wish I could like your post 100X

I agree that Kody and more importantly Robyn were never looking for an actual compromise and a way for the family to gather at Robyns mansion, quite to the contrary I think they were actively looking for reasons, rules and ridiculous hoops to jump through to make sure it wouldn’t happen.

Robyn sounded like a broken record at the campfire gathering, there’s no way she wants an indoor meeting with the others…. Her high pitched scratchy old hag voice is still ringing in my ears… “6 ft.. social distancing Ari!! Sol!! Be careful, Truely keep your distance!!!… 6 ft please!!”  🙄

I think she invited Meri to Thanksgiving in hopes of making everyone think that she’s sincere, Robyn thinks she’s playing chess but she can barely play checkers… her moves are so obvious.

Kody openly mocks Janelle and Christine’s honesty about the precautions they’re taking, he’s actually said that they’re “full of shit” but he totally believes without question that some employee NANNY AND HER HUSBAND are religiously following his Robyn’s rules??… is he at their house to see who visits, does he monitor them wiping their mail with alcohol or watch them change their clothes whenever they leave and return to their home etc, etc, etc… give me a break! 

Robyn and Ramen are so full of it they’re turning brown 💩

Edited by Joan of Argh
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On 1/2/2022 at 11:39 AM, BamaGull said:

 I believe he’s mentally ill.

I hadn't considered this before but you might be on to something. He has always exhibited symptoms of bipolar disorder. He is now grandiose, paranoid, OCD and narcissistic. If this continues he will need inpatient treatment. 

Edited by Desert Rat
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Oh my, watching these people navigate COVID is making me all sorts of rage-y. I guess I’ll never understand some of the decisions, like a bunch of the kids going to see Ysabel right after her surgery, or Christine’s pregnant daughter spending Thanksgiving with some of the family. I mean, infecting Ysabel with COVID as she’s in immense pain from major surgery  would have helped her recovery how? There were other safe or safer options there regarding supporting Ysabel after surgery (like video phone calls or in the very least, masking up while visiting her)! And I guess it all worked out, but the thought of getting COVID while pregnant seems terrifying, possibly very dangerous, and not at all worth the risk just so you don’t miss one Thanksgiving with your family. 

Again, it all seems to have worked out for these people, but my gosh, Christine with her “I’m going to live my life my way” (or whatever she said). Uh huh, but what’s the harm in taking extra precautions when gathering as a family for their Thanksgiving (wear masks, social distance, get tested before-hand (if you had access to a test, obviously), etc.)? The preview doesn’t really look like they are being COVID-cautious. I think they all just got terribly lucky, and I don’t know how they all avoided getting infected.

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On 1/2/2022 at 11:31 PM, Katie111 said:

For all of you saying Janelle and Christine are being irresponsible, did you have older teens during the pandemic?  I sent my daughter off to college and she came home for Thanksgiving and Christmas last year. My high school son had a job at a grocery store.  Was that irresponsible of me?  Are they supposed to keep their teens locked up 24/7?  No college, no jobs, no friends?  Really? 

I have covid now, I’m the first in my family to get it.  I got it from my best friend, not one of my three teens.  Sometimes mental health can be just as important as physical health and teens need to socialize.  Janelle and Christine are doing the right thing for their families. 

Thinking back to the way things were in 2020 I still think they were being irresponsible.  Janelle is high risk due to her weight and likely medical issues we know nothing about.  And she's over 50 now.  IMO she was being irresponsible to herself as well as her family allowing herself to be put at that much risk especially before the vaccine.  But it's not unlike her to be a wimp/martyr for her family.  Where I live there was no in person college to go to in 2020, no choice about wearing masks either.  We had lockdowns.  I couldn't even see my father in the hospital when he was dying of Covid.  I was told not to even travel to NY to see him.  I think these people were living in a bit of a dream world influenced by local laws, values and trends.  From my perspective they're not looking at the reality.  They want to pick and choose how to react to Covid and not realize that they can't leave a back door open while building a fortress up front.  Christine doesn't like to "let Covid rule her life".  Sounds like familiar propaganda from certain sources to me.  Unfortunately if you don't in some ways let Covid rule your life it will find a way to rule you anyway.  Protecting yourself is not letting Covid rule your life.  It's fighting against letting Covid rule your life.

None of them like being told what to do (not that I blame them for not wanting to take orders from asshole Ko-dorf), but there were many other ways to handle this issue but all they can hear is being told to make sacrifices and take orders they don't want to follow from someone they don't want to let control them.  I sympathize, but I think they ALL need to get over themselves.  Not ONE of them is looking at the big picture.  Well, maybe Kody is but his big picture has him as the leader and all the others as followers.  I get it that they're rebelling against his oppression, but they have to get past that to see that this is about more than their stupid father and the entire family loses if they all dig their heels in and have separate Thanksgivings.  Do it for the family if not for him.  Hold your nose and do it anyway.  At least everyone will get together.  If that's not the most important thing to them at this point, that's a very sad thing indeed.  If they can't get over themselves that much they are also sad people.  I don't doubt that Kody himself brought a lot of this fallout upon himself and he's just reaping what he's sown at this point, but everyone else needs to get over that and find a solution that gets them all together.  If they don't I see THAT as "letting Covid rule their lives".  I think Christine is misguided on what it means to let Covid rule one's life.

When I look at that list Kody gave Christine and Janelle, there was nothing I think is too much to ask on it given what we were doing in 2020.  A lot of us were wiping down our groceries and letting mail sit for at least 24 hours.  Even after stores opened up and some allowed people in fitting rooms they were letting the clothes "air out" after being tried on.  His list is not asking too much save maybe for asking them to change clothes after going shipping.  That's a bit much even by 2020 standards.  And 2 weeks quarantine was probably more than necessary - didn't the CDC only recommend 10 days in 2020?  

I definitely think Kody is being hoist on his own petard.  He wants to be the leader that everyone blindly and obediently follows, but his sons definitely inherited some of his headstrong tendencies which stand in the way of that.  Plus Janelle is a wimp of a mother and keeps acting like she'd be a bad mother if she asked her sons to change their behavior for a few days or move out.  But that's just an excuse, IMHO.  She and they just don't care anymore to see him and THAT's the issue, not even their father's "rules".  

Also, despite the way Kody acted he was technically NOT asking his sons to move out, just to quarantine for 2 weeks.  Geesh, you'd think it was a lifetime the way they acted.  Again, family baggage getting in the way, but I know based on my values where I come from and given that I am in my 60's and overweight with other high risk issues, I don't think that asking a adult sons to stay away from girlfriends and other friends for a relatively short time for the sake of a safer family gathering is too much to ask.  In fact, in my time and in my culture, my mother would have argued with me if I didn't want to do it when I was Janelle's sons' age.  Janelle isn't doing that with her sons because they are all already alienated from Kody and don't care.  The difference is that I WOULD have wanted to do it because I wasn't alienated from my mother and it would have been more important for me to be with her and my Dad on Thanksgiving than to do whatever I wanted.  The difference with these people is that none of them really WANT to spend the time together anymore, likely because Kody has done a lot all by himself for years before Covid to make the family rebel against him.  If they really wanted to be around him they would find a way to do it and be safe.  But they don't have that motivation so they are resisting it and acting like it's too much to ask.

Geesh, even this year we are going through this around the holidays.  My husband and I didn't go to his sister's Thanksgiving dinner because she had other family members over plus grown sons with their girlfriends, plus the Covid rate in her area is astronomical even compared with ours, which is also higher than it's ever been.  One son works with Covid patients.  The whole family is vaccinated and boosted but there were just too many people there so my husband and I didn't go.  Then less than a week later my husband was considering going to visit his sister just by himself, a two hour drive each way.  I didn't think enough time had gone by after Christmas to be sure they were more Covid safe, but I didn't say anything right away.  Then a day before the gathering his sister called and told him that their cousin, who was at the gathering, was potentially exposed to Covid because their daughter was exposed to someone that tested positive.  Thank goodness we later found out that no one got sick.  Either the cousin was asymptomatic or she didn't catch it.  My husband's sister got tested and came up negative.  Even though no one got sick, thank goodness we didn't go.

I am realistic that people have to live with people that work in contact with other people.  My husband drives a rich family.  They are going out to dinner tomorrow in Manhattan, which is Covid central now and we are nervous, but he will be cracking the window and wearing his N95 mask while driving them.  Both of them have already had Covid and are vaxxed and boosted, so they may not pose such a great threat anyway.

I haven't had time to read the rest of the thread yet but I will!

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6 minutes ago, SonofaBiscuit said:

Oh my, watching these people navigate COVID is making me all sorts of rage-y. I guess I’ll never understand some of the decisions, like a bunch of the kids going to see Ysabel right after her surgery, or Christine’s pregnant daughter spending Thanksgiving with some of the family. I mean, infecting Ysabel with COVID as she’s in immense pain from major surgery  would have helped her recovery how? There were other safe or safer options there regarding supporting Ysabel after surgery (like video phone calls or in the very least, masking up while visiting her)! And I guess it all worked out, but the thought of getting COVID while pregnant seems terrifying, possibly very dangerous, and not at all worth the risk just so you don’t miss one Thanksgiving with your family. 

Again, it all seems to have worked out for these people, but my gosh, Christine with her “I’m going to live my life my way” (or whatever she said). Uh huh, but what’s the harm in taking extra precautions when gathering as a family for their Thanksgiving (wear masks, social distance, get tested before-hand (if you had access to a test, obviously), etc.)? The preview doesn’t really look like they are being COVID-cautious. I think they all just got terribly lucky, and I don’t know how they all avoided getting infected.

And yet the only one who actually got Covid (that we know of) was Kody…

So much for all his precautions and rules

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On 1/2/2022 at 10:18 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

At the time this was filmed- Sept-Oct-of 2020, the rules that Janelle was objecting to, had been dropped. 

You are correct. By this time in Arizona there were no restrictions or mandates of any kind. The limited restrictions and business closures the governor had imposed had effectively been invalidated by the courts. By September 2020, all businesses were open, inside and out, at full capacity.  No masks required. Businesses could limit capacity voluntarily,  few did. Some businesses recommended masks. Most schools were open. As someone living in Arizona at that time, Kody's rules just seem silly and not at all in line with what was happening in this state. 

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2 hours ago, MsTree said:

Janelle, not only can you read a book in bed in a monogamous marriage, you could also sleep in separate beds like Lucy & Ricky. In fact, you could even sleep in separate rooms if that's what floats your boat.

Their lack of knowledge regarding monogamous marriages is hilarious! 😂

I have a couple close friends who have gone the separate rooms route and they couldn’t be happier… one was dealing with a husband who snores like a buzz saw…. every night was the same thing, him snoring and her giving him a shove every hour or two to wake him up, neither was getting a good nights sleep… they switched to separate rooms and love it!

another one of my friends is always cold and her husband is a furnace who kicks off all the blankets, they switched to separate rooms and wished they’d done it sooner.

The Browns seem to think that monogamous women are poor little puppets with no freedom who have to ask their husband for permission before doing anything, going anywhere or even reading a book!

they’ve also said how sorry they feel for monogamous women during childbirth because they don’t have anyone to help or support them like sister wives do 🙄

this is my favorite coffee mug and if I want to sit up reading a book or binge watch a series on Netflix I do it… no permission required!



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13 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

Janelle telling Cody to fuck off was everything!  I have always liked her. She and Christine and “their” kids are really the only ones I care about. Yes she seems passive but her kids are awesome and absolutely justified in their resentment of their no account father. I agree with everyone here that he only cares about Robins kids at this point. And this is also partly because his grown children see what he is and he can’t take that he has lost control of them. I don’t think Janelle really cares if he’s around at all. Of course she’d choose her kids and Christine and her kids over him. 

If Robyn wasn't his chosen one he wouldn't give a fig about 'her' children.

Kody loves Kody.

Somebody mentioned Kody wrestling with some of his son's back in Vegas.  As long as he could wrestle with them and win he would play.  Now they're older and stronger no wrestling for dad!

I think Janelle more than Christine wants her kids to have their dad.  Christine twice bitten with Truly and now Izabel is pretty much done!

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I’m curious how many of them got vaccinated as soon as it was available to them. Do Mormans (LDS, or whatever subset the Browns are) get vaccines?

52 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:


I think Janelle more than Christine wants her kids to have their dad.  Christine twice bitten with Truly and now Izabel is pretty much done!

Since Janelle has more boys I wonder if that plays into it, wanting them to have the male “role model” (ughhh)

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10 hours ago, all4mom2 said:

...or it does and she was.  Honestly, only Meri knows for sure.

I'm not certain Mary knows for sure. 

25 minutes ago, toomuchtv said:

I’m curious how many of them got vaccinated as soon as it was available to them. Do Mormans (LDS, or whatever subset the Browns are) get vaccines?

Since Janelle has more boys I wonder if that plays into it, wanting them to have the male “role model” (ughhh)

LDSs did not give members exemptions from the COVID vaccine. 

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8 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

I hadn't considered this before but you might be on to something. He has always exhibited symptoms of bipolar disorder. He is now grandiose, paranoid, OCD and narcissistic. If this continues he will need inpatient treatment. 

I think he's just a bully who's being forced by contract to sit in a chair and discuss his failures. He needs the check, but it burns that he can't fabricate the story he wants for the public as in past years because he knows they've got reality on film. So the more questions he's asked about it, the angrier he gets. 

1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

enjoy perimenopause....because afterwards comes menopause and nothing.  

Not necessarily - don't scare the lady!  The STD rate in the elderly is pretty high (at least pre-covid). Lots of people getting it on ;)



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8 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

I hadn't considered this before but you might be on to something. He has always exhibited symptoms of bipolar disorder. He is now grandiose, paranoid, OCD and narcissistic. If this continues he will need inpatient treatment. 

This is interesting. In the early seasons, watching casually, not forensically, lol I noted the Kody chaos the wives and older kids talked about. Years later, as an armchair psychologist, I agree with Bipolar. (My sister is).

But Robyn? Girl's got some issues all of her own. Not to be blamed on husband #1 or #2. Possibly abandonment, her mom's divorce when Robyn was young, then only having her stepdad a week at a time. 

Whatever problems she has, dovetailed with Kody's issues could have a profound effect on each other, not to mention others in their orbits. 


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2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think Janelle more than Christine wants her kids to have their dad.  Christine twice bitten with Truly and now Izabel is pretty much done!

I remember the scenes where Christine was bribing Kody to come interact with her kids, I do think she’s given up that even a phone call with him hold value for her kids at this point.  Her blinders are off and she’s over him and his selfish, narcissistic ways.  Janelle always had more boys so in addition to his love to conversation without romance with her, he always spent more time with her kids when they were young as he’s a child himself and just wanted to play boy games.  Remember the one time he took the younger girls to the beach alone for bonding….so lame and if I recall, neither Savannah or Truely were all that impressed with him, while Robyn’s daughters couldn’t have been happier and slobbered all over him. 

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On 1/3/2022 at 5:31 AM, Katie111 said:

For all of you saying Janelle and Christine are being irresponsible, did you have older teens during the pandemic?  I sent my daughter off to college and she came home for Thanksgiving and Christmas last year. My high school son had a job at a grocery store.  Was that irresponsible of me?  Are they supposed to keep their teens locked up 24/7?  No college, no jobs, no friends?  Really? 

I have covid now, I’m the first in my family to get it.  I got it from my best friend, not one of my three teens.  Sometimes mental health can be just as important as physical health and teens need to socialize.  Janelle and Christine are doing the right thing for their families. 

@Katie111 thank you so much for posting this!! I don’t have older teens (my kids are younger) but I’m a high school teacher and I totally get your point.

No, I’m not downplaying Covid, but yes I am very annoyed with people saying that the kids just have to accept this and just have to make it work. I know of kids who are in a very unhappy (unsafe) family situation. Covid cancelled all help and the escape to school. I have kids whose academic dreams were smashed because they really needed the actual lessons to pass with the necessary grades. I have kids that struggled with loneliness even before Covid. Covid made it a 100 times worse:  imagine a 16-year-old questioning the point of living…. I could go on and on but I won’t. It makes me cry…  I’m not a psychologist…. I’m a teacher…. I teach!

As for SW; Some see Janelle and Christine as rule-breaking idiots who should be more considerate of Covid. If that’s your opinion, that’s fine with me. I’m not condemning anyone, but merely asking for some more mutual understanding that some suffer more than others during this awful time. 

When I look at Janelle and Christine, see two women who try to make it work for themselves and their kids. Who try to maintain a delicate balance between a partner with strict lockdown rules and kids who want to live their lives and want to see their girlfriends. 

I see women who try to limit the consequences for their kids that come with living in a pandemic. Yes, Covid can kill, but so can mental health, a depression, loneliness or untreated illnesses/living with a horrible constant pain. It drives you mad. I may be in a minority here, Christine and Janelle are not perfect but they’re not doing a bad job either!


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35 minutes ago, LilyD said:

@Katie111 thank you so much for posting this!! I don’t have older teens (my kids are younger) but I’m a high school teacher and I totally get your point.

No, I’m not downplaying Covid, but yes I am very annoyed with people saying that the kids just have to accept this and just have to make it work. I know of kids who are in a very unhappy (unsafe) family situation. Covid cancelled all help and the escape to school. I have kids whose academic dreams were smashed because they really needed the actual lessons to pass with the necessary grades. I have kids that struggled with loneliness even before Covid. Covid made it a 100 times worse:  imagine a 16-year-old questioning the point of living…. I could go on and on but I won’t. It makes me cry…  I’m not a psychologist…. I’m a teacher…. I teach!

As for SW; Some see Janelle and Christine as rule-breaking idiots who should be more considerate of Covid. If that’s your opinion, that’s fine with me. I’m not condemning anyone, but merely asking for some more mutual understanding that some suffer more than others during this awful time. 

When I look at Janelle and Christine, see two women who try to make it work for themselves and their kids. Who try to maintain a delicate balance between a partner with strict lockdown rules and kids who want to live their lives and want to see their girlfriends. 

I see women who try to limit the consequences for their kids that come with living in a pandemic. Yes, Covid can kill, but so can mental health, a depression, loneliness or untreated illnesses/living with a horrible constant pain. It drives you mad. I may be in a minority here, Christine and Janelle are not perfect but they’re not doing a bad job either!


From a fellow teacher, yes and amen. I teach younger kids, and have really noticed the lack of social skills and patience in my kiddos. It was and still is a balancing act. Not gonna bash Christine and Janelle.

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36 minutes ago, nosedive said:

Such as?


I have a son with severe bipolar disorder, predominantly mania. It seems to me that Kody exhibits many signs of bipolar mania, which include:

Abnormally upbeat, jumpy or wired

Increased activity, energy or agitation

Exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence (euphoria)

Decreased need for sleep

Unusual talkativeness

Racing thoughts


Poor decision-making — for example, going on buying sprees, taking sexual risks or making foolish investments

This is from Mayo clinic website. 

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-In a situation like this, I think it's kind of shitty and very telling that Kody makes Janelle and Christine do all the heavy lifting in terms of communicating with their kids regarding the rules (and the ladies are willing participants, so that's on them). I would have told him to get out his precious phone, call the kids himself, arrange a socially distanced outdoor meeting, etc. and make his case as opposed to sending his edicts through messengers. 

It sounded like some of Janelle's kids had called either Kody or Kody and Robyn and complained about the situation. I forget exactly how Kody worded it, but he sounded pissed off that they would dare to call him and complain. It was during this episode that Kody mentioned it. It certainly didn't sound like Kody handled it the way a parent should when one of their kids is complaining or acting out.

And Kody could have been seeing his kids all summer long outside. At one point during the episode, he challenges what one of the wives said about him not seeing the kids, and Janelle contradicts the situation as well by first saying Kody stayed at her house for 5 days straight, then letting her sons say they haven't seen Kody for 9 months. It's hard to know exactly what was going on, what rules were being followed, etc. None of these people can tell a story to save their life.





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On 1/3/2022 at 9:48 AM, islandgal140 said:

To think this episode started with Janelle unnecessarily trying to apologize to Kody (which still ended in an argument) and ended with her saying "fuck off" to him in front of all the wives was perfect!

Questions I would love to have answered and likely never will are all concerning the Brown family financials. Who works, how much does TLC pay, and how the income and bills are divided? Also, what work does Kody do outside the show paycheck? I really find it hard to believe that TLC pays well enough to sustain such a huge family, especially that million dollar home with Robyn, several rentals and the mortgage on Coyote pass. 

I don’t know about paychecks but those teen moms are living large in big homes, fancy cars and none of them or their husbands, boyfriends work!

I’m guessing depending on sponsorship they could be flying high!

5 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

According to South Park this is Satan.. nice chest, better hair and he isn’t wearing a Speedo…. Meanwhile there’s Kody…

shove over… I’m going to hell with you 



Oh my eyes!  The first time I saw him in that suit I thought please Lord never again and here it is!!!

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