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S16.E06: No Head Wife

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10 hours ago, LilyD said:

Of course he isn’t wearing a mask! It robs us viewers of a chance to see his godly looks and handsome smile…

And scares the bejeebers out of people who can only see the dead, beady, shark eyes.

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19 hours ago, Onceafan said:

Follow up to clarify if he believes his feelings of rejection will also affect his desire to be involved in children's lives 5 to 10 years from now. If he feels rejected by them now, will he in turn reject them as adults?   INFJ - grudges for wives. 

Eww, I hope Kody isn't an INFJ, we don't want him in our club.

Will he reject his kids as adults if he feels rejected by them now?  He'd be an idiot to do so, because his kids have turned out to be pretty great people.  I'd like to think that his kids find a way to live in peace with the fact that their dad simply doesn't care that much about them unless there's something in it for him, and that they all move on to have healthy relationships - unlike what they witnessed growing up with Kody and their moms.  I think it will be more a question of do his kids reject him.  He has to know, deep down in his caveman brain, that his kids' successes are not his doing and that has to burn him to no end.


16 hours ago, kassa said:

And he goes home and Robyn gets to deal with emasculated Kody.  

I loved this entire post, especially this last line.  This was her plan, and now she's got a petulant, pouty, cranky man-child to soothe and pat on the head while at the same time manipulating him to do her bidding and making her thoughts seem like his ideas.  No wonder she needs a nanny, having to handle Kody's delicate crazy ego every single day would exhaust me completely.  And she deserves this.

Also, did anyone clock the intro scene where Robyn is outside cutting weeds in what looks to be a shiny blouse and pants ensemble?  Who does this?  Similarly, Meri telling us that she was going out on a hike in the woods in jeans and a polyester LLR t-shirt?  Sure, Jan.  And Jan.

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11 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I imagine that TLC’s Covid policies drove at least some of this. 

Interesting - makes me think, what if part of Kody's rage at Janelle and Christine for traveling etc, was that they weren't following TLC protocols (which is probably where he and Robyn got that word) so that delayed the return of the camera crew to Flagstaff. Perhaps that is also why the crew didn't film Kody visiting Christine until a week after she came home from NJ. Maybe they gave her a week to quarantine. The crew would have needed to enter the house for bathroom breaks etc. The footage from NJ was all shot by the family, except for the exterior footage of New Brunswick and the hospital. 

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These are the dumbest rules when you have an outsider nanny come into your house every day.  My nephew's wife made a big deal of not hugging anyone and had a socially distanced dinner at Christmas.  If I was that concerned I would not have had any get together.  She hugged her daughter the entire time.  Makes sense except the fact that her daughter just got off her shift from Duncan Donuts.  Guess who got Covid?  The wife and daughter.  Just saw upthread Kody got Covid?  Isn't it ironic 

Edited by mytmo
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Hmmm, I'm thinking an ESFP or ENFJ. 🤔

He doesn't strike me as intelligent nor thought-ful enough to be an INFJ. The INFJs I've met are almost chameleon like in their ability to figure out what makes someone tick and then blend right on in with them.  They also are generally not attention wh**es, whereas Kootie can't get enough.  😉  Kootie is not capable of complex thought processes and nor would he want to be, a mark of an INFJ.  See poor Ysabel for an example.  😒

Of course, I've been wrong before!  😁

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7 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

Yeah - I am going to guess there is definitely an E at the beginning of Kooty's Myers-Briggs type. I suspect he's an ENDA (extraverted narcissistic doofus asshole) type. 

OMG!  I snorted coke out my nose and scared the dog!!!  You got a handle on this, I see!  Thanks for the big laugh!  🤣

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7 hours ago, Cetacean said:

And scares the bejeebers out of people who can only see the dead, beady, shark eyes.

His eyes seem to darken when he gets angry, and it's truly scary.  In the last episode, that scowl looked evil.  Serious abusive vibes.

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On 12/26/2021 at 10:11 PM, Castina said:

In between the rules about "changing clothes after shops, other homes or businesses" and "no eating at sit down restaurants, only take out" was "only local family allowed in home unless abiding in these rules".   The rules on this portion of the page are the rules Janelle is reading in the talking head in the exact order but you can tell they edited it to skip the bolded rule.  

That was very confusing, because as written, all the comings and goings of Janelle and Christine would have been fine, since only local family was in the home.  But that is not at all what Sobbyn and Kodouche were actually 'requiring'.

On 12/26/2021 at 10:11 PM, Castina said:

To me it's obvious from the season so far these were Robyn's conditions. 

So they can sit there and tell the others and the viewers that these are Kody's rules from his doctor BUT we already saw Robyn exposed in the bonfire episode.   And lol at telling Meri this episode that "yay, Kody said we can play together now" when we saw in the bonfire episode ( when Robyn wasn't keen on having the two younger kids there ) Kody suggest Meri be in charge of one of the two because she has been good isolating.  Robyn shot that down and Meri had to sit alone.  

On 12/27/2021 at 4:04 PM, lamadeleine said:
  • I distinctly remember a moment during the episode a few back where they all hung out at Prairie Plague Pond- Kody very politely and deferentially asked her if she thought Sol and Ari could attend the planned family gathering on the property to which she initially hemmed and hawed. Robyn was clearly in control of that situation, but then turns around and claims she's "just following Kody's rules".

Yes, these are just two televised examples showing that the true rule-maker and -enforcer was Sobbyn.  There must be many, many more that weren't televised.

On 12/27/2021 at 12:39 PM, JayDub1987 said:

Loved when Robyn accidentally ratted herself out in her "crying" convo with Meri. When Meri said, "Why are we just now having this conversation?" Robyn said, "Because I was afraid everyone would get mad." So now she admits that she delayed this entire thing. I for one am shocked....only not really.

On 12/26/2021 at 6:07 PM, SabineElisabeth said:

Now, on to the covid family meeting and let me see if I can get this straight.  Kody passes out a list of rules, and decrees that whosoever shall follow these edicts shall be allowed to interact with the Almighty Kody and Queen Robyn + their spawn.  Meri then says she's been following the rules but has still not been "allowed" to interact with Robyn, Solomon, or Ari.  (The looks on Christine and Janelle's face as they realize Meri has just 100% outed Robyn and Kody as fake-ity fake liars who lie.  Priceless).  Kody doesn't give a shit, but Robyn comes back with crocodile tears a'flowin' to try and save face with Meri.  She then proceeds to explain that they couldn't allow Meri the great privilege of spending time with them because it would be a "break in protocol" and the other wives would get upset.  HUH?  If the "protocol" is follow these rules and you can interact with the Almighty Ones, how is it then a break of protocol for the rule followers to interact??  Robyn, dear, you are FULL OF SHIT.  And Meri knows it.  It was written all over her face.  But she's too worn down to even challenge your lies this time.

Once Sobbyn knew that she was outed, she turned on the ol' waterworks and threw everything against the wall in hopes that something, anything, would stick.  The most galling thing she tried to pass off was something to the effect of "I had no choice."  The f*ck you didn't, you horrible example of a woman, wife, and mother.

8 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Also, did anyone clock the intro scene where Robyn is outside cutting weeds in what looks to be a shiny blouse and pants ensemble?  Who does this?  

Yes...just bizarre.  

On 12/27/2021 at 2:59 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

I had to laugh at Kody wondering if the reason Janelle doesn't care if he comes over is that he isn't romantic enough? I took that to mean that they don't have sex any longer which I think we have all assumed anyway.  

I was so intrigued by him mentioning that.  He really is just becoming more and more unhinged, and will say things he really shouldn't that pull the dysfunctional curtain waaayy farther back than he ever would have years ago.

On 12/27/2021 at 11:23 AM, lilysmom said:

I think it speaks to how these women have been brainwashed over the years that when Kody mentioned Christine's 2 week vacation in NJ, neither Christine nor the other 2 wives said, "Hey, wait a minute, taking a child to NJ from Arizona, quarantining for 2 weeks, and preparing her for major surgery is NO vacation. Spending the next 4 weeks consoling a child in constant pain and getting her home to Arizona is NO vacation." But no one contradicted him. 

So, unfortunately, part of this is probably because Christine herself said it, I think in agreeing with Kody saying it, when they were all outside the front of her house, talking before leaving for the surgery (I think it's the same time he hissed at her for not social distancing when she came over to him by the truck to sign the insurance papers).  I guess she was trying to be light-hearted and go-along-to-get-along by agreeing with it, but it pissed me off then, and moreso the more he has continued to say it since then.

On 12/28/2021 at 12:06 AM, Misslindsey said:

Wasn't Kody going to Christine's and Janelle's houses sometime during the start of Covid? Wouldn't him visiting them make the rules be basically nothing? Unless he was masking and social distancing during his visits with them inside the home, which I doubt, him running back to Robyn the next day would make the rules useless. I wish someone would bring that up to him or Robyn.

I have long been puzzled by this, and yet it is the bedrock of their family's existence and all of them spout it as though it makes all the sense in the world.

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On 12/26/2021 at 3:33 PM, Tuxcat said:

Janelle went to NC some but I think she was probably taking precautions before and after. I think Kody's issue with her is that she lives with Gabe and Garrison who aren't taking those same precautions on a daily basis. Christine - even early in the pandemic I believe was visiting with Mitch, Aspen, Paedon, Mykelti and Tony regularly unmasked... who were all out in the community themselves.

And what I find absolutely hilarious is that we haven’t heard about Christine, Janelle or any of their children contracting COVID (for all their recklessness) but super sanitary Kootie has said he got COVID.  Should we be chocking this up to karma, the nanny’s secret misbehavior or the existence of a supreme being that is tired of his BS too?

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On 12/28/2021 at 6:28 PM, Dnsj said:

Kody and Robin looked very happy and healthy in the picture taken recently in the mall after their trip to Victoria secret. 

They looked as though they didn't have a care in the world. Which leads me to believe that Kody probably wishes he was free of Meri and Janelle.

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On 12/26/2021 at 10:31 PM, TeeMo said:

Agree or disagree with the rules, the big revelation here was that Kody and Robyn had this list of rules that they were operating under that they never bothered to share with anyone else until 6 months into everyone being this miserable. Kody limiting his own freedom on someone else’s advice (his doctor?) seems completely off brand for him which just confirms my feeling that Kody and Robyn used COVID as a way to isolate themselves from everyone else under the guise of safety. It was a perfect scenario for them to get what they have both wanted for a while now - a monogamous relationship. 

Unfortunately Kody’s ego still craves the attention that comes from having multiple wives so he can’t fully cut himself off from the other three (except pathetic Meri) so he isolates himself, prioritizes his relationship with Robyn and then acts outraged that Christine and Janelle no longer desire him enough to alter their day to day lives for the chance that he’ll spend a few hours a week with them. What a mess.

Kody was possibly trying to get away with not having to pay child support for as long as he could. Maybe he figured if he could fool C and J long enough to whittle down his list of dependents, he could save a few dollars. And maybe he thought he could avoid having all that post-divorce visitation take place at Robyn’s heavenly abode. 

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2 hours ago, Teri313 said:

I'm just watching this now and before I start reading this post, I have to get this off my chest. ROBYN AND KODY ARE LYING, MANIPULATIVE ASSHOLES. FUCK THEM. I didn't think I could dislike them anymore than usual, but these last few episodes they have outdone themselves. 

One thousand times YES.  I don't know how they sleep at night (never mind the debts they have to have, which they will never pay off.)  

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Here's my question. If they are all one big family (LMAO), then how come when they came over to Christine's when she got home from NJ and saw how exhausted she was and how much pain Ysabel was in, the only one to volunteer to help out was that selfish, reckless, Janelle? (total sarcasm about Janelle) No Kody offering to stay a few weeks provided everyone was abiding by his rules, which honestly they probably were just to take care of her. No Meri, I've been quarantining this entire time offering a lending hand, Hell, not even a why don't we get Christine a nanny or nurse to help out? Just sucks to be you from all the others. I think Christine is being honest about wanting the family back together, not wanting Kody back or being Robyn's bestie, but letting her kids see their dad and siblings. I think she realized it was time to let Robyn's kids go and that she can have all her kids and Janelle's kids in Utah, and not have to deal with that ass hat. Best of both worlds. Even if Janelle doesn't move there, Christine really did raise them and they all seem to love her and regard each other as full siblings unlike Mariah and Robyn's kids.

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I finally watched it and all I can say is what a completely dysfunctional mess.  I'd like to read a body language expert talk about Kody and Robyn.  I think they did protest too much.  Christine was 3/4 out the door on the relationship already and Janelle was just dumb founded.  Going months into the pandemic without discussing how to handle it as a family?  Really or just a discussion set up for an episode?  It seemed real as if Kody and Robyn had been following a plan and left the rest to their own devices, yet how did Meri know and then said she was following it, when we had filmed evidence she wasn't?  ::smh::

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Kody said he had Covid during a paid Cameo appearance.  I flat out don't believe him!!   Odd, knowing how he loves attention, loves to brag, and would jump at any chance for post season publicity - he only chooses to briefly mention it during that brief moment.  Nope, never had it.  

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13 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Kody said he had Covid during a paid Cameo appearance.  I flat out don't believe him!!   Odd, knowing how he loves attention, loves to brag, and would jump at any chance for post season publicity - he only chooses to briefly mention it during that brief moment.  Nope, never had it.  

I tend not to believe it either.

If he did the network would have announced it. I just read in the NCIS-LA thread that LL has tested positive for Covid and has cancelled his NYE at Times Square appearance. Kootie would not miss out on the publicity if he really did have it.

Edited by Gramto6
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4 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

If he did the network would have announced it.

I would say either they don’t know, or Kody hasn’t given his permission.

On another TLC show, participants were tested weekly during filming. 

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On 12/27/2021 at 9:39 AM, JayDub1987 said:

Outside of taking a piss standing up (assuming Robyn allows that), do we have any reason to believe that Kody is a man at all? He seems more like a spineless, nutless, sniveling shell of a human who happens to produce sperm than a "man." A man is there for all of his children, not only the ones who come from a woman who he happens to still like. 

I wish I could love this a million times.  This is what it really comes down to for me and how I feel about Kootie.  It’s also why I get irrationally murderous feelings whenever I see his face and just want to punch it with every drop of power I can muster.

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11 minutes ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

I wish I could love this a million times.  This is what it really comes down to for me and how I feel about Kootie.  It’s also why I get irrationally murderous feelings whenever I see his face and just want to punch it with every drop of power I can muster.

HAHA. My wife feels the same way. She informed me Sunday night that she wishes she could "reach through the TV, rip his weird hair out of his head, and beat him senseless." 

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The show is more than a year behind reality, so TLC wouldn't have mentioned Covid if he didn't have it while filming. I'm 50:50 about whether it is true or not. He often blurts out things without thinking (it's true) but he also lies and embellishes (it's not true) when he is trying to impress people, especially men. Kootie may have been trying to out-Covid the Cameo recipient.

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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

Not I, said the little red hen.  Seriously, 99 bucks to listen to that idiot?  There IS one born every minute!

99 bucks?! If any of you are tempted, contact me on here. I'll film a video saying something and act like an absolute douche nozzle in it for $50. I got you covered.

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4 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

99 bucks?! If any of you are tempted, contact me on here. I'll film a video saying something and act like an absolute douche nozzle in it for $50. I got you covered.

This is actually really tempting, just for the major lol's 🤣 😂 

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Or you could get a cheaper Cameo deal by requesting the scoop on Kootie from Mykelti ($10), Christine or Janelle ($35), or Meri ($60 - non-negotiable, of course, and according to her she's worth it) 

Edited by deirdra
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7 hours ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

I wish I could love this a million times.  This is what it really comes down to for me and how I feel about Kootie.  It’s also why I get irrationally murderous feelings whenever I see his face and just want to punch it with every drop of power I can muster.

But, and I say this with all the incredulity the question itself deserves, how can a man really be there for his children-ALL of them, when he has 18?  Plus, all the mothers of all the children are OVER the MOON when another one added to his brood?

He is without a doubt a self centered ass and a terrible father, among other things, however, without willing participants, he would merely be a self centered ass.

To me, as a woman and a mother, much worse than him would be those pieces of shit with functional wombs who intentionally partnered  with him, becoming mothers to his children, pumping out as many as physically possible, knowing FULL well that so are the other sister wives, until there are more of them than waking hours in a day…ALL so they can please their God and get to heaven. 

Which is why I don’t respect, believe or feel sorry for ANY of those bitches, Kody included.  At all.   The kids, I just feel sorry for them.

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20 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I tend not to believe it either.

If he did the network would have announced it. I just read in the NCIS-LA thread that LL has tested positive for Covid and has cancelled his NYE at Times Square appearance. Kootie would not miss out on the publicity if he really did have it.

I think they’re saving details to become part of the storyline. 

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2 hours ago, kicotan said:

To me, as a woman and a mother, much worse than him would be those pieces of shit with functional wombs who intentionally partnered  with him, becoming mothers to his children, pumping out as many as physically possible, knowing FULL well that so are the other sister wives, until there are more of them than waking hours in a day…

Great point.  

I also hate the reliance on Food Stamps, etc., because you can't afford the kids you have.   Glad the kids (sans Robyn's--are they all special needs?) seem to be productive members of society.  Pay your taxes.


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18 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Not I, said the little red hen.  Seriously, 99 bucks to listen to that idiot?  There IS one born every minute!

I might, at a huge discount though, with a request to do the cameo for all the amazing snarkers of the PrimeTimer SW forums who keep his shit show running and make it fun for me to watch😁  oh and on the specific condition that he stays nice and grateful to us all😉 

And then I will ask for a refund because Kody can’t do nice….


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^ this right here.  The only saving grace is that, unlike most of the Duggars, the adult children seem to have broken away and made great lives for themselves, unreliant on Kody. That is a testament to their strong Moms.

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On 12/31/2021 at 7:17 AM, orangesmartie said:

The furniture would still give him a run for his money. 

The thing that made me laugh the most (in an episode where i was alternately laughing or exclaiming, "you dick") was Robyn talking to Meri about how Kody would never be run by his wives. And i'm sure Meri must have been thinking, "well sweetcheeks, I ran Kody for years, and the other wives, sucks to be you". How either of them kept straight faces during that exchange I'll never know

Just watched that part. Robyn asked Meri about a wife running the show, and then Robyn answered before Meri could speak. The curtain has been pulled back and revealing the total dysfunction in this fambly. 

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6 hours ago, crimson23 said:

^ this right here.  The only saving grace is that, unlike most of the Duggars, the adult children seem to have broken away and made great lives for themselves, unreliant on Kody. That is a testament to their strong Moms.

Don’t forget that they moved out of a plyg mansion and away from a plyg community. In Vegas, they went to normal schools and mixed with normal people (non-fundie mormons and polygamists) where they learned that there are other ways of life. 
The Duggars completely shield their kids from all ‘bad’ influences. Their access to normal books and the internet is limited and carefully monitored. They are home-schooled and do not mix with people outside their God Awful Gothard Cult. They really know no better, having been brainwashed from birth and then married off at a young age into families that are generally as fundamental as they are. They really are beyond salvation. (Maybe not Jill though)

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Are any of these people vaccinated? It's like the elephant in the room. Pretty simple solution to all these problems plus masks. Can't wait to hear excuses for not doing this. This family is no longer about sister wives.  There is only 1 wife (legally and emotionally). The others are ex-baby mamas pretty much on their own and only convenient/necessary for the yearly filming schedule.

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There’s is no head wife because there is only one wife, Robyn. One ex wife and two ex girlfriends/baby mommas. I don’t understand how they promote this show as a polygamist lifestyle when it is clearly not. There is no semblance of religion involved. It is disgusting to watch. What is it with Robyn and Victoria’s Secret? I’m sure everyone has seen the fan pic of Kootie and Robyn shopping there at a mall recently.  As I recall she had a large credit card bill consisting of items from that store when she entered the family. I guess that was part of getting her scent out as advised by her mother. I will add to the growing consensus: I HATE Kody and Robyn. And I don’t use that word lightly. 

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44 minutes ago, Absolom said:

In the show we're creeping up on the time when vaccines became available.  I wonder how many, if any, of the Browns got vaccinated.  

I don’t think they will ever tell; I think they don’t want to risk alienating part of their audience either way…

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