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S01.E05: Tragically Hip


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I didn't hate this episode but that's kind of faint praise. 

I'm about the same age as these women and was recently diagnosed with spinal stenosis, so the hip/back pain and hobbling around and having a hard time with stairs hit way too close to home. I haven't dealt with the whole idea of surgery yet but it's probably inevitable, eventually. I keep putting off finding an orthopedist; I hate going to doctors. What I need is a Seema, who has a cousin she can get me in to see immediately, and basically make me go. 

The scenes of Carrie needing help to the bathroom and carried upstairs and babysat 24/7  were, like, my nightmare, and half the reason I can't deal with the whole surgery thing. The idea of my honey and my BFF having to take care of me like that is horrifying to me. Add pee saturated sheets to the ordeal and...yeah, horrifying. 

And I'm shallow, but the last thing I want when I'm  at my weakest and most vulnerable is a hot physical therapist, male or female. It shouldn't matter, obviously, but that'd make me feel even worse. Gimme the cuddly looking guy who takes my insurance. 

I thought the scenes with Rose/rock were pretty well handled. I have a friend who has gone through a very similar situation with her kiddo and it feels fairly even handed and real, so far. 

SJP has always done drunk/high well, she was a hoot. What was with the hat she was wearing during the podcast? I liked how Charlotte subtly moved the hat off the lamp after Carrie put it there, so it wouldn't catch fire or something. 

I also liked seeing the entry hall of the brownstone for the 1st time. 

And yeah, I hate the Miranda stuff. I could handle the idea of Miranda not being happy anymore, of questioning her life, if they just weren't destroying basically everything we've known about her and Steve. It's just not being written well. 

Does CN identify as bi or pan or lesbian? Che is non binary so its not really correct to call this a lesbian fling for Miranda. I am torn about Che. I think SR is a good actor, with considerable charisma, but I don’t really like Che. For one, and this is me being shallow again, I really really hate that haircut on anyone. They also are  not very funny, no matter how hysterically Miranda laughs at everything they say.  And they're not half as cool as they want us to think  either. Finger banging your coworker/employee's married drunk friend in their kitchen while she's recovering from surgery is so many kinds of creepy and inappropriate. I honestly can't figure out what Che or Miranda see in each other. 






Edited by luna1122
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I agree with a lot of what has been posted. I liked the opening bit in the restaurant when the group was having lunch, and Anthony was teasing Carrie about being old. I was a bit concerned that the writers were taking the “the ladies are oooolllld” bit too far by giving Carrie hip surgery, but then it turned out to be the result of a congenital issue. Plus all her stilettos, methinks.


its not that unusual for a woman in her 50s to need hip replacement surgery.

Yes, it is. Sure, occasionally someone in their 50s gets a new hip, but it’s unusual. I know many women in that age group and not one has had that surgery. Getting a new hip in your 70s, yeah, that’s common.

The part with Carrie needing Miranda and she let her down for a quickie in the kitchen? That was done pretty well, the selfishness not being Carrie for once, and the neediness and being let down.

I do hate that Miranda seemed to think it was justified because she was “never happy”. That’s on her. If she’s unhappy in her marriage, why let it fester for 20 years? Ugh. I guess that’s why they’ve turned Steve into a doddering unattractive 80-year-old.

I really hate that the school left Charlotte and Harry in the dark about Rock/Rose. When Harry makes the valid point that “she is only 12” the only reply by the teachers is to correct his pronoun use and not address his actual concern. More ugh.

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Poor Carrie.  For so many reasons.  Seema continues to be the worst.  She knows that Carrie has a bad back and wouldn't even pick up the piece of paper that fell.   Miranda has become such an asshole.  Carrie only has Charlotte now.    

I want to be done with this show.  This show has tricked me and hijacked me.   

It was a Salonpas patch that fell off Carrie's back and down her skirt, so I guess Seema thought it didn't need to be picked up. And what was up with that Salonpas infomercial product placement in the middle of the scene? I know it was Carrie's joke but it looked and sounded like the ads in "The Truman Show". Weird.

1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

I like the character of Steve, but I have seen similar couples, where they work initially, but cannot sustain things in the long term.  I've thought back to the original show, and aside from their child, what are Miranda and Steve's shared interests?  What keeps them together?   

Netflix and that zero-calorie ice cream and toppings they scarf down daily? Miranda drinks alcohol and eats ice cream every night and yet isn't a pound overweight in middle age? Tell me another one.

Goodness, I thought I had seen the worst of Carrie fashion and then she sat in her window in the pink flowered bonnet. Why would one even have that hat in a closet? I so love to hate Carrie now. And yeah, so it was a congenital hip problem that had no connection at all to wearing high heels daily for 40 years, and just like that, she's back in heels and we've done a 3-month time jump? Sure, whatever.

Edited by RedHawk
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12 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I am so very sorry I watched this.

I won’t make that mistake again.

This ep was the final straw, one last slap and spit in my face as a long-time SATC fan. I don’t know these women. I don’t buy what they’re doing. I don’t believe they all lived under a rock for 18 years. 

I was slugging through the bad acting, the bad writing, the obvious pandering plot lines. I draw the line at serious retconning and character assassination, which occurred in spades this ep.

This is not Miranda Hobbes. I will not reward these fools by continuing to engage with this toxic version of the show. They are punishing us for enjoying the original series. We are being taught a lesson, because they have learned one.

I hold all three women responsible for this, as they are all EPs. I blame no one for a cash grab, but they could have gotten their money without destroying everything fans loved about the characters and original 6 seasons.

I feel exactly as you do except I probably will continue to watch.  But with every slap and spit in my face I am that much closer to bailing altogether.

I completely agree that they are punishing the audience for loving the original characters and storylines.  However I don't see any "lesson" in this unless it's the kind a parent 60 years ago would give their child out in the shed with a strap.  But yeah, the audience is being made to pay for the criticism they got for not being woke enough and needing to "bring the show into the present".  Except this is not the present of most of anyone in the core audience of this show.  I doubt that most of us relate to waking up to one's fluid sexuality post menopause and while married and then engaging in an affair, or having a child that is changing their name or their identity.  It's not our experience and not even one we care to know much about.  Nor does anyone want to be reminded with a sledgehammer that we are getting older.  We already know that.  We don't need to be that up close to hip surgeries and peeing in beds and hospital scenes dragging us through the gory details.  That's just shitting on the premise this show was always about.  And it's not even done in a funny way, either.  It's completely cringeworthy.  

I also agree that the 3 women are also responsible for this.  How they of all people couldn't tell that this was complete character assassination and show shark-jumping is beyond me.  Unless they too were trying to right a wrong that really didn't need to be righted because it was never really wrong.  

How every little bit of this episode was an epic, spectacular fail that they thought was great is just insane to me.  I really do wonder if the real goal here was to insult the characters and the audience and impress a woke group that holds some kind of power over them.  The more episodes we get, the more insulting and offensive it is to us and pandering to that hidden group or person.  And yet the show seems to even be insulting the woke characters like Che.  I wanted to like Che but now they have made them a real asshole too.  Everyone is an asshole.  So what is the real goal here?  Is there a backlash against the OTT offensive woke-ness coming in future episodes?  Because the show is really out on a limb with itself right now.  Something has to give and it has to start feeling like itself again.  If not this show is going to destroy itself.  

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20 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I'm not saying that Miranda did the right thing by getting drunk and having sex in the kitchen while she was supposed to be taking care of Carrie, but I really liked that Carrie finally got to experience how it feels when a friend on whom she relies is being selfish.

I mean, the "bullshit bagels" moment was over twenty years ago.  I have to think they are all past it by now. 

34 minutes ago, Shermie said:

I really hate that the school left Charlotte and Harry in the dark about Rock/Rose. When Harry makes the valid point that “she is only 12” the only reply by the teachers is to correct his pronoun use and not address his actual concern. More ugh.

I think this is something many schools do.  There are a lot of parents that aren't as supportive and caring as Charlotte and Harry, and it can be very dangerous for the kid if the parents are told.  Mind you, given their child was very public about everything to the point that other moms felt comfortable freely discussing it with Charlotte, it was odd that Charlotte and Harry were in the dark as they were.

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Mine's 30 seconds -- jealous?? 😄😄😄😄

At least I would've saved some time! (And some eye bleach) 😂


52 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

For one, and this is me being shallow again, I really really hate that haircut on anyone. They also are  not very funny, no matter how hysterically Miranda laughs at everything they say.  And they're not half as cool as they want us to think  either. Finger banging your coworker/employee's married drunk friend in their kitchen while she's recovering from surgery is so many kinds of creepy and inappropriate. I honestly can't figure out what Che or Miranda see in each other. 

Co-sign to every syllable of this. Hate the haircut and they're not funny. If people feel seen when they share their issues, that's great--truly--and their set is worth being given a platform if it means just talking about these things. But they're not funny (to me--humor is inherently subjective) and Miranda's over the top laughter is off.

But yeah--that whole scene in the kitchen is creepy and gross. I hate any kind of explicit sex scenes. (I shared in the comment thread for the first episode that I appeared as an extra in SATC the series--but I'd never really watched the show because I didn't have HBO. But I lived it--I dated like crazy in the early (and mid, and late) aughts, and yes, NYC was a giant playground back then. Oh, the days...oysters, Dom Perignon, limos, clubs...at one point I was juggling dates between three different guys--dates, not sex, I am much more conservative that way...anyway God, it was great....But I really experienced the show through the bowdlerized E! episodes--so was never really exposed to the nudity and explicitness in the original version. It was very off-putting in this episode. And yes, I hate explicit sex scenes between cismen and ciswomen. I'm a WASP, we're all repressed prudes.)

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1 minute ago, WendyCR72 said:

@PRgal, watch Get Back on Disney +. That is actually worthy of your viewing time! I loved it.

This shitfest does have one positive: It actually almost makes crappy movie #2 look like a decent (notice I did not say good or great!) movie.

I don't hate the second movie! I get why many people do. But I think that scene between Miranda and Charlotte, where they're discussing how difficult motherhood can be, is awesome. ("Not the nanny!") In general all of Charlotte's motherhood scenes in that movie are enlightening.

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15 minutes ago, CeeBeeGee said:

I don't hate the second movie! I get why many people do. But I think that scene between Miranda and Charlotte, where they're discussing how difficult motherhood can be, is awesome. ("Not the nanny!") In general all of Charlotte's motherhood scenes in that movie are enlightening.

I also like Carrie and Big's domestic issues, even though I do think Carrie is totally a spoiled brat.  But, man, I don't have much else positive to say about that one.  I do watch it a lot though :)   More than I can say for this drivel.  I can't see myself rewatching this, especially THIS episode.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Carrie using Big’s money to shell out for the hot therapist is an extremely Carrie thing to do.

(One of my favorite celeb moments was when Nicole Kidman replied to how life was different after divorcing Tom with “I can wear heels now.”  Carrie heard that and said #goals.)

My favorite moment in this episode was when Miranda asked Che, “are you always this funny?”  And my thought was “they’re actually not funny at all.”

I get the whole “I’m not like a regular boss, I’m the cool boss” vibe they’re trying for, but, good lord, if Che were a man, he would get extremely MeToo-ed for HAVING SEX IN AN EMPLOYEE’S APARTMENT while said employee was 50 feet away!  That’s the one issue they haven’t covered yet and I am begging the writers not to. (Though I guess they kinda covered it with Ron Rifkin’s perviness at Vogue in the original series.)

I always thought Nixon was the best dramatic actress of the bunch but I kinda thought she was terrible in the “I’ve been unhappy forever!” meltdown with Carrie.  That, or she was crippled by the bad writing that amounted to the world’s biggest retcon this side of ‘Alias’ (which I love but also seriously come on now) with a side of utter character assassination.

I think what is SO frustrating is how it completely dismisses Miranda’s growth as a character in the series and movies— she became less rigid in part because of her relationship with Steve, she had a baby that was unplanned and ended up loving Brady and completely altering her life’s planned trajectory because of him, she got married!, she moved to Brooklyn!, she ultimately forgave Steve for the affair, she decided to change her career in the second movie to spend more time with Brady.  None of these were foisted upon her, she consciously made decisions to put her on a different path than what she initially envisioned for herself.

(I’d argue Carrie is the one who has grown the least — Samantha actually gave monogamy a shot with Smith, Charlotte converted to Judaism.)

I’m also going to be petty and note that Kristin’s crying scene in the waiting room highlighted the amount of work that she’s had done.

I’m happy Anthony is thriving with his hot bread business.  

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What have we even seen or heard from Steve so far? I recall him saying aye? or huh? in line to see Charlotte's daughter's piano recital, indicating he couldn't hear and  another time he uttered as much in their apartment, maybe  when Miranda asked if he could hear the banging noises? Really odd that we've heard more lines spoken between   Brady's perpetual sleepover guest and Miranda  than between she and Steve.

Miranda was always very outspoken and gave zero fucks about appearing moral, upright or conventional to those tight-ass judgy types who size people up that way. If she was gay, she'd have been gay. She even went so far as to test it out when she thought being part of a F/F couple would help her law career by rounding out the bosses wife's dinner party circle. 

This might have seemed like something that could  happen to a straight leaning woman if perhaps she met and started spending a lot of  time with someone she admired and had a real cerebral connection with, who she also found attractive. Maybe. These two people just seem so different. I would've thought there was a huge gap between   Che's and Miranda's ages, but Miranda is apparently only 9 years older.

We've gone from a first meeting with Miranda wanting to put hands on Che for offering her minor son a joint to bam! Miranda is full on jumping in the lady pond. What has she had, maybe 2 or 3 run ins with Che after the two of them smoothed things over? I also think  Miranda  would have initiated a split from Steve, even if just a  trial split if she felt that  despondent  and that unfulfilled. Again, I don't think the Miranda  we've known longs to maintain a perfect intact family image come hell or high water the way  say... Charlotte  would.

I renew  my  objection to  Charlotte being portrayed as a completely different person from  from SATC  s1-4m as stated in previous threads. WTH have they done to Charlotte? Who is this braindead, baby-talking, baby step taking ditz? Wish she was gone.

Carrie  seems to have gotten over Big's death in a hurry! For a person who has 3 or 4 good friends who can drop everything to play nursemaid while she  convalesces, Carrie sure is bitchy and ungrateful (and I have defended Carrie most of the time... wasn't even set off the time she  asked Charlotte for money). I guess her roster  won't dip to only 3 friends with Stanford now out of the picture, as  Seema  the problem solver with all the rich   people connections  is being shoe-horned in.

Geez show... all the subtly of a ton of bricks! This is a mess. A little over a half hour show with not one, but two  scenes of Carrie peeing?

We're supposed to believe with a congenital hip defect Carrie never had problems wearing high heels? And that that's how post op hip replacement patients move about? and you'll be back in heels ever  in 3 months? ... I can't.

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4 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

My parents are the complete opposite and have been married 40 years.  It does happen.  I'm not sure how any of this excuses cheating.  Miranda is the worst just as Steve was the worst in the first movie.

Yay your parents! And this gives me hope. I tend to be attracted to men who are so different from me. What's important to me is someone who's kind and loves everyone (no bigotry of any kind). Different personality types and strengths can be benefits imo. 

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7 minutes ago, T Summer said:

Geez show... all the subtly of a ton of bricks! This is a mess. A little over a half hour show with not one, but two  scenes of Carrie peeing?

And Miranda too.

7 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Yay your parents! And this gives me hope. I tend to be attracted to men who are so different from me. What's important to me is someone who's kind and loves everyone (no bigotry of any kind). Different personality types and strengths can be benefits imo. 

I think it happens a lot.  When I think about the couples I know, a lot of times they have opposing characteristics.  I also know a lot of couples with completely different cultural backgrounds so that can lead to some differences.  Miranda and Steve were from and lived in the same city - that already gives them more common ground than a lot of couples!  We also know they both love sports. 

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 hours ago, luna1122 said:

And I'm shallow, but the last thing I want when I'm  at my weakest and most vulnerable is a hot physical therapist, male or female. It shouldn't matter, obviously, but that'd make me feel even worse. Gimme the cuddly looking guy who takes my insurance. 

Same. When I'm vulnerable, I want a Magda to be honest. A dear sweet old lady. I do not want a hunky man! I'm kind of like Charlotte in that regard, more self-conscious around attractive men. Remember she didn't feel comfortable getting ugly in front of the hot lawyer and requested Harry? lol He is another cuddly guy. Honestly, dealing with so many crappy men, Harry really does seem like the ultimate Prince Charming to me. :)

@chocolatine I was also reminded of the bullshit bagels episode. It was like Carrie got a taste of her own medicine with Miranda, and Steve is getting a taste of his own medicine with her too. 

@Lethallyfab I was also always most moved by Cynthia's acting. I think she has it in her to deliver better than she did in this episode. 

Yes, Che crossed some major lines. The wildest one was always Samantha, and I can't picture her having sex with her best friend's boss almost right in front of her. WTF?! I can understand being depressed, drunk, vulnerable, horny, and taking things too far. But not like that!!! What has happened to Miranda?! She must be very broken, but that wasn't even sold well. 

I did light up seeing Samantha respond to Carrie. It almost gave me the feels of hearing back from someone who used to mean something to me. Still miss Samantha. :( As soon as I saw Carrie text miss you and Samantha beginning to text something, I knew that would be it.

I'm with you all on wanting more Lily and Brady. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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I had a hip replacement when I was 60. Physical therapy started the next morning and I couldn't leave until I could walk pretty well with the walker and manage going up and down stairs with it on my own. I went home the third day, getting up the stairs myself, very slowly, then had a visiting nurse pop in two or three  times a week until my staples were out, and a PT person about the same amount to teach me how to get around things like my particular bathroom and house layout. I did not need help to get to the bathroom; I used the walker to get there and I had a temporary riser seat since I wasn't allowed to bend all the way. For the first week, I did need my husband to strap me into a contraption that looked like a big SpongeBob SquarePants that I had wedged between my legs from crotch to ankle for sleeping.  I didn't spend extra time in bed, but in a regular chair with extra cushions or on a higher kitchen stool. I was repaired, not ill!  But my pet peeve is how nearly every show mangles medical issues. This one is no exception.

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Fuck this show and fuck Che. Miranda was not always unhappy with Steve that is the biggest lie. This show is just ruining the original. I did a rewatch a couple years ago but after watching this I plan on never doing a rewatch ever again. It’s all ruined for me.

Also I’m not sure what Miranda is so obsessed about with Che. They are driving Che down our throats. Miranda is cracking up and just so into Che but to me Che isn’t funny like at all and is an annoying prick. What kind of boss also goes to their employees home while they are recovering from hip surgery and fucks their friend in the next room. That is gross behaviour. I don’t find Che edgy and cool I find Che a fucking try hard. Same with the other annoying guy that’s on the podcast. These losers are not some cool little group like what a weird ass podcast. How is Carrie even on this podcast? Did we ever find out. Idiotic. 

The only good part of the show was Anthony. He’s funny actually.

The PT joke was rude as hell. Oh haha he’s less attractive. Like good one show. What cutting edge humour. What trash writing.

Why the fuck hasn’t Brady’s gf been kicked out? She’s ordering lube to the house? Like go home!

Edited by Marley
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23 hours ago, ruby24 said:

That texting thing with Samantha has me thinking they're really banking on getting Kim Cattrall back eventually, if the show keeps going.

I wonder if  the showrunners are considering recasting Samatha.
Kim Basinger and Sharon Stone were among those rumored to potentially replace KC and with a good make-up department it could be done (Samantha surely had a few nips and tucks). I am not totally against - it would be better than the snide remarks and texts and she doesn't have to be in every episode.

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12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Thank you, I thought I was imagining things about it being a wig because her hair seemed so thick, I did not think her hair in the series was that thick, I thought her hair was grey IRL so why the wig?

She’s obviously going to become brilliantly red soon to denote her reawakening. Yawn. 

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9 hours ago, violet and green said:

SJP looked just like Bunny MacDougal when she was in the foyer waiting to be admitted for her hip operation!

I think I'm just going to settle back and hate the outfits and hairstyles now... 

And enjoy the stellar moments with Anthony and with Harry.

I am still laughing about the transformation of Carrie into Bunny MacDougal, the most hilarious thing in the show so far, and it was apparently unintentional. Did the writers, director, and costume person even notice? I would have died laughing if Charlotte had made a comment about it. 

Edited by RedHawk
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5 hours ago, T Summer said:

Carrie  seems to have gotten over Big's death in a hurry!

Have we heard from MPK or any of the writers since the first episode?  I wonder what they think of all the criticism.   They have to be aware of it.  They wrote this stuff.  So either come out and defend it or acknowledge you might have missed the mark.  

8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

If not this show is going to destroy itself.  

Maybe that is what they want.  Ever since the second movie there was a large fanbase that wanted more.  I only wanted more if it was done well and from what I have seen so far I would rather have just imagined the characters living their best lives offscreen.  As good as this show  has been to the stars and MPK maybe they just want to be done with it.  Without Samantha (and Kim Cattrall) it was never going to be as good as original recipe SATC. So maybe they thought they would just throw everything but the kitchen sink (oh wait it was up against the kitchen sink Che gave Miranda an orgasm) at us and hope some of it sticks.

3 hours ago, Marley said:

but after watching this I plan on never doing a rewatched ever again. It’s all ruined for me,

I'm the opposite. I will do another rewatch just as a palate cleanser from this disappointment.

5 hours ago, T Summer said:

I struggle to imagine the writers' meetings and the dearth of ideas that gives rise to episodes like this with  3 scenes concerning  toilet  matters.

I can't figure out if they are going for funny or cringe.  Or maybe they think they are being real about showing women in their 50s.  I am a woman in my 50s and none of this is real to me.  And I am a widow like Carrie.  But I didn't get the huge inheritance she did.


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5 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

@Lethallyfab I was also always most moved by Cynthia's acting. I think she has it in her to deliver better than she did in this episode.

Cynthia was always an amazing actress in my eyes. I payed a ton of money as a broke college kid to see her in Rabbit Hole, for which she won a Tony. I waited at the stage door and she graciously took a photo with me and signed my program. 

For my money, the best scene in the entire series is the laundry room scene in the episode "One" in season 6 when Miranda  and Steve decide to get back together. She and David acted the hell out of that little moment. Cynthia really has the instincts not just to act both comedy and drama, but to blend them when the moment calls for it. Her instincts were always impeccable.

All that is a prelude to say, I'm appalled that she'd sign off on this storyline that destroys that scene and that relationship, and I have tons of evidence that she's a better actress. She is smart. She is talented. She is an executive producer. There are no excuses for what's been produced here, on screen or in the writer's room. 

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20 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

As good as this show  has been to the stars and MPK maybe they just want to be done with it.

You know, if that’s the case, they could have done as KC did and say “thanks but no thanks.” Life is short but this thing will live forever. Maybe I’m weird, but I’d have taken a pass on the money and producer credit and stuck with the legacy of the original series.

I think this is how they really see life, which is kind of sad and disturbing. But honestly, when wealth and fane allow you to live a life that 90+ percent of the population really can’t relate to, this is what happens. I’d bet that this what MPK, SJP et al think aging is. And maybe it’s real to them but it’s nothing I can relate to.

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6 hours ago, T Summer said:

Carrie seems to have gotten over Big's death in a hurry! For a person who has 3 or 4 good friends who can drop everything to play nursemaid while she  convalesces, Carrie sure is bitchy and ungrateful (and I have defended Carrie most of the time... wasn't even set off the time she  asked Charlotte for money). I guess her roster  won't dip to only 3 friends with Stanford now out of the picture, as  Seema  the problem solver with all the rich   people connections  is being shoe-horned in.

Geez show... all the subtly of a ton of bricks! This is a mess. A little over a half hour show with not one, but two  scenes of Carrie peeing.

This, exactly. Carrie’s a multimillionaire now, she could have gone ahead and hired a nurse and the girls could still stop by daily. Miranda was wrong and inappropriate, but Carrie’s tone was just…I would have left her in that pee.

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2 minutes ago, Maysie said:

You know, if that’s the case, they could have done as KC did and say “thanks but no thanks.” Life is short but this thing will live forever. Maybe I’m weird, but I’d have taken a pass on the money and producer credit and stuck with the legacy of the original series.

I think a lot of it is ego.  KC never let Samantha define her.  But I do think SJP liked being Carrie Bradshaw. At some point I think the line got blurred and I honestly don't know if SJP is playing Carrie or if Carrie is now inhabiting SJP in real life.  I also think Cynthia Nixon wanted her story told.  And if this is her real life story all I can say is yikes.  I've read too many interviews with MPK to not know he thinks way too highly of himself.  He probably thinks this is high art.

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9 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Caroline Marie Bradshaw-Preston wakes up from hip surgery in pearls and a cardigan… 🤦🏻‍♀️


Obviously those are her post surgical pearls much like I have my daytime diamonds. Seriously, when I have had to pack for a hospital stay I am thinking underwear and some toiletries, jewelry is never on my list, they even tell you to leave your valuables home. 

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57 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

Have we heard from MPK or any of the writers since the first episode?  I wonder what they think of all the criticism.   They have to be aware of it.  They wrote this stuff.  So either come out and defend it or acknowledge you might have missed the mark.  

Supposedly, talks for season 2 have been stalled. They're blaming the Chris Noth situation but I call bull💩 because Big was killed off before that came to light. 

I think (I hope!) that the valid criticism is hard for them, their egos, and the money bags at HBOMax to ignore and that is the real reason season 2 isn't a guarantee. 

Edited by funnygirl
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And Just Like That I think I'm done.

I got to the scene between Miranda and Che and I turned the episode off. This is the amazing stories the writer's thought needed told?  Maybe I will start fast forwarding, but I don't know.  What a train wreck this show has turned out to be.

Edited by Fireball
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15 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

 watching Carrie piss into an empty Snapple jar while Miranda got fingerbanged by her boss in Carrie's kitchen might be the most uncomfortable thing I have seen on television in a very long time.

I Ffwd through most of Che's scenes, so thankfully I pissed the peeing incident as well. 


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