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S01.E05: Tragically Hip

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Carrie's friends rally to help her recover from hip surgery. Charlotte learns some surprising news about her daughter, and Che's words hit home for Miranda.

Original Air Date: December 30th 2021



Edited by Aulty
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On 12/23/2021 at 5:02 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

So based on the promo, Rose is going by "Rock" at school.

I read that she was going to Rock School/School of Rock...I pictured her playing the base guitar and writing about her preteen angst in song.  

13 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

its not that unusual for a woman in her 50s to need hip replacement surgery.  and while its not really easy, its far easier than other types of replacement surgeries.  

My friend just got both hips done, 55 years old, totally in shape, not an ounce of body fat but there he was needing both hips replaced.

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13 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My friend just got both hips done, 55 years old, totally in shape, not an ounce of body fat but there he was needing both hips replaced.

Prince had hip replacement surgery, reportedly because he frequently jumped off risers in high heels.

I'm guessing that Carrie's predilection for outrageous footwear has caused her hip problems. Would be interesting to see her forced to wear flats as a result.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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On 12/25/2021 at 11:15 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

I read that she was going to Rock School/School of Rock...I pictured her playing the base guitar and writing about her preteen angst in song.  

My friend just got both hips done, 55 years old, totally in shape, not an ounce of body fat but there he was needing both hips replaced.

I would venture to say that's not "common" though.  Especially both hips.   My SIL had this done in her early 50's but she has osteoarthritis.  

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I'm 59 and only one person I know -- from high school friends to family to co-workers to random Facebook pals of my general age -- has needed hip surgery in his 50s. I don't know anyone my current age who's needed it. One friend in her 40s needed hip replacement but it was due to a congenital defect, and unfortunately it went badly. Two of my many cousins around my same age or older have recently had both knees replaced. The father of one (a college athlete) needed both knees done in his mid 70s, and another cousin had knees replaced in his late 70s. I don't buy that hip surgery or even knee surgery is common in one's 50s.

They better make some comment about this being due to Carrie's high heel habit and not her "advanced" [eyeroll] age. Why on earth are they making her go through hip surgery if not to underline that she's aging? Because SJP wants to wear flats? I think not! Oh well, we'll see. 

Edited by RedHawk
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2 minutes ago, buttersister said:

Amazing. That outfit really captures my feeling towards this show. 

The shoes make it art.

That awful outfit really does capture the essence of this revival, doesn't it? The symbolism is on point.

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Was their script editing department on furlough? They are cramming three seasons worth of stories into every couple of episodes. Its like the Titanic going so hard starboard that she hits the iceberg on the other side.
Out of context the stories are ok (-ish), but they need to be spaced out more.

I really like Seema.

Edited by Aulty
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I don't even know where to start.  

When Carrie was telling Miranda how wrong it was to hook up with Che in the kitchen it took her awhile to say and oh yeah you are married. I get that Miranda is unhappy with her life but to watch her spiral is tough.

Did I hear Carrie refer to herself as a senior?

I really didn't like Rock's school acting like Charlotte and Harry weren't supportive. 

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15 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

And what about when they reconciled after the therapy and separation in the first movie? What happened to Miranda "never looked back?" 

I mean, that was 13 years ago.  I've certainly seen couples reconcile, but their old issues reemerge and things fall apart again.  Though weirdly the show has set up Miranda's affair as though it may just be a side effect of her drinking problem.  


4 hours ago, Aulty said:

I really like Seema.

Me too.  She's the friend you want who can just snap her fingers and any problem you have is magically resolved.

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Just now, txhorns79 said:

I mean, that was 13 years ago.  I've certainly seen couples reconcile, but their old issues reemerge and things fall apart again.  Though weirdly the show has set up Miranda's affair as though it may just be a side effect of her drinking problem.

Carrie should have screamed to break up the kitchen tryst, we didn't need to see the act to completion  so we could be spared hearing about how Carrie peed in her bed.

I do think a sober Miranda would not have gotten physical with Che which makes me think a little less of Che getting Miranda drunk and high to seduce her, Miranda has a lot of work to do before jumping from Bed A to Bed B.  Miranda has never shy'd away from speaking the truth with Steve why stop now? Miranda is unhappy in her home life, why not start with getting Brady's girlfriend out of her house, set ground rules for Brady with regards to cleaning up his room, school work, etc...and putting some time and energy in to really being honest to Steve, he probably is more open to talking openly about Miranda's feelings than she gives him credit for.  

So which is it, did Charlotte send Miranda the book or was that a tipsy shopping thing she did to herself?

I could not sleep under the shelves like Carrie is doing, like sleeping under the Sword of Damocles, and she needs a headboard, I hate when beds do not have a headboard it looks so first apartment situation to me, she is grown up, get a head board.

Why wouldn't insurance pay for one particular PT person but would pay for the less attractive one? I never got undressed for PT or gotten a deep tissue massage from a PT, is that something that is done?  I was always in a large room with other people (there is this one place I had gone with a view of a beautiful water filled quarry, sadly none of my activities afforded me the angle to see it, lol).

Carrie's hospital bathroom was huge and oddly prison wall grey chic, who are they trying to kid with a large bathroom in a hospital room!

Che really liked Carrie talking about her lady business on the podcast, why the need to talk like a 12 year old, why not talk about issues that affect her community, Charlotte could learn a lot from her, Che is wasting her platform.


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It was not the easiest conversation, but  I am glad Carrie told Miranda to look into her drinking. It's one thing to be unhappy with her marriage, but developing a substance dependency is dangerous, she needs to find a less harmful way of dealing with those feelings.

The twist about who actually oredered the book was genius - it's really lucky that Miranda didn't confront Charlotte about it.

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28 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Why wouldn't insurance pay for one particular PT person but would pay for the less attractive one?

It is yet one more plot contrivance.  This time to get Carrie with the hot PT therapist.

29 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I do think a sober Miranda would not have gotten physical with Che which makes me think a little less of Che getting Miranda drunk and high to seduce her,

I wonder how the writers expect us to look at that.  Would the writers have had a man do that to Miranda?  And Che knows Miranda is married right?

48 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:



Me too.  She's the friend you want who can just snap her fingers and any problem you have is magically resolved.

That friend used to be Samantha.

32 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

why not start with getting Brady's girlfriend out of her house,

Why do the writers insist on continuing to make sure we know Brady and his girlfriend are having sex?  Did we really need to know they ordered lube?

So now we have checked off the box for joint pain.  And threw in opioids as well.  Wonder what box will be checked next episode.

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As a someone who loved Miranda in the OG SATC. I am super disappointed with what the writers are doing to the character. Miranda was in love with Steve. She had Brady as a single mom, dated another person and they got back together because they actually wanted to be together. They also chose each other again in the first movie, after their separation. If the writers wanted to break them up, fine, sure, but do it in a way that lines up with the original series.

Also, Miranda was always a good friend to Carrie. I'm not sure I buy her letting Che up and fooling around in the kitchen. I'm also not sure the drinking explains the poor decision making. This version of Miranda constantly drinks. So a few mid day shots probably wouldn't do that much to her. Given the amount of empty Titos bottles in her backpack she probably takes a few shots during the regular course of her day.

Also, gonna add to the chorus, Che is awful. In the real world, this would be a bigger deal than the show is making it. They would be reported to HR. Carrie isn't a peon who really needs the money. She's a wealthy widow, who was likely cast in the podcast for her name recognition. She doesn't need this job. There would be no reason to not report them.

Yeah, I can see why Charlotte and Harry may feel a little blindsided. Rock came out with their identity on TikTok. They spoke to their teachers about their pronouns. They didn't send their parents so much as a text message. Instead of going to the school Charlotte should have sat down with them and let Rock know they would have liked to know they were changing their name and pronouns.

39 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

So which is it, did Charlotte send Miranda the book or was that a tipsy shopping thing she did to herself?

Miranda ordered the book. She got a notice to rate her purchase on amazon. So it was one of her orders. She was drinking and forgot about it.

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1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

 Though weirdly the show has set up Miranda's affair as though it may just be a side effect of her drinking problem.  

It's coming across to me more as though Miranda is unhappy and is self-medicating with alcohol and now, sex/infidelity. Self-destructive behaviors that we never saw from her back in her single workaholic days. It seems to me that the old Miranda took pretty good care of herself, but somehow she seems to have completely lost herself. I just don't understand how the Miranda we knew would ever have let this happen. It was sad when she realized that she had ordered the book herself, and didn't remember doing so. I hope that's a wake-up call, but I doubt it will be.

As a side note, although Miranda has agency, I think Che is not a very good person for taking advantage of Miranda's drunken state and general apparent sexual confusion. 

ETA: the opioid addiction joke was in extremely poor taste.

Edited by Jillybean
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18 minutes ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

Also, gonna add to the chorus, Che is awful. In the real world, this would be a bigger deal than the show is making it. They would be reported to HR.

Carrie was mad at Miranda for what happened. Which I understand because Miranda was supposed to be there taking care of Carrie.  However if I was Carrie I would not be happy with Che either.  They hooked up with her best friend in her kitchen.  

I wonder if we will see Miranda feeling guilty about what happened.  Will they have her tell Steve like they had Steve tell her in the first movie?

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2 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

I wonder if we will see Miranda feeling guilty about what happened.  Will they have her tell Steve like they had Steve tell her in the first movie?

I meant to mention this in my post just prior to yours. Will Miranda accept the same amount of blame that she heaped on Steve in the first movie? I don't see them coming back from this. From what Miranda told Carrie, she seems to have blocked out any memories of happy times with Steve. She didn't even seem a bit embarrassed, or ashamed, about hooking up while she was supposed to be looking after Carrie. She just kept stupidly grinning.

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Although I hate what they are doing with the retconning of Miranda and Steve....I do think the exploratory sex with Che combined with alcohol misuse is believable even for original series Miranda. In my experience people who are miserable and self-medicating for depression often have many things go hand in hand and it can indeed happen later in life. If anything--now that she and Steve have once again settled into dull companionship--I could see Steve straying again too. Only this time, a woman in her 40s or 50s.....like a manager or a regular at the bar....not just a hook up but a gradual drifting of loyalties through conversation and friendship....

Don't retcon the past show--that's unforgiveable- but as a poster above noted 13 years is long enough to get complacent again, let your guard down and then BOOM! I know an 18+ year married woman (like Charlotte with a gender-questioning teen) who just found out her husband had "extra" prescriptions for a bike injury that happened before COVID. They weren't fighting, they weren't in turmoil, but he was just numbing to carry on......Miranda on some level knew SOMETHING had to change and that's why she signed up for that additional Masters' degree. 

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5 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

She didn't even seem a bit embarrassed, or ashamed, about hooking up while she was supposed to be looking after Carrie. She just kept stupidly grinning.

When they were having lunch and Carrie was telling them about her hip I noticed how Cynthia Nixon was portraying Miranda.  Louder than usual. Talking fast. And I thought why is her acting so bad. And then I realized CN was portraying Miranda as not being herself.  Once you develop a drinking problem even if you are not drinking at that moment your behavior and personality changes. I think once Miranda stops drinking and deals with her reason for drinking, because there is always a reason, we will see her slowly become herself again.  And maybe she will realize her marriage is worth saving.

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17 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

Carrie was mad at Miranda for what happened. Which I understand because Miranda was supposed to be there taking care of Carrie.  However if I was Carrie I would not be happy with Che either.  They hooked up with her best friend in her kitchen.  

I wonder if we will see Miranda feeling guilty about what happened.  Will they have her tell Steve like they had Steve tell her in the first movie?

Let's remember that the timeline jumped three months at the end of the episode, so if Carrie's still doing the podcast after this point then she clearly didn't say anything about her boss being inappropriate in her home. And if Miranda is still carrying on without ending her marriage, then she's very much having an affair which is much worse than Steve's one night stand cheating in the first movie. 

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7 hours ago, qtpye said:

Guys, this was it.

This was the episode that this show became unwatchable for me.

I hated every minute of this episode and I really have not hashed out why at this point.

It just was terrible. Everything is so dang forced.  The little text just makes me miss Samantha.

I was coming to say the exact same thing. I've been trying to give the reboot a chance despite all the criticism but this episode was just bad. There is no other word for it.


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And Just Like WTF Was That!

I can buy that a person’s sexuality may be fluid and change in the span of 50+ years, so Miranda’s awakening of I guess pansexuality? isn’t too shocking to me. But Che…I really wanted to like Che, but they seem like a hit it and quit it kind of person and I’m aggravated that ALL OF THAT was left unresolved this episode. They better not just ignore it for the next one.

The Charlotte and the Rock storyline is so far well handled, I think. Even when you are supportive it’s ok to be a little shaky with getting the appropriate support mechanisms in place. 


I guess for me the real bright spots left are Anthony and Textmantha. And Lily singing along with Rock’s tiktok.


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Never liked the Steve character, nor Miranda/Steve together, so I have no issue with ‘their great love story’ being ruined. Seem to be the only one, but I didn’t hate this episode. Also, I’ve seen many people in real life who have made major life changes/decisions since the pandemic. Being locked at home with nothing but their spouse/children made them slow down and face things that they didn’t want to face. I have two friends who have separated from long term partners because of this. I do not like the Che character at all, but I don’t think they took advantage of Miranda. Miranda has been pursuing her and making her interest very clear. I also almost liked the way that Charlotte and Harry reacted to the Rock reveal. Everyone around them was so ‘woke’ about the situation, but in reality most parents would need time and therapy to adjust to this change in their child. As for the too large hospital bathroom and therapist not covered by insurance, that also rings true to me for the NYC uber-wealthy. Their reality is very different than most, and their are health practitioners that are off insurance specifically to only cater to the rich. I used to see a physician through insurance until his practice was changed to a health concierge where you paid a yearly fee and had one stop shopping at the office for all of your healthcare needs. Very appealing if you can afford it.

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2 hours ago, Jillybean said:

It's coming across to me more as though Miranda is unhappy and is self-medicating with alcohol and now, sex/infidelity. Self-destructive behaviors that we never saw from her back in her single workaholic days. It seems to me that the old Miranda took pretty good care of herself, but somehow she seems to have completely lost herself. I just don't understand how the Miranda we knew would ever have let this happen. It was sad when she realized that she had ordered the book herself, and didn't remember doing so. I hope that's a wake-up call, but I doubt it will be.

As a side note, although Miranda has agency, I think Che is not a very good person for taking advantage of Miranda's drunken state and general apparent sexual confusion. 

ETA: the opioid addiction joke was in extremely poor taste.

I loved the twist that Miranda drunk-ordered the book herself. And it's realistic to see her pouring the bottles down the sink. What will be even more realistic is if we see her continuing to sneak-drink and fool herself that she doesn't have a problem. Quitting isn't so easy, although she has the book so maybe we'll see her using it. 

Ok so Carrie is an old lady now and that hair continues to age her terribly! She's gone through a huge life change and one thing women often do when that happens is change their look, especially their hair. It would be typical if Big had preferred her with long hair and she liked it herself so kept it long, many men are that way. SJP must think she looks great with that scraggly mess hanging down or slicked back yet both looks are a horror. The pandemic is over and she is rich, she can go to the best salon in Manhattan and get a fresh new look. Ha, that will probably be the last thing she does in this "season", along with buying more shoes or maybe investing some of her money in a shoe company (since the show seems to be reflecting the actresses' actual lives now).

Speaking of being rich, I'm glad they finally acknowledged that she is RICH by having her choose to pay for her PT out of pocket. What I'm not happy about is that she did it so she can have the "hot" younger guy massaging her. Let's reverse the roles -- what if a 55-year-old rich man did that to get the "hot" 40-something therapist? EWWW. Now that it's 2021, all that ogling the gals did of men in the series is no longer cool, sexy, or in "fun". I didn't like it then and it's OUT now, so time for the show to drop it and move on with more respectful behavior of men as well as women. The writers need to "check the box" on that, but this being SATC/AJLT we'll still see the gals (and guys -- "Hot Buns" delivery or whatever that company Anthony runs, sure it's cute and typical but UGH) acting like times haven't changed. Though it was clever of Anthony to have one of his bulked-up employees carry Carrie up to her apartment.

And yes, someone asked about deep tissue massage, and if is usually part of PT. I had a neck injury and the treatment always started with a massage to loosen the muscles before we worked them.

Edited by RedHawk
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1 hour ago, ifionlyknew said:

I wonder how the writers expect us to look at that.  Would the writers have had a man do that to Miranda?  And Che knows Miranda is married right?

Add me to the list of people who are hate watching this show.  First, if Miranda is so unhappy with her life, she needed to talk to Steve first and not jump into an affair with Che. Second, Miranda was sooo pissed off with Steve in the first movie for having an affair, yet she casually allows Che to put their hand down her pants?!?! Third, I think Che is one of those people whom regardless if the other person is married or not, they enjoy the thrill of the chase and catch.  To Che, I think Miranda isn't very significant and just a bit of fun. Fourth, along with Miranda, I think Che also has a substance abuse problem.  They smoke pot all the time and they were also drinking along with Miranda at 11:30 am.

Did Brady's ho order lube from Miranda's amazon account?  Because I would have thrown out that bitch from episode 1 and slapped Brady (ok not slapped but made him, clean his room, clean the house, do his homework and get a job).  At least I am vindicated in the fact that the bitch's parents DO NOT ALLOW Brady to sleep over as I was sure that her parents were not cool with this arrangement so she's squatting at the Hobbes-Brady household.  Throw the freeloader out!

I disagree with the way the school handled the whole Rose/Rock situation.  So the kid announces on tik-tock that they want to now go by Rock, announces it at school and not even a telephone call, text, or note goes home?!  WTF?  Yes, I get how they want to accommodate kids exploring themselves but if Rosie-Rock wanted to call themselves Buttwipes - that would be ok with the school to just starting to call them Buttwipes and nothing to the parents as to the change!?!?  I honestly feel bad for Harry and Charlotte being in the dark.  The way the school handled it was very wrong.

I am really liking Seema and how she's the new Samantha.  Love how they are including Anthony in the group. Really don't care about Carrie's issues but question - did her old place always have stairs in the entrance? I thought it was an apartment building. It looked more like a large home. 

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27 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Really don't care about Carrie's issues but question - did her old place always have stairs in the entrance? I thought it was an apartment building. It looked more like a large home. 

Yes, that’s accurate for a brownstone. You might find small elevators in some single family units for the very wealthy, but most would have stairs.

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39 minutes ago, rlc said:

Never liked the Steve character, nor Miranda/Steve together, so I have no issue with ‘their great love story’ being ruined.

I never liked Steve either but the writers just dismissing their marriage as something Miranda was never really invested in is just plain wrong.  Yes couples grow apart but what we are seeing is Miranda hating her marriage and not caring at all about the effect of what she is doing will have on her husband.  Or even her son.  When she is with Che she becomes like a lovesick puppy.  Miranda please listen to us.  They are not worth it.

21 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I disagree with the way the school handled the whole Rose/Rock situation.  So the kid announces on tik-tock that they want to now go by Rock, announces it at school and not even a telephone call, text, or note goes home?!  WTF?  Yes, I get how they want to accommodate kids exploring themselves but if Rosie-Rock wanted to call themselves Buttwipes - that would be ok with the school to just starting to call them Buttwipes and nothing to the parents as to the change!?!?  I honestly feel bad for Harry and Charlotte being in the dark.  The way the school handled it was very wrong.

Yes to all of this.  I really felt for Charlotte and Harry. The school seemed to be judging them for not approving of something they hadn't really known about.  

15 minutes ago, 4evaQuez said:

I honestly thought this was the meanest part of the show. It was just so unnecessarily cruel. For a show that wants to be more inclusive and "woke" for a hot pop cultural term. Why are they needlessly attacking a man for simply doing his job? The entire joke seems to be that this man is unattractive. There seems to be some implication that being attractive is a premium. I say this since the show gives us no explanation for why the "attractive" guy is not covered by insurance but the "unattractive" one is. The only distinction we have is that one is "attractive" and the other isn't. The "attractive" one didn't even seem to particularly like Carrie very much. It just seemed mean and unaware of how mean it was.

I've always wondered when a show or movie needs a character that is unattractive what does the casting call sheet read?  Ugly actor wanted? If a male character didn't want an unattractive therapist they would write him as being an asshole.  The writers are really missing the mark on a lot of things.



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I’ve only been reading the forums and basic recaps, but holy hell this thing sounds like a hot mess! I liked the original series, but felt it was time to go by the last season or two. I felt like they kind of destroyed Baryshnikov’s character to prop up Big and Carrie and it annoyed me. Between that and the trajectory of the movies, I had little faith in the writers to resurrect the series. In reading all this, I’m happy I haven’t given the reboot the time and energy to watch.

Look, I wasn’t a massive Steve and Miranda fan, but they came together in the original series in a way that at least made sense (even though Steve’s character was really dumbed down and kind of infantilized in the process). And I understand that as time passes that people change and grow apart, but unless I’m misunderstanding it, it sounds like Miranda is acting as though the entire time with Steve was a waste.

From what I’ve been reading, it sounds as though the writers/producers had a list of things they wanted to accomplish, such as racial and gender diversity, aging issues, substance abuse, etc. Instead of sitting down and looking at how the women would be navigating this pandemic/BLM/me too/gender identity/income inequality era we are all living in, it seems like they’re just throwing junk together, like cramming a whole bunch of stuff into a confined space to make stories happen, just like that.

We are all living through these times, and we’re all trying to learn what the new normals are. We’re all getting older in the process and dealing with the regular stuff that comes with it. The fact that the writers and producers can’t seem to come up with an interesting and compelling way to fold in normal life for 2021 for established characters tells me they’re either woefully out of touch or just aren’t that talented.

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