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S01.E05: Tragically Hip

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I got a massive injury running several years ago which resulted in me having a hip replacement at 45 years of age.  Hip surgery is pretty dang awful for the first two weeks and taking extended painkillers is not recommended if you can get by without them.   They make you walk with the walker/crutches before you can leave the hospital (including steps).  The first four days were awful as I had severe nausea, migraines, and just swollen from the surgery (I could not drink enough water just like Carrie), and I did need someone around not to help me to the bathroom, but for support in case something went wrong. 

Having been in Carrie's shoes though, I would've been peeved with Miranda, so that part rang very true.   However, I know no one in my "happy hippy" circle who will ever be back in heels again, especially the kind Carrie wears, so that part rang very false.

Anywho, I am hate watching this show -- my biggest issue is the entire Miranda arc as echoed by those above.  For once Carrie isn't the most annoying character anymore.  Well, gotta get on my Peloton and do my PT for the day :-).

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There's a big conversation happening right now about schools and community places outside the home when it comes to LGBTQ+ youth, and the prevailing wisdom is it's better to give these questioning kids their agency in their names and pronouns as opposed to checking with the parents. Because there are far too many homes where it's still unsafe to come out and schools notifying the parents could be actually endangering the children. Obviously Charlotte and Harry would never do anything awful to their kids, but the school shouldn't be obligated to inform them either. It's a complicated issue because maybe the parents aren't being given enough credit in how they'll react, but ultimately, I think it's best to protect anyone who comes from an environment where they would feel threatened. However, since Rock doesn't seem to be one of those kids, they should've definitely sat down with their parents and told Charlotte and Harry directly, not assume that releasing it on tiktok solved everything.

I've said it before, so I'll take the UO that Steve is my least favorite. Miranda's whole story arc on SATC always made me feel that she had to be brought down a peg or two for daring to be outspoken and ambitious and using her brain ahead of her body (in contrast to Samantha who used both). I never minded her and Steve being friends, that part was pretty great actually. But as a romantic partner, I felt like he dragged her down. That said, I don't think Miranda means literally the whole thing has always made her miserable. As noted, there's been a lot of time since his affair and their reconciliation and sometimes, it's hard to pinpoint when dissatisfaction sneaks in. Watching Miranda switch from her sex high into raw emotion was pretty affecting, and I think there's more heartbreak ahead because yeah, Che doesn't come off as looking for romance with "Rambo."

Because this arc probably does has personal significance to Cynthia Nixon, I'm in favor of letting her share that. People do grow apart and come out later in life and go through weird journeys.

Still, skipping THREE WHOLE MONTHS of these questions just to see Carrie in heels again is not a good use of limited time. I hope we'll be looping back, otherwise, that was a terrible way to wrap up the episode because there's a lot that just got unpacked.

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3 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I will not reward these fools by continuing to engage with this toxic version of the show. They are punishing us for enjoying the original series. We are being taught a lesson, because they have learned one.

Bingo. That's how I've felt since episode 1. It reminds me of something a famous film critic wrote about how when actors become famous and beloved for light escapist fare, they often feel the need to show what else they can do with some hard-hitting movie or play about homelessness, breast cancer, etc. She wrote that it's more than just a demonstration of range; it's like they're "doing penance for having given us a good time." AJLT is not quite the same thing, but it feels like penance for having given us a good time. The main characters are getting worked over, to the point where they're hardly recognizable as the same people (except where their worst traits are concerned), and the audience is being put on the rack until our consciousness is sufficiently raised. And I can't speak for anyone else, but when Sex and the City was actually on, in the '90s and '00s, I was simultaneously watching and loving stories about all kinds of people. I just asked that they be well written, which this isn't.

Edited by NotMySekrit2Tell
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6 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

And Che left without washing their hands after just having them down Miranda's pants.  WTF?

Anyone remember when Sara Ramirez was introduced on Grey's Anatomy and there was a whole brouhaha about Callie not washing her hands after using the bathroom (and claiming she actually went down to the kitchen and washed her hands--yeah, right)? Maybe Sara Ramirez is being typecast as "characters lax in their hand washing." 😏

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6 minutes ago, TheOtherOne said:

Anyone remember when Sara Ramirez was introduced on Grey's Anatomy and there was a whole brouhaha about Callie not washing her hands after using the bathroom (and claiming she actually went down to the kitchen and washed her hands--yeah, right)? Maybe Sara Ramirez is being typecast as "characters lax in their hand washing." 😏

I've been over-washing my hands (which is why I now have "old lady hands" at the age of 42) since the pandemic began.  You'd THINK Che would know better.

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56 minutes ago, Rai said:

There's a big conversation happening right now about schools and community places outside the home when it comes to LGBTQ+ youth, and the prevailing wisdom is it's better to give these questioning kids their agency in their names and pronouns as opposed to checking with the parents. Because there are far too many homes where it's still unsafe to come out and schools notifying the parents could be actually endangering the children. Obviously Charlotte and Harry would never do anything awful to their kids, but the school shouldn't be obligated to inform them either. It's a complicated issue because maybe the parents aren't being given enough credit in how they'll react, but ultimately, I think it's best to protect anyone who comes from an environment where they would feel threatened. However, since Rock doesn't seem to be one of those kids, they should've definitely sat down with their parents and told Charlotte and Harry directly, not assume that releasing it on tiktok solved everything.

I've said it before, so I'll take the UO that Steve is my least favorite. Miranda's whole story arc on SATC always made me feel that she had to be brought down a peg or two for daring to be outspoken and ambitious and using her brain ahead of her body (in contrast to Samantha who used both). I never minded her and Steve being friends, that part was pretty great actually. But as a romantic partner, I felt like he dragged her down. That said, I don't think Miranda means literally the whole thing has always made her miserable. As noted, there's been a lot of time since his affair and their reconciliation and sometimes, it's hard to pinpoint when dissatisfaction sneaks in. Watching Miranda switch from her sex high into raw emotion was pretty affecting, and I think there's more heartbreak ahead because yeah, Che doesn't come off as looking for romance with "Rambo."

Because this arc probably does has personal significance to Cynthia Nixon, I'm in favor of letting her share that. People do grow apart and come out later in life and go through weird journeys.

Still, skipping THREE WHOLE MONTHS of these questions just to see Carrie in heels again is not a good use of limited time. I hope we'll be looping back, otherwise, that was a terrible way to wrap up the episode because there's a lot that just got unpacked.

 I wish I could like your post a thousand times :)

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2 hours ago, 4evaQuez said:

I'm confused as to what this C story is. It isn't even getting enough development to be B story. I guess my issue with this story is that somehow Charlotte is a sideline character in it, and it is developing mostly offscreen. We don't get to see a scene with Rose/Rock telling Charlotte/Harry about their name change. Lilly seems to know by her non reaction. The school obviously knows. The parents know. Yet Charlotte/Harry are the last to know. Based on the setup, they have every reason to be upset. Not by the name change/gender questioning, but that Rock has seemingly been lying to them. Rock has seemingly been going by her pronouns and Rose in the home without telling them of their decision. The school seems to believe the parents are unaccepting, which makes me question what Rock has told them. This is even more odd as Charlotte has already shown she'll be accepting of any decisions Rock would make. Harry is being presented as just outdated and out-of-the-know, but that seems pretty standard for how men are being portrayed on this show in general, when they are portrayed at all. Harry isn't shown as being unaccepting. There seems to be no danger that Rock will be faced with any discrimination from anyone. Rock isn't in any threat of losing their inheritance. There just doesn't really seem to be a story there; hence, why it feels like a nonstory. There are no stakes for anyone involved. 

And I guess that’s just it: This is a MAJOR issue for a family to deal with—a whole season of another show could be built on that alone!—and yet it’s just kind of one more issue in the cioppino of issues that is AJLT. It feels like writing by committee. SJP said the show would only come back for “one little story” (maybe not exact words…) that had to be told. This is A WHOLE LOT OF BIG STORIES, all mooshed into one. Like before they started writing they asked all the principals: “What issues do you want your character to grapple with” and they added ALL OF THEM because no one wanted to be shown up by SJP or something. It feels so unrealistic and ham-handed. And I definitely get the sense that, by the end, a lot of this will be one big shrug. 

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1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I think we need to talk about Carrie's hair. When she was in the waiting room before her surgery, she had gray streaks in her hair. In the delivery van as she arrives at her apartment to be carried by the hunky bread guy, her hair is a golden blonde. Perhaps she stopped by the colorist on the way home? I need hair continuity. I just do. 

And the most important question of all: WHAT was on the side of her head at lunch with the girls and Anthony??

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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I could not sleep under the shelves like Carrie is doing, like sleeping under the Sword of Damocles, and she needs a headboard,

Agreed.  I would be hitting my head constantly.

5 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Why do the writers insist on continuing to make sure we know Brady and his girlfriend are having sex?  Did we really need to know they ordered lube?

Intercepting the package wouldn't mean Charlotte not being able to see it was ordered on her account, or a child's account set up for Brady.  I guess she rarely checks her Amazon orders, or she would have also noticed that the book was ordered on her account. (Could have been by Steve, if they share an account.)

4 hours ago, Toodleoo said:

And Lily singing along with Rock’s tiktok.

I'm surprised Charlotte didn't try to find some time alone with Lily to ask what was going on with Rose/Rock.  They had likely discussed it as some point.

2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

I've always wondered when a show or movie needs a character that is unattractive what does the casting call sheet read?  Ugly actor wanted? If a male character didn't want an unattractive therapist they would write him as being an asshole.  The writers are really missing the mark on a lot of things.


They could have avoided the issue by just making the new physical therapist a woman.


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3 hours ago, rlc said:

Never liked the Steve character, nor Miranda/Steve together, so I have no issue with ‘their great love story’ being ruined. Seem to be the only one, but I didn’t hate this episode. Also, I’ve seen many people in real life who have made major life changes/decisions since the pandemic. Being locked at home with nothing but their spouse/children made them slow down and face things that they didn’t want to face. I have two friends who have separated from long term partners because of this. I do not like the Che character at all, but I don’t think they took advantage of Miranda. Miranda has been pursuing her and making her interest very clear. I also almost liked the way that Charlotte and Harry reacted to the Rock reveal. Everyone around them was so ‘woke’ about the situation, but in reality most parents would need time and therapy to adjust to this change in their child. As for the too large hospital bathroom and therapist not covered by insurance, that also rings true to me for the NYC uber-wealthy. Their reality is very different than most, and their are health practitioners that are off insurance specifically to only cater to the rich. I used to see a physician through insurance until his practice was changed to a health concierge where you paid a yearly fee and had one stop shopping at the office for all of your healthcare needs. Very appealing if you can afford it.

I liked Steve but I never liked or understood Steve & Miranda together. They never felt like a great love affair to me. They dated and had issues from the start with money (his corduroy suit) and then she got pregnant and didn't even want to tell him or partner wish him for a bit. She had more chemistry with Blair Underwood and it seemed like she and Steve didn't get together until he had prostate cancer and she was worried about him. And even then he wanted Brooklyn and she did not but relented. She complained about his mom a lot and while she did eventually agree to let mom move in and cared for her, she was always so long-suffering about it. He cheated on her. She forgave him. They never had sex even back then. They don't have sex now. She drinks too much because she's miserable. 

My feeling is that they are both very nice people who get along well enough but are also very different people and there's not enough there for a lifetime commitment or marriage. Which is a common enough thing in life and marriage. A lot of couples eventually just become like roommates who like each other enough but have no strong connection past shared history. 

I do think she needs to get her shit together and stop drinking and figure out her life before doing anything with Che. Che needs to have been a wake-up call for her to deal with her problems and not the beginning of a relationship. 

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9 hours ago, ruby24 said:

That texting thing with Samantha has me thinking they're really banking on getting Kim Cattrall back eventually, if the show keeps going.

From what I’m reading, that’s the most delusional take they could have.

Masie, we may have been separated at birth.

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1 hour ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

And I can't speak for anyone else, but when Sex and the City was actually on, in the '90s and '00s, I was simultaneously watching and loving stories about all kinds of people. I just asked that they be well written, which this isn't.

Yes, me too.  Just because I loved a show that featured four white women who mostly interacted with mostly white people doesn't mean I didn't also watch and love shows that featured a diverse cast.  And just because AJLT has added characters (and actors) that are more diverse doesn't automatically mean they are telling good stories.  

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10 hours ago, ruby24 said:

Okay, so..Miranda just IS Cynthia Nixon now. Great. Everything we ever knew about her was a lie then? She never loved Steve? 

I may not be watching, but I can read. And I feel my blood pressure racing through the damned roof with this shit.

BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT to ALL of this and fuck this show.

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Okay, it's reached the point where I don't know if I can continue watching this show.  I've come to hate all the characters.  I don't recognize them anymore.  Carrie was always a bitch, but she's become an uber bitch.  It's all me me me! Thankfully, they didn't have her being attracted to her therapist but really, who cares what he looks like?  As long as he's good at his job.  I don't recognize Miranda anymore and I hate to be petty, but SJP has not aged well at all!  Every time they go in for a closeup, I cringe.  The lines, the hair.  Good God, they need to avoid closeups!

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10 minutes ago, Linda956 said:

Thankfully, they didn't have her being attracted to her therapist but really, who cares what he looks like?

I assumed this was to show she had gotten past the worst of her mourning, and was now noticing good-looking men again.

The next logical step will be for her to be ready to date, and we will see all the angst that comes from dating in your 50's after many years of being happily partnered.  Seema will undoubtedly be her guide.

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5 hours ago, Evie said:

Who brings spicy food and alcohol to someone who just had surgery?

While that someone is also on opioids!


There is so much to dislike about this revival.  I have no issue with the actors and appreciate that they have been allowed to age, but must we be hit over the head with that fact each week?  That is a writing issue.  As has been mentioned by others, I miss the humor that was primary to the original series.  


Cynthia Nixon's wig looked particularly wiggy in one scene (I think it was when they were at the restaurant).  


So far I'm liking Anthony and Harry better than most any of the other characters on the show.





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47 minutes ago, Linda956 said:

Okay, it's reached the point where I don't know if I can continue watching this show.  I've come to hate all the characters.  I don't recognize them anymore.  Carrie was always a bitch, but she's become an uber bitch.  It's all me me me! Thankfully, they didn't have her being attracted to her therapist but really, who cares what he looks like?  As long as he's good at his job. 

Right? I mean, as long as the person isn’t a creeper*. And that has more to do with THE PERSON than their appearance. 

* Meaning inappropriate 

Edited by ivygirl
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30 minutes ago, ichbin said:

Cynthia Nixon's wig looked particularly wiggy in one scene (I think it was when they were at the restaurant).  

Thank you, I thought I was imagining things about it being a wig because her hair seemed so thick, I did not think her hair in the series was that thick, I thought her hair was grey IRL so why the wig?

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3 hours ago, Rai said:

There's a big conversation happening right now about schools and community places outside the home when it comes to LGBTQ+ youth, and the prevailing wisdom is it's better to give these questioning kids their agency in their names and pronouns as opposed to checking with the parents. Because there are far too many homes where it's still unsafe to come out and schools notifying the parents could be actually endangering the children. Obviously Charlotte and Harry would never do anything awful to their kids, but the school shouldn't be obligated to inform them either. It's a complicated issue because maybe the parents aren't being given enough credit in how they'll react, but ultimately, I think it's best to protect anyone who comes from an environment where they would feel threatened. However, since Rock doesn't seem to be one of those kids, they should've definitely sat down with their parents and told Charlotte and Harry directly, not assume that releasing it on tiktok solved everything.

I totally understand where you are coming from but again, if said child wanted to be called Purple. So little Purple has a solo in the school's play.  Will Purple be named as Purple in the program or by their given name?  And if it's Purple in the program, what will Mom/Dad say when they go to the school and check out the play's program seeing Purple instead of their child's given name?

The school has a responsibility especially if the other parents are calling the kid by their chosen name instead of their given name.

39 minutes ago, ichbin said:

So far I'm liking Anthony and Harry better than most any of the other characters on the show.

Ditto and Seema. Please don't ruin her show.

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Here I thought that the most awkward moment in this show would be watching Miranda bumble around her first class, but watching Carrie piss into an empty Snapple jar while Miranda got fingerbanged by her boss in Carrie's kitchen might be the most uncomfortable thing I have seen on television in a very long time. This remake has been bad in general, more of a grab bag of random social issues stuck to the wall without any thought to applying them to a story or the characters we love, but this was the worst thing we have seen so far. I just cannot accept that this is Miranda, a woman who would get drunk and fuck her friends boss, cheating on her husband, while she lays in the next room recovering from surgery, even with Miranda now being an alcoholic, that and their attempt at retconning Steve and Miranda's whole relationship as being awful is a spit in the face to the whole show, its characters, and us poor saps who care about them. 

The only thing that caused me to cringe more then watching Carrie's creepy boss get Miranda drunk to get up in her pants was that hideous pink outfit that Carrie was wearing, she looked like she just stole a picnic basket from some poor family in Central Park. 

Remember how pissed off Miranda was when Steve cheated on her because he felt unhappy in their marriage? Just something to think about. 

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I remember in one of the recent SATC books about the show it was said that there was a writers room where they came up with the storylines.  If that is still true was there not one writer who could see the dumpster fire that this show would become?

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UGH. When we first saw Che in this episode, I literally groaned out loud--I am that tired of that character and actor. I had no idea the hell that was in store. That scene in the kitchen was absolutely mortifying--I turned off the sound and made liberal use of the "fast forward 10 seconds" button. Carrie has every right to be angry at Miranda, who is absolutely selling Steve way short. I hope she's honest with him, and I hope with this newfound joie de vivre, she summons up the will to toss Brady's GF out on her ear.

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53 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I totally understand where you are coming from but again, if said child wanted to be called Purple. So little Purple has a solo in the school's play.  Will Purple be named as Purple in the program or by their given name?  And if it's Purple in the program, what will Mom/Dad say when they go to the school and check out the play's program seeing Purple instead of their child's given name?

The school has a responsibility especially if the other parents are calling the kid by their chosen name instead of their given name.

Naw, the school has a responsibility to keep their students safe and as unbullied as humanly possible on their grounds. Teachers demonstrating the proper use of a student's preferred pronouns and name helps send a message to the other students that this is a normal and okay thing to be doing. This theoretical Purple who might come from a troubled, unsupportive home probably wouldn't even be in the school play, or they wouldn't tell their parents they were, or they would lie to their parents and say it's a nickname or they would lie to the school and say everyone's cool with it, or or or. And teachers' hands have been pretty tied in recent years when it comes to helping students outside of school as well. A well-intentioned teacher might get shut down by the parents or find themselves retaliated against instead.

I do think it's a complicated issue and I understand why parents might panic at the idea other grownups know things about their kids that they themselves do not. But the parental push back as to what teachers can and can't do against the family values at home has kinda led to this conundrum.

None of this applies to Rock, who is fortunate to have loving and supportive parents albeit currently confused ones. Rock is super privileged to be in an environment where apparently their friends and their friends' parents are all on board with this. Still, Rock deserves the same protection at-risk kids do. If Harry somehow turns out to be awful over this though, I will be SUPER disappointed. He is, as I always say, the best of the men. I'd be pretty bummed if he gets too angry or uncomfortable over it.

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9 minutes ago, CeeBeeGee said:

UGH. When we first saw Che in this episode, I literally groaned out loud--I am that tired of that character and actor. I had no idea the hell that was in store. That scene in the kitchen was absolutely mortifying--I turned off the sound and made liberal use of the "fast forward 10 seconds" button. Carrie has every right to be angry at Miranda, who is absolutely selling Steve way short. I hope she's honest with him, and I hope with this newfound joie de vivre, she summons up the will to toss Brady's GF out on her ear.

See, that is another thing (out of so many about this shitfest) that angers me. Miranda was allowed to be hurt and pissed at Steve for cheating. But because Miranda Hobbs (or is it Hobbes? Whatever!) has suddenly morphed into Cynthia Nixon, when the truth comes out that Miranda was cheating on Steve, I have the feeling he will just be expected to be sympathetic to Miranda because she suddenly realizes she's a lesbian.

Because being blindsided about the cheating (Steve) and being confused/surprised because of that would not be "supportive". (See Charlotte/Harry/Rose (Rock) and the school issues.)

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43 minutes ago, Rai said:

This theoretical Purple who might come from a troubled, unsupportive home probably wouldn't even be in the school play, or they wouldn't tell their parents they were, or they would lie to their parents and say it's a nickname or they would lie to the school and say everyone's cool with it, or or or. And teachers' hands have been pretty tied in recent years when it comes to helping students outside of school as well. A well-intentioned teacher might get shut down by the parents or find themselves retaliated against instead.

Sub the name Purple for Rock and sub the parents for Harry & Charlotte.


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I got where you were going and I still stand by it. Just because things are good in Rock's environment doesn't mean that will be the case with every student. Rock made the mistake of thinking tiktok was the way to talk to their parents. Everyone, including Rock, thought it was all settled. Or Rock decided to let their parents be blindsided. Either way, the school didn't and shouldn't have to be involved.

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13 hours ago, ruby24 said:

That texting thing with Samantha has me thinking they're really banking on getting Kim Cattrall back eventually, if the show keeps going.

Lol they must be delusional if that's really what they think. KC's been adamantly against coming back since before this shitshow even aired. Why the hell would she change her mind now?


As someone who was MenzaMenz on this show for the previous four episodes, this one did it for me. Nope. Not here for the character assassination, and definitely not here for the OG show assassination. 

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I'm so torn.  I wasn't fond of this episode, but I didn't hate it either.

1.) I felt like the crazy uncomfortable scene was directed VERY well.  The cuts to Carrie at her lowers, while having to watch Miranda at what was clearly the highest point in her life created this weird raging anger at Miranda and wishing Carrie would have just jacked her up harder.  But THEN...Cynthia Nixon really did kill it in portraying Miranda's midlife desperation.  (I'm 3 months shy of 55 - I'm supremely in touch with those feelings!)  Now....how they handle it will probably piss me off (Maybe he will go seek comfort on Stannies shoulder in Japan and never heard from again.)

2.) I do like how they are handling the Rock/Rose story line...and I like that they at least touched on some of the disappointments that the parents have to deal with - even when they are supportive to their kids in transition.  It still is the death of dreams they had for their child's birth gender.  It doesn't mean they are in denial or not supportive, but it is dealing with the future your head had for them and the new reality not making room for that.  I thought it was good for them to acknowledge that there are issues, even in the most supportive of homes.

3.) Carrie retelling the diaphragm story, wearing that hat - cracked my shit up!

4.) A very popular sitcom from the 70's tried to reboot itself as a drama in the 80's.  The Brady's was cancelled after 6 episodes.  Because you can't take a comedy with the same characters in the same universe and just...fuck their shit up by being serious all the time.  I watched Sex and the City for relatable humor about finding love and balancing work and friends and love -- not to have my midlife shit splayed out by characters who talked about funky spunk!

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43 minutes ago, BeatrixK said:

I'm so torn.  I wasn't fond of this episode, but I didn't hate it either.

1.) I felt like the crazy uncomfortable scene was directed VERY well.  The cuts to Carrie at her lowers, while having to watch Miranda at what was clearly the highest point in her life created this weird raging anger at Miranda and wishing Carrie would have just jacked her up harder.  But THEN...Cynthia Nixon really did kill it in portraying Miranda's midlife desperation.  (I'm 3 months shy of 55 - I'm supremely in touch with those feelings!)  Now....how they handle it will probably piss me off (Maybe he will go seek comfort on Stannies shoulder in Japan and never heard from again.)

2.) I do like how they are handling the Rock/Rose story line...and I like that they at least touched on some of the disappointments that the parents have to deal with - even when they are supportive to their kids in transition.  It still is the death of dreams they had for their child's birth gender.  It doesn't mean they are in denial or not supportive, but it is dealing with the future your head had for them and the new reality not making room for that.  I thought it was good for them to acknowledge that there are issues, even in the most supportive of homes.

3.) Carrie retelling the diaphragm story, wearing that hat - cracked my shit up!

4.) A very popular sitcom from the 70's tried to reboot itself as a drama in the 80's.  The Brady's was cancelled after 6 episodes.  Because you can't take a comedy with the same characters in the same universe and just...fuck their shit up by being serious all the time.  I watched Sex and the City for relatable humor about finding love and balancing work and friends and love -- not to have my midlife shit splayed out by characters who talked about funky spunk!

I'm right there with you.  Didn't hate the episode, didn't love it.

I REALLY enjoyed the diaphragm story and Samantha's text responses.  It was fun, and probably the only time I've laughed during this show so far. I would love to see more storylines like this, if only to remind me of the characters I loved.  I understand everyone/everything changes and matures, but I'm struggling to see anything fun with them now.  Especially Carrie.

Unpopular opinion - I don't mind Che.  I appreciate Sara Ramirez' portrayal, and they are the only one making their character believable (even though I find some facets potentially problematic).  Although I'm still loving me some bitchy Anthony too.

Edited by EvergreenLove
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Aww I thought at least we'd get to hear some Tragically Hip. If Kim Cattrall was on the show we'd get to hear some Tragically Hip.


I hope Carrie doesn't end up in a relationship with the PT, so inappropriate.

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They have completely ruined Big.  Samantha.  And now Miranda.  

Positives?  The podcasters and Carrie were kind of funny in the diaphragm scene.  SJP is good at acting drugged up and clueless.  And I love the way that Charlotte treats Harry.  She is so supportive of him.  She is the opposite kind of spouse that Miranda is in every way.  The Sam story was good, at least they didn't shit on her this time.  I liked some of Carrie's clothes.

It was cool that we finally saw Carrie's Brownstone first floor.  Have we ever seen that before?

Seeing Miranda have a schoolgirl crush on Che is just the worst.  She can't pull off the writing or acting like Kim Cattrall did.  It just feels so transparent like they only wrote this to please Cynthia.  They did all of this for Cynthia yet they couldn't treat Kim with enough respect so that she would stay?  Che is not. FUNNY. and Miranda screaming with laughter at them is so not believable.  

Poor Carrie.  For so many reasons.  Seema continues to be the worst.  She knows that Carrie has a bad back and wouldn't even pick up the piece of paper that fell.   Miranda has become such an asshole.  Carrie only has Charlotte now.    

I want to be done with this show.  This show has tricked me and hijacked me.   

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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17 hours ago, qtpye said:

Guys, this was it.

This was the episode that this show became unwatchable for me.

I hated every minute of this episode and I really have not hashed out why at this point.

It just was terrible. Everything is so dang forced.  The little text just makes me miss Samantha.

Thank you

15 hours ago, ruby24 said:

What the fuck is the point of Miranda having pointless conversations with Brady's idiot girlfriend? Why is that more important than giving her a scene with her own son or showing that she has some kind of a relationship with him?

OR STEVE!?!?!?  Where's Steve's mother?  Did she die in the original series?  Couldn't they tell us?

13 hours ago, PRgal said:

Thanks for reminding me that I’d probably be better off watching Being the Ricardos in Prime (I’m about 20 minutes in) or the Beatles doc on Disney+

I heard that the Beatles doc is great. 

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12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Why wouldn't insurance pay for one particular PT person but would pay for the less attractive one? I never got undressed for PT or gotten a deep tissue massage from a PT, is that something that is done?  I was always in a large room with other people (there is this one place I had gone with a view of a beautiful water filled quarry, sadly none of my activities afforded me the angle to see it, lol).

I have insurance that is really particular like that.  Like they'll pay for a physical therapist or a physiotherapist but not a massage therapist.  This is just a guess or an example.

11 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I am so very sorry I watched this.

I won’t make that mistake again.

This ep was the final straw, one last slap and spit in my face as a long-time SATC fan. I don’t know these women. I don’t buy what they’re doing. I don’t believe they all lived under a rock for 18 years. 

Thank you

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10 hours ago, Toodleoo said:

And Lily singing along with Rock’s tiktok.

I feel like they are really ignoring Lily as a character, she has BARELY spoken.

We want to see Brady, Lily, not these other fucking characters like Che and Brady's fuckfriend.  Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

9 hours ago, 4evaQuez said:

I feel the same way, but I still intensely dislike the Che character.

Yes, I have ranted for pages and pages about how much I hate Steve in the SATC thread - but this isn't SATC.  This isn't the show.  This isn't Miranda and Steve.  It's completely fucked like they hired aliens to write for them.  

9 hours ago, greekmom said:

Did Brady's ho order lube from Miranda's amazon account?  Because I would have thrown out that bitch from episode 1 and slapped Brady (ok not slapped but made him, clean his room, clean the house, do his homework and get a job). 

Thank you

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9 hours ago, greekmom said:

Really don't care about Carrie's issues but question - did her old place always have stairs in the entrance? I thought it was an apartment building. It looked more like a large home. 

To my recollection they have never showed us that portion of the home before.

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I’m watching but I’m not loving. First off, I want to watch because it’s new and something to watch. LOL!!! Last week, I said I didn’t like Che and the Podcast stuff. Now, I hate Che and the podcast stuff and Miranda all rolled up in to one. Ugh! That said, I did like the after kitchen sex stuff talk with Miranda & Carrie. It was very well acted. I just like the original OG and all these new people. I know in real life we move on and make new friends. Well, this show isn’t real and I just want Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and their respective spouses (sans Brady and the annoying girlfriend) on the show. Why can’t I have nice things?! LOL!!!! I will say I didn’t have any clue that it was Miranda who bought the book in a drunken lapse. She better not leave Steve. I like him and he always was supportive of Miranda. 

Edited by ByaNose
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3 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said:

UGH. When we first saw Che in this episode, I literally groaned out loud--I am that tired of that character and actor. I had no idea the hell that was in store. That scene in the kitchen was absolutely mortifying--I turned off the sound and made liberal use of the "fast forward 10 seconds" button. Carrie has every right to be angry at Miranda, who is absolutely selling Steve way short. I hope she's honest with him, and I hope with this newfound joie de vivre, she summons up the will to toss Brady's GF out on her ear.

Mine's 30 seconds -- jealous?? 😄😄😄😄

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10 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Where's Steve's mother?  Did she die in the original series?  Couldn't they tell us?

In the first movie, they mentioned she was in a nursing home.  Given the time that has passed (and because the actress who played her has died), I would guess that the character has died as well. 

1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

To my recollection they have never showed us that portion of the home before.

I think you are right.  I wonder if that is the real entrance to Carrie's walk up. 


3 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I will say I didn’t have any clue that it was Miranda who bought the book in a drunken lapse. She better not leave Steve. I like him and he always was supportive of Miranda. 

I like the character of Steve, but I have seen similar couples, where they work initially, but cannot sustain things in the long term.  I've thought back to the original show, and aside from their child, what are Miranda and Steve's shared interests?  What keeps them together?   

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Well they could have done the fans a service by 1) paying ANY attention to Steve 2) mentioning Steve's mother 3) mentioning Magda.

2 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

I like the character of Steve, but I have seen similar couples, where they work initially, but cannot sustain things in the long term.  I've thought back to the original show, and aside from their child, what are Miranda and Steve's shared interests?  What keeps them together?   

My parents are the complete opposite and have been married 40 years.  It does happen.  I'm not sure how any of this excuses cheating.  Miranda is the worst just as Steve was the worst in the first movie.

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Well...on the bright side.  The hearing loss that they've decided to saddle Steve with will come in handy when Miranda leaves him to go be her woke, lesbian self - he probably won't hear it and just assume she's away being woke at school or something.

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