Wiendish Fitch August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 (edited) I love Johnny Depp's early performances (Edward Scissorhands, Benny & Joon, and especially Ed Wood), but I think Pirates of the Caribbean ruined him, because he now plays every character like friggin' Jack Sparrow. Now every time I see Johnny Depp's name on the marquee, all I can think is, "Great, another mince-fest". I also don't like Natalie Portman, or, as I like to call her, the Beige Fart. I've seen ballpoint pens with more emotional range. Hers is as follows: 1. Bland, stony expressionlessness. Noticeable in The Phantom Menace, but even worse in Where the Heart Is. There's a scene in the latter film where she sees a tornado coming. A tornado. Now, I can only speak for myself, but if I opened my front door and saw a tornado coming, I'd gasp, cry out in shock, my eyes would widen, or I'd bolt in terror. I sure as hell wouldn't stand there in Dull Surprise mode staring at it. It's a tornado, idiot, do something!! 2. The "kicked-puppy". Or, scrunching up her face and whimpering rhythmically. See… every other film with Natalie Portman. 3. The kind of smile my infant niece got whenever she shat herself. I'm one of the few people on earth who didn't like Black Swan (how is it that I've never had a ballet lesson in my life, and yet I know more about the ballet world than this movie?). It chaps my ass that Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar for Winter's Bone is in Portman's possession. Portman, who won for whimpering, cringing, and not doing her own dancing for 108 minutes (I don't care how whiny she came off, Sarah Lane's outrage was justified, IMO). Edited August 19, 2014 by Wiendish Fitch 4 Link to comment
Princess Sparkle August 19, 2014 Share August 19, 2014 Quote Johnny Depp needs to get away from Tim Burton. I know it's true love and all of that, but I'd say the same applies to Helena Bonham Carter. When she's in a movie like The King's Speech where she doesn't play a kooky character, you can see how talented of an actress she really is. I like her, I really do, but sometimes I wish she didn't dip into that well all the time, because even her non-Tim Burton roles are still the kookier type of characters - she doesn't really play it straight all that often. 6 Link to comment
CaughtOnTape August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 I hate Angelina Jolie. Hate. I don't think she does a single thing that isn't calculated or for publicity. Even her charity bullshit is so pretentious it makes me want to vomit. I cannot enjoy a single thing of hers because I think she's such a stick in the mud, wet blanket, self important, whiny bitch. And it has nothing to do with Jennifer Aniston. 10 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 On 8/19/2014 at 7:27 PM, Princess Sparkle said: I know it's true love and all of that, but I'd say the same applies to Helena Bonham Carter. When she's in a movie like The King's Speech where she doesn't play a kooky character, you can see how talented of an actress she really is. I like her, I really do, but sometimes I wish she didn't dip into that well all the time, because even her non-Tim Burton roles are still the kookier type of characters - she doesn't really play it straight all that often. For Helena, though, I think it works. I really enjoyed her in Fight Club, and Bellatrix LeStrange basically is Marla Singer, just racheted up to about ten thousand. Link to comment
xls August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 On 8/19/2014 at 7:27 PM, Princess Sparkle said: I know it's true love and all of that, but I'd say the same applies to Helena Bonham Carter. When she's in a movie like The King's Speech where she doesn't play a kooky character, you can see how talented of an actress she really is. I like her, I really do, but sometimes I wish she didn't dip into that well all the time, because even her non-Tim Burton roles are still the kookier type of characters - she doesn't really play it straight all that often. ITA She does nothing but Steam Punk type rolls now. Link to comment
Rick Kitchen August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 Helena Bonham Carter was Elizabeth Taylor in that Taylor and Burton TV movie. But I imagine her fairy godmother will be over the top in the upcoming Cinderella movie. Link to comment
GreekGeek August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 Helena Bonham Carter is the female Johnny Depp. She should stay away from fairy tales and fantasy and not play any pre-20th century characters for awhile. She was fine in The King's Speech. Looking at her IMdb resume, I see she's also slated to play the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass and a character called "Edith New" in a film called Suffragette. Sigh. Let's hope the latter role is a relatively sane person. I haven't seen any of her TV movies; are they worth seeking out? Link to comment
xls August 20, 2014 Share August 20, 2014 On 8/19/2014 at 10:46 AM, Wiendish Fitch said: I'm one of the few people on earth who didn't like Black Swan (how is it that I've never had a ballet lesson in my life, and yet I know more about the ballet world than this movie?). It chaps my ass that Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar for Winter's Bone is in Portman's possession. Portman, who won for whimpering, cringing, and not doing her own dancing for 108 minutes (I don't care how whiny she came off, Sarah Lane's outrage was justified, IMO). I didn't ether! The Turning Point is way better. And Wynona Ryder is supposed to be the "old, jealous, has-been" really? She still looks like a teenager! 1 Link to comment
NumberCruncher August 21, 2014 Share August 21, 2014 I know this is an unpopular opinion but James Spader always has and always will creep me out, which is truly unfortunate because his involvement in Avengers: Age of Ultron has greatly diminished my excitement for the movie. :( I also can't stand Channing Tatum's meager attempts at acting. Yeah, that's about list is short. 1 Link to comment
Danny Franks August 23, 2014 Share August 23, 2014 (edited) So I didn't actually process this consciously until just now, when I contemplated watching X-Men: Days of Future Past, but then remembered he was in it. James McAvoy. It seems that the sight of his droopy, bland face is enough to completely turn me off the idea of watching a movie. He comes across as so smug, unlikeable and punchable. And I guess that is down to his first, dreadful performance as Professor Xavier, but also some of the shite he's made in the past, including Wanted. This makes me sad, because I loved State of Play when I saw it (the BBC version), but with this dislike of him, I fear I may now not be able to fully enjoy it again. Edited August 23, 2014 by Danny Franks Link to comment
SallyAlbright August 23, 2014 Share August 23, 2014 Mine is a recent thing, but Shailene Woodley. I accidentally wasted an hour of my life watching that godawful Secret Life of the American Teenager show, and I don't think I can ever forgive her. She was whiny and annoying in The Descendants, and I've yet to see any great acting since to justify all the hype. Mostly though, it's her interviews and real-life persona that drive me nuts. Every time I see her or read an interview with her, she's saying something more obnoxious and pretentious than the last time. She might really be a lovely girl, but I just want her to stop doing interviews and go away for a long time. 4 Link to comment
PrincessEnnui August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 (edited) In no order: Angeline Jolie Brad Pitt Diane Keaton Diane Lane Kate Bosworth Have no real reason to hate Bosworth besides being annoying in Superman Returns. I hate Diane Lane for frequently playing adulterous housewife characters. I hate Diane Keaton for sharing her first name with Diane Lane and thus making me confused when I profess my hate for Lane. I hate Jolie for being overrated and a maneater. Hate Pitt for his attachment to Jolie and ruining World War Z with his inexperience studio and bland main character. Edited August 26, 2014 by PrincessEnnui 1 Link to comment
avecsans August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 Oh my God. Sorry for piling on Julia Roberts, but did anyone watch her on the Emmys? She is awful. She presented the award for Best Actor in a Drama. After she read the nominees (which seemed to take a lot longer than it should have,) she made everyone wait while she blathered on about someone hugging her. Only then did she read Bryan Cranston's name. I was inordinately happy that she lost in her category to Kathy Bates. 7 Link to comment
Crs97 August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 I have to add Lucy Liu to this list. She has one expression, is monotone, and stinks up everything I have ever seen her in. I do not understand why she keeps getting work. 4 Link to comment
vibeology August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 On 8/26/2014 at 4:26 AM, avecsans said: Oh my God. Sorry for piling on Julia Roberts, but did anyone watch her on the Emmys? She is awful. She presented the award for Best Actor in a Drama. After she read the nominees (which seemed to take a lot longer than it should have,) she made everyone wait while she blathered on about someone hugging her. Only then did she read Bryan Cranston's name. I was inordinately happy that she lost in her category to Kathy Bates. There was a moment before they handed out the category she was on where they showed a clip from her in The Normal Heart and then the announcer was all "will Julia or one of these other women win" and Angela Basset was making the best stank face. That category included Basset, Kathy Bates and Cicely Tyson. Julia Roberts is not that big of a deal to warrant special mention above them. Ick. 5 Link to comment
Ohwell August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 Yes, Julia Roberts is a horse-faced ass. Plus, I have no doubt that she thought she was lending an air of importance, class and elegance to the Emmys, just by her presence there. 5 Link to comment
Princess Sparkle August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 (edited) Quote Oh my God. Sorry for piling on Julia Roberts, but did anyone watch her on the Emmys? She is awful. She presented the award for Best Actor in a Drama. After she read the nominees (which seemed to take a lot longer than it should have,) she made everyone wait while she blathered on about someone hugging her. Only then did she read Bryan Cranston's name. I was inordinately happy that she lost in her category to Kathy Bates. I was so happy she showed how much of an ass she is on national television. Not only did she make it all about her, her tacky ass bellowed Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughy's names, practically whispered Kevin Spacey's afterwards, then actually sounded disappointed when Bryan Cranston was announced as the winner. As if her friends were the only two nominees that mattered. Ugh. Edited August 27, 2014 by Princess Sparkle 3 Link to comment
Crs97 August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 I cannot stand Julia Roberts either, and I think her looks are starting to match her personality. She did not look good. Link to comment
Mindymoo August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 I have never liked Julia Roberts, don't understand how she was ever considered "America's Sweetheart", think she is an awful actress, and find her personality grating and obnoxious. And since I don't like to tear down other women, I won't even get started on her face. I am also on the Angelina Jolie hate train. Somewhat because of Jennifer Aniston, but mostly because I think she is an awful actress and because she comes off as a completely disingenuous asshat. But hey, what can I say, she's Jon Voight's daughter. I can't take Diane Lane in anything. She comes off as monotone in everything I've seen her in. I don't know anything of her off-screen personality, but I can't take her as an actress. Kirsten Dunst. I have only ever liked her in "Drop Dead Gorgeous." She grates in everything else. 3 Link to comment
ShadowHunter August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 (edited) I thought Kirsten Dunst was really good in Interview with the Vampire but that was it. I think she was better when she was younger. I came here to post about Julia Roberts but everyone already said stuff I was going to post. I will add that I don't like her niece Emma either. Emma plays the same role in almost every movie or show I have seen her in. She always seems stuck up to me. I guess it runs in the family. Edited August 27, 2014 by ShadowHunter Link to comment
Ohwell August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 Nicholas Cage. My left eye starts to twitch whenever I see his face. 3 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 I love Kirsten Dunst in Bring it On and Get Over it, but those are two of my guilty pleasure movies. 1 Link to comment
Sandman August 27, 2014 Share August 27, 2014 (edited) There are a number on this list that I have greater or lesser affection for, but I certainly agree that her professional relationship with Tim Burton (I can't speak of their personal ties) appears to have hobbled Helena Bonham Carter shockingly. I like almost every performance she has given which is unconnected with him. All of the performances she has given where he has been involved are, in fact, the same performance, and Bellatrix Lestrange is a varation on it. Away from Burton, she, like Johnny Depp (or at least like Johnny Depp used to be) can be a nuanced and intelligent actor. No one will ever convince me that The Black Swan is anything other than lazy, clichéd, self-indulgent crapola. The amount of unthinking praise lavished on it appalls me to this day. I do not, however, blame Natalie Portman for this. Edited August 27, 2014 by Sandman 1 Link to comment
tribeca August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 Maggie Gyenhaal Not sure what it is about her. I do feel I can see her acting and at times overacting. 3 Link to comment
Chas411 August 30, 2014 Share August 30, 2014 I like her a bit more since The Dark Knight Rises but Anne Hathaway can great. She's just such an attention seeker or something... That year she hosted the Oscars and turned it into a variety show for her to try and impress all different hollywood directors was painful. I think she's ok in small doses and I do think that there's a good actress in her but she often reminds me of a kid who doesn't know when to quit showing off. And don't get me started on Love and Other Drugs Oscar seeking shitfest. Also Reese Witherspoon - I'd like her more if every film she now makes didn't scream of Oscar baiting. 2 Link to comment
SomeJabroni September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Great thread! So many levels of agreement (i.e., Maggie Gyllenhaal (sp?), Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, to name but a few) and disagreement (i.e., Leo DiCaprio and Matt Damon in particular), that I had to throw in my two cents. I have such a visceral reaction to Renee Zellweger - I'm not sure why, but something about her makes me stabby. Keanu Reeves, too. Maybe it's something about the squinty eyes lack of anything resembling charisma. Who else? Let me see... The obvious: Tom Cruise Julia Roberts Johnny Depp, but only since he became a pirate Gwyneth Paltrow, because she just seems like such a pretentious ass In no particular order: Molly Ringwald - basically the same character in every movie she's ever done. Even that 'horror' movie w/ Carol Kane. Jennifer Anniston, for pretty much the same reason, though her last couple of movies have been pretty NOT Rachel. She's also excellent in "Office Space." I reserve the right to remove her from this list if she continues to be NOT Rachel. Jason Sudekis (sp?) Elizabeth Banks Melissa McCarthy Leah Remini (yeah, I like Kevin James more than her) Several actors on "General Hospital" but y'all probably wouldn't know them, except for James Franco Seth Rogen Katherine Heigl (does she still count as an actress?) More to come, I'm sure... 1 Link to comment
Ohwell September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 Quote Katherine Heigl (does she still count as an actress?) BURN! lol 4 Link to comment
Guest Accused Dingo September 8, 2014 Share September 8, 2014 (edited) I try not to hate actors/actresses as a rule. I've learned that it is.a detriment to my enjoyment of movies and tv shows. Even if i don't particularly like the actor i try to still enjoy their work.. There has only been one this has not worked for... Unfortunately for me it is Tom Cruise. Dude is in everything and stuff i might have actualy enjoyed but his face just makes me want to punch it. Edited September 8, 2014 by Accused Dingo 1 Link to comment
xls September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 On 8/26/2014 at 7:02 PM, Ohwell said: Yes, Julia Roberts is a horse-faced ass. Plus, I have no doubt that she thought she was lending an air of importance, class and elegance to the Emmys, just by her presence there. And her red carpet dresses are ugly, too. 3 Link to comment
xls September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 Can't stand Famke Janssen ether. She always looks greasy to me. She ruins anything she is in for me. 1 Link to comment
Mrsjumbo September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 The following strike me as smug, self important & pretentious: -Gwyneth Paltrow -Anne Hathaway -Lea Michelle -Julia Roberts -Madonna I used to like Diane Keaton back in the day, but her overacting in The Big Wedding, & especially Something's Gotta Give & Because I Said so, makes those movies unwatchable to me now. Susan Sarandon's voice sounds like she is talking out of her nose. 3 Link to comment
JudyObscure September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Quote Kristen Stewart is a perpetual mouth-breather, and I can't like that. That's why I can't watch Scarlett Johansson in anything. Gweneth Paltrow's nasal, whiney voice is why I can't watch her. I used to be able to tolerate Diane Keaton, although she smiles too much in all her roles, but now that she's older her giggly little girl thing really grates. A sixty-something woman shouldn't need her girl friends to egg her on to go out with a man. That's a rom-com cliché I'm heartily sick of in any case. Amy Adamsalways seems smug and smirky to me. 1 Link to comment
Snowprince September 12, 2014 Share September 12, 2014 Sean Penn....that is all. 6 Link to comment
wlk68 September 13, 2014 Share September 13, 2014 Adam Sandler. 4 Link to comment
Oreo2234 September 13, 2014 Share September 13, 2014 Quote I try not to hate actors/actresses as a rule. I've learned that it is.a detriment to my enjoyment of movies and tv shows. Even if i don't particularly like the actor i try to still enjoy their work.. Me too. I don't hate actors/actresses and I think that actresses are disproportionately hated. But while I don't hate him Johnny Depp is getting predictable and boring as an actor. Link to comment
Skyline September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 Sam Worthington Jennifer Aniston Katherine Heigl Michael Vartan Kristen Stewart Gwyneth Paltrow Sean Connery John Leguizamo Reese Witherspoon Taye Diggs Rosie O'Donnell 1 Link to comment
ramble September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 Quote Kristen Stewart is a perpetual mouth-breather, and I can't like that.I don't like that either or her acting, although I don't feel quite right calling it acting. I'm baffled by KStew's ability to get cast in anything. My mean self wasted some enjoyable time watching Barely Political make fun of her on YouTube. They have several with her "explaining" the meaning of holidays that are really funny & a great one where she explains why she cheated on her vampire boyfriend. It made me legitimately laugh out loud several times. 1 Link to comment
Guest Accused Dingo September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 (edited) On 9/13/2014 at 5:24 PM, Oreo2234 said: Me too. I don't hate actors/actresses and I think that actresses are disproportionately hated. Male actors can be...less attractive and old; they can even have a horrible personalities. The only real thing they they need is the ability to act. Actresses, on the other hand, are told they are either too beautiful or too old. How many times have I heard jokes about the age of an actress playing a roll that would never have been told about a male actor? Look at Teen Wolf vs Pretty Little Liars. Tyler Posey is 23 and yes Troian Bellisario is almost 30 but I don't think I have seen a single post about how Posey is too old to play a teen. Just that he is hot. I see post constantly on PLL boards about the ages of the girls. How many....less attractive female actresses are there? (We all have our definition of beauty but I mean really...most are drop dead gorgeous and the first thing we notice about them are their looks....not their talent. Edited September 14, 2014 by Accused Dingo 1 Link to comment
Snowprince September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 I've observed much of the "hate" heaped on female actors is done so mostly by other women, especially concerning their looks, and I must confess I find that a bit baffling. 9 Link to comment
KatWay September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 Quote Look at Teen Wolf vs Pretty Little Liars. Tyler Posey is 23 and yes Troian Bellisario is almost 30 but I don't think I have seen a single post about how Posey is too old to play a teen. Just that he is hot. There were TONS of jokes about the guy who played Teddy on 90210 being too old. Or Mark Salling on Glee. It's not just the girls who get criticised for that kind of stuff. In your example, Tyler Posey is only 23 and looks fairly young. Sure, not like a teenager, but okay in that suspension of disbelief stage. Troian is a lot older than that. And then Troian is usually praised for her acting skills while people were fairly vicious about Tyler Posey, especially in the first season or so because he sucked so bad. In terms of male actors I can't stand: Jonah Hill. He is entirely unfunny to me and slimy to boot. I cannot understand how this guy got Oscar nominations. Toby Maguire. He always seems creepy to me and also slightly unbelievable as a functioning human being. The only thing I could buy him as would be a serial killer. I totally like the new Spiderman movies more than the old ones (I know, I know, blasphemy) because I couldn't buy Maguire as Peter Parker for a second. I haven't liked Johnny Depp in anything since the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. He's like a walking, talking cartoon at this point. 1 Link to comment
ribboninthesky1 September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 On 9/14/2014 at 5:06 AM, Snowprince said: I've observed much of the "hate" heaped on female actors is done so mostly by other women, especially concerning their looks, and I must confess I find that a bit baffling. I don't - it's not nice, but I don't think it's baffling. I've never thought women had some kind of obligation to be kind to other women solely because !patriarchy! Nor do I think they're any more cruel than men can be. Women are judged by their looks, actresses especially, by everyone and that's not some standard propagated solely by women, especially when women are largely NOT the ones in power within the entertainment industry. Plus, if we're talking about online criticism, truth is, I think it's a challenge to accurately determine who is behind the keyboard. It's assumed that men wouldn't bother to post cruel opinions about actresses online, but thinking back to hateful comments given to those actresses whose nude pics were leaked, I doubt that the majority of the hateful comments were from women. And let's not forget that children and teenagers also post opinions online, and kids are hardly bastions of maturity. It's all about context and medium, IMO. I do think that, in general, women are more expressive in their criticism, but if you go into a presumably male-dominated online forum, and you'll likely find similar pettiness. It might manifest differently, but the intent behind it is the same. In any case, I'm a woman, and of those I can't stand, it's evenly split by gender. 3 Link to comment
Wings September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 On 8/27/2014 at 6:14 PM, Ohwell said: Nicholas Cage. My left eye starts to twitch whenever I see his face. I cannot watch a movie he is in; he ruins it for me! On 8/23/2014 at 5:18 PM, SallyAlbright said: Mine is a recent thing, but Shailene Woodley. I accidentally wasted an hour of my life watching that godawful Secret Life of the American Teenager show, and I don't think I can ever forgive her. She was whiny and annoying in The Descendants, and I've yet to see any great acting since to justify all the hype. Mostly though, it's her interviews and real-life persona that drive me nuts. Every time I see her or read an interview with her, she's saying something more obnoxious and pretentious than the last time. She might really be a lovely girl, but I just want her to stop doing interviews and go away for a long time. I LOVED the movie Descendants and didn't notice her that much other than she was good in her role. Since then, oh boy. She is young and in that stage where you can be very pretentious and "cool" in counter culture thinking. She will grow out of that but until she does, count me out. 1 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 (edited) On 9/14/2014 at 7:46 PM, ribboninthesky1 said: I don't - it's not nice, but I don't think it's baffling. I've never thought women had some kind of obligation to be kind to other women solely because !patriarchy! Nor do I think they're any more cruel than men can be. Women are judged by their looks, actresses especially, by everyone and that's not some standard propagated solely by women, especially when women are largely NOT the ones in power within the entertainment industry. I don't think that really disproves what Snowprince was saying, though. Regardless of whether men or women are in power behind the scenes, that doesn't alter the fact that in this thread I've seen Julia Roberts being called horse-faced. And I doubt the nickname 'Sarah Jessica Seabiscuit' was invented by some movie director. However much of a horror Roberts might be to work with, Christian Bale with his public meltdowns and Daniel Day-Lewis with his delicate artiste soul are probably just as horrific to have to interact with when things aren't going to their satisfaction. I like Bale's acting, and objectively I think Lewis is talented even if I also think he needs to stop wearing his anus as a neck-warmer ( someone else re Oprah Winfrey) but I wouldn't want to hang out with either of them and I notice their looks don't get dissed when their 'tudes are being discussed. So the question is, why does it manifest differently? Edited September 15, 2014 by Cobalt Stargazer 2 Link to comment
Wings September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 On 8/10/2014 at 11:03 PM, Shannon L. said: The funny thing is, that that particular moment wasn't scripted. She was sad that day because of a personal issue and Gary Marshall wasn't getting what he needed from her. So, he pulled Richard Gere aside and told him to do that just to lighten her mood a little. He loved her reaction so much, he kept it in the movie. I don't mind her too much, though and I do really like Erin Brokovich, which I don't believe had the laugh in it. I read about that and loved that scene. I like Julia Roberts. I have been in her presence 2 times in retail stores in Taos NM, where she lives some of the time. She is beautiful in person, stunning. I don't often run into that. My DIL who managed a store there has had several conversations with her and heard that famous laugh. She felt she was in a movie! I digress. Robin Williams was a good actor as long as he had a script. I was uncomfortable watching him in interviews. The interviewer and anyone else present HAD to laugh and this kept going endlessly it seemed. 1 Link to comment
Danny Franks September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 On 9/14/2014 at 5:06 AM, Snowprince said: I've observed much of the "hate" heaped on female actors is done so mostly by other women, especially concerning their looks, and I must confess I find that a bit baffling. If it's not their looks, then I find there's often an assumption that the woman is 'arrogant' or 'pompous' or 'superior', which is even stranger to me. Superior to what? To other women? Or, god forbid, to men? I've always been baffled at the hate that Anne Hathaway gets, so decided to read a few comments sections of articles about her unpopularity, and what did I see? A lot of women who said they hated her because she reminded them of the girl at school who was always smarter, prettier, more popular, more successful than they were. I find that a curious attitude, to say the least. I've long wondered why it's sometimes considered bad for a woman to be intelligent and not scared of showing it. Anne Hathaway speaks her mind, and people say, 'ugh, what a bitch'. Jennifer Lawrence falls over and then blames it on being drunk and they're all, 'oh, America's new sweetheart. She's so real!' 7 Link to comment
Wiendish Fitch September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 (edited) Quote Nicholas Cage.My left eye starts to twitch whenever I see his face. I cannot watch a movie he is in; he ruins it for me! Count me in. I refuse to like Cage even ironically, and when Ethan Hawke said, in all sincerity, that Cage was "the greatest actor of our generation", I just wanted to tie him to a chair (after bitch-slapping him), prop his eyelids open, a la A Clockwork Orange, and make him watch Michael Fassbender and Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years a Slave, Peter Saarsgard in Shattered Glass, and pretty much any performance by Daniel Day-Lewis and then demand he say it again! I get so annoyed when the go-to defense of Cage is "but he's fascinating!" Yes, he's fascinating, the way a bleeding ulcer is fascinating. Quote I've long wondered why it's sometimes considered bad for a woman to be intelligent and not scared of showing it. Anne Hathaway speaks her mind, and people say, 'ugh, what a bitch'. Jennifer Lawrence falls over and then blames it on being drunk and they're all, 'oh, America's new sweetheart. She's so real!' I feel for Anne Hathaway. I mean, if you think she's a bad actress, fine, but the hatred towards her is so irrational it's scary. Even if her personality is irritating… who cares? She's not my friend, co-worker, or neighbor, what difference does it make? I still like a lot of Gwyneth Paltrow's movies, but you'd have to pay me pretty damn handsomely to spend an hour with her in person. I still like Benedict Cumberbatch, even though he sounds like kind of a dick, but no one ever gets on his case, so what gives? Now, if an actor goes beyond the pale of moral redemption, especially if it's fairly recent, then I say feel free to loathe them with a fiery vengeance. When my husband and I found out about what Klaus Kinski did to his poor daughters, we vowed to never, ever watch anything with him in it ever, ever again. Kinski is dead, but his daughters are alive and still bear the scars, so, yeah, Kinski is on my permanent shitlist (right up there with that reprehensible excuse for a human being Roman Polanski). Edited September 14, 2014 by Wiendish Fitch 5 Link to comment
Shannon L. September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 Quote I read about that and loved that scene. I like Julia Roberts. I have been in her presence 2 times in retail stores in Taos NM, where she lives some of the time. She is beautiful in person, stunning. I don't often run into that. My DIL who managed a store there has had several conversations with her and heard that famous laugh. Yeah, I live about a half hour from Hollywood, so I know a lot of people in the business--in fact, my husband worked in the business for a number of years, so I can say that there is at least one actress listed in these pages that I can give you an insider's account of, maybe more--I have to go back and look. But people never really believe me. If they really don't like someone for whatever reason, then, they seem to think that I'm some kid sitting in the mid-west somewhere making it all up :) I learned that the hard way on another board. Now, I have heard the stories about Julia Roberts, but I still like a lot of her movies. I try really hard not to let my opinions of an actor or actress get in the way of my movie viewing. I said earlier that I don't like Clint Eastwood, but I have still tried to watch a number of his movies--he just doesn't do it for me. I'm not a Nicolas Cage fan, but I liked Con-Air and National Treasure. Unless I hear numerous stories about how badly behaved they are, I try to keep my dislike for their acting, which can sometimes change from one picture to the next. 3 Link to comment
lyric September 14, 2014 Share September 14, 2014 (edited) On 9/14/2014 at 10:42 PM, Wiendish Fitch said: Count me in. I refuse to like Cage even ironically, and when Ethan Hawke said, in all sincerity, that Cage was "the greatest actor of our generation", I just wanted to tie him to a chair (after bitch-slapping him), prop his eyelids open, a la A Clockwork Orange, and make him watch Michael Fassbender and Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years a Slave, Peter Saarsgard in Shattered Glass, and pretty much any performance by Daniel Day-Lewis and then demand he say it again! Absolutely love the Saarsgard / Shattered Glass reference. I adore that film, and his performance is perfection. Regarding Cage - was Ethan Hawke drunk? Yikes. Frankly, I really liked Cage early on - up thru Leaving Las Vegas, but then he took a weird turn and became insufferable in every way. Edited September 14, 2014 by lyric 1 Link to comment
Wiendish Fitch September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 (edited) Quote Absolutely love the Saarsgard / Shattered Glass reference. I adore that film, and his performance is perfection. Thanks for backing me up, lyric. I thought it was a flawless, textbook example of understated acting done right (I'm sick of how "understated" now means actors mindlessly droning their lines with vacant expressions). Again, I try to judge an actor by their acting, not their lifestyle, but if their antics destroy their career, they usually have themselves to blame. Now if an actor has been dead for decades, then I can forgive their salacious activities. For instance, I will always cherish The Adventures of Robin Hood, in spite of Errol Flynn's unforgivable actions, but since he's been dead for 55 years, I don't feel too guilty enjoying his work. Who knows? In 50 years I might finally watch Chinatown or Rosemary's Baby, but since Polanski is currently alive and well (as is his victim), I'm going to pass. Edited September 15, 2014 by Wiendish Fitch 1 Link to comment
Jeebus Cripes September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 (edited) On 9/15/2014 at 12:05 AM, Wiendish Fitch said: Again, I try to judge an actor by their acting, not their lifestyle, but if their antics destroy their career, they usually have themselves to blame. Now if an actor has been dead for decades, then I can forgive their salacious activities. For instance, I will always cherish The Adventures of Robin Hood, in spite of Errol Flynn's unforgivable actions, but since he's been dead for 55 years, I don't feel too guilty enjoying his work. Holy shit, I just spent entirely too much time researching Errol Flynn. I don't even think I've ever seen him in film before... Took me a while to find the dirt on him. Edited September 15, 2014 by Jeebus Cripes Link to comment
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