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S11.E21: Reunion (Part 1)

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Every time someone types “own it,” I can hear and see Rinna saying it in that annoying way she does, like her mouth is having trouble with the word “own” — sort of like she’s almost saying “owl,” but replacing the L with an N.

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On 10/13/2021 at 10:11 PM, eXiled said:

Even in the coming attractions Erika is still crying about what happened to her. This bitch can't even pretend to care about the people her husband defrauded.

Is Erika not allowed to ever think about herself?  She's under intense scrutiny, articles are constantly coming out, social media is constantly attacking her, her lifestyle changed and she's divorcing.  Let's keep in mind that Tom is the one who actually misappropriated the funds.  I think anyone would have a difficult time.  If she didn't do anything wrong, why should she have more empathy than anyone else?  She would actually be a victim of Tom too.  On top of being a victim of Tom, she's getting more heat than Tom.

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9 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Yep.  Rinna was really really rattled by that.  Almost looked scared.  Or busted.   

Interestingly that it was only Garcelle called out as well. Crystal brought up race as well. More evidence, to me, that Rinna said it. 

Irony is, RHONY got pounded for their emphasis on race. I won't get into that here. Just suffice to say, I appreciated the discussions Garcelle and Crystal raised and how they raised them. I actually teared up during some of them and I do NOT usually cry watching RHs unless it's with laughter. It wasn't always the smoothest (particularly Crystal's 'oh tell me you're the girl who says you don't see color' and Sutton's reaction--plus the editing was really wonky on that) but ones like Garcelle's discussion over what Kyle's accusation of nonpayment meant, when she and Crystal talked to each other about how they don't have the privilege of not seeing race and the dinner table (at La Quinta maybe?) about how Garcelle worries all the time over her son as a black man. I wouldn't mind hearing about what Crystal may have experienced as an Asian woman during covid. These discussions WERE actually real and not the usual BS that often populates the shows. And I certainly felt less gross listening to them than I did hearing Erika spin lie after lie. (Except for when they badgered Garcelle into crying. Then, while I appreciated hearing the points she made, HOW she was brought to the point of making them was gross.) So Rinna can stuff it. Yes, we want escapism, especially in these times but the show brought a really good balance (unlike NY) in how and when it was discussed. And most of the cast seemed open to hearing it. I think even Dorit though she really doesn't get what's being said. Unlike others, I don't think she's racist but mileage obviously will vary. I do think she's very self-absorbed and doesn't always relate to issues that she can't relate to. But I don't get a mean-spirited vibe like I do with Rinna. At least Kyle gave it an attempt--even Kathy did. I think Sutton has probably had some conversations with both Garcelle and Crystal that were much different from her initial one with Crystal. 

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11 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I have to say that I just saw the 2015 Halloween costume on Harry and I was shocked.  How could either one of them think that was okay.

I can’t stand to look at Rinna anymore.  If I have to hear her cackle, wave her arms around like a toddler or run her tongue across her lips again i will be sick.  I certainly felt that way when she went over to embrace Garcelle.  It was disgusting.

The Halloween costume was so ignorant.  And the Garcelle embrace bordered on assault.  You can't touch people without permission.

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8 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

If she didn't do anything wrong, why should she have more empathy than anyone else? 

Erika has been telling the viewers since her first season as a Real Housewife how much money she spends on glam and on trying to give the impression that she has a career as a performer.

Then she finds out that Tom defrauded airplane crash victims and a burn victim of several millions of dollars. A lot of money ended up in her EJ account and paid her Amex bill.

She has not reacted the way a normal person would react. As you can see from reading this thread, MOST people would be horrified to realize that money that the victims could have used to pay for food, lodging, and hospital bills has been paying for latex bodysuits, nips, tucks, airfare for her glam team and Lamborghinis.

But I believe you’re only having a laugh, so I will just bow out of this discussion. 

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I thought Erika's dress looked like a clearance item from a "small town" consignment shop/Goodwill Resale store. 

No offense to small towns - I live in a small town, with a few consignment shops nearby, but they are all very high-end - lots of logos and designer handbags.  They are somewhere where label-obsessed Dorit would look for bargains (if she didn't get most of her clothes/shoes/handbags given/loaned to her, which is where I think most of her wardrobe comes from).

Hope she got the sale price.  Although maybe most of them probably get comped for advertising.


Edited by JonnieUniteUs
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Lisa saying Harry questioned why Garcelle seemed so sad has to be one of the phoniest things I’ve ever heard in my li

The old straw man argument, used by the desperate. 


Some of these women need to fire their stylists stat. And what is going onw/Erica’s face? Is it just weight gain? Bad makeup? She looks so different

Agree! She doesn’t look good. Perhaps weight gain? I see it in her face. But what else has happened? What is up with her eyebrows?


I thought she (EJ) looked drunk

The fullness in her face could be alcohol bloat. She does seem to be on something, either alcohol or pills. 


The lighting is accentuating any pimples that the women have.

I can’t figure out what’s going on. Usually the lighting is soft and flattering and most of the women look good. Even Kyle, who I think is one of the prettiest HWs, doesn’t look as good as usual. But Dorit looks really pretty. Does she have her own light or something? LOL Her screaming at Garcelle really irritated me though. 



What can I even say about Rinna?  She's one of the worst human beings I've ever experienced on television ever.


How is a store not a business, Rinna?!?!

Exactly! She was just being a snot. I want to see her knocked off her high horse. Even watching her stupid, exaggerated expressions was getting on my nerves.



I don’t understand the point of the Rinna visiting Erika intro.

It reminded me of two mean girls plotting against their target. The dynamic was unsettling. Lisa’s mask slipped and exposed the nasty piece of work behind the fake cackles.


Man, when Rinna hopped over to the other couch and was trying wrap herself around Garcelle and be all saccharine sweet, I wanted to barf. I'm sure Garcelle was just playing along in order to make it STOP, but nonetheless, RUN AWAY GARCELLE!!!

ITA! That pathetic performance was to make her Lisa look good, not to reconcile with Garcelle. She is a viper. 


and Erika, it’s not “alleged” victims. 

This bothered me. Why is she saying this? Is she trying to deny that these people were harmed and entitled to compensation?

I can’t wait to hear Andy question Erika. I hope he calls her on all the lies and her entitled attitude, but the clip could be misleading. I guess we will see. 

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15 minutes ago, JonnieUniteUs said:

Hope she got the sale price.  Although maybe most of them probably get comped for advertising.


I think Erika was wearing the knockoff. Her dress fabric looked synthetic.

Oof. Lots of hideous dresses on that website.

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13 minutes ago, JonnieUniteUs said:

Hope she got the sale price.  Although maybe most of them probably get comped for advertising.


That dress, with the sale price, is about $2,000.00 too much, in my opinion.

And, stretch satin (which is really polyester satin) is a horrible, shiny fabric on most women, especially in pale pastel colors.  I've even heard that said on Project Runway multiple times whenever a designer contestant used it.  

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9 hours ago, BluishGreen said:

I need a reality check bc I wonder if I am mistaking Andy Cohen's actions toward Sutton as "stabby."  1st, her introduction at  the beginning of the Reunion show was a clip fest of Sutton at her most neurotic, kooky and overly sensitive moments. She took it in stride and laughed at herself, which is the right thing to do.  I waited to see the "worst of..." for the others as well-- like "he Erika, how about when you did this and this and this...." or "Rinna, get a load of this and this..."  IIRC, only  Sutton got the "let's all make fun of you" treatment from Andy

Then, Sutton says she's dating, Erika pops off some comment like "How are YOU dating?'' Such a low-down bitchy remark which AC let pass without even a blink.

Then, Andy asks friend Kyle whether Sutton was a good tenant and Andy just happens to have a photo of the fireplace damage that, we all know, Sutton was going to take care of with Kyle. Seems like they are straining to find ways to be "oh yeah, and she is such a whack job she nearly burned down a house." Again, Sutton handled it fine, but I'm starting to wonder now...

After the Reunion, at WWHL, Andy did his Mazel of the Week and Jackhole of the Week.  His Jackhole was ....SUTTON.  Thinking back, I can't recall him ever calling a present cast member out that way.   Please correct me if I'm wrong about that. He didn't get much of a positive response from the studio audience and acted surprised that no one liked it.

So, am I the one overreacting, or is Mr. Cohen carrying out Erika's agenda? Could there be some understanding that he is Erika's proxy somehow and his job is to keep going at Sutton? I think fans like her, so why is Andy seemingly trying so hard?

Speaking of hard,  this off my point here, but the way Erika was saying she's so horny, baby, she's looking for a Big D action, convinced me that she knows how to fake the sexy  but I doubt she's got the goods in a real woman way.  She is just cold cold cold. cold cold.

I thought the same thing - it was really weird and off-putting that Andy did that to Sutton.

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12 hours ago, Lassus said:

I literally laughed aloud when I read this.  I am not being paid enough to figure out where the hell they actually were, but thank you for confusing me even further. 

I admit I thought it was outside.  If it was INSIDE and the lighting was still that bad, someone should be fired.

I remember that they pulled away for a wide shot and it definitely looks like an indoor set, with walls and lighting hanging from the ceiling...

But it is possible that they built a set outside to look like they are inside while filming outside 🤣


13 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I have to say that I just saw the 2015 Halloween costume on Harry and I was shocked.  How could either one of them think that was okay.

I can’t stand to look at Rinna anymore.  If I have to hear her cackle, wave her arms around like a toddler or run her tongue across her lips again i will be sick.  I certainly felt that way when she went over to embrace Garcelle.  It was disgusting.


She giddily jumped in her lap like 30 seconds after she snarled and hissed at her that she "knew exactly who she is.."  WTF??


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I am posting the dress as worn by a model and by Erika in the same frame to illustrate how awful it actually looks on Erika.

The bottom line is that Erika truly has absolutely no sense of style but is drawn to stripper style and/or clothing that is meant to be worn by drag queens (meaning no disrespect) as drag queens typically dress DELIBERATELY as caricatures as part of their shtick. It is like emulating Mae West or Dolly Parton deliberately as part of one's "every day" style and thinking it is chic.

Beyond that Erika simply doesn't have the body to carry off this kind of extremely difficult style and fabric. Not that anyone should WANT to attempt to carry it off but I can't recall any housewife on this franchise who so consistently looks as badly dressed as Erika - even when she isn't attempting to be overtly over-sexual she somehow looks off.

I can't imagine who would buy the dress even as shown on the model but I don't know how Erika could have tried on the dress and actually decided that it was a flattering look for her - walking, standing, sitting or even lying down it looked awful. It is astounding that with a room filled with expensive clothing that she decided that this was the dress to be worn that would be memorialized in four television episodes as well as numerous clips and be dissected on the internet. 

Edited by amarante
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15 minutes ago, amarante said:



I am posting the dress as worn by a model and by Erika in the same frame to illustrate how awful it actually looks on Erika.

The bottom line is that Erika truly has absolutely no sense of style but is drawn to stripper style and/or clothing that is meant to be worn by drag queens (meaning no disrespect) as drag queens typically dress DELIBERATELY as caricatures as part of their shtick. It is like emulating Mae West or Dolly Parton deliberately as part of one's "every day" style and thinking it is chic.

Beyond that Erika simply doesn't have the body to carry off this kind of extremely difficult style and fabric. Not that anyone should WANT to attempt to carry it off but I can't recall any housewife on this franchise who so consistently looks as badly dressed as Erika - even when she isn't attempting to be overtly over-sexual she somehow looks off.

I can't imagine who would buy the dress even as shown on the model but I don't know how Erika could have tried on the dress and actually decided that it was a flattering look for her - walking, standing, sitting or even lying down it looked awful. It is astounding that with a room filled with expensive clothing that she decided that this was the dress to be worn that would be memorialized in four television episodes as well as numerous clips and be dissected on the internet. 

In addition to that, despite its hefty price tag, the material looks so cheap. Seriously, why does a three-thousand dollar dress look like a thirty dollar rip off?

Hmm. Maybe it depends on who's wearing it? Erika's one of those people who makes expensive clothes look cheap. I wonder if she knows Gizelle (RHOP) and Teresa (RHONJ). They all have that in common. The Kardashians have mastered the art.

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24 minutes ago, amarante said:

I can't imagine who would buy the dress even as shown on the model but I don't know how Erika could have tried on the dress and actually decided that it was a flattering look for her - walking, standing, sitting or even lying down it looked awful. It is astounding that with a room filled with expensive clothing that she decided that this was the dress to be worn that would be memorialized in four television episodes as well as numerous clips and be dissected on the internet. 

Erika has demonstrated bad judgement on many many things.  But like someone else here my first thought on this dress was 1980s prom. 

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29 minutes ago, amarante said:

Beyond that Erika simply doesn't have the body to carry off this kind of extremely difficult style and fabric.

YES!  She is way too heavy to carry the look. The dress barely looks good on the model.

Edited by albarino
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4 minutes ago, chlban said:

Again, a normal human being with an ounce of decency, would be horrified to know that money meant for true victims went to pay for a vanity project,  tacky clothes  a glam squad and some stupid stage "show". 

You have completely summed it up. Thank you.

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8 hours ago, Afwife1992 said:

Interestingly that it was only Garcelle called out as well. Crystal brought up race as well. More evidence, to me, that Rinna said it. 

Irony is, RHONY got pounded for their emphasis on race. I won't get into that here. Just suffice to say, I appreciated the discussions Garcelle and Crystal raised and how they raised them. I actually teared up during some of them and I do NOT usually cry watching RHs unless it's with laughter. It wasn't always the smoothest (particularly Crystal's 'oh tell me you're the girl who says you don't see color' and Sutton's reaction--plus the editing was really wonky on that) but ones like Garcelle's discussion over what Kyle's accusation of nonpayment meant, when she and Crystal talked to each other about how they don't have the privilege of not seeing race and the dinner table (at La Quinta maybe?) about how Garcelle worries all the time over her son as a black man. I wouldn't mind hearing about what Crystal may have experienced as an Asian woman during covid. These discussions WERE actually real and not the usual BS that often populates the shows. And I certainly felt less gross listening to them than I did hearing Erika spin lie after lie. (Except for when they badgered Garcelle into crying. Then, while I appreciated hearing the points she made, HOW she was brought to the point of making them was gross.) So Rinna can stuff it. Yes, we want escapism, especially in these times but the show brought a really good balance (unlike NY) in how and when it was discussed. And most of the cast seemed open to hearing it. I think even Dorit though she really doesn't get what's being said. Unlike others, I don't think she's racist but mileage obviously will vary. I do think she's very self-absorbed and doesn't always relate to issues that she can't relate to. But I don't get a mean-spirited vibe like I do with Rinna. At least Kyle gave it an attempt--even Kathy did. I think Sutton has probably had some conversations with both Garcelle and Crystal that were much different from her initial one with Crystal. 

I agree with almost all of this, except I do think Dorit is a racist. If I were forced to say something nice about Kyle it's that I do not think she is a racist. She is a horrible friend, period, but I don't think race plays a part in it. Not entirely sure if Rinna is a racist either, but I totally believe she made the comment. But because Lisa is determined to bring down anyone and seems to have a particular focus on actresses more succesful than she. But your point is well taken. I actually quit watching NY-my former favorite-this season. I have had zero issues with how race has been handled here and I enjoyed both Garcelle and Crystal's comments on race and ethnicity.

Edited by chlban
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On 10/13/2021 at 10:49 PM, Mrs peel said:

Or if they stuck a pin in her breast.  Man are they hard, the dress was falling off her but the left breast stayed in place.  Wonder if she had them done/re-done recently.

and Erika, it’s not “alleged” victims.  If they had been paid the settlement money,  the firm would be able to show the checks from the firm’s client account.  It’s pretty simple.  Shocked you don’t know that, since you once claimed you could almost practice law.

god kyle’s entire look was horrible.  Her breasts were being held hostage and I kept wondering how many baby birds were in her hair/nest.

I didn’t hate Dorito’s look, and I’m ashamed of myself for that.

Poor Crystal looked horrified to be on the couch with the coven.  I noticed early on Dorit, Lisa and erika were backing each other up on everything.  But then it started to fall apart.

kathy seems depressed or medicated, so situation normal.

The bolded sentence!  Bahahahahahaha!  This whole thread is killing me, but I literally laughed out loud at that one.  Thanks for that! 🤗

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On 10/13/2021 at 11:04 PM, Marley said:

Kyles hair is horrible with the small strands up front. It reminds me of the popular girl hairstyle that was in when I was in junior high which would’ve been like 2000-2001 lol

Exactly!!  I wore that hair in high school, but I was not a "popular girl" LOL.  I wore a version of Dorit's too, but Dorit's actually looked cute.  Kyle's looked stringy and crunchy.  And the outfit was HORRIBLY unflattering.

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6 hours ago, Erh3d said:

Alicia Silverstone also did it in Clueless

That was in 1995, which was the point of the original post.  It was the hot thing back then.  People doing it now in 2021 is kind of weird.  SOME stuff from the 1990s is still good but I just don't get that particular hairstyle.

1 hour ago, amarante said:




Oh nooooooooooooooooooooo I actually love Alexandre Vauthier.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, amarante said:

I am posting the dress as worn by a model and by Erika in the same frame to illustrate how awful it actually looks on Erika.

I mean, as a complete expert who did watch Project Runway last night, that dress in my opinion actually looks BETTER on Erika than the model.  (To be clear, it's a crappy dress.)

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Ugh, I've been so busy getting set up with new clients that I haven't had a chance to watch this shit show yet.

I want to thank all of you for your hilarious and insightful comments that are giving me life until I can watch this weekend.  ❤️

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25 minutes ago, Lassus said:

I mean, as a complete expert who did watch Project Runway last night, that dress in my opinion actually looks BETTER on Erika than the model.  (To be clear, it's a crappy dress.)

Curious as to why you think that is true.

For starters, it doesn't fit Erika well as she didn't bother to spend $10 to have the sleeves shortened so they are too long and wrinkled which adds to the appearance of being shlumpy. 

While Erika's figure is fine, it is womanly and she doesn't have the same lean structure as the model so that the mid-section appears very rumpled and wrinkled instead of being sleek as it is in the picture.

I don't think the dress is one that is particularly attractive even on a body type that could wear anything essentially (the model) but it - at least to me - given that Erika had limitless choices essentially - it seems odd that no one suggested something that was more flattering.


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Bottom line, Erika lacks self respect.  She is not looking for true love, someone that would treat her right and be good to her, no, she is looking for a big penis and hot sex.  That proved to me once again, how vapid and shallow she is.  She can't feel sympathy or empathy for the victims because in her mind she is the #1 victim, everyone else can get in line, or take a seat.  First and foremost Tom did it to HER, there is no room in her empty shell for anyone else. 


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12 hours ago, BluishGreen said:

I need a reality check bc I wonder if I am mistaking Andy Cohen's actions toward Sutton as "stabby."  1st, her introduction at  the beginning of the Reunion show was a clip fest of Sutton at her most neurotic, kooky and overly sensitive moments. She took it in stride and laughed at herself, which is the right thing to do.  I waited to see the "worst of..." for the others as well-- like "he Erika, how about when you did this and this and this...." or "Rinna, get a load of this and this..."  IIRC, only  Sutton got the "let's all make fun of you" treatment from Andy

Then, Sutton says she's dating, Erika pops off some comment like "How are YOU dating?'' Such a low-down bitchy remark which AC let pass without even a blink.

Then, Andy asks friend Kyle whether Sutton was a good tenant and Andy just happens to have a photo of the fireplace damage that, we all know, Sutton was going to take care of with Kyle. Seems like they are straining to find ways to be "oh yeah, and she is such a whack job she nearly burned down a house." Again, Sutton handled it fine, but I'm starting to wonder now...

After the Reunion, at WWHL, Andy did his Mazel of the Week and Jackhole of the Week.  His Jackhole was ....SUTTON.  Thinking back, I can't recall him ever calling a present cast member out that way.   Please correct me if I'm wrong about that. He didn't get much of a positive response from the studio audience and acted surprised that no one liked it.

So, am I the one overreacting, or is Mr. Cohen carrying out Erika's agenda? Could there be some understanding that he is Erika's proxy somehow and his job is to keep going at Sutton? I think fans like her, so why is Andy seemingly trying so hard?

Speaking of hard,  this off my point here, but the way Erika was saying she's so horny, baby, she's looking for a Big D action, convinced me that she knows how to fake the sexy  but I doubt she's got the goods in a real woman way.  She is just cold cold cold. cold cold.

I agree with your points about how Sutton is being portrayed at the reunion and WWHL.  I'm wondering if it is Andy's doing or the producers of the shows.  Andy's Jackhole roast of Sutton fell flat with the studio audience, so hopefully he gets the message.  

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43 minutes ago, amarante said:

Curious as to why you think that is true.

Fair question, and probably it's just an oversell on my part.  Whereas Erika is too big for that dress, the model is too scant for it.  The drape on the torso makes the model look gaunt and sickly.  Now, as a model, she probably IS gaunt and sickly, but it doesn't need to be brought attention to so badly.

And again, I oversold.  Erika is squeezed into that dress unpleasantly, but it almost seems like a candid from a cellphone.  I can imagine a fashion photographer making her look way better, even if she did get the dress a couple sizes too small.

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I think Andy’s roast of Sutton fell flat because she takes it all in good humour.  If he wants over the top reaction for ratings he needs to hit up on the likes of Erika and Rinna.

I don’t know what they did to Crystal.  I don’t particularly like her, but I’ve always thought her pretty with good clear skin. She doesn’t need fake eyelashes and shiny cheek highlights.  

Kyle’s poor trapped boobs.  They must’ve been so sore after the show. And what in the world was Rinna wearing?  She looked like a purple stick insect when she ran over to accost Garcelle.




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13 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

Is Erika not allowed to ever think about herself?  She's under intense scrutiny, articles are constantly coming out, social media is constantly attacking her, her lifestyle changed and she's divorcing.  Let's keep in mind that Tom is the one who actually misappropriated the funds.  I think anyone would have a difficult time.  If she didn't do anything wrong, why should she have more empathy than anyone else?  She would actually be a victim of Tom too.  On top of being a victim of Tom, she's getting more heat than Tom.

Considering that she spends way more hours per week with herself rather than in front of a camera - a wiser woman would save the self-pity for her alone times, and publicly sympathize with plane crash victims.


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18 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I have to say that I just saw the 2015 Halloween costume on Harry and I was shocked.  How could either one of them think that was okay.

Right?! There are plenty of shirts one could wear and be recognizable as Sid for Halloween (or no shirt at all!) — why on earth would someone choose that one?

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4 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Well Tom isn't on TV or posting on Instagram or calling paparazzi. 

I listened to a podcast about Bravo, and the guy who does it said there's misogyny because everyone's talking about Erika and not Tom. I like the guy and his podcast but seriously? Erika is the one on the show! Tom is not the one we've been watching on TV for several years.

Edited by RealHousewife
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35 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I listened to a podcast about Bravo, and the guy who does it said there's misogyny because everyone's talking about Erika and not Tom. I like the guy and his podcast but seriously? Erika is the one on the show! Tom is not the one we've been watching on TV for several years.

Oh my god, people are so ridiculous.  I can't even, and I'm trying not to use that phrase, but what can I even say besides I can't even?


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Somebody wasn't expecting Sutton and Garcelle (or Garcelle and Sutton) being the break-out STARS of the season.  I think it's making the Fucked Up Four (Teddi does not count at all) a little restless as how to handle this quandary for themselves...what to do, what to do?



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4 hours ago, amarante said:



I am posting the dress as worn by a model and by Erika in the same frame to illustrate how awful it actually looks on Erika.

The bottom line is that Erika truly has absolutely no sense of style but is drawn to stripper style and/or clothing that is meant to be worn by drag queens (meaning no disrespect) as drag queens typically dress DELIBERATELY as caricatures as part of their shtick. It is like emulating Mae West or Dolly Parton deliberately as part of one's "every day" style and thinking it is chic.

Beyond that Erika simply doesn't have the body to carry off this kind of extremely difficult style and fabric. Not that anyone should WANT to attempt to carry it off but I can't recall any housewife on this franchise who so consistently looks as badly dressed as Erika - even when she isn't attempting to be overtly over-sexual she somehow looks off.

I can't imagine who would buy the dress even as shown on the model but I don't know how Erika could have tried on the dress and actually decided that it was a flattering look for her - walking, standing, sitting or even lying down it looked awful. It is astounding that with a room filled with expensive clothing that she decided that this was the dress to be worn that would be memorialized in four television episodes as well as numerous clips and be dissected on the internet. 

God she looks like shit. Allegedly.

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2 hours ago, Lassus said:

Fair question, and probably it's just an oversell on my part.  Whereas Erika is too big for that dress, the model is too scant for it.  The drape on the torso makes the model look gaunt and sickly.  Now, as a model, she probably IS gaunt and sickly, but it doesn't need to be brought attention to so badly.

And again, I oversold.  Erika is squeezed into that dress unpleasantly, but it almost seems like a candid from a cellphone.  I can imagine a fashion photographer making her look way better, even if she did get the dress a couple sizes too small.

It's just an ugly dress.  On anyone except Molly Ringwald in the 1980s.

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3 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I agree with your points about how Sutton is being portrayed at the reunion and WWHL.  I'm wondering if it is Andy's doing or the producers of the shows.  Andy's Jackhole roast of Sutton fell flat with the studio audience, so hopefully he gets the message.  

Andy is tone deaf.  Maybe he is so stuck in his bubble and completely out of touch with real people, or maybe he's just a plain ole asshole, but he is often on the wrong side of issues and gives his favorites a pass while dumping on others.  Sometimes, I think he is just stirring up controversy, but other times, like with Sutton, he is clearly as much of a mean girl as Kyle and Rinna.

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5 hours ago, amarante said:


And here we see Erika, standing in her $5.99 polyester dress she bought on special standing in front of her trailer home after doing her own makeup...

which, BTW - I have no problem with a) inexpensive dresses; b) trailer homes; or c) doing one's own makeup. But Erika probably would...Allegedly.

Edited by NoWhammies
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15 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

Is Erika not allowed to ever think about herself? 

Ever? She's the only one in the situation with a reality show where she's asked how she's feeling several times a week. Clearly she's allowed, even encouraged, to think about herself and even get angry when other people don't think about her the way she wants them too!

15 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

If she didn't do anything wrong, why should she have more empathy than anyone else? 

Because she received and spent the money that's been stolen. She's not just an innocent bystander, though she's actually shown far less sympathy than most innocent bystanders.

15 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

She would actually be a victim of Tom too. On top of being a victim of Tom, she's getting more heat than Tom.

She's getting more heat from Tom because she's the one on the show and we're talking about the audience of the show.

But of course, this also brings up the other obvious thing, which is that Tom actually is getting more heat from the audience than he's getting from Erika. She's been supporting his defense at every turn while also saying she's a victim of his--and I believe, trying to position herself at the head of the line for money before the people whose money was stolen and given/spent on her. And she's getting paid a big salary to talk about it on TV, probably more money than the victims are making.

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