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S15.E09: A Family Stuck

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5 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

They are all desperate to hang on to the TLC Golden Goose and if it means something radical to fill airtime, they'll do it.  Maybe Kody will even be convinced to sacrifice his golden curls, that would be good for about 2 episodes. 

Maybe it's time for another catfishing scandal -- Meri's already done it so has to be either Janelle or Christine. Better yet, make it a polygamist catfisher looking for another wife (or wanting a legal wife to help him find a couple of baby-maker wives) -- I could see Christine interested in that. And the twist could be that it's not a catfish at all! It would be fun to watch Kody's reactions, especially if Christine's kids give the thumb's up to a new dad.

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Just now, kimaken said:

Maybe it's time for another catfishing scandal -- Meri's already done it so has to be either Janelle or Christine. Better yet, make it a polygamist catfisher looking for another wife (or wanting a legal wife to help him find a couple of baby-maker wives) -- I could see Christine interested in that. And the twist could be that it's not a catfish at all! It would be fun to watch Kody's reactions, especially if Christine's kids give the thumb's up to a new dad.

I love the way you think Kimaken!  This could be the answer that would ensure my rapt attention.

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I think it’s a great premise Twopper.  Even though the cast members seem very emotional this season, I try to keep in mind that these are characters who make a living displaying an amusing, troubled or exceptional lifestyle.  I envision them zooming with TLC producers about the content of this season and being asked That’s all you got?  Lol. So, they will milk it for all it’s worth.   Still.....there’s real emotion there. There’s some crumb of truth in it for sure. And, I think that some of them DO want to return to Utah.  This could be the season to end all seasons if they can’t agree on this.   I mean, could 3 wives live in Utah and still remain spiritually married to Kody?  

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22 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Seems like the two youngest Browns are the ones Kody and Robyn are worried about protecting. Solution: Robyn and her spawn should quarantine in their home, but the rest of the family could responsibly see each other. It’s obvious that Robyn and her kids are Kody’s biggest priority. 

The topic of having more babies and or adopting is so ridiculous. Robyn has likely entered peri menopause, and has her hands full with her youngest very high need children. And who would ever choose them to adopt a child when half of their bio kids barely even know their Dad. 

There are so many ways this family could have handled quarantine that would have made more sense than having Krusty go from house to house *changing his clothes!* every time he entered a different wife's realm.  They have a bunch of enormous houses; they have plenty of older children who can help care for the little ones; they could be more realistic in getting together outside, all together, for these all-important birthdays.  What a bunch of dopes they are.

And it's all well and good for Robbin' to want more children--doesn't she still have a niece or something living with her as an unofficial nanny?  I'm so tired of any pretense that the wives are treated equally, and so is Christine, but she dares not say it out loud.  Robbin' will have another baby.  I saw a dark-haired baby boy spirit roaming around, arms outstretched (like a kitten, his eyes weren't open yet) looking for a square-headed mom.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

Ratings:  1.632 M viewers and a .33 rating.  Seventh cable show of the day.

I was curious about the overall ratings trend and how many episodes in this season. Why is everything associated with this dumb show difficult? 

All I could find is:

IMBD  stops at S15, Ep10 Apr. 18 2021 Polygamy Hell. 

"The ratings plunge comes as Kody has received major backlash this season for his favoritism of wife Robyn while he struggles in his marriage to his other wives. "


Ratings Drop Could Cause ‘Sister Wives’ to Be Canceled


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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Also - with Kody being such an attention ho and always wanting to be THE MAN, why is he pushing away the two women who seem to want him the most - Meri and Christine?  Janelle - who knows what she wants, but instead he's living with Robyn who seems to enjoy emasculating him on the regular.  Where's our therapists?  @Onceafan@Twopper?  Anyone else?  Bueller?  I need answers!

I have a theory on that.  Kody doesn't like to have his Leadership/Kingship/Godship challenged.  He likes to call the shots, and have everyone fall into lockstep.  (I think this is the root of the friction with some of his older kids.) Both Mary and Christine ask of him. Mostly they want his presence, his attention, his time, his affection, you know, the things a decent husband provides without being begged and bargained with.  Janelle seems to ask very little of him, or of life, for that matter.  So she can stay.  Plus her house gives him a refuge when he can't take Arabellaolea swinging from the rafters all night long.  The other two, Meri and Christine, and their perceived unreasonable expectations, are on his last nerve.  So he attempts to alienate them so that they will eventually be the ones who back away from the "marriage." See, it's not poor, long-suffering Kody's fault.  It was those unreasonable women who wouldn't abide by his parameters of polygamous marriage.  Yet, who expects more of him than anyone?  Queen Robyn, of course.  But she so successfully manipulates him that he is brainwashed into believing that his agenda is his alone, rather than it being, in reality, Robyn's agenda.  He thinks, and Robyn's thoughts swirl around in his dome.  He speaks, and her words come out of his mouth.   So even though it's Robyn who has Kody's man parts in a vice, with her cold, bony hand on the lever, he doesn't realize that the one to whom he is most loyal is also the one who wields complete control over his mind and life.  He believes that he and Robyn are on the same page, when in reality, it's Robyn's page, chapter and book, and she is sole author.  It's her newest NYT best seller.  

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I still believe that Christine slamming the one big house idea was a blow to Kody, no matter if it was feasible or not.  Perhaps, paying it lip service and waiting for it to implode would have been wiser. Christine had no problem speaking her mind then so......I’m not sure communication is a real issue for her now.  

And Meri.....I’m still not sure what’s stewing there. I’m not convinced that it was the catfish incident. Maybe, it was that Meri asked him to move out.  Eventually, more of this will come out, imo.

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A man in financial difficulties does not drive around in what appears to be a brand-new convertible, just the wheels for a ridiculously large family.

Does he have two of those hard top Lexus convertibles? The one parked on Christine's driveway in one shot was white and I thought the one he and Christine drove on their roadtrip birthday "date" was dark grey?

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

And it's all well and good for Robbin' to want more children--doesn't she still have a niece or something living with her as an unofficial nanny?  I'm so tired of any pretense that the wives are treated equally, and so is Christine, but she dares not say it out loud.  Robbin' will have another baby.  I saw a dark-haired baby boy spirit roaming around, arms outstretched (like a kitten, his eyes weren't open yet) looking for a square-headed mom.

I thought her niece stayed in Las Vegas when the fambly moved to Flagstaff.

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1 hour ago, itsadryheat said:

I was curious about the overall ratings trend and how many episodes in this season. Why is everything associated with this dumb show difficult? 

All I could find is:

IMBD  stops at S15, Ep10 Apr. 18 2021 Polygamy Hell. 

"The ratings plunge comes as Kody has received major backlash this season for his favoritism of wife Robyn while he struggles in his marriage to his other wives. "


Ratings Drop Could Cause ‘Sister Wives’ to Be Canceled


That sound you just heard was Kody's head exploding, crispy ramen curls going in all directions.  

I'm rooting for a happily ever after send off with Christine packing her car and kids and waving goodbye to Kody as she road trips one way to Utah and never returns to Flagstaff....

I really have zero fucks to give about where Meri ends up because she's already so obviously distanced herself from the "family" and doing the bare minimum required to keep collecting her TLC check, so more power to her.  

Janelle can slather on some sunscreen and go play in her garden indefinitely, posting ill-advised health tips on her social media and photographs of food that appears to not be safe for human consumption.   

And, last but definitely not least, Kody and Robyn can be left with only each other in their Flagstaff mansion they will no longer be able to afford, with Robyn's obnoxious kids to keep them company whilst Robyn stares into a mirror and wonders where her youth went and, more importantly, how to get herself out of this private hell she designed with Kody.  


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16 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I'm still of the belief that they move when the finances make it necessary. I think they put down very little on the LV houses and had lower interest rates or perhaps interest-only loans. I think something triggered a dramatic increase on the monthly cost of the LV homes, triggering the moves. 

I agree that there was probably a balloon payment or something like that due, but why move before the houses sell? (Because Robyn wanted to be with Dayton, that’s why) Idiots!

3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

My question is - why all of a sudden does the wife who typically sat in on the couch interviews so checked out that she may as well have been on Mars suddenly want open and honest communication between the wives?  What's her angle?  


Did she actually tell Robyn that Robyn is too quiet and needs to speak up more? 🤯


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This grouping needs to come up with some kind of decent storyline quick. I’m bored as can be with this season and these talking-idiots!

This is no plural family.  They don’t have a leader and they hate each other. 

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Grammar Policewoman here.... It makes me *cringe* when people (Kody, all the SWs) say "Where's something at"... Where her head's at. Where are my keys at. UGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It makes my head explode!

Full disclaimer, I have not read through this episode thread yet, I will, but I just had to give my $.02.

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5 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Absolutely but that would require a basic modicum of common sense. 

Yes, things were confusing at the beginning but much was written about how health care professionals were handling this so there was no reason for their continued befuddlement. They just continue to provide evidence of their lack of anything resembling working brains.

Kootie waited 14 days from when Mariah arrived to visit Meri's house, yet Meri had been to Parowan and back less than a week prior to his visit, bringing Bonnie into her home.  Kootie's Covid protocol made no sense.

Part of me was wondering if Gwen got the car stuck just to see if Daddy Dearest would show up.  Have these people never heard of tow truck companies?  You don't need to buy your own or worry about the neighbours thinking you are unmanly. I was expecting the towed vehicle to slam into Kootie's.

Edited by deirdra
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7 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Kody and Robyn can be left with only each other in their Flagstaff mansion

Included in the previously linked Sun article (Dec 9 2020) was this sentence:

"Neighbors told The Sun that the couple and their kids barely leave the property."

Reading it made me smile.

The image of ADHD Kody, swinging from the rafters Ariella, anxiety ridden, Kody lap sitting Aurora, Victoria Secret wearing Robyn, King Sol, Breanna, and Dayton isolated in their Castle, alone, looking at the army of encased figurines while eating takeout, is my choice for the last shot in the closing scene of the last episode of the show. 

The scene prior to that is Christine and Truley, driving in a convertible sports car, top down, towards the Welcome to Utah sign.

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Unfortunately, I deleted my recording because I wanted to go back to the conversation between Cody and Robin about another child.  I thought I heard Cody utter something about "when I planned the life I wanted with you . . ."    Sure sounded like he's planning a future for him and Robin minus his 3 other wives.  This, along with his actions or lack thereof towards Christine and Janelle and his talking spots about how he's not sure he's even into plural marriage anymore puts the writing on the wall.

On another subject, when did their attitude change to allow the daughter with scoliosis to thankfully have the surgery, and when did this happen?  They subjected us to those cringeworthy scenes of putting the poor girl through those tortuous stretching treatments instead to straighten her spine, and I often wondered what happened to her.  I've read several comments upthread but I don't recall it being addressed on the show.

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44 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Part of me was wondering if Gwen got the car stuck just to see if Daddy Dearest would show up.  Have these people never heard of tow truck companies?  You don't need to buy your own or worry about the neighbours thinking you are unmanly. I was expecting the towed vehicle to slam into Kootie's.

I was wondering if they had never heard of AAA. With all the cars in the family, and all the driving they do, why wouldn't they call them?

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43 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

The image of ADHD Kody, swinging from the rafters Ariella, anxiety ridden, Kody lap sitting Aurora, Victoria Secret wearing Robyn, King Sol, Breanna, and Dayton isolated in their Castle, alone, looking at the army of encased figurines while eating takeout, is my choice for the last shot in the closing scene of the last episode of the show. 

The scene prior to that is Christine and Truley, driving in a convertible sports car, top down, towards the Welcome to Utah sign.

Yes!!!! but I think I would reverse the scenes.


52 minutes ago, Emma C said:

Grammar Policewoman here.... It makes me *cringe* when people (Kody, all the SWs) say "Where's something at"... Where her head's at. Where are my keys at. UGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It makes my head explode!

Full disclaimer, I have not read through this episode thread yet, I will, but I just had to give my $.02.

That barely registers with me at all, because I am too busy cringing over the improper use of personal pronouns following prepositions such as "for he and I" or "to Janelle and I."    I hadn't noticed it so much with the kids until the episodes with Aspyn and Mitch.   It occurs multiple times per episode.   It makes binge-watching hard.

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55 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I was wondering if they had never heard of AAA. With all the cars in the family, and all the driving they do, why wouldn't they call them?

I doubt they have more than basic insurance on that fleet of cars (if any) let alone a membership to AAA.

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4 hours ago, Twopper said:

Well, I am an atty and not a therapist, but I have been around for 67 years and have seen a lot of idiots in my life.

I think Janelle and Kody are both in a panic about the finances, but no one will say anything specific about this "elephant in the room." 

This is my theory, and I am sticking to it.   I also have a theory about dinosaurs if anyone is interested.

I think you are correct especially about the financial part of this.  I also mentioned Janelle being one of the few fools that realized they haven’t had real jobs in a long time and eventually this show has to end.  It’s one of the few reasons I can see Janelle’s “burst of energy” during this episode.  Her setting up these meetings trying to get the family together trying to further their communication.  I do think she might be the only one that actually cares about plural family at this point, but mostly because I think she likes the shared duties.  I think Kody’s antics are his normal shenanigans but amped up trying to keep this show alive.  I think some of it is pandemic-driven, because he’s been very spastic even for him, but it’s mostly for the show.  I think Kody is freaking out the show could shut down because of Covid and honestly besides selling old Prairie Dog Plague Pass, how are these people surviving?  I do think Meri and even Christine could continue to shill their rags for a while, but eventually that bubble will burst.  I still don’t know what Kody does besides the show?  Janelle extending her energy to actually push Plexus for more than one post coupled with her setting up the UN Summit of reality tv’s most frustrating family makes me believe she and Kody feel like they better do something to keep this show rolling.  I do find it somewhat ironic that the one wife that seemingly has no problem living in a tent is the one most worried about the finances.  


1 hour ago, deirdra said:

Kootie waited 14 days from when Mariah arrived to visit Meri's house, yet Meri had been to Parowan and back less than a week prior to his visit, bringing Bonnie into her home.  Kootie's Covid protocol made no sense.

Part of me was wondering if Gwen got the car stuck just to see if Daddy Dearest would show up.  Have these people never heard of tow truck companies?  You don't need to buy your own or worry about the neighbours thinking you are unmanly. I was expecting the towed vehicle to slam into Kootie's.

I was hoping Kody would get stuck too and a somebody on a tractor would mosey on by while pointing and laughing. They should just turn this into a full fledge comedy anyway.

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17 hours ago, Sandy W said:

It almost felt to me as though Janelle was conducting a survey of the other wives.  It reminded me of those telephone or mall interviewers that ask your opinion on certain brands of product without discourse or input from her.

Haha- yes it did!  And she mentioned one of her “communication styles” was she’d get so excited and I guess laser focused?  J- I can think of some words for you and excited isn’t one. 

And I was irritated Christine took the conversation bait and agreed that would fix all things. She was “communicating” with no vagueness she felt unimportant and was met with utter bullshit by Janelle. I wanted a real bonding moment- maybe Janelle goes “I used to feel that way and then I shut it all down and tell myself I don’t care”.  

I’d like to think when they watch this and see Robyn (and I find her unattractive inside and out which makes her status all the worse) in her mountain mansion and how he treated Meri last week they would go fuck this- I’m out.  I understand religion makes people stay in less than ideal situations but it doesn’t even seem that’s driving anything more.  Kody saying the woes of polygamy the way I would tells me that ship has sailed. 

They are working overtime for these paychecks. Some things are not worth it. 

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14 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I think you are correct especially about the financial part of this.  I also mentioned Janelle being one of the few fools that realized they haven’t had real jobs in a long time and eventually this show has to end.  It’s one of the few reasons I can see Janelle’s “burst of energy” during this episode.

I find it interesting that they haven't managed their "fame" better. Janelle certainly is a person who has ideas and little bursts of energy. (She could try real estate again with this burst... how long did that last?). Season 15 is a bit late to start worrying about "what happens after the show ends," but I agree with you. I think that's where she is right now. She has interest in keeping the train going.

Social media influencers can make quite a bit of money. I know Meri and Christine and Janelle do their fair share of social media posts. Do they sell/sponsor other things besides Strive and Lulu? If they don't, I wonder why not. They certainly have the #ers to tap into the money?

It's also fascinating to me that Kody never found a way to capitalize on the initial success of the show? Remember they were going to open a gym initially? They had all sorts of business plans but he appears to do nothing at all?

I have actually enjoyed this season more, given the irate Kody shenanigans. Perhaps that was the plan.

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I agree that there was probably a balloon payment or something like that due, but why move before the houses sell? (Because Robyn wanted to be with Dayton, that’s why) Idiots!

I think they anticipated selling the houses much faster, and at much higher prices than they did. Plus showing them while people were actually living in them would have been more difficult and the houses don't show as well (except for Meri's, which is probably empty most of the time anyway, no matter where she technically "lives"). But yeah - most people can't afford to maintain two homes at the same time so this was a pretty stupid financial move on their part.


The show is currently airing stuff filmed a year ago, so Ysabel's surgery hasn't happened on the show yet, but from SM we know Christine raised money for it.  

So... do they not have health insurance or did she have to raise money to cover co-pays? Don't get me wrong - that can still be plenty expensive, but did it seem that they have any healthcare coverage at all? And I can't tell you how it pisses me off that covering the surgery was Christine's responsibility. Jesus - man up, Kody! Paying for that surgery should have been the responsibility of, minimally, both Christine and Kody, if not Kody and all four wives. 

What an irresponsible dickhead.

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4 hours ago, nosedive said:

I have a theory on that.  Kody doesn't like to have his Leadership/Kingship/Godship challenged.  He likes to call the shots, and have everyone fall into lockstep.  (I think this is the root of the friction with some of his older kids.) Both Mary and Christine ask of him. Mostly they want his presence, his attention, his time, his affection, you know, the things a decent husband provides without being begged and bargained with.  Janelle seems to ask very little of him, or of life, for that matter.  So she can stay.  Plus her house gives him a refuge when he can't take Arabellaolea swinging from the rafters all night long.  The other two, Meri and Christine, and their perceived unreasonable expectations, are on his last nerve.  So he attempts to alienate them so that they will eventually be the ones who back away from the "marriage." See, it's not poor, long-suffering Kody's fault.  It was those unreasonable women who wouldn't abide by his parameters of polygamous marriage.  Yet, who expects more of him than anyone?  Queen Robyn, of course.  But she so successfully manipulates him that he is brainwashed into believing that his agenda is his alone, rather than it being, in reality, Robyn's agenda.  He thinks, and Robyn's thoughts swirl around in his dome.  He speaks, and her words come out of his mouth.   So even though it's Robyn who has Kody's man parts in a vice, with her cold, bony hand on the lever, he doesn't realize that the one to whom he is most loyal is also the one who wields complete control over his mind and life.  He believes that he and Robyn are on the same page, when in reality, it's Robyn's page, chapter and book, and she is sole author.  It's her newest NYT best seller.  

5 star review of this train wreck.  Great post, you nailed it.

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2 hours ago, Emma C said:

Grammar Policewoman here.... It makes me *cringe* when people (Kody, all the SWs) say "Where's something at"... Where her head's at. Where are my keys at. UGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It makes my head explode!

Full disclaimer, I have not read through this episode thread yet, I will, but I just had to give my $.02.

I hate that, too.  Even as a youngster, I knew that wasn't proper grammar, and I am far from an expert.

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25 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:

Haha- yes it did!  And she mentioned one of her “communication styles” was she’d get so excited and I guess laser focused?  J- I can think of some words for you and excited isn’t one. 

Neither is "laser-focused" ... as she gazes at the ceiling searching for words to complete whatever sentence she has zoned out in the midst of.  

Edited by deirdra
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7 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

If I took a shot for every time they use the word “safe” I would be drunk 10 minutes into the show. 

Did Nancy give them this word, cause they always use it. The conversation doesn’t feel safe. I don’t feel safe to have this discussion. It’s a fine line between being honest and being safe.

so does safe really mean I just don’t want to hear anyone say anything negative so I’m going to use this buzz word so we can continue to avoid each other and our problems?

Worse is that Christine had to put on her "adult panties" to have a safe, but serious, conversation with Janelle. Christine explained that she doesn't like heavy conversations, but, with 4 adults in the family, polygamists must have serious conversations (unlike, say, extended monogamist families, or many business meetings).  The conversation was so heavy that Christine spoke in her solemn, low-voice whisper as she repeated, "It's so awkward," and, "I'm so nervous, "I'm nauseous," and "I won't have equal voice, because I won't."

And that conversation, of course, had to address the fantasy plyg palace on Prairie Dog Plague Flats, which voiceless Christine shot down 3 months earlier, and which Kody declared infeasible at the start of the episode. 

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8 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

If I took a shot for every time they use the word “safe” I would be drunk 10 minutes into the show. 

"Safe" is one of those modern buzzwords that gets thrown around, like "bullying" used to describe any interaction you don't like. Truely said over and over "I don't feel safe!" while (not) learning to ride a bike. 

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2 hours ago, Twopper said:

That barely registers with me at all, because I am too busy cringing over the improper use of personal pronouns following prepositions such as "for he and I" or "to Janelle and I."    I hadn't noticed it so much with the kids until the episodes with Aspyn and Mitch.   It occurs multiple times per episode.   It makes binge-watching hard.

Add Robyn's mutilation of plural noun possessives.  For example, the kidses'.    

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I think she's scared that he's ready to ditch Meri and Janelle and then will start looking at 25 year old brunettes and announce that one of them is destined to carry Robyn's spirit baby. And this time SHE'LL be the one forced to shop for a claddagh ring and a sad brown polyester dress.

And staying home alone with the kids while Kody is honeymooning on the beach for a month.

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On 4/12/2021 at 3:45 PM, 65mickey said:

I don't know about the state of Arizona but in GA this is not the case. If Kody died intestate in GA the court would divide up the assets among his wife and heirs. The wife could get a child's share but not less than 1/3. She would not get it all. Any life insurance that he has goes to the named beneficiary not necessarily the spouse. But what are we talking about. He most likely has a mountain of debt not assets. At the most Robyn would get his social security as would Meri when they reach age 60. Until then Robyn is SOL so she better get busy of MSWC crap.  Meri has her Lularoe business and the B&B. Christine has her Lularoe and not sure what Janelle would do. But I would love to see the three of them pitch a show to TLC leaving Robyn out.  

Arizona is a community property state. Thus, Robin and Kody each have an undivided one half interest in the community  assets.  If Kody dies intestate and Robin survives, Robin gets her half of the community and Kody's half. If Robin predeceases Kody, when Kody dies intestate the assets would be divided among the children per stripes.  He's probably dead broke, so the whole discussion is moot.  

Christine needs to enroll in community college and gets some job skills so she can support herself.  I don't think Christine is a bad person. She's not lazy. She's just beaten down by polygamy.  As she observes the older children in their monogamous relationships, she realizes polygamy does not work for her. She should get out while she can and find a man that loves her and only her. A man who will hold her and make sweet love to her without thinking of another woman.  That's monogamy and that's what she wants. 

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On 4/12/2021 at 5:11 PM, Persnickety1 said:

I've always wondered if the move to Las Vegas was also prompted by Robyn since she has family there.  Family close enough to be present and film the birth of one of her children (although I can't remember which one).  

Robyn wears the pants, the shirt, the suspenders, the boots, and the belt in this family and I suspect has from the very beginning.

Both. Her mom and stepdaddy were there with cameras for both Sol and Ariella.

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I think Christine was kind of OK with pologymous marriage while there was a rotation and she was ‘one of the women’.

Then along came Robyn and Christine was no more. 

Now her eyes are opened and she’s really questioning herself and her choices and her lifestyle. 

But where can she go from here?  The show pays the bills and Christine has no job skills or education!

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7 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

"The ratings plunge comes as Kody has received major backlash this season for his favoritism of wife Robyn while he struggles in his marriage to his other wives. "

If the show were dropping a million viewers an episode, it would be in negative numbers.  It's been in the same approximate area of viewership for at least a couple of years.  

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18 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

But where can she go from here?

Christine lives in a University town.  If she can't figure out how to get some additional education, she is even dumber than she looks......

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Christine needs to enroll in community college and gets some job skills so she can support herself.  I don't think Christine is a bad person. She's not lazy. She's just beaten down by polygamy.  As she observes the older children in their monogamous relationships, she realizes polygamy does not work for her. She should get out while she can and find a man that loves her and only her. A man who will hold her and make sweet love to her without thinking of another woman.  That's monogamy and that's what she wants. 

She certainly knows how to care for children. She could open a home-based daycare with little or no additional education. 

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4 hours ago, Quof said:

"Safe" is one of those modern buzzwords that gets thrown around, like "bullying" used to describe any interaction you don't like. Truely said over and over "I don't feel safe!" while (not) learning to ride a bike. 

In counseling, Nancy should have challenged them to recognize not only that it feels "unsafe", but to identify why it feels "unsafe".

I had to learn this with panic attacks. 

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17 hours ago, kimaken said:

I thought her niece stayed in Las Vegas when the fambly moved to Flagstaff.

Mindy Carol stayed. She has a tanning salon called Shades Tanning Boutique, and a handsome African American boyfriend. 

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19 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This could be the season to end all seasons if they can’t agree on this.   I mean, could 3 wives live in Utah and still remain spiritually married to Kody?  

I'd actually be really interested in watching the show if the family disbanded.  Not from a schadenfreude perspective - I just think I would be curious to see how they cope and what they all go and do.  It would certainly beat watching them talk vacuously about "safe spaces" and sadly pacing around an empty plot of land each week.  

Edited by ladle
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14 hours ago, Quof said:

"Safe" is one of those modern buzzwords that gets thrown around, like "bullying" used to describe any interaction you don't like. Truely said over and over "I don't feel safe!" while (not) learning to ride a bike. 

I think at least Truely used the word in the normal sense.  She was afraid of being physically hurt by falling or by the wobbling of the bike and by her dad pushing her too fast.

It was interesting in re-watching the episodes about the move to Flagstaff to hear Meri as Cassandra;  she warned them that the move was taking the family backwards, and it certainly did, as it separated them all again like in the rentals in LV.  She also thought they should move first and then look for a property on which to build.  Of course, ole fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants Kody was convinced that this property that had been on the market for over a year would suddenly have competing buyers so they just had to have it immediately.   I suspect with having to choose realtors that want tv exposure, he doesn't always get the best ones as neither Shelbi nor Mona have impressed me.

15 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

Worse is that Christine had to put on her "adult panties" to have a safe, but serious, conversation with Janelle. Christine explained that she doesn't like heavy conversations, but, with 4 adults in the family, polygamists must have serious conversations (unlike, say, extended monogamist families, or many business meetings).  The conversation was so heavy that Christine spoke in her solemn, low-voice whisper as she repeated, "It's so awkward," and, "I'm so nervous, "I'm nauseous," and "I won't have equal voice, because I won't."

Well, that fits with her telling Robyn that she can only have conversations that last an hour or less.

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1 hour ago, ladle said:

I'd actually be really interested in watching the show if the family disbanded.  Not from a schadenfreude perspective - I just think I would be curious to see how they cope and what they all go and do.  It would certainly beat watching them talk vacuously about "safe spaces" and sadly pacing around an empty plot of land each week.  

Me too.  I would like to see them end it this season, give it a rest for a year, then maybe do a 2 hour special on "Where Are They Now".  If any of them have progressed beyond the stale pap they have been serving, the viewing numbers should give TLC a direction to follow.  As it is now, by the time the episodes air, we already know the outcomes, for example, Ysabel's surgery, Mykelti/Tony pregnancy and birth of baby.  I realize that editing and the mechanics of getting an episode to air take time, but in this series, it's taking more than a year.

Don't know how true it is, but I have read that this Sunday will be a 2 hour conclusion of this season.  No mention if there will be a Tell As Little As Possible this year.

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32 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I think at least Truely used the word in the normal sense.  She was afraid of being physically hurt by falling or by the wobbling of the bike and by her dad pushing her too fast.

A normal child would have said "I'm scared."  Not the psycho babble of feeling "safe".

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17 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Don't know how true it is, but I have read that this Sunday will be a 2 hour conclusion of this season. 

This coincides with what I found yesterday, when searching for the number of episodes in this season. Interesting Title.

"All I could find is: IMBD  stops at S15, Ep10 Apr. 18 2021 Polygamy Hell." 

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1 hour ago, itsadryheat said:

This coincides with what I found yesterday, when searching for the number of episodes in this season. Interesting Title.

"All I could find is: IMBD  stops at S15, Ep10 Apr. 18 2021 Polygamy Hell." 

Such a cliff-hanger of a title.  We know and they have now come to realize the truth to this.

ETA.  I just checked the TLC schedule and it shows the show is running from 9pm to 11pm.  Those who have their timers set for the regular 10pm airing may want to make an adjustment.

Edited by Sandy W
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