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S01.E09: Let It Be Him

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While knocking on doors and searching for clues, Cassie unexpectedly comes face-to-face with Ronald; Merilee makes a life-changing decision that puts both her and Rick's fates into her own hands.   

Original Airdate: Feb. 16     Tuesdays at 10pm ET      ABC


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Jenny knows how to find her location and send it to another phone, but she doesn't know how to GOOGLE "How many miles can a Tesla drive on a single charge."

Only a mildly intriguing episode, almost seemed like a "clip show" except we haven't seen any of those clips that were shown.

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Merilee with the Hammer of Justice! And she looked so serene when she was being escorted out in handcuffs too! Maybe she'll be the one calling Ronald to ask him if he wants to snuggle now. But if she's had enough relationship drama for one lifetime, she's going to be a good fit for Erik's Carpentry.

Although this is a DEK show and as such, depictions of lawyers and interpretations of the law shall remain whimsical at best, I am pretty sure Legarski's lawyer would have some conflict when it comes to defending Merilee. However, maybe she just went into lawyer mode automatically when all the cops showed up.

Ronald seems to have picked up some comic book supervillain powers. He rigged up a super taser of doom, a shotgun trap and some weird means of exploding his house while escaping with a piss-and-vinegar ten year old kid and dragging the corpse of the priest. He jumped off a bridge and somehow landed in his rig. He did a body swap using his own mother's corpse and he duct taped the dead priest to the wheel of an auto-driving car. What's next? Maybe he'll pop on over to North Dakota and hijack a B-52 bomber from Minot AFB.

Jenny sometimes has the weirdest accent. It comes and goes but she has this European sounding lilt to the way she says things sometimes. I believe the actress is Canadian. But that can't be... I'm Canadian. OMG IS THAT WHAT A CANADIAN ACCENT SOUNDS LIKE?

Edited by dwmarch
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 So Ronald is actually Murdoc from OG MacGyver.  OK, sure. 

 Do a lot of priests drive Tesla's?   I would think that might prompt an audit of the church's books.   Was this supposed to be paid product placement for Tesla?  Because they may want a refund.  "Ride like a man of the cloth:  buy Tesla!" and "Got a dead body and no time to swing by the cemetery?  Uber turned you?  Tesla can get it there!"

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8 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 So Ronald is actually Murdoc from OG MacGyver.  OK, sure. 

 Do a lot of priests drive Tesla's?   I would think that might prompt an audit of the church's books.   Was this supposed to be paid product placement for Tesla?  Because they may want a refund.  "Ride like a man of the cloth:  buy Tesla!" and "Got a dead body and no time to swing by the cemetery?  Uber turned you?  Tesla can get it there!"

Hey, now. Those slogans work for me!

I did not see Merilee hammering Legarski to death.

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What an odd, weird, awesome show this is. 

I laughed at the reveal of the frozen mom. I get that Jenny was in a wee bit of a rush in the basement, what with the gasoline and sparks and everything...but really? Lol.

I'm glad that Erik is safe. He was pretty badass.

No more Legarski. I'll miss his finger tapping and scenery chewing, and it's interesting that we won't learn what started him down that path. The flashbacks definitely showed a lot of potential story there. 

2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Well, I wasn't expecting that ending for Rick. I can't decide if I think Merilee was awesome or an idiot.

Same. But I'm going to go with the awful yet effective lawyer probably helping Merilee out. If Legarski ever went free, no doubt that Merilee would have been in serious danger. She, uh, struck first!

I lol'ed at the ending segent with Cody, Legarski, etc. So random, and it reminded me of the In Memoriams on the Talking Dead.

So the show isn't back until April? And it does look like a reboot, going to a much larger cast and expanding locations. I wasn't sure how long the season could go with this one storyline, let alone a possible season 2, but it seems like they're mixing it up.

I'm intrigued by the promise of more twists and turns.

Hopefully they can keep Jerrie around somehow. Can she join the team?

Edited by CrazyDog
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Man, I had no idea that Tesla was such a big thing in Montana!  I'm guessing this was some kind of product placement deal, but it was pretty blatant even by network television standards (although I don't think anything will top the shilling for Bing and Subway on Hawaii 5-0 for me.)

Well, I guess Rick really is dead now, but if any show would somehow have him rise from the grave complete with a caved-in skull, it would be this one!  But Merliee being the one to get to take him out was fitting at least.  Even if it leads to her being led away in cuffs (but it looks like she's already got Penelope in her corner!  Saul Goodman would respect that hustle!)  I will miss the presence (and scenery chewing) of John Carroll Lynch here, but I'm curious to see where this show goes in a "post-Rick Legarski" world.

After spending the first few episodes as a glorified lackey to the "big bad", Ronald has certainly shot up to the big times with all of his elaborate and crazy schemes that somehow worked almost perfectly.  Creating shotgun traps and electric prods with ease, booby-trapping his house with explosives, decorating his mom's corpse with a blue raincoat to serve as a decoy, and then a getaway that includes strapping a dead body to the wheel of the car (not just any car, either.  It's a Tesla!) to keep the autopilot going, and then; if that Erik was to be believed; he jumped off a bridge?  Which somehow led to his truck?  Yeah, that's a lot to take in.  Then again, I was wondering where the preacher's body was in the car, because I didn't see it in the trunk with Erik.  Was it just chilling in the backseat?

That Memoriam for the "fallen" has to be a sign that at least someone behind the scenes knows what kind of ridiculous show this is.  I mean, a sappy montage for three characters, which include a murdering human trafficker and a Norma Bates-like crazy lady? 

And while not dead, I noticed that the actresses playing Danielle and Gracie are no longer credited, so I guess this might be it for them.  I suspect they'll keep Jerrie around by having Ronald still try to go after her.

So, we get a big break, and then it looks like going forward is going to focus on a new case for Jenny and Cassie (while I guess dealing with the threat of Ronald still being on the loose.)  I'm also pretty sure I 


spotted Ted Levine, which means that Buffalo Bill will be joining Catherine Martin on this show.  Who else from The Silence of the Lambs will pop in, next?!!

Either way, I can't wait to see what this ball of crazy does next!

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Since we're talking about Tesla, I think it should be mentioned that the truck manufacturer didn't come out so well, either.  That big ol' pickup can't outrun a Tesla?  Tsk tsk.  10,000 Montanans are highly offended.  Of course, it was a 30 mph chase scene, which was hilarious in its own right.  And the entire State Police force arrives five minutes after they actually stop the car.

Pete Seeger and Lee Hays are rolling in their graves.  "If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning..."

State Police HQ - "Let's see.  The boy said he was dropped off here, so let's assume that Ronald got into his big semi there, too.  It's been maybe 30 minutes since that happened.  How far could he get?  Maybe we should put out BOLOs, especially at the Canadian border.  Nah, he's gone.  We'll never spot a semi around these parts.  Especially since it's 175 miles to the nearest border crossing."

The real question going forward is.... who's going to take over Eric's paper route?

Edited by Dowel Jones
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Well, damn! I did not see that end for Legarski coming. That was a terrific scene between JCL and Brooke Smith. As long as Meriliee doesn't decide to call up Ronald next, I'm going to say she's making progress, lol.

I'm glad the little boy is safe, but I don't think Jerry is in the long run since Ronald is still alive. When I thought Ronald might be caught, I was wondering what the purpose of her friend who just wants to shoot someone with his AK-47 was, but we may find out yet. 

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I was really surprised by Legarski’s death but having both him and Ronald fond of singing old songs was kind of too much for me. I still don’t like children being hurt, even fictional ones. I did like the in memorial homage at the end and hope they can keep up the crazy when the show returns. I also wondered about a priest driving a Tesla.

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Oh, hello random car parked on the side of the road in EBF, Montana!

I,  oddly enough, enjoyed this crazy show. I hope that we haven't seen the last of Merilee, I really enjoyed watching Brooke Smith. 

Until April, my friends!

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I really enjoyed this show and looked forward to it every week.  I loved the crazy.  

The priest with a Tesla was head scratching.  I knew it was not Eric when they refused to show him in that blue hoodie.  Plus it made no sense to take him out of a cage just to chain him to the floor.

I actually cheered when Merilee hammered her husband.  

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All my thoughts have already been posted by others, except: I hope Erica Hahn gets off for hammering her husband. It was a shame to see that gorgeous house burn up. Why did Ronald put the Tesla in the portable shelter instead of that fine red barn. Wondering how Ronald got the truck parked under the bridge -- the one no one bothered to go back to, to look for him -- and then back to his house for the Tesla. Jessie James Kietel looked very pretty. Hope she stays around for the April episodes. This show is so whack, I kinda sort like it.

See ya'll in the spring!

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Merilee and her actress really turned out to be the MVP of the season, her going all hammer time on Rick is a very fitting way for him to go, especially after he showed his true colors just one more time. Damn, I was NOT expecting that at all, she really went to town on him, all while the useless cop outside just stood around like an idiot until some passing medical personal noticed the blood splatters. Hopefully she can wiggle out of serious time and plead temporary insanity or something, she seemed pretty out of it, and I am sure that shark lawyer women can get her a deal. But yeah, that was a seriously wild way to end Rick, I guess we will never know much about why he ended up doing what he did. Merilee really shouldn't have been so attracted to flies. 

This show has finally started just embracing the crazy, and I think that its the better for it. It seems on the surface to be a pretty standard mystery show, but everything in the periphery is just so odd, it gives the show a lot more flavor. I was worried that the show would drag out the mystery of Rick, Ronald and the missing girls, so I am glad that the show will end move onto a different mystery now that this one is wrapped up. Well, kind of wrapped up, as Ronald is still around and could still be gunning for Jerrie, even if he seems to be fleeing the country for now. I am curious as to what the next mystery will be, possibly something with the cult that we visited briefly? Seems like having a cult around NEEDS to have some kind of pay off other than being a red herring. 

So, I know that there was a lot going on, but how did Jenny not tell that the body she picked up wasn't a knocked out twelve year old boy, but an older dead woman? Also, when did Ronald go from maladjusted trucker/kidnapper to some kind of master assassin who can rig up explosives and extending tasers and come up with all of these brilliant escape plans that allow him to evade a massive manhunt? Where was the body of the priest and how did he get all of the car stuff rigged up while also escaping? Does he have superpowers now? How does he now know how to do all of this, let alone can figure these things out on the fly? 

Glad that Erik made it, he is a pretty badass kid. I never really thought that the show would actually kill a kid, but it did get pretty tense a few times. It is kind of hard to take the drama seriously though as Ronald plays his oldies greatest hits and hams it up to unpreceded new levels. I am also glad that Jerrie is still around, she is always such a great sweet presence. The sisters are probably mostly done now, but I would bet we check up on them a bit later, especially if Ronald comes back. 

What the hell was with that In Memorial at the end? Why does this show make so many of these weird choices? That's why I ended up liking this show, it always zigs when I think its going to zag. This is such a weird show, but I ended up having a lot of fun with it, looking forward to April. 

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22 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

 Also, when did Ronald go from maladjusted trucker/kidnapper to some kind of master assassin who can rig up explosives and extending tasers and come up with all of these brilliant escape plans that allow him to evade a massive manhunt? Where was the body of the priest and how did he get all of the car stuff rigged up while also escaping? Does he have superpowers now? How does he now know how to do all of this, let alone can figure these things out on the fly? 

Dark Web Google is also your friend, apparently.

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42 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

the useless cop outside just stood around like an idiot until some passing medical personal noticed the blood splatters.

I'm pretty sure it was Rick's monitor showing him flat lining that brought the medical personnel. I don't figure the cop outside the door heard the hammering. If I were him, I wouldn't have thought Mrs. Rick was doing anything like what she was doing. As a viewer, I didn't think she was going to be doing what she did. I was hoping she would knee cap him. Hope lawyer lady gets her out of jail. Maybe she could be Ronald bait.

I was actually disappointed in Erik-With-A-Kay when he was saved. I thought he'd continue to be a bad ass, saying how he stapled Ronald and tried to kick his ass. Instead, he was all "I want my mom." Not that I blame him, I just wanted him to continue his being tough.

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56 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Hopefully she can wiggle out of serious time and plead temporary insanity or something, she seemed pretty out of it, and I am sure that shark lawyer women can get her a deal.

Would that lawyer even be able to represent Merrilee? She was a union lawyer. Do they also represent union members' spouses? And would the union continue to provide legal service after the union member's death? To the spouse who killed the union member? When the lawyer originally represented said union member? I am not American or a legal expert so I don't know the answers to these questions. But since this is tv the answer to all these questions is probably yes.

I only started catching up on this last week mostly because I liked some of the actors in previous roles. Unfortunately it looks like two of them who played the teenage sisters are leaving the show now that their storyline has ended. Unless Ronald will now be going after everybody who was involved in him having to go on the run.

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7 hours ago, Cristofle said:

Well, damn! I did not see that end for Legarski coming. That was a terrific scene between JCL and Brooke Smith. As long as Meriliee doesn't decide to call up Ronald next, I'm going to say she's making progress, lol.

I'm glad the little boy is safe, but I don't think Jerry is in the long run since Ronald is still alive. When I thought Ronald might be caught, I was wondering what the purpose of her friend who just wants to shoot someone with his AK-47 was, but we may find out yet. 

Why is it just Jerri is in danger of Ronald? There were two other captives along with Jerri.

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The show is so ridiculously entertaining that I'll miss it until April. But I can't believe I'm the only one who didn't realize that was Mom dressed up as a kid. I thought it was a doll. Then again, when they first showed the priest was driving the Tesla, I thought it was Ronald in a Halloween mask LOL!

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On behalf of Father Ted and the unnamed fisherman, I must protest them being left out of the In Memoriam segment. We got to know them about as much as we did Cody.

Edited by bref
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I think I saw Jerri on the promos.  My guess is she goes to work for Cassie.  The other girls were underage and from out of state.  Their absence is almost required.

So the Ronald that can barely function in society is a genius?  And somehow even though they now know him, they aren’t going to find his truck?  Exactly how is he going to get paid now? He has to have  money.  
i don’t know what to think  about Merilee.  She went from naive to murder in about 30 seconds.   Not that I care about Rick. 

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3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

This show has finally started just embracing the crazy, and I think that its the better for it.

My jaw literally dropped at the hammer scene and I cackled at the shot of her walking out in cuffs, all serene, with blood on her face. Just ... what? (But in a good way.)

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18 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Jenny sometimes has the weirdest accent. It comes and goes but she has this European sounding lilt to the way she says things sometimes. I believe the actress is Canadian. But that can't be... I'm Canadian. OMG IS THAT WHAT A CANADIAN ACCENT SOUNDS LIKE?

Katheryn Winnick's (née Vinitska) first language is Ukrainian. She spoke Ukrainian before she spoke Canadian.

My nitpick: that is not how the autopilot works. The car needs to be driven to a certain speed before the autopilot can be engaged. It is basically intelligent cruise control with the ability of maintain the lane. It can not be operated from stop.

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3 hours ago, paulvdb said:

But since this is tv the answer to all these questions is probably yes.

Bingo!  The lawyer was probably an actual litigator hired by the union, rather than a staff attorney who would be handling contract disputes and grievances and such.  But, when faced with difficult to understand improbabilities in a show, always revert to your post...

I wonder if this long break was planned by the production team, or if some of TPTB watched where the show was going and pulled one of them aside, saying "Look, if you're planning on more than one season, you folks better change horses in a big hurry, because this right now ain't happening.  You follow?"

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18 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

I wonder if this long break was planned by the production team, or if some of TPTB watched where the show was going and pulled one of them aside, saying "Look, if you're planning on more than one season, you folks better change horses in a big hurry, because this right now ain't happening.  You follow? 

sorry - got this quote and post messed up.  I think the delay is due to the fact that the number is episodes was increased because it did well- so they need to film a new case because this one was done.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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8 hours ago, luvthepros said:

Why is it just Jerri is in danger of Ronald? There were two other captives along with Jerri.


5 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

Those two girls are safe and sound in Colorado. Jerri is native Helenan.

Ronald is a trucker so he could easily drive to Colorado to go after the girls. Especially now that everybody in Helena has seen his face on the news and he'd probably be recognized and arrested before he could get anywhere near Jerri. It would be easier for him to first go after the girls in Colorado where nobody is looking for him. Then he can go back to Helena when most of the publicity has died down and less people are actively looking for him.

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I watched on the ABC app so didn’t see any previews for next episode.  So this show is done until April?  It just came back in late January, aired four eps, and now two more months break?

I think the original order was for 10 episodes, so are they reshooting what was presumably the last episode so that Ronald gets away for 6 more episodes?  Odd.  I haven’t read the books this show is based on but I wonder if the first book was these 9 episodes and if the next 7 will be based on another book?

Happy that Legarski is dead, he deserved it.  But what’s up with Ronald escaping yet again? As soon as Cassie recognised the voice she should have stayed there until the sheriff arrived.

That priest easily looks like he weighs 250, there’s no way that skinny Ronald would have been able to carry his body up the stairs.   As well as rigging the house to blow up.  All before the police arrived.

Memoriam segment with the “best of” highlights was just so very odd.  So I guess no more Ryan Philippe?   If they wanted to do a “Savannah” like with George Eads they could bring Ryan back as a twin brother.  

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What point would there be in Ronald going after the girls?  He’s already been identified. He killed his Mom, a priest, and kidnapped and tortured a child. If caught he is going to prison. Going after the girls won’t change that. 

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I wasted my time listening for a plausible reason a pastor would be driving a Tesla.


I was planning to grinch about the extended chase where only our two intrepid girl detectives managed to locate the human-trafficker-serial-killer in the great expanse of Montana. 

But then Brooke hammered her husband's head in.  Pity.  I was looking forward to her being the one to bust him on his amnesia act--I thought they could have drawn that out quite a bit longer, showing him squirming, trying to woo her, bully her, recruit her to his purpose.  They're comparable fine character actors and their interactions were my favorite part.  Nope.  Bang!  Bang, bang!


The massive joint federal-state task force, complete with helicopter surveillance, took me out of the show a bit when they decided it was all too much bother to backtrack a mile or two and check around for the killer.  He might have been lying under that bridge with a broken ankle!

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The prominent placement of the Tesla in this episode also seemed like a callback to the first episode. Didn't Legarski pull over a guy from San Francisco in a Tesla and poke fun at him for being some California city slicker?

Ronald seems like he was about the right age to have watched the Home Alone movies as a child so I wasn't surprised that he booby-trapped his house so well.

I really liked the kid Erik and it was refreshing to actually see a smart kid a show like this rather than a dumb one who keeps making bad decisions.

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On 2/17/2021 at 3:49 PM, luvthepros said:

Why is it just Jerri is in danger of Ronald? There were two other captives along with Jerri.

The show seems to be focusing on Jerry. She may not be the only one in danger, but I think Ronald has focused on her first possibly as the most vulnerable of the three (she doesn't have a big family and a home in another state, etc). It's her he left a note for on her trailer. 

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Why wouldn't the SWAT team have stationed officers to watch the basement/back of the house? Oh, well, I'm willing to make allowances when the rest of the show is as much crazy fun as this one.

Fingers crossed that Merilee will be back.

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On 2/16/2021 at 9:20 PM, AnimeMania said:

Jenny knows how to find her location and send it to another phone, but she doesn't know how to GOOGLE "How many miles can a Tesla drive on a single charge."

Only a mildly intriguing episode, almost seemed like a "clip show" except we haven't seen any of those clips that were shown.

To really answer the question of how many miles it can go, you have to know the model, i.e. what its battery capacity is. The battery in a 100 will hold more charge than a 90, 85, or a 70. (There’s also a slight loss of capacity with age, but it’s not enough to make much difference.)

Weird that there would be so many Teslas to pull over, given that the closest service center is in Spokane. And the PRIEST not only had one, but one new enough to have full autopilot?! Those ain’t cheap. Ronald really lucked out to get one that has it. Quite the plot comtrivance.

I seriously thought when Merilee killed Rick that it would turn out to be one of those sequences where she was just imagining it but then didn’t really do it. Can’t say he didn’t have it coming, though.

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I, too, thought the hammer scene was a dream sequence at first. I was shocked because Merilee basically threw away the rest of her life because of her husband. She should have just divorced him, left town and lived happily ever after. Also, it took me all season to realize the actress was the girl from The Silence of the Lambs.

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1 hour ago, pezgirl7 said:

I, too, thought the hammer scene was a dream sequence at first. I was shocked because Merilee basically threw away the rest of her life because of her husband. She should have just divorced him, left town and lived happily ever after. Also, it took me all season to realize the actress was the girl from The Silence of the Lambs.

I’m sure sure a jury would find her guilty.

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On 2/17/2021 at 2:25 AM, thuganomics85 said:


  Reveal spoiler

spotted Ted Levine, which means that Buffalo Bill will be joining Catherine Martin on this show.  Who else from The Silence of the Lambs will pop in, next?!!


Yeah, it was him - I laughed out loud.  Especially since Clarice just started airing on CBS . . .

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On 2/19/2021 at 2:44 PM, Cristofle said:

The show seems to be focusing on Jerry. She may not be the only one in danger, but I think Ronald has focused on her first possibly as the most vulnerable of the three (she doesn't have a big family and a home in another state, etc). It's her he left a note for on her trailer. 

At first I was thinking Ronald needed to get rid of Jerry because without her (and other two) the bulk of the case against him is gone.  But now that he's killed his mom and the priest, kidnapped Erik and shot the cop via booby trap, he has less reason to bother Jerry going forward since there would still be plenty of case against him even without her.

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On 2/18/2021 at 2:17 PM, candall said:

I wasted my time listening for a plausible reason a pastor would be driving a Tesla.

I was searching the internet to see if I could figure out how many Teslas had been sold in Montana.

In hindsight, it seems like a writer got the idea of having the Tesla on autopilot and then had to pretend that Tesla is a popular brand in Montana to make a search be land and air seem plausible.  This then distracting everyone by how implausible it was that there were that many black Teslas to be pulled over.  I was actually surprised that the dead guy was driving because I had created a scenario in my head that they stopped the car by Tesla being able to remotely enable the dance feature or something.

Oh, the one thing that did distract me from the excruciating overdone care chase was Cassie acting like pushing on the accelerator for the car was some kind of physical exertion akin to weight lifting.

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