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S08.E15: Don't Cry for Me Antigua

Message added by TexasGal

Hey crew mates - I've hidden some posts for violating the site's politics policy.  The Queen deigned to mention a former president so discussion of that statement is ok; anything beyond that to discuss further politics is not ok.  Everyone has been chill about it so far, so thanks for that!  

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Ashling suffers the consequences of her white lie while Izzy’s promotion creates waves on deck and Rob makes his feelings abundantly clear. A condiment mishap fuels the contention between Francesca and Rachel as Elizabeth spends the charter focusing on James instead of her job.

Airdate: 02.08.2021

What?!  Elizabeth spends the charter focusing on James instead of her job?!  What a plot twist.

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There’s trouble with a capital T. The primary’s son Daniel felt he wasn’t welcome when he was told the hot tub was being drained (he went upstairs and saw that it wasn’t) and he was cut off after drinking half a bottle of Hennessy’s on his own (and was cut off). I forgot who told him the tub was being drained (Ash), but our chief stew didn’t look happy about it. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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Yeah James, it’s way better NOT to tell Elizabeth the truth because it might upset her, and just continue to lead her on.  Way, way better.  You douche.

6 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

There’s trouble with a capital T. The primary’s son Daniel felt he wasn’t welcome when he was told the hot tub was being drained (he went upstairs and saw that it wasn’t) and he was cut off after drinking half a bottle of Hennessy’s on his own (and was cut off). I forgot who told him the tub was being drained (Ash), but our chief stew didn’t look happy about it. 

You would think Ash would have left Francesca a note about what happened so she could get in front of it.  

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   Captain Lee asks Elizabeth to clean the galley (some leftover pans) so when Rachael comes back she sees a clean kitchen and the next thing we see is her going down the slide. I see you producers. Making trouble as usual. 
 The primary’s son Daniel didn’t really want to do the stingray excursion. Sorry kid. This is a discounted trip and filming dictates you can’t stay on the boat and drink with Elizabeth in charge. You could die. She doesn’t understand responsibility. 
   Rachael’s volcano is ready to explode again.  

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Liz is even dumber on WWHL than on the show!

Says she gets called to the wheelhouse and is SHOCKED!!! she got fired.

The stingrays were cool!  Rotten "hot tub" brat Daniel is not.

Rachel, you are the chef.  It is YOUR job to have ALL the food, including the condiments, go ashore.

Izzy wins!  Went next to a restaurant or party next door!  Problem solved.

Edited by PaperTree
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Yep, I think Elizabeth was SHOCKED! SHOCKED I say; that she was getting the proverbial BOOT.  How funny.  Like, nobody gets fired a day after their 30TH BIRTHDAY when they haven't even been kissed! 

Snowflake much?

Not REAL sure Francesca is all that great of a chief stew though.  She's kind of a slacker in some ways and also CRIES WAAAYYYY too much. Sister! Get a dang grip!

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I am a Hoosier born and raised and I laughed when James said that was the first time he heard them pronounce “Ver-sigh”...he had been pronouncing it “Ver-sales.” We have the same issue here in Indiana.

At least Elizabeth took some initiative on setting the table. She’s probably surprised that flawed effort wasn’t enough to save her. 

Izzy may be a pot-stirrer at times, but I think she can think on her feet, and I liked that she went to The side not to complain but to ask advice about how to handle it. If Eddie let’s her do so for now, that will raise him even higher in my esteem.  

Last week’s Mahi miscommunication was both their faults. Why Francesca wrote two names on one line when the rest were all one person per line was super confusing, but Rachel could ask.  

This week, Rachel just seems to be over it...again. This time, it doesn’t look like she gets to storm away. I love Rachel’s cooking, but she’s as much of a pill as Elizabeth is.

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16 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

As much as I despised last season, at least we saw some team bonding (albeit, a bit TOO much with the freakin' bru crew).  This crew just doesn't seem to be working well together - we're not seeing a lot of friendships here, excluding the imaginary relationship between Elizabeth and James that is all in her head.

On that subject, James is a major douche.  I HATE a guy that just strings a girl along because he doesn't have the balls to end it.  He's the kind of guy who probably uses a girl for a while, and then, when he's bored, he treats her like shit until she is the one who breaks off the relationship.  He should have just told Elizabeth from the start he wasn't into anything serious, especially when it was obvious she was going all-in. 

Elizabeth is, imo, suffering from some kind of arrested development, and she stopped maturing at the age of 16.  Everything about her screams immature and teenager-ish.  From the coy looks, to the pouty faces, to sneaking around the boat to steal a kiss, to the jumping from a hook-up to marriage and babies, and whatever the hell else she was babbling about.   I'm still waiting to see her doodling her's and James' names on a piece of paper, outlined in hearts and flowers.  I will not be sorry to see her leave.  

I'm not crazy about Francesca, but I think it's mostly because I just miss Kate.  I don't think Francesca is a bad chief stew, but I don't think she's a really great one, either.  In some ways, I think that Hannah from BDM is a better chief stew than Francesca.  Francesca does make mistakes, and she also seems to get flustered and upset a lot.  I understand that it's hard to work around a person (Elizabeth) who really doesn't work, but I feel like something is just not quite there with Francesca.  She seems very guarded, and that doesn't come across well on reality TV.

I continue to be on the fence about Rachel.  She makes amazing food, but I'm just not warming up to her.  Also, I understand that her French Toast is her speciality, and supposedly the BEST french toast anyone's ever eaten, but it's beginning to feel like Leon's beef cheeks to me - I have to hear about it on every charter.  I know there's not a lot of options for breakfast foods, but it's becoming redundant.

I don't know what it is, but there just isn't any kind of spark or fun or anything with this crew.  Eddie seems to have checked out and would rather hang out in the wheel house with Captain Lee, Ashling is sweet enough, but isn't that big of a personality, Izzy seems like she's becoming a bit bitchy (or, was she always that way?), and Rob is a passive-agressive, socially awkward goof.

Oh, and the Siegels can take their spoiled, entitled princes of Versailles and head back to their fake-ass, phony, overdone palace in Orlando.  Those two, especially the one (Daniel-?), are the most horrible cases of entitlement I've ever seen.  "You could buy SeaWorld - why do we have to go to the other side of the island to swim with Stingrays?"  "We should take Elizabeth for our private plane stew and fire the one we have now (I can't remember her name), because she is too old."  "Dad, we should buy this boat so all these people could work for us."   Unbelievable comments coming from their mouths!!!!  Especially if you know that their Dad is a scam artist who swindled millions of dollars from people who bought timeshares in his crappy "resorts".  I hope to see how they will fail at life because of their lack of empathy, ambition and self-awareness.  They will burn through whatever money there may be from their shyster father faster than they could drink a bottle of Hennessy.  What an embarrassment.  

Overall, I am just bored with this show, and kind of glad they are stopping early because of Coronavirus (also couldn't stand the comments made by the Siegels and their friends about that, too!!).


The discussion about the best chief stew:

If we're just talking about the TV version of it, Hannah has more charisma and attitude (don't mind being there for the drama) than Francesca. But when it comes to doing a job, Hannah was always to keen on cutting corners and not really having that high standard that she told everyone about.

Francesca seems to be really into doing a good job for the charter guests. On the occasions when the interior team didn't deliver I feel that her reaction also has something of "I failed the guests" in it, which to some extent is a good trait if you work in the service industry. Hannah would just shrug her shoulders and care less about what the guest experience.

I also miss Kate, but I like the fact that she moved on after many years in yachting.

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Yes, Elizabeth is immature, has a bad work ethic, can be dopey and clueless...but I’ve said it before and I will again...at least she’s a nice person, apologizes and never fails to say she’s sorry. She’s been taught manners...something James had never been taught. When I was his age I would have *loved* to have a pretty gal like her fawn all over me. James continues to be a major dick. Surprise!

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It's extremely uncomfortable watching Elizabeth constantly asking James "what they are".  She is so self unaware.  James is a douche and not worth the time -- WAKE THE FUCK UP!!  I pray that I am raising my daughter to be strong and independent and not so weak and clueless like Elizabeth.  The fact that she didn't think she should have been fired is telling.  Things were very tense between her and Ash on WWL.  Even Andy seemed surprised by it.

I like Francesca, I think she's a good chief stew, however her communications could be absolutely better with Rachel.  I suspect Izzy would be a good chief stew as well.

I think Eddie is the best of all though. I just love him.

The Siegels are proof money doesn't buy you class.  Wonder if they take the virus seriously now.  The two kids are assholes though, which they're learning from someone.  

Rachel is an amazing cook, but weird as hell. All chefs are strange, but she's kinda scary strange.



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I'm enjoying this season. I was ready to bail after last year (and let me say again, I'm still pissed at Andy for how he handled last year's reunion) but this year is so much easier on the blood pressure. Beautiful scenery, pleasant Eddie, Izzy, and Ashling. A few crazies and a few villains. It's all working for me.  Or at least it's working well enough for me.

I agree with the above comment about Elizabeth being stuck in a younger age, like a teenager. I feel so embarrassed for her, she's so desperate for James (James??). In the meantime she's not actually doing her job, at least not properly. I still like Francesca's personality, work ethic, and standards although she and Rachel are not communicating well at all, and she's responsible for her part in that. 

Rachel is also responsible for her part. She mutters to the camera but never acts like a department head working with another department head. Also, when they interact personally Rachel is very dismissive of Francesca's comments or concerns ("I don't care!!" when F and Eddie discussed Elizabeth in the galley, or when Francesca commented something about Elizabeth in their cabin) Rachel is not a pleasant person and all her great cooking has still not endeared her to me. I'd eat her food and thank her sincerely for it but .... let's not be friends. 

Wow, Rob is a dick! The only reason he's not getting all the hate he should is because James is such a douche! They are like made up characters depicting "Dick" and "Douche".
It's 2021 boys! Your immediate superior is a girl, deal with it! Their resistance to Izzy's rank is disappointing. I wonder what their mothers think of it.

Last week I thought the Siegals were really nice people as they commiserated with and counseled Captain Lee but wow! Their political views are preposterous (The Democrats invented Covid to beat Trump?) and their understanding of the disease was limited. Not knowing much didn't stop them from misunderstanding and underestimating the virus. It's one thing not to know (and we didn't know a lot at that time) but to assume you know so much, weeks into the disease, is foolish and arrogant. 
And the boy(s) was/were horrible! I'm not sure if they were both disgusting or just one but ugh!! God save us all from those worthless drains of oxygen. Maybe they were "putting on" for the camera and hope to score a reality show or maybe they are just as they appear to be, losers with money. 

Interesting Captain Lee made Francesca fire Elizabeth. I guess that means no birthday cake for you Elizabeth, sorry!! And I guess James is totally off the hook now.

But it looks like the season might be over due to Covid, which sounds about right timing wise. We came home from Mexico on March 8th and went into isolation.


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I think Francesca is a horrible chief stew. Over the seasons I have seen MUCH WORSE stewardesses then Elizabeth, and they were not fired.

Elizabeth is not perfect, but she is nice and polite and NOT lazy. She slept in the guest cabin....big deal. Others have done so as well and were not fired.

This is the first time I do not agree with Cpt Lee. Instead of firing a nice person,he should have given more direction to Francesca who obviously is a bad leader.

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...and by the way, if Elizabeth is fired for sleeping in the guest cabin (having sex, not sleeping), then why is James not fired as well?


Because James's boss is Eddie, who is a far better leader and person then Francesca will ever be.


As I said, Elizabeth is far from perfect, but not so terrible that she had to be fired. 

Rachel, the cook, walked off the boat after telling the Captain to go fck himself, and she is still in the show?

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All I could think when Jackie woke up to find an empty boat--  was "I would sure want SOMEONE to immediately be offering me a coffee"

Entitled brats indeed. Those kids need to pay for their own vacations if this is the way they're going to act.

When Lee asked Elizabeth to clean up the kitchen, her response really irked me -- "Absolutely" with no hint that she understood that she was already in the doghouse for it being that way to begin with. 

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I think the only person I’m rooting for this season is Izzie and I guess Eddie. At 30 years of age, Elizabeth is pathetic chasing after that prick instead of working. “Chez” is a horrible chief stew. Her personality sucks and she has no people skills. The only one that seems to get on with her is the ass kissing Ashling.  Rob is a douchebag.  Rachel has been entertaining this season but she has a tendency to be gross. 
Those horrible charter guests lost a daughter to a drug overdose and allow their son to binge drink as he pleases? Keeping crew up to keep feeding him booze? Disgusting.

Edited by Chatty Cake
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I thought it was interesting that the Captain turned to Francesca and told her to make the decision about Elizabeth. I don't believe that he has ever let the chief stew or the bosun to do the firing. He always handles this. Elizabeth does act like a teenager. Her constant laughing and acting like she doesn't have a clue and chasing after James was irritating.  However last night she seemed to be actually working. She was in the laundry, she was cleaning cabins and she washed the dishes and pots ans pans after the Captain asked to do so. She also went to him and asked permission to go down the slide before doing so. I don't think Francesca is a great chief stew at least from what we see on the show. She seemed to let her dislike of Elizabeth override her ability to manage her.   

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9 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

There’s trouble with a capital T. The primary’s son Daniel felt he wasn’t welcome when he was told the hot tub was being drained (he went upstairs and saw that it wasn’t) and he was cut off after drinking half a bottle of Hennessy’s on his own (and was cut off). I forgot who told him the tub was being drained (Ash), but our chief stew didn’t look happy about it. 

It would have been irresponsible for Ash to let the boy use the hot tub in a drunken state.

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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I continue to be on the fence about Rachel.  She makes amazing food, but I'm just not warming up to her.  Also, I understand that her French Toast is her speciality, and supposedly the BEST french toast anyone's ever eaten, but it's beginning to feel like Leon's beef cheeks to me - I have to hear about it on every charter.  I know there's not a lot of options for breakfast foods, but it's becoming redundant.

Savory waffles would have been a nice choice...crepes with fresh fruit, smoothies, avocado toast, shakshuka, caviar and poached eggs, steak and eggs, I think Rachel puts her real creativity in to dinners.

Beef cheeks, hah, I had forgotten about those!

Ash did the right thing politely cutting off that little jerk off of a kid although if she had let him get in the hot tub he probably would have been in there for a hot minute then would have gone to bed, he just wanted to call the shots.  

That kid will get his ass kicked by someone at some point in his life, I believe in destiny, lol.

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The breakdown of communication between Rachel & Francesca is what's causing the issues and I can't help but think that Rachel's meltdown at the beach club with Francesca pulling her drunk ass off the stage was the start of it.  That said, while Francesca is partly to blame for not being more direct in her communications, Rachel seems to be the antagonizer. She clearly told Francesca that she was bringing the condiments and she obviously brought some of them.  So how is grabbing mustard, relish, honey, etc. but not ketchup suddenly Francesca's fault? 

Rachel & Elizabeth acting like BFFs reminds me of Leon & Rocky.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Like that situation, I expect next week we'll see Rachel demanding that Captain Lee to fire Francesca in some weird protest over Elizabeth's firing.  She's already stormed off the boat once, maybe this time she'll jump off?

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32 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Savory waffles would have been a nice choice...crepes with fresh fruit, smoothies, avocado toast, shakshuka, caviar and poached eggs, steak and eggs,

We know the primary Mr S is into average food. He would have been happy with scrambled eggs. I kept waiting to see eggs Benedict this season and don’t think that I have. I wasn’t impressed with the looks of her French toast. It looked too wet, like it needed to be cooked more. I guess it isn’t 5 star, but when guests don’t all show up for breakfast at the same time, what about giving them BLTs? Also Rachael could have had the eggs all mixed in a bowl and the fillers all prepped to make custom omelets. 

The Captain should have let Elizabeth pack her bags and disembark with the guests to be their new personal assistant. The spoiled brats would have had a wonderful time ordering her around. She might have even have slept with one of them to lock in her status as their real personal attendant. Her mental age seems to match their chronological age. 

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I just wanted to put my .02 in on the Mahi ordering debacle. I didn’t totally get it at first, so I did a screen capture of the notepad entry that Francesca did.  After looking at the ticket for a bit, I definitely think the blame falls on Rachel. Even though it would have been nice to have each patrons order on their own line, I don’t feel it should have been an issue. Francesca clearly placed a + sigh between the two names. To me, that screams one Mahi each. I feel that Rachel misinterpreted the ticket and is trying to shift the blame to Francesca. 

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38 minutes ago, aqusdealer said:

I just wanted to put my .02 in on the Mahi ordering debacle. I didn’t totally get it at first, so I did a screen capture of the notepad entry that Francesca did.  After looking at the ticket for a bit, I definitely think the blame falls on Rachel. Even though it would have been nice to have each patrons order on their own line, I don’t feel it should have been an issue. Francesca clearly placed a + sigh between the two names. To me, that screams one Mahi each. I feel that Rachel misinterpreted the ticket and is trying to shift the blame to Francesca. 

Every time I hear about the Mahi Mahi order I think about Anna Faris in The House Bunny when she went out to dinner and tried to order just one Mahi because she was not that hungry...it made me giggle.

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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I continue to be on the fence about Rachel.  She makes amazing food, but I'm just not warming up to her.  Also, I understand that her French Toast is her speciality, and supposedly the BEST french toast anyone's ever eaten, but it's beginning to feel like Leon's beef cheeks to me - I have to hear about it on every charter.  I know there's not a lot of options for breakfast foods, but it's becoming redundant.

There is something wrong with that woman. Very wrong.  In addition to her binge drinking she appears to be quite  aggressive while sober and in the workplace.

As far as the French Toast goes, to be fair, if that is such a specialty of hers, I can see her making it for each charter.  After all, she is cooking for the guests and not the audience.  I would be disappointed if I missed it.

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If they're on a super yacht, why did they have to put guests in a van for a one hour drive to the other side of the island for sting ray city? Why not move the yacht to that side of the island and tender them in? 

Maybe you can't get all that close to sting ray city, but it seems you could get close enough to make the tender trip a lot more tolerable than a van ride.

Reminds me of being in St. Lucia and driving our rental car over the top of the island to a restaurant. A long, very bumpy, climp up and over a mountain. When we remarked on the trip during dinner, our waiter said, "What? You drove here? Everybody just takes a boat around the island."

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So the brat decided to whine to anyone who would listen about being cut off and not being allowed in the hot tub.  I was glad when his mother said "That was good" in response to how Ashling handled the situation.  

No one likes losing their job.  I'm having difficulty believing that Elizabeth didn't see the writing on the wall. I've met pre-schoolers who are more mature than Elizabeth. 

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6 minutes ago, Tango64 said:

If they're on a super yacht, why did they have to put guests in a van for a one hour drive to the other side of the island for sting ray city?

If I were laying on a yacht in the Caribbean, and someone suggested seeing stingrays I would be all in.  That is, until I heard about a 2 hour round trip car ride, then I would pass.

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I found it fascinating the language used by the spoiled undereducated and over served teen.  He certainly knows how to play the offended consumer.  He was not happy with the service, he was disrespected, he felt rushed by the night staff, he was lied to. Oh my!

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They talk about the coronavirus but don’t seem too impacted by it.  One more charter left and they say no cases on the islands.

Turns out there were signs of the virus as far back as fall 2019 in different places so they can’t say nobody on the island has it.  Or that someone coming from NY or Europe could have it.

But it seems they mostly miss the impact like travel restrictions to guests and crew, no matter how much they’ve teased it all season.

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14 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

UO, I’m still not impressed with Francesca. Pretty lame! 🤷🏻‍♂️

I don't think it is unpopular, I cannot stand her.


13 hours ago, esco1822 said:

WWHL is super tense with Elizabeth and Ash. 😬

Ashling is a real asshole.  WOW she was even making Andy uncomfortable with what a bitch she is.


4 hours ago, oakville said:

It would have been irresponsible for Ash to let the boy use the hot tub in a drunken state.

We have seen WAY drunker guests get into the hot tub.  That's why Ashling is there, to be sure he doesn't slip under the water.  She just wanted to go to bed.


Elizabeth is spoiled, you can tell.  Her dad is a hotshot financial lawyer or something in NYC so I am sure she is usually a guest on a yacht, not a yachtie.


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I think what annoys me the most about Elizabeth (besides her constant insubordination) is how her mouth is always gaping open and eyes wide open every time there's a serious conversation. Like she's trying to look like she's comprehending but really she's not. And while James absolutely needs to grow some balls and break it off, I'm surprised she's not noticing how he's completely not into her anymore. She just keeps yapping on and on with him like he was actually showing interest in her, which he clearly isn't anymore. Take a hint!

Also, Daniel is such a spoiled brat/asshole. Besides all of his other antics and complaining, telling his father to fire a flight attendant because she's too old and replace her with Elizabeth? Someone needs to smack (or punch) him!

Edited by sara1025
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1 hour ago, aghst said:

They talk about the coronavirus but don’t seem too impacted by it.  One more charter left and they say no cases on the islands.

Turns out there were signs of the virus as far back as fall 2019 in different places so they can’t say nobody on the island has it.  Or that someone coming from NY or Europe could have it.

But it seems they mostly miss the impact like travel restrictions to guests and crew, no matter how much they’ve teased it all season.

I have a feeling that they may have had a few charters cancelled in between. It seemed that there was more downtime in between charters than we've seen before. Usually they have one night off in between (at least that the we see), but this season there were 2 or 3 nights in between some charters. It could be that less ended up on the editing floor because they had to fill the season, but I keep thinking it's because charters were getting delayed or cancelled.

They also barely went out. If they did, it was just dinner and then back to the boat. 

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