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4 hours ago, scruffy73 said:

Iris’s secret was edited. The quarter got lodged in her throat and she had to have emergency surgery to get it out. 

I read that, and the whole thing is strange. Why did that get edited out of the episode? It seems like kind of an important detail. And I still don't get why it was a big secret that "only her mother and the doctors knew". Iris remains an enigma to me.

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4 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Especially if she accuses you on camera of "basic Caucasian sex".  😏

Big Red is a hot mess but a lot of Jaime’s anger/resentment stems from her not being that into him sexually. I have a feeling the guy is a bit of a dud in bed.

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Reading between the lines of Bethy's criticism about Jamie's performance in the sack is he is a one trick pony....his game is the basic issued Humpty Dumpty...

Why aren't Red and Moobs sent to tantric sex therapy like Nick and Sonia

Boiled down...Jamie wants to control the sexy time.

Rouge knows that is the only leverage she has in the marriage so will have to use the frequency to force her huzz to learn some techniques between the sheets...or she will never be satisfied with their sack time and she will throw it in his face at every argument.

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1 hour ago, qtpye said:

Big Red is a hot mess but a lot of Jaime’s anger/resentment stems from her not being that into him sexually. I have a feeling the guy is a bit of a dud in bed.

And they’re always the ones that want to go nonstop.😒

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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Why can't those two just keep it to themselves until the first trimester is safely over?....such Fame whoredom......

Jaime Otis keeping an intimate private detail of her life to herself...bwa ha ha ha.

In all fairness, her husband is a loser and fame whoring is probably what pays the bills.

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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Why can't those two just keep it to themselves until the first trimester is safely over?....such Fame whoredom......

She lost one at 17 weeks, so I guess she figures she might as well reveal, but geez 4 weeks along?  She rolled out of bed, into the drs office & onto SM. She's just a whole lotta TMI.

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On 9/7/2019 at 10:50 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I am so tired of hearing about this woman’s reproduction 

Me too.  So tired of her using it as though she's the only woman to ever go through this and she's a pioneer in breaking the stigma.  When she had her first miscarriage she was all over the websites with "I'm changing the fact that this is never talked about!"  It is talked about Jamie.  Everyone just doesn't tell everyone they come across like you do.  And once again, it's going to be the longest pregnancy ever.

I still think she's using Doug for the fame and the babies.  She's too fake. 

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On 9/6/2019 at 7:56 AM, gonecrackers said:

To me when Raven looks at Amber it's with care, but also pity.

Yeah same here...I was wondering how everyone else figured he has feelings for her. I don’t see it. 

On 9/7/2019 at 11:50 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I am so tired of hearing about this woman’s reproduction 

Unless you are an animal about to go extinct, I don’t want to hear about your reproduction. End of story. 

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I don't see a post for today's episode, "The Forever Decision".... (which I anticipate will be a bunch of blah blah -flashback- blah blah -flashback- blah blah -etc. but) I'm sure we'll want to comment on it!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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I enjoy Stephanie Lee, a therapist who does a review of the show on You Tube. She was pretty salty this week about Keith saying no and was definitely on the side of the experts giving him the stink eye. Made me chuckle.

Keith is certainly not blameless, but why should he wait around for a high strung motormouth who gets shrieky about dropped wedding rings, empty condom boxes, lemonade, pillowcases touching outdoor clothes, etc. I think he'd still have serious reservations even if Iris' precious hymen was no more.

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Iris is still steaming 2 months later that Keith wanted a divorce.

She comes to set wearing JamieO length extensions and is ready for battle..

How dare Keith reject her!

She is adamant that the host and the dozens of us in her viewing audience hear her side of the story.

She explains that even after the experiment that they go to dinner, talk, hang out so it befuddles her that if they are continuing their relationship.... why couldn't they stay married?

She refutes Keith's thinking she was ever  going to be capable of achieving a level of emotional intimacy and eventual  physical intimacy with him.

 Iris gets into angry interrogation mode and says didn't we snuggle intimately, didn't we do this and that...they were connecting so she saw it as a betrayal when Keith jumped ship on Decision Day.

In Keith's mind... it was her Ms. Ick face during the stupid sex games,  Iris' tiptoeing and refusal and dismissal of anything sensual, her uneasiness with being sexual, her forcing herself to yield to what should be natural as you vibe with your person...she was as relaxed as a cat on a hot tin roof when he was kissing her neck and bony sternum...

Iris' overprotective actions whether deliberate or reflexive to defend her virginity was enough for him to back the hell off......

Keith didn't want to be her first because in his mind if they did have peen/vag sex... the blow back and the cleanup on Aisle 2 was going to too big of an event, too messy, too much of a spectacle and he wanted no part of that carnival....

Keith ever the gentleman tells her how wonderful of a person but thanks, no thanks...he'll keep is peniz safely in his trousers

Edited by humbleopinion
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I saw the Reunion excerpt last night and thanks @humbleopinion for the rundown.

I've concluded that Iris is cray cray.  Seriously, she needs therapy.  When she sashayed out there in that sexy dress and hair extensions, I think her message was "See!  I'm not Old Lady Iris anymore!"  And then she commenced yapping.  She confronted Keith a bit but when she got going nonstop, she wasn't talking to Keith or Kevin Frazier, she was basically talking to herself.  Iris is only concerned with Iris, and I think Keith realized that.

I would be curious to know how many times she and Keith have gone out since the end of the show.  She made it seem like it's been several times, but I'm not so sure and Keith was too much of a gentleman to set the record straight.  He sat there looking at her like he knew she needed therapy.  I think he does wish her well but I don't think he'd ever want to pop that cherry.

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Did anyone else get the impression that Iris wanted Keith to throw his hot dog down her hallway...since they were "technically still married"

That's when I saw spinning pinwheels in Iris' eyes......

Keith's peniz telescoped into itself and crawled up into his abdominal cavity to hide...

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12 minutes ago, red12 said:

So, I saw that "first look" they embedded in the "Couple's Couch" episode too. I agree Iris was angry. I think I understand but, from what I can tell, this appearance will do her no favors. Stable prospective mates will not be drawn to her after seeing this.

1. The lace front wig and make-up was excessive. I think in combination with the dress, she was trying to show she can be sexy but, I don't know that it worked.

2. I say this with all compassion but, I don't think Iris (or pastor cal) realize Keith has the right not to want her. Keith and anyone else have the right not to be with whomever they do not want to be with. He does not have the right to disrespect her or treat her poorly which he did not but, when you get right down to it, Iris is pissed because Keith no longer wanted to be married to her and she was there to put him on trial for that "crime".

3. Now I will speculate regarding what I think is partially the cause of Iris's feelings of being wronged by Keith. Based on my background in evangelical circles and experience with purity culture, I believe Iris has a hard time separating Keith, the human individual from what she believes to be a promise made to her by God and what she is owed for whatever she has experienced in life.

- Part of why purity culture is dangerous is that it pushes the fantasy to women (mostly) that if you are pure, chaste, nice and surface level sweet, God will reward you with love from a husband and your dreams will come true. Church leadership and Christian profiteers looking to sell books, conferences and programs push this even though for most woman, the numbers are just not on their side in terms of finding similarly Christian, financially stable, non abusive husbands even if you don't adjust for racial preferences.

- Frustration can set in if time passes and other women, who may be less worthy in your eyes, get the blessing (a husband) while you sit on the bench praying and waiting.

- When a suitable man finally does arrive, it is hard to see him as an individual with free will and not morph him into the delivery vehicle for your promised fairy tale from Jesus. So, the same way men can be accused of objectifying women into body parts, women raised in this environment run the risk of objectifying men into blessing delivery services.

Then if the man exhibits resistance to the pace of the dating relationship or in this case wants to break up, he is seen as the thing holding back the woman's blessing not just a relationship that didn't work out. That's where the anger and frustration can cause the woman to lash out and sincerely believe herself to have been wronged by the desired man.

Now, where I take issue with Keith is that he should not be in contact with Iris. She is currently in too fragile of a state and any positive interaction will be seen as a signal that the marriage can be salvaged and "God's will" will prevail after all. I'm not saying she will always be this fragile but, dude needs to step up or get out because nothing good can come of him seeming indecisive about ending things.

Bravo to this post! You have excellently laid out what is wrong with the purity culture. There is nothing with staying a virgin till marriage. It the mindset that it makes you better than everyone else and more deserving of God’s love than other people that is the problem.

Edited by qtpye
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9 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Bravo to this post! You have excellently laid out what is wrong with the purity culture. There is nothing with staying a virgin till marriage. It the mindset that it makes you better than everyone else and more deserving of God’s love than other people that is the problem.

Thanks qtype. One very small clarification, no God-fearing good girl would ever admit to believing she is more deserving of God's love for Jesus loves everyone. But, her favored daughter status does make her more deserving of God's blessings (goodies). I mean what kind of loving God would give all the good stuff to heathens and hoes to waste instead of his children? 

Edited by red12
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16 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I hate the stupid Couples Couch crap.  I don't need to see them or hear their comments.

So strange that their comments often consist of exclamations of "uh oh" and things like that. 

One thing I did like, though was watching Doug and Keith predict this season's Keith's "adios, muchacha!" before anyone else.  They appeared to be inside his head.  Well done to them. 

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I hadn’t really had anything to say about Keith and Iris. I feel like he made the best decision for himself and that was that. But I watched that First Look and wowzers. 😬😬 Issues, girl. Get therapy. 

He should cut off all contact.

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49 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I saw the Reunion excerpt last night and thanks @humbleopinion for the rundown.

I've concluded that Iris is cray cray.  Seriously, she needs therapy.  When she sashayed out there in that sexy dress and hair extensions, I think her message was "See!  I'm not Old Lady Iris anymore!"  And then she commenced yapping.  She confronted Keith a bit but when she got going nonstop, she wasn't talking to Keith or Kevin Frazier, she was basically talking to herself.  Iris is only concerned with Iris, and I think Keith realized that.

This exactly.  And how she can't even for one minute try to understand Keith as an individual and not some wacko preconceived stereotype of a male interested in sex-only is very telling.  The fact that he puts up with her implied insults of him is not good for him, either.  He is always the one being forced to justify himself as if he did something wrong while she never ever puts the focus on herself and wonders what she could do better.  Why didn't we see any scenes of the "experts" talking with Iris about what SHE could have done to make KEITH feel more comfortable about easing her into sex slowly?  Probably because she doesn't think she should have to do anything to make HIM feel comfortable, after all he's not even a real human being to her but just a fantasy object that always gets what he wants and shouldn't need to feel comfortable.   She gets OFFENDED that he might have some trepidation about it, like he's not entitled to need any help from her with this.  It's all about how he can help HER, never the other way around.  Like what is he, her FATHER and she is a CHILD?  Boy, her expectations are truly wacko.

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Iris is still steaming 2 months later that Keith wanted a divorce.

She comes to set wearing JamieO length extensions and is ready for battle..

How dare Keith reject her!

She is adamant that the host and the dozens of us in her viewing audience hear her side of the story.

She explains that even after the experiment that they go to dinner, talk, hang out so it befuddles her that if they are continuing their relationship.... why couldn't they stay married?

She refutes Keith's thinking she was ever  going to be capable of achieving a level of emotional intimacy and eventual  physical intimacy with him.

 Iris gets into angry interrogation mode and says didn't we snuggle intimately, didn't we do this and that...they were connecting so she saw it as a betrayal when Keith jumped ship on Decision Day.

In Keith's mind... it was her Ms. Ick face during the stupid sex games,  Iris' tiptoeing and refusal and dismissal of anything sensual, her uneasiness with being sexual, her forcing herself to yield to what should be natural as you vibe with your person...she was as relaxed as a cat on a hot tin roof when he was kissing her neck and bony sternum...

Iris' overprotective actions whether deliberate or reflexive to defend her virginity was enough for him to back the hell off......

Keith didn't want to be her first because in his mind if they did have peen/vag sex... the blow back and the cleanup on Aisle 2 was going to too big of an event, too messy, too much of a spectacle and he wanted no part of that carnival....

Keith ever the gentleman tells her how wonderful of a person but thanks, no thanks...he'll keep is peniz safely in his trousers

Should be some kind of literary award for this.  "Cleanup on Aisle 2".  Too funny. 

She certainly was not happy last night.  Love that Kevin Frazier is usually pretty good at getting the details out of these people.  She was gushing.

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I think Keith like Amber got a whole boatload of trouble, pain and having to walk on eggshells while dealing with  people that never should have been on this show.

Keith came off the most likeable and trouble free but his plate sure was full this season with having to use the left sink and the right sink and not allowing friends to drink the lemonade.  Heaven only knows what other rules Iris set.

Then to top it all off he had to remain chaste in the bed with his wife for eight straight weeks while Iris 'told it like it was ' and pretended to be all knowing while remaining the virgin bride.

Keith deserves the purple heart and if I was him I'd move, change my phone number and forever hide from Iris and this show!

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On 9/6/2019 at 4:38 PM, Ohwell said:

I'm outside DC in northern Virginia.  I tried googling to see if I could find out any information but couldn't find anything.  I'd be curious to know when it was done.

The male voice said it was an "actual client," so if he's telling the truth (granted, that's a big if), then she's not an actor. 

I can’t see anyone else except Deonna with that cartoon voice.

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I have never heard so much talk about sex and intimacy, and I am married a long time.  What’s to learn?  You do what comes naturally.  If you especially are in love, the sky’s the limit.  You tell each other what you like or don’t like.  The way Iris and Keith are talking, you would think you need a masters degree in sex, lol.  Iris looks petrified of having sex.  Keith would have shown her the way, and maybe things would have worked out.  Iris is going to kick herself in the ass someday for missing a good time, mentally and physically.

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13 hours ago, Kareem said:

Anyone just watch Iris and Keith with Kevin Frazier on the Reunion preview?  She looks different but sounds the same. 

UNRECOGNIZABLE. I thought that was his new girlfriend. 😂😂

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As soon as the Cher haired "gf" opened her yap, jutted out her chin and started the non stop stream of bitterness...it was unmistakably Iris in full defense mode....

 Keith and Kevin could not get a word in edgewise....

 When asked pointed questions, Keith worked the  um...um..um very hard and got a sheen from the flop sweat on his forehead...

 Keith didn't want to be the person to shape her sexuality...to dictate to her desires and needs...

Iris is ...wut?

She couldn't wrap her head around that her reflective reactions to doggy style, to kiss his toe, to the other stupid sex games helped him determine that  it was going to be too much heavy lifting mentally and emotionally to get her to a place that he could feel  she owned her sexual intimacy...

 Iris would just not hear it....

Edited by humbleopinion
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I know Iris thought she was being sexy (poor child) but when she skank walked out there in that dress and with those hair extensions, she looked like she'd been rode hard and put away wet.  Her face was all greasy and/or sweaty. 

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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Iris is still steaming 2 months later that Keith wanted a divorce.

She comes to set wearing JamieO length extensions and is ready for battle..

How dare Keith reject her!

She is adamant that the host and the dozens of us in her viewing audience hear her side of the story.

She explains that even after the experiment that they go to dinner, talk, hang out so it befuddles her that if they are continuing their relationship.... why couldn't they stay married?

She refutes Keith's thinking she was ever  going to be capable of achieving a level of emotional intimacy and eventual  physical intimacy with him.

 Iris gets into angry interrogation mode and says didn't we snuggle intimately, didn't we do this and that...they were connecting so she saw it as a betrayal when Keith jumped ship on Decision Day.

In Keith's mind... it was her Ms. Ick face during the stupid sex games,  Iris' tiptoeing and refusal and dismissal of anything sensual, her uneasiness with being sexual, her forcing herself to yield to what should be natural as you vibe with your person...she was as relaxed as a cat on a hot tin roof when he was kissing her neck and bony sternum...

Iris' overprotective actions whether deliberate or reflexive to defend her virginity was enough for him to back the hell off......

Keith didn't want to be her first because in his mind if they did have peen/vag sex... the blow back and the cleanup on Aisle 2 was going to too big of an event, too messy, too much of a spectacle and he wanted no part of that carnival....

Keith ever the gentleman tells her how wonderful of a person but thanks, no thanks...he'll keep is peniz safely in his trousers

Wow..... good review...… I will definitely be watching the reunion to see this mess.

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Thanks so much for posting the link to the preview. Yes, it was all about Iris and Keith, but there was that one announcement at the beginning that was nice. I felt sorry for Keith because he was trying to be a gentleman, but Iris kept pushing him. I know she wanted to stay together and work things out, but I don't think it will end well. It will be interesting to see next week and I am so glad they have Kevin Frazier again doing the interviews and not any of the fools from MAFS.

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Watched the 1st look with Iris and Keith, and while I've been team Keith all season, I felt a little more compassion for Iris after watching.  Keith basically said he didn't want to be with a virgin and didn't want to teach a woman how to have a sexual relationship.   Which is his prerogative, but it pretty much set the marriage up to fail from the start.   

I do wonder if Iris had not been so rigid and immature around anything sex like the dice game or the half empty box of condoms (which he specifically mentioned as a red flag) if he would have felt differently about "teaching"...

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7 minutes ago, After7Only said:

I do wonder if Iris had not been so rigid and immature around anything sex like the dice game or the half empty box of condoms (which he specifically mentioned as a red flag) if he would have felt differently about "teaching"...

I do think that he might have felt differently about Iris but, like you and others have said, she was so rigid and immature that Keith wasn't willing to give it a try.  The way he was sitting away from her and how he was looking at her as she was yapping....errr.....talking, he looked like he didn't even like her all that much.   

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I saw the preview and am starting to think Jamie and Liz have split for good. Not just because he mentioned that they had another big fight and split for two months (which confuses me because I thought this was a 2 month followup) but because of Jamie’s body language and how Liz was shutting down Kevin Frazier’s questions. 

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Me thinks Iris knows she blew it with Keith....but is going to go down swinging...

Keith can now ignore her texts and calls for dinner get togethers at the Olive Garden...he is just has to sign the divorce papers and wait out the time....

Wonder what would happen if Iris refuses to sign the divorce papers....

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