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  1. I found Miguel's mirror pep talk suspicious. Like. Why would he say his family name? It seemed like he was acting. Now, Dedrick's slip last week seemed more real. Plus, they focused on the scarecrow on the clue wall for a few seconds. Why didn't anyone try to guess him? ๐Ÿค” I can't with that girl not knowing Antonio Banderas. How you gunna go on a show about guessing celebs and not know of him? And why was that girl dumb enough to believe someone she just threatened?!! COME ON!!!
  2. It's disturbing how many people didn't know how to spell giraffe. Like, they thought the I was silent?!! Whaaa?!!! Make it make sense!!! What even is that clue?!!!
  3. Well would you look at that, a dealer being killed during an attempted robbery. New story, huh? ๐Ÿ™„ Still don't know that drugs=death, huh? 10 years?!! FOR MURDER?!!! That's the most pathetic sentence!!! ABSURD!!! I'M DISGUSTED!!! And yet again, they can't seem to find their accomplices, because apparently they don't communicate electronically. SERIOUSLY?!! COME ON!!!! How can they not find messages?!!! It doesn't sound that hard to do!!!!
  4. Damn. His brother killed their mother. Then eventually killed himself. Couldn't even face the cops. He sounded mentally disturbed. So. Super safe to be around! Yet again! I wonder how big the check was that he wrote out to himself. Like, $50k, $100k? And she found out again? Or did he write it after he killed her? ๐Ÿค” What happened the 1st time? She confronted him, he made her cry... THEN WHAT?!! He knew the cops were gunna question him, like, did he not plan for that??!!! ๐Ÿคจ He put her in the tub to destroy evidence, obviously. I immediately wondered if her car could be tracked & of course those old men didn't seem to think of that, someone tracked it for them. ๐Ÿ˜’ Where was her phone??? How would his brother have handled it? Enjoy his wedding with his mother's killer as a groomsmen?!! He did everyone a favor by killing himself. Every killer should.
  5. Uh ohhh. Another tap out??? Little man let the C.O. win??? Why not ask to speak to his boss? File the grievance? How did that even start??? How did Luna's glasses get damaged? Did someone punch her? That's my hope. Lol! Ratting out Scarlet. Then a C.O. retaliating... ON CAMERA?!!! Like a dumbass!!! No wonder so many faces are blurred, they acted like asses for all of us to see. Scarlet didn't say enough, letting her know she's an inmate just like the rest of them, no matter how buddy, buddy she is with the C.O.s. & Luna needs to stop acting like she was physically attacked, a stern talking to ain't that bad. Daniel's gunna open-hand slap someone? Yeah. Sure. I believe it. How about TALKING to the guy & explaining how what he said upset him? You know? Like an adult?! Same with A.B., why not confront the spitter at that moment?
  6. A random pistol-whipper???!!! Yup. Sounds perfectly safe to be around & look what happened!!! Obviously, he's sick!!!! That apartment was disgusting, are they squatting??? I don't understand, he went downstairs & the guy stayed in bed & the killer went back up there & shot him to death??? Doesn't make sense. Why would he stay there, while the gf goes to the daughter's room, then after killing the bf he tries to shoot the daughter & the gf & other guy shut the door on him??? Very strange timing. Would make more sense that he shot him after taking his gun. Why were the refusing to look him up?!! They were told he recently got out of jail. MY GOD, LOOK IT UP!!!! I'm surprised they actually found that he'd been arrested (that night?) & the victim's gun that he hid. They weren't even looking for him. Pure luck he just so happened to get arrested. Why they always wanna deny committing the crime?!! You did it!!! Admit it!!! Face the consequences!!! That's how it's supposed to go!!!
  7. She thinks she knows everything. Can't stand those that go off their "feelings." Like. You're not a lie detector, FOLLOW THE EVIDENCE!!! She's so incompetent!!! She let him delete his phone right in front of her!!! Should've asked for it when he let her see it for the hitman's phone number. I mean, COME ON!!! He gives up the guy so fast & that's not suspicious??? Too bad he wasn't there cuz the killer was gunna kill him too. They seriously didn't bother investigating him removing the security cameras, like WHEN he removed them??? Surely, they didn't wait for his employees to come forward like it looked. That's PREMEDITATED!!!! SICKENING!!!
  8. Another participant that doesn't know which part of her anatomy is pierced. ๐Ÿ™„
  9. Little man gets so amped AFTER the C.O. leaves. So big & bad behind that locked door. ๐Ÿคฃ
  10. Tooth drama, tap out drama, food drama, smuggled contraband drama, shank drama, earphones drama, piercings drama, aspirin drama, line drama, period drama, rack in drama, video visit drama, tablet in lockdown drama... GEEZ!!! ๐Ÿ˜…
  11. Sooooooo glad Catfish is back!!!! Bootleg YT Catfish just ain't it!!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  12. No text messages?!! NO PROOF?!! Just a bunch of words?!!! ๐Ÿคจ ABSURD!!!
  13. Lauren snapping at Cam was hilarious! They wore pink dresses in protest because their husbands suck & were manipulative? Hmm. Okayyy. I guess that would exclude Chloe & Kev didn't bother asking if she was invited to wear pink or why they were wearing pink. ๐Ÿค” Horrible interviewer! ๐Ÿ™„
  14. Lauren's dress looked terrible when she was walking to the couch & Orion's outfit is too casual. Did he get back to normal life living with his mom? Why didn't Kev also ask Austin why he was attracted to Becca??? Especially since that's been in question. ๐Ÿ™„ Did he quit the marriage too early? WHY did he quit??? What's the difference between "the process" & the marriage? Why did he later say he was out Day 2, but tell Lauren that stuff days beyond that?! Strong reaction? Stupid question!!! Why did that change things? Was he out at that moment? "Fully just as himself with nothing in between"?!!!! WTAF answer is that?!!! Still doesn't know how to answer questions I see! Asking WTF that means isn't questioning his morals. ๐Ÿคจ Throw them both away!!!! WE KNOW THEY TALKED ABOUT IT LATER!!! Did he ask about the circumstances? ANYTHING about it? Did he want to know? Did he truly come back from that? Of course Kev didn't ask about him setting Lauren up with that word. Nor ask her how yelling & saying she wanted a divorce was conducive with a healthy, successful marriage. It's sad to see the smile she had at the very beginning in the wedding has long disappeared. ๐Ÿ˜ข Those parting words were hilarious though. Wish him nothing more than he deserves indeed. ๐Ÿคฃ COMPLETE WASTE!!!! I still don't know WTF he wanted post divorce. ๐Ÿ™„
  15. Chicago??? There are some cute guys there!!! I wouldn't mind seeing them, but they probably won't be matched. Will this be the season they'll finally stop matching commitment phobes??? If I take a shot every time someone says they usually run.... ๐Ÿ™„ Surely all the commitment types aren't taken. ๐Ÿ˜…
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