biakbiak September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 1 hour ago, Sweet-tea said: I skipped through the show and missed this part. Can you tell me about when it was played? It’s at the end before they show the clip of Dorinda screaming at John on the phone. Link to comment
Jextella September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 (edited) 9 hours ago, Wicked said: Why do Sonja and Dorinda take diuretics? Is this something that is prescribed by a doctor for some kind of condition or is over the counter that they take for weight loss or something? I am wondering about the pooping situation too. I can't help but wonder if these women take these things to keep their weight down. 8 hours ago, Mar said: She was on WWHL last night and for days before, she was all over social media saying that she was going to make a big announcement. People were speculating that she would announce she would be joining the show next year. Instead she said that she now has a podcast. I know a lot of people liked her on the show, but her personality is just way too much for me. She is very “in your face”. And boring. 12 hours ago, Juliegirlj said: Big John’s dry cleaning business filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in February 2020. Did not know. Timing is everything. I'm guessing he knew this was coming for awhile. Funny that Dorinda dropped him around said time. 11 hours ago, itsadryheat said: Social justice warriors lecturing and virtue signalling. If we are lucky, Mariah Brown will move to New York and join the cast. I like the phrase "virtue signalling". 9 hours ago, Mar said: She posted this on Twitter, which makes no sense. People are asking her if she even watched the show last night. Maybe she didn’t. Well, this is a big FU to Andy's open door, right? I agree with those who think Dorinda won't be "renewing and refereshing" herself anytime soon. Way to self-sabotage, Dorinda. Edited September 12, 2020 by Jextella 7 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 1 hour ago, RedDelicious said: Siblings. Plural. And I'm just not. We never made a thing out of it. But that doesn't discount anyone else's feelings including yours. You don't need me or anyone else to say you're entitled to your opinion. I wasn’t looking to you or anyone to validate my opinion. As someone also noted above, it’s not just what she said- she said it with malice and to shame. This is what is offensive and disgusting. 18 Link to comment
janiema September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 3 hours ago, Axie said: It always bothers me when women act towards men the way Tinsley acts towards Scott. She has to prove her worth while all he has to do is show up. Bravo! (No pun intended.) 4 Link to comment
AuntieDiane6 September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 Quote I wonder if she had let the first break up stick she could have met a guy who liked/loved her the way she is/was instead of trying to make herself into someone he would marry? I doubt it. Men her age want younger women and are especially wary of women whose clocks are ticking and who desperately want children. If Tinsley is like other RHs, she'll do what they do: get married, have a baby quickly and then promptly get divorced. See: Frankel, Bethenny; Moore, Kenya; Park, Phaedra ... 6 Link to comment
itsadryheat September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, mostlylurking said: You know for all Tinsley’s faults the way Dorinda went after her only succeeded in making Tinsley more sympathetic than ever. Like before all this, I liked Tinsley but I really didn’t care. Now, I am 100% pro-Tinsley. I honestly don't know how she tolerated the shit she received from the arrogant axis of evil. Disrespected by Sonia, used and dismissed by above it all Carol, and Dorinda's vicious harassment and abuse. Has anyone been portrayed as a sincere co-worker? Talk about having a bad job. Edited September 11, 2020 by itsadryheat 16 Link to comment
LibertarianSlut September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 I couldn’t care less what Heather Thomson has to say about this group with her big creepy grin. It’s all bullshit and spin. I’d much rather hear from Jill, and that’s saying a lot. 20 Link to comment
Kiss my mutt September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 (edited) I in no way, shape, or form want to see Heather Thompson on NY again which means she’ll probably be recast. Tinsley needs to leave her nose alone. It was minuscule before, now it’s almost nonexistent. I’m not sure she can even breath out of it and it looks out of proportion but good for her for showing up and exposing Dorinda. Dorinda feels a lot of shame for hanging her hat on fat, boorish John who has to stoop to asking her arch enemy’s fiancée for money which was just another slap in her face that she “ain’t in Kansas anymore” hobnobbing with the rich and famous on the arm of someone well connected. I thought Ramona looked terrible on the reunion though she looked great during the season. The only dress I liked was Luann’s but she always seems to get it right. I hate virtue signaling in general but I was totally with Leah about Ramona’s ambivalence and Carelessness surrounding the virus. Another, rules, don’t apply to me which is typical Ramona. I did like her better this season overall though Edited September 11, 2020 by Kiss my mutt 10 Link to comment
Popular Post Jextella September 11, 2020 Popular Post Share September 11, 2020 (edited) 21 hours ago, Axie said: It always bothers me when women act towards men the way Tinsley acts towards Scott. She has to prove her worth while all he has to do is show up. I never picked up Scott requiring Tinsley to do anything. She didn't have to dress a certain way, have a certain kind of job, etc. What I "heard" is that he wouldn't leave Chicago and didn't want to be part of the show. I guess in a way, he chose these things over Tinsley, but I'm not sure I can blame him. He had a LOT to lose if things didn't work out. Far more than Tinsley. And, maybe he didn't want to be part of the show because there's not a good track record for couples on the RH shows and he really wanted their reslationship to work. I don't think we've every gotten the full story from Tinsley, so who knows, but I don't see her kowtowing to his demands in any way. And who knows if the relationship will last. I hope for the best for both of them, but ya never know. I think Tinsley isn't the best verbal communicator and things sometimes come out in ways that she doesn't intend. Edited September 12, 2020 by Jextella Typo 26 Link to comment
heatherchandler September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 21 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said: I get their point but was Ramona just supposed to sit in a corner? God forbid she showed herself dancing Seriously! I know people were dying and yes it is scary and awful, but it is not good for anyone's mental health to sit around crying all day. Dance away! Live life, it's short. 21 hours ago, ichbin said: Let me guess. Was Leah virtue signaling during that same time frame? The VIRTUE SIGNALING was out of control! It makes me sick, it is so pathetic. It's basically saying, "I'm a good person, you are a bad person. Look at all of the good I do!" 🤮 20 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said: Dorinda and Leah are not concerned about public health. They have a problem with Ramona. I’m actually a little disturbed about how much they want to take away her liberty. It’s not normal for people to be in isolation for half a year. I don’t think it’s safe either. Ramona should rock on with her bad self, and whoever wants to quarantine should quarantine. It’s so creepy to me that Leah and Dorinda act like they were dispatched directly from the CDC. No one knows enough about this virus to tell people they have to stay home, not even the experts. <goosechills> regarding their control issues. Absolutely! 20 hours ago, goofygirl said: Sonja and her "young viewers"...... REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY...... She thinks that people LOOK UP TO HER!?? Seriously delusional. And remember - she is a gay icon! 20 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said: The plot thickens. We now know (kinda sorta) where all the Dorinda vitriol toward Tinsley came from! That made watching the reunion worth the price of admission. Wowwww. I am so glad they showed that footage from season 11!!! This is so satisfying. Dorinda is freaking crazy and it’s all right there in the open! I can’t remember last time we had such a smoking gun on a Housewives show. Maybe this is the most exciting thing that’s happened since “it’s about Tom.” Dorinda doesn’t remember it, and that’s why we have cameras and mics, lol! She is caught red handed. This is not good, this is great. Talk about digging your own grave... Why don't they show more of THAT? That is what I want to see. I don't want to see Leah talking about her vagina. 2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said: In the Never Before Seen/Scene Cabaret Run-Through, Leah said something vulgar about female reproductive organs. Quelle surprise. What did she say? She's disgusting. 1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said: Many women have left this show of their own volition. Carole? Heather? Were any of them fired? Bethenny? There have to be women who left the show on their own volition and weren't fired. So why do they all get a pass but Tinsley doesn't? A lot of them only have opportunities because of RHONY. So? They can still leave. RHONY isn't prison. I take it with a grain of salt but Bethanny used to brag that she was the only housewife in history to quit, everyone else was fired/not asked to return. This was before Tinsley left mid-season, which was obviously her decision. 1 17 Link to comment
AuntieDiane6 September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 Quote Has no one recognized the pain threshold Leah must have? Tattoos hurt! And those wings tattooed on her nether region had to have REALLLLLY hurt! In a few years, those wings will look like bizarre veins or stringy strands of hair. 13 Link to comment
Popular Post izabella September 11, 2020 Popular Post Share September 11, 2020 (edited) 7 minutes ago, Jextella said: I never picked up Scott requiring Tinsley to do anything. She didn't have to dress a certain way, have a certain kind of job, etc. What I "heard" is that he wouldn't leave Chicago and didn't want to be part of the show. I guess in a way, he chose those things over Tinsley but I'm not sure I can blame him. He had a LOT to lose if things didn't work out. Far less than Tinsley. And, maybe he didn't want to be part of the show because there's not a good track record for couples on the RH shows and he really wanted their reslationship to work. I think Tinsley isn't the best verbal communicator and things sometimes come out in ways that she didn't intend. I don't think we've every gotten the full story from Tinsley, so who knows. Thank you, because I've been puzzled throughout this thread about what Scott "required" Tinsley do for him. He had hard boundaries about where he would live and about this show. Tinsley was free to make her own choices after he was clear about his thoughts and feelings. Tinsley was also free to have hard boundaries of her own, like she would never leave this show, for example. After going back and forth and breaking up and getting back together a few times, they both figured out how they felt about their situation and made their choices. Anyway, I don't blame her for leaving NY. What does she have there except this show on which Dorinda has been treating her like crap, as has Sonja? Tinsley can make the leap and move to Chicago easily. If it doesn't work out, she can move back any time, wherever "back" is for Tinsley. She already has the money to do what she wants when she wants! But she wants a man in her life to do it with, and she sees something in Scott. I fail to see the problem. But, I only pay attention to Tinsley on this show, so maybe there's stuff I missed off the show. Edited September 11, 2020 by izabella 29 Link to comment
Hangin Out September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 10 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said: Did I miss hearing why Scott gave money to John? I don't think John is hurting for money, right? I didn’t hear or see anything either. How did they become friends all of a sudden to give John money? Did they have some sort of deal going on? It sounds weird to me, as those two men don’t seem to be on the same wave length. Since when, and how did we not know? Anything shady going on? Plus, why did Dorinda get so crazy? They aren’t married that she should tell him what to do. There’s something we don’t know. 1 2 Link to comment
KnoxForPres September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 5 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said: Dorinda displays common addictive traits...denial, anger, drinks too much, and deflection. Tinsley isn't perfect..but the anger from Dorinda was uncalled for..and that season 11 flashback scene was scary. Is Leah liked? I'm getting mixed signals from her. If she is well liked, I can see the show casting around her..but if she isn't that liked..than the show will veer into BH territory. Maybe future seasons will have less drinking because drunk people young and old don't make for entertainment. I’m in no way professing to have some insider Bravo knowledge and could be wrong but based on podcasts I’ve listened to yes, she is very well liked. I felt Andy’s reaction and Paulson/Oliver quotes support that theory. Which all of that comes as a bit of a surprise to me. Didn’t Ramona say something along the lines of (I need to take notes- my memory!) that Mario doesn’t stimulate her? Come the fuck on, R. You’d take him back in a New York minute. Really wish she’d just have sold out with a lame “it’s complicated” over that garbage. Luanne’s legs are incredible. Her body in general is. I too didn’t sit quite right with Tinsley’s talk of her relationship. While pickings do get harder as we get older (I speak from experience) I would like to hear more of a natural ease at how they are doing during the lockdown instead of....what we got. I do want to be wrong on that- I want her to have happiness. 9 Link to comment
BrownBear2012 September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said: I wonder if Lu asked Scott for money, too, so that she could buy that huge house. Tinsley would have kept that private as well. Seems like some of these women use their on air relationships as a personal ATM. No wonder Scott didn't want to be a part of filming...he got hit up by John and probably only met him once or twice. 4 7 Link to comment
BrownBear2012 September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 15 minutes ago, izabella said: Thank you, because I've been puzzled throughout this thread about what Scott "required" Tinsley do for him. He had hard boundaries about where he would live and about this show. Tinsley was free to make her own choices after he was clear about his thoughts and feelings. Tinsley was also free to have hard boundaries of her own, like she would never leave this show, for example. After going back and forth and breaking up and getting back together a few times, they both figured out how they felt about their situation and made their choices. Anyway, I don't blame her for leaving NY. What does she have there except this show on which Dorinda has been treating her like crap, as has Sonja? Tinsley can make the leap and move to Chicago easily. If it doesn't work out, she can move back any time, wherever "back" is for Tinsley. She already has the money to do what she wants when she wants! But she wants a man in her life to do it with, and she sees something in Scott. I fail to see the problem. But, I only pay attention to Tinsley on this show, so maybe there's stuff I missed off the show. Nope! You are spot on with everything you said. Any of these other shrews would give anything to have a man in their life that loves them. They would move in a heartbeat if they had the same situation...look how fast they all flew out of New York and headed to Florida and elsewhere during the peak of the pandemic in NYC. 1 hour ago, biakbiak said: It’s at the end before they show the clip of Dorinda screaming at John on the phone. I wish I could get that up on YouTube or somewhere else...that was unreal. Dorinda is the type of person who is so obnoxious and mean that she deserves to have a drink poured over her head or in her face every time she goes on one of rants at someone solely for the purpose of being a bitch. 8 Link to comment
Chicklet September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 There is really something wrong with Dorinda if she can see those clips and deny they were shown. Or she didn't watch the reunion and then I still stand by that something is really wrong with her, other than being a drunk. 20 Link to comment
BrownBear2012 September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 20 hours ago, 65mickey said: Yeah that really cleared it up. I hope this is explored some more next week because it makes no sense to me why this would cause Dorinda to go ballistic. Oh I could see it...Dorinda is a control freak. She's the kind of person that needs to be in control in her relationships. John may have gone to Tinsley about his financial situation wanting to get a loan from Scott and didn't tell Dorinda because, well, it's Dorinda and perhaps John asked Tinsley nshe's just an awful human being.ot to say anything to Dorinda...she went all Tony Soprano on him over the phone and then held a grudge against Tinsley for not asking her about it and going straight to Scott. Everything MUST be approved by Dorinda. I really wonder what her and Richard were like together...did she behave in this aggressive controlling way with him? Or did she change after his death...she's just an awful human being...bitter, mean, caustic and cruel. 11 Link to comment
BlueHawk September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 Lets see: LOVED Tinsley's ball gown! Fits her "fairy tale princess" story perfectly! On the other hand Hated Leahs getup. " I question the taste level" (tm Nina Garcia) Her go to formal wear seems to be bathing suit with some clingy or sheer fabric pinned around it. Messy messy messy-- with the gloves ect. Sonja did look exceptionally good esp. considering how she appeared all this season. Don't remember what she wore but did like her hair. Ramona's boob inserts are too large, too high, & the wrong shape. She was wearing her hair...(& some sort of dress?) Luann is --at least to me-- absolutely the most gorgeous woman across all the franchises. She's a natural beauty with great bone structure and a strong lean body. If she has had any work done it's not obvious which makes her stand out against the other pretty women say on BH. I think I like her hair better a bit shorter. She wore legs & not a lot else... Dorinda (& her alter "Demon") wore something sparkly ---flashy light does something to corral Demon since it didn't make a full appearance. We did see Demon in a flashback to that phone call ! Dear Lord the viciousness spewed! The twisted features! Beyond nasty. & that demon is nourished by alcohol. When pain causes this much awful the need for outside help is obvious-- firing her was so very necessary. Hope she takes the note. 21 Link to comment
RedDelicious September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 1 hour ago, DeeplyShallow said: I wasn’t looking to you or anyone to validate my opinion. Jesus I was trying to be nice. 6 Link to comment
biakbiak September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 9 minutes ago, Chicklet said: There is really something wrong with Dorinda if she can see those clips and deny they were shown. Or she didn't watch the reunion and then I still stand by that something is really wrong with her, other than being a drunk. I really do wonder if she has some cognitive issues. She did some video recaps this season and after the episode where they went to the Vineyard and she was crying about the breakup with John and how he would always have a seat at her table she insisted that she and John had not broken up and that women all just leaped to conclusions because of the Page Six article. It was so bizarre that she refused to acknowledge what was shown. 1 1 7 Link to comment
bosawks September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 13 minutes ago, Chicklet said: There is really something wrong with Dorinda if she can see those clips and deny they were shown. Or she didn't watch the reunion and then I still stand by that something is really wrong with her, other than being a drunk. Temporary amnesia or black-out drunk? po-tay-to, po-tah-to...... 6 3 Link to comment
Chicklet September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 Potato, early dementia, personality disorder, whichever. Or she's just a detestable human being? 14 Link to comment
malibu September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 I didn't see this mentioned but did anyone notice at the beginning when Ramona had her clear plastic mask on and she tried to drink from a straw?! It was a pretty funny quick clip that I wish they had stayed on a little longer!! Don't ever change, Moaner! Other than that, all I can say is that Dorinda is a nasty, mean-spirited deflector who should really get professional help for her anger management issues and possible substance abuse. I hope someone leaks the whole video of that scary phone call with John one day. That was insane. Team Tinsley all the way! 23 Link to comment
bichonblitz September 11, 2020 Share September 11, 2020 9 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said: She continued to deny it on Twitter last night after the show aired. "There was no clip or they would have shown it" she said. What a nut. There was a clip and they did show it! This woman is certifiable. 16 Link to comment
heavysnaxx September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 (edited) 19 hours ago, film noire said: My devious-perhaps-not-likely-but-OMG-so-juicy-speculative backstory: In the last twenty-four months, Dorinda's been bleeding cash - spending too much money on high end free range roast chicken - rare white birds from Columbia - she was getting drunk and throwing cash at wings and breasts like a coke lord at Vegas, getting all Scarface at her local deli -"SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!" - and then the money ran out, and the chicken carcasses piled up, and she went to John for help, and he didn't have the cash to save her, so he went looking to make good on her chicken debts, and he ended up taking money from Tinsley's man, and Dorinda found out - in MIAMI! - and called John ("You don't run game behind my back, ever. I don't want you to talk to Scott. He's not your friend. When I say to you don't do something, you better fucking well listen.") and like all emotional mobsters, she can't forgive the person who sees her for who she really is - a financial fraud, a drunk and a bully - and now Dorinda owes Tinsley all the chicken, but Medley ain't paying nobody no chicken money... I want to move to Chicago and have a baby with this post. I'm nominating it for a 2020 Richard Lawson Prize for Crackerjack Creative Writing - Alternate-Reality TV Show. Observations: -I believe Dorinda showed up at her local deli waving a spatch-cocked bird under each arm, yelling, "MAKE IT NICE FOR MY LITTLE FRIENDS!" and dripping jus everywhere. -Some are saying (me, here) that Blue Stone Manor may have been built on counterfeit-chicken money - Dorinda's long been trafficking in fake Bresse chickens, to be exact, by buying up Pak 'n Save birds, painting their legs blue, and passing them off as privately imported chickens from France. "Blue Stone Manor" actually stands for "BSM," or "Bresse Suckers' Money." Image: A Bresse chicken with the telltale blue legs. OR IS IT??? Edited September 12, 2020 by heavysnaxx 11 1 Link to comment
LibertarianSlut September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 Upon rewatch, two things stood out to me so clearly that I’m shocked I didn’t pick up on them the first time: The fat gathered up around the top/sides of Sonja’s boobs/underarms was so distracting that it literally rendered it impossible for me to look at her face and/or notice her facelift. This isn’t a comment on her body as much as it’s a comment on her poor styling. Leah was not only sitting in the pimp seat right next to Andy, but she commanded about 1/2 to 2/3s of the first installment. If this is a harbinger of next season, I am not saying I am going to be out, but I will be pissed. I don’t give a witch’s tit what John Oliver and Sarah Paulson allegedly said—bitch is funky and I don’t want her on my screen. 23 Link to comment
njbchlover September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 (edited) 6 hours ago, MaggieG said: Well the last 5 minutes were way more entertaining than the 2 BH reunion episodes. Worth the price of admission. I remember seeing that quick clip in the season 11 preview but it was never aired. I'm so glad they aired it and I'm glad Tinsley brought it up. It did seem that Dorinda started having an issue later in the season with Tinsley. That would track with her finding out about the money loan in Miami. The fact that production felt they needed to remove Tinsley from the house because they feared for her safety, speaks volumes. Dorinda's deflecting was on full display again. Gets asked about her drinking, immediately talks about how she doesn't go out every night like Ramona. Who wants to bet that in part 2 or 3 Do is going to bring up Lu's arrest? Even when Sonja was discussing how the "water pill" caused her to get wasted (which I don't believe for one second) Dorinda had to make sure everyone knew she took the same pill and it doesn't affect her. I really don't get why Sonja keeps defending her. I would be happy if she's gone from next season too. I'm not interesting in watching her stumble around in a drunken stupor. Bring on part 2! When I heard Dorinda say she takes the same water pill as Sonja, I thought for sure that Dorinda would infer that perhaps that is the reason for her own crazy drunken behaviors and tirades. She actually could have given herself a perfect "out", if you will, by saying that the same thing that happens to Sonja must be happening to her. Unless, of course, Dorinda knows for sure what we all suspect - that Sonja's full of shit were that is concerned. 6 hours ago, Axie said: It always bothers me when women act towards men the way Tinsley acts towards Scott. She has to prove her worth while all he has to do is show up. Tinsley was raised by an old-fashioned, conventional Southern Mama - that is probably what she has been told from the time she could comprehend words. Edited September 12, 2020 by njbchlover 7 Link to comment
Hangin Out September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 21 hours ago, Pondlass1 said: They all looked more comfy than the glammed up idiots on BH but Tinsley is so pretty and those heavy fake eyelashes are so awful. I watched 5 minutes of BH, then switched. They are so pretentious, you can’t identify with them. The makeup, clothes, hair are too much. The N.Y. housewives are real, are not afraid to fall on the ground, have bed head, walk around in pajamas, no makeup, everything. They are not ashamed to show weakness. Since Chicago, Erika’s face is frozen, like a porcelain doll. 1 19 Link to comment
njbchlover September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 6 hours ago, ivygirl said: I watched early this morning and thought it appropriate that, while Dorinda was on one of her Deflect-athons, the garbage truck showed up and instead of hearing her tirade, I heard the dulcet sounds of the dump. Count me in with those who could have done without the ten minutes of COVID shaming. I get as upset at people misbehaving and taking stupid risks as anyone (and I live in a highly impacted area myself), but shaming Ramona for her silly in-house family videos—when so many others were doing the same thing—was completely over the top. COVID is a serious matter—but it’s also unhealthy to doomscroll and otherwise keep yourself in a completely negative mindset. I’m not a Pollyanna (you should hear the music I’ve been listening to), but I also think you need to focus on SOMETHING positive and fun or else your health goes down. Note I am not speaking of people grieving losses, or dealing with illness. Or even about taking this whole thing seriously and doing everything you can to soberly care for yourself, those you love, and by extension your community. Just that in general, as we try to cope, we need occasional encouragement as well as a little fun and distraction. And speaking of shaming... Wow. Dorinda. Admittedly I used to find some of her antics funny, but season by season she’s gotten worse, and this season she was SO horrible. If Tinsley was like “a mint in her mouth” or whatever, she must have been an Altoid because apparently that mint really overpowered her. And did nothing to clean up her foul mouth. I also caught LuAnn’s comment about Leah being “younger, but a mom like us.” Another dig at Tinsley and Carole? She could have also said “younger, but she has a mug shot like I do.” I’m also kind of over the dissection of why people choose to get married. None of them actually care about Tinsley, so why make a fuss over her being with Scott? I mean I have my assumptions about why they do, but it just looks petty. The berating of Denise about whatever she did or didn’t do with Brandi is worse, but both are equally tiresome. I will say, I like that they did this in person rather than Zoom style. And I agree with whoever mentioned the rugs! What a weird arrangement. They spent all that time decorating the set; surely they could have found a more elegant solution than what they produced. On a completely separate note, My sincerest condolences, @thesupremediva1. I wish I could give your post 1000 more "hearts" - that is how much I like and agree with all of it, especially about Covid-shaming. And, to @thesupremediva1 - my thoughts and prayers to you!! ❤️ 10 Link to comment
For Cereals September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 I’m wondering if Leah’s anger with Ramona was less about masks and cutesy videos and more about Ramona’s political leanings. Just like Leah couldn’t quite drunkenly articulate her anger over the symbolism of tiki torches, though I can’t see Ramona having enough awareness to plant them as Easter eggs vs. just liking the way they looked around her pool. I get why Leah wore the dress, but I didn’t like the dress. I think Sonja looked so much better in her quarantine talking heads vs the reunion. 9 Link to comment
njbchlover September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 5 hours ago, film noire said: So what, exactly, did Scott "generously" help John with? Madam Paulette? Personal debt? A messy mix of both? Did John go to Scott after Dorinda refused to help John (or could not help him?) Inquiring minds want to know! I never thought of that, but maybe that's the plausible reason, right there!! Dorinda may have refused a loan to John and Scott may have floated him some cash. Of course that would cause Dorinda to go completely off the rails, especially if she didn't know about it until it was a done deal! Great thinking @film noire!! 5 hours ago, film noire said: And thanks, Tinsley, for bringing old school "Dominick Dunne for Vanity Fair"gossip to this reunion... OMG!! Dominick Dunne (RIP) - the MASTER at UES gossip! I used to read him in Vanity Fair, and have all of his books on my Kindle - I re-read them from time to time! Would love to see what his thoughts would have been about these crazy ladies! 15 Link to comment
Bluesky September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 2 minutes ago, For Cereals said: I’m wondering if Leah’s anger with Ramona was less about masks and cutesy videos and more about Ramona’s political leanings. Just like Leah couldn’t quite drunkenly articulate her anger over the symbolism of tiki torches, though I can’t see Ramona having enough awareness to plant them as Easter eggs vs. just liking the way they looked around her pool. I get why Leah wore the dress, but I didn’t like the dress. I think Sonja looked so much better in her quarantine talking heads vs the reunion. Sonja’s talking heads have filters. She doesn’t look like that in real life. If Leah’s anger is more about Ramona’s political leanings it’s because some are following political advice on mask wearing and not health professionals. That enrages a lot of people. The ticki torch thing was immature drunken shit, it could have been balloons and Leah would have tried to destroy them. All for the cameras. 10 Link to comment
For Cereals September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 5 minutes ago, Bluesky said: Sonja’s talking heads have filters. She doesn’t look like that in real life. If Leah’s anger is more about Ramona’s political leanings it’s because some are following political advice on mask wearing and not health professionals. That enrages a lot of people. The ticki torch thing was immature drunken shit, it could have been balloons and Leah would have tried to destroy them. All for the cameras. But she still looked better... I don’t disagree on the mask issue. Yes, she probably would’ve gone HAM on whatever was available but she was trying to explain to Tinsley why tiki torches were so awful. 2 Link to comment
njbchlover September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 2 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said: In a few years, those wings will look like bizarre veins or stringy strands of hair. YUP!!! I always say this about tattoos - a rosebud on a 20-something breast will be a long stem rose on a 75 year old breast. Be careful with your tattoo placement!! 11 Link to comment
bichonblitz September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said: Leah was not only sitting in the pimp seat right next to Andy, but she commanded about 1/2 to 2/3s of the first installment. If this is a harbinger of next season, I am not saying I am going to be out, but I will be pissed. I don’t give a witch’s tit what John Oliver and Sarah Paulson allegedly said—bitch is funky and I don’t want her on my screen. She was given way too much "talk time". First of all, these women did not all like her from the get as they are pretending they did. Sonja at first and Ramona still don't like her, Lu was condescending about her apartment. Somehow the tide has turned and she has become the new darling of the NY show so they all decided to kiss her ass now. I don't think there a thing that is clever, funny or smart about her. I have a feeling this show is going to come back with a younger cast and the old ladies are super paranoid about it so hence the ass kissing. Also, Leah, lose the gloves. We have seen it on you all season. We have all taken note of your repetitive, edgy fashion statement. Edited September 12, 2020 by bichonblitz 1 2 19 Link to comment
Neurochick September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 (edited) 14 hours ago, ChitChat said: Ramona wasn't the only one that fled NYC! I remember reading that many New Yorkers headed to Florida, thus causing a problem in that state. They were even turning people away trying to enter the state. My family is in Florida and I live in a neighboring state and I couldn't cross the state line either. If a person traveled knowingly having Covid-19, then yes, that irks me, but for those who wanted out of NYC before it got really bad, or who just needed a bigger space to quarantine in, well, I don't blame them for that. YMMV. And I am very sorry to those who lost loved ones and friends to this terrible disease. It is a scary time. And my heart goes out to everybody who hasn't been able to visit with family in a really long time. I'm in the same boat with you many of you on that one. Here's hoping that things will start to turn around and get better soon. The irony is that as the cases in NYC lessened, the cases in Florida increased and then people wanted to come back to NYC. You can run but you can't hide. The Dorinda/John/Scott/Tinsley issue is straight from a plot of the UK show "Mistresses." The husband of one of the friends went bankrupt, then he went behind his wife's back and borrowed money from one of her good friends, telling her that it was for IVF, when in reality it was for a business venture. When the wife found out, she got pissed at her friend and that relationship ended. Dorinda's problem is called "Alcoholism." Dorinda, queen of Denial. I did not like the "COVID shaming" from Leah to Ramona. I am sure that Ramona, like most reality stars, has Instagram followers and she has to constantly post to keep herself relevant. Her followers probably expect certain things from her and she delivers. Ramona acting silly and keeping things light on Instagram is probably what her fans want to see. Edited September 12, 2020 by Neurochick 1 13 Link to comment
Jextella September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 3 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said: I wish I could get that up on YouTube or somewhere else...that was unreal. Dorinda is the type of person who is so obnoxious and mean that she deserves to have a drink poured over her head or in her face every time she goes on one of rants at someone solely for the purpose of being a bitch. For your viewing pleasure. The second video is Dorinda mistaking a black man for a waiter in a restaurant. 4 Link to comment
ichbin September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said: Upon rewatch, two things stood out to me so clearly that I’m shocked I didn’t pick up on them the first time: The fat gathered up around the top/sides of Sonja’s boobs/underarms was so distracting that it literally rendered it impossible for me to look at her face and/or notice her facelift. This isn’t a comment on her body as much as it’s a comment on her poor styling. Leah was not only sitting in the pimp seat right next to Andy, but she commanded about 1/2 to 2/3s of the first installment. If this is a harbinger of next season, I am not saying I am going to be out, but I will be pissed. I don’t give a witch’s tit what John Oliver and Sarah Paulson allegedly said—bitch is funky and I don’t want her on my screen. Sonja also had a weird strand of hair across her forehead at one point that drove me crazy, but yeah, that dress had a very poor fit and did nothing to flatter her chest. I usually listen to a few RHoNY podcasts and have been amazed by the positive reception some of the hosts have given Leah, but then I remember some of the other things they have talked about and realize they are full of it about many other things too. If the prime focus is on Leah, family & friends in the future I do believe I am out. 1 hour ago, For Cereals said: I’m wondering if Leah’s anger with Ramona was less about masks and cutesy videos and more about Ramona’s political leanings. I've read some things about Leah's political views that were certainly not what I had expected. Here's one: Who knows what's true and I am not interested enough to do a deep dive. 1 4 Link to comment
hoodooznoodooz September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 2 hours ago, malibu said: I didn't see this mentioned but did anyone notice at the beginning when Ramona had her clear plastic mask on and she tried to drink from a straw?! It was a pretty funny quick clip. I rewound because I saw that, too! I think she tried TWICE to drink from the straw while wearing the plastic mask. 4 3 Link to comment
ivygirl September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 1 hour ago, njbchlover said: I wish I could give your post 1000 more "hearts" - that is how much I like and agree with all of it, especially about Covid-shaming. Thank you! 🙂 3 hours ago, bichonblitz said: There was a clip and they did show it! This woman is certifiable. Someone should edit her “CLIP! CLIP! CLIP!” together with that clip... 8 Link to comment
BrownBear2012 September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 55 minutes ago, Jextella said: For your viewing pleasure. The second video is Dorinda mistaking a black man for a waiter in a restaurant. O dear god...I forgot about the restaurant faux pas...she is the epitome of white privilege. And that was the Dorinda that was tolerable at the time. 8 Link to comment
MBJ September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 (edited) I've been refreshing YouTube hoping for a video, but I didn't think to check Twitter! Good ol' Twitter! Dorinda screaming on the phone at John: "You don't run game behind my back, ever. I don't want you to talk to Scott. He's not your friend. So when I say to you, 'Don't do something', You better fucking well (?) listen." Video: Her face: Edited September 12, 2020 by Ms Blue Jay 2 9 Link to comment
BrownBear2012 September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 53 minutes ago, ichbin said: Sonja also had a weird strand of hair across her forehead at one point that drove me crazy, but yeah, that dress had a very poor fit and did nothing to flatter her chest. I usually listen to a few RHoNY podcasts and have been amazed by the positive reception some of the hosts have given Leah, but then I remember some of the other things they have talked about and realize they are full of it about many other things too. If the prime focus is on Leah, family & friends in the future I do believe I am out. I've read some things about Leah's political views that were certainly not what I had expected. Here's one: Who knows what's true and I am not interested enough to do a deep dive. Leah isn't all that well far as I know she didn't go to college and it sounded like her teen years were a muddled mess of rehabs, running away, a stint in a convent, an arrest, etc. etc...I wouldn't be looking at her for a refined, sophisticated perspective on world history or events. She is street smart and seems to have a very diverse group of friends and acquaintances. 4 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said: I've been refreshing YouTube hoping for a video, but I didn't htink to check Twitter! Good ol' Twitter! Dorinda screaming on the phone at John: "You don't run game behind my back, ever. I don't want you to talk to Scott. He's not your friend. So when I say to you, 'Don't do something', You better fucking well (?) listen." Video: Her face: Yikes!!! She's more Carmella Soprano than Tony Soprano in this clip. 4 Link to comment
ivygirl September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 20 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said: I've been refreshing YouTube hoping for a video, but I didn't think to check Twitter! Good ol' Twitter! Dorinda screaming on the phone at John: "You don't run game behind my back, ever. I don't want you to talk to Scott. He's not your friend. So when I say to you, 'Don't do something', You better fucking well (?) listen." Video: Her face: “I believe half of what I hear in life and all of what I see,” indeed... 8 3 Link to comment
itsadryheat September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 During the reunions, when Andy reads questions from "the audience", does anyone know if those are authentic "audience" questions or Shady Andy questions. Where would a member of the vast Bravo "audience" submit a reunion question? Text Andy? Stalk a producer? Gave up on the Bravo website years ago when they ditched the blogs, so maybe the on that? 3 Link to comment
biakbiak September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 5 minutes ago, itsadryheat said: Where would a member of the vast Bravo "audience" submit a reunion question? Text Andy? Stalk a producer? Gave up on the Bravo website years ago when they ditched the blogs, so maybe the on that? They ask for comments on Twitter and Facebook. 2 Link to comment
Jextella September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 (edited) 16 hours ago, ichbin said: Sonja also had a weird strand of hair across her forehead at one point that drove me crazy, but yeah, that dress had a very poor fit and did nothing to flatter her chest. I usually listen to a few RHoNY podcasts and have been amazed by the positive reception some of the hosts have given Leah, but then I remember some of the other things they have talked about and realize they are full of it about many other things too. If the prime focus is on Leah, family & friends in the future I do believe I am out. I've read some things about Leah's political views that were certainly not what I had expected. Here's one: Who knows what's true and I am not interested enough to do a deep dive. We don't see much of the RH women expressing political or social views during their shows. It's only off-camera that we hear things. I really do like Leah on the show but her blathering outside the show spills over to how I receive her on the show. She's making it really, really hard to like her. And after coming to the conclusion that she is a lot like Dorinda - my way or the highway, super judgmental, and a bit of a bully (Dorinda punches people in the face; Leah punches people on social media) - I don't think I can say I'm on the Leah bandwagon regardless of how entertaining she can be. Leah was really well received in her inaugural season. It was easy to stand out given the difference in age and lifestyle with the others. It will be interesting to see how she does with women closer in age, more successful, different points of view, etc. Luanne gave Leah the golden ticket in the last episode. She pointed to Dorinda and said "That's what happens when you don't grow." I feel Leah would do well to heed that advice. Edited September 12, 2020 by Jextella 10 Link to comment
hoodooznoodooz September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 5 hours ago, heatherchandler said: I don't want to see Leah talking about her vagina. What did she say? She's disgusting. After Lu and Sonja “joke” that they are going to get married, Leah stands up and says, “I have an objection... I thought that I was going to get to taste your p- - -y. And if you get married, then I can’t do that.” It was a non sequitur and contrived. She was trying to shock people. 5 Link to comment
Bronzedog September 12, 2020 Share September 12, 2020 3 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said: After Lu and Sonja “joke” that they are going to get married, Leah stands up and says, “I have an objection... I thought that I was going to get to taste your p- - -y. And if you get married, then I can’t do that.” It was a non sequitur and contrived. She was trying to shock people. Have we ever seen Leah and Brandi Granville in the same room? They may be the same person. 18 5 Link to comment
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