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S10.E17: Reunion Part I

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13 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I agree....they are super pissed that the viewers are against them, yet again.  The same thing happened last year with LVP, and now, it's happening again.  They are nervous and scared that they may have played their trump card and lost the game (their diamonds/jobs).

You know what - I'd be happy to see a RHOBH season with LVP, Sutton, Garcelle, Denise and a couple of new women.  I'd like to see LVP and Sutton try to outdo each other and I'd like to see them both snarking on Denise and her laidback lifestyle/fashion sense.

SO MUCH THIS! I am not watching orange county anymore.... can't stand the majority of the players left. Vile Kyle, boring Teddi, and desperate anorexic Rhinna need to go. Your above cast would be fantastic and I would watch.

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2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

ETA:  Didn't we see something like this before on other Housewives' shows?  I seem to recall something like this on RHOA.  I could be wrong though.  

Yes, it was between Kenya and Nene.  They had a bet or something, can't really remember how they got there, but both said they would give the Detroit Public School system 25K each.  Kenya did and as far as I know, Nene never did. 

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33 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I would love to be described as "bony." I used to be bony as a child but I have reached my adult weight, it is not bad but I will never again be bony. 

Dorit and Rinna probably do not eat much and have conditioned themselves to not even want to eat, it does make me wonder if that might mess with their daughters eating habits and the way they think about themselves.

I think Rinna is likely naturally very thin, but Dorit looks like she's lost some weight in her face & underarm area which is concerning because she doesn't have extra to lose! I think they both have great figures, but the change in Dorit makes me hope she's not eating less than she should... ❤️ 

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I only have to picture Lisa and Denise when they were sitting on the couch (the you are so angry convo) to have my answers to all my questions.  Rinna looked like an old, over botoxed hag in mom jeans and Denise looked like the spectacular stunner she is (yes, she can have rough moments, but she is a beautiful woman).  It's just green eyed jealousy all day long.  Denise has the look and the career that Rinna wishes she had.  Period.  

As far as Kyle's look - I judge looks differently.  Screw the current trends.  Yes, Kyle could have stepped out of Knott's Landing, but it was a BEAUTIFUL look on her.  The color, the hair giving height to a short girl, everything.  I thought she looked fantastic.

Erica also looked good, but for what she pays, she better. 

Garcelle is a gorgeous woman, and I liked the outfit, but her hair is her glory and it was short and squashed.  

Dorit - shut up, you talk to much.

Teddi who?

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3 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

Idk about you guys but I know I spend a lot of my BH viewing wondering what Dorit’s actual hair looks like. I don’t think we’ve seen it in her 5 or whatever seasons. Even the others take out their extensions sometimes or like Denise/Sutton, just wear their hair as is. 😂

Yes. In that yearbook photo, her hair is VERY curly. Tight, tiny curls. I wonder if she damaged it with chemicals and irons trying to straighten it. Most, if not all, of her wigs/extensions now feature straight or smooth hair. 

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Also, I can't stand Teddi but I thought her hair was fabulous.

Also, they have no real way of knowing whether or not Sami was at some point bugged by the threesome talk, regardless of whether Denise has been caught in lies about other shit, so they should really shut up about it. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Interesting that Rinna was yelling “gaslighting.” She was one of those sucked into LVP’s manipulation - doing her dirty work regarding Yolanda and regretting it later. Rinna probably studied up on common npd tactics after that season, maybe even thought how useful those tactics could be - but I’ll bet she has no clue that she’s always used them herself. 

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Dang, Erika almost gave us a Sharon Stone-Basic Instinct moment.  After pantygate, one would think she would wear something besides a tight, short dress and be filmed from the front.  Having said that, I think she looked the best.  I loved her dress, and her whole look, rocked.

I thought Kyle looked ridiculous.  Like who is she trying to channel?  LVP?  Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra?  Queen Bee?  I think I am just sick of seeing her tits out.  Ugh.  Stop.  It says a lot about Kyle that she didn't give Garcelle the benefit of the doubt about the donation.  Mistakes happen.  No, Kyle wanted to throw her best punch and hope it landed somewhere.  She pretends to not hold grudges, but she is lying to herself.  This was a classic situation of Kyle "getting even."  

Sutton looked good.  Her dress made sense and was very pretty.  I've decided I like Sutton and hope she comes back.  I laughed when she said she had a small disdain for Teddi's clothes.  Clothes wear Teddi, and not the other way around.  Keep her in a romper, she looks her best there.  Not that Sutton has a whole lot of room to talk.  She has worn some real zingers.

Dorit looked fabulous, I loved her dress.  It appeared to be chainmail. 

Garcelle looked fine, but she seems to favor these button up, lapel type dresses.  I personally didn't like her hair (wig) style.  It just didn't seem to do anything for her. 

From a neutral point of view, Rinna looked good.  I hate her so much though, it's hard to stay neutral.  Who the fuck died and made her judge and jury over Denise?  I would think that any friendship they had is dead in the water.  With friends like Rinna, who needs friends.  If they would shut up and actually let Denise speak, they may get somewhere, but they talk over her, she finally clams up, and it's the usual stalemate.  She named her hair Joan Crawford, so she could become that persona.  Like when she wore the Erika Jane outfit on Halloween, and the persona gave her the strength to confront Kim.  What a weird fuck she is.

Denise looks like she rolled out of bed and threw on the easiest dressy thing she could find.  What was up with the really dark smudges she had under her eyes?  At some point she decided to get stoned and I don't blame her. 

Andy looked the worst, he looked really pale.




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Not sure when this reunion was filmed, but this is not the first that I have heard about Kyle’s accusation of the charity not receiving Garcelle’s donation money – I am sure this was leaked to the rags a few months ago.

As for Kyle – she just refuses to let anyone finish a sentence, and she is completely oblivious to this fact even with a montage of all some of the times she had been shown to do this. Not only is it obnoxious, it is total disregard for any one’s point of view other than her own. And if someone does persist to make a point, she bursts into hysterics and storms off. She is too stupid to be able to have a two-way conversation that isn’t about someone kissing her arse.

Rinna and Erika were both disgusting. Rinna is the biggest gaslighter and shit stirrer of this bunch. There have been a couple of times when I have actually liked Erika this season but the last few episodes have left me completely cold with her.   

This Denise pile on continues to be bullshit. Even if she is lying and covering her tracks, they have beat this thing to death and it is not entertaining. Why the hell can’t these harpies just accept that she didn’t appreciate the conversation that was taking place at her home in front of her kids and leave it at that?? And that is perfectly reasonable! If they had been able to accept that, this entire season would have been totally different. It seems obvious to me that they were on a mission to destroy Denise when Kyle and her dumb yappy little pet Teddi brought in her secret weapon Brandy. There was simply no other reason for her and Kim to appear and for Brandy to blab about all of these things Denise allegedly said to her.

If somebody told me that the person who I found the most reasonable this season would be Dorito, I would have said they were full of poop. But here we are.

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37 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

PS: in regards to the charity donation, I've read that it's common for there to be a delay in payment with paddle auctions because people tend to forget, but that is why any organization worth a damn reaches out to donors/bidders to send reminders for their donations. Clearly, Kyle didn't have or do that. And if she did, in the 8 months since, she purposefully abstained from reaching out to Garcelle so she could bring it up during the reunion for a "Gotcha!" moment. 


Usually the organization itself does the outreach. Kyle was the host of the party, yes, so she was probably in the role that is equivalent to a co-chair. The co-chair will often make the donation ask but they are rarely responsible for the organizational outreach afterwards. Usually the development staff of an organization does that kind of work.

I'm sure that the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles has a substantial development staff and it does make me wonder if they were following up with Garcelle's business manager and not getting any response with regard to the donation. But regardless, it really wouldn't be Kyle's responsibility (generally) to do that work. 

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Obviously I have no proof but I still think Garcelle continuing to dig at Kyle was because she got the early memo along with Doorit, Lisa, Denise and Erika that this season was supposed to be about taking down Kyle and by extension Teddi, but then Kyle was able to take advantage of the aftermath of Denise's house party to flip the script.

I didn't buy Sutton's defense of the way she spoke about Teddi's pregnancy. She acknowledged that she still felt new to the group, yet felt comfortabe enough with Teddi to make snide comments about pregnancy becuase that's what she does with friends she's comfortable with? And yet Garcelle's question about money, which Garcelle says she does with friends she's comfortable with, and which was made later in the season, was out of line? And then to dismiss Teddi's tearful reaction when she even referred to herself as a mouse during her tiff with Doorit? Yeah, looks like Denise isn't the only one to keep pretending not to dislike Teddi, who seems totally onto her.

That said, I was on Sutton's side regarding Doorit being an asshole, because Doorit's always been, and always will be, a puppy-dumping, pretentious, fake-accented, comments on when people should disclose family members' deaths, grade A asshole.

Lisa and Erika being so over the top towards Denise (and I'm assuming Teddi will as well, since after the reunion Denise unfollowed those three) explains why Kyle's going to skate on being the reason Kim and Brandi were even around in the first place to spill the beans about the affair and gossip. I get why they'd be frustrated with Denise changing her story every time she opens her mouth, but FFS ladies, calm it down so we have a chance to refocus on the true root of this shitshow of a season -- Kyle playing the role of LVP (allegedly!)

I don't watch too many Bravo shows, so this is the first Zoom reunion I've experienced. HATE it. And I'm dreading the inevitable moment Jagger barges in on Doorit speaking, because her kids are just sooooo precocious.

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6 hours ago, nexxie said:

Likely Kyle hoped she wouldn’t need that bit of ammunition but, when Garcelle trashed her again, she decided to use it.

So what you're saying is, they behave like nasty 13 year old girls.

6 hours ago, OFDgal said:

I don't understand why these women don't understand by now that the viewers hate the piling-on of one person, which is spearheaded by the mean girls.   I also hate the stupid pantygate, doggiegate, etc., storylines that last a whole season and should have been over and done in 2 episodes.  I have watched RHBH since the beginning.  I stopped watching last season halfway through.  I did read this forum to see if it got any better but, of course, it didn't.  I did watch again this season because I hoped the vitriol was done once the mean girls got rid of LVP.  Nope.  It was Denise's turn.  Watching the reunion reaffirmed to me that Kyle is a sneaky bitch,  Erika is a stone cold bitch and Rinna is a toxic bitch.  Get rid of them and make this show fun again please.  I totally agree with your cast for next season NJ.  Hopefully there will be some cast changes and Rinna will be the first to go.

They create these inane, fakakta 'story lines' to deflect from the truly interesting gossip that is their real private lives. I'm sure there's plennnnnty of juicy dirt about Kyle and Mo, Erika and her arrangement with her sugar daddy husband, the grifting of Dorit and PK, the lame business of Teddi, and the relationship between Rinna and Harry. So yeah, they don't want their own 'real' lives to be aired so they make up a story line each season now, and focus our attention on that instead of the real dirt, which I'm sure is plentiful on each of these pathetic famewhores.

32 minutes ago, film noire said:

Denise is not equipped to fend off these rabid monkey bitches throwing shit at her, but that said, I think she had the line of the night: "I couldn't hear you because I was talking."  Well played, Wild Thing, well played.

I lerve you @film noire, for this and especially for 'these rabid monkey bitches'. *mwah*

Edited by gingerella
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6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Yea i didn't see your edit before I responded 🙂 I am in no way trying to paint Kyle in any light other then If it was such a big thing why not have tried to reach out? it came of as super petty to me and a lot of other viewers and looked like she was trying to paint her as some deadbeat that doesn't pay for things she said she would

I admitted I didn't think Kyle did anything so terrible to Garcelle, even though I am a Garcelle fan and Kyle, not so much. 😉

That said, the stuff Garcelle did say about Kyle wasn't anything very damaging, things like she doesn't really listen and and glazes over her, we know this about Kyle. She is warmer to some people than to others. She was friends with LVP for many years but had no clue what her beloved grandmother's name was. Kyle however said something that makes Garcelle indeed look like a deadbeat. Anyone who's watched the show knows Garcelle was genuinely very busy between the show, single motherhood, acting, and traveling. I think she instantly said Kyle that's not true, because she truly thought she already made the donation. Kyle should have contacted her about this privately months ago. 

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Oooh, Watching Kyle’s facial expression when they show clips of Garcelle is giving me creepy vibes. She really really dislikes Garcelle. The zoom split screens are useful for catching their reactions to each other!

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28 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I admitted I didn't think Kyle did anything so terrible to Garcelle, even though I am a Garcelle fan and Kyle, not so much. 😉

That said, the stuff Garcelle did say about Kyle wasn't anything very damaging, things like she doesn't really listen and and glazes over her, we know this about Kyle. She is warmer to some people than to others. She was friends with LVP for many years but had no clue what her beloved grandmother's name was. Kyle however said something that makes Garcelle indeed look like a deadbeat. Anyone who's watched the show knows Garcelle was genuinely very busy between the show, single motherhood, acting, and traveling. I think she instantly said Kyle that's not true, because she truly thought she already made the donation. Kyle should have contacted her about this privately months ago. 

Oh I totally believe she thought the donation had been made, but unless she wrote & mailed the check herself, or did the EFT herself, she wouldn't really know if it had been done or not.  I'm a personal assistant for a well to do celebrity. Had this happened to her she would have immediately responded, "I'll have to check with IslandGirl, because she pays all my bills. I'll get back to you after speaking to "my people"!

For me personally, I think both characterizations were equally offensive; I pride myself in paying all my bills on time as well as being as welcoming & friendly as I can...

And yes, Kyle should have contacted Garcelle privately just as Garcelle should have privately spoken with Kyle rather than humiliate her at a public event! 🙂 

Edited by IslandGirl
Fixed tense!
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48 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

This all began when Denise reminded them that children were a stones throw away at the next table. Not only her children, but the children of friends or neighbours. Of course she’s a wild child and talks about happy endings and penis size, but not within hearing distance of invited GUEST children at her home...her children’s friends.

Anyone else would’ve oops sorry and changed the subject. Not every conversation has to be about sex surely? But not these harpies. Denise was criticizing them as mothers apparently. And from that moment on Denise was under attack with the Bravo producers egging them on.

 I think Denise was more concerned about her children’s friends than her own kids. Not every parent is a wild child and might not appreciate such open sex talk.  I would’ve done the same thing. Most hosts with children at the party would’ve made the same request.

Much ado about nothing should be the series title next season.

I agree. She likely wouldn't want that talk around her kids, either, but it's a bigger deal  as it relates to the friends because if she didn't at least try to stop it, they could go home and tell their parents that that kind of talk was going on within their earshot and the parents might say they can't visit Denise's children anymore or hang with them. She probably had to assure them of some level of civility since the cameras would be there.

Kyle is a vile bitch who is not too bright. And she was saving up that ammunition. And when she said, "that's what we do" or whatever bullshit it was about the interrupting, Dorit said that's not true, 

Rinna is THE absolute worst. I wonder what her daughters think of her behavior. Oh, I forgot. They lack brains. And she definitely has an eating disorder/issues with food and made her daughter that way. She may look okay in her fugly clothes, but when she's prancing for the cameras half naked, she looks like a bag of bones. She is so fucking self-absorbed it makes my head hurt and I'll bet she is seething with jealousy because 20 years later, or however long they've known each other, Denise (of whom I'm not really a fan) is always getting acting gigs and is on one of the three daytime soaps left. Is anyone calling Lisa Rinna for work? No. And they probably definitely won't after seeing the despicable way she treated her alleged friend. And gross/shady as he is, Denise has a husband who is always present, not escaping at every opportunity, and her children seem well adjusted which says a lot given who their father is.

Teddy is awful, too, and I thought her pink hair looked stupid. Hope she doesn't come back. Cold Erika, too.

Laughed when someone up thread said Sutton has worn some real zingers, though I've liked more than a few of them.

Like the idea of a show with LVP, Garcelle, Dorit, Denise, Sutton and a couple of newbies.

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5 minutes ago, IslandGirl said:

Ugh, I'm not wild about defending Kyle against Garcelle, but I genuinely don't understand the double standard being applied! Even a stopped clock is right now & then! 😉 🙂 


I think because Garcelle hasn’t been shown to stoop to a level of nastiness that Kyle has .... 

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2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think because Garcelle hasn’t been shown to stoop to a level of nastiness that Kyle has .... 

I do think what she did at her event was very nasty & I honestly don't think Kyle deserved that type of public humiliation at that early stage of their relationship, but do admit that that (& the immediate "That's not true!" without a moment's thought as to whether it could have accidentally fallen through the cracks) are the only 2 nasty things I've seen Garcelle do, with the first one being very nasty & the second one being only slightly nasty!

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3 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Whispers sinisterly: "You're so angry." --> That's towards you, Lisa Rinna. You're fucking angry.

And you know what, you have every reason to be upset. After 5 years of nonsense, the chickens are coming home roost.

Just call Denise Fucking Richard Old MacDonald, cuz she owns this farm, and all the Mean Girls are lined up for a trip to the slaughterhouse.

Denise is a convenient scapegoat, and gaslighting is a fancy nonsequitor to throw out there, but no Mrs. Harry Hamlin, threesomes are just a red herring. Lisa, Kyle, Erika, and Teddi are being called on the carpet by longtime viewers for exactly what they are: MEAN GIRLS. You earned the label. Wear it proudly. 

This goes so far back beyond Denise. Joyce, LVP, Dorit, and even Garcelle see what's happening here. The Denise situation is just the last straw - viewers are coming at you because of a pattern of bad behavior and herd mentality and we're quite frankly both pissed off and bored stiff by it. 

Here's the kicker: I don't even like Denise Richards. She's a terrible liar, she's had two personalities on this show (neither of which I care for), she likely did do something bad with Brandi, and she often looks drunk or stoned in her talking heads. I never had much use for her as an actress or a sex symbol. I do not think she wants to even be on this show.

BUT: With all of that, I still never endorse a pile-on that wasn't earned. And the attacks on her this season were vicious and relentless and went on far too long.

FUCK ERIKA AND FUCK ANDY for excusing Erika's lie that her comment was about "all teenagers." No, motherfuckers, I can put a scene together, and it was edited to refer directly to Denise's daughter. So Andy should have copped to it, but either way, Erika excusing herself is the height of self-righteousness and GASLIGHTING. I saw what I saw and I heard what I heard, and I don't need you to explain a lie to me. Erika is such a poseur. She dishes up nasty stuff all day long but can't take anything at all. God I'm over her and her fake career. Tom is the best thing about her but he's not on enough for me to tolerate her. 

The whole notion that "the cover-up is worse than the crime" only works if there's a crime. And as far as I can see, a lesbian encounter with Brandi is not a crime against any of these women. They're pretending it's one so they could put it on camera and get some drama going without having to show any of their own shit. They all know it and they're all lying about it. The whole "Denise is trying to make us look bad" game is laughable - those idiot shrews do that all by their damn selves. They were Mean Girls and awful long before Denise and that behavior will continue long after.

Someone shoot Rinna with a tranq dart, please.

Kyle is so pathetic. She set this firestorm in motion and now you don't hear a peep out of her. She knows which way the wind is blowing. She's going to save herself.

Why is Teddi even on my screen? She's such a useless hag and her mere presence is annoys me. Every time she tries to have a go at Denise I have to stop myself from guffawing. Teddi, Denise speaks for the collective majority of the viewing audience who doesn't like you. It's the truth. Deal with it.

I'd have tons more respect for Denise if she owned her hatred of these women and their double standards because most viewers feel this way. Her mealy-mouthing and backtracking grates my last nerve. Just tell them to STFU and that they suck as friends and humans. We'd all cheer. But I still end up on her side because this "group" lies to us every year about their lives and in doing so picks an unfortunate human to destroy on camera. And I'm just done with it. 

If Teddi and Erika aren't gone next year and this Mean Girls faction isn't broken up like a fucking anti-trust law requires, I am done. My small disdain has grown too large.

Oh my word, I love this post! You had me braying like a donkey. I agree with most of what you said, but really adore how you said it! 🙂 


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1 minute ago, IslandGirl said:

I do think what she did at her event was very nasty & I honestly don't think Kyle deserved that type of public humiliation at that early stage of their relationship, but do admit that that (& the immediate "That's not true!" without a moment's thought as to whether it could have accidentally fallen through the cracks) are the only 2 nasty things I've seen Garcelle do, with the first one being very nasty & the second one being only slightly nasty!

Kyle Rebefriended And brought around a woman that destroyed her relationship with her sister and spread rumors about her marriage and life and who she labeled a lying liar that lied who now all the sudden is a beacon of truth and honesty who should be believed all to take down a cast mate ..... she sold her soul for this show that’s about as nasty as anyone can get

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2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Kyle Rebefriended And brought around a woman that destroyed her relationship with her sister and spread rumors about her marriage and life and who she labeled a lying liar that lied who now all the sudden is a beacon of truth and honesty who should be believed all to take down a cast mate ..... she sold her soul for this show that’s about as nasty as anyone can get

Yes but none of that had anything to do with Garcelle when she first met Kyle...

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2 minutes ago, IslandGirl said:

Oh I totally believe she thought the donation had been made, but unless she wrote & mailed the check herself, or did the EFT herself, she wouldn't really know if it had been done or not.  I'm a personal assistant for a well to do celebrity. Had this happen to her she would have immediately responded, "I'll have to check with IslandGirl, because she pays all my bills. I'll get back to you after speaking to "my people"!

For me personally, I think both characterizations were equally offensive; I pride myself in paying all my bills on time as well as being as welcoming & friendly as I can...

And yes, Kyle should have contacted Garcelle privately just as Garcelle should have privately spoken with Kyle rather than humiliate her at a public event! 🙂 

I just saw a post from a mod to drop it about the donation talk, so I don't want to go back and forth about that and get in trouble. I didn't see it before my quoted post. 

Regarding the comment Garcelle made about the "not so much," was it nice? No, but she didn't mention Kyle's name in front of all those people or anything. She said it was about Kyle after the fact in a confessional if IRC. They all do that to one another. I don't really consider it the equivalent of what Kyle pulled at the reunion.

2 minutes ago, IslandGirl said:

Ugh, I'm not wild about defending Kyle against Garcelle, but I genuinely don't understand the double standard being applied! Even a stopped clock is right now & then! 😉 🙂 

LOL, no worries. We all see things differently. It's what makes the boards interesting to read. 🙂 I actually really enjoyed Kyle some of her seasons on the show and would often defend her. This is just not one of those seasons where she's a favorite.

As far as her being racist, I don't know. I want to believe Kyle is just mean and jealous. lol Being a racist is such an ugly thing that I don't want to be quick to label anyone one. I remember Kyle looked horrified by the stuff that came out of Brandi's mouth toward Joyce. 

2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think because Garcelle hasn’t been shown to stoop to a level of nastiness that Kyle has .... 

Nope, not even close. Garcelle knows it's part of the job to be honest and perhaps throw a little shade. She has yet to out anything humiliating about anyone, be part of a gang-up, yell and scream at someone over nonsense, those are all Kyle moves. Look at limo-gate, game night, how Kyle treated her grieving friend last year. Garcelle's biggest crimes are intrusive questions. 

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3 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

 It shows you Kyles character and the level she will stoop to that’s why Garcelle gets the benefit of the doubt and Kyle doesn’t 

Yes, but it still doesn't lessen Garcelle's very public humiliation of Kyle after knowing her a very brief time...

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8 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I just saw a post from a mod to drop it about the donation talk, so I don't want to go back and forth about that and get in trouble. I didn't see it before my quoted post. 

As far as her being racist, I don't know. I want to believe Kyle is just mean and jealous. lol Being a racist is such an ugly thing that I don't want to be quick to label anyone one. I remember Kyle looked horrified by the stuff that came out of Brandi's mouth toward Joyce. 

Oh thanks, I didn't see the mod's post either! 🙂 And I don't think Kyle's a racist at all, & I'm a chocolate colored IslandGirl! 🙂 


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31 minutes ago, IslandGirl said:

Yes, but it still doesn't lessen Garcelle's very public humiliation of Kyle after knowing her a very brief time...

Garcelle would  have to sleep with marico befriend all her children and get them to turn on Kyle then turn every one of these ladies against her to even remotely compare to the vileness that Kyle bringing Brandi back around these girls just to wreck someone’s reputation and possibly destroy her marriage because she got embarrassed she got asked to tone down a talk till children where no longer present and she didn’t ... that is some lowdown nasty mean girls shit 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I had my close captioning on but did anyone else catch this bit at the beginning? Andy said (paraphrasing) that here at the reunion they can all tell their sides and someone (Lisa or Erika) said Not Brandi or Except Brandi. 

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5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Yes. In that yearbook photo, her hair is VERY curly. Tight, tiny curls. I wonder if she damaged it with chemicals and irons trying to straighten it. Most, if not all, of her wigs/extensions now feature straight or smooth hair. 

Dorit's yearbook photo could have had her hair in a perm (I can't confirm this, just a thought).  I used to perm my hair all the time back in the 80's and 90's.  I have very, very straight hair (poker straight, as my Mom used to say).  If you saw photos of me from back then, my hair looks completely different.  

I think there are some times when we do see Dorit's natural hair but it's hard to figure out.  

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15 minutes ago, lawrbk said:

I had my close captioning on but did anyone else catch this bit at the beginning? Andy said (paraphrasing) that here at the reunion they can all tell their sides and someone (Lisa or Erika) said Not Brandi or Except Brandi. 

Who the hell wants to hear Brandi's side? She's just so desperate, she'll say anything for attention. Why does a person, not even a "friend of'' who appeared on the show a handful of times get a reunion appearance, much less a 1:1?

Talk about not getting to tell your side. Denise tried to tell her side from the get go and was shouted over. So why does Brandi get to speak with no one being able to interrupt and shout over her?

Brandi was all so hurt and upset when she wasn't invited to Andy's baby shower. Why was nobody all bent out of shape that she was excluded from that? Now all of a sudden she needs to be seen and heard and become the centre of the Beverly Hills housewives?

What a load of Bullshit.

Edited by Happy Camper
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But not having Brandi on the reunion means she's free to tell her side, uninterrupted, on WWHL or any other interview-type chat show.  On the reunion, there would be other people to push back against her narrative.  I think Denise miscalculated here, and at the end of the season when she skipped out on events rather than confront Brandi, and I think she's making mistakes because she was closer to Brandi than she wants to appear.  Denise can't even say that Yes she liked a disparaging tweet about Rinna, because Rinna has been a giant asshole to her over and over.  (And later, it looks like she denies things she said in her own TH.)  The reunion reminded me how much Denise was in the right, but her shadiness in/since Rome just makes her look less credible.  I was on her side, and in all the particulars that matter, I'm still on her side.  But she's damn hard to defend, but she dodges and lies and makes everything look worse.  The "coverup" may not be worse than the crime, but it's unfortunate because it makes me wonder why Denise is so steadfastly refusing to admit anything at all about her motives and actions.

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34 minutes ago, lawrbk said:

I had my close captioning on but did anyone else catch this bit at the beginning? Andy said (paraphrasing) that here at the reunion they can all tell their sides and someone (Lisa or Erika) said Not Brandi or Except Brandi. 

I'm pretty sure it was Erika.

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