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3 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

The twins are so self-absorbed I can’t believe they are any good in bed.  Probably lie there like sacks of potatoes (or root vegetables).

I've always thought that the guys attracted to their fake boobs, butts, lips, hair, eyelashes etc. would be better off with one of those inflatable or silicone life-size sex dolls. No interrogations, nagging, whining or phone-tracking.

Edited by deirdra
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On 9/7/2021 at 12:24 AM, DawnDavenport said:

I want to know if it's just a cyst or a "cyst and deceased" (ala Tamra Barney). 

Aren't these two close to 50? How in the hell does she think it's even remotely advisable to try to have a kid? My God she is insane. 

Story line...it's a classic, it's all the rage.

#DawnDavenport, you have got to be from Baltimore hon, your icon of Divine from Female Trouble is give away.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
Spelling, not that anyone really cares.
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Story line...it's a classic, it's all the rage.

#DawnDavenport, you have got to be from Baltimore hon, your icon of Devine from Female Trouble is give away.

Actually I'm from south of the Mason-Dixon line: Hickory, NC or thereabouts. I live in Phoenix now but Seattle before that after fleeing NC at the tender age of 19. 

The early John Waters' movies: Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, and Desperate Living (the trilogy of trash), are some of my favorite movies ever. Throw in Multiple Maniacs, Polyester, and Serial Mom for good measure.

I'm also actually a man (a gay one). 😁 I love that picture of Divine.

Edited by DawnDavenport
  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, DawnDavenport said:

Actually I'm from south of the Mason-Dixon line: Hickory, NC or thereabouts. I live in Phoenix now but Seattle before that after fleeing NC at the tender age of 19. 

The early John Waters' movies: Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, and Desperate Living (the trilogy of trash), are some of my favorite movies ever. Throw in Multiple Maniacs, Polyester, and Serial Mom for good measure.

I'm also actually a man (a gay one). 😁 I love that picture.

We are so proud of our John Waters!

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, deirdra said:

And they both do that full face scrunch of anguish or incomprehension with maximum protrusion of duck lips when things don't go their way.

I couldn't figure why they protrude their lips like that until it occurred to me that they must think the protruding lips are actually attractive. More is better, apparently, when one has Boxtoxed lips. Shudder.

  • LOL 3
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On 9/6/2021 at 6:26 PM, CainF said:

Darcey and Stacey arrive in Turkey, finally.  The journey to self-love and plastic surgery begins...these twins should probably spin this self-care stuff into a cruise travel package.

The villa they are staying in is very Zen, and comes with a cat that apparently only one of the twins (Stacey) is allergic to.  Maybe a seafood allergy will be the cliffhanger?  God knows even an allergy to anesthesia won't stop this trip's purpose.

Stacey gets a loving message and FaceTime with Florian, which makes Darcey happy, which makes me wonder if Darcey is even paying attention to the conversation Florian and Stacey are having, because it's hardly indicative of much more than a frequent check-in to make sure Florian isn't cheating on her.

Oh Lord.  The 2 stiffs have some idea to meet up and play soccer in the snow.  Florian doesn't like playing in the snow, and Georgi thinks there's too much sunlight.  Their soccer game is mercifully short.  While the 2 men sit down to talk, it's revealed Georgi's grandmom died under anesthesia when he was a child, which is why he doesn't want Darcey going under the knife.  Georgi is regretting the angry farewell to Darcey.

A light bulb goes off in Georgi's head, that if Darcey reached out to his ex Octavia, Georgi should reach out to Jesse.  It's confusing, because on the one hand Georgi seems to want to fix things with Darcey but on the other, seems bent on tit-for-tat with Darcey.  At least it's innovative, script-wise, although completely unbelievable when performed by Georgi.

Darcey and Stacey re-iterate the story to date re Darcey and Georgi the next morning, which, surprise, amounts to Darcey deserving more than what she's getting from Georgi.

Stacey reveals that she is nervous to tell Darcey she's trying to figure out a way to give Florian a baby.  It remains unclear why Stacey wants a baby when Florian seems so nonchalant about the whole thing, but I suppose it's a best practice to keep the marriage alive, or at least keep Florian from walking away.

Jesus, a whole segment at the dentist office, what the f?  Where's Dr. Dubrow to help us understand what's really going on here, or even Dr. Oz?

Teeth before boobs, of course.  And tummy tucks.  

Darcey says she still loves Georgi, and that she wants to give him one last chance.  Stacey is foiled and digs in with reminding Darcey that the relationship is toxic.  Is every God-damned relationship on this show dysfunctional?

Trust me, no Russian male would ever do what's next, the long-awaited call from Georgi to Jesse.  The money must be good.  On the way we get an interlude with a Stacey video call with Florian.  Somehow Stacey is freaking out about the cyst on her ovary...but not so much not to be steeped in the lap of luxury in a foreign country awaiting several elective surgeries.  Florian doesn't seem worried about the cyst, which bothers Stacey.  Stacey wants both concern and the GPS location of her man, after all.

It's here, the phone call between Georgi and Jesse.  Oh, my God.  It's anticlimactic, but I'm not sure if it's the monotone and bad acting of these two, or if it's just so unbelievable.  Tom gets dragged into the conversation, and we are now looking for the Cheaters episode of Darcey cheating on Jesse with Tom.  Georgi isn't buying it, and knows what we all know, that Darcey would never cheat on her man.

Georgi's master plan is revealed at the end - oh, it's classic Russians playing chess while Americans are playing checkers, too:  Georgi's call to Jesse was really to prove the point that exes just want to be hurtful.  Jesse was played, it seems.  TLC, next time you have Jesse on at least get him with his shirt off, please.

I guess there's at least one more episode of Turkey, so a boy can still dream that Darcey or Stacey or both even (I'm giddy at that thought) might refer to Turkey as Istanbul, or even Myanmar as Burma.  Surely one of these women has a copy of Turkey for Dummies with her.

This entire episode was ruined for me because of the cat.  I'm a HUGE cat lover and could not stop worrying about it from the time that Darcey caused it to leave the house and go outside.  HTF did that cat get in there to begin with?  Did previous guest renters bring a cat with them and leave it behind, then it hid the entire time that the house was being refreshed for its new renters?  Did the cat belong to the owner of the house, and if so, why would the owner leave its cat behind when renters are scheduled to stay there?  You don't just kick an indoor cat out on the streets, you massively self-absorbed assholes!  You contact the owner/management company for the rental of the house and ask them what to do about the cat.

During the conversation that Georgi had with himself/the camera crew after he got off the video call with Jesse, he expressed some of the most sincere, loving feelings we've ever heard from him about Darcey.  It was sweet that he took her side over Jesse and saw right through Jessi wanting to cause trouble for Darcey.  It was on the level of sweetness that Mohamed demonstrated about Danielle when on The Single Life she was being lassoed into some type of shenanigans and Mohamed, observing her on Pillow Talk, said something along the lines of, "Why are they making her do that?  She's not that type of woman," re whatever loose morals thing she was being put up to do.

  • Love 9
On 9/6/2021 at 7:22 PM, deirdra said:

What was wrong with their old teeth?

What a waste on Stacey's part of having had braces.

WTF would anyone want to have their teeth filed down to those pointy monster mouth nubs? 

More so, WTF would anyone want their boyfriend/husband to see what they look like with those monster mouths without the veneers in place.

To me this is the equivalent of leaving the door open to the bathroom and letting your boyfriend/husband watch you take a shite on the crapper.  What an awful visual the pointy nubs and bathroom are.  My husband's always teasing me about why I slam the door closed as he's walking by outside the bathroom, and I always tell him, "Because when I'm dead and gone I don't want for one of your significant memories/visualizations of me to be of me sitting on the toilet seat", LOL.

Something that totally eludes me is how with all of the plastic surgery, Botox and fillers these two have had, they do not improve in looks and, in fact, become even more and more unattractive.

First of all, you're heading out of the country, and thought it's not for a true vacation per se, it is still a trip, so why wouldn't you go to your hair salon and have those awful, dark roots touched up before you go?

Secondly, can't anyone talk these twin twits into no longer having their hair be that awful peroxide blonde color that does not suit their skin tones and is so hard to maintain because of how dark their roots are and how quickly they seem to grow back?

I honestly cannot recall a time that we've seen them on TV ever since they began being peroxide bottle blondes where their dark roots weren't showing. 

Plus their hair is such an ugly texture because of how unhealthy they have caused it to be with the harsh chemicals they're constantly subjecting it to.

They both need to go softer and more natural blonde if they insist on staying blonde, then get boob reductions, and STOP overfilling those balloon lips if they want to look better and more youthful.

They cracked me up when they were discussing round boobs vs. teardrop shaped.  It sounded to me in that conversation that they ARE actually aware of their stature and how their boobs overwhelms them, but I don't agree about the round shape being the better option, because that's the less natural shape of the two.  Oh well, they're not my boobs (thank God), so let them do what they will.  It's all for our own voyeuristic entertainment anyway they go about it.

  • Love 14
21 hours ago, DawnDavenport said:

Plus, didn't Stacey also imply that Florian shaving her turned him on? THE HORROR!

When Stacey bent over and was all "buns up kneeling" on the sofa I just imagined a bramble bush running up both thighs and converging around her various nether regions: front, middle, and back, with Florian on his knees using 3 or 4 Lady Bics to clear it out. I wonder how often he has to do this? 

Can I ask WTH is up with their faces on that boat in the previews? Their faces just didn't look right (as if they ever do). But they looked more alien-like than usual.

Are we now seeing them post-surgery in their talking head segments?

They're both now wearing yellow outfits as opposed to the previous pink horrors that made the boobs of both of them look mountainous and low-hanging (I just cannot call what these twits have on them "breasts" - that's too mature and a sophisticated a word to use on these dim bulbs.  Besides, boobs is what they ARE and not just what they HAVE), with these God awful hairdos that have a small portion of their hair pulled into a tiny Samurai ponytail on top of their heads, with the remainder of their fakety fake AF hair hanging long and flowingly down.

When Stacey's wearing that green cut-out top, her face does look slightly better, but so minimally as to make me think that, "I can't believe they spent as much money as they probably did for such a minor, barely noticeable improvement."  (Though I'm sure all of the procedures still cost way less over in Turkey than it would have here in the U.S.)

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I do not believe for one solitary minute that this shaving adventure transpired as Stacey related. In fact, I'm having a hard time believing it ever happened at all. She's full of shit. 

As Stacey was relating the details of the shaving expedition to Darcey, I was struck with the horrible visual memory of David Beador going deep inside his ex-wife Shannon to make sure that a piece of plastic from the enema she had just given herself wasn't still stuck in there back when I used to watch Real Housewives of Orange County, LOL.

19 hours ago, Gobi said:

You’re biased.

Brilliant comeback, Gobi!  👏

  • LOL 7
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5 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

As Stacey was relating the details of the shaving expedition to Darcey, I was struck with the horrible visual memory of David Beador going deep inside his ex-wife Shannon to make sure that a piece of plastic from the enema she had just given herself wasn't still stuck in there back when I used to watch Real Housewives of Orange County, LOL.

With his hand or some object?

  • LOL 1
19 hours ago, deirdra said:

I wonder how a body covered in stubble feels when your boyfriend is unavailable to reshave it.

The full sunlight on the boat accentuated every bump of filler & bloat.  And they both do that full face scrunch of anguish or incomprehension with maximum protrusion of duck lips when things don't go their way.

I honestly cannot recall having ever seen anyone, let alone two people, BOTH become so ugly so quickly as these twin twits look when they make their butt ugly scrunched up, squinty faces.  I think they look more like ogres than trolls when they do so.

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7 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

As Stacey was relating the details of the shaving expedition to Darcey, I was struck with the horrible visual memory of David Beador going deep inside his ex-wife Shannon to make sure that a piece of plastic from the enema she had just given herself wasn't still stuck in there back when I used to watch Real Housewives of Orange County, LOL.

I remember that 😂

And the SATC scene where Samantha had to go way deep to retrieve Carrie's IUD.  At least that was fictional, unlike the Beador debacle.  

That conversation with Faux Frenchie was one of the most cringeworthy scenes I've seen on this show, and that was a pretty high bar.  

Trying to bulldoze this dude who clearly is not interested is not a good look.  In fact, it may even be worse than Whitney's usual look which never fails to be embarrassing.  

I think the guy is caught off guard and not sure how he's supposed to be responding and it shows.  The producers need to sit him down and explain his "role" more thoroughly and how he's supposed to be swooning over the fair maiden, Whitney.  

So is the reason there is all that patchwork to be done in Whitney's hallways because she keeps hanging up and ripping down the same pictures over and over again?  If so, she clearly isn't using the Commando strips correctly.  

  • LOL 3
On 9/6/2021 at 11:23 PM, Texasmom1970 said:

They say animals can sense bad energy; poor cat.

If I was financially able I would invest a little more in beauty upkeep and regimens. But I honestly think they need to invest some of that money on therapy. All those surgeries and every thing do not do anything if you are messed up inside.

If I were to arrange to have my looks altered, or even "sculpted", or whatever the hell these two are doing in Turkey (in *Turkey* of all places, whose visiting president sicced his own security guards on American protesters on American soil, don't forget) without first talking it all over with my partner and taking his opinion into consideration (not to mention where is the money coming from, my daughters' college fund?) I wouldn't have any business being married or even engaged.

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I remember that 😂

And the SATC scene where Samantha had to go way deep to retrieve Carrie's IUD.  At least that was fictional, unlike the Beador debacle.  

That conversation with Faux Frenchie was one of the most cringeworthy scenes I've seen on this show, and that was a pretty high bar.  

Trying to bulldoze this dude who clearly is not interested is not a good look.  In fact, it may even be worse than Whitney's usual look which never fails to be embarrassing.  

I think the guy is caught off guard and not sure how he's supposed to be responding and it shows.  The producers need to sit him down and explain his "role" more thoroughly and how he's supposed to be swooning over the fair maiden, Whitney.  

So is the reason there is all that patchwork to be done in Whitney's hallways because she keeps hanging up and ripping down the same pictures over and over again?  If so, she clearly isn't using the Commando strips correctly.  

OMG, I can't believe I fogot that SATC episode.  It was hysterical how horrified Charlotte looked before Samantha took the decision upon herself to "man up" and go get it out for Carrrie, LOL.

Who is Whitney and Frenchie?

  • LOL 2
7 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

During the conversation that Georgi had with himself/the camera crew after he got off the video call with Jesse, he expressed some of the most sincere, loving feelings we've ever heard from him about Darcey.  It was sweet that he took her side over Jesse and saw right through Jessi wanting to cause trouble for Darcey.

I thought this too. Then he added that little nugget about "proving his point" that going to an ex for dirt on your partner never works. He's preparing to spin this back onto Darcey and how she shouldn't trust what his ex said about him.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Darlabutterfly said:

#DawnDavenport, you have got to be from Baltimore hon, your icon of Divine from Female Trouble is give away.

My screen is so small that I thought that that was a bloated Amy Winehouse!

I am sitting through a torturous Zoom board meeting right now and your comment gave me some life tonight.  Thanks!

*I miss Amy Winehouse! 😭

Edited by CouchTater
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On 9/6/2021 at 4:00 PM, JeanJean said:

I really hope this show is staged because otherwise these two are just histrionic wacky love divas, seemingly without a clue as to appropriate social behavior...

See, this is where I'm torn.

Most 'reality' shows are heavily scripted bs, however, in this case the twin's obvious body dysmorphia is very real. The numerous cosmetic procedures and surgeries they endure are real. Their distorted fun house-like mirror reflections are real (and sad). The  arrested development and abandonment issues they both exhibit are real. 

I guess my question is how much of this shit show is fake and how much is real? And is it wrong to enjoy the madness?

Edited by lulu69
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15 hours ago, lulu69 said:

See, this is where I'm torn.

Most 'reality' shows are heavily scripted bs, however, in this case the twin's obvious body dysmorphia is very real. The numerous cosmetic procedures and surgeries they endure are real. Their distorted fun house-like mirror reflections are real (and sad). The  arrested development and abandonment issues they both exhibit are real. 

I guess my question is how much of this shit show is fake and how much is real? And is it wrong to enjoy the madness?

I think there's no question that it's heavily scripted, mainly because the same things keep happening over and over and over, and no family member has stepped in to have these women committed.

In the interest of having the show continue, in fact, I offer this rough outline of a completely new and different plot for the next season if there is a next season.  TLC, I offer this to you free gratis, with no need for attribution or royalties.

Darcey's two daughters become pregnant at that coed dance they went to dressed like whores.  You know, having been teenagers once yourselves, that as soon as the limo doors closed, all the girls in the car started putting on excessive makeup and turned up their already scandalously short hems, stapling them in place so that the crotch of their underpants would show (if they were wearing underpants).  Yes, the two sweet, well-behaved young ladies have fooled us all (and their mother) and are real secret sluts.  Their trashy clothing and repressed sexual urges finally lead them over the cliff and they both engage in the most depraved sex you can imagine all night long, and they both are pregnant.

When they realize their condition, they are afraid to tell their mother or grandfather.  They turn to Uncle Flo, who has always been understanding about teenage issues, and he concocts a plan.

Uncle Flo mentions to Stacey that he really doesn't like that mole or whatever it is on her cheek (the one that allows casual viewers to distinguish her from Darcey) and suggests that they go to Texas, where the best mole-removal clinics happen to be and where TLC (who are in on the plot) happen to have a dermatologist who will do the job for free).  Since the twins go nowhere alone, Darcey will go, too, and because the girls have never seen a real cowboy, the girls will come along, too.

The rest just writes itself:  Uncle Flo reveals to Darcey that her daughters are pregnant and because they are in Texas, abortions don't exist.  The girls deliver beautiful, perfect babies--twins!  so four all together!) which are immediately adopted by Uncle Flo and Aunt Stacey.  Stacey's nightmares come true when Uncle Flo reveals that he really and truly did *not* want a baby, plus he and Georgi are in love.  The men take off together (to Turkey), and following seasons of Darcey and Stacey follow roughly the plot of  "Full House"--easy peasy lemon squeezy.  Boyfriends from the past make appearances, each with his own plot complications, and hilarity ensues.

You're welcome.

  • LOL 4
2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I think there's no question that it's heavily scripted, mainly because the same things keep happening over and over and over, and no family member has stepped in to have these women committed.

In the interest of having the show continue, in fact, I offer this rough outline of a completely new and different plot for the next season if there is a next season.  TLC, I offer this to you free gratis, with no need for attribution or royalties.

Darcey's two daughters become pregnant at that coed dance they went to dressed like whores.  You know, having been teenagers once yourselves, that as soon as the limo doors closed, all the girls in the car started putting on excessive makeup and turned up their already scandalously short hems, stapling them in place so that the crotch of their underpants would show (if they were wearing underpants).  Yes, the two sweet, well-behaved young ladies have fooled us all (and their mother) and are real secret sluts.  Their trashy clothing and repressed sexual urges finally lead them over the cliff and they both engage in the most depraved sex you can imagine all night long, and they both are pregnant.

When they realize their condition, they are afraid to tell their mother or grandfather.  They turn to Uncle Flo, who has always been understanding about teenage issues, and he concocts a plan.

Uncle Flo mentions to Stacey that he really doesn't like that mole or whatever it is on her cheek (the one that allows casual viewers to distinguish her from Darcey) and suggests that they go to Texas, where the best mole-removal clinics happen to be and where TLC (who are in on the plot) happen to have a dermatologist who will do the job for free).  Since the twins go nowhere alone, Darcey will go, too, and because the girls have never seen a real cowboy, the girls will come along, too.

The rest just writes itself:  Uncle Flo reveals to Darcey that her daughters are pregnant and because they are in Texas, abortions don't exist.  The girls deliver beautiful, perfect babies--twins!  so four all together!) which are immediately adopted by Uncle Flo and Aunt Stacey.  Stacey's nightmares come true when Uncle Flo reveals that he really and truly did *not* want a baby, plus he and Georgi are in love.  The men take off together (to Turkey), and following seasons of Darcey and Stacey follow roughly the plot of  "Full House"--easy peasy lemon squeezy.  Boyfriends from the past make appearances, each with his own plot complications, and hilarity ensues.

You're welcome.

This is more believable than the actual plots.

  • LOL 3

I cannot stand Darcey and Stacey so I don't watch this show but sometimes come here to read the snark. I don't feel sorry for them or feel that they have good hearts, I think they are selfish, immature, lack any sort of insight, are needy, are rude, and yes, have the most ridiculous and ugly facial expressions. Shall I go on? 

I periodically post this pic and feel the need to repost after reading that they are on a plastic surgery vacation. Apologies if anyone else has posted this or a similar photo,  I haven't read through all the comments. 

Darcey & Stacey in 2009:


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And just as "Full House" is set in a town with unique, immediately identifiable residential architecture, so D&C will move to Baltimore, home of the painted screen door (http://paintedscreens.org/) and of the man who surely watches the show, Mr. John Waters.  In fact, maybe TLC could interest him in scripting an episode!

See how everything works out?



1 minute ago, Mothra said:

And just as "Full House" is set in a town with unique, immediately identifiable residential architecture, so D&C will move to Baltimore, home of the painted screen door (http://paintedscreens.org/) and of the man who surely watches the show, Mr. John Waters.  In fact, maybe TLC could interest him in scripting an episode!

See how everything works out?



I don't know what the hell is going on here.  I've tried to delete this twice.  The little trash can does not appear.  Sorry.

Edited by Mothra
On 9/9/2021 at 10:43 AM, Mothra said:

Stacey's nightmares come true when Uncle Flo reveals that he really and truly did *not* want a baby, plus he and Georgi are in love.  The men take off together (to Turkey)

There could be scenes where Florian misinterprets the love signals of the over-botoxed Georgi as they seek a country were they can talk to each other without closed captioning.

  • LOL 5
On 9/8/2021 at 4:29 PM, Xebug67 said:

This entire episode was ruined for me because of the cat.  I'm a HUGE cat lover and could not stop worrying about it from the time that Darcey caused it to leave the house and go outside.  HTF did that cat get in there to begin with?  Did previous guest renters bring a cat with them and leave it behind, then it hid the entire time that the house was being refreshed for its new renters?  Did the cat belong to the owner of the house, and if so, why would the owner leave its cat behind when renters are scheduled to stay there?  You don't just kick an indoor cat out on the streets, you massively self-absorbed assholes!  You contact the owner/management company for the rental of the house and ask them what to do about the cat.

Most European cats are indoor/outdoor cats, particularly in towns. My guess is that it lives in the neighbourhood and wandered in when the crew was setting up the filming in the apartment to check out what was going on.

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OMG, these women drive me crazy!!!!!!

Florian is being reassuring and that's not good enough for Stacey. She will have the argument she wants, no matter what. If she would listen to the meaning of what he's saying (maybe not as clearly as someone for whom English is a first language) she would get that he is listening -- and trying to comfort her. These twins are never satisfied. Right now, they bug me so much I hope Florian and Georgi leave them in the dust.

  • Love 8
On 9/12/2021 at 1:37 PM, essexjan said:

Most European cats are indoor/outdoor cats, particularly in towns. My guess is that it lives in the neighbourhood and wandered in when the crew was setting up the filming in the apartment to check out what was going on.

My dad went to Turkey a few years ago on a business trip and cats are EVERYWHERE. He stayed in a very upscale hotel in Istanbul and he said cats were just everywhere, they jumped on tables and walked in and out of the lobby, roamed streets, etc. It was very normal to their counterparts in Turkey but the Americans all found it odd because most cats are indoor pets and domesticated here. 

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12 hours ago, JeanJean said:

OMG, these women drive me crazy!!!!!!

Florian is being reassuring and that's not good enough for Stacey. She will have the argument she wants, no matter what. If she would listen to the meaning of what he's saying (maybe not as clearly as someone for whom English is a first language) she would get that he is listening -- and trying to comfort her. These twins are never satisfied. Right now, they bug me so much I hope Florian and Georgi leave them in the dust.

And this is why all their relationships fail. They want to show that they are "strong, independent women". So they have to constantly "stand up for myself", usually by starting an argument with their partner, over nothing. I could not believe my ears when Stacey started huffing and puffing about how Florian wasn't listening to her and letting her express her feelings. (Stacey-ese for "he's not agreeing with every word I say"). She doesn't want a husband, she wants and echo chamber. Her demanding to know how he was going to feel in 20 years was just laughable. Who knows how they're going to feel in the future? Sheesh. 

  • Love 11

Nothing says pathetic quite like wearing idiotic high heels knowing you’re going on a boat. I could understand teenagers wearing them but these are women in their mid forties. They flat out said they were wearing them because they are trendy. 

There is an amusement park near me and I used to see young girls and older women dressed and made up and wearing shoes like the twins. I used to wish I could see them entering and then hours later leaving. I’m sure the hair and makeup was a mess and their legs and feet were killing them.

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"Baby Shark teeth", haha Florian. 

I just can't stop looking at those horrible lashes on Stacey, and the close up with Darcey on the boat when granny Stacey all upset over not having any aigs was hideous. Why do these women think those awful ratted hair extensions are a good look? Too bad more didn't fly off in the wind. Hopefully Greenpeace was on standby to clean that crap up. I am finding these two idiots increasingly more selfish each passing minute. Having their father take care of the girls while they fly off in a pandemic to get plastic surgery, the girls live full time with him while they are playing house with whatever guy is showing them any attention. Walking around in 4 inch heels on cobblestone streets, really?  They really need therapy

  • Love 13

The episode's title is ',Blow up in Bodrum,' and we are subject to an opening where each twin tries to pronounce Bodrum.  Talk about beating a dead horse.  Each one tried three times at least.  I guess the internet wasn't available, but then we would have been subject to both attempting to figure out those symbols that help with pronunciation.

They say they are going for that goddess vibe with their yacht outfits.  Do they realize they are in Turkey, not Greece?  An impromptu fashion shoot is the first order of business.  Darcey intimates that her poses are designed to make 'them' jealous, whoever they are.  Next is yelling to the sea about how they are the twins, and some pretty indiscreet skirts blowing up to their faces (one or both had to lend a hand, from what it looked like), showing the locals that they have boarded a yacht where women's underpanties are optional.

Now comes what Stacey has been hiding from Darcey.  Darcey recalls she got engaged to Georgi on a boat.  Darcey's hardly surprised that Stacey is trying to have a baby, but Stacey's beating around the bush too much for Darcey, so demands that Stacey just come out and say it.  Darcey brings that round of passive-aggressiveness to another round, asking Stacey if she even has 'any' (eggs) left.  Stacey says she doesn't know if or how many eggs she has left, and I'm stumped.  Wasn't it just last episode where Stacey was giddy at the doctor's office because she had a lot of eggs, or am I thinking of Whitney from My Big Fat Fabulous Life?  Oh, bingo, that's it.  Florian, head South on 95 till you get to Greensboro and look for Whitney Way-Thore.  She's got lots of good eggs for you, and her gal pal Heather wants to carry them all for her.  Yeah, that all means it's all that unnatural stuff you disdain, but I'm certain Heather would probably fuck you, if you promise not to call her Bubu.

Next comes what seems to be a pilot for a spinoff, a whole segment with just Darcey and Stacey's dad and Darcey's two girls at the DMV.  I fast-forwarded through this weak attempt to shine the light on supporting cast members.  They are all boring without the twins in the same scenes, and even then, yawn.

Florian in a talking head reveals that as a child, doctors told his parents his condition, whatever it was, was terminal and gave him 6 years to live.

Ah, the video call with Stacey's doctor revealing the results of her recent visit to determine her fertility.  Darcey is there with Stacey on the call, while Florian takes the call in Connecticut or wherever his GPS on his phone has his location.  By now Florian must have figured out a way to falsify his location on his phone.  If not, he might want to sign up for Grindr to figure out how all the fakes do it there.

Anyway, it's bad news, really bad news:  Stacey just has a few eggs left, and they are not good.  Stacey wanted to know about the cyst first, though.  She knows how to keep the audience on edge, so the fertility question has to come last.  But doc says she shouldn't even bother trying to freeze the few eggs she has left, and drives home the point, a little clumsy with the bedside manner, by telling her that it will take a small miracle for her to get pregnant.  Florian is truly growing on me at this point too- whether there's real romance there, he seems to care for Stacey as a fellow human being and comes across very sincere when he says in his talking head that he knows this news is hurting Stacey, and that he doesn't want to see her hurting.  It's very touching, and ruins what comes next, which has been better described in a post above, but which amounts to Stacey just wanting to start a fight with Florian over nothing, while Florian gets frustrated with Stacey's inability to say something once instead of again and again.  It's a moment of sincerity and love and concern from Florian, but Stacey won't have it.

Georgi is getting botox out of concern that his beloved will return looking younger than he looks.  And this comment from a man who has seen her up close and personal.  Georgi must think this Turkey trip is to some Fountain of Youth, but his heart is in the right place:  although it's fairly obvious that Georgi's routine before Darcey was peppered with frequent trips to get these injections, this round of self-care, presumably pretty close to when things were starting to re-open, is for 'Darcey and us.'  He is not doing it for himself, which is honorable, I suppose.  Darcey's doing it in Turkey to make her exes jealous, clearly not for Georgi.  It's a delicious irony.

The usual 'strong woman/independent woman' affirmations are practically in every segment.  We get it, D&S, we get it.  We also get, because we see it every episode, that just saying it doesn't make it so.

Winner this episode:  Florian, who reprimands Stacey in the kindest, funniest way, when trying to get her to stop talking so much about the bad news with 'sometimes you speak so much (smiling), drive slow, Stacey, drive slow.'  Stacey isn't driving at the time, so she has no idea what Florian is saying. 

The loser this episode is Georgi, who seems destined for being another of Darcey's exes, from the previews of future episodes.  At least he will walk away with that self-care package of botox at the spa, which is how it's done in Connecticut, so that there are no real losers, ever.  Everyone walks away with something, win or lose.


Edited by CainF
  • Love 9

Darcey repeatedly tells us that her girls are the most important thing in her life, cut to one of the girls going for her learners permit, she passes, goes for lunch then call her mother to tell her the news, I guess she feels like her mother is not the most important person in her life.  How does Darcey reconcile her missing out such milestones?


  • Love 8
On 9/9/2021 at 3:43 PM, hookedontv said:

I cannot stand Darcey and Stacey so I don't watch this show but sometimes come here to read the snark. I don't feel sorry for them or feel that they have good hearts, I think they are selfish, immature, lack any sort of insight, are needy, are rude, and yes, have the most ridiculous and ugly facial expressions. Shall I go on? 

I periodically post this pic and feel the need to repost after reading that they are on a plastic surgery vacation. Apologies if anyone else has posted this or a similar photo,  I haven't read through all the comments. 

Darcey & Stacey in 2009:


This photo almost brings tears to my eyes.  To have been blessed with such naturally lovely looks, and to then defile all that made you appealing, attractive women, makes me shudder.  😱  I honestly feel bad for them.  What goes on in their brains that enables them to see their "new looks" as "improved?"  Wish that a compassionate plastic surgeon would take them under his/her wing and try to 'restore' their looks.  (I almost never watch their series, but as an identical twin, I guess I feel solicitude to see their destructive path.)

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, novemberjenny said:

My dad went to Turkey a few years ago on a business trip and cats are EVERYWHERE. He stayed in a very upscale hotel in Istanbul and he said cats were just everywhere, they jumped on tables and walked in and out of the lobby, roamed streets, etc. It was very normal to their counterparts in Turkey but the Americans all found it odd because most cats are indoor pets and domesticated here. 

To keep mice away

Just now, novemberjenny said:

My dad went to Turkey a few years ago on a business trip and cats are EVERYWHERE. He stayed in a very upscale hotel in Istanbul and he said cats were just everywhere, they jumped on tables and walked in and out of the lobby, roamed streets, etc. It was very normal to their counterparts in Turkey but the Americans all found it odd because most cats are indoor pets and domesticated here. 

True fact. There's a documentary about the street cats of Istanbul that I saw in the theater when it first came out. It was free online back then, but it doesn't seem to be anymore. If anyone's interested, you can see the trailer here. It was a wonderful film.

  • Love 2

There’s no medication strong enough to make me want to show off my filed down teeth!🤐  There’s no way to avoid the filing, as they have to do that to get the veneers to adhere.  It’s still severe though and totally humiliating when the veneer pops off.  It’s not supposed to happen, but does occasionally.  I can’t think of an amount of money it would take for me to showcase that filed down tooth on tv! Omg…..I can’t imagine it.  I will say getting the Hollywood smile is worth it. It is expensive. Turkey prices must be incredible.  Risky though. 

Is Stacy really disappointed about the fertility news?  She really doesn’t seem like a baby would be good timing for this phase of her life.  

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Is Stacy really disappointed about the fertility news?

Here is the thing about her fertility or lack there of, she said at the start of this (cheesy, stupid phrase) journey of motherhood that she knows she is older and it would be very difficult if not impossible so why is she mourning the loss of her chance to get pregnant...both Darcey and Stacey thrive on drama, self made or otherwise so I get Floride losing patience with Stacey and her whining on and on about how she can't get pregnant, it wasn't a surprise. The cyst is a common minor issue and if it meant having an ovary removed so what, she was done with both of them anyway.

Wait till the Twit Twins are in full blown menopause, those two will lose their minds. 



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