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S04.E17: Tell All Part 2

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2 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

And what I find really insidious about Tom is that he doesn't hesitate to try to prey upon Darcey's insecurities.  The gained weight comment comes to mind and also the false claim that he was wanting Darcey to embrace him with open arms and then she would have had the love she so desperately craves.  Trying to throw all the responsibility on her shoulders instead of owning the fact that he was a lying, cheating a$$hole who couldn't even pick up the phone to wish her a Happy Birthday.

I thought Tom claimed that he was in the hospital on her birthday and that is why he only texted.  Now he says he didn’t have wifi.  But if you can text you can call.  You don’t need wifi if you have cell service.  None of it makes sense.

1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Me thinks Lana has zero intention of going to Vegas or even in the US.  She's making enough money off desperate elderly men that she probably lives in luxury with her husband.  (She should put that money into quality dental work).

I love it when these dumb Americans go over to Eastern European countries b/c they think that Ukraine/Russian women are nothing like American women.  

Shawn did indeed call him "Us Man."    Can she at least try to pronounce their names correctly?



Lisa sometimes pronounces his name that way as well.

  • Love 2
43 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I have dated exactly two men since 1992 and have been married to both.  First hubby - no internet.  Second one - we reconnected through FB, began dating a year and a half after my divorce and well....SPOKE to each other.  My point, you ask?  All these new rules with dating in the age of the internet would EXHAUST me.....and I am the sped teacher with loads of patience.  Blocking, ghosting, DM'ing, breadcrumbing, orbiting, incel, cushioning......I mean.....back in the 80's we went to bars, threw back some tequila, rum or whiskey and see what stuck.  It was so much easier!!


Yep - he would NOT let up.  At all.  Like he has a place to say anything, right?

So Usman and BGL's marriage in Nigeria is NOT legal in the US?

I think she was saying that the US would not recognize his marriage to a second wife.

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22 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I'm Ukrainian*. Now accepting credit card numbers! Mama needs a new pierogi rolling board. 

*well, Ukrainian/Polish/Canadian but comparing the amount of work Lana had to put in over the past seven years to the rate of pay... call me email me, David! My nails aren't too long to use an iPhone keyboard. 

You also have to be willing to put up with having a crazy stalker try to track you down in person every few months

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15 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don’t understand these Nigerian (Usman, Michael) men thinking 50+ old (hags) women are still able to conceive? It just doesn’t compute?


I'm wondering if they don't receive a whole lot exposure to the ins and outs of the female reproductive system there?  We in the US (and other industrialized nations, I'm sure) typically learn that stuff in health class, and from our parents.  Maybe it's more taboo to discuss it there. 

14 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I get that a second wife in the US would not be legal, but was their marriage in Nigeria not legal?

I thought a tribal marriage like Ben’s is not recognized here but Lisa got married at a government office which should be valid like a courthouse wedding here.  Unless they just rented the office and the officiant was an actor.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I'm Ukrainian*. Now accepting credit card numbers! Mama needs a new pierogi rolling board. 

*well, Ukrainian/Polish/Canadian but comparing the amount of work Lana had to put in over the past seven years to the rate of pay... call me email me, David! My nails aren't too long to use an iPhone keyboard. 

I can do that too! 

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7 minutes ago, steff13 said:

I'm wondering if they don't receive a whole lot exposure to the ins and outs of the female reproductive system there?  We in the US (and other industrialized nations, I'm sure) typically learn that stuff in health class, and from our parents.  Maybe it's more taboo to discuss it there. 

I went to Catholic grade school and the boys and the girls were taught sex ed separately so we did not cover anything about menstruation etc.  No wonder some men don’t even know where women pee from.

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2 hours ago, Dobian said:

$300,000 to chat with Ukranian girls online for seven years.  $300,000.  That was my takeaway from this episode.

I thought it was ~$100,000 in the past 7 yrs, but $300,000 since he started picking them out of catalogs in ~1994 and going on ~20 tours to the Ukraine to meet ~1000 of them in "socials".  He would have been ~34 when he started!  I wonder if he ever dated American women or his obsession with Natasha Fatale's accent has been there nonstop since childhood.

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Shaun lost control and BGL took over. Whatever common sense she had in Part 1, it came to an end in Part 2. Yelling over her husband, yelling over the actual host. Hope she is not invited back.

With his 15 minutes of fame, Tom probably attracts more women now. No matter who he is, a man gets five minutes - if he is a jerk or worse, he is gone. He behaved poorly. Why hit on female 90 Days cast members? Darcey, he has now shown you exactly who he really is. Believe it, have zero expectations that he will do anything, say sayonara, and delete his contact information and get a new number if you have to do so.

Ed was abrasive, but still called David out on his Lana fantasy. Of course they are not together. Lana only said yes to the proposal to ensure he got on the plane home. She has zero interest in the RV life and life in America would be one of shopping at the Vegas Strip or Fifth Avenue and its like.

Usman, most women want a life partner and not someone to control them. You and Lisa are so I’ll-suited to each other.


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I never realized how piggish & gaslighty Tom was before last night. He CLEARLY hit on Avery. And Steph, who he can have because they deserve each other. Tom trying to play it off like he was equally interested in BGL was just a pitifully obvious lie.

Ed is a dick. A loudmouthed, lying POS. I felt sorry for him at the beginning of the season, but he deserved to get dumped. He treated Rose like a child, at best and like property, at worst. Ed and his no-neck-havin', blubbery, mayonaise-stank ass can fuck all the way off, come back  and then fuck off again.

So far, the only decent humans have turned out to be Usman & Erika.

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2 hours ago, Dobian said:

This came up with that other guy (forget his name) who went to Africa to marry the girl (already forget her name...the one with the brother who looked like he wanted to kill her fiance), and it was said that tribal weddings were not legally binding.  You had to be formally married by a justice of the peace and file the paperwork to make it official.

Usman got married in front of an official.  I think the discussion about it not being legal was, if they are in the United States and he takes a second wife, that marriage is not legal. Sort of like the sister wives thing.  There is one legal marriage. The other wives are married only in their minds.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, sasha206 said:


Darcy:  "It's so funny how Tom is getting so much enjoyment out of this because it actually hurts people."   This was the best comment of this Tell All.   I love Darcy, I can't help it.  I hope she finds someone that will love her.  Truly.

Darcy brings all of this on herself, including completely unrealistic expectations of a fairytale romance and then denies any culpability for the situations she finds herself in.

Darcy needs therapy and medication, not to keep embarrassing herself on TV.

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8 minutes ago, John M said:

Darcy brings all of this on herself, including completely unrealistic expectations of a fairytale romance and then denies any culpability for the situations she finds herself in.

Darcy needs therapy and medication, not to keep embarrassing herself on TV.

Agreed. She's pathetic but there is something endearing about her.

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3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I have dated exactly two men since 1992 and have been married to both.  First hubby - no internet.  Second one - we reconnected through FB, began dating a year and a half after my divorce and well....SPOKE to each other.  My point, you ask?  All these new rules with dating in the age of the internet would EXHAUST me.....and I am the sped teacher with loads of patience.  Blocking, ghosting, DM'ing, breadcrumbing, orbiting, incel, cushioning......I mean.....back in the 80's we went to bars, threw back some tequila, rum or whiskey and see what stuck.  It was so much easier!!

100% to this. Find this all utterly exhausting. I have no social media. Not even FB - my stance was if I haven’t talked to you in 10+ years, why do I want to now? I also always joked though if you moved away within my six block radius our friendship was likely over (there are exceptions). Turns out Mr. DC lived exactly six blocks from me when we met.

Age 50 is coming up too fast on me. Guess I’m old school. Met my husband at a gay birthday party of a coworker.

I just can’t fathom how any of them don’t feel ridiculous about “blocking”, “de-friending”, etc. Especially the 40+ year old ones. I think Mr. DC has it right that social media (he likes to pronounce it like Danielle of Mohammad fame), has allowed people to remain incredibly immature. They all sound like 12-yr olds.

Excuse my ignorance - is it supposed to hurt if you can’t gaze at somebody else’s selfies? Quick rant about the selfie thing - at my first job, there was a broker who’s only picture in his office was a 12X12 of him standing on a rock. When he was out we’d go into his office and make fun of it. As in who does that? Does the rock have some special significance? Turns out he was way ahead of the curve (it was 1995). My apologies to Rick.

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9 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

100% to this. Find this all utterly exhausting. I have no social media. Not even FB - my stance was if I haven’t talked to you in 10+ years, why do I want to now? I also always joked though if you moved away within my six block radius our friendship was likely over (there are exceptions). Turns out Mr. DC lived exactly six blocks from me when we met.

Age 50 is coming up too fast on me. Guess I’m old school. Met my husband at a gay birthday party of a coworker.

I just can’t fathom how any of them don’t feel ridiculous about “blocking”, “de-friending”, etc. Especially the 40+ year old ones. I think Mr. DC has it right that social media (he likes to pronounce it like Danielle of Mohammad fame), has allowed people to remain incredibly immature. They all sound like 12-yr olds.

Excuse my ignorance - is it supposed to hurt if you can’t gaze at somebody else’s selfies? Quick rant about the selfie thing - at my first job, there was a broker who’s only picture in his office was a 12X12 of him standing on a rock. When he was out we’d go into his office and make fun of it. As in who does that? Does the rock have some special significance? Turns out he was way ahead of the curve (it was 1995). My apologies to Rick.

David has a picture like that lol.

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Usman doesn’t work my nerves at all but I thought his long winded defense of Nigeria v. scammers made him sound like a dope.  BGL’s expertise on every subject was weird and annoying considering how dismal her relationship appears to be.  She’s still bucking for that alpha male role. The second wife argument didn’t disappoint.  She might want to educate herself about Islam as she “blends two cultures”.   

Rose’s meltdown was unfortunate because she previously did such a beautiful job calmly telling the worthless pos why she didn’t want to be with him. 

Ed’s daughter’s assertion that he may have lied about his height but Rose should’ve known better from video chats was mind-boggling. How about not mentioning that he didn’t want kids before meeting Rose, idiot. I can’t hate disgusting Ed anymore than I already do. Daughter is going to have a lot of disappointments if she thinks she can continue to tell the hideous slob what he can and cannot do. Yolanda’s kids handled things better, without the threats and waterworks. 

I can’t with The Croatian Crotch and her friends. She tried so hard to turn things around onto Erika.  I can imagine her spending the rest of her life trying to convince people she’s not anything like the attention whore she portrays, and using misunderstanding her conservative and demure nature as her excuse when people don’t like her.  Wishing all good things for the honest, comfortable in her skin, much loved by her parents Erika.  

Avery is an interesting bird.  I gave her a few points for not wanting to bring someone to the States whom she doesn’t trust, and agreed with her assessment of Tom hitting on her but she lost me when she defended Ed the pig. Ash saying he planned to propose and that it wasn’t meant to be was strange since he lied about Sian being ok with little guy moving away.  That lie alone changed a possible one year wait to five. 

Tom continues to be a tool although he managed to amp it up.  I wish he hadn’t gotten more time this season.  He made Darcey look reasonable.  They might want to hide their friendship with Reina. Yikes.  

David ended up with just a lot of cranberry juice. 

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The marriage ceremony for BGL and Husband  was performed by a government official. Definitely was not tribal and was not religious. I agree that the non recognized marriage would be the more than one ( plig=polygamy).

Remember that ? Usually it is lawful or lawfully wedded wife but this guy kept saying lovely wife. What a hoot.


Still waiting for explanation why G and V were not there. I thought for sure they would say something in the way of explaining.... so yeah, maybe they are on next week?


Still waiting to understand how David is engaged but they are not together. 

And meant to add--- Erica was the most together one on there. Stephanie was a joke. She studies her facial expressions and mouthing one word reactions. She is a bad actor too.

Edited by mayvenne
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16 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

There are actually RV people who do this! One of my friends once posted a pic of people who also had AstroTurf and a fountain. 

Those are relatively rare.  Much more common is putting out a sign with their name on it, and 99.9% of those will have that damnable misplaced apostrophe:  The Smith's.


7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My question is would he make Lana drain the septic when they are ready to pull up stakes from whatever camp ground?

Hey now.  Somebody has to do it, and in this duo, it's me.  I don't mind it because usually it's the men who do it, and I'm all for reversing gender roles.  Plus I know that nothing anyone does in a campground goes unnoticed by neighbors, and I like messing with their minds.  They'd explode if they saw a young looker like Lana doing it.


16 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

You’d be amazed how ignorant many men (and people in general) are about women’s health and the reproductive system in general. Lisa could probably say “I haven’t gone through menopause yet” and he would believe it.

Just a data point--I didn't go through menopause until I was 60.  That said, I'm pretty sure that any baby I managed to conceive toward the end there would have been a real fright.  But there was still some plumbing hanging in there.


6 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Tom:  So what i got out of this is Tom is really turning on the cad behavior because he loves his reality show fame.  Not that he isn't a dick in general, but he's obviously playing a role.  He also looks like he's got too much filler in his face.  He could use some lips.

Insert joke about borrowing some from Darcey.


4 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I thought Tom claimed that he was in the hospital on her birthday and that is why he only texted.  Now he says he didn’t have wifi.  But if you can text you can call.  You don’t need wifi if you have cell service.  None of it makes sense.

I agree that Tom wasn't being forthright, but if you have very marginal cell service, you can sometimes text but not call, because texts kind of queue up and can go out or come in when a signal shows up just for a little tiny bit, while a call needs a constant signal.

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1 hour ago, ALittleShelfish said:

I would have thought after David presents his grand story about Lana and Her Fingernails, that maybe Darcy or Steph would have chimed in with a "LOOK AT MY NAILS.  I TEXT JUST FINE." 

Ed is a jerk but his mocking of David on that point was legit. David needs to understand what an incredibly lame excuse "she can't use the phone because of her nails" is. Either that phone was factory reset and sold off before David's plane touched back down in the US, or Lana likes having the upgrade but has no intention of using it for David.

Of course, none of this matters. David does not see he's being scammed because he does not wish to see it. The situation reminds me of an episode of Catfished I heard about where some scammer was catfishing a guy by pretending to be Katy Perry. MTV went to the trouble of not only introducing the victim to the actual scammer, but also playing him a video message by the real Katy Perry saying "I'm sorry, but you've been scammed. You and I have never spoken in our lives." Even after that, the guy was convinced he really had been texting Katy Perry and she was now denying it all because blah blah blah.

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18 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don’t understand these Nigerian (Usman, Michael) men thinking 50+ old (hags) women are still able to conceive? It just doesn’t compute?


I suspect sex education in Islam is much like it is in Evangelical Christianity, which is to say non-existent! (Although that still doesn't explain Mykull...) 

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24 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

1.  Those are relatively rare.  Much more common is putting out a sign with their name on it, and 99.9% of those will have that damnable misplaced apostrophe:  The Smith's.

2.  Just a data point--I didn't go through menopause until I was 60.  That said, I'm pretty sure that any baby I managed to conceive toward the end there would have been a real fright.  But there was still some plumbing hanging in there.

3.  Insert joke about borrowing some from Darcey.

Pulling out a few points from your post:

1.  Do you inwardly scream, "The Smith's WHAT????"

2.  Several comments in this thread about sex ed in foreign countries.  When I was in 7th grade (about 150 years ago, we had that "boys in one room, girls in another" class on sex ed.  It was so "useful" that even after sitting through it, I didn't realize you needed a guy to have a baby.  The teacher said, "If the egg does not plant itself in the wall of the uterus, the wall (which is mostly blood) will drain out, and that's what we call your period."  NOT ONE WORD about the need for a male sperm to fertilize the egg.  I went for months believing I should jump around a lot in case I was ovulating.  I did NOT want my egg to plant itself!!!

3.  I thought the same thing . . . if Tom needs lips, Darcey has plenty of excess tissue to share.

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

Lana and her long nails....more likely she couldn’t use it because she sold it on the way back from the airport.  Or maybe gave it to whoever runs the websites.   They probably got a cut of any money she got from TLC too.   No way they want a cash cow getting away and communicating directly without them getting paid.   

And let's be honest - she probably got more money for it than she did the engagement ring!

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8 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I was surprised Usman did not want to come to the states too.  I did think it was interesting that there was all that drama about getting married and getting the divorce decree, etc...and then we find out that marriage is not legal in the states AND not even a real Hausa wedding.  Lisa acted like getting married was going to be the real deal, partners for life, file the paperwork and start the husband visa process.  I often wonder why these couples do what they do, they fight, they don't have productive conversations about expectations and realities of how life will be, finances are never talked about, jobs seem to be second to "living the dream,"  They taunt each other for 89 days (or wait until the day before they have to leave whatever country) about whether or not they will marry the person if they continue to (fill in the blank) or if they need the matriarch's approval for the marriage...nothing seems to be planned out ahead of time.

I kept saying that David was all too comfortable driving around the Ukraine, so now we learn he has been there 20+ times.  His house is cringe worthy, dusty fake plant, beat up cabinet that was missing the glass front, nothing on the shelves which one shelf was resting on top of the other, it was depressing to look at, no wonder he wants to get an RV and roam the country.  My question is would he make Lana drain the septic when they are ready to pull up stakes from whatever camp ground?

Where was Avery filming? That room did not exist in her toy strewn apartment we saw at the beginning of the season.

Okay, we have let Tom have his say, we have let Darcey have closure, now can we have them make their exits?




If I were a black man, I would not come to this country right now. Usman's mother must be freaking out. She worried that he would be a slave. Now she must be worried that he would be shot.

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6 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:



Yep - he would NOT let up.  At all.  Like he has a place to say anything, right?


Ed not letting up on Dave or Rose made me ill, especially Rose. But when he wouldn't let up on Dave it was just Ed grandstanding for attention. It was Ed's " Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" moment & TLC just gave it to him.  I hate Shaun Robinson she never had any control and cannot run this shit show. 

Sit down Ed and STFU. 

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