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S04.E17: Tell All Part 2

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So now my question is ... is David still paying for Lanas phone bill even though she doesn’t like to use it because her nails get in the way 😂 

if I ever need a good laugh , I think of David . I don’t think ive ever met a dumber , more naive soul in my life . But you can’t dislike him . 
Though I’m still trying to figure out how one is still engaged but at the same time not together . 

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Darcey: "I'm a strong woman."

No, you're not. Anyone who has to say they are strong is NOT strong. People that are truly strong (physically, mentally, or whatever you mean with your statement) never EVER need to say they are strong...their actions speak louder than words.

Darcey...zip it. You are not strong. You are very, very weak...in so many ways. Keep propping yourself up but until you resolve a few of your many issues, no decent man will want to get anywhere near you.

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10 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don’t understand these Nigerian (Usman, Michael) men thinking 50+ old (hags) women are still able to conceive? It just doesn’t compute?


You’d be amazed how ignorant many men (and people in general) are about women’s health and the reproductive system in general. Lisa could probably say “I haven’t gone through menopause yet” and he would believe it. Or these people don’t want to acknowledge reproductive tech is expensive and not a guarantee. 

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They really diluted the nastiness of Ed and Lisa. Hopefully, they will show it next week, because they don't deserve to not be shown in all their hateful glory.

When David finally snapped at Ed to go away, it was after several minutes of David trying to answer a question and Ed talking over him. Several minutes, not just once or twice. Lisa had a go at Shaun, too. They are every bit as horrible as you can imagine.

Tom certainly thinks he came across well, though. He posted on his IG account something asking what people liked the best and the top comment, with the most likes, was saying when Avery appeared and he ran off. Some of his leg humpers even called him out for not being able to answer a question straight.

Ed also thinks he came across well and tried to help David by pointing out the obvious. He doesn't see himself as equally awful.

Oh well, if it wasn't for the delusional beliefs of idiots, we wouldn't have this show to watch.

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5 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:


Tom: "we've already established I'm an a**hole." 

Anything to drag out those 15 minutes of "fame"

He had to duck out and take a bong hit to get through the whole Ash and Avery debaucle in front of everyone. Damn straight he asked her out on a date and had screen shots to show Ash. That's what assholes do. Just like Ed does, call himself an asshole before anyone else does.

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6 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Ash is a professional McLiar Coach. Avery held back better than I would have done. She's miles more composed and mature, and she actually apologized to Tom, even though, with his behavior, he did not deserve an apology. Even though Ash is pathetic, Tom is cold and calculating.


Ugh, I don't want to say this about Tom but I don't think his behavior about the screen shot was wrong, considering Ash lied about it.  That may be the only time I'll ever write those words about him.

I like Avery in general, but she also talks in circles with a lot of  mindfulness double-talk.  The difference is that sometimes she can be serious and focus on reality, while Ash never stops sounding like he's reading from some bad pop psychology book.  By the way, how funny is it that he kept denying that he was a liar and then admitted to blatantly lying about the screen shot because he was jealous.  

  • Love 14
5 hours ago, kendi said:

Anything to drag out those 15 minutes of "fame"

He had to duck out and take a bong hit to get through the whole Ash and Avery debaucle in front of everyone. Damn straight he asked her out on a date and had screen shots to show Ash. That's what assholes do. Just like Ed does, call himself an asshole before anyone else does.

I was really surprised Tom allowed himself to be filmed smoking.  

He's really blown his gentleman cover.  He was always in it for fame, Darcy is absolutely right.  He never had honest intent, and saying now that he really loved her is just nonsense.  We all saw you Tom. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, because Darcy is so over the top, but she isn't mean or deceitful about who she is.  You used her, plain and simple.

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Lisa is horrible, an ignorant hot head. Now imagine what she must be like at work. The idea of her giving comfort to ill patients and their family members is frightening to me.  She has absolutely no insight.  
As far as Lisa giving birth ...I think she made it clear that Usman can only take on a second wife if he supports and sets up (including car insurance) his first wife first. Lisa is saying very loudly that Usman cannot support her. Usman is not coming to the US because he is aware of what a nightmare his life would be. 

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5 hours ago, kendi said:

Anything to drag out those 15 minutes of "fame"

He had to duck out and take a bong hit to get through the whole Ash and Avery debaucle in front of everyone. Damn straight he asked her out on a date and had screen shots to show Ash. That's what assholes do. Just like Ed does, call himself an asshole before anyone else does.

I'm not conversant with what different drugs do to people, but after Tom came back on screen and was chain smoking, we wondered whether he'd snorted some cocaine or something during the time when the camera was off.  He was definitely wired.

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So it's pretty obvious that Tom is a huge famewhore who is trolling other cast members in an attempt to stay on the show. 

I said this in the chat and I'll say this again, I know why Usman is with Lisa (green card, until he realized his life would be a hellscape), but what is in it for BGL? She's married to a guy who isn't with her, they have been fighting from day one for control of each other, now he wants another wife? And she bursts a blood vessel everytime a woman sends him an emoji. I seriously don't get it. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 15
15 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I was surprised to hear Usman say that he no longer wants to come to the U.S. Can’t help but wonder why he changed his mind. Yesterday on Yahoo, I saw a story about a 68 year old African woman who just gave birth. So, I guess there’s hope for Lisa.

I was surprised Usman did not want to come to the states too.  I did think it was interesting that there was all that drama about getting married and getting the divorce decree, etc...and then we find out that marriage is not legal in the states AND not even a real Hausa wedding.  Lisa acted like getting married was going to be the real deal, partners for life, file the paperwork and start the husband visa process.  I often wonder why these couples do what they do, they fight, they don't have productive conversations about expectations and realities of how life will be, finances are never talked about, jobs seem to be second to "living the dream,"  They taunt each other for 89 days (or wait until the day before they have to leave whatever country) about whether or not they will marry the person if they continue to (fill in the blank) or if they need the matriarch's approval for the marriage...nothing seems to be planned out ahead of time.

I kept saying that David was all too comfortable driving around the Ukraine, so now we learn he has been there 20+ times.  His house is cringe worthy, dusty fake plant, beat up cabinet that was missing the glass front, nothing on the shelves which one shelf was resting on top of the other, it was depressing to look at, no wonder he wants to get an RV and roam the country.  My question is would he make Lana drain the septic when they are ready to pull up stakes from whatever camp ground?

Where was Avery filming? That room did not exist in her toy strewn apartment we saw at the beginning of the season.

Okay, we have let Tom have his say, we have let Darcey have closure, now can we have them make their exits?




Edited by Baltimore Betty
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"Usman run!" Is the only thing that Ed has said that I agreed with. David is just as dense as Yolanda,  must be something in the Las Vegas air (sorry Vegas).

Lisa is just as vile as Ed and they would make a perfect couple.  I'm saying this as a Afro-Caribbean woman, I would not marry Usman or anyone like him. I grew up in a culture where relationships are based on equal partnerships.  So having to be submissive would not work for me. Usman needs to marry a woman who doesn't have a problem with the man being in control of everything.  Lisa is definitely not the one for him, she's highly disrespectful of him and his culture , she's condescending and stopped short of calling him unappealing names. 

Tom is exhausting and is trying to be the next Jesse. Tom was flirting with any American woman on the show in order to hold on to his 15 seconds of fame. Shout out to Darcey, who did not attack Avery and Stephanie,  but addressed the root of the problem. 

Edited by spunky
  • Love 18
10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Shawn said at the beginning of part one that they were not participating.

Yeah I definitely caught that. But then there's the "stay tuned next week for...surprise guest(s) and much more." The usual B.S. 

Thought maybe in another segment they'd be shown. Maybe Mary would be the "surprise guest." One can hope at least. I don't read social media etc so other than these forums when I have time, I have no idea what goes on with these people once cameras are off.  

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

David is 100% invested in this lifestyle. When Lana finally fades away, there will be 100 to take her place.

I have to agree. It might sound crazy to us but this is a way of life for David. I don’t think he wants to actually settle down with anyone. The Ukraine woman search is like a gambling casino ... he’s addicted to the costly online chats and creepy stalking visits to the country.  He can’t stop. If you point out the obvious he gets angry.  He did meet a nice looking Ukrainian woman but couldn’t commit because that’s not what he wants. It’s the daily online chat/ search that’s exciting. Not actually landing a mate. 
A sad way to live actually.


yikes! . Ash has me saying ‘actually’ all the time now.  Soon it’ll be ‘like’ ten times in a sentence a la Stephanie.  I’ve got to stop watching this dumb show. 😱


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1 hour ago, blubld43 said:


He's really blown his gentleman cover.  He was always in it for fame, Darcy is absolutely right.  He never had honest intent, and saying now that he really loved her is just nonsense.  We all saw you Tom. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, because Darcy is so over the top, but she isn't mean or deceitful about who she is.  You used her, plain and simple.

And what I find really insidious about Tom is that he doesn't hesitate to try to prey upon Darcey's insecurities.  The gained weight comment comes to mind and also the false claim that he was wanting Darcey to embrace him with open arms and then she would have had the love she so desperately craves.  Trying to throw all the responsibility on her shoulders instead of owning the fact that he was a lying, cheating a$$hole who couldn't even pick up the phone to wish her a Happy Birthday.

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Tom:  So what i got out of this is Tom is really turning on the cad behavior because he loves his reality show fame.  Not that he isn't a dick in general, but he's obviously playing a role.  He also looks like he's got too much filler in his face.  He could use some lips.

Ash:   Does this mother fucker tell the truth about anything?  Except for telling the truth about lying?

Avery:  I like how she's so unruffled by it all.  Of course, Tom was hitting on her.  

Lisa:  She's always "done" with Usman, until she isn't.  Meanwhile, did I hear Shawn say his name wrong?  I mean isn't it Ooooosmahn?   

Darcy:  "It's so funny how Tom is getting so much enjoyment out of this because it actually hurts people."   This was the best comment of this Tell All.   I love Darcy, I can't help it.  I hope she finds someone that will love her.  Truly.

Steph:  I wish Tom hadn't hit on her.  Her boobs aren't even that great from the nude leaks.  

Dave:  I remember when I thought he was a failed actor.  Now, I agree -- he's just stupid.  I enjoyed Ed's riding him on that!




  • Love 7
9 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

As much as David insists Lana is down for RV life, methinks she envisions life in Vegas as a shopping spree in high end stores on the strip, not setting up folding chairs at a KOA. 

Not surprised to learn that David has been doing the Ukranian Love Trips for many years. It used to be (before the internets) that these guys would look at catalogs and pay massive amounts of money to go on guided tours where these companies set up "socials". Now it's all about the sites where they translate and charge, order flowers and charge, etc etc. David is 100% invested in this lifestyle. When Lana finally fades away, there will be 100 to take her place.

Me thinks Lana has zero intention of going to Vegas or even in the US.  She's making enough money off desperate elderly men that she probably lives in luxury with her husband.  (She should put that money into quality dental work).

I love it when these dumb Americans go over to Eastern European countries b/c they think that Ukraine/Russian women are nothing like American women.  

Shawn did indeed call him "Us Man."    Can she at least try to pronounce their names correctly?  (oops, I spelled her name wrong while complaining about her not bothering to get his name right!)



Edited by sasha206
  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

Yeah I definitely caught that. But then there's the "stay tuned next week for...surprise guest(s) and much more." The usual B.S. 

Thought maybe in another segment they'd be shown. Maybe Mary would be the "surprise guest." One can hope at least. I don't read social media etc so other than these forums when I have time, I have no idea what goes on with these people once cameras are off.  

I really hope it's Mary! And she spills all.


  • Love 4
On 6/9/2020 at 9:23 AM, Mr. Miner said:

If it was me and I had scumbag Ed ridiculing and laughing at me. That would have to be my absolute rock bottom and would force me to seek help. Get help Dave.

Ed ridiculing David to such an extreme degree and refusing to drop it really convinced me that Ed is not a nice or kind man.  Ed has been complaining about bullies online but it was OK for him to treat David in the manner that he did?   Ed really tries too hard to be a personality.  Someone should clue him in that America will never consider him a beloved TV personality.  I agree with what Ed was saying I just disapprove of the way he delivered the message. 

Edited by aimlessbird
too has 2 o's
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I honestly don't understand the whole Lisa/Usman thing. He wanted to come to the US, but now doesn't. She's insisting that he can't take a second wife unless he fully supports her, but their marriage is illegal in US and he's not planning on coming here. Why the hell did they bother getting married? As far as their "who has control" argument... wouldn't these be things you talk about before you get married. 

I actually get a kick out of Usman. I don't know what his game is, but he seems like an affable guy. Lisa is completely crude and vile. I can't believe the lure of coming to the US was that great that putting up with her would be worth it -- even for five minutes. There is not one single pleasant thing about her. 

Also -- when did blocking someone on social media become "breaking up"?


  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

I honestly don't understand the whole Lisa/Usman thing. He wanted to come to the US, but now doesn't. She's insisting that he can't take a second wife unless he fully supports her, but their marriage is illegal in US and he's not planning on coming here. Why the hell did they bother getting married?

Because their whole relationship is fake and a way for them to get on television.  90 Days stopped being about real people trying to find love in other countries after season 2 of the original show and has since become a playground for reality show star wannabes.

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12 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

I honestly don't understand the whole Lisa/Usman thing. He wanted to come to the US, but now doesn't. She's insisting that he can't take a second wife unless he fully supports her, but their marriage is illegal in US and he's not planning on coming here. Why the hell did they bother getting married? As far as their "who has control" argument... wouldn't these be things you talk about before you get married. 

I actually get a kick out of Usman. I don't know what his game is, but he seems like an affable guy. Lisa is completely crude and vile. I can't believe the lure of coming to the US was that great that putting up with her would be worth it -- even for five minutes. There is not one single pleasant thing about her. 

Also -- when did blocking someone on social media become "breaking up"?


I think he finally realized US is not worth having to be married to that shrew.

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16 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

Also -- when did blocking someone on social media become "breaking up"?

I have dated exactly two men since 1992 and have been married to both.  First hubby - no internet.  Second one - we reconnected through FB, began dating a year and a half after my divorce and well....SPOKE to each other.  My point, you ask?  All these new rules with dating in the age of the internet would EXHAUST me.....and I am the sped teacher with loads of patience.  Blocking, ghosting, DM'ing, breadcrumbing, orbiting, incel, cushioning......I mean.....back in the 80's we went to bars, threw back some tequila, rum or whiskey and see what stuck.  It was so much easier!!


41 minutes ago, aimlessbird said:

Ed ridiculing David to such an extreme degree and refusing to drop it really convinced me that Ed is not a nice or kind man. 

Yep - he would NOT let up.  At all.  Like he has a place to say anything, right?

So Usman and BGL's marriage in Nigeria is NOT legal in the US?

  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

So Usman and BGL's marriage in Nigeria is NOT legal in the US?

This came up with that other guy (forget his name) who went to Africa to marry the girl (already forget her name...the one with the brother who looked like he wanted to kill her fiance), and it was said that tribal weddings were not legally binding.  You had to be formally married by a justice of the peace and file the paperwork to make it official.

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David is utterly defensive about his idiocy and blind spot about Lana.

YoLa trying to talk some sense into David...that's rich....my eyes rolled out of my head and under the couch.

Tom is desperate to cross breed with any 90D cast to extend his time on the show and feed off the TLC teat...

Avery... he was hitting on you, Lisa... he was not hitting on you, Steph...he wants to bed you but just as a hit and run.

Ashhat is a lying liar and when caught red handed is a dick about being found out.

Taj, look away...you father is a jerk.

🥚in his blue silk robe is nauseating....

TLC, make him put on a shirt and especially pants....he is fetid.


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