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S10.E11: Anniversaries and Secrets

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20 hours ago, LaLaLaLa said:

Yeah...I think Michael was making up that vacation on the spot.

Oh, yeah.  He was trying to come up with a lie.

19 hours ago, Yeah No said:

No, you said "Normal people don't fall in love in 8 weeks".  I guess I'm not "normal", LOL.  😉

Katie, is that you?

3 hours ago, lizajane said:

I think he displays some signs of substance abuse, but can assure you that if a person I had just met the day before - or anybody for that matter, was videoing me while sleeping, I would have been livid. To me, this is an absolute violation of privacy and personal space. I am a very private and introverted person and I think that Brandon is as well, hence a lot of his discomfort/disgust with her constant need to broadcast everything on SM. He just does not belong on the show, period.

He is is being broadcast on national TV.  She has a little Instagram following.  I assume that giving your personality type, you wouldn't have agreed to go on national TV?  He was protesting that she was filming him, while the film crew was filming him! Isn't that a  bit crazy?

3 hours ago, AUJulia said:

I’m not defending her obsession with photographing everything (the whole social-media-as-my-life thing should be a deal breaker) but there was a CAMERA CREW taping him sleeping too. Their filming was way more constant and intrusive and her doing it was just his excuse to have a tantrum. 

You said it better first.

1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Am I the only one here that still likes Katie?

yes.  What do you like about her?  Inquiring minds want to know. I'm not being sarcastic I love to know what you do like about her. I don't see her as despicable or that there's nothing to like about her but I don't find her likable.  And she's pretty stupid to be worried about Derrick being in love with her in six weeks or eight weeks.  Has she said she's in love with Derrick? So what's the expectation and where does it come from?  

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3 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

A husband left a toilet seat up and his wife in the middle of the night sat down and basically fell in and became hopelessly stuck. ER was called and before her neighbors she was taken to the hospital toilet in Toto. She braved the embarrassment had a toiletectomy done and remained married.

Anyway they'll be fine...

I will never understand this. Are people just sitting on a toilet blindfolded? Look and then sit.

I know. I can already hear it. People get up in the middle of the night. Half sleep. Whatever. I'm still not sitting without looking. Even if it's for a second.

For the record, I'm a guy and I never leave the seat up. Because I don't know why the hell someone would do that. I live alone and put the seat down. In public places I put the seat down.

I'm still not sitting down without looking.

7 hours ago, endure said:

It's a process like anything else, she went into this with good intentions it's not her fault she was matched with a psycho.  She is now fully aware of who he is there is no doubt.

This is the longest process ever.

He said he wasn't attracted to you multiple times.

Didn't move in with her.

Dances around any serious question.

Doesn't call her.

NOW SHE SEES IT? come on.

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The usual run down.

Probably best episode this season. B+

Taylor and Brandon

The video Brandon found so distasteful wasn't done in a vacuum. Yes their relationship stinks but he shouldn't complain too loudly he's one of the reasons it stinks. I don't believe any apology would have suited Brandon. If I were him or her I'd reach out and say okay marriage is toast lets just be cordial...nothing more. 

Micheal and Meka

In my best Serlingease 'Submit for your approval a couple forever tormented by the inability to communicate or show the least signs of affection toward one another. But this is no ordinary marriage and these vows were written in the Twilight Zone. 

Yeah I'll believe the dolphins when I see it.

Zach and Mindy

Mindy has been showing a lot of class...Zach needs to be cornered and trapped like a rat and interrogated until he stops his gibberish...

Kate and Derek

I think they have potential but they have couple issues and individual issues. Getting involved with someone...anyone is always a risk.

As Janis Joplin belted out years ago...

Don't you know when you're loving anybody, baby
You're taking a gamble on a little sorrow
But then who cares, baby
'Cause we may not be here tomorrow, no

More true today...



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10 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I wasn't speaking of this week's stuff specifically. I should have clarified that. He has been a jerk to her since day 1, has said he's not attracted to her, gaslights her, throws crumbs that she willing eats up only to be disappointed later and puts on this "I still think this can work," thing. And all that was before yesterday. I can see falling to pieces over someone you've been with for a long time but a stranger who does all the above within 30 days should be shown the door. Collapsing into pieces over that would be bizarre to me.

If she's still evaluating anything at this point, there's something wrong with her.

Mindy probably trusts the experts that paired them together.  She thinks they know what they are doing and have reason to believe that she and Zack belong together.  Little does she know that production does the picking, not the experts.  She has a lot of restraint to deal with the way Zack treats her.  I would have let him have it long ago and dumped the girlfriend face to face.  She is too calm.  She’s too good for her own good.  There is someone out there for her and it isn’t Zack.  She’s a sweetheart and boo to this show for pairing her with that creep.  Her storyline was good for the show, but not good for her.

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Stubborn, immovable, unforgiving....

Rock meet Hard Place AKA Meka and Brandon

Meka will not forgive Michael for refusing to cop to his telling her honeymoon sex or the highway...

Even if Flipper intervened for Michael, Meka won’t forgive him...he must admit to lying. 

Brandon has found his escape hatch and Tay’s Achilles heel...her incapacity to not have her eyeballs on her phone and documenting her every fart for “her friends.”

Brandon’s anger is toward Taylor and not solely the production crew...an improvement since Panama but his hostility to being filmed is just ridiculous...cut him lose and terminate.

Why should the production crew have to put up with his attitude when they are trying to do their jobs...

Edited by humbleopinion
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9 hours ago, AnnMarie17 said:

Meka gave Michael a gift of ties.  Presumably, because tie rhymes with lie.  She should have told him "I picked out ties for you to wear to work...now where exactly do you work again?"

Oops, right. I forgot all about that underwhelming, personal, heartfelt 'gift' LOL


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I admire Mindy’s restraint but I’d like for her to give herself permission to be mad as hell at this whole bullshit too. 
I’ve read this thread but I’m wondering how the whole bulimia idea got started? Did I miss something in the show?

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Just now, Kiss my mutt said:

I admire Mindy’s restraint but I’d like for her to give herself permission to be mad as hell at this whole bullshit too. 
I’ve read this thread but I’m wondering how the whole bulimia idea got started? Did I miss something in the show?

"Rumour has it........."  I think one person speculated and then everybody started talking about it here on the board.

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6 hours ago, lizajane said:

discomfort/disgust with her constant need to broadcast everything on SM.

SUPER annoying that she is always on her phone. She never gives anyone the respect of her full attention. It's all about her, what she's doing, what she's wearing, what she thinks and sharing it ALL with her 'followers.' Such a shallow, selfish existence.

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Zach is a lying, gaslighting, two-faced pig. Worst MAFS husband ever. I feel so badly for Mindy. She's got shitty parents, a shitty husband, and a shitty friend. Mallory needs to hunt Zach down and kick him in the balls. What the hell is up with Lindsey saying that Zach was sociopathic and a liar? I mean, she's right, but why is she even having conversations with him? And obviously she told Zach something about Mindy to make him act all weird.

Katie is a brat. She doesn't deserve Derek. He's kind of immature, I get it, but he's also trying really hard, and that's what counts. I haven't seen her make any kind of effort. 

Meka and Michael - about the same as they were last week, maybe slightly thawed out. Meka obviously still doesn't trust Michael, so it's going to be an uphill battle. I'm on the fence about the breakfast. I love breakfast, and I love it when my husband cooks for me, so I would have appreciated it, but on the other hand, he should have given her something SHE liked. I probably would not want to eat a food I disliked just because someone fixed it for me. The Jamaica trip is thoughtful,  and more up her alley, I just hope he follows through.

Brandon and Taylor - nothing to say about them. Brandon is over it. I think they will both move on with their lives.

Jessica and Austin - these two are so cute, if a little awkward. The show better not force any drama on them. They are the only saving grace this season. The hand mold thing was cute. Not something I would have thought of, but, hey, good job, Austin!


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Lots of cuts and jumping around, so take everything with a grain of salt in recap of next week's preview (or why am I still watching this show?):

Pastor Cal voice over: "Next time on Married at First Sight..."

Quick clips of Pastor Cal shaking hands with Derek; Katie sitting down on a couch; Pastor Cal shaking hands with Michael (PC: "Good to see you, buddy." M: "Good to see you as well."; Meka sitting down on a couch across from Dr. Viviana; Zach sitting down with Pastor Cal.

PC: "...it's Recommitment Day, and we, the experts will hold each couple accountable."

Clips of Mindy sitting down with Dr. V.; Pastor Cal shaking hands with Brandon; Taylor sitting down with Dr. V.

Derek sitting on couch, in office. Pastor Cal: "Do you feel that you're absolutely committed to this marriage?"

Cut to Katie nervously twiddling thumbs. Pastor Cal voice over: "And they will face the toughest questions of their marriage so far." Cut to Mindy on couch. 

Cut to Pastor Cal with Zach. PC: "Have you been faithful to her?" Cut to Zach hesitating and looking unsure.

Cut to Mindy: "I've gotten different stories from both of them."  Cut to Dr. V looking stunned and mad, she closes her eyes and shakes her head.

Cut to Meka, on couch: "How can I trust any of it?"

Cut to Pastor Cal, speaking with Michael: "I need you to prove to her that she can trust you with her heart." Michael is fiddling with his ring.

Cut to Zach, looking skeevy and untrustworthy.

Back to Dr V and Mindy: "He needs to tell me what he's accused me of lying about."

Pastor Cal with Zach: "You know you have sucked as a husband." (Damn straight.) Zach nods his head.

Cut to Taylor: "I don't know what else I can, like, do or try."

Cut to PC and Brandon. PC: "So the question is, can you get over it?"

Cut to Derek, sitting on couch, wrinkled brow. 

Cut to Katie: "Feeling like time is passing, and nothing's happening."  (I want to shake this girl.)

Cut to Austin, on couch: "There was, I think, a breach in trust." Pastor Cal has his glasses off and closes his eyes.

Dr. V: "It's put up or shut up time." Cuts to Jessica. (Not sure if this is misleading editing or not.)

Pastor Cal: "Give it to me straight." Cut to Michael, looking shady.

Cut to Meka. 

Cut to Dr. V: "Are you committed to your marriage?"

Cut to Jessica: "Ummm..."

Cut to Austin: "Ummm..."

Cut to Taylor: "I mean - "

Cut to Brandon: "I don't know what to do now."

Cut to Katie: "I'm just not feeling this."

Cut to Derek: "I've just given up."

Cut to Mindy: "I'm torn."

Cut to Zach: "I still see hope." Pastor Cal: "Zach. With all due respect, I'm calling BS, man." He has his glasses off, so you know he's pissed off. Zach sniffs and looks down.


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On 3/11/2020 at 9:51 PM, Ohwell said:

And I wonder why?  I believe in the "two sides to a story" theory and I do wonder about Mindy.

Sometimes the "other side of the story" is just a big fat fucking liar.  


On 3/12/2020 at 12:07 AM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Mindy is one of the most likable people on the show, ever, but I can’t take the kicked puppy routine any more. Calling Nasty Ass Zach to come do his American Psycho impersonation over their wedding photos was too much. I don’t care if production told her to. She needed to tell them to screw off. The utter contempt he oozed at her during dinner at the Gaslight Inn was unreal. I don’t think even Derek and Heather of the ill-fated Marijuana Honeymoon had that much hatred for each other. 

Haha I was thinking while watching that I'd take that doobie-smoking dork over the majority of these guys (Brandon, Michael, Zach - in case any of them are reading this and think they are excused from my contempt) any day!!!

On 3/12/2020 at 1:04 AM, Yeah No said:

It took me two weeks to fall in love.  Sometimes you just know.  But these women are risking a lot at the end of 8 weeks to stay with someone if they don't "see a pathway" as they say.  I think Jessica does see that pathway taking shape with Austin, but would "just prefer" hearing it before the 8 weeks are up.  I don't think she's getting pissy about it, really.  Katie knows there's a potential problem with Derek because he's been down this road before and still never fallen in love.  But even if he does say it, it's still a risk.  Saying doesn't guarantee anything.  They could still break up later anyway.

If the show weren't pressuring them to publicly discuss the level of their love every week they might be having a better and easier time of it!

On 3/12/2020 at 1:27 AM, Yeah No said:

Austin doesn't have to say it, I already believe he does.  I think Jessica knows it too, I can see it on her face.  I think production is making issues out of nothing for them the way they did with Bobby and Danielle.

Gregg and Deonna, Ashley and Anthony, Keith and Kristine . . . . .

16 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Mindy’s final performance should be going behind Zack with an electric razor and shaving off his hair right down to the front in one swift move.  That will get him.  Stupid I know, but th@t pompadour just gets to me.  He thinks he’s so gorgeous.

Not stupid at all! I'd pay to watch that! 😄 😄😄 


10 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I have never for a second understood all the drama about the seat, or why it's the man's responsibility to put it down. I'm with you: everybody just put it in the position they need it in when they need to use it and keep it moving. It is not that serious.

If every person put everything down (seat AND lid) every time, no one would ever have this fight again!  

10 hours ago, AUJulia said:

I know some of what I’m about to say has been said before, but regarding Brandon: he has so many telltale signs of substance abuse. One, his major personality  changes. Two, his outrage over not being able to go anywhere without cameras and his surprise that he couldn’t bully his way out of what he’d agreed to. Three, his puzzling verbal and nonverbal abuse of others. 

Substance abusers pick fights to rationalize using their substance of choice. They have terrible rage when they can’t use if they want to. And their reactions to simple, innocent actions of others (videoing him sleeping) are puzzling and out of proportion and their need to punish the “offender” is also inexplicable. 

Yes yes yes yes yes to this!!!!! 

5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I am impressed with the way Mindy handled this. I wouldn't be surprised if Zach and Linsdsay hooked up at the wedding and exchanged numbers then. Zach is just a bastard coated bastard, served on a bed of sauteed bastard, covered in bastard sauce with a side of bastard. I don't think he actually knows anything that Mindy has been dishonest about - I believe his comment was pure gaslighting with a hearty helping of projection to go with it.

Hahahahahahaha! Love this! (And the rest of your post too - edited only to save space 🙂 

How dare he announce that it's once again her fault for not attracting him - and if she just thinks about it long enough she'll realize why!  All I really could think while watching them tonight was "Wow, Zach.  Just wow."  I had no words.  But the whole "bastard sauce" rant really spoke to me 😄 

ETA:  So did someone earlier who called him Fuck Face 😀

Edited by princelina
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3 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

Cut to Austin, on couch: "There was, I think, a breach in trust." Pastor Cal has his glasses off and closes his eyes.

Dr. V: "It's put up or shut up time." Cuts to Jessica. (Not sure if this is misleading editing or not.)

Oh no.  Did Austin forget to go back home to make the bed again??  

I think Austin has been one of the most pleasant, easy-going guys to ever have ended up on this show.  He’s been a polite, respectful, thoughtful, drama-free dude from the jump. I really like this guy. I hate his hair but admire his way. Hoping he gets what he wants out of this, and if it’s her, I hope she lightens up on him.




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Meka's gift to Michael...the Bag O' Ties or Fillup a Bag of Neckware for $20 paled in comparison to the upcoming Jamaican dolphin encounter.

But let's be real...Meka probably got nothing for her month anniversary...even Brandon got a card....


Edited by humbleopinion
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Why argue/bitch about the toilet seat when the empty toilet paper roller is so much more fun? I never bitched about that either - just left it empty and kept a roll hidden for my own use until the hit was taken. Yup, and it worked. Took him a while to figure out what the heck I was doing with the tp roller still empty. Good times.

I have come to the realization that the reason Katie has bugged me from the get-go is her smugness. Thinking back, there have been other brides & grooms who turned me off from the start and even though I can't remember their names or cities/seasons, it was that one I-just-want-to-smack-that-look-right-of-their-faces thing I could not be bothered to even try and get past.

Unfortunately, I dozed off during the beginning of the show and missed most of the first hour, so I'll have to pull it up and watch it again to see what else I would have the urge to snark about.

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13 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Am I the only one here that still likes Katie?

I think Katie’s biggest fault is that she is young and in a few years she’ll be just fine.  She needs to learn to read the room and be more considerate of others, but that is fairly common for her age group to be “me” focused and that goes away as they get more adult experiences.  I do like her confidence and openness.

Very UO, I liked that Katie snapped back at her mom when her mom said that Derek was the best she could do.  That is a really shitty thing for a parent to say.  The mom could’ve said that Derek is a great guy and Katie might be missing out if she doesn’t give it a chance but to say that Katie, a very young woman, would only do worse than Derek was nasty.  I would’ve snapped back, too.

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13 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Etiquette and health standards both dictate that the toilet lid should be closed before flushing, which by definition answers the question of whether the lid should be up or down when the next person comes in to use the toilet.

Here's my reasoning.  After the guy pees, he should put the seat down and then, of course,  wash his hands.

Otherwise, the non-guy coming in to pee next has to touch the seat, which may have droplets (eeoow) on it and then either tend to her business with dirty hands or have to wash before she uses the toilet and then again after.

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On 3/12/2020 at 1:27 AM, Yeah No said:

Austin doesn't have to say it, I already believe he does.  I think Jessica knows it too, I can see it on her face.  I think production is making issues out of nothing for them the way they did with Bobby and Danielle.

Yes. I noticed that every season if there is no drama between a couple, the mild drama comes down to one of them not saying I love you.. and it's just so obviously production driven.

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I recall Meka saying something about Michael liking his suits, etc, so that's why she bought him ties.

Katie's mom knows things we don't, as in, she may have seen some real losers & is worried. With Katie's need to be dominated, she might be attracted to the bad boys, & maybe mom sees something better in Derek for her daughter. From what I've seen of Katie I could believe she turns the good ones off & away, & maybe that's worrying mom who just wants her to give it a better shot with Derek. In any event Katie's response could've been much more respectful, especially being on camera.

Katie isn't just immature IMO, she's got a bad 'tude that needs some adjusting. Her "confidence" seems to me to be more arrogance & condescension. She has a ton of growing up to do, & shouldn't be counseling anyone until she straightens herself out.


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Oops, right. I forgot all about that underwhelming, personal, heartfelt 'gift' LOL

I actually thought it was sweet -she said that he told her he feels sexiest when he's wearing a suit. 



Here's my reasoning.  After the guy pees, he should put the seat down and then, of course,  wash his hands.

Otherwise, the non-guy coming in to pee next has to touch the seat, which may have droplets (eeoow) on it and then either tend to her business with dirty hands or have to wash before she uses the toilet and then again after.


Every time you flush, germs go flying up in the air. If you close the lid, the germs are largely stopped.


Why argue/bitch about the toilet seat when the empty toilet paper roller is so much more fun?

The REAL issue is whether you're supposed roll the toilet paper over or under.

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9 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

Derek sitting on couch, in office. Pastor Cal: "Do you feel that you're absolutely committed to this marriage?"

What a badly formulated question!  1. Who cares if I FEEL committed when BEING committed is the point of the question.  2. The word "absolutely" would throw me.  I would immediately discuss the limitations that word imposes.  Is Pastor Cal absolutely committed to never lying or phoning it in?  I could never honestly say I'm 100% committed about most anything.  Sometimes I think I am 99.9% committed to things, even eating a meal, but jeez Louise I multitask most of the time.  And even not considering time splitting, I am often "open" to new views or formulations/systems that I currently don't hold.  As to relationships, my commitment comes with some qualifiers.  If my wife walked in and wanted a divorce, I would drop most of my commitment.  My commitment is not "absolute" in an absolute way.

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20 hours ago, AUJulia said:

On the three or so occasions in 37 years when he’s left the seat up, I’ve (brace yourselves) lowered it myself. And said nothing. 

This, Jessica and Katie, this is love and marriage. 

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Re:Katie’s conversation with her mom.   I think her mom was saying something about Katie’s ex, without naming him. As in, she knows Katie is pining for her ex and made a pointed statement.  Katie knew what she meant, thus her anger. 
Whatever happened with the dinner scene on previews of Jessica being mad at Austin having to travel for work?  Did we ever see that? 

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1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

I don't remember. Did Zach or Lindsey ever clarify who reached out to who first? 

Zach told Mindy he followed Lindsay’s IG (am guessing from her wedding/reception posts) and that was his foot in the door ...so to speak...

Lindsay should right away have told her long time friend that her newly minted huzzy reached out to her but bet Slimey  Zach convinced her to keep their communication a secret from Mindy.

That was the betrayal...the cover up and the lies about how often they text or call each other behind Mindy’s back....

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Has anyone else noticed a small, square, cleanish patch sticker between Mindy’s shoulder blades? I know it’s really none of my business, but I still wonder what it’s for? Maybe pain? Has she mentioned it and I just don’t remember? 

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On 3/11/2020 at 8:49 PM, Straycat80 said:

So Zach had been lying to Mindy. Lyndsay is lying to Mindy. I was feeling sorry for Mindy but not anymore, she really is dumb. 

 I don't understand her idea of hanging on to him. She knows they're both whining at that they both connected behind her back. She just needs to dump them both and move on.

I don't think zak his any knowledge of anything Mindy did.  I think hes gas lighting her so that he can put her on the defensive. He's trying to make out like he has been right all along.  Mindy show just move on now. Don't wait. Why is she waiting for him to make a decision about HER life?  Once again the show proves over and over again that you can't marry somebody you don't know.

Edited by antfitz
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16 hours ago, Kira53 said:

yes.  What do you like about her?  Inquiring minds want to know. I'm not being sarcastic I love to know what you do like about her. I don't see her as despicable or that there's nothing to like about her but I don't find her likable.  And she's pretty stupid to be worried about Derrick being in love with her in six weeks or eight weeks.  Has she said she's in love with Derrick? So what's the expectation and where does it come from?  

Well, I've expressed this about Derrick:  I just find it hard to believe he's never fell in love, thought he was in love and wondered why he dated someone for 2 years and didn't feel love for her?  I don't think it's a terrible thing for her to wonder if he has the capacity to fall in love at all.  To be honest, they live day in and day out in 8 weeks.  There are people that do fall in love in shorter amounts of time.  I fell in love with my late husband within two weeks; engaged in six months, had a 22 year marriage before his death.  It does happen.  It seems most of her comments are not on the 8 weeks, but how long would it actually take for him to be vulnerable to her if at all?  He already had a 2 year relationship; if he didn't feel it those whole 2 years, why date someone for 2 years?  Is he going to hold onto a marriage where he doesn't feel love out of obligation too?  Is it stupid for her to hammer him on that? Yes.  Is it a valid concern?  To me, yes.

On why I like her, I think she's got a great sense of humor; I like her sarcasm.  When it got down to talking real, the therapist in her came out.  She stood her ground on what she finds acceptable.   It's up to him to tell her what he wants without saying "Fuck you."  And was it my imagination or were people on the board berating her because the clips made it sound like SHE was the one telling him fuck you.  Why isn't anyone now commenting about how immature HE was in that conversation? If that's his go-to, maybe no one has ever loved him back b/c of it.  

Also, lots of comments about how hot he apparently is, but she's a "turtle."  For someone roundly criticized about her looks here on the board, it's refreshing to see someone with such confidence that she's not kowtowing to him because she's a freckled turtle.  Apparently she shouldn't think she's so "hot."  And of course, when the women on this show don't display that -- like Mindy for instance -- the comments here are how she should better herself to be more attractive to the pompous ass of a husband!  Oh yeah, Jessica looks OLD too!   Meka also apparently thinks she's hot too!  All because she is joyless to a lying liar.  Why are so many of the women being blamed for either having confidence or not putting up with shit?  

Maybe Katie is brash, too self-confident.  But god damn, I bet she's heard "turtle" comments and freckle comments that resemble the board all her life.  Good for her for having confidence when a lot of people would be begging for any scrap they have if they were her.

So yeah, the long story is I like her.   And I bet if Derek is going to fall in love with anyone it will be her because of all I wrote.  Confidence, even brashness, is sexy.

Edited by sasha206
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20 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Zach was dropping cryptic hints about when and where she may have committed her acts of dishonesty since the wedding..before Panama...after Panama...

I'm guessing he tasted some in her spittle or got a whiff of barf at some time and Lindsay confirmed Mindy's dark secret.

Just pure speculation....neither confirm nor deny any rumors....

 I just think Zach is a psycho.  I think he thinks he's hot and he wanted some blonde bimbo with implants in a push up bra. Instead he got the tall thin woman with some brains. She is more attractive than he is. All his talk is meaningless because he doesn't give specifics. She has asked him on camera, so he is free to give the information on camera.  His dodging only makes him look more psycho than ever.  I think it is a deflection tactic. "If I keep blaming her,  no one will blame me." 

 I think a number of these people have gone on the show for exposure.

Edited by antfitz
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19 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

A husband left a toilet seat up and his wife in the middle of the night sat down and basically fell in and became hopelessly stuck. ER was called and before her neighbors she was taken to the hospital toilet in Toto. She braved the embarrassment had a toiletectomy done and remained married.

Anyway they'll be fine...

In Toto 😂. I see what you did there. 

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I actually thought it was sweet -she said that he told her he feels sexiest when he's wearing a suit. 

Every time you flush, germs go flying up in the air. If you close the lid, the germs are largely stopped.

The REAL issue is whether you're supposed roll the toilet paper over or under.

 The real solution is separate bathrooms. Lol we have had that for years.

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25 minutes ago, antfitz said:

 I don't understand her idea of hanging on to him. She knows they're both whining at that they both connected behind her back. She just needs to dump them both and move on.

I don't think zak his any knowledge of anything Mindy did.  I think hes gas lighting her so that he can put her on the defensive. He's trying to make out like he has been right all along.  Mindy show just move on now. Don't wait. Why is she waiting for him to make a decision about HER life?  Once again the show proves over and over again that you can't marry somebody you don't know.

Because she's getting paid to be on a show; probably more to complete the actual show?

And agreed on the gaslighting. He's just knows at this point on the show that people in the viewing audience will think he's being a jerk so he's pulling anything out of his ass to explain why he's acted this way.

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I actually thought it was sweet -she said that he told her he feels sexiest when he's wearing a suit. 

Every time you flush, germs go flying up in the air. If you close the lid, the germs are largely stopped.

The REAL issue is whether you're supposed roll the toilet paper over or under.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head, whether the toilet paper is over or under!  It is obvious is it over.

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I don’t think even Derek and Heather of the ill-fated Marijuana Honeymoon had that much hatred for each other. 

I still think of that couple from season 4. Hard to believe Derek is still single, (apparently Heather is too) I thought dozens of woman would feel sorry for him. There must have been more to their breaking up then smoking pot which is practically mainstream. But he should have asked her feelings about it and if she wasn't cool to it he should have stopped. I think she felt very superior to him and that the experts did a poor job.

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4 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I don't remember. Did Zach or Lindsey ever clarify who reached out to who first? 

IIRC Zach told Mindy that Lindsey had "reached out".  

Why would Mindy ask if Zach had been talking to her friends?


We do not see much of Zach or Brandon's lives outside of their interaction with their wives.  We see a great deal more of Mindy and Taylor without their husbands.

Edited by Liberty
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1 hour ago, antfitz said:

 The real solution is separate bathrooms. Lol we have had that for years.

Yes! This!

Our kid moved out about 9 years ago and that’s when my husband moved to her bathroom. 😂 One of our best decisions ever! lol

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Maybe Katie is brash, too self-confident.  But god damn, I bet she's heard "turtle" comments and freckle comments that resemble the board all her life.  Good for her for having confidence when a lot of people would be begging for any scrap they have if they were her.

I am one of those who cannot stand her, but it's not her confidence in and of itself that turns me off. In fact, I think it is awesome and I think everyone should think highly of themselves, no matter what they look like or what shitty people (myself included - I am totally guilty of the turtle comments) say about their looks. However, my issue is that she seems to think that she is so incredible and amazing that Derek is a piece of trash under her shoe. She has repeatedly commented with disgust that he is such a dork and a nerd. She comes across like she thinks that he should be kissing the ground she walks on because he is so lucky to have someone so out of his league. Her response to his desire to discuss goals and dreams really rubbed me the wrong way. She rolled her eyes and acted like he is an idiot and unrealistic to want to travel and write a song, but her ONLY life dream is to have kids. That is fine, but why does she have to shit all over his dreams? She can have self confidence without making her husband feel bad about himself.

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3 minutes ago, sometimesjennifer said:

I am one of those who cannot stand her, but it's not her confidence in and of itself that turns me off. In fact, I think it is awesome and I think everyone should think highly of themselves, no matter what they look like or what shitty people (myself included - I am totally guilty of the turtle comments) say about their looks. However, my issue is that she seems to think that she is so incredible and amazing that Derek is a piece of trash under her shoe. She has repeatedly commented with disgust that he is such a dork and a nerd. She comes across like she thinks that he should be kissing the ground she walks on because he is so lucky to have someone so out of his league. Her response to his desire to discuss goals and dreams really rubbed me the wrong way. She rolled her eyes and acted like he is an idiot and unrealistic to want to travel and write a song, but her ONLY life dream is to have kids. That is fine, but why does she have to shit all over his dreams? She can have self confidence without making her husband feel bad about himself.

Confession:  I laughed at the turtle comments.  And I've commented on the looks of others negatively in the past and on other reality shows so I shouldn't come off self-righteous in that regard.

And yes, I thought she acted like a dick in that sitch!  But overall I like her.  Just like I don't think Derek should have said, "Fuck you"  or "Fuck off" or whatever was said but I like him too.

I do get why people dislike her.  But I can't help but like her!

Edited by sasha206
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6 minutes ago, sometimesjennifer said:

However, my issue is that she seems to think that she is so incredible and amazing that Derek is a piece of trash under her shoe. She has repeatedly commented with disgust that he is such a dork and a nerd. She comes across like she thinks that he should be kissing the ground she walks on because he is so lucky to have someone so out of his league. Her response to his desire to discuss goals and dreams really rubbed me the wrong way. She rolled her eyes and acted like he is an idiot and unrealistic to want to travel and write a song, but her ONLY life dream is to have kids. That is fine, but why does she have to shit all over his dreams? She can have self confidence without making her husband feel bad about himself.

Someone who behaves this way toward anyone, never mind a spouse, is quite the opposite of "confident".

ETA: I believe Jessica is an example of being confident in a good way. (I see the bit of bossiness, but, I think Austin likes it. 😉)

Edited by gonecrackers
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1 hour ago, sometimesjennifer said:

I am one of those who cannot stand her, but it's not her confidence in and of itself that turns me off. In fact, I think it is awesome and I think everyone should think highly of themselves, no matter what they look like or what shitty people (myself included - I am totally guilty of the turtle comments) say about their looks. However, my issue is that she seems to think that she is so incredible and amazing that Derek is a piece of trash under her shoe. She has repeatedly commented with disgust that he is such a dork and a nerd. She comes across like she thinks that he should be kissing the ground she walks on because he is so lucky to have someone so out of his league. Her response to his desire to discuss goals and dreams really rubbed me the wrong way. She rolled her eyes and acted like he is an idiot and unrealistic to want to travel and write a song, but her ONLY life dream is to have kids. That is fine, but why does she have to shit all over his dreams? She can have self confidence without making her husband feel bad about himself.

I really didn't mind her until she starting lecturing Derek about getting on the baby train immediately and giving up any dreams that he may have at the very young age of 26. Like married people just should be popping out kids and never having fun again. She reminds me of the type of person who forces her husband to sell his sports car and buy a minivan. 

I know she wants to have kids early because of potential complications from her diabetes, but no one will want to think about that if her attitude is your life stops here.

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Katie during her vows : I promise to encourage you in all your hopes and dreams . 

Derek a couple weeks later : I want to backpack through the Andes . 

katie : that’s ridiculous and unrealistic . 

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On 3/13/2020 at 3:29 PM, gonecrackers said:

I see the bit of bossiness, but, I think Austin likes it.

We probably all know people who do, and I hope Austin is one for the sake of his marriage and personal happiness.

My sister is bossy with a quick temper yet has had two long-term husbands (one died) who adored her. I wouldn't be her friend if we weren't related and think I'd avoid Jessica the same way IRL. It doesn't make her a bad person at all, but the superiority and judgmentalism of someone who thinks they always know best gets tiresome.

Edited by 2727
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20 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

Zach is worse than Matt from last season IMO.

Hmmmm, not sure I agree about that. Matt had sex with Amber and said all the right things, then slunk out and went to bars talking to other girls and didn't come home multiple times. While this isn't really a contest (because they both are garbage assholes), I think the fact that Matt slept with Amber and led her on makes him the biggest loser. Possibly Luke too since he also slept with Kate (and then made her lie about it) and told her AFTER they had sex that he wasn't attracted to her. I think Mindy knew Zach was an asshole while they were still in Panama. She's not under some illusion that things might work out. I think she's just living up to the contract she signed. Not much emotional investment in the relationship at all, just seeing this travesty out......

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55 minutes ago, 2727 said:

My sister is extremely bossy with a hair-trigger temper yet has had two long-term husbands (one died) who adored her. I wouldn't be her friend if we weren't related and think I'd avoid Jessica the same way IRL. She's not a bad person by any means, but the superiority and judgmentalism of someone who thinks they always know best gets tiresome.

I'm hoping it's just a transition & adjusting to marriage thing. Austin seems to want her to lead, so it may just work for them. It could also be an editing thing. I also don't see the nastiness (aka mean gurl) in her that I see in Katie's condescending attitude. Jessica includes herself in the 'nerd' & 'awkward' comments; she's not acting like she's God's gift to Austin.

Austin & Jessica kind of remind me of Ashley & Anthony of Chicago season. They were playing it pretty tight, not letting production or the 'experts' get to them if at all possible. I think A&J are doing the same thing which shows they're working together as a unit- a good sign.

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2 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

Hmmmm, not sure I agree about that. Matt had sex with Amber and said all the right things, then slunk out and went to bars talking to other girls and didn't come home multiple times. While this isn't really a contest (because they both are garbage assholes), I think the fact that Matt slept with Amber and led her on makes him the biggest loser. Possibly Luke too since he also slept with Kate (and then made her lie about it) and told her AFTER they had sex that he wasn't attracted to her. I think Mindy knew Zach was an asshole while they were still in Panama. She's not under some illusion that things might work out. I think she's just living up to the contract she signed. Not much emotional investment in the relationship at all, just seeing this travesty out......

Yes, at least Zach hasn't taken advantage of Mindy and slept with her. I wouldn't be surprised if he were cheating though.

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On 3/11/2020 at 5:20 PM, linley said:

Meka is just a Debbie Downer. Lighten up for one darn minute .

she looks despondent 99 percent of the time.  Would it kill her to smile?  she acted like that breakfast was going to poison her.  Who doesn't like breakfast for goodness sakes!

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My daughter (also a Katie) is Katie’s age and also lives in DC. The typical mid-to-late-twenty-something woman there is very much like MAFS’s Katie. They’re educated, surrounded by men who also are educated. Dating is a fierce game that’s complicated by what these young women have agreed upon: that they are FEMINISTS and those damn men want to knock them down a notch etc etc. My daughter and her friends have vowed NEVER to bend for a man. But then they’re confused and furious that these men don’t worship them. Some of these men are great but find the egos and stridency of these women too much to deal with. Some of the men simply aren’t very nice but whooo boy these women are convinced they are so Fab that they can turn those guys around and when the guy says “meh” and walks off the young women struggle to let them go. My daughter got therapy and learned that men and women are not the same, and that compromise and respect need to cut both ways. Most of her friends are still flailing, like Derek’s Katie. They’re defeating themselves but blaming the men. It’s hard to watch. 

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