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S04.E04: Baby Be Mine

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14 minutes ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Add me to the chorus of people who recoiled in horror when Compression Socks McGee tossed his suitcase on the BED. Gaggghhhhhbleeeechhhh. 

I put my purse on the dresser. Leave my suitcase on the carpet til I pull out the holder from the closet.

Lisa can't do much about her raspy voice, but she can get a decent hairstyle and some flattering makeup and clothing. The attitude and entitlement and grossness is another thing.

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

I put my purse on the dresser. Leave my suitcase on the carpet til I pull out the holder from the closet.

Precisely. Those holders are there for a reason. And when I return home, my suitcase doesn’t even go near my room until I clean the hell out of it first. I mean, my gods, the surfaces that my poor bag has rested on. Dirty airports and train stations, metro station bathrooms. Horrors. 

I have second hand embarrassment every time I see Wee Ed’s scenes. He is SO WHINY and derpy.  

Seriously, when Ash was presenting Avery with the gifts, his thought bubble was “It puts the bracelet on Its wrist...It puts the bracelet on Its wrist.” 

David. Nah, man. 


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1 minute ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Precisely. Those holders are there for a reason. And when I return home, my suitcase doesn’t even go near my room until I clean the hell out of it first. I mean, my gods, the surfaces that my poor bag has rested on. Dirty airports and train stations, metro station bathrooms. Horrors. 

I have second hand embarrassment every time I see Wee Ed’s scenes. He is SO WHINY and derpy.  

Seriously, when Ash was presenting Avery with the gifts, his thought bubble was “It puts the bracelet on Its wrist...It puts the bracelet on Its wrist.” 

David. Nah, man. 


Clothing from my suitcase goes in to the washer as soon as possible. And the suitcase will air outside for day or so, weather permitting.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Can someone please explain to me those gawdawful knee high black socks that Ed wears? Who dresses like that?  Like... does he have massive varicose veins he's hiding?  A bumper crop of warts?  Hairy legs like a gorilla?  Because those black shorts and those UGLY black LONG socks makes my skin crawl. 


2 hours ago, Kangatush said:

They might be compression socks and worn for a medical reason.  I have to believe that since he's so hot, he's melting.  I dislike Ed for many reasons, but I do understand that he has medical concerns.

He might have lymphedema -- not "a lymphodema" as some people on the My 600-Lb. Life forum seem to think is a discrete thing, but the actual condition. It can be primary/hereditary. I have it, although I'm not obese and don't have a syndrome like Ed's. I have to wear compression every day or my feet and ankles swell. I wear long pants over them most of the time, even in the miserable Texas heat, because I don't want people to think I'm tacky and hideous; apparently my instinct was right... It sucks not being able to wear cute sandals or skirts like a normal lady. If Ed has lymphedema on top of everything else, I feel really bad for him.

2 hours ago, Takitaki said:

I'm not a fan of the dragging of Stephanie's timeline. How many episodes do we need to see her being boring at home? Was the part about her being in Australia even more boring, so they have to drag out this part? Yawn.

She is SO boring. I could not be less interested in her basic, thirsty life. I will say she seems quite spunky for someone with aplastic anemia, so she probably takes good care of herself. Credit for that, but points deducted for dumb hair and boring personality. Back to zero.

1 hour ago, RealReality said:

The worse he makes her feel, the more insecure she feels the easier it is for him to groom her to be his next victim.  A woman who is confident in herself isn't going to put up with his abuse, so he needs to tear down her esteem, brick by brick.  

It's good on her that it doesn't seem to be working.  If she were Darcy she'd be in a puddle of tears. 

Has all of this been discussed on the show, or is it effectively spoiler info?

For anyone who watches Teen Mom, Geoffrey reminds me more and more of noted dog-murderer/wife-clavicle-snapper David Eason, both in facial features and expressions/hostile mannerisms. 

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
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3 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

At her age, I can’t imagine what The Who-ha looks like, IF he could find it underneath all the fat rolls.  BARF !

she should have left some hair on it for easy locating

3 hours ago, Spike said:

Does David dye his hair?

Nah, lots of 60 year old guys have thick jet black hair naturally!

Edited by magemaud
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OK, I'm a little ahead since Stephanie is still on the plane, but it's been bugging me since we met her.  Her girlfriend does not live in the Outback.  The Outback is basically empty desert where it takes FOREVER to reach anything.  There is no place a manic pixie girl can go hang out in a club with her friends.  Steph is flying into Adelaide.  It is a capitol city.  Even if Erika doesn't live in the city, at best she's in a suburb town.  Again, NOT the Outback.

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2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I put my purse on the dresser. Leave my suitcase on the carpet til I pull out the holder from the closet.

Lisa can't do much about her raspy voice, but she can get a decent hairstyle and some flattering makeup and clothing. The attitude and entitlement and grossness is another thing.

 She is so out of shape, that no clothing will mask them.

10 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

Pretty sad Rose doesn't have pajamas, and also that she gets asked if she likes the hotel room, when it is 50x better than her hovel we've seen.

 I feel sorry for her. If she goes with him to America she is so desperate....

1 hour ago, magemaud said:

she should have left some hair on it for easy locating

Nah, lots of 60 year old guys have thick jet black hair naturally!


  • Love 4

Where do the producers pick these people?? Darcy is delusional and the crybaby with pumped up lips, huge enormous knockers, straw for hair, and she's way too needy.  In that dwarf guy needs to have plastic surgery on his neck and try to loose some weight.  That long greasy hair and that beard looks awful on him. Put the mayonnaise down.

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3 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Except that Geoffrey is a convicted felon, drug dealer, violent abuser. I don’t see how Varya’s “playing with someone’s emotions” even comes close to the crap he’s actually done. 

Playing with someone's emotions is pure evil, just because it's not physical doesn't mean it's not immoral and despicable. Something not being a crime doesn't mean people should do it.

  • Love 4

I have a feeling this will be my shortest post yet, which is not an homage to Ed, but rather because of hating watching this show and typing about it until 3am. Having to schedule my TV viewing around my disappointed Father's sleep cycles so he won't make eye contact with me is quite fatiguing. As usual, a lot of my remarks will be based on little things they say, so you might not even remember what I'm referring to.


Damn, it's real unfortunate the episode starts with a shot of Lisa first thing in the morning, especially since I was just about to eat. Despite no possibility of pregnancy, Usman will probably be the one to get morning sickness. Jetlag is a fitting term since she definitely isn't a fly girl.

Lisa showed him how to perform oral sex on her? I have little doubt the person on camera is a hologram, as the sights and odors he encountered must have claimed his young life. Calling her "baby love" must be him trying to reduce her age by referencing a small infant and combining it with Lisa's 58 for an average 29 year old (such convoluted phrasing).

Any chance the plane Lisa was on accidentally went to Progeria? She looks 100. What is she thinking about disobeying Usman's Mom? To someone like me with a single digit weekly income, I consider the woman who gives me food and shelter to be like a mythical God I need to constantly appease.


Geoffrey sleeping alone looks little different from the average married life, at least the kind of marriage I imagine where I get extremely heated when anyone insults the juvenile TV shows I watch. For real, how do any of those cathedrals get built? Was it just "well, TV and internet haven't been invented yet, so there's nothing else to do"?

I have to wonder why Geoffrey is vlogging for 5 second intervals when it will immediately cut back to the regular professional camera - hopefully he didn't see last week's episode and decide to copy the pseudo career path of the female influencer. I forget her name, which is a good start.

I don't think I realized the marvel of Big Ben until now, since due to being half the size of a 4th grader, my perspective on what "big" is has been warped. I've never really understood the idea of "stuff to do" in a city, since it's such a vague concept that usually alludes to having thousands of restaurants to choose from, which doesn't mean much since you can't eat all day long (unless you're American). I'm sure Varya would like Tennessee for the sole reason of icicles not accumulating on her eyelashes in April.

I'm going to assume Varya doesn't want a family because her saying the village is boring is vaguely quoting "it takes a village to raise a child", but I doubt Geoffrey caught that, since he isn't as retarded like I am. I'm sure Varya will be cool with Geoffrey's ex-convict life, since women love bad boys - I even tried to get a reputation myself by picking fights with this one guy, but punching myself in the psych ward only made the straight jacket tighter.

I don't get the seeming collective agreement of hatred for Geoffrey wanting/expecting sex - some women will give it up to a stranger after a few shitty pick up lines on Tinder, so unless the 30 year old Varya is as chaste as my unrealistic fantasies, I don't get it.


I have to wonder what the daily conversations between Ed and Rose were like. Unless Ed is stupid enough to interpret "I love your money!" as a romantic sentiment in another language, I don't know. Rose trying to speak English sounds like the menu of an ATM machine, which may not be coincidental.

Rose has a past? With boys? That makes my nerdy biceps flare up to a strong but still pathetic 5 inches around. Ed kinda looks like a fat middle aged woman with hair curlers in, which I am ashamed to say was my fitness goal a few months ago - upon telling that to the personal trainer, I got laughed out of every gym in town.

Them sleeping that far apart still looks like decent action to me, since he's still within smelling distance. I'd probably lean over to get as good of a whiff as I could and hold it in my lungs until I passed out and smashed my head on the night table.


Like I mentioned before, "smoking hot boyfriend named Ash" has to be an intentional joke. There was a sign that said "do not leave baggage unattended" yet Avery is walking by herself - oh well, let's watch this fall apart for ourselves. How can 2 people "date" when they're 5000 miles apart? I've never had a restraining order bigger than 500 feet and those women had nothing but disdain for me. It's news to me that an interaction that started on the internet can actually result in physical contact; if I had considered that, I probably wouldn't pick so many online fights that I know would result in my teeth getting chipped if they knew where I lived.


I thought with the Las Vegas scenery, we would see another segment of Yolanda talking to herself, but this dose of pathetic comes in a male body. Damn, I thought driving around a monster truck would be enough compensating for my height, but after the doctor remeasured me to very tragic results, I think a 60 foot motor home may be in order.

David riding around on a unicycle on the pavement with no helmet is a great explanation as to why he acts like he does. David's "girl" being 27 means he's intelligent, though he's stupid in every other aspect regarding this scenario. Do women ever keep interest in younger men even as they age? For example, it seems hard to imagine a 50 year old going crazy for Justin Bieber taking his shirt off.

What strain of social anxiety does this girl have where she can post seductive photos to thousands of strangers online but can't talk to a 60 year old man? I can't tell if it's because David looks more like a nerd, but he looks kinda young compared to his friends. I do have a natural eye for spotting low testosterone, mainly due to owning a large ballet studio mirror. It's no coincidence "Lana" spelled backwards is a reference to this relationship being shit. It's odd how his female friend has an older face but it looks like her chest is young and supple - I want to bury my face in there (with no funeral).


Looking at Stephanie has got to be the closest invention to a low IQ ray. I wish there was one word that could encapsulate how bad Erika looks; I do have to admire her dedication to making herself look unattractive in every way possible.

This ""relationship"" has gotta be the worst, since I'm sure going to her YouTube channel would reveal that since this footage was recorded, she's added another 20 notches to her tally. Well shit, if the cherrypicked Instagram photos are to be believed, Erika's life looks perfect, but nobody has ever used the site like that.


Since a lot of people on this site talk about her, I'm guessing Darcey was on this show before (with perhaps slightly more moveable facial features)? Damn, Tom looks good. Saying Darcey looks somewhat human-like would be an appropriate compliment, I suppose, but even that would be hard to muster, since she's so plastic looking, her birth certificate likely states she was born at the recycling depot.

Whoever the black haired gal is, she's kinda hot. Actually Darcey and Stacey are kinda hot too, which may just be my eyes adjusting after looking at Lisa. This "relationship" is also boring, since she's talking about a history I don't know anything about.


It's always at the halfway mark I start yawning and rolling my eyes. Wow, she woke up after sex with clothes on, just like in the movies. I'd ask how that's possible, but since my sexual resume equates to kissing posters of female musicians, I won't embarrass myself.

Jeez, Geoffrey has shitty tattoos on his nipples...and shoulders...and back. Rare is the time anyone goes to the tattoo parlor not under the influence of something. Is throwing away Geoffrey's comb equaled to cutting off a foot of her hair? It's a good thing my crooked justice has no place in the legal system.


Usman's face in that still image beside Lisa reveals his true emotions. I pray his taste and smell are his weakest senses. Lisa wants to see what SojaBoy is about, which will really tank his image if it's found out that him and every rapper highly exaggerates how great or violent their lives really are. How could there be a music career in this town? It barely looks like there's running water. Damn, that bucket really "pails" in comparison to the western bathrooms.


Avery has some nerve gushing about her muscular man right in front of me - then again, someone of my height and build is about as non-reactionary as a Buddhist monk, so carry on. Talking about connecting on a "spiritual" level - ugh. Nothing more to be said.

Do women actually like getting flowers? I'm glad men don't have an equivalent to that, though some people consider tools to be on par. I could use a wrench to turn the loose screw in my head. Why the hell do people post random shit on Instagram? It seems so weird unless you're posting something witty or something interesting instead of "look at me!" - just seems like wanting attention for nothing.


This episode is really dragging on. Damn, if all it takes to get a girl like Rose in the sheets is getting old and fat, I may have to pursue letting myself go to that degree. I've always wondered how TV shows can subtitle someone's choppy English - do they have to hire someone of equal or lesser competence?

Seeing as how Ed has never been hot, I do have to applaud his reverse psychology for trying to air conditioner. Why do these people always shout the location of where they are? "MELBOURNE!" "PHILIPPINES!". Among a sea of 10 miles of backed up traffic, do those motorbike horns mean anything to the other drivers? The relationship with Rose rings the alarm, but Ed's female friend back home is 5 alarm - how come Ed doesn't see the obvious?


Did David say he was talking to her for 7 years? He's like the ancient silver bearded sensei of online retardation. Nowhere close to his level of patheticness, but getting laugh emojis on Primetimer fires my dopamine receptors a bit, though I'm sure my level of insanity would go through the roof if I knew 18 year old girls were giving them to me.

David writing "mmmm" is rather prophetic about the humble pie he will be eating when this all blows up in his face. At least him having met a real woman online makes him slightly less insane, though I'm sure it didn't work out with Anya due to him not spending enough money on her. Good lord, David talking about his ""relationship"" sounds like me trying to get attention with a fake story on 4chan - are people really that idiotic?


Stephanie trying to make this "connection" seem special when it's probably the 100th romp she's had really tugs at all of our heartstrings. Plastic anemia? I'm sure anything that sounds similar to an intolerance to plastic sounds like a death sentence to Darcey. That bag is a real purse-onal gift *WHEEZE. After admitting to dating a string of losers, who wants to clean up Stephanie's baggage? She's so quick to spring a leak too.


How ironic Varya wanted to imitate Geoffrey's comb by baring her teeth. Hardly ironic, I'm just obviously running out of shit to say about anything. Living on a couch seems pretty luxurious to me, though calling it a loveseat only flings my lack of relationships back in my own face. At least Geoffrey is finally cluing into the visa scam - how many of the couples on these shows actually migrate to another country? This show really shatters the fantasy of picture perfect relationships, which really reverts me back to a 14 year old's mindset of "why can't life be like porn?".


Preview looks OK. Yolanda is so damn stupid, she was probably absent from today's episode due to a dunce cap fitting. I'm excited to see how David's relationship turns out, since we know it'll suck. Usman's relationship also looks good. Now to make 30 edits to this post.

Edited by InternetToughGuy
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Big Ed is right to want Rose to be tested. However he should be prepared to get tested himself as she has the right to demand he be tested as well. In this day and age, getting tested is really important. 

Lisa is 51/52. No way is she having a baby. 

None of these couples seem at all romantic.

Geoff is absolutely horrible. Varya deserves better. 

  • Love 7
On 3/13/2020 at 11:47 AM, DiamondGirl said:

And the spa!  It’s like Monte Carlo or Saint Tropez!  😑 No, it’s like a generic Marriott, plastic glasses included.



That’s what I love about Darcey. She always has praise for humble places. She’s not a Diva. She has a good attitude if only she could get out of her own way. 

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5 hours ago, Kyanight said:

It's ironic that Usman's mother is worried that Lisa wants to make Usman her slave.... when in reality, wouldn't he be in many ways?  She dictates where he can live, how he can live, who he can see, who can be in his videos, who he can talk to, what he can eat, how he has to have sex... the list goes on and on.

Lisa is just a jackal in ANGELA'S clothes.. actually, I think she's worse.  I just can't help thinking (and this is not me ego talking).. but I look SO much younger than her and i'm a few years older than her and everytime I see her I talk to the tv "you look like my grandmother".. sorry, but true

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I think Varya is being perfectly sensible wrt the home repairs.  No doubt the whole time they've been chatting on line the idea has been for her to move to America and live in bliss with him.  Now he's shocked that she's thinking that?  lol fuck off Joffree.  If the whole thing blows up, she can still fix the place up after you are out of her life.  I think she's pretty great - weird comb thing aside.  


I skip the bi girl bits.  So so terribly dull


David is ludicrous!  I feel so great about myself when I watch his parts!  lol...


I don't think Lisa has any redeeming qualities.  She's awful through and through.  

  • Love 17
5 hours ago, monagatuna said:

At any rate, feathered-hair catfish guy says he's straight, he's straight. You guys have to claim him, he's not our mess.

Can we trade him?



Geoffrey's game is transparent.  He seems to have been on a non-stop campaign since he got there to make varya feel small and shitty.  

I really like Varya and as opposed to most all of the other couples and would totally hang out with her and her friends.  She's has a lot more going for her than that dullard Geoffrey.  What's wrong with the fact that she wants to come to the U.S.?  If that's the case, why not look to date a guy who lives here?

FWIW, I have a good friend who met a Russian woman on the internet and she is successful, smart and quite a lovely person.  She moved to the US  (to Oklahoma!) and they've now been married for 5 years so it can work.  Of course for the record, we all wondered if she was scamming him at first, but it turned out not to be the case.  


  • Love 12

Nothing makes an awkward date more awkward from then on is to keep commenting on how awkward it was and to say "this was so comfortable."  Absolutely no chemistry between these two (and how can anyone have chemistry with Geoffrey? There isn't any substance there).  Varya is equally shady in my view. She apparently has a broadcasting career in Moscow, doesn't seem to want to leave Moscow unless it's to NYC.   Why, other than being on 90 Day Fiance, is she with this dud at all?

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, monagatuna said:

And also, gaydar is not a thing. I'm a woman married to a woman and I can't pick anyone's sexuality out of a lineup until they tell it to me. Maybe because stereotypes are dumb? At any rate, feathered-hair catfish guy says he's straight, he's straight. You guys have to claim him, he's not our mess.

::::Sighs::::  Ok.  Fair enough.   ugh.

6 hours ago, Leilani said:

These people take emojis way too seriously.


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3 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

How old do you think Darcy her sister look?  I think the botox ages them about 10 years.  

I couldn't even guess how old they look.  Forties?  But when I see the picture of Tom with the new girl I think "wow, she is so much prettier!"  NOT that looks is the most important factor BY FAR!  But I am thinking there is something really "off-putting" about Darcy's personality that maybe isn't shown on camera for TWO guys to decide a relationship with her isn't worth it.  (I wasn't watching when Jessie apparently was on the show.)

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Kyanight said:

It's ironic that Usman's mother is worried that Lisa wants to make Usman her slave.... when in reality, wouldn't he be in many ways?  She dictates where he can live, how he can live, who he can see, who can be in his videos, who he can talk to, what he can eat, how he has to have sex... the list goes on and on.

If Mama ever meets Lisa in person and catches her bossy drift, she'll be sure to forbid the marriage, and Usman would be wise to obey.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, magemaud said:

she should have left some hair on it for easy locating

Nah, lots of 60 year old guys have thick jet black hair naturally!

Even Rod Blagojevich went white in prison lol.  Reagan had the worst dye job, looked like shoe polish.

6 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Pretty sad Rose doesn't have pajamas, and also that she gets asked if she likes the hotel room, when it is 50x better than her hovel we've seen.

Yet she complained about the air conditioning.  

6 hours ago, antfitz said:

Where do the producers pick these people?? Darcy is delusional and the crybaby with pumped up lips, huge enormous knockers, straw for hair, and she's way too needy.  In that dwarf guy needs to have plastic surgery on his neck and try to loose some weight.  That long greasy hair and that beard looks awful on him. Put the mayonnaise down.

I think he is one inch too tall to be a dwarf.  Kinda dwarf.  Almost dwarf.

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1 minute ago, Spike said:
6 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Pretty sad Rose doesn't have pajamas, and also that she gets asked if she likes the hotel room, when it is 50x better than her hovel we've seen.

Yet she complained about the air conditioning.  

That totally makes sense.  She is used to the heat... she lives in it day and night.  Even the majority of us can get really chilled if the air conditioning is set too low, and if you have never experienced it, I would imagine it can be pretty uncomfortable!

Poor Ed can't take the heat and poor Rose can't take the air conditioning!  "Ed!  It's a sign!  Go home!"

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11 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

What does David mean he didn't like Anya because she was "too shy"? But she's not too shy to be his friend? Is that code for she wouldn't sleep with him right away? 

Supposedly he's been type chatting with Lana for 7 years because she's too shy to skype or actually talk on the phone...i guess that kind of shyness is ok, but Anya's isn't...at least she actually exists

  • Love 6
Just now, Pixilicious said:

Supposedly he's been type chatting with Lana for 7 years because she's too shy to skype or actually talk on the phone...i guess that kind of shyness is ok, but Anya's isn't...at least she actually exists

Right?  His reasoning is so warped!  Common sense would tell ANY sane person that he's being catfished (to the tune of $100,000) but Einstein he aint!!

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, StitchPunk said:

I really don't like Varya. She seems to just care about moving to America and I don't think that about most people. Whether or not Geoffrey has some shady past, which seems like a ton of assumptions and hypocrisy honestly, playing with someone's emotions like that makes here pretty much as bad as him in my opinion. Most likely they're both different types of awful and won't work out. They're guilting/using each other at worst. 

I don't see getting someone black Rose's as that bad if that's what they would like. That's something places wouldn't generally carry so you'd likely need to special order it which is a lot more than just dropping by a store and picking up some red roses like everyone does. Ash still seems kinda gross. They both do. I don't like either of them. Why don't they both sleep in the room with two beds? Why waste the bigger room? 

David can ride a unicycle which honestly is the most impressive thing I've seen on this show. Too bad it's very unlikely it will work, but the unicycle and cats make it hard to dislike him. 

Lisa is very unlikable. His house didn't seem so bad. There was tile in the bathroom. It wouldn't be what many people in the US would be used to, but he said it's pretty typical for where he's from. 

I think for most participants their primary goal is getting to America.  This is what the relationship is based on.... unfortunate often unattractive American can get a "deal" on a young attractive foreigner who would never give them the time of day if the American didn't offer the opportunity of citizenship.  

I don't think Geoffrey's past behavior is an assumption....the info in his thread makes me think otherwise.  

Varya actually has money and her own place.  She didn't assume that Geoffrey would be paying all the costs associated with getting her to America.  I didn't catch whether or not they ever spoke about her coming to America, but I'm guessing they did.  

To me, it makes sense and isn't scammy if she assumed that they were going to move to America.  Over here, normal folk would finish the house and flip it because we'd realize an increased value in the selling price.  But I don't know if it's the same in Russia.  And I don't know if the increase in value is worth the amount of money she'd have to invest in repairs.  

She is young to own a house at all, and I didn't see any roommates. And that's a level of financial responsibility I rarely see from anyone on this show. 

I'll watch their segments again, but from what I caught, this is all Geoffrey looking for "red flags" he can later exploit and use as an excuse for his gaslighting behavior. 

  • Love 23
32 minutes ago, Pixilicious said:

Supposedly he's been type chatting with Lana for 7 years because she's too shy to skype or actually talk on the phone...i guess that kind of shyness is ok, but Anya's isn't...at least she actually exists

Anya is cute but she doesn't look like a Barbie doll in the same way Lana does.  She didn't have big cartoon boobs.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Nothing makes an awkward date more awkward from then on is to keep commenting on how awkward it was and to say "this was so comfortable."  Absolutely no chemistry between these two (and how can anyone have chemistry with Geoffrey? There isn't any substance there).  Varya is equally shady in my view. She apparently has a broadcasting career in Moscow, doesn't seem to want to leave Moscow unless it's to NYC.   Why, other than being on 90 Day Fiance, is she with this dud at all?

I didn't catch that.  Homegirl googled "Knoxville, TN" and was not impressed!

Is radio even a thing anymore in the US?  With the rise of podcasts that allow you to choose your content, radio seems like a thing of the past.  

Also, it seems like something you can do just about anywhere.  

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, lasandi said:

Here we go...in the previews Lisa was telling Usman’s friend that the girl in the video should not have been in it and Lisa probably says she’s his fiancé and should have been floating in the background (I’m guessing) but when the friend seriously replied “are you trying to ruin his career?”  Lisa got so pissed but I was wanting to know where she buys that magic mirror that she looks into that says she’s video girl material?  Smh in amazement. 

I know, right? Insecure much, you old cow? She crows about how he's such a celebrity, but does she understand that celebrity requires a fan base and if she thinks he's hot, so will a ton of other ladies. Do we really think he performed oral sex on her or did she give him a blow job? I can't imagine him going down on her. I really like his friends. Loved it when one was describing Useman's mother. She is "very dramatic" and "don't like white."

When Ed a) put the suitcase on the bed and b) went to bed without showering I was sickened. He's gross and she should be asking him to get tested. I also think she was trying to be helpful with the money and he should have had some idea how much he was spending but looking at conversion charts before he even got on the damn plane. According to Loren on Pillow Talk the PJs cost $3.50,

Dave with the Ukraine chick is an idiot. 

Bi girl is boring AF.

Varya is so nice. I didn't blame her for pausing the renovations. She wants to save her money for if/when she moves to the states, which is smart so she won't have to depend on him to support her. Although I'm assuming she'll come to her senses before it comes to that.

Why is Darcy on this show again? She should be embarrassed. I wonder if her daughters ever say anything about what she's done to her looks. I sure would.

Avery is a fool if she falls for Ash's nonsense. What the hell would he do for work in the U.S.? He's a flim-flam man.

All that being said, this is a bloody good season.

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Does Rose actually like being fed by Ed?  I've never really thought it was all that romantic.  I guess maybe a strawberry and champagne feast... or grapes... lol.  But eggs or whatever they had for breakfast?  And why does Rose have to spoon feed her FOUR year old son?  I am guessing that might be a cultural thing?  Or they all share the one spoon in the house?  I do like Rose and I think she's getting the short end of the stick.  Would living in the U.S. be worth waking up to Ed every morning?  (Does he EVER shower?)

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