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S11.E04: Four Wives, One House

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I do think the only reason Kody would consider having another kid is to keep the TLC train going.  6-10 episodes of "will they won't they?" have another baby.  Meri will remind us that she only had 1 baby and 1 wetbar.  Janelle will be thrilled that she will get even less time with Kody.  Christine would use this as an opportunity to tell us why living together with the new baby is a bad idea. 

Pregnant announcement/reveal episode. 

Gender reveal episode

Baby shower episode 

Birth episode 

Lots of these episodes will include flashbacks and "memory" stories.  Interviews are way less expensive than shooting new scenes.  TLC would enjoy it too!

Edited by Soaper410
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Just now, Meowwww said:

Yup Kodester wants his own kitchen and his own cabin to get away. He’s so flighty.  He’s all in for the move.  Then suddenly, dun dun dun....he’s freaking out and looking for answers from the wives.  All the while making crazy eyes.  He’s unstable. He’s one angry man. 

I thought it was interesting when he specifically gave the speech about how his fridge will be stocked with snacks, and when kids want snacks they will take them from his fridge...to allow the wives to have their "autonomy". 

Possible translation: someone is bitching and moaning to Kody about how all the "other" kids are raiding the fridge and "taking" food and snacks from "their" grocery budgets...? It was a really specific and weird thing to put into his presentation speech. 

3 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

Did Robyn or any of the other fools ever tell us what happened to her stupid Closet business  ? I remember Kody talking about the "iconic " pieces lol.

At the point we are in their timeline (Christmas Eve 2018) her website was still active.  It went quiet around March 2019, the same time Robyn went quiet from all social media.

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oh. Another observation...I found it very interesting when Janelle and Christine were talking about how their children were not adjusting well to Flagstaff and the crickets from the other side of the couch were deafening. Robyn...mother of 5, all 5 still living at home and she added nothing about how her children were doing okay with the move, not okay, sorta okay...Dayton starting uni...crickets...

AND...Christine's face when Kody was making his statement about "ruining" a eternal marriage over a dog... WHY does she always get shit on...and still puts on her sing-song voice and those "rose colored glasses" and tries to convince herself of his "wonderfulness". 🙄

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6 hours ago, Fostersmom said:


It sounded like he wants one main door and one giant garage. So they would all enter in front of Kody's area and then split to one side for 2 wives and the other 2 go the other direction. . 

If I recall correctly, each of the wives' sections has it's own entrance.  Kody said that last season when he was planning the homes.  I agree with whoever said this is really not much different from living in the cul-de-sac.  

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Don't throw anything at me but I was honestly legitimately confused that this plig family is not wanting one house to all live together. I thought that they were not all in one house because when they fled to LV no such kind of house existed.

I don't understand how Christine in particular is so against living under one roof with her family. What did I miss? ( I am not saying wrong or right but it seems to inconsistent with what I understand their beliefs to be).

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15 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

Did Robyn or any of the other fools ever tell us what happened to her stupid Closet business  ? I remember Kody talking about the "iconic " pieces lol.

I think that Kody alluded to its failure in one of the talking heads.  He said that (paraphrasing) if living through a renovation is proof of a strong couple, being business partners with your spouse is stronger evidence.  Robyn's reaction was exaggerated - I think at that point, she was looking up to him, bobbling her head wildly.

And, when Janelle talked about being the agent for the Las Vegas houses, he interrupted to pity her challenging situation, because he knows that he's the worst-possible client, since he's so demanding and strategic, analyzing all the possible angles and outcomes.  

You'd think that we'd realize what a business mogul Kody is from all those awful business plan meetings (MSWC, Janelle's gym, Meri's B&B) without Kody's having to explain it to us.

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1 hour ago, toodles said:

Kody's life is so busy and complicated it would make a monogamist's head spin.  He told us that so it must be so.

He has to run from booty call to booty call just to keep up.  I'm sure his dr. (or Mexico connection) is on speed dial with Viagra refills.  He has lights to hang!  He has birthdays and anniversary trips to take!  He has wedding cake to taste!  He has loaded diapers to change!  He has to figure out the parking situation at the Hawaiian coffee shop!  You know.  Really important stuff.  A leader needs to lead even if no one is following!

Yeah, it kinda was.  I was laughing when super agent Mona was telling them what to do to get the house ready to sell.  From what I remember, they did very little of the stuff she told them to do.  I saw Christine's house and it was rough.  No staging, unless you count a dollar store candle burning.  Banged up base boards, cracks in the backyard patio cement (which had a throw rug covering it) and the whole house REALLY need a coat of interior paint.  It looked like 6 kids lived there.

Janelle said hello and we chatted for a couple of minutes.  She pointed out the two dishwashers but I don't remember any mention of two laundry rooms.  After we chatted, a couple of other people came by.  I've said this before, but another lady was there and we looked at the crack under the throw rug and she said "Perception is everything". She shook her head and walked away at that point.  

I left a few minutes later and I was the only one there.  She looked up from her phone (barely) said thank you and that was it.  As I've mentioned before, there were no brochures or business cards.  You would have to hunt her down via Zillow or something if you wanted more info.  God forbid someone would want to make an offer.  My impression was that Janelle put zero effort into that open house.   I think they were really counting on their "celebrity" to sell those houses.

Do you remember what the Open House signs looked like? On last night’s ep, there were some signs propped against a wall, and they read “TMI Realty” (!) and looked fairly professional. But the ones we saw Janelle putting out looked roughly hand-stenciled with no company or agent name, and no phone number. I get that they might dummy up something for TV to avoid prank calls etc. But I’m curious about the TMI Realty signs. 

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3 hours ago, Elbow said:

His hatred of domesticated animals makes me as uneasy as all of his other glaring character flaws combined. What kind of person hates pets?

In Kody's defense, I heard that the wives are not all that great at house training dogs.  It WOULD get a bit old stepping in doodles and wet spots.  In one episode last year at the B&B, Meri did not put her dog down because he insists on peeing on the carpet.  (Truth.) It might not be a matter of Kody "hating" pets so much as he hates the mess.

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1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

Janelle probably loves the idea of one house because then she can really zone out.  Savannah will fall under Christine’s reign, while Janelle hangs out in the recliner and watches Kootie’s buns walk up and down the stairs.

I can’t really explain but I think Janelle seems like she’s depressed or maybe just worn out, and putting a happy face on it. That looks like “laziness” sometimes. 

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9 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I can’t really explain but I think Janelle seems like she’s depressed or maybe just worn out, and putting a happy face on it. That looks like “laziness” sometimes. 

I think most of them are depressed, but I agree I think Janelle seems the most so, but it could be because she seems the most passive.   I think she’d do better if she just got some 9-5 job or at least stop getting into these businesses her personality clearly doesn’t fit like real estate agent and “life/health” coach.

  • Love 14
14 hours ago, Higgins said:

Wouldn’t 4 separate houses be worse environmentally?

Possibly, but the monstrosity he has planned is essentially just that anyway, only they are conjoined.

Anyway, I was meaning mainly the carbon footprint of building an unnecessarily large house each, for one empty nester and four soon to be, combined with him fathering umpteen children into an over-populated world and now him wanting even more.   

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My first ever GIF, I hope this works.  I don't know how to resize. 😊😊

In this clip he is explaining how he is when in  business with a wife and how he goes stone cold and asks questions like "why isn't this profitable and why haven't you thought about this..."  


Edited by lettsjetts
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2 hours ago, readheaded said:

The person who knows that the pets will see him for what he is, even if the adult women in his life won't.

The camerapersons should get reaction shots of the pets.  I had a cat who would watch TV and look at me with disgust or practically roll her eyes. I would burst out laughing because she was very astute at analyzing scenes.

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1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Do you remember what the Open House signs looked like? On last night’s ep, there were some signs propped against a wall, and they read “TMI Realty” (!) and looked fairly professional. But the ones we saw Janelle putting out looked roughly hand-stenciled with no company or agent name, and no phone number. I get that they might dummy up something for TV to avoid prank calls etc. But I’m curious about the TMI Realty signs. 

If I recall correctly they just said Open House.




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1 hour ago, Roslyn said:

I thought it was interesting when he specifically gave the speech about how his fridge will be stocked with snacks, and when kids want snacks they will take them from his fridge...to allow the wives to have their "autonomy". 

Possible translation: someone is bitching and moaning to Kody about how all the "other" kids are raiding the fridge and "taking" food and snacks from "their" grocery budgets...? It was a really specific and weird thing to put into his presentation speech. 

At the point we are in their timeline (Christmas Eve 2018) her website was still active.  It went quiet around March 2019, the same time Robyn went quiet from all social media.

Yes, I bet when the kids go visit each other at one another's houses, they (naturally) will have a snack with their sibling, thereby going into the food budget of the "hosting" mother.  

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2 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Just when you thought that Kody couldn't get any more unlikable he gives us...

""I'm not done having children...I have washboard abs and tons of testosterone!!""

""I only define myself as a Dad, I don't know anything else""

""I need my own personal space because I need to get away from you people""


Gee, I thought Kody was all learned about science what with hormones passing through the mouth and all, you think he'd know about the studies showing the risks of birth defects, autism, etc, to babies sired by older men (over 40). 



15 minutes ago, zenme said:

Yes, I bet when the kids go visit each other at one another's houses, they (naturally) will have a snack with their sibling, thereby going into the food budget of the "hosting" mother.  

You mean Sol, Ari, and Truely? All the other kids will be gone. So Kody will be out a half gallon of milk and a box of granola bars each week.

Edited by DakotaJustice
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3 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Gee, I thought Kody was all learned about science what with hormones passing through the mouth and all, you think he'd know about the studies showing the risks of birth defects, autism, etc, to babies sired by older men (over 40). 

Yes but don't forget he's the Lord High Prophet on Earth so he's immune from these things because god "speaks" to him.

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6 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Gee, I thought Kody was all learned about science what with hormones passing through the mouth and all, you think he'd know about the studies showing the risks of birth defects, autism, etc, to babies sired by older men (over 40). 




Maddie had a child with a rare and genetic birth defect after this was filmed.  I hope this makes King Kody think twice about another baby.  


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I'm surprised that after mentioning his testosterone, that Koty didn't mention that his part of the plyg palace will be shaped like his Lord High Prophet on Earth peen.

The ladies have separate entrances, but they are off the main front hall and there is a huge staircase in the front that appears to go down to the garage and up to Kootie's second floor.  The ladies have stairs within their units, but it is not clear if they can sneak in and out of the garage without using the main stairs.   Of course the thing will never be built, but Kootie can dream.

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1 hour ago, lettsjetts said:

My first ever GIF, I hope this works.  I don't know how to resize. 😊😊

In this clip he is explaining how he is when in  business with a wife and how he goes stone cold and asks questions like "why isn't this profitable and why haven't you thought about this..."  


You did great with the GIF Letts Jetts, I'm impressed!

This little scene spoke volumes to me.  I have no doubt that Kody has been on to Robyn about the apparent failure of SWCloset and all that custom jewelry sitting in boxes with no hope of returning it to a manufacturer.  Oh well, scrap value of silver is about $18. an ounce, so they have the option of melting items they were trying to flog for $75. and recoup maybe $6.  I'm afraid they are stuck with their Chinese imports, unless Robyn wants to get up at the crack of dawn, rent a booth at a flea market and pump that junk out for 10 cents on the dollar.

Robyn's demeanor here is one of a child who has been sternly chastised by a parent and now the parent is publicly calling them out.  To save face, the child mimics the parent to minimize their own actions and belittle the parent.

Edited by Sandy W
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16 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

You can bet if Kody sires an imperfect child he'll have nothing to do with it and all the blame will be placed on the mom

I don't see him traveling to the Carolinas to visit his second grandchild. 

Yeah, I don't recall him visiting either. And by the way isn't Caleb Kooties's brother's son or a close relative? Maddie is his daughter,  there are more of Kootie's genes in that sweet girl than Janelle's.  Want to blame? Look in the mirror Asshat!

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Caleb's sister married Kody's brother Curtis, who died in a motorcycle accident in 2013.  Caleb & Koty's bromance started when Caleb was helping his sister care for Koty's nieces & nephews.  Curtis looked a lot like their brother who went to see the plyg palace plans with Kody last season - half bald, but with the sense to closely clip the rest, as Kody should.

Curtis' obituary also mentioned that he was greeted in heaven by his beloved dog Belle. It is interesting that Kootie's siblings stayed in Wyoming, near "home", and liked pets, but Kootie left and blames his wives for not having a home.

Kootie did meet little Vanga in NC when she was about a month old, probably for the show.  Janelle included a pic on IG.

Edited by deirdra
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8 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Yeah, I don't recall him visiting either. And by the way isn't Caleb Kooties's brother's son or a close relative? Maddie is his daughter,  there are more of Kootie's genes in that sweet girl than Janelle's.  Want to blame? Look in the mirror Asshat!

Caleb's sister was married to Kootie's brother, so there is no direct blood tie there but their family trees are so intertwined it would not surprise me if there is a blood relationship somewhere in their family wreath.

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14 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Yeah, I don't recall him visiting either. And by the way isn't Caleb Kooties's brother's son or a close relative? Maddie is his daughter,  there are more of Kootie's genes in that sweet girl than Janelle's.  Want to blame? Look in the mirror Asshat!

It did cross my mind that the medication Caleb was taking for his embolism might have had indications for causing birth defects.

Edited by Elbow
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8 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Caleb's sister was married to Kootie's brother, so there is no direct blood tie there but their family trees are so intertwined it would not surprise me if there is a blood relationship somewhere in their family wreath.

Sorry, thought there was a closer tie...but yeah the wreath factor certainly is a factor to be considered. Any way you look at it, it is a sad situation for little Evie.

eta: I forgot about the meds for the embolism...could be a sad side effect.




Edited by Gramto6
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3 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Caleb's sister was married to Kootie's brother, so there is no direct blood tie there but their family trees are so intertwined it would not surprise me if there is a blood relationship somewhere in their family wreath.

It's not easy to find like-minded people who share these beliefs.  It's not mainstream, so the "pickin's is slim".   Then there is Warren Jeffs.  There's only so many women who are willing to go along with this lifestyle, so boot the boys before they can take on wives.

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23 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think a big problem with this show is with all of them on social media we know what's really happening right now!

Kody presents his plans for the mcmansion to the wives and frets about the LV homes not selling.  But all of us know the houses are sold but no building going on!


Why do they delay airing for so long?

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8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

It's very interesting that there is no building happening on their land. Since all the LV homes have sold, there is nothing holding them back now. They should be anxious to get the ball rolling. I wonder what is really going on with the Browns. 

When Kody pitched the move on his presentation he believed they could sell all four Vegas homes in the high 690s netting them a profit of around 250,000 for each home giving them a total of a million.

With what the homes sold for plus commission , closing costs, and any repairs, they probably netted around 500,000 from the sales.

they were spending I believe around 15,000 a month on rental and Christines mortgage in flagstaff so in a year they had the additional cost of around 180,000 waiting on the homes to all sell. Bringing them down now to about 320,000 profit from the houses, which continues to get eaten every month they don’t build.

I really don’t think they have the money now to run utilities and build four huge houses. My guess is that they are waiting for another season with TLC to get enough money to build.


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4 hours ago, lettsjetts said:

My first ever GIF, I hope this works.  I don't know how to resize. 😊😊

In this clip he is explaining how he is when in  business with a wife and how he goes stone cold and asks questions like "why isn't this profitable and why haven't you thought about this..."  


Robyn looks like Lucille Ball with Desi giving her a lecture.

She's a shitty actress.... So fake!

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2 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

When Kody pitched the move on his presentation he believed they could sell all four Vegas homes in the high 690s netting them a profit of around 250,000 for each home giving them a total of a million.

With what the homes sold for plus commission , closing costs, and any repairs, they probably netted around 500,000 from the sales.

they were spending I believe around 15,000 a month on rental and Christines mortgage in flagstaff so in a year they had the additional cost of around 180,000 waiting on the homes to all sell. Bringing them down now to about 320,000 profit from the houses, which continues to get eaten every month they don’t build.

I really don’t think they have the money now to run utilities and build four huge houses. My guess is that they are waiting for another season with TLC to get enough money to build.


OK. And then we subtract the 800k they spent to buy Robin's Flagstaff house. Add in their 135k from TLC for this year. Does anyone know when their salary was decreased to 135k or if they ever paid off the "six figure debt" from Dayton's injury? Did Robyn settle the 8k Kendra sued her for? It still seems like they're over well 500k in debt. And with no foreseeable income until/unless TLC gives them another 135k season for Winter 2020/2021. And, given their expenses, they'll likely be even further in debt in a year.

There is clearly a missing piece of this math puzzle. If they can't afford to begin construction on the land, meaning: getting utilities set up, and they haven't sold the land, how did they afford to buy an 800k house? Given their 20+ year history of skipping out on (large) bills, why would any bank agree to give them another loan or mortgage? Does anyone honestly think Meri is sharing the bulk of her LLR income? I don't. Did Kody make far more money on the gun shows than we suspect? Did they actually make sound investments with their early paychecks? Is there some other mysterious income stream? Can all these houses be written off as 'business expenses' since they shoot there? What if the show ends?

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2 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

When is someone going to address the elephant in the room?   Robyn’s eyebrows are killin me!!!   I can’t dill with her choppy, lopsided brows for another minute.   Ya’ll have let me down, I can’t be the only one bothered by this 

Meri, Mariah and Audrey's Groucho Marx brows bother me far more. I will never forgive Cara Delevingne for bringing back the Brooke Shields caterpillar eyebrow look. The tattoo removal shops are going to have lines of microblading victims out the door in two years.

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15 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Penny-wise and pound-foolish is a kind way to describe this band of dummies.

Our own @toodles went to one of Janelle's open houses, and reported that Janelle did nothing but look at her phone.  She doesn't have the energy or personality to sell anything, let alone four over-half-million dollar houses.  Stupid decision, but that's how the Brown Clowns roll.  One dumbass move after another.  

Yep one stupid move after another is how they roll mostly because of ratings I’m sure because without this show what do they do?  No doubt Kody will probably take on another wife especially if Meri can swing a spin-off and or leave the family.  He probably had the house designed with his own quarters in case he did choose  to take on another wife. He is so full of himself.

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7 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

When is someone going to address the elephant in the room?   Robyn’s eyebrows are killin me!!!   I can’t dill with her choppy, lopsided brows for another minute.   Ya’ll have let me down, I can’t be the only one bothered by this 

Ok well to be honest, I have not notice- will have to go back and check it out. (then I will probably be bothered thank you!).

The thing that stumps me-is that whenever they show Meri there is something about her lips. I understand that not everyone is going to be all made up every day but she seems like she does wear make up and her lips just cry out to me or come color. I don't know what it is about her if they are just dry, or super pale or something but I am always thinking that she would look so much better and less distressed if she wore lipstick.

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4 hours ago, Elbow said:

Meri, Mariah and Audrey's Groucho Marx brows bother me far more. I will never forgive Cara Delevingne for bringing back the Brooke Shields caterpillar eyebrow look. The tattoo removal shops are going to have lines of microblading victims out the door in two years.

This trend is falling out of favor. It may take a while for this clan to catch on, however. 

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I also caught where Janelle said she was up in Vegas every weekend to sell the homes, then Kody said every other weekend. It alluded to if any perspective buyer wanted to see the houses, would they have to wait until Janelle was back up there? I would assume there were lock boxes. Again, their thought process boggles my mind. I cant see all these ninnies in this mansion together first off, but when Kody gets the plague and his peen falls off, who is going to buy this house ? They cant even sell their single family homes. Also, interesting that they are only getting 135K a year for the show? No way can that support the mortgages, rent , food, utilities and their fleet of luxury cars.

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