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S01.E21: Tell-All Part 1/S01.E22: Tell-All Part 2

Message added by Drogo

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3 minutes ago, Cammi said:

I said it on the live thread and I will say it again: The fact that Jenny's daughter, her CHILD, said they had to "bail her out on multiple occasions"- tells me they need to 5150 her. She is not functioning at max capacity, one of her cylinders are misfiring. And OF COURSE she knew Sumit was married ffs. A blind person can see she knew! Imo she and Sumit are BOTH manipulative liars. Who they heck ain't got their shit together at her age? Kids bailing her out of situations at almost 60? I wanna know these other situations! Sumit is a scamming POS and their teenage "Romeo and Juliet" fantasy is too pathetic for words. 

I wanted to catch up with the couples on the tell all, however the awkward silences from the host after the cast answers the questions are too cringy! I guess this Shawn lady is sucking SOMEBODY'S dick on the network or is she a producer? Cuz the tell alls are anxiety inducing they are so bad. 

Also, I stopped watching 3/4 through this season when I realized this show is mistitled. Are ANY of these couples still actually living abroad now? Deaven has that other kid still in the states doesn't she? So, it is just another "Before the 90 Days", there is no "Other Way". Frankly we have seen more of the foreign countries and customs on this season's "Before" than this show. Fraudin, fraudin, fraudin. 

So true!!  I feel exactly the same way about Droopy Dawg and Scum Meat.  I would love to hear what Christina has bailed her out of.  And I hope Mrs. Sumit drags him through hell.

Every one of them “moved” on a tourist visa and only Pole actually applied for residency.  I know some of them couldn’t because they weren’t married, but I wonder if the end game for all of them was to move to the US (or Canada?).   Perhaps this was the only version of the show that would take them on, hence the big pretense of “giving up everything” to move “the other way”.  

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Once Laura ran out of money Aladdin wanted her gone right away. There was no love there in the first place anyway.
Jenny acts like it’s a love tragedy but Sumit was after the elusive American green card when he catfished Even if it meant being stuck with a grandma 

Corey and Evil are surely hoodwinking us and she can’t stop smirking about it.

The earnest young boy should not be calling him ‘dad’. It will not last as an American  dad will appear on the horizon soon methinks. The overbearing monitoring of Ronald will kill any love and they’ll both move on to other partners. I can’t see her staying in SA

Pole and Kareeny are about the only longterm couple and they’re in trouble. Both have issues. She’d been better off marrying a local and having lots of babies. Pole will drive her insane eventually and he’ll return to US in time and maybe visit with son. He’s not bothered with learning language and incapable of proper employment so no stable future there.

Deaven and Super Sperm are also headed for breakup. He’s a child. She’ll return to live in US. 

i cannot see a future for any of them, except maybe Corey and Evil who are just having a bit of fun with us. Who’s that gullible? Who’s that evil?

The host stares wide eyed at the camera and says Wow over and over. It’s frustrating. I get that her hands are tied as there’s lots going on that’s either fake or not for audience consumption yet and she can’t dig too deep. But at least make an effort with a follow up.

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After reading all of your comments, I am not watching this Tell Nothing.  It will give me too much anxiety and at my age I need to be calm.  Lol. Thank you all for sharing,  I totally enjoyed your inputs.  

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8 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Deaven and Super Sperm are also headed for breakup. He’s a child. She’ll return to live in US. 

They're definitely headed for a break up if Deavan can't get residency in Korea and needs to keep on leaving the country every 3 months. It also means her child won't be able to enroll in school. 

This couple is done if JiHoon doesn't step up and meet the income requirements to sponsor a spouse. 

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So Deavan moves to South Korea the first time, only to find that Jihoon ihad lied to her and n fact had not secured housing for them. After a month, she packs her shit up and moves back to the U.S. solely because living with her in laws is not a sustainable situation for her and her children, she says. Then last night, we find out she's moving back to South. Korea with both kids in a few days, and once again, she's discovered Jihoon lied to her and has made no living arrangements for them. She then elaborates that she's returning even though Jihon still has no plan because she'd already bought all the plane tickets by the time she found out Jihoon was feeding her lies AGAIN. 

And I'm practically screaming at my tv, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, Deavan?!?  Who DOES that??  Seriously, who fucking DOES that?!?"  And not only is she still inexplicably talking to Jihoon, she seems to really be into him.  UGHHHHH!!!!

ZERO sympathy for her dumbass, however, because fool me once, shane on you. Fool me twice, shame on me... and Corey, that applies to you to, dude. God, these people. 

My take away from this season is that Daniel is the most awesome kid ever.

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10 minutes ago, SabineElisabeth said:

So Deavan moves to South Korea the first time, only to find that Jihoon ihad lied to her and n fact had not secured housing for them. After a month, she packs her shit up and moves back to the U.S. solely because living with her in laws is not a sustainable situation for her and her children, she says. Then last night, we find out she's moving back to South. Korea with both kids in a few days, and once again, she's discovered Jihoon lied to her and has made no living arrangements for them. She then elaborates that she's returning even though Jihon still has no plan because she'd already bought all the plane tickets by the time she found out Jihoon was feeding her lies AGAIN. 

She can be great friends with Tiffany except Tiffany only went down that road once and is now putting it on Ronald to finance his move to the States... 

What is it with these two women? They get pregnant and then start talking about trust and security like there isn't another human being involved in the equation. I think its extremely selfish to create a baby who will be forever straddling two countries with the knowledge their parents might never live in the same country. 

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I heavily dozed off during Jenny and Indian Forrest Gump and pretty much missed whoever came after that. I dvr'd it but there's not a couple in this group that is gonna make it so why bother. They've just all made such complicated messes of their lives and involved kids in their drama to boot. I appreciate their efforts for providing me with mindless entertainment though so I'll applaud that.

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8 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Deavan wth was she wearing???  I couldn't take my eyes off of her!  Trick or treating early?

My mind went racing for a proper description of that dress, first I thought of a sawed off 80's prom dress then it drifted over to a failed Stitch Fix situation or a butchered Cinderella costume her daughter made her wear, then it turned in to a Whatever Happened to Baby Jane costume for Bette Davis or some sort of square dancing/clogging dress without the petticoat...so many ways to describe it.

20 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

Jenny's daughter must've forgotten her make up and was very generously offered some of that special fuschia eyeshadow by Deavan.  How considerate!

I laughed when she talked about red flags...the red flags were on her eyelids.

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54 minutes ago, lasandi said:

After reading all of your comments, I am not watching this Tell Nothing.  It will give me too much anxiety and at my age I need to be calm.  Lol. Thank you all for sharing,  I totally enjoyed your inputs.  

Trust me, unless you’re snarking on it live, the only effect the Tell All will have is putting you to sleep.

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56 minutes ago, Christina said:

I also do not believe gambling is his only addiction but think Tiffany knows about it and they have just decided not to blast it on the show.

My thought is Tiffany should attend Ala-non if for no other reason but to learn how to deal with an addict.  Checking Ronald's bank account, having him send photos of his balance or statements is stupid, that is not trust, that is being suspicious.  She does not trust him, he knows it, how do you have a relationship when you do not have trust?  When he slips and he will, she will use it against him, repeatedly.  

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7 hours ago, watchingtvaddict said:

I think all of the Americans (but Deavan) were planning on returning to the States. They went over on tourist visas not any type of spousal/fiance visa or even a long term stay visa.

I thought the entire premise of TOW was that the Americans WERE moving permanently to another country, leaving everything behind, yada yada yada. But the whole format was a bust, I don’t even think Deaven will stay in Korea. I wonder if there will be another season. 

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I call BS on Deaven saying she knew Jihoon was the baby’s father because she “hadn’t had sex in two years.” I remember in the first episode she said she had “just gotten out of a relationship” when she met Jihoon which fueled speculation here that her ex was actually the Baby Daddy. 

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2 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

All she had to do was tell his mother “I’m going to get a coffee down the block”

Laura’s excuse was she can’t communicate with her MIL. Aladin can read English, write him a damn note! “Just went to Starbucks, BRB.”

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29 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:
42 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Deavan wth was she wearing???  I couldn't take my eyes off of her!  Trick or treating early?

My mind went racing for a proper description of that dress, first I thought of a sawed off 80's prom dress then it drifted over to a failed Stitch Fix situation or a butchered Cinderella costume her daughter made her wear, then it turned in to a Whatever Happened to Baby Jane costume for Bette Davis or some sort of square dancing/clogging dress without the petticoat...so many ways to describe it.

It's a couple of things I think. I can see a little of kpop sort of look but also Japanese "lolita" fashion. It's a whole thing, and if she's fetishizing Korean or Japanese culture I could see where she'd be into that.

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One more question, I wonder why Karine wasn’t there? It was just “Karine can’t be here” and nobody seemed curious as to why 

edited to add: I posted this before I read @Christina's explanation of what happened behind the scenes. Now that I think of it, the rest of the cast seemed to "go easy" on Paul at the Tell All

Edited by magemaud
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6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Laura’s excuse was she can’t communicate with her MIL. Aladin can read English, write him a damn note! “Just went to Starbucks, BRB.”

Or like Aladdin said, send him a text message.  

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3 hours ago, Hannah94 said:

We need a "who is the biggest asshole hypocrite this season?" poll. My vote is on Tiffany. Hearing her judge others about moving to another country without a place to live or a job....wtf, linebacker shaped bitch. That is exactly what you did! Shut your pie-hole, Tiff. 

I should read all the posts before I put in my 2 cents, because that's pretty much exactly what I just posted.  

BTW, Mother Tiffany still seems to have quite a bit of anger towards Gamblin' Ronnie.  Made me wonder if he maybe had a wee bit of a relapse after The Hypocritical One hauled ass back to the States (not that Tiffany would let us know, because she wants us to believe her warden duties all-consuming love of Ronald fixed him). 

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12 hours ago, DiamondGirl said:

I thought the other nuts were very unfair to Aladin.  They are too stupid to realize or listen to him explain that having Laura out roaming in a country she doesn’t respect could get them both in trouble.

You hit the nail right on the head. She cannot live like an American in that culture. And when she does these things, he is shamed because that’s how that culture works.  It’s called assimilation you move to another culture you need to assimilate.  I have absolutely no sympathy for her.

However, I could not understand why her son was laughing like an idiot.

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23 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Laura’s excuse was she can’t communicate with her MIL. Aladin can read English, write him a damn note! “Just went to Starbucks, BRB.”

And surely even The Skipper is aware of Google translate.  After all, she claimed to have all those savvy internet skills she used to trick her ex-husband by catfishing him.  *eye roll*

Oh, and while there are a multitude of other people I'd love to see host this shit show, Corey, you are NOT one of them.  Shut up, sit your ass down, and put your unsolicited advice up your ass.  Christ on a crutch, he was trying to interject himself into everybody else's business that I was starting to wonder if he'd obtained a PhD somewhere along the line.  Go tend to your cheating money-hungry partner, Corey, and zip your Cabbage Patch-looking lips.  

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Laura's disappearance probably had less to do with getting coffee and more to do with something typically Laura, like making wine in a back alley or something else weird. 

I don't think Aladin is "hot" but he got points from me for conflict resolution all season, and seemed decent enough.  I really hope he's able to move on from this mess.  The comments and advice he received from the participating knuckleheads were mind boggling. 

Unrelated but noticed was when Aladin threw in that "Hello!?" mid-conversation.  It was like when Akinyi's father said "the ball is in your court".  Was kinda funny because learning English is one thing; learning idioms, expressions and the rest is impressive.  WTG, guys. 

Edited by Kareem
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37 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Laura’s excuse was she can’t communicate with her MIL. Aladin can read English, write him a damn note! “Just went to Starbucks, BRB.”

I'm not buying that this is the reason that they went in a big snit.  It's a flimsy excuse in my book by Aladin as to why he is divorcing Laura.

Remember in Quatar?  She went out to the grocery store to buy all her wine making stuff. Aladin came home.  I don't remember him being mad that she went out by herself to the grocery store but that she bought the wine making stuff and that they could get in trouble if they found out that Laura is making jail house wine.

I think the money went dry and Aladin wasn't going to put up with her old ass any longer. 

As for Liam laughing his ass off.  The stunts that TLC has pulled this season, I am certainly questioning if it was heavily edited from some other conversation they were having and he was laughing or that it was history repeating itself. 

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On 10/19/2019 at 7:16 PM, Honey said:

I just do not see it.  I don't think he's attractive at all. I didn't think Mo was either, and he was cross-eyed.

I don't see it either. I find him reasonably attractive, but nowhere near swoon-worthy. Mo wasn't even reasonably attractive, just average. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

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1 hour ago, A-Lo said:

Jenny's daughter must've forgotten her make up and was very generously offered some of that special fuschia eyeshadow by Deavan.  How considerate!

And then she must have used it all because Deavan wasn't wearing it!

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Did you notice Sumit’s eye movements when the host asked him if he was fucking both women??  😂😂😂

I think we all know the answer to that question.  He is lying again.  Quite the  stud our Sumit! 

Edited by Kid
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3 minutes ago, Kid said:

Did you notice Sumit’s eye movements when the host asked him if he was fucking both women??  😂😂😂

I think we all know the answer to that question.  Quit the stud our Sumit!

If by "stud" you mean dude missing half his teeth with a creepy-ass old lady fetish,... 🤢🤑

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I think the Jihoon question about his Mom wanting a Korean wife for J is a bit out of context, and he's not explaining it well.  I think he's answering a hypothetical question, like would your Mom (in a perfect world) have preferred a Korean wife for him?  Well, yes.  So I think Deavon just needs to see it that way, not that J's Mom hates her or would want her to be replaced.  I can't tell if J's Mom is sorry they are married in some major way, but she seemed pretty gracious and accepting when we've seen her.

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47 minutes ago, Kareem said:

Laura's disappearance probably had less to do with getting coffee and more to do with something typically Laura, like making wine in a back alley or something else weird. 

Maybe she was out trying to shake hands with Muslim men! 

39 minutes ago, Kid said:

What bridesmaid did she steal that dress from????

Do you mean flower girl? 

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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

And Aladin should stick out his marriage and make it work, that being hard is part of marriage? 

Disagree.  He needs to cut his losses.   This marriage will never work due to the cultural differences and Laura pushing the boundaries.  It’s obvious that Laura does not care about her husband and willing to respect his feelings.  

Liam knows his mother is a scammer.  Probably done with her.  But it’s not that Laura picks bad men, the problem is Laura.   She’s the common denominator.  

Tiffany will make Ronald pay for his addictions forever.  He will never win.   Unfortunately, I blame no one but Tiffany for this mess.   Who in their right mind marries an addict one week out of rehab? Then gets pregnant?   Sorry sweet pea, Ronald may have his demons but you are a shrew.  You blame Ronald for this mess? No, this mess is on you.  Guess it’s easier to put this on Ronald and make yourself the victim than blame yourself for the situation you created and the hurt you will cause your children.  

Did anyone notice the reaction when Evelyn thought it was no big deal that men was sending Karine money and she should ask for one million dollars.  Corey, you may be in it for the long haul but your intended just played her hand.  

Who think Sumass was having sex with his wife awhile Jenny was there?  Because I’d bet a million dollars that we was lying. I’d like to know if he has kids.   Because he probably does.  

Jenny is missing a few screws.   Her kids need to stop bailing her out and kick her out to fend for herself.   She’s living in a fantasy land.  Sumass is a liar.  Catfished her from day one.  They will never be together.  

Hey Devon, if your hubby hadn’t secure a place to live, then you don’t buy a ticket.     You will be back.   Jihoon is not responsible.  

Paul is Paul.   I could not let my grandchild live in their current conditions.   After seeing how they live, I would have done what I had to do to bring that child to the US even if Karine had to be part of the package.   I’d tell Paul that I would sponsor her AFTER he gets sterilized.  

Edited by LGGirl
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Okay, who believes Aladin really will go to marriage counseling?  Raise your hand if you  do.  Anyone? 

I'm so glad this is all over.  I felt like I was trapped in some bizarre story written by someone who created weird, unbelievable characters and storylines.  But perhaps that is what "reality" TV is.

Edited by treeofdreams
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1 hour ago, Kid said:

WHY is Deavan STILL surprised that he fails to tell her things and that he lies and that he is spineless????

What bridesmaid did she steal that dress from????

From 1974?

34 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Tiffany will make Ronald pay for his addictions forever.  He will never win.   Unfortunately, I blame no one but Tiffany for this mess.   Who in their right mind marries an addict one week out of rehab? Then gets pregnant?   Sorry sweet pea, Ronald may have his demons but you are a shrew.  You blame Ronald for this mess? No, this mess is on you.  Guess it’s easier to put this on Ronald than blame yourself for the situation you created and the hurt you will cause your children.  

1000%^^^^^^.  Again, you did not cure it, you did not cause it, you can't control it.  So get your warden ass out of there.    I also think Tiff is telling her mom a lot of stories about Ronald while he is not there to defend himself.  Mom's anger should be at her weird daighter.

4 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

It wasn’t fair for everyone to jump all over Aladdin and treat him like an abusive controlling jerk. If my husband came home and I wasn’t there, and he didn’t know where I was and couldn’t contact me for hours, he’d be pissed too. And we’re a regular American couple.

I agree - I thought Aladin (and I am no fan) was getting dumped on by a bunch of hypocrites.   Just file for a divorce and be done.  Jowly McChristmas Tree doesn't care anymore.

I agree with poster who said Jenny needs a 5150.  I yelled at her to shut up everytime she spoke.  I can't stand her, Summit or their annoying voices and very unpleasant personalities.

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Do the producers really think watching Jenny the liar, and Sumit the creep will make me watch them again?      You know he was boinking both women, the darting eyes when he answered that is all I need to know (and I attended the lie detector school of Judge Judy, so I know).   The daughter and her wife were totally in on the scam too.  

Karine needs to go back to Brazil, where she has family support, and where Pole isn't treating her like garbage all of the time.  Then the second the plane lands in Brazil, have Daddy Karine get Pole banned from the country.  

Ronald looked like he's on the bare edge of letting his anger out.    He looked tired, skinnier, and really angry the entire time.    And when Tiffany started her parole officer routine, that was the end for him.   Plus, Tiffany refusing to believe Ronald won't get to join her in the U.S. is totally deluded.    The only way he could fly here is if there is a flying casino, so he wouldn't have to stop gambling for the trip. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Poor Daniel, being put on the spot like that.  Asking if he wanted to live in South Africa, he says he would miss his friends and it is not safe, then asking if he would move to South Africa to be with his "dad".  What else can he say but "yes"?

And I really cannot fault Liam for his laughter.  His mother and her situation are so absurd, and he apparently has seen this sort of thing over and over.  He knows what she is like.  When he came on the screen with this big grin on his face from having watched her performance on the Tell All, I just can see him thinking, "Here we are again!"  He can't take her seriously any more.

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I'm convinced the two old ladies of the group (Jenny and Laura) are mentally ill and have been for many years. Anybody catch Jenny's daughter say Sumit catfished Jenny at the very beginning of the relationship by using another man's photo's? A douchebag from day one.  I was disappointed to hear Jenny's daughter's wife say she thinks they will eventually work everything out. Huh? How so? FFS don't encourage your deranged mother in law!

Deavon and Corey- dumbest of all of them. 

Tiffany- self righteous know it all. 

Pole- I blame his mother for the loser he is. She's just now cutting him off from the financial support at 37 yrs. old? She should have done that when he was 20. I don't believe her anyway. She's most likely still supporting. 

Evilin- cold, heartless, money grubbing ho. I love her advice to Karinne: she should ask the other American men for a million dollars! 

At least Aladin doesn't want to drag this charade out. No more money, no more Aladin. Next!!!

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3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Deavan wth was she wearing???  I couldn't take my eyes off of her!  Trick or treating early?

I thought that too and then I remembered that I saw something about it on runways this year.  So she's supposedly in style.  Not my style, but someone's.


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9 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Karine needs to go back to Brazil, where she has family support, and where Pole isn't treating her like garbage all of the time. 

She needs to be wherever she can get decent medical care, at least until her postpartum depression/psychosis is stabilized. Since she's very poor and not a U.S. citizen, I don't know if she'd get better attention here or in Brazil. I really hope that the producers will cover some in-patient treatment for her until they find the right meds to help her out. Postpartum psychosis is no joke and of all the bozos on this show, I only feel genuinely sorry for her. 

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Jenny: I love Sumit, but I'm not going to wait forever.

Me: Yes, you will. 

I am so sick of every sad sack on this show whining about how, "if you love someone, you can work through aaaannnnyyyytttthhiiiinnnnggg!" 

I call bullshit. If I find out my husband is a hardened criminal, I'm out of here. 

(ETA: I've been with my husband for 17 freaking years, he never catfished me, but doesn't have a super secret criminal record, he isn't married to someone else on the sly, he has no sort of addiction about which he's been lying shamelessly, etc.)

Edited by the-grey-lady
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