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S03.E11: Hard To Say I'm Sorry

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On 10/12/2019 at 1:10 PM, Cammi said:

Kinda getting bored with these story lines. Missing the days of FUN reality tv. Old school like Newlyweds, Girls Next Door, The Osborne’s and The Simple Life. There were always comedic elements to those shows (not the extreme table flipping drama) and they had a lighter feel to them. What happened to just having fun? Would love a QUIRKY, fun character to lighten these episodes. 

Agree, and I miss the old school trashy dating shows.  So trashy, but somehow better storylines.  I vote for a crossover between Flavor of Love and 90 day. Pair Darcy up with flava flav. She will date anyone if there is a promise of an engagement. Flav is funny and quirky. 

Then have Darcy and flav meet up with Stacey, who is now with an actual hot model, not the dollar store version she is with now (another victim of phone filters).   Bring on the competition then!

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49 minutes ago, Cini said:

She's a scammer. She completely misrepresented herself, her looks and marital status. And she looks better in the photo on the right than she does in real life.


Rebecca really is the female version of Sumit!

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Father Akini is a straight up asshole. Her sisters are weird as hell, too. I don't care what culture dictates there is no reason to make someone feel so awkward and uncomfortable in your home. How ungracious can you be? Why did Akini go to the store with Ben and order up all those supplies and food, did she not know that is what you bring to a family in mourning? Apparently she doesn't understand the traditions of her own culture.

At this point, Ben pretty much deserves what he gets. Akinyi has been stingy with the truth from the time they left the airport, why does he think she’s going to give him reliable information? If he can FaceTime that girl we saw him crying to, certainly he can Google whatever Akinyi says when she’s not delivering platitudes about forbidden fruit and cookie jars.

1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

What?  Benny can’t find a woman in the states?  Yes, he’s a dork, but there are plenty of women here to go out with. 

Of all the ridiculous plot lines and manufactured TLC drama the 90 Day franchise has fed us, I 100% believe that Ben cannot find a woman willing to date him. 

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On 10/12/2019 at 11:10 AM, Cammi said:

Kinda getting bored with these story lines. Missing the days of FUN reality tv. Old school like Newlyweds, Girls Next Door, The Osborne’s and The Simple Life. There were always comedic elements to those shows (not the extreme table flipping drama) and they had a lighter feel to them. What happened to just having fun? Would love a QUIRKY, fun character to lighten these episodes. 

I agree with all your comments.  

Regarding the quirky, fun character- we THOUGHT we were getting that with Angela, until she turned into a controlling, abusive beast.  

  • Love 8
On 10/12/2019 at 11:19 AM, magemaud said:

I was kind of surprised that Ricardo (?) or that friend that was there didn't appear to make any effort to teach Darcey a few steps since Tom had stressed how everybody salsa dances with everybody else. That one friend was quite handsome, she could have tried to make Tom jealous but I guess the nip slip potential was too high in that outfit and she was more comfortable drinking at the bar and complaining about Tom ignoring her.

She apparently doesn't have nipples so no nip slip potential, but with that dress, there's no way she can raise an arm to do a twirl without having the entire thing pop out.  Not that I think even that would dissuade her, but I wouldn't want to be the guy dancing with her at that moment.


On 10/12/2019 at 12:10 PM, Cammi said:

I think it’s also a sign of doom that if Ben can’t pronounce her first name, then perhaps he shouldn’t marry her. 

Thank you.  That's bugged me ever since I heard her brother pronounce her name.

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5 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

She apparently doesn't have nipples so no nip slip potential, but with that dress, there's no way she can raise an arm to do a twirl without having the entire thing pop out.  Not that I think even that would dissuade her, but I wouldn't want to be the guy dancing with her at that moment.


Thank you.  That's bugged me ever since I heard her brother pronounce her name.

Early on, Ben said that he couldn't pronounce his intended's first name, so he calls her "Akinyi," the family (last) name.

  • Useful 6
3 hours ago, OrchidThief said:

Emma says Tom will never be a kept man. Does she not know the meaning of that phrase, or does she think Darcy is wealthy?

Is Avery's Lebanese marriage binding in the US?

I think Emma meant she didn't think Tom would be monogamous or at least they he wouldn't be kept on a short leash by a jealous wife.

Good question about Avery's wedding.  It probably has legal status in the US, but it might be relatively easy for he to get it annulled, if she was so inclined.  

Naive, 19 year old girl, conned by a Syrian ISIS dentist (can you imagine anything scarier than an ISIS member/dentist?) who wanted a green card, so he could come to America and commit acts of terror (and dentistry!)  Spent only a couple of weeks together.  Marriage never consummated (cough!)   Omar was holding hands with some dude in a hoodie, not Avery.  

I'm sure she would have a very convincing sob story for the court. 

At any rate, without her help, it is highly unlikely Omar could get to America to assert his martial rights.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

To be fair, it's hard to look sexy when you just downed your fourth drink of the hour. What you think is a smoldering cat-eye look comes across more like you're having a stroke because your left eyelid (and right tit) is drooping something fierce. 

Darcey's "I'm totally hosed but I'm gonna do my best to pretend I'm sober" routine is amazing. And amazingly bad. The longer her eyes are closed when she's talking, the drunker she is. 

This made me laugh indecently loudly. Darcy: "I'm so sexxxxxy!" Concerned bystander: "Call 911! I think she's having an episode!" 

12 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

I could be reading WAY too much in to this, but I got the impression Tom was trying to show her a few basic steps at first and all she really wanted to do was grind and do a few "sexy" moves that had nothing to do with salsa.  The look on his face when they finished dancing was pure disinterest/disgust.  I think he really was hoping for a fun night dancing and she was trying to turn it into some grand demonstration of their "love" and "passion."  Kind of reminded me of years ago when some guy I was seeing kept wanting to kiss me at a party we were at - basically, he was trying to mark his territory.

I agree. and that whole thing about other women having to approach her and ask her permission to dance with "her man"? I am a fat old gringa and have two left feet but I know that in a salsa club everyone dances with everyone. Its a thing. Darcy's insecurity isn't just a trait, its crippling her whole life. 

Tom could have been kinder but we've already learned that's not his way. He likes to watch Darcy squirm and suffer. She was too shy and unsure of herself to try to learn a few steps, so she tried just wearing a painted on dress that was in imminent danger of giving way, and plastering herself against Tom with her famous "eyes half closed and duck face" face. Total FAIL. From her and from him. 

6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I just can't with Bikini's father, now he is in mourning?  The seriel killer voice, oy vey.

Ben, when your inner voice says you think you are making a mistake...you need to listen to that voice.

That soft, menacing tone was intimidating as fuck, and Ben delivered extreme discomfort, shading gradually to abject terror. In his shoes I would have excused myself to go to the bathroom, then run out the door and made my escape. Taxi to the airport and never looking back.

Rebecca's aged ten years. The desert wind isn't doing her any favors. She needs to dip herself in a vat of moisturizer. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 21
10 hours ago, Dobian said:

Couldn't Rebecca have just said nothing and then quietly gone to the court when she got home to make the divorce official?  Oh right, no TLC drama that way.   

This is what I have been saying all along.  Big drama out of nothing.  It's not like they are getting married on this trip.  She still has to file the K-1 visa and all.  I would have said nothing or maybe just let him know that the process has started but takes a while in the states.  But, I haven't had very many people agree with me on that!

I think a bigger problem is that Rebecca has already sponsored one fiance, and immigration officials may not approve this K-1 application.

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Chalby said:

An aside: My first husband and I had a toxic relationship/ marriage. He proved to be so negative and arrogant, I couldn't wait to get out of Dodge/ the marriage.

I further concluded that any man named Timothy, presents a cautionary tale encouraging avoidance, After my divorce, I used to joke with my friends that if I ever develop a relationship with someone new, my friends need to observe and advise me because clearly "my picker" is out of whack.

Finally, I became aware that any and every Tim I met, during the last 20 years, has been a goof and a loser. So now my girlfriends and I have turned the name Timothy into a negative adjective. Eg: "Oh Lord, my date last night was a Tim!"

Hmm. Before my husband, I had one serious boyfriend, who also had the same exact name as my husband. No one EVER lets me live that down

  • LOL 7
1 minute ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

It's not like they are getting married on this trip.  She still has to file the K-1 visa and all.  I would have said nothing or maybe just let him know that the process has started but takes a while in the states.  But, I haven't had very many people agree with me on that!

I think a bigger problem is that Rebecca has already sponsored one fiance, and immigration officials may not approve this K-1 application.

I think the bigger problem is that if Rebecca isn't doing or saying something to Zied that she knows will upset him for 24+ hours, she dies.

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17 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

This is what I have been saying all along.  Big drama out of nothing.  It's not like they are getting married on this trip.  She still has to file the K-1 visa and all.  I would have said nothing or maybe just let him know that the process has started but takes a while in the states.  But, I haven't had very many people agree with me on that!

I think a bigger problem is that Rebecca has already sponsored one fiance, and immigration officials may not approve this K-1 application.

I also don't think being "technically" married is a big deal. I've gone on a date with someone before who was separated, divorce was ongoing, and since he was honest about, I never thought "omg I'm dating a married man!"

However, she knew that for Zied that would be an absolute no-no. I also would have just said before the trip, this is what it is. Then he could decide whether he didn't want her over until her divorce was finalised.

I also wonder why she filed for divorce only just before leaving on that trip. If the relationship was as bad as she made out, why didn't she do it as soon as they split?

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15 hours ago, LucyEth said:

Did father Akini say the offering Benji brought are something you bring for a death in the family?  Didn't Akini tell him he has to bring those food gifts when he negotiates  the bride price?  That whole thing is ridiculous.  

Yeah, this is what she specifically had him buy. Probably he doesn't have the nerve to say it and screw up his chances to get the father's approval (why he wants her I will never understand), but why couldn't he say that he was told to bring those things?!?

Where did the father think he got the idea?

I dislike this whole family and Ben is an idiot to want to continue this mess.

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12 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

That soft, menacing tone was intimidating as fuck, and Ben delivered extreme discomfort, shading gradually to abject terror. In his shoes I would have excused myself to go to the bathroom, then run out the door and made my escape. Taxi to the airport and never looking back.

Ben is a complete dumbass who clearly doesn't understand what the word n-e-g-o-t-i-a-t-i-o-n means. Ben, it means you haggle, play headgames and if necessary pretend to walk away. In some cultures people live to haggle and its a required skill to survive.

Ben should have played one card and one card only - the green card. He should have said could offer Bikini a good comfortable life in America with many comforts including a big house (yes I know he's poor but nearly anything is better than the hovel the family currently live in), rich food and nice clothes. Whats the father going to do after they're married if Ben doesn't follow through?

The family is playing hardball and Ben is being totally suckered in by it. Also Bikini is not on his side no matter what he thinks. She's out to get her family the strongest bargaining position and highest price possible.

Please lord let this whole shitshow be tv fakery.

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12 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Hairyback Ben almost brought up the sausages he ate at breakfast when meeting Big Daddy Akinki and the Big Brother. He was sweating through his blouse, because when he emptied out his bank account, all he had was $800, some lint, and a couple of expired tickets to a Billy Graham crusade. 

THIS!   I feel bad for the poor sap, but if he gets rejected by daddy for this doomed marriage it will be the best thing that ever could happen.  Maybe then he can find a girl who will make him sausages instead of just sitting doing nothing, which is all silly girl seems to do. She can't even fake doing the cooking to show him her domestic skills and how she can take care of his son.

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2 hours ago, Takitaki said:

I can't believe Tim and Jeniffer would considering getting engaged without ever having sex. Tim said they'd been through all the "bad and the goods", but I feel like goods have not been adequately inspected in this case. It's not like they're virgins waiting for marriage! Tim says the problem is he "has too much on his mind" or he's "in his head". Like what's going on in there? Is he formulating a new type of energy source? Finding the true meaning to life? 

I died! 😂

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Tim, come on, PLEASE-- are you just playing a role for TLC? If so, you are totally emasculating yourself for the sake of a check. If not, you need some help. He's always nervous, scared, worried... and the ultimatums! "I have to decide TODAY." Why? Who needs to make a life-changing decision in two weeks? And what person- especially a male in a new, supposedly exciting relationship- gets "so tired" from a picnic lunch that they fall asleep when they know the plan is to hook up later for the first time? And Jeniffer's probing about him being gay didn't bring the most definitive of responses. He kind of tilted his head like, "wellll...." and then weakly insisted "it's not that; it's just that..."

Rebecca's mouth was a-twistin' and a-turnin' in that tent. And despite Zayed's warnings that he is "jealous," he handled it the way any reasonable person would. He's mad. He was lied to (a big lie of omission). Her insistence that "we signed the papers" is just not good enough. She knows this. But despite her total despair at the thought of losing him, I still don't get what she sees in this guy as far as marriage material, how she's falling in love with him (moreso than any other man in her life) or what he brings to the table.  He only has a few English sentences he can say, most having the word "bee-you-tiful" and "loovvve" in them. She's an idiot.

I kind of thought Michael was going to stand up to Angela but he's too afraid of losing his Golden Ticket to do it much.  And her sorry/not-sorry was ridiculous. "I'm sorry about my behavior but NO WAY am I sorry about what I said." And stop calling the friends "The Goofballs." In my mind, it's a really backhanded shitty disrespectful way to dismiss people that mean something to her future husband. She is all about demanding respect, but gives zilch out in return. 

Dear Darcy, your drunk face is so obvious from a mile away. The mouth starts to work, the eyes fill and start to droop, and you get so sappy.  The guy is dancing, for crying out loud.  I have to say that his moves looked good, but were kind of incongruous with the face and body.  And his sister asking if Darcy was jealous when he danced with her?  Umm-no!  Eww!  I'm not sure what Tom's endgame is, except to continue his 15 minutes of fame by stretching this thing out.  Because, you know, as sister says- he's been with hundreds of women, is successful and blah blah blah. I think Sister is a little abnormally attached. 

Avery is a snot-nosed brat who acts her age- which is 19, which is only a couple of years past belligerent, irritating teenagerhood.  She thrives on the self-created drama ("I must be with my husband!!! I don't care if it's in a war-torn hellhole!)- and I'm sure fancies her whole life to be romantic.  When she sat in the car and blatantly stated to her worried mother "You know that if I want to do something I'm gonna do it!" with her jaw set, I wanted to reach into the screen and slap that smug look off of her face.  She's playing a role, in which she is the star, the scriptwriter and the director. And she is loving all the attention.

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On 10/12/2019 at 7:58 AM, SabineElisabeth said:

Tom.Darcey - I know nothing about dance so am unqualified to judge if Tom and Emma are really any good, but they certainly looked impressive to me.  Although if you'd shown me a picture of the club and asked me to circle what doesn't belong, Tom and Emma would've been my first choices.  Well, right along with the salsa bar in a strip mall in Nottingham. that is.

And while Darcey is irredeemably pathetic, I had a hard time finding fault with her for feeling slighted by Tom at the club.  If they were an established couple who frequently went out dancing, then I could maybe understand Tom getting his salsa on and expecting Darcey to just deal.  Under the circumstances, however, he should've put the dancing on the backburner and focused on Darcey, frankly.  Even more annoying is the fact he really could've made her feel special with minimal effort and spared us having to watch her melt into a big blob of tits, pleather, and tears for like the 10th week in a row.  So thanks, Tom!  You kind of suck for that.

I watched this last night and I got seriously pissed off at Tom.  His comment about how it's no fun to dance with someone that isn't on his level is just so damned arrogant.  I'm sure he'll be all flustered and frustrated later when Darcey lets loose on him and, while I don't support Darcey being an idiot over every little thing, this one I completely support her on.

You don't get into a relationship with someone with at least attempting to teach the other one how to do what you love.  Dancing is not that difficult.  A couple basic steps and they could've had fun together.  If he didn't want to teach her, ask one of the others to give her a tutorial and then help her enjoy the process after she's a little more comfortable.

Tom was an asshole here.  First time I'm saying that, but he absolutely was.  Even though he was a wicked good dancer, he still did nothing to promote or advance the relationship while ignoring her in a place he brought her to.

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4 minutes ago, b2H said:

I watched this last night and I got seriously pissed off at Tom.  His comment about how it's no fun to dance with someone that isn't on his level is just so damned arrogant.  I'm sure he'll be all flustered and frustrated later when Darcey lets loose on him and, while I don't support Darcey being an idiot over every little thing, this one I completely support her on.

You don't get into a relationship with someone with at least attempting to teach the other one how to do what you love.  Dancing is not that difficult.  A couple basic steps and they could've had fun together.  If he didn't want to teach her, ask one of the others to give her a tutorial and then help her enjoy the process after she's a little more comfortable.

Tom was an asshole here.  First time I'm saying that, but he absolutely was.  Even though he was a wicked good dancer, he still did nothing to promote or advance the relationship while ignoring her in a place he brought her to.

If he liked Darcy and cared about her feelings (ha), he could have put on some salsa music back at the hotel or whatever they are staying in and tried to teach her a few steps. But, he just really doesn't care, even if he did say that, yes, they are now exclusive. She's only there a little while, why not save the salsa dancing until she's back home and just do stuff with her? 

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I don’t believe Tom was trying to impress Darcy with his dancing prowess.

He HAS Darcy, by being a male.

He enjoys it and, if showing off, it was for himself and us, the viewing audience.

Either poor, pathetic Darcy is devolving before our eyes or she was better at keeping her high level of pathetic hidden with Jesse.

Darcy knew in advance they were going Salsa Dancing.

She chose to dress like a Vienna sausage on toothpicks.

Did she not express:

1. She didn’t want to go because she couldn’t dance.

2. If she wanted to try to dance, she couldn’t because of her awful attire. Heck, she can barely walk in those toothpick boots. And why wear any top, just let those girls out Darcy! You know you want too.

3. Who did she think he was going to be dancing with?

4. If she knew all this beforehand, what’s up with the disgusting pity party.

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10 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

I don’t believe Tom was trying to impress Darcy with his dancing prowess.

He HAS Darcy, by being a male.

He enjoys it and, if showing off, it was for himself and us, the viewing audience.

Either poor, pathetic Darcy is devolving before our eyes or she was better at keeping her high level of pathetic hidden with Jesse.

Darcy knew in advance they were going Salsa Dancing.

She chose to dress like a Vienna sausage on toothpicks.

Did she not express:

1. She didn’t want to go because she couldn’t dance.

2. If she wanted to try to dance, she couldn’t because of her awful attire. Heck, she can barely walk in those toothpick boots. And why wear any top, just let those girls out Darcy! You know you want too.

3. Who did she think he was going to be dancing with?

4. If she knew all this beforehand, what’s up with the disgusting pity party.

I imagine her idea of dancing is laying all over her partner, so that's what she intended to do.

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Before reading the luscious snarkfest…

What a great idea, Tommy boy, take the jealous, sloppy drunk Darcy salsa dancing— something she does not know how to do— watch her drink shots and then write her off as a clueless noob and cut up the floor with assorted other women That’s a plan right there. Tom does not really love her. Tom wants to be on television and in order to do that, he has to pretend to love Darcy. 

Ben is a moron. Akini was whining like a two year old because she was afraid of losing her meal ticket, not because she would lose the love of her life. Ben looked like he was going to faint at the house. Newsflash Ben: If you say that in another world he’d wait to make sure about what he’s doing, then the answer is to not go through with it. Akin strikes me as a whiny complainer who will not have the chill, Christian household that Ben wants. I can totally see her ignoring his kid to watch cartoons or something all day.

Not sure what to think of Avery and Omar at this point. No idea if there’s using going on, if she’ll bust out the rebel yell once she realizes she is supposed to sit down and shut up. with regarding to her being used.  Omar looked and sounded sincere at the airport.

FF past Georgia Ass Face. Not interested.

WTF is Timothy’s deal? I had to laugh when he said he was going to tell Jeniffer about the ring “in case she finds out in the future” who it was really purchased for. In other words, he knows that Veronica would say, “Oh, nice ring. He bought that for me, you know?” the first chance she got.

Rebecca is lucky Zied did not kill her. 

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Tim, your girlfriend just asked you if you were gay. You told her you were going to have sex that night but fell asleep. So, to prove your a manly man to her you call yourself the girl in the relationship and take her to the spa for matching facials? That will really show her!

I honestly don't understand why Angela is mad. Michael is in another country halfway around the world and she is mad that he didn't stay home because she wasn't feeling well in Georgia? What was he supposed to do for her? My friends wouldn't have told me to take my butt back home and sit by the phone if things were reversed.

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4 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

I think the real question is has Tim ever had sex with a woman? I was thinking that might be why Veronica knew how it was going in the bedroom with Tim and Jenniffeerr. 

I was thinking that and drawing conclusions from it also, but I think that producers give them suggested questions to advance a storyline, or maybe a few different questions to advance a few different storylines.  So maybe there was a whole storyline about Tim not liking guava and JJeeniiffeerr liking guava and in an unaired clip of the conversation Veronica asked how the guava was in Columbia, but the guava fight never materialized and other more interesting things did so the guava material was shelved.  Therefore I am not sure whether Veronica would definitely have asked on her own, and thus can't really make an inference from it (which would be: Veronica knows Tim has big issues.)

Good example of this: I thought "where did you get the ring" was 100% a producer-fed line.  Who would ask that, as opposed to "how did you know what I would like" or "can we get this resized and a lot more diamonds added" or "what made you pick this ring for me" or whatever?  I know JJ's into brands, but I imagine between the mountaintop and the spa (maybe while Tim was sleeping, he was so tired...) she'd have taken the ring off and look for an engraved "Tiffany" or something if she really cared, and not seeing it there, why does she care if he went to Kay or Jareds?  That's what she's chatting about randomly a day later?  It was clearly that the producer who miked her up (ok, maybe not, because water) faux-innocently and/or directly (I'll give you $100 extra if you ask...) said "hey, where did he get the ring?  you don't know?  you should ask!  also ask if he wants to do the guava facial mask!"  

Edited by sconstant
  • Love 10

Such good snark already!

Darcey, nothing worse than wearing a skinny heeled pair of shoes on an escalator and risking the heel getting stuck! The floofy coat was nice, but you could have worn an a-line dress to go dancing. If you don’t know how to salsa dance, ask Tom to show you. Love seems to be about appearances for you and validation. Tom may not even like you.

The Benjamin and Akini stuff is weird. No one is being honest. He should be told what the ballpark figure is for the bride price. Or at least talk to someone first to get the real deal and not the family’s bill of goods. I would walk away and go home.

Rebecca, maybe you should have kept the married part out when you found out that Zied was jealous and controlling. You lied about a lot and maybe he wondering if you have more lies. Are you in a position to get another K-1 visa?

Michael, you must really want the Green Card to put up with Angela. I would say, sorry, find another sucker.

Now that you are ‘married’, Avery, you can turn dudes away. Hopefully you have some concrete plans on how you are going to get your husband of convenience over here. He is a nice novelty right now. What happens if he does get to the US and the dream turns in to a nightmare? Will you still want him if he is there every single day? What if you get bored of being Muslim?

No idea what Tim’s deal is. Jeniffer was expecting a much different man. I had considered sexual assault. With counseling, time, love, and support, you can probably have a good relationship. Inexperienced? So what? You can have fun, you learn and be up to speed in a relatively short time. It is hard to go to another country and decide to get engaged after a couple of weeks. Both people are usually on their best behavior. If you are not ready, you agree that this is the case and that there will be another visit or two.

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It seems that every week they have to come up with a new way to humiliate Darcy and/or make her feel even worse about herself.  This week it was salsa dancing. I find it hard to believe that anyone would takes their partner dancing, and then proceeds to not dance with them.  Next week he is going to present her with a brooch or a bracelet, knowing that she is expecting a ring.  We get it; she is needy and insecure. Enough already.

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Hey you know that exclusive bit, that Emma brought up...to ask Tom about? Well....

1) I bet Tom and Emma had already had some talks so she knew what he'd say.  If true, in a way that's nice of her.

2) But actually Tom told us and the cameras when they were on the boat on the Thames that he usually was prowling and catting around but while she was here, he had put a stop to it.

That "exclusive" may well just be "while you are here!" 😮

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I don't get why everyone seems to think there's something wrong with Tim. So he's a straight man who's not obsessed with sex. I think the issue is that Jennifer is putting all her worth into whether men and begging to sleep with her and it's messing with her that someone doesn't just want that. She said it made her feel less beautiful. Tell him that. Pressuring him for sex obviously isn't helping. And the idea that she should just do whatever while he's asleep is creepy. At least she seems to respect him enough to not go doing things to him without his permission. The seem like they could be okay friends. But she seems to just want sex and he doesn't. Which is fine, but they should both say something. His relationship with his ex seems kind of strange, but if her daughter is close to him why should she be punished because they didn't work out. Doesn't being friends with his ex show he doesn't go around holding grudges. She does seem to have ulterior motives. All three of them have things to deal with and are degrees of terrible. 

Tom and Darcy really need to communicate too. I'm not an expert on dancing, but I took some classes and couples never came more than a couple times. The girlfriends would always seem upset that we switched partners and the one that refused to came across as obnoxious. Nobody is trying to "steal" someone's boyfriend. It seemed like she expected it to be a bunch of couples, not people all out enjoying themselves. He should have clarified what it was, but she never told him she was upset. She could have asked his sister to teach her, maybe show an interest in what he likes rather than mope in the corner. He should have checked on her more than ignoring her. What did she expect him to do though? Sit in the corner and mope with her? Spend all night trying to slowly teach her, when she didn't seem to want to learn anyway. Maybe she confused salsa with something else? It didn't seem sexual at all to me. It was very fast and impersonal. Those women didn't seem interested in him like that, just like they wanted to have fun. Why would they ask her if he can dance with them? He's not her property and that's clearly not how it worked. 

Angela seems abusive. Hopefully his friends talk him out of it or they could end up on one of those true crime shows. And asking for her daughter's egg is creepy. The process to harvest them is dangerous anyway. 

Akinyi seems to be sabotaging the whole thing. It seems like something is off. It makes sense he'd put his son first. He should be happy, but his son didn't ask for this. I don't think she'd hurt him, but she seems irresponsible. Alcoholism is already a big part of the whole "wine mom" thing. She doesn't seem like an alcoholic, but she could be susceptible to it. Especially if she got that drunk that fast. 

I can see why Avery wants to stay with her husband. If she can get married, she can move where she wants. But I don't know how much she knows about living in Syria. Living with someone who already lives there is different than just moving on a whim. But nobody is really expressing their concerns. Her mom is just saying she can't move, not actually why she's concerned. Maybe look up things about people who live there. Speak with people who've lived there if they can. If she's going to do it anyway, the only thing they can do is make sure she's informed. Telling her she's on here own just makes sure they never see her again. 

Rebecca needs to stop lying. A lot of people wouldn't be okay knowing they're with someone who is technically married. Let him make his own choice. Don't wait until he's attached and then hope that keeps him from leaving. That's pretty cruel.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Kangatush said:

That is a strategy for someone with at least a shred of self esteem.  The really sad thing about Darcey is that she has zero sense of self worth.  She has molded her entire personality around what others think of her.  I have never heard her ever say anything positive about herself.  She will tolerate almost anything in her quest for validation. 

Darcy says, "I *deserve* to be happy/fall in love/have my 'fairy tale'," but she says it with a question mark at the end. She doesn't seem to truly understand what happiness is- that most of us who consider ourselves happy are content with our lives, willing to accept our own shortcomings, and willing to work on our relationships (and that does not mean getting more plastic surgery, wearing sexy clothing, or pretending that every guy is Prince Charming and we are Cinderella). She does not have any insight at all.

I still would just love to see her in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, no makeup, no heels, just hanging out and doing something like grocery shopping. That would make my day. (The scene of her sitting on a bench outside a hotel, hung over and crying while Jesse lectures her, does not count.)

Edited by KateHearts
  • Love 5
On 10/11/2019 at 6:33 PM, nutella fitzgerald said:

If this were a normal man with 20 years of salsa dancing experience on a normal date with a normal woman who has never salsa danced, I do think it would be pretty crappy of him to leave her at the bar while he twirled every other girl in the place around on the dance floor.  They could have had a perfectly enjoyable evening of him giving her beginner salsa lessons (and you know Darcey would have eaten up the opportunity to have Tom inspect and/or correct her form!) if it weren’t a weirdo Englishman who still lives with his mummy on a TLC freakshow with Darcey.

YES!  I thought it was unforgivably rude of Tom to be dancing with so many different women. I don't care if that's the thing when you go salsa dancing. And is it?- really?.

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

It seems that every week they have to come up with a new way to humiliate Darcy and/or make her feel even worse about herself.  This week it was salsa dancing. I find it hard to believe that anyone would takes their partner dancing, and then proceeds to not dance with them.  Next week he is going to present her with a brooch or a bracelet, knowing that she is expecting a ring.  We get it; she is needy and insecure. Enough already.

I think every week, Darcy comes up with a new way to humiliate herself. 

She knew the plan was for Tom to show off Salsa dancing. When he did dance with her, instead of trying to learn, she instead focused on trying to appear sexy in her ridiculous outfit. Instead of asking one of the other men to teach her some basic steps, she instead spent her time bitching about Tom and complaining about the other women. She then proceeds to get shitfaced.

And wanting to be proposed to after meeting a man for a couple of weeks is just stupid. 

I really hope her daughter's father is a sane individual.  

Truly, the most humiliating thing that happens to Darcy each week is the clothes she chooses to wear. 

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