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S04.E02: The Pool: Part Two

Lady Calypso

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A lot of good moments here, but man was a lot of it cringeworthy!

I get that a big theme of the episode was kids having painful experiences while their parents watch helplessly. But even things like Kate's dumb joke in front of the blind baby counselor, with Madison awkwardly cheering her on - and Randall talking about "meat sweats" - were just painful to watch.

Even the commercials were rough (at least in my part of the country.)

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7 minutes ago, HelenCrump said:

 Other favorite moment:  Randall and family running up the Rocky steps!

I almost expected the Rocky theme to play right then!

3 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

for some reason I’m just not interested in anything with Randall and his family .

I think that may be a good thing - for now.  Last season, and all the others (to me anyway) were very Randall-centric and often not in a good way.  Having it start out slow (rather lame?) for them might be the right thing to do.  I would appreciate a decent build-up for better stories for Randall and Beth and their children this season. 

I missed who Deja was texting at the end - it wasn't the loser on the bus, was it? 

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5 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

I kept thinking there was also probably a darker reason for Toby’s weight loss and exercise. He probably is scared that especially since Kate’s health isn’t improving and she’s back to overeating that if he doesn’t put his health as a priority, baby Jack could end up with no parents at a young age.

Also, while Toby was a chubby kid, and likely someone prone to excess body fat, wasn’t it a depressive episode that caused the extreme weight gain, which led to more weight gain and deeper into depression after his first wife left him? It could be when he’s mentally and emotionally centered he’s much smaller (although a “big guy”). 

11 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

That baby is adorable.

Calm down, Beth. It's hair. It grows.

Uncle Kev "always smells really expensive." 😄

The baby is adorable. I saw Beth’s issue about the hair as a “hair cut”( rather than a trim) is a sign of “maturity” for black girls becoming teens. Like Beth said she’s not a little girl any more, but becoming a young woman. 

 Long hair on girls is associated with youth in the USA, and for black women even more so. I wasn’t allowed to cut my hair until I was 21- yes TWENTY ONE, given I was being supported and educated I chose my battles. 

Uncle Kevin does smell expensive!

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23 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

I kept thinking there was also probably a darker reason for Toby’s weight loss and exercise. He probably is scared that especially since Kate’s health isn’t improving and she’s back to overeating that if he doesn’t put his health as a priority, baby Jack could end up with no parents at a young age.

I don't know how I feel about that.  That almost seems like a way to use your own weight loss to concern troll your wife.

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2 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

I don't know how I feel about that.  That almost seems like a way to use your own weight loss to concern troll your wife.

Yeah, I don’t know. He might not even be aware that’s what he’s doing yet. 

So at the very end when Tess was looking in the mirror she didn’t exactly look happy. Then she tried on a hat. Are we supposed to think she actually doesn’t like her new haircut?

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, Dreamboat Annie said:

I missed who Deja was texting at the end - it wasn't the loser on the bus, was it? 

It was Malik. The bus passed the car repair shop and he was outside; she snapped a picture from the window and sent it to him with the message "nice shirt." He asked if she was creeping on him (or something like that) and then said "see you at school tomorrow."

18 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

 Long hair on girls is associated with youth in the USA, and for black women even more so. I wasn’t allowed to cut my hair until I was 21- yes TWENTY ONE, given I was being supported and educated I chose my battles. 

Heh. My mom gave me a pixie cut when I was four. My hair hasn't been above shoulder length since (and was to my waist for about 2 and a half years in high school/college.)

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7 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

So at the very end when Tess was looking in the mirror she didn’t exactly look happy. Then she tried on a hat. Are we supposed to think she actually doesn’t like her new haircut?

I was thinking the same thing. Or she could just be feeling a little insecure with such big change. I once cut off 10 inches of hair; it was still at my shoulder blades but it took some getting used to. And that hardly compares to what she did with hers. (The hat looked cute, too, though.)

Edited by ams1001
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16 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

So at the very end when Tess was looking in the mirror she didn’t exactly look happy. Then she tried on a hat. Are we supposed to think she actually doesn’t like her new haircut?

Maybe, but maybe it is just a big change all of a sudden and maybe she isn't quite sure she's ready for such a big change.  Moving into who you are going to be as a young adult vs who you were as a child?  In a new town?  In middle school?   That is a lot!

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I was glad Randall finally agreed to the bus. I was exactly Deja’s age (Freshman in high school) when I first started taking the city bus around by myself (One line went directly to my school from a half block away from our house) and it was fine. Especially when there is so many other people on it. It’s not like she was taking a nearly empty bus in the middle of the night.

Baby Jack is so sweet! I don’t think I’ve seen such an adorable baby on TV since The Office(which had a knack for casting adorable babies).

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I just watched The Pool (part 1) episode when doing a rewatch before the new season.

I love that they played the Alexi Murdoch song, “Someday Soon” again, as it was in the first pool episode.

I really liked that they went back to the pool, and showed how things were changing with them going into the 7th grade.  Those were some of the most awkward cringey years.

When Randall was watching Deja on the bus, I was thinking about how his parents met, which could also add to the worry about her riding the bus alone in the city.

Edited by Mrs Shibbles
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I suspect Toby has reasons for keeping his crossfit days from Kate but I think it will ultimately be hurtful to her that he's pretending to everybody that the weight is just falling off when really he's working incredibly hard to get the weight off.   One is the lie he doesn't think he can tell her what's going on with him, but it also makes it seem like weight should just melt off instantly when it isn't that easy.

  • Love 20
4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

The way Beth was fretting about Tess's haircut, I thought Tess was going to come out of that salon with a half-shaved head. I think the cut she got looks adorable.

Can we talk about howK impossibly cute the little kid Big Three in the pool montage are? It was a very brief shot, but I hope we get longer scenes with them this season.

I've seen cute pics of them at 1-3 online since the show started but haven't seen them on the show. Was very happy to get a glimpse. So adorable. These 2 I never remember seeing, maybe another flashback that was quick.

Kevin's expressions were always spot on no matter what actor plays him.

I didn't catch where Nicky is staying now? Did Kevin say I didn't now you were in _________?

I couldn't hear, next time I'll use CC.


tiu 2.jpg

Edited by debraran
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1 hour ago, bybrandy said:

I suspect Toby has reasons for keeping his crossfit days from Kate but I think it will ultimately be hurtful to her that he's pretending to everybody that the weight is just falling off when really he's working incredibly hard to get the weight off.   One is the lie he doesn't think he can tell her what's going on with him, but it also makes it seem like weight should just melt off instantly when it isn't that easy.

I feel they wanted the actor who plays Toby to not use the fat belt anymore he was wearing and seem to have made Kate rounder. I just felt uncomfortable because although I emotionally eat (it's so hard) I was thinking "Doesn't she know she needs to stick around?" My mind was racing a bit watching her to thinking she will die earlier than the others or have a stroke or they are padding her a bit to have her lose next season. I also feel since Toby fights depression, the exercise helps with that also.

Edited by debraran
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One thing I love is seeing characters evolve and grow. S1 Kevin was very self centered and overly dependent on Kate to do every little thing for him. S4 Kevin considered turning down a movie so that he could stay in California for Kate and her baby.

Parenting is a universal issue and this week we got to see how both Rebecca and Randall want to protect their kids but have to let them go out into the scary world and just see what happens.

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I have to rewatch because we had a number of long national weather service interruptions here, but what I did see, I liked much better than last week.  I enjoyed the parallel of the young big three getting to middle school age and present day Randall's crew.  I actually care about Kevin's sobriety whereas I used to be less interested in his character.  Rebecca and her note-taking.  It was old school TIU. 

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41 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

S4 Kevin considered turning down a movie so that he could stay in California for Kate and her baby.

It's sweet that he wants to be around but I kept thinking he was kind of intruding on Kate and Toby bonding with the baby.  Of course they probably have more alone time with Jack than not, but Kevin even goes to all the doctor appts?  Really?  Even Rebecca knows enough to step back from that.

Although it's great that things are back on track for Randall and his family, having them on the other side of the country makes them seem to be in a different show.

Tess looked adorable with the new do.  She'll get used to it.  

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8 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

Secret exercise addiction is a new one.

Did he say he was going out to get groceries ?  Did he say gym as well?  You would think you would notice if someone went out to the gym

6 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Can we talk about how impossibly cute the little kid Big Three in the pool montage are?

they were totally cute, esp lil Kate, 

I didn't think Tess would grow her hair all summer just to shave it off so I was expecting some kind of style

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Bulldog said:

I'm going to have to strongly disagree with this.  I, personally, have know a number of guys who weren't in the best of shape that were spurred to make dramatic lifestyle changes with the arrival of a new baby.   Add in that Kate's weight greatly increases the possibility of significant health problems (or worse!), and I think Toby is completely right to take control of his weight and shape up.

Not to mention, Toby survived a heart attack a couple of years ago, and if that wasn't enough for him to start taking his health seriously, a baby -- a blind baby, no less -- should provide the motivation to get healthy. 

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Toby working out as a form of self-care makes a lot of sense.  He needs this, but unless he opens up to Kate she is going to be hurt by it.  Toby does need to take care of Toby in order to be present for his wife and son.  

One thing that bothered my about Toby and Rebecca in this episode.  They ask Kate if she is okay knowing that she isn't.  Kate answers yes, and they leave it there.  Then they whisper behind her back that they are "concerned" for her.  Toby knows she is eating her feelings, but he doesn't do anything about it.  I don't want to continue to watch this happening.  Quit talking and do something about it.  Arrange with Madison to take Kate on a spa day while you watch Baby Jack.  Have Kevin talk to Kate if she continues to live in denial.  I think Kate is on her way to be a great mother to Jack, but she needs time to process her feelings instead of burying them.  I did like that Kate almost lost it when talking about Baby Jack watching Steelers games.  That felt natural for her to realize her son will not be able to watch the games that mean so much to her in the same way a sighted child would be able to.  

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3 hours ago, debraran said:

I just felt uncomfortable because although I emotionally eat (it's so hard) I was thinking "Doesn't she know she needs to stick around?"

I suspect she does know she needs to stick around.  But it is a lot what she's going through.  And when you are going through so much you're just trying to get through the day.   Rebecca had the moment where she acknowledged eating her feelings but when your are eating your feelings and you've got a new baby and a move and theoretically a dog (has anybody seen Audio?) it is a lot harder to keep track of what you're putting in your mouth.  Intellectually she does know... but she might not have internalized, yet, that she's doing it.

Also I think needing to stick around might be part of Toby's motivation in a bigger sense.  I think he might be worried that Jack is going to need him to be a caretaker for life. 

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I'm going to have to strongly disagree with this.  I, personally, have know a number of guys who weren't in the best of shape that were spurred to make dramatic lifestyle changes with the arrival of a new baby.

Agreed. New babies can help one focus on being at your best.

I wonder too if this might be his coping mechanism. He has no control about his baby's health issues and is worried about Kate, so he's working out that angst by taking total control of one aspect of his life - his weight. 

Then, he has to hide that fact because he doesn't want to upset Kate and that is just adding to his angst.

The baby was adorable. Searching houses for dangers like dangling coords and sharp edges is something people do regardless of whether their baby is blind or not. Babies have poor judgement and can turn even the most mundane items into deadly threats. I think the Blind Baby advice lady could have offered up some more tailored advice. I liked her mentioning not changing up the rooms too much and having different textures, but I think Kate did a better job of conveying the way you modify interactions to take into consideration how it impacts a blind person. 

I think there is trouble brewing with Annie. She probably revealed real concerns with the Worst Case Scenario game and then quickly sublimated them. She wants to be the problem free child, so she isn't allowing herself the freedom to have any problems. Bottling it up.

I would have liked some soul-searching from child Randall. He should have had a chat with Dad too. He needs to work on self-acceptance and not wrecking his brother's stuff.  Kevin asking Randall to finish the song when he knows Randall doesn't know it (just so Kevin will look more cool) was a jerk move, but Randall was already unhappy that Kevin was connecting with his friends over the music to begin with. His friends are the ones that invited Kevin to listen to music with them and Kevin would have been a jerk if he'd just blown them off. If Kevin and his friends connect over music they all enjoy and Randall does not, that's not Kevin's fault. It would be nice if they tried to find a subject they all like, but a few minutes talking about something you aren't interested in isn't the end of the world.

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14 minutes ago, kili said:

I think there is trouble brewing with Annie. She probably revealed real concerns with the Worst Case Scenario game and then quickly sublimated them. She wants to be the problem free child, so she isn't allowing herself the freedom to have any problems. Bottling it up.

That would certainly be more interesting than just having Annie as some "extra" character with no real plot or no real voice of her own. She would be somewhat similar to Beth, in the sense that she steps back and lets the others shine. I know Beth is typically more outspoken, but we also know that she's bit her tongue and let feelings bottle up with regards to Randall. 

5 minutes ago, bybrandy said:

I do agree he needs to work on self-acceptance and sabotaging the tape was a childish response on the other hand somebody needs to teach those boys about getting a pencil and winding the tapes back because that tape wasn't really all that wrecked.  So I thought Kevin was overreacting to really low key tape sabotage.   

Let's face it; both pre-teen Kevin and pre-teen Randall handled things really badly. Of course, it's not surprising about pre-teen Kevin, because there was that period right up until the later teen years where Kevin really did not like Randall, and I can see this as a method of Randall lashing out at Kevin's treatment of him, but it doesn't make it less wrong just because it's a petty act of revenge. I mean, we don't see younger Randall lash out a lot. We know Adult Randall lashes out through his words and he can get quite good at it (see: that season 2 therapy session with Kevin, and his fight with Beth last season). So, in a way, we're only getting to witness a part of Randall that is forming, a part of Randall who can be quite malicious and nasty.

Sure, destroying the tape isn't the worst thing someone could do, but it's something that is small enough of an act that would grow into the nastiness that we know Randall can display as an adult. 

So, I guess it's nice of a nice continuity thing. It's subtle enough, at least for me. It also shows that Kevin isn't the only jerk kid in the family. I mean, obviously Kevin was the worst and Randall was still fairly good back then, but it shows that Kevin's not the only one to tap into his jerk side.

ETA: Plus, as an afterthought, this is the first point in Kevin's life where we see him reflecting upon his treatment of Randall. Before this moment in his life, Kevin wouldn't have reflected upon him being a bad brother. And sure, we know Kevin doesn't just stop treating Randall badly. But we have seen him in his teen years where he does treat Randall better than he did as a kid. As a kid, Kevin never treated Randall with much respect and he was constantly jealous. I don't think we saw many moments in the earlier years where Kevin was genuinely nice to Randall. But, in the teen years, we see that Kevin has his moments. So maybe this was the moment in time where Kevin started to adjust his attitude a bit. Not a lot, mind you, but maybe enough to start to change.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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