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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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3 hours ago, UT2004gal said:

So I’m a little surprised that Miranda and Alexis were chosen as second leaders. Those 2 weren’t even on show group last year. And I remember last year a poster commented that Alexis was the worst performer at the football game (I think they said she kept messing up or something like that). Plus Miranda did look pretty heavy in those pics from finals. And these girls will be front runners for next year’s first leaders?? Um yeah okay.... But then I guess they didn’t have many girls to choose from. Who are the other 3rd year vets? Molly, Rachel A. and Christina?

I'm just glad Christina DIDN'T get a group leader position of ANY stripe because I don't think she deserves it.  She seems to be the entitled type that thinks she deserves accolades and additional praise just for showing up.  I wouldn't be surprised if she's pretty peeved over NOT getting it.  I may not be remembering correctly, but didn't we hear something about her being upset about not getting ROTY and it going to Savannah instead?

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9 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I'm just glad Christina DIDN'T get a group leader position of ANY stripe because I don't think she deserves it.  She seems to be the entitled type that thinks she deserves accolades and additional praise just for showing up.  I wouldn't be surprised if she's pretty peeved over NOT getting it.  I may not be remembering correctly, but didn't we hear something about her being upset about not getting ROTY and it going to Savannah instead?

I have never been a fan of Christina and for someone who barely made the team, the fact that she was upset that she didn't get ROTY is rich.  It took her 5 times in training camp to make the team,  and I am almost sure that I have seen her in the background of other tryouts.  (I would have cut her on the red jumpsuit alone last season -- especially after TPTB gave VK crap over her choice - at least her dress was tailored and hemmed, albeit a poor color choice 🙂 )

Edited by MTTFan
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1 minute ago, MTTFan said:

It took her 5 times in training camp to make the team,  and I am almost sure that I have seen her in the background of other try outs.  

She auditioned for the Mavs Dancers after her cut the 1st time she was in TC.

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29 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

She auditioned for the Mavs Dancers after her cut the 1st time she was in TC.

I almost sure that I saw her in a background scene of the DCC tryouts before she made training camp the first time.

Edited by MTTFan
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11 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

If she was that bad why is she in training camp for her 3rd season 

Maybe for the same reason that Christina and Brennan are still on the team -- dwindling talent pool.  (not a fan of either one) 


Seriously though, there are some people on the team that you just want to ask TPTB, "what the hell are you thinking.?"

Edited by MTTFan
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2 minutes ago, MTTFan said:

Maybe for the same reason that Christine and Brennan are still on the team -- dwindling talent pool.  (not a fan of either one) 


Seriously though, there are some people on the team that you just want to ask TPTB, "what the hell are you thinking.?"

I'm not asking that now, but maybe after TC is over.

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I don't dislike Christina like a lot of people do. She has never come off as entitled to me but idk. I know she's a weaker vet like Savannah (who did get rookie of the year). But I was watching season 6 yesterday and I saw her in the first episode in one of the front rows at prelims. She had long brown hair. I didn't know she tried out that far back. 

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This might be off topic, but does anyone know that former TCC Kathyrn Dunn is going to be on Big Brother starting this Tuesday, and also somehow Kathyrn screwed Jenna out of being on Big Brother. (sorry if off topic - crazy tea spilled on that reddit link, that includes Sydney) 


Edited by McKinezeInFloMnd
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37 minutes ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

This might be off topic, but does anyone know that former TCC Kathyrn Dunn is going to be on Big Brother starting this Tuesday, and also somehow Kathyrn screwed Jenna out of being on Big Brother. (sorry if off topic - crazy tea spilled on that reddit link, that includes Sydney) 


Poor Jenna. She's not my favourite DCC but compared to Kathryn.... Speaking of which, her google alerts must be going nuts

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6 hours ago, MTTFan said:

Maybe for the same reason that Christina and Brennan are still on the team -- dwindling talent pool.  (not a fan of either one) 


Seriously though, there are some people on the team that you just want to ask TPTB, "what the hell are you thinking.?"

*cough cough* Maddie *cough* 

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I’ve never considered Alexis to be a strong dancer or anything but a blender dance wise. She is however one of the prettiest on the team so I can see TBTB wanting to put her close and up front in the triangle but she is a weak dancer. Maybe they’re hoping she will improve this year so she has a shot at being in the triangle (or point) and in show group and their way of trying to make that happen is making her a 2nd GL. 

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11 hours ago, Holly85 said:

They probably got chosen bc they are mature and bring a lot to the team and k and j probably see something good in them 

I had Miranda pegged as a second leader since the end of last season.  I'm guessing you don't have to be on SG to be a group leader thought they almost always are.   I don't get the "grandma" look people say they see.  In the videos I've seen of her dancing she looks fine to me...I think she's beautiful.  Sometimes solid and dependable goes a very long way.  I was more surprised at Gina, to be honest, because her "me me me " vibe just does not scream leadership potential.  It just makes me want to scream NOOOOOOOOO! I'm really hoping Gina leaves after this season.  I do not want to see her as a five year vet.  

8 hours ago, MTTFan said:

I have never been a fan of Christina and for someone who barely made the team, the fact that she was upset that she didn't get ROTY is rich.  It took her 5 times in training camp to make the team,  and I am almost sure that I have seen her in the background of other tryouts.  (I would have cut her on the red jumpsuit alone last season -- especially after TPTB gave VK crap over her choice - at least her dress was tailored and hemmed, albeit a poor color choice 🙂 )

It took her five times auditioning.  She was only in training camp one other time and she was injured and had to release herself. 

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4 hours ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

This might be off topic, but does anyone know that former TCC Kathyrn Dunn is going to be on Big Brother starting this Tuesday, and also somehow Kathyrn screwed Jenna out of being on Big Brother. (sorry if off topic - crazy tea spilled on that reddit link, that includes Sydney) 


I am a huge RHAP (Rob Has a Podcast for the people who don’t know - it’s a podcast that covers Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race and other TV and is the best Podcast out there IMO) listener and this collision of my DCC obsession with my Survivor/RHAP obsession is weirding me out. I will go listen to the podcast the thread is referring to and see what I think. I do know Brent (the person saying the stuff about Kathryn) is very opinionated and likes to say a lot of inflammatory things. Does anyone know if Kathryn and Jenna were good friends? Were Sydney, Jenna and Kathryn even friends? Is Kathryn the type to do something like that to Jenna? I feel bad for Jenna if she got cut twice right before getting on Big Brother. 

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9 hours ago, DALLAS8 said:

Also, was at the Star this week saw the production team and brennan was getting some rub out hope she ok cause she is so sweet. Marshall was in a office with some other people. Also across the street there is a dance studio and they are already doing prep classes for next season tryouts...that is commitment.

Not sure what you mean by "rub out"

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3 minutes ago, DCCManFan said:

Not sure what you mean by "rub out"

Her muscles were probably tight and she needed them to be "rubbed out." A lot of girls have a foam roller for before practice to loosen their muscles. She could have a tight hamstring and the trainer needed to work on her 

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23 hours ago, M1977G said:


The are both pretty, great dancers, and represent the DCC well. Every point and triangle girl has been criticized on this, or the previous board. In the end, TPTB know what they are doing to create the team THEY want. If they didn’t, the DCC wouldn’t be the best in the NFL. Whoever they pick for point will be perfect for the image DCC leadership desires. Otherwise, TPTB will make a change, like they did with Jenna.

I’m curious if would be possible to have 2 separate threads, so one could be for spoilers and the other could be for people to post/read about their opinions of the girls and TPTB? That would help cut back on the questions, as well, since the spoilers would be easier to read through. 😊

Edited by laney
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5 minutes ago, laney said:

I’m curious if would be possible to have 2 separate threads, so one could be for spoilers and the other could be for people to post/read about their opinions of the girls and TPTB?

There are.  The "Current DCC" thread is for posting opinions on the 2018-2019 squad, "Former DCC" thread is for past squads, "The DCC Organization: Coaches, Judges and Owner Group" is for discussing TPTB.

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Just now, allitator said:

Seeing some discussions on it, so I'm wondering... did I miss that group leaders/2nd group leaders were named?  Who are they?

Amy Miranda group 1 

maddie Lexi group 2 

heather Alexis group 3 

tess Gina group 4 

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We all liked Christina’s hair when she made the team.  That was positive. And she does look great in the uniform.  

The grandma effect with Miranda’s hair could be when the hair lays flat on top of her head. In the morning when I look in the mirror,  sometimes I think I look like my grandma. Lol

I've seen a few pics of Miranda with a side part, angling the hair and not flat. The hair definitely changes the vibe.  

Erin is my fav now. 

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6 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

We all liked Christina’s hair when she made the team.  That was positive. And she does look great in the uniform.  

The grandma effect with Miranda’s hair could be when the hair lays flat on top of her head. In the morning when I look in the mirror,  sometimes I think I look like my grandma. Lol

I've seen a few pics of Miranda with a side part, angling the hair and not flat. The hair definitely changes the vibe.  

Erin is my fav now. 

I would not use the term “grandma” to describe Miranda, however I would say she looks “Matronly” when compared to the rest. She looks 10 years older than she is. 35 is hardly a grandma, but is definitely older than her actual age.

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

There are.  The "Current DCC" thread is for posting opinions on the 2018-2019 squad, "Former DCC" thread is for past squads, "The DCC Organization: Coaches, Judges and Owner Group" is for discussing TPTB.

Thank you for your reply. 😊

I apologize that I didn’t explain what I meant well- i meant separate spoilers thread and opinions thread, not separate for opinions on different topics. 

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14 hours ago, DALLAS8 said:

Yes, Christina is a little delusional if  she believed she deserved rookie of the year...like did she see her rookie class...this girl was lucky to get the pink uniform her rookie season

Her rookie class was quite underwhelming and Savanah of all people made ROTY so...

13 hours ago, Holly85 said:

If she was that bad why is she in training camp for her 3rd season 

Because she’s hella pretty. They’ve had worse dancers so i’m sure Alexis is safe.

2 hours ago, go4luca said:

I really wish this would die.  By most accounts and posts by her own team mates, Gina is not a bitch.  She is incredibly supportive of her team mates and well liked.  She got a bad edit, had a self check and made the effort to change.  It's never easy to hear criticism but if you learn from it and make the effort to change,  I give high kudos to that person for doing so. 

Most people who go through this kind of self examination improvement process turn out to be fantastic leaders.  I'm willing to give her a chance and see how she does.

I’m not trying to start drama & you know I respect your opinions, but how do we know she’s changed? Apparently there were many “mean girls” on the squad over the years and we had no idea so I wouldn’t expect any girl to post anything negative for anyone, including Gina. I don’t think she’s terrible, but I do think she still believes she’s above the other girls but she knows how to work around it. I still respect that though.

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Seems to be very little postings or clues coming from TC this year. By now more scoops should be leaking out , you would think. Wonder if they’ve been mandated to pretty much not post anything. I feel they must have red light / green light accordance’s for training camp! 

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19 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Her rookie class was quite underwhelming and Savanah of all people made ROTY so...

Because she’s hella pretty. They’ve had worse dancers so i’m sure Alexis is safe.

I’m not trying to start drama & you know I respect your opinions, but how do we know she’s changed? Apparently there were many “mean girls” on the squad over the years and we had no idea so I wouldn’t expect any girl to post anything negative for anyone, including Gina. I don’t think she’s terrible, but I do think she still believes she’s above the other girls but she knows how to work around it. I still respect that though.



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53 minutes ago, laney said:

I apologize that I didn’t explain what I meant well- i meant separate spoilers thread and opinions thread, not separate for opinions on different topics. 

Didn't we once have a separate opinions thread?  IIRC, things got bitchy mean.  Everyone's mileage will vary but I'm not a big fan of tearing these girls apart.

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36 minutes ago, go4luca said:

Didn't we once have a separate opinions thread?  IIRC, things got bitchy mean.  Everyone's mileage will vary but I'm not a big fan of tearing these girls apart.

Do you mean "Unpopular Opinions?"  Yes we did, and yes, that is what happened LOL. 

We just need to keep our opinions to the appropriate threads.

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2 hours ago, Jennv said:

I would not use the term “grandma” to describe Miranda, however I would say she looks “Matronly” when compared to the rest. She looks 10 years older than she is. 35 is hardly a grandma, but is definitely older than her actual age.

I never called her a grandma nor do I think she looks matronly.  Her face and figure are not matronly. 

I believe Kitty said grandma and some posters here were agreeing.  I was just pointing out that she looks much better without her hair being flat at the top, and maybe that was what some posters were seeing.  

2 hours ago, Holly85 said:

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day 🙂 

Happy day here!  South Florida is having Texas heat days.  

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6 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

I never called her a grandma nor do I think she looks matronly.  Her face and figure are not matronly. 

I believe Kitty said grandma and some posters here were agreeing.  I was just pointing out that she looks much better without her hair being flat at the top, and maybe that was what some posters were seeing.  

Happy day here!  South Florida is having Texas heat days.  

Omg it’s so hot here today in Texas haven’t been outside lol 

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16 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:
2 hours ago, Holly85 said:

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day 🙂 

Happy day here!  South Florida is having Texas heat days.  

Wonderful day here.  I do not miss Florida heat!!  Stay in the AC!

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4 hours ago, RockYou said:

Seems to be very little postings or clues coming from TC this year. By now more scoops should be leaking out , you would think. Wonder if they’ve been mandated to pretty much not post anything. I feel they must have red light / green light accordance’s for training camp! 

I need those leaks🤣. I don’t want to wait until the first football game to see who made the squad. 

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9 minutes ago, Cruisegirl said:

Just saw this on Hannah’s IG story. That looks painful 


I saw this too! I’m a Hannah fan and I’m very concerned. 

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14 minutes ago, Cruisegirl said:

Just saw this on Hannah’s IG story. That looks painful 


Aw the joys of being a dancer.  Especially if you bruise easily.  Not fun, but par for the course if floor work is involved.

Edited by go4luca
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8 hours ago, go4luca said:

I really wish this would die.  By most accounts and posts by her own team mates, Gina is not a bitch.  She is incredibly supportive of her team mates and well liked.  She got a bad edit, had a self check and made the effort to change.  It's never easy to hear criticism but if you learn from it and make the effort to change,  I give high kudos to that person for doing so. 

Most people who go through this kind of self examination improvement process turn out to be fantastic leaders.  I'm willing to give her a chance and see how she does.

Jesus thank you. If you don’t like Gina’s look or think she over dances, I may not agree but I can understand that.... this whole myth that Gina is this massive bitch is just not true. 

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21 hours ago, MTTFan said:

I have never been a fan of Christina and for someone who barely made the team, the fact that she was upset that she didn't get ROTY is rich.  It took her 5 times in training camp to make the team,  and I am almost sure that I have seen her in the background of other tryouts.  (I would have cut her on the red jumpsuit alone last season -- especially after TPTB gave VK crap over her choice - at least her dress was tailored and hemmed, albeit a poor color choice 🙂 )

I've never been a fan of Christina and thought she was a poor choice to have been brought into Training Camp at ANY time.  I was actually surprised that she made the team her rookie year not only because of her average dancing, but her lack of (or just average) flexibility, and her apparent entitlement complex (the "I deserve this because I've auditioned 5 or 6 times and made it to Training Camp twice" words and behaviors) among other things.  I still think that, if Kelli had waited until after Canton to make the last two cuts, Brennan would have made the team and Christina would have been cut instead. 

21 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

She auditioned for the Mavs Dancers after her cut the 1st time she was in TC.

Yeah, there was no way on Earth she would have made the Mavs if she barely made the DCC and is, at best, an average dancer.

21 hours ago, DALLAS8 said:

Yes, Christina is a little delusional if  she believed she deserved rookie of the year...like did she see her rookie class...this girl was lucky to get the pink uniform her rookie season

Yep, I think so, though I don't know if she actually did think/believe that or if I was delusional.  Could be either/or/both.

20 hours ago, MTTFan said:

Maybe for the same reason that Christina and Brennan are still on the team -- dwindling talent pool.  (not a fan of either one) 


Seriously though, there are some people on the team that you just want to ask TPTB, "what the hell are you thinking.?"

I don't think it's a dwindling talent pool as there have been some amazing, talented dancers show up, I think it's Kelli not picking the right girls.  She's letting emotions and outside pressures choose at least some of the girls.  If dance talent was the top requirement (or among the top three), then Victoria and Christina wouldn't have made Training Camp and Christina wouldn't have made (or stayed on) the squad. Both would (and should) have been cut in Semis.

20 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I'm not asking that now, but maybe after TC is over.

I'd love to ask that question, but I'd get beat down and then not only thrown out of the office, but off the grounds or have the police called because Kelli does not seem like the type of person who likes to hear others' opinions or take advice from anyone if she doesn't ask for it unless it's her boss or the person actually signing her paycheck.

19 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

I don't dislike Christina like a lot of people do. She has never come off as entitled to me but idk. I know she's a weaker vet like Savannah (who did get rookie of the year). But I was watching season 6 yesterday and I saw her in the first episode in one of the front rows at prelims. She had long brown hair. I didn't know she tried out that far back. 

I think she tried out 5 or 6 times, made Training Camp once before and was up for being cut due to injury and her severe lack of flexibility (which has barely improved, the flexibility part at least).  I can't remember if she self-eliminated or was cut.

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7 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Her rookie class was quite underwhelming and Savanah of all people made ROTY so...

Because she’s hella pretty. They’ve had worse dancers so i’m sure Alexis is safe.

I’m not trying to start drama & you know I respect your opinions, but how do we know she’s changed? Apparently there were many “mean girls” on the squad over the years and we had no idea so I wouldn’t expect any girl to post anything negative for anyone, including Gina. I don’t think she’s terrible, but I do think she still believes she’s above the other girls but she knows how to work around it. I still respect that though.

I’m not taking a curated 180 seconds for entertainment to push a story line as gospel that she’s a mean girl, after ~24 months. 

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