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  1. Seeing their three names together like than makes me think of the cheerleaders from Princess Diaries: "I'm Lana, I'm Anna, Montana!" 😂
  2. One of Kat's hashtags in the post is "more obsessed with you than Nate's stalker" which I thought was very 'Kat' humour and I enjoyed For reference, there is a poster who constantly brings up that Kelcey's boyfriend is gay and she's his beard on multiple social media platforms, and creates new accounts when he is inevitably banned.
  3. My guess is Jalyn bought a house and is moving into it. Didn't she ask for a lawyer recently to look over a contract recently? Also not sure if it was discussed here but Kat had a photo on insta with Kelcey. I saw it on reddit...social media is weird. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CRtxukygIY8/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet Anyway #moreobsessedwithyouthanNatesstalker Kat is now my favourite person on the team.
  4. Ehh I'm not convinced on Mackenzie being like that but she is one of my faves. She was also tiny - if she stood behind someone she wouldn't be able to see. I remember a much heavier focus on Karissa that year and I didn't care for her as a dancer.
  5. And at one stage all of the TCC Ashleys were in the same group. I remember Kelli calling them up Ashley, Ashley, Ashley 😂
  6. In context, there were before/after photos and that was the description for the before and she had upped her calories and lowered exercise for the after and was still obviously in great shape. She was the one calling the before excessive restriction and exercise. I personally think it's more responsible to be honest about the amount of effort that goes into a figure like hers than to pretend she's 'born that way'.
  7. Yes. Now tell us who has been cut immediately 😂
  8. My impression of her post was that that was what she was doing as a DCC and she has since increased her calories and cut down gym time and still looks amazing. But that was my interpretation - she didn't say that explicitly. It very much fits into the idea that DCC is actually a full time job. I can see why some (most?) women would find that overwhelming.
  9. Milan spoke out about how Kitty ripped into her about not trying out for Show Group because she didn't have time with college. Then the show spun it like she was sad about not being able to try out when she was actually emotional over being yelled at. Can't let the truth get in the way of the brand.
  10. Hmmm... she has a post about excessive caloric deficit and overtraining. There may be something to that rumour. From her insta: "ranging from 1.5-2 hours of cardio per day. On top of over an hour of strength training, one hour sauna session daily, 2 hour dance classes/practice. In the gym twice a day 7 days out of the week. Eating about 1,200 cals a day"
  11. She looked gassed. I can also see why Charlotte wasn't too keen on Anne Lux.
  12. It's interesting after watching the '05 special that Kelli used to let people go in the exact way I wish she would now - tell them they're cut first and then give them the reasons and tell them what they were good at. It does make it look like all this dramatic dancing around the issue is more for building show suspense which is unfortunate and looks unprofessional. Bring back blunt, direct Kelli and a Judy who actually shared opinions, I say!
  13. I feel like in previous years, candidates have posted their solos on social media. Bit bummed to not have seen any. It's the best part of auditions. The snippets they show on the show aren't enough to get an idea of their dance ability - especially when they have to dub over different music for copyright.
  14. Aww yay Jinelle! Not to brag, but there's no community transmission in the state she's in, so she could have had a normal wedding if she wanted. It's just that everything is booked out. Also, that's horrible for Jordan. Poor bub 😢
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