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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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Just now, dreamcatcher said:

I don’t think the original comment of Simon said anything about girls talking within their “workspace”, but the conversation did move to that direction after that. I doubt any insider would give any hints in where and how they got this info and especially not someone who has been posting for a while now without getting caught.

Yeah, I guess the assumption is "Hey, guess what everyone in the locker room is calling VK!"

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1 hour ago, Pau84 said:

These must be their official photo's!

  1. Why is Amy's hair is so outlandish!?!
  2. Maddie looks less Shirley Temple and much more woman. It suits her.
  3. I have seen Heathers hair look much better!
  4. Tess looking great!

Why wouldn't they shoot a pic without Amy's arm over her head, it looks so out of place? Agree with the other poster Amy and Maddie look overly airbrushed and poor Heather's hair does nothing for her, she's so much prettier than that...

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DCC's are considered employees of the Dallas Cowboys Organization and see Dallas Cowboys affiliated and approved doctors.  If Victoria was seeing a Dallas Cowboys affiliated doctor by appointment made by an approved Dallas Cowboys employee; it is certainly within the realm of possibility that Charlotte or Kelli were notified of Victoria missing the appointment since Victoria's employ falls to Charlotte and Kelli .  Charlotte as Chief Brand Officer (which the DCC fall under) or Kelli as the Director of the DCC. 

IMO, the type of information that can be released to outside individuals depends on how the DCC contract is worded.  As we all know, every Veteran and TCC sign an employee contract at the First Meeting - officially signing away a year of their lives to the Dallas Cowboys.  It's possible that the contract states that employees waive the right to privacy when seeing a Dallas Cowboys affiliated doctor related to a condition specific to your position within the Dallas Cowboys Organization.

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36 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Uhm... Amy and Maddie don’t look like themselves at all. Amy especially. Heather and Tess at least look like themselves, but they’ve had better cameos. 

I don’t think the original comment of Simon said anything about girls talking within their “workspace”, but the conversation did move to that direction after that. I doubt any insider would give any hints in where and how they got this info and especially not someone who has been posting for a while now without getting caught.

Exactly. It’s a handful of girls just letting off steam behind the scenes (as most of us do privately with co-workers)

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The hashtag has taken root on social media as well...why I let myself read some of those comments is beyond me.  I know we've got our own troubles on this forum, but YIIIIIKES.  

I wasn't surprised by anything VK (or any other DCC) might get in their DMs, be it hateful, overtly sexual, or just awkward.  I get weird stuff in mine all the time and have no social media presence at all unless you're an avid quilter!

Edited by kalibean
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I just watched the Victoria and Janelle scene the other day as part of my Season 13 rewatch. I am still confused if a doctor’s appointment was ever made because Janelle made it sound like she sent Victoria a request to make one. However, I feel like what is worse is that Victoria was ignoring Janelle’s texts and when confronted told her that she wanted to get help from someone who had struggled with their weight instead of her. While that may be a valid opinion, on what planet would Kelli allow another TCC to stay after they ignored Janelle and said to her face she didn’t want Janelle’s help? The fact that she thought she could ignore Janelle speaks volumes. The fact that she thought if she just ignored the issue because it made her uncomfortable speaks to her immaturity. Her apology to Janelle was half assed and kind of pathetic. Kelli would have cut any other TCC to show such disrespect but she sugar coated everything for “beautiful storm” Victoria.

In an earlier scene when she first brought up that Victoria gained 11 pounds in training camp, she said it in an offhand almost apologetic tone which is night and day from her usual rather harsh tone to vets who gain weight. The whole Victoria weight issue last year was a complete mess, it showed the nepotism more than anything else.

Edited by MelissaB326
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1 hour ago, cgloss said:

Now, some of the stories might be more outlandish than others, but I doubt all the girls get along all the time. DCC is always equated to being in a sorority, and I've yet to encounter a sorority that didn't have problems in the sisterhood.

This!  I was friends with the mean girls in my sorority because I couldn't afford to be their enemy.  There are a lot of times in life when you do facebook likes for people you hate because you work with them or because they are family.  I've never met a group of women who didn't fracture into smaller groups and get catty.  It doesn't make them bad people, it just makes them human.  So I wouldn't take their "support" at complete face value.  I'm sure some love her and some hate her.

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4 hours ago, CowboysFanatic said:

After realizing that Nicole Bulcher is not a person of color, that makes the number 17, but would still be 18 when including Kat from the 2019 Rookie Class. Then, I added Chandi, who is also part of this year's Rookie Class, and that makes it 19.

Here's my list RE-DONE...

2009 - 6 (3 Veterans, 3 Rookies) - Nicole Hamilton, Ally Traylor, Tia Williams, Jackie Bob, Mia Greenhouse and Vanessa Jenkins.

2010 - 5 (4 Veterans, 1 Rookie) - Ally Traylor, Tia Williams, Jackie Bob, Mia Greenhouse and Sasha Agent.

2011 - 4 (Veterans) - Ally Traylor, Jackie Bob, Mia Greenhouse and Sasha Agent.

2012 - 6 (3 Veterans, 4 Rookies) - Jackie Bob, Mia Greenhouse, Carisa McMillan, Jacie Scott, Jasmine Goode and Jenna Jackson.

2013 - 6 (Veterans) - Jackie Bob, Mia Greenhouse, Carisa McMillan, Jacie Scott, Jasmine Goode and Jenna Jackson.

2014 - 3 (Veterans) - Jacie Scott, Jasmine Goode and Jenna Jackson.

2015 - 3 (2 Veterans, 1 Rookie) - Jacie Scott, Jenna Jackson and Robin Richardson.

2016 - 4 (2 Veterans, 2 Rookies) - Jenna Jackson, Robin Richardson, Cersten Bradley and Khalyn Larke.

2017 - 5 (4 Veterans, 1 Rookie) - Jenna Jackson, Robin Richardson, Cersten Bradley, Khalyn Larke and Keyra Ford.

2018 - 3 (1 Veteran, 2 Rookies) - Khalyn Larke, Ashlee F. and Briana B.

2019 - 4 (2 Veterans, 2 Rookie) - Ashlee F., Briana B., Chandi D. and Kat P.

Added Chandi to the list!

3 hours ago, Reveala said:

Chandi has parentage from Trinidad. She COULD BE more South Asian Indian--but also partially Black. 

I could hardly tell, but thank you!

3 hours ago, DanceProf said:

Regarding Nicole Bulcher being a WOC....many WOC appear "white."  If a woman is of mixed-race heritage she may or may not self-identify as a WOC based on the rest of her family, how she was raised, and what life experiences she has had.  I have not seen anything to support the claim that she is a WOC, and the only reason I say this is because I do believe that Kelli would have said something about Nicole's "exotic" ethnicity to add the myth that the DCC is a diverse group.  

Lots of white girls have super curly hair just like Nicole.  My mom is one of them, and I've got many friends with the same type of hair as Nicole.  

I'm surprised that Kelli hasn't

3 hours ago, CrazyMoon said:

WOC also includes Asian women....so Kim Tong & Yuko should be included.

As for HIPAA, anyone can make a doctor appointment for someone else but not be able to reschedule or discuss the appointment without written permission.  What goes on between patient & doctor is a whole other ballgame. For anything to be released to anyone, there has to be written permission from the patient....there is nothing casual about it. If someone from the office told Jinelle that VK didn't show for an appointment that person is in direct violation of HIPAA.  

2 hours ago, ByTor said:

And Yoshiko

2 hours ago, Pau84 said:

And Jessica Purdy, Simone Culwell and while we are at it, Rachel Yuki Wyatt!

I'm aware of that. Well, all except Rachel W., but was actually referring to the black women that have made the squad.

2 hours ago, cgloss said:

The OP was specifically referring to the number of black women, not all WOC.  That said, Chandi should be included.

Re Victoria: 36 women and everyone is all sweetness and light? Please. Of course, there's cattiness going on. I don't understand why that's so hard to believe despite what the girls post on social media. Now, some of the stories might be more outlandish than others, but I doubt all the girls get along all the time. DCC is always equated to being in a sorority, and I've yet to encounter a sorority that didn't have problems in the sisterhood.

Yes. Thank you, and I've already added her to the list!

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3 hours ago, KatebytheSea said:

Question for anyone: I know that Alexandra didn't make the squad, and it was touted on the show that she'd spend 5 years working to perfect her technique etc. DCC:MTT obviously has showed the cut yet, and I imagine she was devastated. Anyone had any idea if she'll try again next year, or was this year it, like with little Amy? 

I know Christina tried out for 5 or 6 years before she made it. Brennan was at least 3. Just wondering. I feel bad she didn't make the squad (yet) after trying for so long. She's obviously on Kelli's radar. 

I haven't seen anything saying whether or not Alexandra plans on coming back.  She may not be able to post anything until her cut is shown🤷‍♀️.  And then of course, it depends if she is told to try again or gets that gentle hint:/

It's hard to tell if it's worth trying out.  Some girls just never make it to TC, but then you have girls like Kelli Q who tried out how many times and finally made it.  And it's frustrating to watch in the older seasons cause you see who they take to TC - like Breelan over Kelli and you wonder what was the deciding factor.  Now that I have finally seen Hannah in old eps, I can say it was her kicks.  There is that one gal who tried out for her 7th time this year, and she made it to TC for the first time in several years.  

Sometimes I wonder if the judges are thinking, hey she's back - let's see if she has improved or oh, she's back, why is she here.

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22 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

You re-watched it????   I could barely get thru it the first time🤣

Lol!! Well as I said I was trying to understand Travis's preference for VK and I was also trying to compare how others danced against her. She did ok with the dance moves, but there was nothing I saw that made her "best in the room." I would have said those words were more applicable to Gina or Amanda. I do agree that it's a hard dance to watch. Those jerky movements, while in keeping with the tone of the music, were unpleasant to watch. I have seen the music video of the song & I personally found it a bit unsettling. Certainly not in keeping with DCC's style and brand.

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21 hours ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Unless the Veteran does something to be on Kelli's shit list (Chelsea, Ann, Olivia....).  Of course if Kitty hadn't opened her big mouth RE Chelsea.....(side note: I don't miss the Kitty segments this year)

You are right about that. It's really only if Vets do something not in keeping with DCC standards that focus turns on them like if they have weight issues, they date a player, or they party too much. I guess they do get some attention if they make point or are a group leader, but how about they shine a light on Vets when they do something positive? Like doing volunteer work, the charities they support or when they call attention to certain causes. I'd love to see stuff like that.

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10 minutes ago, Bellisima08 said:

You are right about that. It's really only if Vets do something not in keeping with DCC standards that focus turns on them like if they have weight issues, they date a player, or they party too much. I guess they do get some attention if they make point or are a group leader, but how about they shine a light on Vets when they do something positive? Like doing volunteer work, the charities they support or when they call attention to certain causes. I'd love to see stuff like that.

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1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

I haven't seen anything saying whether or not Alexandra plans on coming back.  She may not be able to post anything until her cut is shown🤷‍♀️.  And then of course, it depends if she is told to try again or gets that gentle hint:/

It's hard to tell if it's worth trying out.  Some girls just never make it to TC, but then you have girls like Kelli Q who tried out how many times and finally made it.  And it's frustrating to watch in the older seasons cause you see who they take to TC - like Breelan over Kelli and you wonder what was the deciding factor.  Now that I have finally seen Hannah in old eps, I can say it was her kicks.  There is that one gal who tried out for her 7th time this year, and she made it to TC for the first time in several years.  

Sometimes I wonder if the judges are thinking, hey she's back - let's see if she has improved or oh, she's back, why is she here.

She will never get into TC, she is hanging with players ...Kelli will give stank eye to this ...posted August 10th


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Having served in the United States Marine Corps. I can tell you groups of people breaking off and getting catty is not just a "Woman Thing". At any duty station, maybe I was lucky to interact with 6-8 other women. Men break up into smaller groups and get catty as well. I might even say more intensely than women...but in the grand scheme of things...I think it is just natural human behavior. That being said, My momma always told me- If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all!!! 

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3 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

I don’t think the original comment of Simon said anything about girls talking within their “workspace”, but the conversation did move to that direction after that. I doubt any insider would give any hints in where and how they got this info and especially not someone who has been posting for a while now without getting caught.

Thank you. You said it more clearly than I did. The original comment was vague enough that it could’ve just as easily referred to some DCCs making the comment to their non-DCC-friend (Simon) as it is that there are DCCs bullying her everyday or saying “illegitimate” under their breaths each time she comes in the room (which would be toxic). 

Edited by Jess14
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1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

It's hard to tell if it's worth trying out.  Some girls just never make it to TC, but then you have girls like Kelli Q who tried out how many times and finally made it.  And it's frustrating to watch in the older seasons cause you see who they take to TC - like Breelan over Kelli and you wonder what was the deciding factor.  Now that I have finally seen Hannah in old eps, I can say it was her kicks.  There is that one gal who tried out for her 7th time this year, and she made it to TC for the first time in several years.  

Sometimes I wonder if the judges are thinking, hey she's back - let's see if she has improved or oh, she's back, why is she here.

Thanks! I remember Kelli saying something re: Kelly like, wow, she just wasn't on our radar. For some reason others outshined her before.

Auditioning for DCC depends on the likes/passes of several different people, and I think some girls just don't get noticed. Some eventually do, but lots of other really good dancers just don't. 

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20 minutes ago, forumborum said:

She will never get into TC, she is hanging with players ...Kelli will give stank eye to this ...posted August 10th


At a charity event.  And isn’t her father involved with the Cowboys organization somehow?  There was a post upthread.

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8 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

At a charity event.  And isn’t her father involved with the Cowboys organization somehow?  There was a post upthread.

Don't you know that when you are at a charity event and a player goes to that event you must excuse yourself from said event? 🙂 

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37 minutes ago, Tornado said:

Having served in the United States Marine Corps. I can tell you groups of people breaking off and getting catty is not just a "Woman Thing". At any duty station, maybe I was lucky to interact with 6-8 other women. Men break up into smaller groups and get catty as well. I might even say more intensely than women...but in the grand scheme of things...I think it is just natural human behavior. That being said, My momma always told me- If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all!!! 

Thank you for your service!!

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2 hours ago, CowboysFanatic said:

Added Chandi to the list!

I could hardly tell, but thank you!

I'm surprised that Kelli hasn't

I'm aware of that. Well, all except Rachel W., but was actually referring to the black women that have made the squad.

Yes. Thank you, and I've already added her to the list!

What about Ashton Torres? I can’t remember when she left the squad. And her sister. Alyssa.  You may just be counting the African American ladies who made the squad. 

Edited by PrincessLeia
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1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

At a charity event.  And isn’t her father involved with the Cowboys organization somehow?  There was a post upthread.

Very well could be...however...Kelli didn’t take kindly to any type of fraternization 

1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

At a charity event.  And isn’t her father involved with the Cowboys organization somehow?  There was a post upthread.

Very well could be...however...Kelli doesn’t take kindly to any type of fraternization 

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2 hours ago, Bellisima08 said:

I'm really liking Maddie's longer curls. They should have had a photo of Amy in a pose like the others. Her being the only one with her arm up makes the photo look unbalanced.

How old is Maddie now? And do we know the other ladies' ages?

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Dude Amy has had to have had something done to her face...(sorry photos are grainy they're zoomed in) . Fillers?? ETA left is this year's cameo, right is last years group shot 


Edited by PunchPowerPop
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8 hours ago, CrazyMoon said:

As for HIPAA, anyone can make a doctor appointment for someone else but not be able to reschedule or discuss the appointment without written permission.  What goes on between patient & doctor is a whole other ballgame. For anything to be released to anyone, there has to be written permission from the patient....there is nothing casual about it. If someone from the office told Jinelle that VK didn't show for an appointment that person is in direct violation of HIPAA.  

I’ve been a health-care law attorney for more than 20 years.  HIPAA restricts covered entities from sharing certain personally identifiable information and electronic medical records without patient consent subject to certain specific exceptions. We have NO IDEA what types of consent forms, disclosure forms, etc. these girls are required to sign when they audition and go into training camp. It’s entirely possible that if they’re being treated by DCC-employed or -affiliated health care providers that they’ve already signed a consent form permitting the release of otherwise protected information to DCC/CMT personnel upfront. It’s equally possible that they haven’t. We just don’t know. 

Edited by Jazzhands
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Just now, scorpio1031 said:

Shelly said Victoria was the youngest at 19, and then Christina is the oldest at 31.  That was all she said.

Wish they'd list the ages in their bios on the website.  Didn't they used to do that?

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2 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Wish they'd list the ages in their bios on the website.  Didn't they used to do that?

Age, height, weight, hair color, eye color, a lot of info on the old, old, old website, when the girls posed on chairs and couches for their cameos:)

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6 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Age, height, weight, hair color, eye color, a lot of info on the old, old, old website, when the girls posed on chairs and couches for their cameos:)

Weight? They never would now, though I would be curious what a girl like daphne, jalyn, or Tess weighs as they all look underweight. 

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10 hours ago, rl27rl said:

The idea that they told the squad not to give corrections completely undermines what Judy said the season that Cassie and Ally jumped all over Taylor.  How do they explain them apples?

it also undercuts the previous seasons where Sydney Durso said its "the DCC way to help . . " and the scenes where vets like Brittany was helping MacKenzie or Whitney assigned to try and help Karissa make the squad, etc etc.

As someone said, its VK world and we are living in it.  

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7 hours ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

I knew Amy and Maddie were sharing point, I just didn't realize they were sharing it in the same performance. 

I like the point of view we have on this video.

You know, when you watch that, these dancers are pretty impressive. All those boots going up and coming down at the same time at the same height. Very nice. All that work paid off, ladies! Brava! 👏

Edited by KatebytheSea
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7 hours ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

I knew Amy and Maddie were sharing point, I just didn't realize they were sharing it in the same performance. 

I like the point of view we have on this video.

What are those black box things with stars on them the guys pull in at the beginning of "Thunder"?

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Unless the Veteran does something to be on Kelli's shit list (Chelsea, Ann, Olivia....).  Of course if Kitty hadn't opened her big mouth RE Chelsea.....(side note: I don't miss the Kitty segments this year)

I don't miss Kitty, but Chelsea deserved to be called out.  She was completely out of line when she got smart with Kelli after being told not to appear for cameos and said something salty about "are you sure?  I will stick by my phone . . ."  There were also scenes where her dancing was off

I kind of thought her attitude was bad the year she made it and after being called into Kelli's office and was quoted saying that she thought she was a shoe in.

I guess I didn't see what others did.  Whateveh 🙂

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1 minute ago, MTTFan said:

I don't miss Kitty, but Chelsea deserved to be called out.  She was completely out of line when she got smart with Kelli after being told not to appear for cameos and said something salty about "are you sure?  I will stick by my phone . . ."  There were also scenes where her dancing was off

I kind of thought her attitude was bad the year she made it and after being called into Kelli's office and was quoted saying that she thought she was a shoe in.

I guess I didn't see what others did.  Whateveh 🙂

She absolutely did deserve to be called out.  I was just saying that if it'd been anybody BUT Kitty that heard her get mouthy she might not have gotten in any trouble at least that night

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2 minutes ago, MTTFan said:

I don't miss Kitty, but Chelsea deserved to be called out.  She was completely out of line when she got smart with Kelli after being told not to appear for cameos and said something salty about "are you sure?  I will stick by my phone . . ."  There were also scenes where her dancing was off

I kind of thought her attitude was bad the year she made it and after being called into Kelli's office and was quoted saying that she thought she was a shoe in.

I guess I didn't see what others did.  Whateveh 🙂

I wasn't a fan of hers.  Re-watching these old seasons, I paid more attention to what she said/what she did, and yeah, she talked herself onto the squad.  And then talked herself right off again😂

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1 hour ago, DCCFanInKy said:

She absolutely did deserve to be called out.  I was just saying that if it'd been anybody BUT Kitty that heard her get mouthy she might not have gotten in any trouble at least that night

Gotcha . 🙂

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4 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

What about Ashton Torres? I can’t remember when she left the squad. And her sister. Alyssa.  You may just be counting the African American ladies who made the squad. 

That's exactly what I was doing.

Ashton and Alyssa Torres are Hispanic. Ashton retired after the 2011 season so that she could focus on planning her wedding. Alyssa re-auditioned in 2012, but was cut along with four others that were in her rookie class.

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7 hours ago, kalibean said:

The hashtag has taken root on social media as well...why I let myself read some of those comments is beyond me.  I know we've got our own troubles on this forum, but YIIIIIKES.  

I wasn't surprised by anything VK (or any other DCC) might get in their DMs, be it hateful, overtly sexual, or just awkward.  I get weird stuff in mine all the time and have no social media presence at all unless you're an avid quilter!

What hashtag?

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31 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

What hashtag?

Allegedly some DCCs made up #illegitimateDCC (referring to Victoria) which they shared with a friend who duly posted it online. Some people are horrified that grown women would act this way, while others have a more "girls will be girls, NBD" attitude.

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7 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

Allegedly some DCCs made up #illegitimateDCC (referring to Victoria) which they shared with a friend who duly posted it online. Some people are horrified that grown women would act this way, while others have a more "girls will be girls, NBD" attitude.

Okay, but where is it being shared? it has zero results among all of the major social media platforms. 

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10 hours ago, Tornado said:

If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all!!! 

OR...’If you don’t have anything nice to say...come sit by me” — Clairee Belcher

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