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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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16 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Cianna didn’t get to go Rachel w amber and rookie Amanda 

Didn’t “get” to go or couldn’t/didn’t want to go?  Maybe they had other commitments?  Do all SG members go to all events?

And again, VK not only rookie show group member who went.  She’s in show group - show group members go to show group performances - it’s what they do.  

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53 minutes ago, Muckypup61 said:

I will take Maddie's gummy smile over VK's gummy smile any day.

Maddie Smile.jpg

Victoria Smile.jpg

Ugh.  I wouldn’t - and it’s not even close.  

Maddie’s face looks really chubby in that photo and her hair is the epitome of a bad 80’s perm - I can’t believe the DCC powers that be allow her to have that hairstyle.   Remember Brandi w/ the stripper nails and what her hair looked like before that amazing makeover they did?  That’s what Maddies hair is like but even worse. 

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I'm not getting it...the talk is Sam doesn't have the DCC look, but there are DCCs now that don't have that look. Sam is a cute girl and while I wouldn't call her model gorgeous she's attractive enough...IMO she's just got one of those baby/young faces that make it harder to pull off the sexy or mature look--she could be a late bloomer, this is something that could change with age. Sometimes an extra 5 years can really bring out the wow factor. 




Edited by kerrieway
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3 minutes ago, kerrieway said:

I'm not getting it...the talk is Sam doesn't have the DCC look, but there are DCCs now that don't have that look. Sam is a cute girl and while I wouldn't call her model gorgeous she's attractive enough...IMO she just got one of those baby/young faces that make it harder to pull off the sexy or mature look--she could be a late bloomer, this is something that could change with age. Sometimes an extra 5 years can really bring out the wow factor. 




I think Sam is too thick. She would have to lose 20 lbs to be at the borderline anorexic weight they require. She is seriously better off not putting herself through it. Victoria will be lucky to come out of this without an eating disorder 

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4 minutes ago, kerrieway said:

I'm not getting it...the talk is Sam doesn't have the DCC look, but there are DCCs now that don't have that look. Sam is a cute girl and while I wouldn't call her model gorgeous she's attractive enough...IMO she's just got one of those baby/young faces that make it harder to pull off the sexy or mature look--she could be a late bloomer, this is something that could change with age. Sometimes an extra 5 years can really bring out the wow factor. 




I think Sam is cute/average looking. She could certainly blossom when she gets older. But I agree there are girls in the past and present on DCC that have been just average cute as well.

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54 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

Didn’t “get” to go or couldn’t/didn’t want to go?  Maybe they had other commitments?  Do all SG members go to all events?

And again, VK not only rookie show group member who went.  She’s in show group - show group members go to show group performances - it’s what they do.  

I was just naming the ones who were missing didn’t mean anything bye it 

Edited by Holly85
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13 minutes ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

I think Sam is cute/average looking. She could certainly blossom when she gets older. But I agree there are girls in the past and present on DCC that have been just average cute as well.

 Yes average/cute is 100% accurate IMO. 

15 minutes ago, Jennv said:

I think Sam is too thick. She would have to lose 20 lbs to be at the borderline anorexic weight they require. She is seriously better off not putting herself through it. Victoria will be lucky to come out of this without an eating disorder 

Yes, I don't know about her dance level but I agree, she would need to lose weight which incidentally might bring out her facial bone structure more to give more a DCC look. 

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3 minutes ago, Amk2017 said:

VK’s hairstyle and makeup are outdated.  Looks like her mom gave her tips from the 80’s.  It’s a mop on top of her head.  Maddie’s hair is natural and at least Maddie is humble and approachable.  Maddie and Amy are also good teammates.  Personally, I think They can both dance circles around VK.  Vk knows lyrical and that’s it, and even in that she dances heavy!  Plus, Maddie can close her mouth unlike VK, whose teeth constantly stick out.  Vk comes off as entitled and fake.  It is frustrating because there were better girls than her.  They got treated crappy, as did some vets!  She better be thanking Auntie Kelli! 

Maddie literally grew up dancing in her mom’s studio yet people say VK is the entitled one.   She had access to a studio and personal dance feedback 24x7, and her technique is still poor.   I guess she’s approachable and cute, yes, and is good at fake hip hop, tricks and the DCC style, but she doesn’t look like a DCC which is what my biggest issue is with her being heavily featured in performances and photographs.  

VK is plenty approachable and seems very outgoing and fun.  She just has that kind of look that makes other women jealous - tall, blond, bold - the kind that turns men’s heads and gets attention.   It is what it is.  

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10 hours ago, CrazyMoon said:

This is Texas...when you move there, your neighbors will be by to welcome you...in that first meeting someone will ask you "what's your home church?" Pastoral counseling can be very reassuring even if you aren't religious.

So I'm super un-religious.  And I grew up in a place that was JESUS every second.  But when someone stops and tries to comfort me and invokes a deity I'm not down with (Buddah, Allah, Jesus, whoever)...I'm okay with it.  Comfort and concern, even wrapped up in Jesus, is care and love.  If that's the only way people have to express it (IE religious terms), then that was still nice of them.  When my dad was dying, I was on every prayer board in the state.  I'll take any good wishes from any person.

The sad thing is, I think they were trying to be compassionate, without highlighting Shania. Because you know, we only highlight Vercua and her suffering.  I'm surprised she didn't bring up her loss of milkshakes.

I just wish that Kelli meant what she said about them being girls who were just trying to get through life.  But she doesn't really mean it.  Excuses are for Veruca, not your average DCC.

19 hours ago, Lona said:

I also could not stop laughing at the Abigail Klein idol-worship we got this episode. Like, darn she's one of my faves but wasn't that a bit over the top? 😂. And did they really need to tie Victoria into it? Oh, well.

But enough about Abigail Klein, let's talk about ME ME ME. And how Abigail Klein was in MY life. VK I challenge you to string two sentences together that do not contain the words "I" or "me".  You are a self centered, 

Edited by hathorlive
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10 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

The sad thing is, I think they were trying to be compassionate, without highlighting Shania.

I just watched that part of the ep and Kelli sure came off looking good, didn't she.  The compassionate director who brings in her pastor cause she is thinking of the girls and what they are going through.  Yeah, right.  Couldn't this have been done off camera so it didn't seem like a convenient storyline?  And Kelli talking about suffering and evaluations in the same breath was really tacky.

15 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

Because you know, we only highlight Vercua and her suffering.  I'm surprised she didn't bring up her loss of milkshakes.

Don't forget the big meanies who sent her personal DM's.

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I think Sam definetly is pretty enough to be a DCC, but since she shows no ambition to actually be one it’s actually kind of funny how her name comes up all the time.. 

I love Maddie and I think she’s fine at point. I probably would have picked Gina, she has more of a wow factor while dancing, but I think they believe both Amy and Maddie are solid, dependable vets with great attitudes, making them good leaders... 

I’m surprised Lisa didn’t get more stickers. She seems to be a great dancer, I love her power. Personality wise she kind of rubs me the wrong way, kind of full of herself. Maybe that’s totally not true, maybe she didn’t spend a lot of time trying to bond during tc which is why the group leaders didn’t pick her. Maybe she sees DCC as a way to do what she loves instead of seeing a sisterhood and her future bridesmaids. She kind of reminds me of Gina her first year. By now Gina seems to have become more likable... or at least better at faking it, who knows. 

I’m happy Meredith finally looked good in one dance during the last episode. At least it’s paying off giving her chance after chance. 

I feel like Kelly pretty much chooses her squad at auditions. If she sees you and loves you, you have pretty much made it, she’s going to give you every possible chance. 

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43 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

There’s a huge difference between dancing in a small studio in a small town in Utah and doing drill team in high school whether your mom owns it or not and dancing at major studios in the Dallas FT Worth area/being a Junior DCC/growing up going to all the major national conventions like JUMP and NYCDA and getting to work with people like Travis Wall as a kid. Victoria has all the advantages. Maddie did not and look where she is. 

Well my daughter and all her studio friends must be entitled and have “all the advantages” as well, as well as a lot of the girls who dance at other studios in my area.  VKs background is not unusually privileged for a competition dancer, but having a mom who owns a studio is a huge advantage though.  

And I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Maddie did conventions growing up.   Anyone who is serious about dancing does them.   It costs like $250 to go to an NYCDA regional and take classes w/ people like Travis.   Those conventions tour and come to a list of cities every year.  There are always hundreds of area dancers at them.  If you’re a serious comp dancer, you do them. 

And what even does it take to be a “junior DCC”?  Sounds like a moneymaker clinic w/ a halftime performance and photo ops - I’m guessing it’s something that costs a few hundred dollars and anyone can do it w/ no dance experience required.   I bet lots of little girls in Dallas do it growing up cause their moms sign them up. 

Edited by MyFavShows
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5 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

Lisa has so few stickers she even has less that Shaina.  What is the point of wasting peoples time to put the stickers on if Kelli just turns around and does what she wants.  

Because they've taken a two day audition process and turned it into a 13 week reality show and they need to fill the time with something?  Voila, stickers!   I really wonder if Kelli and Judy had to go through this process, would they have made the team?  "Judy is nice but she leaves nothing but hair balls in the showers".  "Kelli is toxic in the locker room.  Did she actually move Bessie Jean's blow dryer?"  It's drama for drama's sake.  And here we are, lol.

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1 hour ago, MyFavShows said:

Ugh.  I wouldn’t - and it’s not even close.  

Maddie’s face looks really chubby in that photo and her hair is the epitome of a bad 80’s perm - I can’t believe the DCC powers that be allow her to have that hairstyle.   Remember Brandi w/ the stripper nails and what her hair looked like before that amazing makeover they did?  That’s what Maddies hair is like but even worse. 

 As much as I dislike Maddie's hip hop, and as much as she's not my ideal DCC, she can dance and she has a lot of personality.  I don't think we need another blown out hair style to blend with the other 35 girls on the team.  Interesting about Maddie's "chubby" face.  She's not really the one with the extra person around her abs during training camp last year, n'est ce pas?

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1 minute ago, hathorlive said:

 As much as I dislike Maddie's hip hop, and as much as she's not my ideal DCC, she can dance and she has a lot of personality.  I don't think we need another blown out hair style to blend with the other 35 girls on the team.  Interesting about Maddie's "chubby" face.  She's not really the one with the extra person around her abs during training camp last year, n'est ce pas?

Maddie actually was really heavy in last years training camp.   She’s a little thinner now, but she had a significant belly last season.  

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1 hour ago, Jennv said:

Right? Jeezus, Victoria looks like bugs bunny. There is no comparison 

Maddie also has the option to physically  close to her mouth, a luxury Victoria doesn’t have. 

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23 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

I just watched that part of the ep and Kelli sure came off looking good, didn't she.  The compassionate director who brings in her pastor cause she is thinking of the girls and what they are going through.  Yeah, right.  Couldn't this have been done off camera so it didn't seem like a convenient storyline?  And Kelli talking about suffering and evaluations in the same breath was really tacky.

Don't forget the big meanies who sent her personal DM's.

Kelli wanted drama and a reaction.  Maybe a Shania who was so overcome with grief she'd need to be supported by her fellow DCC.  They were looking for a moment and Shania opted to grieve privately. There's nothing wrong with that.  Kelli swung for the bleachers and missed.  And I'm sure it pissed her off.  

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3 minutes ago, Ssaallluuu said:

Ann lux is married to a millionaire baseball player. Shes doing fine. 

They broke up years ago.  She is married to a golfer now:)

I should add that she never married the baseball player.  They broke off the engagement.

Edited by scorpio1031
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So in regards to the Abigail Klein poster..... in the suite section and  the club sections they have photos of DCC alumni. We sat there for the Giants game in 2017 and I remember seeing the one of Abigail and definitely Kelsi Reich.  There were others but I’ve moved twice and slept since then so 🤷‍♀️ 

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5 hours ago, Matilda said:

Regardless of the what church do you go to questions, there's no denying that religion is a huge part of Texas culture - Dallas in particular. I grew up in Irving and still have family there. When I go home to visit, I'm always reminded about how different it is from the rest of the country. Bringing your pastor to work to counsel your employees would set off alarm bells at 99% of other workplaces but somehow for the Cowboys organization everybody says - great! let's do it! FWIW, I thought the pastor had a good tone for his remarks and I was just impressed that Kelli goes to a small, diverse parish rather than a mega church with baristas. 

It's like that in Oklahoma, too - or at least it was out where my dad is.  I moved down with him for a year when I was in undergrad and working my way through school - when I went to go interview at the high school for a secretarial position, there was an open Bible on the desk, and lots of questions about where I went to church, and how often I go, as someone who would purportedly be an example for the high schoolers.  Was definitely a culture shock coming from northern Michigan.

5 hours ago, Weeklydcc said:

I would've handled it the same way Shaina did.  Everyone isn't comfortable sharing their feelings about personal tragedy.  I hope Kelli wasn't using the segment for publicity for the show, but was actually trying to help Shaina and others deal with grief.

I hope so too.  My heart went out to poor Daphne.  She seems like such a sweetheart, and I know a lot of people were concerned about her over the summer - makes me feel like she may have been wearing her grief.  Hope she's as well as she can be now.

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2 hours ago, kerrieway said:

I'm not getting it...the talk is Sam doesn't have the DCC look, but there are DCCs now that don't have that look. Sam is a cute girl and while I wouldn't call her model gorgeous she's attractive enough...IMO she's just got one of those baby/young faces that make it harder to pull off the sexy or mature look--she could be a late bloomer, this is something that could change with age. Sometimes an extra 5 years can really bring out the wow factor. 




Edited 2 hours ago by kerrieway

I think she's beautiful.  She also seems very sweet, smart, down-to-earth, and loyal.  I may not understand or agree with some of Kelli's decisions or thought processes this season, but there is no doubt in my mind that she is exceptionally (and deservedly) proud of her daughter, and I'd bet money I don't have that she wouldn't trade her for anyone else in the world.

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4 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

Is that Kelsey between Lexi and Caroline?   Maybe VK wasn’t the only rookie - and was it for SG which she is on?

Maddie in that photo - smh.    Amy too.  Yes how they don’t look like DCCs really “triggers” me.  LOL.  All the others do but them. 

Are you serious?  Hannah with her shitty hairline and pasty skin; Daphne’s small head and emaciated body; and Rachel A’s nineties soccer mom hair and thick frame all look more DCC than Amy and Maddie?  

2 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

I think Sam is cute/average looking. She could certainly blossom when she gets older. But I agree there are girls in the past and present on DCC that have been just average cute as well.

It has to suck that mom’s hotness went to her brother.  

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5 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

We sat there for the Giants game in 2017 and I remember seeing

Well then you must definitely be a princess because Phil said only very special people got to go in there!  😀  It must have been a wonderful experience.  (This is a real compliment--no snark intended.)

Maddie and VK have a lot in common.   Fans either love them or hate them.   But they are like a Timex.  They take a licking and keep on ticking.  Will serve them well in life.

Maddie does look better to me this year.   I hope for her solo next year she does something besides her version of hip hop.   She's better than that.

Edited by parrotfeathers
Edited to add it was a real compliment
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8 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

her hair is the epitome of a bad 80’s perm

That's her natural hair, it curls the way it curls & those of us who have it struggle every day.  So much so that some of us unfortunately have to resort to chemicals to get the curl out.

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7 hours ago, kerrieway said:

I'm not getting it...the talk is Sam doesn't have the DCC look, but there are DCCs now that don't have that look.

Same!  She's fresh faced, wears little makeup.  Put the spider-lashes and all the other makeup on her & she'd be just as "glam" as a DCC should be.

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7 hours ago, kerrieway said:

I'm not getting it...the talk is Sam doesn't have the DCC look, but there are DCCs now that don't have that look. Sam is a cute girl and while I wouldn't call her model gorgeous she's attractive enough...IMO she's just got one of those baby/young faces that make it harder to pull off the sexy or mature look--she could be a late bloomer, this is something that could change with age. Sometimes an extra 5 years can really bring out the wow factor. 




OK.  She's too fat by DCC standards.  I was trying to be nice.  She would be an unhealthy weight struggler.  I would love for her to try out someday, but it's not even worth it unless they change their standards and she and Kelli both know it.

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6 hours ago, hathorlive said:

Because they've taken a two day audition process and turned it into a 13 week reality show and they need to fill the time with something?  Voila, stickers! 

Well, count me as Team Stickers! I love all the guest choreographers and seeing how they rate the women. Even if Kelli doesn’t take their advice, it shows me how much of the team is based on Kelli’s opinion and who the really strong and weak dancers are. I like seeing the women in different styles of dance, too - there’s only so much sexy hips I can take. hope CMT continues to show these segments. 

That said, I do wonder what it does for the sisterhood when those who make the team find out that the GLs essentially voted against them. I would think there would be hurt feelings and mistrust. 

Edited by cgloss
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14 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

But they talked about Abigail as the model DCC, right?  The same Abigail who used the DCC as a stepping stone to her acting career???

May I note that Abigail is one of the few (only one i’ve ever seen, i’m assuming there are others) former dccs that have 0 mentions of dcc in their profiles? No uniform profile picture, no yay football season is on post, no throwback pictures or “former dcc” in her bio? I thought that would have count against her with Kelli...

11 hours ago, Weeklydcc said:

I would've handled it the same way Shaina did.  Everyone isn't comfortable sharing their feelings about personal tragedy.  I hope Kelli wasn't using the segment for publicity for the show, but was actually trying to help Shaina and others deal with grief.

Yeah, totally not for publicity. That’s why she chose to do this privately or on a non-filming night -oh wait...

11 hours ago, DCCFan197605 said:

I find it interesting how triggering Maddie is for some.  If we have to have years with ice water in her veins bitchy Jenn A., then we should balance it out with a Maddie.  Sometimes you feel like a Ginger. Sometimes you feel like a Mary Ann.

Jenn was only one year at point and stopped at 4 years. Maddie can easily follow her lead...

10 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Lol Maddie has a gummy smile, yet Victoria is gorgeous with beautiful big teeth that is an ideal look. 

Thank you for this comment!

8 hours ago, kerrieway said:

I'm not getting it...the talk is Sam doesn't have the DCC look, but there are DCCs now that don't have that look. Sam is a cute girl and while I wouldn't call her model gorgeous she's attractive enough...IMO she's just got one of those baby/young faces that make it harder to pull off the sexy or mature look--she could be a late bloomer, this is something that could change with age. Sometimes an extra 5 years can really bring out the wow factor. 




 Sam has Cassie’s tiny lips and VK’s teeth. There’s definitely room for her within dcc as long as Kelli is there, but I’m glad she has bigger dreams than that. Although, she does benefit from mommy’s connections too, she just chose a more discreet path with actual career prospects. 

I know it’s mean, but no she isn’t conventionally pretty and she doesn’t have to be.

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28 minutes ago, cgloss said:

That said, I do wonder what it does for the sisterhood when those who make the team find out that the GLs essentially voted against them. I would think there would be hurt feelings and mistrust. 

Yeah I kinda think that shouldn't be shown.  The other stickers, absolutely.  Just not fellow team mates.

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10 hours ago, Erinbridget said:

I'm hoping Heather gets pro bowl this year, and I would love to see Bridget or Caroline as point next year.

If I could hit the HEART button 1000x I would.

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8 hours ago, Ssaallluuu said:

Ann lux is married to a millionaire baseball player. Shes doing fine. 

Ann Lux, one of my FAVE DCC.  She is doing great!  and yes, he is in real estate.

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20 hours ago, CrazyMoon said:

This is Texas...when you move there, your neighbors will be by to welcome you...in that first meeting someone will ask you "what's your home church?" Pastoral counseling can be very reassuring even if you aren't religious.

Texas or not, it is a really inappropriate thing in a professional business setting.

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10 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

Maddie literally grew up dancing in her mom’s studio yet people say VK is the entitled one.   She had access to a studio and personal dance feedback 24x7, and her technique is still poor.   I guess she’s approachable and cute, yes, and is good at fake hip hop, tricks and the DCC style, but she doesn’t look like a DCC which is what my biggest issue is with her being heavily featured in performances and photographs.  

VK is plenty approachable and seems very outgoing and fun.  She just has that kind of look that makes other women jealous - tall, blond, bold - the kind that turns men’s heads and gets attention.   It is what it is.  

VK is not a head turner. At least not in a positive way.

A head turner is someone like Brianna, who of course plenty of people said did not have the DCC “look”. She didn’t — she was model pretty, not mall glamour shots pretty.

VK’s mouth — if it’s not your look, it is truly impossible to get past.

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11 hours ago, Mercurialsteph said:

Also sorry but Maddie is genuinely likable. She’s becoming more and more glamours in the episode her interview I was like wow she’s turning into a gorgeous lady. Also she’s freaking hilarious! The dictator thing? That was genuinely truly funny and real. I hope she finishes her five years and then you all can have Gina for a year. 

I completely agree. She is coming into her own.    She’s worked hard to get to where she is and I love her at point.   She is definitely getting more beautiful the older she gets.  I take offense to the bad 80’s perm, I have hair just like her and people are always telling me they are jealous of my hair.  

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If you go to Instagram, you'll see that Hannah posted a story where the show group girls are playing a game on the bus.  You'll notice that all the girls are  together except Victoria, who is sitting in the corner.  Daphne also posted on a story showing a bunch of the vets but no VK.  

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