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S21.E37: Power of Veto #13

Lady Calypso

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32 minutes ago, JD5166 said:

It’s hard to even watch this because Cliff is so effing dumb. 

came here to post just this.

Cliff: (as Holly puts veto on Jackson's neck...and as Cliff hugs Nicole) It's alright we're going to final 3.

Big dumbo!

And he is still...to the bitter end...gah...

Edited by Lamima
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I'm shocked, shocked that Cliff didn't win that veto ! (ha) Actually, I'm surprised that he didn't keel over dead the way he was going. That was awful to see. On the other hand, has he gone insane ?? Does he really believe that Michie is going to take him over Holly ? Boy, if he does he's really lost it.

When I saw what the comp was, I thought it was made for Miche to win. Then he screwed up a few times and I thought, well maybe Nicole pulled it off. But, no. He won and now we have out Final 3. Still hoping that Nicole will win it, but even if you don't like him, you have to give Michie props-- he's done what he needed to do, when he needed to do it. If he wins, to me it won't be all that horrible, in spite of the kind of guy he is ( if that makes sense ?)

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Cliff must have BIG BROTHER slop between his ears! I don't even like Jackson but who in their right mind would enter a deal that says...You have to take me but I don't have to take you?! And even if Jackson really didn't give a damn about betraying Holly why in the world would he NOT want to be sitting next to a coat tail rider on the final two.

Nicole at least has some awareness that Cliff is doomed.

This is kind of late but can anyone answer why David's comic book cover had something to do with freeze? I'm assuming its because of the cold shoulder he got from the houseguests..

Edited by North of Eden
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Interesting that Cliff got the HOH-itis when Nicole was HOH.  I don't even like them, but they way he was talking down to Holly (we'll ALLOW you to play for veto) and Jackson (Just so you know, I want you to take me to F2, but I'm taking Nicole) was insane.  I think he really has lost it a little.  Even if you believe everyone is a "Person of Their Word" it was ridiculous of him to think Jackson would ever choose him over Holly or that Holly would willingly lay down her game.

Too much Jackson in this episode.  Win or lose, I'll be happy that I can stop seeing his face in a week!!

Nice to see Ovi!!

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That applies to the crying, the choosing Holly over Cliff, the apologizing to Cliff's family, the watermelon obsession, the winning of the Veto, the nice guy edit he's getting, and everything else that I may have missed. 

Also I hope the confetti cannon blasts you right in the face and knocks you down to the ground harder than Bella being murdered by the paint explosion in the Camp Counselor reveal. A visual, in case you forgot. It's more entertaining than that entire episode was. 

Edited by Callaphera
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31 minutes ago, willco said:

I'm shocked, shocked that Cliff didn't win that veto ! (ha) Actually, I'm surprised that he didn't keel over dead the way he was going. That was awful to see. On the other hand, has he gone insane ?? Does he really believe that Michie is going to take him over Holly ? Boy, if he does he's really lost it.

When I saw what the comp was, I thought it was made for Miche to win. Then he screwed up a few times and I thought, well maybe Nicole pulled it off. But, no. He won and now we have out Final 3. Still hoping that Nicole will win it, but even if you don't like him, you have to give Michie props-- he's done what he needed to do, when he needed to do it. If he wins, to me it won't be all that horrible, in spite of the kind of guy he is ( if that makes sense ?)

Jackson admitted that production helped him during the comp. At one point Jackson misread the question and was aiming at people who did win something and production told him he was supposed to be aiming for people that did not win something.

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35 minutes ago, willco said:

I'm shocked, shocked that Cliff didn't win that veto ! (ha) Actually, I'm surprised that he didn't keel over dead the way he was going. That was awful to see. On the other hand, has he gone insane ?? Does he really believe that Michie is going to take him over Holly ? Boy, if he does he's really lost it.

Seriously, I do think he's losing it. Remember how he told Julie he felt like he'd aged 10 years in a week? I think he's mentally and physically exhausted and making terrible decisions. 

I felt so bad for Nicole. She looked so pale and stressed when Cliff was talking about how Jackson would probably keep his word. She knew he was being delusional. Mind you, she also tried to sell Holly on the horrible deal where she got to play Veto and take Cliff off. Really??? 

I thought it was very telling when Jackson said,"Holly is my world... in this house. And outside she'll always be my best friend. I'll never turn my back on her. As I date other women." No, I added the last bit, but it was implied. 

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It's so weird how Cliff thinks it's fine to act like everyone else in that house somehow owes it to him to make sure he gets to final 2. I mean, that "deal" he and Nicole approached Holly with? I don't like Holly, but I would have laughed right in their faces. Oh, and if you don't agree to us "allowing" you to play as long as you take Cliff, you can just do the other option which is to throw it. Uh, fuck off?

And THEN Cliff says right to Jackson's face for absolutely no reason that he won't take him, but expects to be taken? Wtf is wrong with this guy??

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12 minutes ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Guys, we can't be the bitter jury that we bemoan each year. Jackson deserves to win this season hands down! All counterarguments are welcome.

I don’t always bemoan bitter juries. I love the bitter juries that caused Paul Abrahamian to lose two years in a row. And I’d applaud a bitter jury if it caused Jackson to lose, because I don’t like him. Bitter it up, jury!

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Christ, just send Cliff home already. He'd be getting exactly what he deserves for being so unbelievably naively stupid. I can't believe he actually falls for Jackson's blatant lies! And to think, I actually rooted for Cliff as a player earlier this season!

I was really hoping Nicole would have pulled off that win, but wasn't all that surprised when Jackson did. But then at the end Nicole was lamenting the fact that she could be in the Final 3 with a showmance. Well, whose fucking fault is that, Nicole? She allowed Cliff to condescendingly mansplain why she should keep Holly over Tommy, and went against her own instincts, knowing full well that keeping Holly only benefited Cliff.

And I would have tired of Cliff's arrogant "Father Knows Best" attitude so long ago, I would have told him to stuff it. (Of course I would have used much more colourful language.)

I haven't forgotten Jackson siding with Jack to send all them "coloured folks" home earlier this season, nor have I forgotten that Holly was another one I initially rooted for. Boy, I was not expecting her to turn into such a pathetic player.

Someone in the last thread mentioned Season 15, when the final 3 consisted of The Rat (Andy), The Racist (GinaMarie) and The Pervert (Spencer), and how there was no one to root for. I felt the same way and I feel the same way here. I guess I have a vague sense of wanting Nicole to win, but I really don't care. I also felt the same way during Season 19, when the final 3 was Christmas, Paul and Josh. Hated all three, didn't care who won. Here I just feel sorry for Nicole for being so weak. Sigh.

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Well Nicole, you did bring a showmance to Final Three because you let Cliff keep Holly even though you knew that made no sense. 

Cliff deserves to go for that alone. I was cringing for him tonight, his obliviousness was so awkward. 

I really want to see his face when he realizes how dumb he’s been and he walks out the door tomorrow. 

Edited by Cotypubby
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25 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

Well Nicole, you did bring a showmance to Final Three because you let Cliff keep Holly even though you knew that made no sense. 

I don’t blame her much for this one vote. Yes, she did vote out Tommy but even if she stuck to her gut, Cliff would’ve caused a tie and Jackson would’ve ousted Tommy.  Same either way. 

I hope when Cliff goes, she can refocus on the game and stop saying she doesn’t deserve to be there. 

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There was definitely no mixed signals last episode when Cliff told Jackson he wants to sit beside him in final 2. He must have realized how that made him look and back tracked. And I don't believe for a second Cliff meant, I want to sit beside you in final 2 if you win HOH (but if I win HOH I'm taking Nicole) because he said something like, I love Nicole but I see you and me in final 2.

I know this is a broken record now but, they really should have voted Holly out. Tommy would have kept his word and thrown HOH to Nicole and who knows if Tommy would have won veto and then goodbye Jackson or even if Jackson still won, he probably would have evicted Tommy over Cliff. Anyway, it is what it is I guess. 

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1 hour ago, Cotypubby said:

Cliff deserves to go for that alone. I was cringing for him tonight, his obliviousness was so awkward. 

I did enjoy that BB played the clip of Cliff telling Nicole that if they voted out Tommy instead of Holly, he'd take the bullet instead of her.  The thing is, I don't think he believed that for a second.  He was trying to further ingratiate himself to Jackson while clipping Nicole's wings because Tommy would choose her over him.  Guess you have to be a man of your word this time Cliff.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:


I want Holly to shake the cobwebs out of her head and see Jackson for who he is.   If it comes down to the showmance in the final two, I have a gut feeling Holly is going to let Jackson win.   He will probably ride off into the sunset with the money and leave her behind.  IMO, she is coming off as a doe-eyed dumbass.  That isn't a good look.

Yeah you could clearly see him setting his ducks up in a row to jettison Holly after the game figuring he's going to be a 22 year old with half a million dollars and the sky will be the limit to bagging hot chicks....(those willing to overlook him looking like a human lego and falling in with card carrying racist Jack-just so they can share in the money). It will be a sad day for Holly when she goes back and hears him say he considers her a "best friend". His whole "noble" act of not abandoning her is really code for knowing she's the only one 100% guaranteed he can beat.

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Cliff may be more wanting to believe he will be in the final three than deep down believing.  And I suspect he was trying to make all of those deals more out of worry than anything.  I thought the edit did make it way too obvious what the result would be by the end.

Edited by amazingracefan
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1 hour ago, Ellee said:

Sad part is that production was probably ordered to do what they did.  Doesn’t make it right. 

There’s a reason that the comps aren’t shown to the feeders.  They’d see too much, hear too much and speak too much.  

Exactly. We have to just trust that the results are what they say, and I don’t trust them. And now that Jackson has flat out revealed that they cheated for him, the cat’s out of the bag. 

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Gotta catch up on the whole eppy but what I did see…..

I’m surprised the theme from An Officer and a Gentleman didn’t come on when Blockhead was bitch crying over winning the final Veto….what a bunch of


And I feel absofuckinglutely nothing over Cliff being played like a fiddle and getting evicted….stupid ass, should have voted out Grandma Beth instead of throwing your one true ride or die under the bus.

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I've disliked Cliff from way back, but have to wonder... maybe he's snowing us?  Surely he didn't really have any confidence in the "deals" he made with Jackson & Holly.  Surely.  Any possibility he was using those offers just to set up the "betrayals", thinking that guilting Jackson over disloyalty might help him sway the vote?  Yes, it was grasping at straws, but what else does he have?  (Narrator:  Nothing.)

Re: bitter juries.  I'm all for them!  If jury management wasn't part of the game, then why vote?  The final HOH gets the confetti, end of season.  But as it is, players should balance strategy with relationships, and if they don't, I completely support the jury denying them the win.  (Full disclosure:  I'm a relative new watcher - started with BB17 - and not sure I would've been a fan of the "old ways".   And... go, Nicole!!)

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25 minutes ago, GeorgiaRai said:

Re: bitter juries.  I'm all for them!  If jury management wasn't part of the game, then why vote?  The final HOH gets the confetti, end of season.  But as it is, players should balance strategy with relationships, and if they don't, I completely support the jury denying them the win.  (Full disclosure:  I'm a relative new watcher - started with BB17 - and not sure I would've been a fan of the "old ways".   And... go, Nicole!!)

What I don't like is every year they bring in Dr. Will who has not been relevant since BB2 to actively try to SWAY jury members on how to vote. I wish they would drop him. Warhol said 15 MINUETES of fame not 15 YEARS.

Edited by North of Eden
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I don't have any sympathy for Nicole.  It's her own fault she's going to be going to the end with a showmance.  She could have tried harder to convince Cliff to evict Holly and, even if that didn't work, she could have split up the showmance during her previous HOH but she chose to nominate Christie & Tommy instead.  (Even though they pretty much couldn't win shit and Jackson & Holly were winning comps all season.) 

So now we're going to end up with an obnoxious winner who only got there because production helped him win the veto.  What a crappy season.  They're certainly not the most hateful houseguests ever but half of them were assholes and the other half were idiots who didn't even bother playing the game most of the time.

Loved seeing Ovi again!  Can the internet coordinate efforts to get Ovi (or David or Kemi)  to win America's Favorite?  Just to let these morons know "You guys suck so hard, America prefers the people they barely saw over you."

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34 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

What I don't like is every year they bring in Dr. Will who has not been relevant since BB2 to actively try to SWAY jury members on how to vote. I wish they would drop him. Warhol said 15 MINUETES of fame not 15 YEARS.

He was WAY before my time (viewing-wise, certainly not age-wise.)  When he's mentioned, I always picture Dr. Drew & have to remind myself "different Dr."! 

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The Ground Hogg's edit in this episode was so bad it made me actually (sort of) feel bad for Holly, her stupid oversized glasses AND her tragic semi-duck lips. Loved the moment when Snackson was whining again about not doing his best and she chimed in to point out her sacrifice and he didn't even comment. Don't you understand, Beth? It's only Snackson's feelings that are important! What is wrong with you? I still think he will seriously lose it on air if he and his "best friend" are in the Final Two and she wins. No bird. No bush. No confetti. Just dying on his feet.

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13 hours ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Guys, we can't be the bitter jury that we bemoan each year. Jackson deserves to win this season hands down! All counterarguments are welcome.

I'm so sick of the biggest Babied Coddled and Catered to Production Pet. Its asboulety sickening and Mindboggling why Production helps that piece of shit out so much. Hope he loses 

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Maybe it's just Mrs Boilergal and I,  but we think the times are totally rigged on this comp and the one where they had to strip on the water ski.   She's was outraged yelling I want to see the WHOLE comp and have a stop watch - there is no way he won.

Cliff is an idiot and looking forward to seeing him leave tonight.  Did he REALLY think Holly wouldn't tell michie the plan?  

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"$10,000 will buy a lot of watermelons!" says Jackson, who has clearly been told by production that the whole watermelon thing is cute and the audience loves it. So, apparently Jackson now believes he's been "redeemed" and the audience is rooting for him or something. 


Guys, we can't be the bitter jury that we bemoan each year. Jackson deserves to win this season hands down! All counterarguments are welcome.

Sure he deserves to win. But so what? I still think he's an awful person. There's no joy in watching an awful person win a game. He's also full of shit. Does he really think anyone buys that he was going to honor a F3 deal with Nicole and Cliff until they "broke their word" and considered voting out Holly? Which, by the way, they did not do, as you recall. If that were true then what difference would it have made whether Holly or Tommy went home? 


What choice did Nicole have?  Cliff was dead set on dumping Tommy.  He was stuck on stupid.  Nicole couldn't do anything to stop it.

Cliff kept saying he'd vote with Nicole if he couldn't convince her to vote out Tommy so if we take him at his word, if she'd stuck to her guns and voted out Holly he would have had to as well. Then again, he's an idiot, so there you go.


What a crappy season.  They're certainly not the most hateful houseguests ever but half of them were assholes and the other half were idiots who didn't even bother playing the game most of the time.

That sums up so many seasons ever since Alison Grodner took over this show. I firmly believe that they deliberately cast fodder every year so the "cool people" they like can stick around as long as possible. There's no other explanation for why they have such idiots every year.

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Did they edit out the part of the competition where the paramedics came in and put Cliff on oxygen for 15 minutes while the timer ticked on?  I was watching this and thinking "I'm 4 years older than Cliff but I don't get that winded to the point where I'm falling on the ground.  Dammit, man.  You're in the house for 3 months, work on some cardio!"  I dunno, Maybe because I try to stay somewhat active (and I don't look like I'm carrying a baby that was due a month ago).

Although, on the positive side, I do think that Cliff looks like he has dropped some weight.  If you look at the promos he did for BBAD compared to how he looked at last night's comp.

Nichole wasn't that far behind Snackson in that comp and she definitely smoked Holly.  If she had been this competitive earlier on, I think she would have been targeted as more of a threat earlier on.

Edited by HighMaintenance
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I think it's hilarious that Cliff thinks he'd ever be in a position to "take" anyone to the final 2. That's one of the many reasons he's such an idiot, he has no grasp on reality. The first of the final HoH comps is always endurance, and he has zero chance of winning that against anyone. The second HoH is always some combination of brains and dexterity so he's toast in that one too. You have to win one of these two in order to get to the final HoH comp, which admittedly is a crap shoot, but Cliff getting to that point would require divine intervention.

That's why is was always stupid for Nicole and Cliff to think a F4 deal with Holly and Jackson was a good idea. Those F3 HoH comps are just built for Jackson.

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57 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Which is why I say, no matter how piss poor someone plays, they should lose of their own stupidity, not because production might decide to tip the scales one way or another.

A houseguest could play the perfect game, and if production decides to tip the scales against that houseguest, that houseguest will still lose.

Nicole already had to deal with Cliff going sour on her.   I don't know how she could have seen that coming.   If production did indeed interfere in this Veto competition (benefiting Jackson), they shouldn't have done so until Jackson's time was far beyond the other three houseguests.

When I start to think that the competition is slanted or fixed to favor someone, I question why I watch this show.  I used to see BB as a show that was free of that type of manipulation.  too many "reality" competition shows, seem as though the winner is pre-determined, and the show is scripted for maximum drama, and to craft a storyline leading up to the pre-determined conclusion.  (see any Gordon Ramsey competition, and the god-awful Celebrity Apprentice show) .   

Jackson won the veto, after production reminded him of the double negative nature of the task.  that smacks of "oh shit!  Jackson needs to win! he's screwing up the plot!"  And I feel like an idiot for watching, not a REALITY show, but a scripted, crafted, fictional account of a reality show.  

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