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S06.E08: Week 4, Part 2

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Omgawd, Goose guy is one of the ugliest contestant I’ve seen. I think his head is shaped like Frankenstein and he looks really shrimpy-wimpy. His attitude with Becca just sealed my opinion of him. I really can’t figure out why any of those girls on BIP liked him. Just yuck

 Between JPJ’s yacking everywhere and his incessant boo-hooing I’m ready for him to be sent home. 

And Caelynn crying! Come on, girl! At least be thankful he gave you a rose before leaving then you’d be out the door too.  I think she’s a player anyway but then plays the victim when it happens to her. 

  • Love 13
22 hours ago, jette said:

OK, so I popped back in for the wedding and am so glad I did, because people with genuine emotions* are so sweet and refreshing. Wish Krystal and Goose many happy years together!

*I'll admit to a slight eyeroll at the sage burning purification part lol

I wondered if the sage burning had been part of a date the 2 of them had on BiP last season and that was why it was included? Otherwise, it was weird.

21 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

So who is telling the truth, JPJ or Derek? 

Both I think, but JPJ was looking for a reason to discredit Derek and that was the only straw he had to grasp.

6 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

So let me get this straight: Derek and Wells are hanging out at the bar, minding their own business, then JPJ shows up for the express purpose of telling Derek he's not interested in speaking with him. SO WHY GO UP TO THE BAR IN THE FIRST PLACE? This is something a grade-schooler would do.

Right? Twice! Goes up and unloads on Derek, refuses to listen to anything Derek has to say and then tells him "don't come talk to me anymore." Dude, you are the one that keeps starting these conversations!

  • Love 8

I also thought that JPJ may have been faking the sobbing, but he had tears or snot dripping off his nose. 

9 hours ago, SassyCat said:

Way to go JPJ! demand a conversation and answers from someone you bully into a one way confrontation, while loudly talking over them every time they try to get a word in edgewise. Then, if they do manage to get a couple of full syllables into the "exchange" verbally, say your not going to deal with his bull and don't want to continue the conversation. He'd be an awful person to be in a relationship with if that's the way he deals with differences of his opinion! 

 If I remember correctly, it was Tayshia, who in a round about way told JPJ to date others while there, and then promptly skipped, or actually ran to talk with Derek. 
I think JPJ is being delusional and in denial about who was the one who sent the other packing, in a clear, but as gentle as she could be, fashion. 

 John Paul really showed a flaming red flag as far as I'm concerned. I would never put up with a one-way shout down from friend or romantic interest. I'd avoid them like the plague, and get a restraining order if needed if they kept coming back for more one-way bullying confrontation. 

His pretense of using false chivalry to appear to be heroic in the name of protecting the damsel of his desires, by bringing up Derek's podcast, was the only pile of bull I saw. Derek's pod cast, which from what I understand never mentioned the BIP family, but only horny fans, was the only non flammable fuel he had.

To do this at Chris and Crystals wedding was the epitomy of social rudeness and is probably what got a bunch of them sent out of the festivities without just kicking JPJ out, alone.

Plus that goose is one lucky man to land such a gorgeous woman as Crystal. He kinda looks like a goose who landed the swan.

JPJ also removed all agency from Tayshia in his tantrum. Apparently she’s some dim-witted, weak, easily led, spineless creature being preyed on by Derek. The truth is Tayshia burned rubber bee-lining it straight to Derek and making the first and second moves. 

  • Love 16
20 minutes ago, leighdear said:

I'm curious how JPJ's career is going these days.  You know people in his company have seen his BIP behavior thus far, and I'm wondering just how happy they are with it.  His current  Linkedin page is SO easy to find....


So some companies are obviously much more sensitive to this than others, I have dealt with a situation that is similar in terms of concerns re: an employee having a bad reputation, you could say. JPJ is a financial analyst for a more recently founded firm (2008). Newer firms like this with younger management see all publicity as good publicity: they really utilize the social media outlets. A financial analyst works mostly internally; isn't really dealing with the public. I would consider any negatives impacts of his TV career as pretty negligible from a staffing standpoint, honestly. He could always tell his senior leadership that he was acting under production orders, and I'm sure that if he cares about keeping his job, he cleared it with them before coming.

It could be a different story if he worked for a huge old money company with older management.

...The alternative is that he wants to start a reality TV/social media career and doesn't give a shit. 😉

Edited by kita
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The only financial analysis I can see JPJ giving is whether there's enough money in the budget this week to buy Jaegermeister and weed, or just one of those.  That's what his behavior signifies to me.

If his company thinks his brand of PR is a positive thing, whether he works with clients or not, then they're as idiotic as he is. 

But hey, people spin that kind of behavior all the time.  Rude, boorish, insulting and hysterical.  Kinda sounds like somebody else in DC.  

  • LOL 4
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12 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I was right there with you enjoying the doofus character he was playing and assuming that when he sobered up and got serious he would sound smart and normal.  But no.  It turns out his sober, smart self is angry, illogical and refuses to fight fair by allowing   the other person to speak.

The worst part is that JPJ was acting out all this hostility at a wedding. I had just been remembering Krystal's sad back story which implied addiction and mental illness in the family, she didn't deserve a chaotic wedding.

well I would say the way to avoid chaos is not to have a wedding on tv--sorry not sorry!

  • Love 8

The weirdest part of all these bachelor alum meetups is the way they (usually the girls) just go up to someone they just met (another alum) and say "do you want to go chat?" As if it's a nicer way of saying - let's go makeout. And they usually do, after about 5 min of talking. It's so fake!

I'm sure it's producer-driven on camera, but when Caelynn said it to Connor, I had a vision like - this is how they approach each other at non-televised meetup events. So cheesy. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Lol! A date who looked like Frankenstein. 

Thats all I got, really. Dating really sucks. If these gorgeous girls are having problems finding a decent, attractive guy, all I can hope for is a date who looks like Frankenstein.

Yeah, the best looking guys stay single. Like Dean, who I find amazingly gorgeous. I actually woke up last night to look at pictures of him. They are looking for a hot rich celebrity, like a Hadid, actress, or model. In fact, many of the best looking guys on this show that have got married married someone that had a lot more going for them than being hot (i.e., rich and hot).

Some exceptions: Kevin Wendt (I think he's a hottie), 

I can't think of anyone else. Most of the hottest are still single. 

28 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

Compare a South Park character with Onyeka (sp?). I always thought she was the one who looked like Cartman but I can’t post the photos. Same smile. It has to be the open-mouthed smile though. 

You know, I'm always finding commonalities between people and people (or people and things, but usually people). Anyway, most of time no one but me sees it.

I don't see it, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. LOL!

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Yeah, the best looking guys stay single. Like Dean, who I find amazingly gorgeous. I actually woke up last night to look at pictures of him. They are looking for a hot rich celebrity, like a Hadid, actress, or model. In fact, many of the best looking guys on this show that have got married married someone that had a lot more going for them than being hot (i.e., rich and hot).

Some exceptions: Kevin Wendt (I think he's a hottie), 

I can't think of anyone else. Most of the hottest are still single. 

You know, I'm always finding commonalities between people and people (or people and things, but usually people). Anyway, most of time no one but me sees it.

I don't see it, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. LOL!

I am also a Dean fan but probably because of the kindred spirit regarding van life and freedom. He’s a cutie but needs to 86 the mustache.

Onyeka smiled a lot with her mouth open and it made the exact shape of a South Park character’s smile like the one you shared. I’ve been saying this to my partner since the start of the season. It was so funny to see you compare Tayshia with Cartman. Darn it. I really wish you could see what I’m talking about with Onyeka. Granted, it’s kind of endearing but she makes me laugh every time she gives that wide open South Park smile!

  • LOL 1
5 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Totally. It's basically any time you're within mouth contact range of someone you're interested in you just go for it. Even if you feel NO connection to the person you are obliged to go through a full on makeout kiss, like it's in their contracts. See: Wills and Hannah G.

It is kind of backward, isn't it?  In "real life"  dating, people get to know someone first, spend some time talking, sharing, discussing their likes and dislikes, to figure out if you like each other or not.    In "bachelor nation" the way to find out if you "have a connection"  involves a lot less talking and lot more making out.  I imagine if you spend an entire date kissing, and then the person moves on to someone else, you take the rejection a lot more personally. 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Totally. It's basically any time you're within mouth contact range of someone you're interested in you just go for it. Even if you feel NO connection to the person you are obliged to go through a full on makeout kiss, like it's in their contracts. See: Wills and Hannah G.

EWWWWWWW!!!! Maybe it's a "Prince Charming" (more like FROGS) Clause. 😂😂 So GROSS!! #ICANTEVEN

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Okay, I watched it again and all I could think about was that my girl Sydney finally got some face time at the wedding and she was wearing the ugliest brown dotted dress that looks like something off the $3 sale rack at Walmart (and I should know because I have such a thing) and I'm so upset with her!  Doesn't she know she should wear jewel tones?  Why didn't she call me?

Caelynn has worn that brown dotted dress also. It looked cute on her.

Edited by Just Carol
  • Useful 1
1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

JPJ seems more like a thespian than a financial analyst. 

I can so live without the weddings on this show. The last one I even wanted to watch was Trista and Ryan. 

OMG. I  hated the wedding. Mostly because I just got rid of my DVR so I couldn't fast forward!  Although I loved Krystal's veil, which was beautiful. I didn't get the guests, I hated the production feel to it, and I especially hated Chris marrying them because he's has a sycophant vibe, 

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

JPJ showed his true self last night, and it wasn't pretty.  He's one of those guys who perfected a persona that worked with all the co-eds in college.  He acts all goofy, like Shaggy in Scooby Doo, and the girls all think he's quirky and cool.  

He may sound like Shaggy but he’s all Fred. 

  • Useful 1
1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

OMG. I  hated the wedding. Mostly because I just got rid of my DVR so I couldn't fast forward!  Although I loved Krystal's veil, which was beautiful. I didn't get the guests, I hated the production feel to it, and I especially hated Chris marrying them because he's has a sycophant vibe, 

I hated that everyone was snickering and making a joke of the smudging part of the wedding. Even Chris Harrison made a comment. Newsflash, there are people who believe in saging and I thought it was a lovely addition to the wedding. These people are so immature. It makes me sick. 

  • Love 9
57 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I hated that everyone was snickering and making a joke of the smudging part of the wedding. Even Chris Harrison made a comment. Newsflash, there are people who believe in saging and I thought it was a lovely addition to the wedding. These people are so immature. It makes me sick. 

It's another spiritual ceremony co-opted by Americans from Native Americans. I'm not sure your average whitebread American should be doing it at all.

JPJ is trying way too hard in every scene. I'm not surprised he went off of crazy Tajz fast as she could out "look at me! I'm so quirky!" him without even trying. And seriously, dude. Weddings are just not the place to get into any sort of argument with another guest.

Conner and his vocal fry from Hell need to stay off my TV screen.

  • Love 2

Connor is so unattractive. From his tall body and small head to the way he talks. Just, no. 

I thought this wedding episode was the most entertaining one they have had so far this season. It takes them away from the usual boring beach side chats. And there were outside drama which was entertaining. Especially Astrid and Kevin jokingly telling Blake he was done for, lol. Even JPJ's crazy melt down during the reception was entertaining. Completely inappropriate and sorry for Crystal and Chris but this is what you get when you have your wedding aired on BIP. It was like a sitcom in the setting of a wedding, with exes to stir the pot even! 

These women really fall for Dean's "I'm sorry; I am a hot mess and have commitment issues and you deserve better" schtick. This is the exact same spiel he gave on previous BIP and Winter Games. Wasn't he dating someone on Winter Games and she made him want to commit blah blah blah but they broke up later anyway?

They think this is better than Blake leading them on and screwing them. But to me, there is not much difference. Dean is just smarter at manipulating the women, whereas Blake is clumsy at it.

Caelynn is desperate for any popular men in Bachelor nation. Which is a shame because just looks wise and accomplishment alone, she is out of their league. I'm not fond of her but she could do soooo much better. 

I felt embarrassed for Angela being so desperate to get her ex back. No matter how much he says he cares about you,  there is a reason why he broke off with you. 

Also embarrassed for JPJ's parents who had to see him throw a tantrum like he was a 3 year old child. He has anger issues.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, nutty1 said:

Interesting email to RS and Steve's reply....


Tanner and others have said that the “plan” was known prior to filming. Given how much Bachelor Nation talks and texts with each other, it seems likely that a few of the people at Paradise knew about the “plan” prior to hitting the beach. It also seems likely that if even one of the participants knew about the “plan” going in, everybody, including Derek, would have known about the plan by the end of the first day. They have nothing to do but drink, talk and, in JPJ’s case, sleep all day. Am I missing something?


Comment: Plenty of people out there knew the plan, knew Demi and Kristian were dating pre-show, and had even met Kristian before going down there. Will they ever admit it publicly? No. And that’s why this storyline fizzles to me. You have people acting and straight up lying out there to protect a story unfortunately. Loses its luster if you ask me.

As for Derek, I find it awfully hard to believe he didn’t know anything whatsoever. I just don’t buy it. Sorry. And I’m the guy who’s been saying since I first reported this story back in June when people then were asking me if Derek knew or was in on it, I was saying that’s not what I was hearing. Now? I don’t buy it. There are A LOT of questions I have regarding Derek’s role in all this. Problem is, he’ll never admit to knowing anything because that completely destroys his edit and all the love after he got after last week’s episode basically becomes fraudulent. So I guess I’ll just continue to believe what I believe based on things I’ve heard, things specifically I know Derek said, and that’ll be that. 

So, they’re basically saying Derek went along with it for the podcast groupies?!? Actually, if they all knew the storyline but couldn’t say anything about it, suddenly JPJ’s attack on Derek makes a bit more sense. Replace “having a podcast” to manipulate fans into sleeping with you, with “pretending to be heartbroken by Demi” to manipulate fans into sleeping with you. This also explains why Derek was able to graciously welcome Kristian and immediately give his stamp of approval to the pairing.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, waving feather said:

Connor is so unattractive. From his tall body and small head to the way he talks. Just, no. 

I thought this wedding episode was the most entertaining one they have had so far this season. It takes them away from the usual boring beach side chats. And there were outside drama which was entertaining. Especially Astrid and Kevin jokingly telling Blake he was done for, lol. Even JPJ's crazy melt down during the reception was entertaining. Completely inappropriate and sorry for Crystal and Chris but this is what you get when you have your wedding aired on BIP. It was like a sitcom in the setting of a wedding, with exes to stir the pot even! 

These women really fall for Dean's "I'm sorry; I am a hot mess and have commitment issues and you deserve better" schtick. This is the exact same spiel he gave on previous BIP and Winter Games. Wasn't he dating someone on Winter Games and she made him want to commit blah blah blah but they broke up later anyway?

They think this is better than Blake leading them on and screwing them. But to me, there is not much difference. Dean is just smarter at manipulating the women, whereas Blake is clumsy at it.

Caelynn is desperate for any popular men in Bachelor nation. Which is a shame because just looks wise and accomplishment alone, she is out of their league. I'm not fond of her but she could do soooo much better. 

I felt embarrassed for Angela being so desperate to get her ex back. No matter how much he says he cares about you,  there is a reason why he broke off with you. 

Also embarrassed for JPJ's parents who had to see him throw a tantrum like he was a 3 year old child. He has anger issues.

Dean and Lesley dated on and after Winter Games, and I don’t really feel sorry for her. She knew what she was getting into and by the end they were both acting kind of smug about themselves. Then they traveled a lot, because Lesley lives off her parents money (though she fronts a “travel blog” like every other millennial). Then they break up and she goes around finally bad mouthing Dean so she doesn’t look bad. 

And if you read some of the BTS stuff about Blake it seems less like him leading girls on and more them using him and backstabbing him to get airtime on the show. It’s pretty clear Caelyn concocted the entire story about Blake, and it seems like Kristina and Blake had an friends with benefits relationship that Kristina is trying to twist into something more. 

Lastly, I wouldn’t call Caelyn “accomplishes”. I’ve met plenty of pageant girls down South (pretty successful ones). It’s a culture down here and super competitive, but there’s no real money in it and it doesn’t really set you up for a career. Not saying there aren’t women who go on to be successful after, but it’s typically due to some other interest or work ethic independent of being brought up in the pageant world. 

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:

Right? Twice! Goes up and unloads on Derek, refuses to listen to anything Derek has to say and then tells him "don't come talk to me anymore." Dude, you are the one that keeps starting these conversations!

Don't forget JPJ ordering Derek, at a wedding that wasn't even his and for which he was not providing the security detail, to get out of my sight, accentuated with a finger point in the direction of the exit!

13 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I also thought that JPJ may have been faking the sobbing, but he had tears or snot dripping off his nose. 

I did that same verification sleuthing too!

13 hours ago, leighdear said:

His current  Linkedin page is SO easy to find....


Well, either he took it down voluntarily or work forced him to, since it's not there anymore.

3 hours ago, waving feather said:

ut this is what you get when you have your wedding aired on BIP. It was like a sitcom in the setting of a wedding, with exes to stir the pot even! 

Love that description!

20 hours ago, Janc said:

So what's with the double beds we are seeing Clay/Nicole etc. waking up in each morning?  I thought the 'overnight' dates on the final night were the only time they actually got to spend the night together?

IIRC, in previous seasons, they have referenced going to some room/area where there was a double bed.  In fact, I think an argument broke out among two couples (Jordan may have been involved?) about who got to use it.

16 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Okay, I watched it again and all I could think about was that my girl Sydney finally got some face time at the wedding and she was wearing the ugliest brown dotted dress that looks like something off the $3 sale rack at Walmart (and I should know because I have such a thing) and I'm so upset with her!  

Sydney went down a few notches for me, when she was distraught to the point of crying that she was not able to go with Mike to the reception.  I can understand her wanting to be with him and get some time away from their everyday ho-hum no-A/C setting, but seriously honey, first-world problems.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

IIRC, in previous seasons, they have referenced going to some room/area where there was a double bed.  In fact, I think an argument broke out among two couples (Jordan may have been involved?) about who got to use it.

The argument was between Nick V. and Josh Murray (I think).  There might of been pizza involved. 

  • LOL 5
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, waving feather said:

1.Connor is so unattractive. From his tall body and small head to the way he talks. Just, no. 

2.Caelynn is desperate for any popular men in Bachelor nation. Which is a shame because just looks wise and accomplishment alone, she is out of their league. I'm not fond of her but she could do soooo much better. 

3.I felt embarrassed for Angela being so desperate to get her ex back. No matter how much he says he cares about you,  there is a reason why he broke off with you. 

1.Connor always reminded me a little of Bob (Full House) Saget, who I really liked, so I had given him the benefit of the doubt.  That was before I heard his awful voice and the dumbest conversation I've ever heard in a franchise famous for dumb conversation. "How you doing?" "Everything happens for a reason," "We might be looking at our person."

2. Caelynn's reaction when Connor arrived, "I'm in such deep pain over Dean, I shouldn't have come .. Oh look Conner!" followed by giggling and bouncing and fluffing, and the excited comment, "Every one was saying Conner, Conner! He's so popular!"  She sounded like a 13 year-old girl at her first teenage party.  I think we might understand our Bachelor kids better if we tried to remember that they're just not very smart, I don't care how many degrees they've managed to finagle.

3. If some guy started a talk with me by saying,  "You're such an amazing, awesome woman, I really care about you."  I wouldn't wait for the "but", I'd say, "Right back at ya' Clayster. I see someone I want to talk to over there, bye." Angela can do such much better than a big whiney gym rat whose first concern in life is staying hydrated.  Clay and Nicole the braggart are perfect together.  I still don't understand why he had to break up with Angela because his football career didn't happen.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, JenE4 said:

So, they’re basically saying Derek went along with it for the podcast groupies?!? Actually, if they all knew the storyline but couldn’t say anything about it, suddenly JPJ’s attack on Derek makes a bit more sense. Replace “having a podcast” to manipulate fans into sleeping with you, with “pretending to be heartbroken by Demi” to manipulate fans into sleeping with you. This also explains why Derek was able to graciously welcome Kristian and immediately give his stamp of approval to the pairing.

An interview with Demi I had linked earlier had demi saying that before she went on the show she was having doubts about kissing Kristian on air. Pretty much giving away that the "two hot girls making out" was the plot from the beginning. 

With Demi hanging around wells, commenting on relationships and giving advice, I wonder if she will be the replacement bartender next season. Maybe they plan to have Demi and Kristian handing out drinks and advice?

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, JenE4 said:

So, they’re basically saying Derek went along with it for the podcast groupies?!? Actually, if they all knew the storyline but couldn’t say anything about it, suddenly JPJ’s attack on Derek makes a bit more sense. Replace “having a podcast” to manipulate fans into sleeping with you, with “pretending to be heartbroken by Demi” to manipulate fans into sleeping with you. This also explains why Derek was able to graciously welcome Kristian and immediately give his stamp of approval to the pairing.

Yes! That makes so much more sense. I really felt like Derek didn't want to respond to JPJ or that bits were cut out when Derek did say things, but those things would have revealed that the whole Demi/Kristian thing was pre-planned.

  • Love 1

Compared to the Bachelor nation women, Kristian actually seems sane and normal. I like how she confronted Demi immediately when she was rolling around with JPJ. She seems to believe in decorum which is lacking in the bachelor nation folks. May not make for good TV though. I don't see them working out for long in the real world because of how flighty Demi is. Their personalities are so different. Opposites may attract but not be suitable as life partners, imo.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, mertensia said:

It's another spiritual ceremony co-opted by Americans from Native Americans. I'm not sure your average whitebread American should be doing it at all.

JPJ is trying way too hard in every scene. I'm not surprised he went off of crazy Tajz fast as she could out "look at me! I'm so quirky!" him without even trying. And seriously, dude. Weddings are just not the place to get into any sort of argument with another guest.

Conner and his vocal fry from Hell need to stay off my TV screen.

They weren’t making fun of Native Americans. Krystal and Chris appeared to be serious about it. I’m not going to stop using sage in my home just because I’m not Native American. Getting offended by minor things like this is over the top. There are real things happening regarding race in America that you should be focusing on. Saging isn’t one of them. 

  • Love 2
On 8/29/2019 at 1:15 AM, Nowhere said:

I hated that everyone was snickering and making a joke of the smudging part of the wedding. Even Chris Harrison made a comment. Newsflash, there are people who believe in saging and I thought it was a lovely addition to the wedding. These people are so immature. It makes me sick. 

I think the snickering is because the sager made sure to sage the genital regions.  I think it is kind of a gross thing to do at a wedding.  

When Becca was made the Bachelorette, Rachel and other friends came over to sage the mansion, which made sense. And they saged her crotch, also, which made sense, and was funny.

Edited by Just Carol
  • Love 1
16 hours ago, mertensia said:

It's another spiritual ceremony co-opted by Americans from Native Americans. I'm not sure your average whitebread American should be doing it at all.

JPJ is trying way too hard in every scene. I'm not surprised he went off of crazy Tajz fast as she could out "look at me! I'm so quirky!" him without even trying. And seriously, dude. Weddings are just not the place to get into any sort of argument with another guest.

Conner and his vocal fry from Hell need to stay off my TV screen.

I liked the smudging. Krystal is from Montana, which has a large Native American population (compared to other places), so smudging may be something that she grew up with.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Just Carol said:

I think the snickering is because the sager made sure to sage the genital regions.  I think it is kind of a gross thing to do at a wedding.  

When Becca's was made the Bachelorette, Rachel and other friends came over to sage the mansion, which made sense. And they saged her crotch, also, which made sense, and was funny.

I also thought that was inappropriate but didn’t get the impression that it was planned by Krystal and Chris to be done that way. I re-watched that part of the wedding and as soon as Chris Harrison said they were smudging, people started laughing a little. Also, when he announced it, his tone made it seem like it was some stupid, funny thing. Then of course, they laughed when he saged the genital region. I’m not sure that was the bride and groom’s intent but I felt like I was missing some inside joke. If that’s the case then they shouldn’t have done it. Smudging is real for many people who hold different religious beliefs. I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt with this one. 

I hate Nicole. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

I also thought that was inappropriate but didn’t get the impression that it was planned by Krystal and Chris to be done that way. I re-watched that part of the wedding and as soon as Chris Harrison said they were smudging, people started laughing a little. Also, when he announced it, his tone made it seem like it was some stupid, funny thing. Then of course, they laughed when he saged the genital region. I’m not sure that was the bride and groom’s intent but I felt like I was missing some inside joke. If that’s the case then they shouldn’t have done it. Smudging is real for many people who hold different religious beliefs. I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt with this one. 

I hate Nicole. 

I think part of it was that when Chrystal and Chris we're first getting together she wanted to teach him yoga and he wasn't very good at it.  So although it was inappropriate I think some of the snickering was about the difference between the bride and groom as anything else.

  • Love 1
On 8/28/2019 at 3:55 AM, nlkm9 said:

I think it was super tacky to boot people out - if they wanted them at the wedding, they should have been allowed to stay for the reception- i did feel bad for those who were separated from their date, i always thought those going to a reception were allowed to bring a date. Tacky tacky!! 

On 8/28/2019 at 9:49 AM, Janc said:

And how awful was it that only 8 BIPs were allowed to stay at the wedding, and the rest didn't meet the cut... how rude!

I know this must have been producer-driven, but if this had been my wedding, I would have balked at this breach in etiquette. So unbelievably tacky!

On 8/28/2019 at 1:10 PM, JudyObscure said:

Okay, I watched it again and all I could think about was that my girl Sydney finally got some face time at the wedding and she was wearing the ugliest brown dotted dress that looks like something off the $3 sale rack at Walmart (and I should know because I have such a thing) and I'm so upset with her!  Doesn't she know she should wear jewel tones?  Why didn't she call me?

Even worse, that was a romper. I've never seen a romper look good on an adult woman, even a gorgeous one like Sydney.

On 8/28/2019 at 4:25 PM, leighdear said:

I'm curious how JPJ's career is going these days.  You know people in his company have seen his BIP behavior thus far, and I'm wondering just how happy they are with it.  His current  Linkedin page is SO easy to find....


The top three skills that he lists are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint. Hiring manager's dream, right there!

20 hours ago, waving feather said:

I felt embarrassed for Angela being so desperate to get her ex back.

I didn't get that impression at all. She seemed bored and over it during their conversation. It was Clay who sounded whiny and pathetic using his failed football career as an excuse, and Nicole and Tayshia worked themselves into a frenzy making it a much bigger deal than it was. 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I know this must have been producer-driven, but if this had been my wedding, I would have balked at this breach in etiquette. So unbelievably tacky!

Even worse, that was a romper. I've never seen a romper look good on an adult woman, even a gorgeous one like Sydney.

The top three skills that he lists are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint. Hiring manager's dream, right there!

I didn't get that impression at all. She seemed bored and over it during their conversation. It was Clay who sounded whiny and pathetic using his failed football career as an excuse, and Nicole and Tayshia worked themselves into a frenzy making it a much bigger deal than it was. 

I didnt understand why Tayshia was crying. I keep reminding myself "theyre all drunk and tired". I did have to snicker at how Angela sashayed down the aisle like she was it. It sounds like Clay dumped her and blindsided her, im corny but it made me sad.

On 8/28/2019 at 8:20 PM, Nowhere said:

Compare a South Park character with Onyeka (sp?). I always thought she was the one who looked like Cartman but I can’t post the photos. Same smile. It has to be the open-mouthed smile though. 

I dont know, I think tayshia is simply gorgeous. Didnt like her on coltons season but she in my eyes is stunning.

  • Love 3
On 8/28/2019 at 12:36 AM, Refresh said:

"You have a podcast" is the new here for the wrong reasons?

The Blake drama montage was hilarious!

I recognized one of the guys as one of Becca's cast-offs (I think he was also named Connor), his Stagecoach joke had me rolling. Also, I loved seeing Astrid and Kevin together, I really liked them as a couple and liked her personality. 

Coming on this season was such a huge mistake for Blake. He had all that goodwill from getting dumped and was clearly cutting a swath through the women of Bachelor nation with little controversy, but now that it's all been exposed on TV, his whole routine is shot. The fake attention, the bad dancing, the whole thing is clearly just a rehearsed pattern that anyone can recognize.


I thought Krystal looked lovely. They both seemed happy, let's hope it lasts. I thought JPJ was a complete @ss, going off Derek at the wedding, what's wrong with him. Boo hoo.

They actually did seem happy. Chris seemed like a giant loser on his season and on BiP and Krystal was a nightmare on her season, but okay on BiP, but they seem better together. 


These women really fall for Dean's "I'm sorry; I am a hot mess and have commitment issues and you deserve better" schtick. This is the exact same spiel he gave on previous BIP and Winter Games. Wasn't he dating someone on Winter Games and she made him want to commit blah blah blah but they broke up later anyway?

They think this is better than Blake leading them on and screwing them. But to me, there is not much difference. Dean is just smarter at manipulating the women, whereas Blake is clumsy at it.

Caelynn is desperate for any popular men in Bachelor nation. Which is a shame because just looks wise and accomplishment alone, she is out of their league. I'm not fond of her but she could do soooo much better. 

There are degrees of difference, but yeah, it's the same thing. Blake would have been okay if he hadn't been in close proximity of so many former conquests who could compare notes. Dean's just afraid of conflict, that's why he falls back on the "it's not you, it's me" cliche. And he's quirky enough that people actually fall for it. He's got the broken little boy routine down pat. Blake pulls a version of it as well, especially when caught in a lie, but he doesn't have quite as smooth a line of bull.

Caelynn is such a drama queen. I laughed out loud when the whole beach clapped for her getting the date card from Connor. God knows they weren't actually happy for her, they were happy for a break from the 'all tears, all the time' drama that she brings. She's so that friend most of us have had at one point or another, the one who thinks every first date is a future husband, and who then bores everyone to death rehashing every detail once it doesn't turn out to be true love. 

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I'm pretty sure the snickering over the sage smudging had to do with Krystal doing it to the other women on her season. She smudged the villa and the women, and had something to with Leo getting drunk/mad about being rejected, other guys being jerks, and there was crying and yelling and bad juju. I think the smudging at that point was serious, but then they were joking  about "cleansing " their private areas, moving on to better relationships. 

  • Useful 2
5 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

I didnt understand why Tayshia was crying. I keep reminding myself "theyre all drunk and tired". I did have to snicker at how Angela sashayed down the aisle like she was it. It sounds like Clay dumped her and blindsided her, im corny but it made me sad.

I dont know, I think tayshia is simply gorgeous. Didnt like her on coltons season but she in my eyes is stunning.


Angela purses her lips like she's sucking on a lemon. She must think it makes her more attractive, it only makes her look like she's trying too hard.  I also think it's odd that when she does it, there's a little hole left like a straw left its imprint.  I saw this one other time with another female in an advertisement for lip fillers.  Hmmm...

  • LOL 1
9 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Coming on this season was such a huge mistake for Blake. He had all that goodwill from getting dumped and was clearly cutting a swath through the women of Bachelor nation with little controversy, but now that it's all been exposed on TV, his whole routine is shot. The fake attention, the bad dancing, the whole thing is clearly just a rehearsed pattern that anyone can recognize.

Sad thing is, even with the text message drama IRL, I don’t think it’ll stop him from hooking up with the ladies. 

His pity game is strong. On TV it looks absurd but in a weird way I could see it being effective in person. And a lot of women are drawn to men who need healing. 

(Speaking of those texts, I listen to a podcast that has nothing to do with this stupid show, it’s about content marketing, it’s pretty nerdy. Anyway, they mentioned the texts re Caelynn and Blake. They got the context and nuance wrong because they don’t watch the show - but they still knew about them. What a legacy.  )

Edited by Refresh
  • Love 1
21 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Coming on this season was such a huge mistake for Blake. He had all that goodwill from getting dumped and was clearly cutting a swath through the women of Bachelor nation with little controversy, but now that it's all been exposed on TV, his whole routine is shot. The fake attention, the bad dancing, the whole thing is clearly just a rehearsed pattern that anyone can recognize.

12 hours ago, Refresh said:

Sad thing is, even with the text message drama IRL, I don’t think it’ll stop him from hooking up with the ladies. 

His pity game is strong. On TV it looks absurd but in a weird way I could see it being effective in person. And a lot of women are drawn to men who need healing. 

Refresh, you beat me to it.  "I will be the one to change him"...said in the tone of your most oddly brave heal-wounded-birds female friend OR your most he'll-give-it-up-for-me conceited female friend.

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On 8/29/2019 at 11:07 AM, tinkerbell said:

An interview with Demi I had linked earlier had demi saying that before she went on the show she was having doubts about kissing Kristian on air. Pretty much giving away that the "two hot girls making out" was the plot from the beginning. 

With Demi hanging around wells, commenting on relationships and giving advice, I wonder if she will be the replacement bartender next season. Maybe they plan to have Demi and Kristian handing out drinks and advice?

One of the best things about this show was bartender Jorge. Now all he gets to do is talk about all the places he’s had sex. I find it sort of repugnant. It’s staged and makes him look like a damn fool. Don’t want bartender Wells, certainly don’t want bartender Dummy.

These fame whores only work for me when they are the ones humiliating themselves naturally. 

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On 8/28/2019 at 7:25 PM, leighdear said:

I'm curious how JPJ's career is going these days.  You know people in his company have seen his BIP behavior thus far, and I'm wondering just how happy they are with it.  His current  Linkedin page is SO easy to find....


Thank you for linking that because it led me to this...and 15 minutes of my life I’m fine never getting back. How adorable was Wake Forest Tyler Cameron 5 years ago? Pretty sure he forgot he had this LI profile out there. 😂


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