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S09.E08: How Can I Trust You?

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Keith is 20 years more mature than Iris.

And sometimes she'll plop herself on his lap or next to him, and her hand or her leg brushes over his private area.

Does she do that to tease him? She certainly can't be that naive. 🤨

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Beth and Jamie are neck in neck in their competition to decide who is the bigger a-hole.  She’s a drama queen and there is something not quite right about her for sure, but there was something icky about the way Jamie was just calmly reminding her that she wasn’t “allowed” to leave (though he’d done exactly that the night before). 

Amber reeks of desperation, and any illusion that she had even a shred of self respect, disappeared when she accepted Matt’s pathetic apology.  Though shame on Matt for being all “Just a hug?”-ugh.  Don’t be all about the fringe benefits when you’re clearly desperate to distance yourself from your stranger wife whose abandonment issues you’re well aware of.  

It’s nice of Iris to be willing to participate in Keith’s grandmother’s passing.  I do wonder what his family thinks of his random, new reality show wife being there at such a time. 

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Jamie having sex 4 times a week caused an UTI in Beth?


Amber has sex every and all the time Matt is home.

She’s gonna wear a Matt down to a nub.

Her aqua dress is ill fitting, too short, looks like a toga gone bad.

Stop slouching.

Close your legs when you sit in a micro length dress, you flashed your crotchal area to the studio crew...

Edited by humbleopinion
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Greg got birthday sex and Deonna got a case of nausea shortly after...any connection?

Maybe Deonna has a case of psychosomatic bubble gut to avoid more sexy time so soon....

Jamie and Big Red....yuck. Break up.

Leave the show...we are good with the 3 couples left. 

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Matt: “Uh, um, friends, hanging out, um, don’t know, crashing couch, uh, used to, um, sorry, oops, um, yeah. So... sex now?” No! Amber don’t have sex with Matt. For all you know his hanging out involved sex with someone else. I don’t buy his mumbling half sentence excuses for not knowing he should’ve come home, called, or frelling frack even a text. What a dick. And sing it Dr. Pepper. Matt’s apology was lame and weak. He either truly doesn’t get it or he doesn’t give a flipping fig. So he’s the dull knife in the drawer or he’s mean. Either way I think they stand .17% of a chance to make it. 

I like crazy red lady’s dogs the most out of anyone on this show. As she got on her high horse, or in this case the pony daddy bought her, and went on endlessly about her hurt feelings I was laughing out loud. The dogs know she’s crazy and while mr. picky may not be a prize he’s not the crazy monster. They jumped on him and sat calmly while staring at her in bewilderment. I have no doubt that if there was footage of the dogs being walked improperly we would have seen it. And I think the “going home and having my own space” threat was code for go cry to daddy about how she’s not being treated like the super special shiny star she is. And the editors shot of larger doggo during the sexy dance spoke for all of us. I really think Beth is a spinning top of fickle. 

The dang editing! It makes me question myself. I don’t know if Deonna and Greg are having issues or not but they often seem the most real out of the couples. I thought her compliments were well thought out. And I still think they’re getting closer off camera. I imagine her walls make it much harder to open up on camera than when it’s turned off. I agree with her, the first time you’re sick in front of a significant other is tough. It’s a closeness no one really wants but it sure can force the issue. Wait until you both have food poisoning at the same time. Lol. I also wonder if Greg is overthinking the sex. If maybe she needs it to be more spontaneous. I felt like she was trying to tell him something but I didn’t quit get what it was. 

Poor Keith losing his grandma during the midst of all this - that must suck. The editors sure like to force the sex/virgin topic don’t they. How many questions in that exercise were about sex? Iris may need to talk to a counselor, a real one, not a tv one, off camera to help her relax about the thought of sex. It seems to make her freeze up and quit communicating. I feel like the words virgin, sex and intimacy made up 85% of their conversation tonight. 

P.S. Crazy red needs to wear a bra. Maybe the full moon circle can impress that upon her.

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1 hour ago, sarkygal said:

Then she shouldn't have married a stranger on a third rate reality show where sex and intimacy is discussed openly. She reads as disingenuous to me and I'm over her virginal hang ups. I respect her decision to be abstinent till marriage, but then to go marry someone on national TV that could very well have been dragged out of lockup(wouldn't put it past the "experts") makes me doubt just how important her virginity is. 

1 hour ago, topanga said:

I think Iris has some real hang-ups about sex. It’s not just about her waiting for marriage or the right relationship. She seems repulsed by sex. And it seems like she doesn’t Where are you? right to talk about it on the air. But I hope she’s talking to someone. 

And Keith is turned off by her emotional immaturity. A LOT of that is the lack of sex sex, but I think it’s bigger than that for Keith. 

Iris makes a big deal about her virginity because she's using it for other purposes.  First, it makes her feel more "special" than anyone else.  She has to be THE most special of all special snowflakes, pure as the driven snow.....Vomit.  Who the hell does she think she is, Mother Theresa?  Get over yourself!

Plus she harps on it like she has hang ups that anyone except perhaps GOD is not good enough for her.  Or if she did have intercourse it would make her a "bad girl" or a "loose woman".  With her attitude I doubt she'll ever feel Keith was worthy to be the first guy to have intercourse with her.  The more she makes a big deal about it like it's some kind of badge of honor, the more remote the possibility is that she'll ever have intercourse with him or anyone.  Her saying it's something "she can't change" is kind of Freudian slip-ish.  Of course she can't change it because it would mean she would have to trust a man enough, and she would have to give up some of her control over the relationship.  And she doesn't want to do that.

When Keith was talking to her about her virginity being a big issue between them, I think the message went right over her head.  He's well aware of how she has no clue and is being very careful about how he approaches her about this because he doesn't want to offend her.  But anything would offend her at this point.  When she acted repulsed about sex she reminded me of me and my girlfriends when we found out about "the birds and the bees" when we were 10.  We were all like "Ewwww.....I'm NEVER going to do that!!!".....Of course we went through puberty soon afterward and suddenly had a change of heart about that. 

Either Iris is stuck in an earlier stage of development or she's putting on an act to look like she's a "good girl" and is really not that repulsed by it.  She just wants Keith and the world to think that so she can keep the control in the relationship.  She's afraid of giving it away to someone that's not worthy of her and is holding onto this one last bit of power to send the message that she's in charge and no one is going to make her do anything unless she's good and ready.  The sad thing is that attitude only supports not ever being ready.

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3 hours ago, Mercolleen said:

I love that the dogs are now climbing all over him while she has a shit fit. Clearly, they are also questioning E's character.

This may have already been mentioned, but for someone who was so upset about the treatment of her animals it was funny to watch those same dogs run to Jamie when she started screeching.  They even kept trying to climb higher on him as she got more adamant.  Also, I get that she wants a break from the sex if she's got honeymoon cystitis, but there are other things you can do.  Also he may be deferring to sex if it's the only time she's happy and not screeching. 

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3 hours ago, PityFree said:

 Dr Pepper made Amber seems so pathetic and pitiful.

That's not hard, though. Amber is a total basket case. Matt's a POS and he needs to stop having sex with her because it leads her on. He really needs to just move out and call for an early divorce but we all know that he has no money and no home, so he'll stay. The experts really failed with this one.

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22 minutes ago, ramble said:

Matt: “Uh, um, friends, hanging out, um, don’t know, crashing couch, uh, used to, um, sorry, oops, um, yeah. So... sex now?” No! Amber don’t have sex with Matt. For all you know his hanging out involved sex with someone else. I don’t buy his mumbling half sentence excuses for not knowing he should’ve come home, called, or frelling frack even a text. What a dick. And sing it Dr. Pepper. Matt’s apology was lame and weak. He either truly doesn’t get it or he doesn’t give a flipping fig. So he’s the dull knife in the drawer or he’s mean. Either way I think they stand .17% of a chance to make it. 

Yeah, I don't buy anything out of Matt's mouth.  Amber is a fool to just forgive him like that and act like "everything's OK now" just because he came back home and gave some mumbling incoherent "excuse".  She is THE most desperate woman I've seen in a very long time.  The look on his face when he looks away from the camera tells me he knows he's lying and trapped in this relationship and has to put on the act to look like he really cares about her and the marriage.  But it's obvious to EVERYONE that he doesn't.  Even as Dr. Pepper said Amber was being too easy on Matt for what he did, SHE HERSELF was being too easy on him!  Sure, she confronted him head on, but even THAT wasn't enough.  She ended up ruining it by claiming she thinks Matt just "doesn't get it", as if that absolves him of some of the blame for his behavior or makes it somehow better behavior.  I was very angry at her for that.  Stop making excuses for bad behavior, especially when it's obvious that the guy is a total ASS.  Amber is right that he was not ready for a relationship but she should look in the mirror.  Anyone that desperate and with such a low sense of self worth like her is not ready either.  It is really painful to watch them!

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Iris’ holding on to her virginity has to do about her wack a doodle skewed ideas about sex.... her avoidance and squirminess about talking about sex on a teevee show she signed on to is just idiotic.

Keith’s favorite position is Doggy style....Iris cried. 

Don’t knock it until you tried it....

The church lady and Keith aren’t knocking boots any time soon....

Greg trying to book sex every other month....hilarious....

Edited by humbleopinion
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Iris is so afraid that she's going to make a mistake with whom she chooses to have sex that she's never going to have sex.

With Deonna I'm wondering if she's just somewhat asexual.  She's had sex before.  Granted it's been a long time as far as we know, but what's the big deal?  Sex can be fun.  If she's not getting anything from it then there are things that can be done to address that situation.  If she is asexual though that could be a problem down the road.  

Matt is lying.  I want to like Amber, but I'm sorry... if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck... then it's a Matt.  So Matt is acting like he doesn't care, mumbling through his response and she's just ignoring all of it.  His way of avoiding actually discussing the situation with her was to just be quiet and look anywhere around the room but at Amber until she's done talking.

These couples are so frustrating.  Yet I'll be here next week to see what happens next!

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3 hours ago, topanga said:

I think Iris has some real hang-ups about sex. It’s not just about her waiting for marriage or the right relationship. She seems repulsed by sex.

Agreed. It has become clear that it's not a religious issue like she claims; it's a disgust and fear issue.

Keith has been approaching Iris like she's one of the kids he coaches, using a calm, adult, rational tone. That could come off as patronizing/insulting, but Iris is acting like a 10-year-old so I can't be mad.

Deonna's compliments to Greg were really well thought out and sweet. I hope they eventually arrive at a good place wrt their individual libidos. I'm rooting hard for them!

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3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yeah, I don't buy anything out of Matt's mouth.  Amber is a fool to just forgive him like that and act like "everything's OK now" just because he came back home and gave some mumbling incoherent "excuse".  She is THE most desperate woman I've seen in a very long time.  The look on his face when he looks away from the camera tells me he knows he's lying and trapped in this relationship and has to put on the act to look like he really cares about her and the marriage.  But it's obvious to EVERYONE that he doesn't.  Even as Dr. Pepper said Amber was being too easy on Matt for what he did, SHE HERSELF was being too easy on him!  Sure, she confronted him head on, but even THAT wasn't enough.  She ended up ruining it by claiming she thinks Matt just "doesn't get it", as if that absolves him of some of the blame for his behavior or makes it somehow better behavior.  I was very angry at her for that.  Stop making excuses for bad behavior, especially when it's obvious that the guy is a total ASS.  Amber is right that he was not ready for a relationship but she should look in the mirror.  Anyone that desperate and with such a low sense of self worth like her is not ready either.  It is really painful to watch them!

She don’t love herself. 

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Iris really believes that her virginity is something tremendously special.  She gets mad when he says sex is a factor on decision day.  Is she expecting him to be celibate?  Sweetheart, trust me, Keith has plenty of options - and many of them are younger and hotter than you.

E is crazy and she's lying about Jamie mistreating the dogs, they clearly prefer to be with him.  She tried a no sex power play and Jamie handled it well.  She caved but I'm sure she'll try again later.  I'll believe she really has a UTI when I see her taking a prescription.  Until then, I don't believe a word she says.

I'm convinced Matt is slow (is that sensitive enough that I won't get banned?).  He literally can't form a complete sentence.  Um, I uhl-ways be positive presence in ya life (inflected to convey that he believes this was a deep thought).  Let poor Amber know when you intend to start being that...

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What the heck did I just watch.

Amber was interrupting the Pepper to defend Matt while the Pepper was pointing out what a tool move that was? Matt is beyond indifferent and she is just ridiculous. The big smile, the forced hug and the rest were incredible. She rewarded him for the meltdown she’d had the night before, his nonchalant Grand Entrance and watching him sit there playing stupid.  WTG Amber.  Buy a clue.  

I don’t usually talk about Jamie and Elizabeth because they’re disgusting together. They’re still disgusting together. 

Still think Deonna is as cold and haughty as they come and that that boy is gonna live a hard life always seeking her approval and now begging for sex.  She had to give him crap for buying her liquid rather than pill form meds. Her compliments included “I like your mint green shirt”... She’s awful.  I feel sorry for him.

Iris and Keith are more complicated because they seem to get along even though she flips out over stupid stuff and is a walking book of non-negotiable rules but The Big V elephant in the room really became a thing this week. She seems to believe he should be as impressed with it as she is and he seems to find that assertion debatable.  I thought there was hope for her because she doesn’t come off as cold as the block of ice with Greg but I agree with others here that there may be a whole lot more to her decision than religion, etc. and only he can decide how important that will be down the road.  

Still liking, admiring and appreciating Keith for being the only one so far with no annoying quirks with Greg being a close second.  The other six were definitely single for a reason and probably should have stayed that way.   jmho

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2 minutes ago, Kareem said:

Still liking, admiring and appreciating Keith for being the only one so far with no annoying quirks with Greg being a close second.  The other six were definitely single for a reason and probably should have stayed that way.   jmho

I agree! Big Red hasn't matured past the age of 16.

Amber's quick forgiveness and excuses for Matt's behavior just gave him the green light to do it again because there were no consequences at all for what he did. He even made a snide comment in his TH that he didn't appreciate being scolded like a child by Dr. P. What a douche!

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2 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

I'm convinced Matt is slow (is that sensitive enough that I won't get banned?).  

Oh, don't worry I was already calling him dumb and worse by episode 2.

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Wow! Amber folded so quickly. Her self esteem is non existent... and then defending him when Dr Pepper visited? 

Deonna and Greg are so adorable. They are super low key and seem to share a similar sense of humor. I really hope they work out and her reticence is just on camera and she will be better when filming stops. 

But, where is Deonna if she isn't on that talk show with Jamie Otis? I hope things didn't take a turn for the worst... 

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Amber: "I don't care if you stay out until 2 or 3, I just wanted you to come home." Matt: "Um ..." AMBER GIRL. And then to defend Matt to Dr. Pepper ... Lord, I just want to give her a hug and the name of a real therapist. Matt would have come home if he wanted to come home. He doesn't. If his next girlfriend is someone he wants to come home to, he will come home to her. Amber's not it for him.

Jamie: "So you moving out or nah?" They don't even like each other. He also has a smug, smirking way of speaking to her. I don't think he respects her. (Though that full moon circle really was weird. He was clearly trying not to laugh.)

10 hours ago, PityFree said:

Iris:  “I can’t change being a virgin!”

Me: ...

I died. GIRL. That's ... actually pretty easy to change.

Iris, it's pronounced "applicable." Her look of sheer revulsion was ... I agree with whoever said her virginity isn't a religious issue, it's more of a repulsion issue. It's also kind of shocking that she appears to have no concept of sex. Like, has she ever seen an R-rated movie?

The suit game is cool. Did I hear Greg made empanadas? Greg, call me if this doesn't work.

Fast-forwarded through Jamie and Elizabeth's sexy dance. Nope. Iris and Keith having to hold hands for the whole game reminded me of a man I went on a date with who unexpectedly grabbed my hand as I was eating, which was kind of weird (he yanked it), and I actually needed both hands to eat my food. 

I find it refreshing to see Deonna wrap her hair at night. However ... bimonthly sex? 

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 Keith is tired of Iris' facial contortions of disgust when they discuss sex...doggy style is vanilla...amirite?

Her ideas about sex are crazy for cocoa puffs....

Keith is right to pull back and take sex off the table...

Three weeks into this sham marriage, Keith should just pack up his peniz because he doesn't need the aggravation of her ire when they get divorced and she accuses him of stealing her virginity.

Iris will point her bony finger at him and make him a bad man...a thief of her honor...not worth it...

Keith called it correctly last night...Iris is too immature to have sex.

Iris thinks her virginity

-makes her, extra extra extra special...she puts herself on a very high pedestal

-Gives her reason to lord her virginity over women who gave it up before marriage

- makes her  morally superior

- is something she to protect and defend against less worthy men

-she has to be extra sure that the man(ley) is worthy of the gift of being the first...

he has to be the ONE and ONLY man to go where NO Man has gone before...

Iris FEARS that once she relents her virginity, she will be cast aside by that man(ley)

.....and she will just be powerless

Edited by humbleopinion
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Keith will go along playing house with Iris and her stupid rules...because he looks caring and patient...

  Keith is the perfect Ken to her Barbie...both are admired for being good looking, get along well enough, their segments will have them go through the motions of married life.. chugging Homestead Lemonade over breakfast...

Keith, use the cover of your real grief and mourning for your beloved Grandmother as the reason for no more pushing towards sexual intimacy...

Your Grandmother has your back and is provided the perfect out for leaving the unconsummated marriage...she is helping you from the grave...

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Iris has some issues.  Her virginity seems to be a huge part of her identity. The way she reacted to even discussing sex was the same way I did when I was about 13. By 16 I was able to openly discuss sex even though I was still a virgin.  I would expect by 27 she could have an adult conversation. 

I think the "experts" put these couples together just for the ratings.  No way where Matt and Deonna ready to get married.

Matt playing dumb that he didn't know he should have come home is ridiculous.  Amber seems really desperate since she went right back to him after that. He is not interested in her.

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23 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Keith will go along playing house with Iris and her stupid rules...because he looks caring and patient...

  Keith is the perfect Ken to her Barbie...both are admired for being good looking, get along well enough, their segments will have them go through the motions of married life.. chugging Homestead Lemonade over breakfast...

Keith, use the cover of your real grief and mourning for your beloved Grandmother as the reason for no more pushing towards sexual intimacy...

Your Grandmother has your back and is provided the perfect out for leaving the unconsummated marriage...she is helping you from the grave...

You've given me something to think about. Keith is really nice and pleasant, but I have to think he's bored. And horny. 

Talking to Iris all day and eating her so-so cooking can only be so entertaining. 

I'd have to think he gets frustrated by Iris always touching him and rubbing him and playing in his hair, but even having a conversation about having sex makes her squirm and brings her to tears. At some point, if not now, he's got to be thinking, "I don't need this crap. I could be out here using these three condoms." 

At the very least, Iris could think of sex as a way to help Keith forget about his grandmother for a few minutes. 

Keith is no Jon, however. One big difference is that Jon felt Molly owed him sex--and he told her this repeatedly. Keith has not expressed anything remotely like that, but even I'm wondering what Iris's problem is. They get along, they're attracted to one another, and they're married. So what in the world is she waiting for? She did say she needs to trust Keith, but I think that's just an excuse. Is it the lemonade? I think Iris is still mad about the lemonade. 

8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yeah, I don't buy anything out of Matt's mouth.  Amber is a fool to just forgive him like that and act like "everything's OK now" just because he came back home and gave some mumbling incoherent "excuse".  She is THE most desperate woman I've seen in a very long time.  The look on his face when he looks away from the camera tells me he knows he's lying and trapped in this relationship and has to put on the act to look like he really cares about her and the marriage.  But it's obvious to EVERYONE that he doesn't.  Even as Dr. Pepper said Amber was being too easy on Matt for what he did, SHE HERSELF was being too easy on him!  Sure, she confronted him head on, but even THAT wasn't enough.  She ended up ruining it by claiming she thinks Matt just "doesn't get it", as if that absolves him of some of the blame for his behavior or makes it somehow better behavior.  I was very angry at her for that.  Stop making excuses for bad behavior, especially when it's obvious that the guy is a total ASS.  Amber is right that he was not ready for a relationship but she should look in the mirror.  Anyone that desperate and with such a low sense of self worth like her is not ready either.  It is really painful to watch them!

Amber makes me sad but also frustrates me. Learn to love yourself, woman. Forget about Matt's trifling ass. 

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I could go on for pages about Amber and Matt today but will just say that Amber is a gullible fool who is willing to forgive anything. Is it a surprise that she gave her paychecks to her last boyfriend? Is Matt just dumb? I mean like IQ of a dish cloth? Stupid in a duh way? If not, he’s a good actor. I can’t buy that though because of the Amber selfie cam when she said he was furious at her saying she’ll support him, but he acted like nothing happened when the camera was on. I wonder how often he is truly mean to her off camera and she keep coming back like a kicked dog. 

Sad for Keith. That sucks. I seriously just have no interest in these two. It's the same conversation over and and over again and their coupling just reeks of a set up. 

Jamie seems to delight in very calmly saying things that will enrage Elizabeth. He talks like a disinterested robot when they are having a serious conversation. That would drive me bonkers. Is it a thing to have a huge ass glass container of limes on an end table in the living room? Okay, so I never heard of burning sage or whatever it was that she did when they moved in and now this moon circle? Putting water outside to charge up? I just LOVE when Elizabeth told Jamie to close his eyes, that you could see the little doggie in the frame on the couch with eyes closed. SO cute!

Deonna is saying nicer things to Greg but boy is it uncomfortable to watch these two.  She is too distant and unclear about how she feels and what she wants. She said sex is important to Greg, she’d be okay with having it every other month, and that’s something that they’ll have to figure out. Not seeing Greg being happy with that. I mean, if you are living with/married to someone that you are attracted to, you can feel it emanating off the other person. Deonna seems utterly disinterested in Greg and maybe even everyone. Having done the deed doesn't seem to have loosened her up or made her investment in the relationship more real. It reminds me of Jasmine saying she wants to “flip his switch” about Will. Greg wants more than anything to flip her switch but I’m not sure she has one.

When Keith and Iris were doing their exercise they were asking each other questions specific to their relationship: “What upsets you the most in OUR relationship,” but both of them said things in generic terms: “When the OTHER person does X and only thinks of themselves,” instead of “It upsets me when YOU…..” I thought their answers rendered the exercise useless. 

I didn't see a preview for next week. I either looked away too soon or they buried it in the Marrying Millions show. 

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2 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

Is Matt just dumb?


He's either supremely stupid or very evil for signing up to be married at first sight, since he also has no desire at all to establish a life anywhere with Amber (or probably anyone) because he's a voluntarily homeless person.

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5 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

I'm convinced Matt is slow (is that sensitive enough that I won't get banned?).  He literally can't form a complete sentence.  Um, I uhl-ways be positive presence in ya life (inflected to convey that he believes this was a deep thought).  Let poor Amber know when you intend to start being that...

Amber thinks her husband is hot. She can't see the forest through the trees!

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8 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

Okay, so I never heard of burning sage or whatever it was that she did when they moved in and now this moon circle? Putting water outside to charge up? 

I've heard of burning sage and do it when I move into a new place (I believe the ritual has roots in Native American tradition; it's thought to cleanse a person or space). Never heard of a full moon ceremony and laughed out loud when she said she was "just going to put this moon water out here," and they were just regular glasses of water. I don't know, that was just funny to me.

11 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

She said sex is important to Greg, she’d be okay with having it every other month, and that’s something that they’ll have to figure out.

Yeah ... if Deonna's sex drive is really that low, that's a huge issue. I wouldn't stay with someone who only wanted sex six times a year. Every long-term relationship goes through ebbs and flows when it comes to sex, but to set bimonthly as the standard? Nah, we're not romantically compatible and good luck to you.

1 minute ago, OnTime said:

Amber thinks her husband is hot. She can't see the forest through the trees!

I think it's a combination of lust and fear of abandonment/low self-esteem. She's like a living version of the song "Love Kernels" from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

I was struck by how generic those apartments are this episode. They don't look homey at all.

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So for some reason I sometimes see things differently!  Listening to Matt talking about leaving home at 16 then bouncing around high schools then I'm sure a basketball scholarship to college.

I'm guessing he was mediocre in basketball and that's why he plays on b teams overseas.  He's never known family, birthdays, parents cheering on the sidelines and coming home for Christmas!

That makes me sad for that little boy lost.

I hope he sees Amber for all of the above he missed out on.  I hope he starts to love and value her!

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12 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Matt's fantasy with Amber is staying out all night and her not being there when he gets back.

This comment is so wrong and yet so right!

11 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

No huzzband of 2 weeks worth using a day off just because you freaked yourself out.

Go in and show a Disney film to your classes while you weep quietly at your desk.

Amber’s over reaction is not healthy, it should give Matt pause to the off the charts level of Insecurity.

Matt, Take a b-ball gig far far away....

I'm embarrassed for Amber because now everyone will know WHY she had called out of work that day. I would have kept that to myself (or at least off-camera). (Even explaining it away as a "family emergency" [i.e. my husband is "missing"] would have sounded better.)

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5 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm guessing he was mediocre in basketball and that's why he plays on b teams overseas. 

In fairness to Matt, playing overseas is more than many, many people get to do, and means he's above average in basketball. Like, he may be mediocre as compared to the NBA, but I'm sure he's much, much better than, say, my brother, who was good in high school, played intramural in college, and now plays in a pick-up game once a week. Or someone I used to work with who had a scholarship to play in college and after that, settled into a sales job and plays once or twice a week at the gym. Most people don't get to earn a living playing a sport.

Amber and Matt are kind of two sides of the same coin. Matt left home early and instead of that causing him to want a connection and to put down roots, he seems determined to be transient (though I maintain that when he meets a woman who makes him want to settle down, he will settle down - or at least TRY to settle down). Amber's mom left and that makes her want to cleave to something, anything, that makes her feel like she has family. It's interesting that Matt is her safe place after three weeks - what about her aunt and uncle that she sees every week? Her identical twin sister?

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13 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Amber. Girl. It's been less than a month. You're doing way too much. Not going to work because a stranger didn't come home?

Girl wash your face!

I'm perfectly fine with her reaction, given that she has significant issues with abandonment.  I didn't know that going into last week's 'Where is my Husband?' scene.  Knowing this now, I'm extremely understanding of her reaction.  Nothing is worse than beginning to invest oneself in someone and having them disappoint in such a major way.  I agreed completely with Pepper's analysis on this and taking him to task for his behavior.  Even if she didn't have issues with abandonment, disappearing overnight with no contact is absolutely heinous, but it just made her feel horrible and truly abandoned once again.

She was more forgiving than she should've been.  Were it to happen again, I would totally agree with her saying divorce on decision day.

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Matt is one of the worst spouses of all time for me, including Dead Inside Luke and Restraining Order Ryan. Not only doesn't he care about other people's feelings, I'm not sure he understands that they have them. It's likely that willful stupidity and selfishness isn't a new pattern for him; a five-minute convo with one of his exes would be illuminating.

It's also easier and easier for me to see why he chooses to be estranged from his entire family.

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5 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

Iris really believes that her virginity is something tremendously special. 

It is to her.  It's a very personal decision.  She's made a lifetime commitment to be real sure about to whom she gives it up.  There are religious components to these decisions, but my guess is she needed a long-term relationship with a guy before she could make the decision that this was the one.  Getting married at first sight was the wrong path for her, because there's that decision day nonsense hanging over her head.  She gives it up, he says divorce and now she's lost the most important thing in her life to someone who didn't earn it.

I may not agree with this approach, but that's how she's probably seeing it.  And the whole thing is terrifying to her.  Either way, she loses.  She gives it up or she doesn't give it up, but she will most likely end up divorced.

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2 minutes ago, b2H said:

It is to her.  It's a very personal decision.  She's made a lifetime commitment to be real sure about to whom she gives it up.  There are religious components to these decisions, but my guess is she needed a long-term relationship with a guy before she could make the decision that this was the one.  Getting married at first sight was the wrong path for her, because there's that decision day nonsense hanging over her head.  She gives it up, he says divorce and now she's lost the most important thing in her life to someone who didn't earn it.

I may not agree with this approach, but that's how she's probably seeing it.  And the whole thing is terrifying to her.  Either way, she loses.  She gives it up or she doesn't give it up, but she will most likely end up divorced.

If true, that makes it even more pathetic.

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12 hours ago, Soup333 said:

She’s [Iris] obsessed with being Iris the Virgin. I don’t know that obsessed is the right word but I don’t know how else to say it. It’s such a part of her identity that I don’t think she’ll be willing to have sex in three months, six months, etc. 

True that.

Her own identity is based on avoiding intercourse.  In her immature glory protecting her vajayjay is as important to her as protecting her hand washing sink for face washing.  (It just occurred to me there was no tooth brushing sink, or shaving sink.)

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13 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

And just like that Amber is back all over Matt like a spider monkey. She really can't read a room because the look on that man's face...

Her students probably get away with "The dog ate my homework."

12 hours ago, Mercolleen said:

Their card game is very cute.

I thought their hand-holding and their kiss were very awkward, though.

12 hours ago, Cammi said:

Is it just me, or does it seem the women are with holding sex as means of punishment/control? Amber not included. 

Matt wishes he Amber would punish him.

10 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Greg got birthday sex and Deonna got a case of nausea shortly after...any connection?

At first least she didn't say the words repulsed and dead inside.

44 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

He talks like a disinterested robot when they are having a serious conversation. 

And he has sex like a Caucasian? That boy is doomed.

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14 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Matt is one of the worst spouses of all time for me, including Dead Inside Luke and Restraining Order Ryan. Not only doesn't he care about other people's feelings, I'm not sure he understands that they have them. It's likely that willful stupidity and selfishness isn't a new pattern for him; a five-minute convo with one of his exes would be illuminating.

It's also easier and easier for me to see why he chooses to be estranged from his entire family.

Oh, I bet he leaves people hanging all the time.

It is interesting that there's been ZERO discussion of Amber meeting any member of his family. She could meet his parents individually. Siblings, cousins. Whatever. Nope. He hasn't offered (because she means nothing to him) and she hasn't asked (because she's a dolt).

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