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S15.E13: Week 11: Finale Part 2

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9 minutes ago, neece26 said:

Tyler did say that he watched the season with his friends and family so hopefully now that he saw the good, the bad and the ugly side of Hannah, he knows that he dodged a huge bullet with her.   He has to have more self-esteem than to settle for being someone's third choice, right?  

It might be different if she'd had an epiphany about her choices, but really, if Luke had been more self aware, she'd have been with him.  Likewise if Jed's ex hadn't gone to the press.

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If Hannah really wanted Tyler, what she should have said was: "My whole relationship with Jed was based on a lie I had no way of knowing about until the very end. I was already struggling, and if not for this lie, I'd probably be happily engaged to Tyler. So I resent Jed for clouding my judgment for so long and I regret losing the opportunity to go all in with Tyler and get to the point where we could be engaged."

Something along those lines would have been great. Instead, she... asked him out for a drink? It seemed like she just wanted to go on a date with a hot guy, not that she had any real regrets about choosing the wrong man to marry when the right man was there all along. You guys nearly got engaged, you're not old high school buddies. I felt it was disingenuous to pretend to start from scratch. 

I am not a Hannah hater - she was always too young for the lead. I myself made awful choices at 23. Thank goodness it wasn't on national TV. I want her to have a happy ending, but I also want Tyler as Bachelor. I can't have both but I believe one or the other will happen.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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I was disappointed in this finale.  Especially after all the drama build up!  He's always promoting his career which was even his part of the final rose and he was terrible!  I could hardly wait for his song to be over!!!  Make it stop!

Hannah chose wrong.  Now all Tyler will be giving her is a drink!  Peters gone!  Hannah will be lucky to get a shot on Bachelor In Paradise!

I hated this season!  Luke and Jed ruined it!  The good guys got lost in the bs!

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I rather enjoyed watching Jed get his comeuppance. Is that a word? It just got worse and worse as he went on. It was over in his mind? Even though he was still telling the woman he loved her - and not drunk. He is just a terrible person who plays women.

Also my absolute favorite part was him worrying about not wanting to cry on camera. That would have been it for me. That's what you are worried about when our relationship is crumbling? 

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15 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Something along those lines would have been great. Instead, she... asked him out for a drink? It seemed like she just wanted to go on a date with a hot guy, not that she had any real regrets about choosing the wrong man to marry when the right man was there all along. You guys nearly got engaged, you're not old high school buddies. I felt it was disingenuous to pretend to start from scratch. 

I disagree actually. Based on many comments on this board and around social media, many are already convinced that Hannah's interest in Tyler is solely because Jed turned out to be a complete lying tool. That in other words, if Jed didn't have a secret girlfriend while on the show, she'd still be happily engaged to him. 

So acting like she's all in with Tyler immediately would seem disingenuous to many considering they think she's being disingenuous now. Not to mention that as many have pointed out, the last thing Hannah probably needs is to jump right back into any relationship because girlfriend clearly still has some growing up to do. So personally I thought keeping it casual and light and just "let's just have a drink and see what happens" was the right way to go. 

It's what Jason did when he changed his mind about Melissa at the ATFR, He simply asked Molly out on a date. Many people thought Arie was insane to immediately propose to Lauren so soon after breaking things off with Becca. Granted they're married with a baby now but I do think it shows greater maturity to not just rush into another relationship right after one ended. 

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In an effort to find the positive with everything in general, now that it is done I think this was one of the better seasons in recent years. Granted, the bar was pretty low. 

The finale was different so that scores some points for me.  Hannah openly talking about having sex was refreshing.  None of the wink wink and cagey smile we usually get.

She was outspoken and did not shy away from saying what she thought on the spot. 

Her being unsure of who she loved more, until the bitter end, seemed sincere and not the usual forced consternation. 

They have been talking to each other but probably not in person for secrecy sake. 

Peter and Mike were my favorites so either for next bach. Off to find Peter's defense.  

Edited by Trapeze
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A couple things.  How did Jed see this playing out making it all the way to "winner"?  He might have been able to salvage some level of respect if he had just bowed out earlier.  Get far enough along and then either do something to make Hannah not give you a rose or simply don't accept one and remove yourself from the running.  Then he could have just disappeared into somewhat obscurity but still have gotten the exposure he desired.  Would really like to know his thought process.  

And I really don't see how Hannah feels justified berating Luke for questioning her on her sexcapades merely days before he could have been actually proposing to her but then she has issues with Jed for sleeping with a girl before he even got involved with her at all.  Hannah, thy name is HYPOCRITE.  

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29 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I hated this season!  Luke and Jed ruined it!  The good guys got lost in the bs!

And she said that.  The whole experience was taken away from her.  That was in her monologue at ATFR.  She was incredibly naive and wrapped up in her own feeling of needing to be adored, rather than paying attention to all the signals she was given.  She got no help from the producers.  The help the guys were offering her was ignored as not paying enough attention to her.

This was a horrid season and should set off warning bells to anyone even remotely considering participating in this show on any level.  This was beyond a massive fail - it showed how manipulative and ratings driven the producers are and how inconsequential the participants are, except as cost centers and revenue generators.

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I was ticked off at how gracious Hannah was when Jed apologized to her, as opposed to her vicious attack on and humiliation of Luke for a far lesser offense.  

I know most of you guys and most viewers detested Luke, but I think he was vulnerable to the production crew's manipulations and in real life he has a good heart.  I was very glad his name wasn't even mentioned during the finale for further bashing 

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15 hours ago, CindyBee said:

Even though I've been spoiled, this is brutal to watch this girl dump one of the best guys ever on this stupid show.  Its like if Ashley Hebert would have dumped JP!

SCRIPTED.  As soon as she picked Jed, I knew Tyler was coming back.

Edited by Gem 10
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Can they really claim it's the most dramatic ever when I pretty much knew what was going to happen?  I don't check out spoilers or anything but had heard something about Jed having a girlfriend.

And the night before, when they clearly wanted us to think it was Tyler because everything went so well and her parent's loved him etc.  And everything about Jed was awkward.    It was obvious to me she was picking Jed.  

Well, Ok,  I didn't expect him to bring his guitar.     And I didn't think she would set up a date with Tyler at the end.  But I don't find either of those things shocking or dramatic.  

So no,   I know they tried but they did not pull of the most dramatic finale ever.  I don't think I am that clever or insightful, so I'm pretty sure most people saw that ending coming.  

Did they announce the next bachelor and I missed it? 

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1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

That in other words, if Jed didn't have a secret girlfriend while on the show, she'd still be happily engaged to him. 

Thats whats I suspect. Hell, I think she is still kind of bitter that Luke didn't work out, as he was clearly the forerunner for quite awhile, she kept him around WAY longer than anyone else would have, and she was practically coaching him as to what to say whenever he did and said increasingly bizarre things. She basically wanted to turn him into the guy she wanted to like because she was super attracted to him and his religious beliefs, but eventually she had to leave him when she realized that keeping him around made HER look bad. Then she was all about Jed who, much like Luke, is big on gestures and saying the right thing, but is also increasingly clearly fake as hell, but she really wanted him to be her guy, so like with Luke she ignored the obvious signs and just plowed ahead. When Jed showed his true colors in ways that even she couldn't ignore with the secret girlfriend and being here for the Wrong Reasons, she had to leave him, even though he was her top pick. Mostly I think it was the girlfriend though, she couldn't let slide. If he didn't have that girlfriend, even if every sign said that he was here for his music career and not her, I think there is a possibility that she would have stayed engaged to him. I think she dreamed of Jed and Luke as her last two guys, personally. But then Luke's increasingly strange and creepy behavior, mostly that diner where he gave her the big sex bad lecture and then got angry, made it impossible for even her to ignore, and Jed has a girlfriend. If Luke had just shut up during that diner and apologized, or if she never found out about Jeds girlfriend, I think she would be with one of those two.

So Tyler isn't just her second choice, he was her THIRD choice.

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24 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I've seen this comment multiple times last night and I really feel like it's a strawman's argument. The difference here is that Luke signed on for a show where the lead would be dating and yes, having intimate (intimate doesn't automatically equal sex) relationships with multiple people. He knew this.

BUT.... I still say the argument (to quote Pesci) does hold water because I don't care in what circumstances you are in, unless you're truly a ho, when would you ever ever find three guys all at once you actually want to sleep with in the same week?  IRL, you have to date ten guys before you find even ONE you might consider sleeping with.  You know each and every guy in the Fantasy Suite in their own mind are believing that they are so far ahead of the other guys and she couldn't possibly have "those" feelings for all of them at the same time -- regardless of what they think they signed up for.   After all, he does want to propose in a couple of days.  So Luke not wanting her if she slept with somebody else only two days before versus her not wanting Jed because he slept with somebody else weeks before seems a parallel argument to me.  I'm not excusing his lying or anything because Hannah probably would have been okay with it even if he had actually broken it off with the girl even on the tarmac right before he stepped onto the plane.  I'm just calling out her hypocricy.

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10 minutes ago, mishap said:

Did they announce the next bachelor and I missed it? 

That doesn't generally happen until late the Bachelor in Paradise.  The last few seasons, they've used BiP to redeem Nick and test drive audience feelings about Colton.

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Tyler has been flirting with Hannah since the people article on sm. I do believe they’ve been talking. He probably hit her up after the breakup. For whatever reason, he wants her. I remember he was spotted in LA weeks back and people assumed it was for bachelor talks, and that might’ve been part of it. They might have asked him if he wanted the role and he declined and said he wanted to give it another go with Hannah. Tyler did not get the typical F2 set up.  They’ve saved him for last and gave him one segment with Hannah, no segment alone talking about how heart broken he was (Pete got like 30 mins for a bachelor audition). This reunion has been in the works probably since the article dropped. They just wanted it to be a surprised. JMO

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Lying/cheating aside, Jed is just so dull; absolutely no personality. He doesn't really emote and seems to continually have a confused/bored look on his face at all times. Every time he speaks, he looks like he's genuinely struggling to find words to be able to string together a sentence. Also, that was the most unenthusiastic proposal ever. He could've been reading/singing the ingredient list on a cereal box and I don't think it would've been much different. Hannah, you really pictured yourself spending the rest of your life with that guy? I'm genuinely at a loss...

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14 hours ago, UGAmp said:

Oh man. Now I seriously have my hopes up that Tyler will be on DWTS in the fall. He did almost minor in dance in college after all! 😉

I’ll even put up with him (fake?) dating Hannah during the show because you know he will cruise to the Final 3 so he’ll be on our screens for a long, absolutely glorious time. *fingers crossed*

If Tyler is on DWTS, I’ll start watching again.

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Jedd didn't even look like he cared enough to argue with her during the "break-up." She was also way too calm. She had definitely already dumped him. There was no Hannah Beast.

I agree that she should have said she made a mistake. I watched an interview with her today and they asked her if she considered choosing Jedd as a mistake. She said she didn't want to say that since she grew up as a person and it made her realize she wants a husband but doesn't need one. I get that, but she could say that she was grateful for that realization while also saying that she should have chosen Tyler to start with.

He did not look like someone that is interested in her, to me. She definitely looks interested in him. She was all giggles and huge smiles on Kimmel and on GMA when talking about him. He does not look like that to me.

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51 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

That doesn't generally happen until late the Bachelor in Paradise.  The last few seasons, they've used BiP to redeem Nick and test drive audience feelings about Colton.

Oh, ok.  Thanks.     I have not watched Bachelor in Paradise, and i know they announced Hannah at the end of Colton's season, but maybe it is different for the bachelorettes.  

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16 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

I'm trying to remember if I've ever seen the rejected Bachelor wish the Bachelorette well with the other guy. I feel like it had to have happened before but I don't remember it. In any case, super class, Tyler. You lucked out.

Charlie to Trista, first season. There might have been a few others but Charlie is the one that comes to mind.

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39 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

She didn't not want Jed because he slept with someone, she didn't want him because he LIED to her, pretended he was single and he wasn't. Hannah did not lie to Luke. Hannah was openly dating multiple guys because that's the premise of the show that Luke CHOSE to sign up for. 

But the premise of the show is not necessarily to sleep with anyone besides the one they’re going to pick. And if they do, they don’t tell. Kaitlin got a lot of hate for sleeping with Nick when everyone knew she was going to pick the other guy. Luke was led to believe that he was the one and was also led to believe that Hannah was waiting until marriage or at least engagement. Let’s consider what she told Colton on his season. She said she wished she had never had sex so she could be a virgin for her husband. So if Luke thought he was F1 because of what Hannah was saying behind the scenes and also thought she had the same views about sex, he casually mentioned what he thought was a given. He basically raised a hypothetical question, not thinking Hannah had already had sex with Peter and whomever else. So she was lying to Luke about who she was and Jed didn’t tell Hannah about gf before the season. I can’t hate Jed about this anymore if Hannah is getting away with it. This is the first season that I remember where sex was treated so casually and the lead wasn’t roasted for even mentioning the possibility of sex in the fantasy suites. The show owes Kaitlin a big apology for making her the villain, while Hannah is some kind of hero for spreading her legs. She’s not a hero and she wasn’t slut shamed so she can stop saying it now. 

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56 minutes ago, Mswldflwr said:

So Luke not wanting her if she slept with somebody else only two days before versus her not wanting Jed because he slept with somebody else weeks before seems a parallel argument to me.  I'm not excusing his lying or anything because Hannah probably would have been okay with it even if he had actually broken it off with the girl even on the tarmac right before he stepped onto the plane.  I'm just calling out her hypocricy.

But I don't think the problem she had with Luke was simply that he didn't want her if she slept with somebody else two days before.  I think the problem she had was that Luke proclaimed from a values perspective that she was wrong for having slept with somebody else two days before and that he would leave if she had.  Big, big difference.  And then it further pissed her off that he backed away from what he said when he saw that she wasn't falling into line, and he went into more of his mumbo-jumbo about how that wasn't what he meant.  And what seemed to seal it was when he said that he didn't care about what she had said regarding clarity and he didn't believe she'd found it.

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I thought she showed Jed a lot of grace and he's currently on social media liking posts saying he's better off without her and she has no right to judge him because she was sleeping around. That pretty much shows how much he cared about Hannah...zero! I'm not Hannah's biggest fan but Jed is the worst and doesn't look like he'll be changing anytime soon.  

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13 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

So if Luke thought he was F1 because of what Hannah was saying behind the scenes and also thought she had the same views about sex, he casually mentioned what he thought was a given.

That is all hypothetical. Unless Hannah told Luke he was F1, him thinking he was is on him and his own assumption. And as for what she may have been saying about sex behind the scenes, again all hypothetical, because we did not see this. But what we DID see was Hannah making it clear to Luke she was not impressed with his questioning her actions when she had her naked bungee jumping date with Garrett.

And she was clear in that conversation that he didn't get to say what she could or could not do with her body. So the notion that things were being said to him behind the scenes doesn't gel with what we actually saw on this show. Especially the fact that we saw a lot of Luke hearing what HE wanted to and deciding that what Hannah says if it didn't work for him was simply not true and he'd ignore it. 

No one is saying the show is about sleeping with multiple people. However it IS about dating and being intimate with multiple people and choosing someone out of that. Hannah sent one guy home the first night for still dating someone a day before coming on the show and she gave all the guys an out by making it clear if they were dating anyone still while coming on the show, to level with her or leave.

Jed knew he was guilty of this and stayed and said nothing. That was misleading and deceptive on his part. And as I noted above, Hannah did seem to forgive Jed for being misleading about having a girlfriend up until a week before coming on the show. What she dumped him for was his still not being fully honest and lying that the relationship ended because it clearly didn't.

So as I said, no amount of twists and turns will convince me this is similar to what happened with Hannah and Luke. Not to mention that as I've said, I never had any interest in getting into the sex/no sex debate about the Luke and Hannah situation. My issue with Luke was the glaring controlling and manipulative red flags that came across in his behavior. And now I'm done because I refuse to have a back and forth on this because it will simply become repetitive. So agree to disagree. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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46 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Thats whats I suspect. Hell, I think she is still kind of bitter that Luke didn't work out, as he was clearly the forerunner for quite awhile, she kept him around WAY longer than anyone else would have, and she was practically coaching him as to what to say whenever he did and said increasingly bizarre things. She basically wanted to turn him into the guy she wanted to like because she was super attracted to him and his religious beliefs, but eventually she had to leave him when she realized that keeping him around made HER look bad. Then she was all about Jed who, much like Luke, is big on gestures and saying the right thing, but is also increasingly clearly fake as hell, but she really wanted him to be her guy, so like with Luke she ignored the obvious signs and just plowed ahead. When Jed showed his true colors in ways that even she couldn't ignore with the secret girlfriend and being here for the Wrong Reasons, she had to leave him, even though he was her top pick. Mostly I think it was the girlfriend though, she couldn't let slide. If he didn't have that girlfriend, even if every sign said that he was here for his music career and not her, I think there is a possibility that she would have stayed engaged to him. I think she dreamed of Jed and Luke as her last two guys, personally. But then Luke's increasingly strange and creepy behavior, mostly that diner where he gave her the big sex bad lecture and then got angry, made it impossible for even her to ignore, and Jed has a girlfriend. If Luke had just shut up during that diner and apologized, or if she never found out about Jeds girlfriend, I think she would be with one of those two.

So Tyler isn't just her second choice, he was her THIRD choice.

After the whole season where I was confused about Hannah’s choices, I’ve come to the conclusion that Hannah is drawn to difficult and superficial situations.   She hasn’t had enough experience to appreciate or even judge character.   I don’t judge her harshly because the pageant world puts emphasis on superficiality while pretending to be character building.  And, Hannah is young.  She is going to grow and learn in the next few years.  She will have an opportunity to learn what she truly wants and what she thinks she should want.   

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5 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

I thought she showed Jed a lot of grace and he's currently on social media liking posts saying he's better off without her and she has no right to judge him because she was sleeping around. That pretty much shows how much he cared about Hannah...zero! I'm not Hannah's biggest fan but Jed is the worst and doesn't look like he'll be changing anytime soon.  

She really knows how to pick them. That's part of why I would NOT say that she was a bad Ette or this season was the worst evah. She was a Beast Mode Train Wreck but overall, I was entertained. This is the first season in about 3 or 4 yrs that I have seen every E and I have been around since the Mighty Big TV days reading the great Shack's recaps. There was a lot of talking pts this season which is why it's been big ratings and we got an ending never seen before which is saying something after 17 yrs.

Still. Hannah needs to stay single for a LONG time and never appear on my TV screen ever again. GL, Beast, and Roll Tide.

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4 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

I don't  see it. She seems needy, flighty, not very bright, and easily distracted.  

Hey!  Hi, Tinkerbell!  Exactly!  I watched an episode or two (I'm not a regular) and when I came in much later things were really interesting.  I saw her a bit on Colton's season (wanted to see what the virgin hullaballoo was all about) and thought she was either fun/wacky or unbalanced.  RUN, TYLER, RUN...

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19 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

I thought she showed Jed a lot of grace and he's currently on social media liking posts saying he's better off without her and she has no right to judge him because she was sleeping around. That pretty much shows how much he cared about Hannah...zero! I'm not Hannah's biggest fan but Jed is the worst and doesn't look like he'll be changing anytime soon.  

Wonder what kind of persona his agents will try to create in Nashville.  Villian Guitarman?  Studly Womanizer?  That guy is a loser from the get-go and even his mother knows it.

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7 minutes ago, thehepburn said:

She really knows how to pick them. That's part of why I would NOT say that she was a bad Ette or this season was the worst evah. She was a Beast Mode Train Wreck but overall, I was entertained. This is the first season in about 3 or 4 yrs that I have seen every E and I have been around since the Mighty Big TV days reading the great Shack's recaps. There was a lot of talking pts this season which is why it's been big ratings and we got an ending never seen before which is saying something after 17 yrs.

Yup. I was telling my friend that on sheer entertainment value, it was an awesome season. And the young viewers who watch the show clearly seem to love her, as she's pushing almost 2 million followers on Instagram, highest of any Bachelor contestant, with Tyler behind at 1.4 million. Those two could make some really nice bank shilling on Instagram. 

That said, if one watches the show to see real couples come out of it, Hannah was not a great choice for lead because she was simply too young and too immature in regard to relationships. And her poor choices reflected that. 

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2 hours ago, Mswldflwr said:

but then she has issues with Jed for sleeping with a girl before he even got involved with her at all.  Hannah, thy name is HYPOCRITE.  

Perhaps...but what I got from the discussion was her disgust with the LYING ... and maybe the poor treatment of the "girlfriend."

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2 hours ago, Mswldflwr said:

How did Jed see this playing out making it all the way to "winner"?  He might have been able to salvage some level of respect if he had just bowed out earlier.  Get far enough along and then either do something to make Hannah not give you a rose or simply don't accept one and remove yourself from the running.  Then he could have just disappeared into somewhat obscurity but still have gotten the exposure he desired.  Would really like to know his thought process.  

He made some kind of comment last night that he should have researched the show better before coming on. Granted, the show has been on forever but he doesn't sound like he watched before and didn't have a sense of all the ways people have removed themselves from the show before they get to the FRC. As is, he was the most unbelievable "in-love" contestant I've ever seen in the history of the show, which makes me think he felt zero for Hannah and ended up as the F1 only because he just didn't have the balls to ask the producers what were his options for getting out.

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A moment of clarity has come to me. This show is no longer about finding that Fairy Tale "true love" and hasn't been for some time. It's about ratings, creating drama to be talked about/written about long after the show has ended, resulting in more $$ in the pockets of Fleiss et. al., and the actors (yes, they are following scripts) creating a SM presence so they can live by shilling products online instead of actually having a real job. By "real job," I mean a place of business they leave their house/apartment to go to five days a week from 9-5.

One has to watch this franchise with that in mind. Still, it's entertaining to snark-post live. But it's just not real in so many ways.

Edited by saber5055
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1 hour ago, mishap said:

Oh, ok.  Thanks.     I have not watched Bachelor in Paradise, and i know they announced Hannah at the end of Colton's season, but maybe it is different for the bachelorettes.  

It is because of when filming starts.  Bachelorette filming starts really soon after the Bachelor ends, but Bachelor filming doesn't start until after Bachelor in Paradise, so there is a longer window to announce.  

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41 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

Yup. I was telling my friend that on sheer entertainment value, it was an awesome season. And the young viewers who watch the show clearly seem to love her, as she's pushing almost 2 million followers on Instagram, highest of any Bachelor contestant, with Tyler behind at 1.4 million. Those two could make some really nice bank shilling on Instagram. 

That said, if one watches the show to see real couples come out of it, Hannah was not a great choice for lead because she was simply too young and too immature in regard to relationships. And her poor choices reflected that. 

Exactly, most of these couples don't last anyway. It's hard to say this was entertaining for me because Hannah just seemed so young and in over her head. And then you know production was pulling some strings. but w/e she's fine now, not engaged to a loser, and will make lots of money and has Tyler's number. She's fine.

25 minutes ago, ApolloSun said:

Yes, I have to admit, I was shocked that "the beast" did not rear her ugly head one time last night.  Had she shown such manners and restraint the entire show, I would have a much more positive opinion of her now.

So, why did she hold back?  Especially now that she actually had something tangible to be upset about?  (well, even if she's a hypocrite who loves to sleep around as well.)  

Was she just worn out from the weeks of drama, stomping around the mansion, yelling at whoever dared to challenge her?  I'd actually like to think that she was finally showing genuine emotion and vulnerability and felt betrayed by Jed, but she has been so superficial, egotistical and self-serving, that something makes me think that there was something in it for her to finally be so incredibly reasonable.

She's probably said everything she needed to say to him before ATFR. They had filmed breakup (she already seemed like she knew what she was going to do then) and then there was a later conversation over the phone, I believe Chris mentioned. They probably spoke more than that. 

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The ending was obviously set up (why else would they wait to bring Tyler out till the end) but I think it is very possible that they both want to see what might develop.  She got all caught up in the drama with Luke and then Jed checked a lot of boxes and as someone said upthread she seemed genuinely surprised when she realized that she might be able to see herself with Tyler since he wasn't what she considers her type.  But I am not sure it matters much.  the whole thing has jumped the shark.  Maybe the will have CAM as the next bachelor just so we know they know it is a joke now.

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17 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

Exactly, most of these couples don't last anyway. 

Bachelorettes have actually done way better than the Bachelors.  Out of 15 total including Hannah:  3 married with 2 kids (Trista, Ashley and Desiree) and 3 couples still together and engaged (JoJo, Rachel and Becca).  Even Kaitlyn and Shawn made it 3 years which is pretty good.

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19 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Bachelorettes have actually done way better than the Bachelors.  Out of 15 total including Hannah:  3 married with 2 kids (Trista, Ashley and Desiree) and 3 couples still together and engaged (JoJo, Rachel and Becca).  Even Kaitlyn and Shawn made it 3 years which is pretty good.

That's still just 6 out of 15. Most don't work. Ashley and Desiree also ended up with men whom most didn't think were their first choice.


I'm no tyler and hannah fan but unless Tyler is looking for a virgin, any woman he meets will have slept with other men. If he hooks up with a model or whatever woman he will not know what or who she's done that week or in her past.  

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I can't believe Hannah is about to get to bone the hottest man in the franchise even though she was a poor lead and didn't even want him on the show! It's just not fair. I totally think they will take things slow but are going to eventually get into a relationship. Who knows how long it will last. 

I'm just trying to figure out what Hannah did to deserve this.

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12 minutes ago, XoxoGG said:

I can't believe Hannah is about to get to bone the hottest man in the franchise even though she was a poor lead and didn't even want him on the show! It's just not fair. I totally think they will take things slow but are going to eventually get into a relationship. Who knows how long it will last. 

I'm just trying to figure out what Hannah did to deserve this.

I doubt that anything will happen.  Tyler didn't even touch her.  In People Magazine he said they are friends and it was the wrong time to rush into anything.  I think he was being a gentleman and helping her save face, but why would he accept being her #3.  It's not like she had an epiphany, realized that she loved him and ditched Luke and Jed for him.

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4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

I've seen this comment multiple times last night and I really feel like it's a strawman's argument. The difference here is that Luke signed on for a show where the lead would be dating and yes, having intimate (intimate doesn't automatically equal sex) relationships with multiple people. He knew this.

He wasn't being led on, lied to about those things. And then despite that, felt within his right to say what was unacceptable to him in terms of Hannah's behavior as the lead. And also, as was the common behavior of Luke, he didn't stand behind it because when called out, he claimed that's not what he meant. 

Jed came on the show and presented himself as something he wasn't, i.e. single. I liked that in their taped "break up" (since per Hannah we know the actual break up happened over the phone), Hannah brought up Scott from the first night and asked Jed what he was thinking when she not only sent Scott home but then did address the men and made it clear that if anyone had any secret girlfriend, was dating anyone to be honest or leave now. And he didn't. Hannah I felt in many ways almost suggested that if Jed had explained the situation to her before, she might have been more forgiving for his being honest.

And let's not forget that he did tell her about Hayley, only after they got engaged, so after she'd already made a choice thinking one thing. And he downplayed what it was and she DID forgive him. She admitted it wasn't ideal, she wished he'd told her before but she accepted that okay, it was over before he came on the show and she can't expect every guy to not date anyone at all before they even know they'll be on the show. 

The reason Jed's crap was fucked up is that per the information the ex shared to People Magazine, it showed that she and Jed slept together and so were very much still together right up until the day before he left to be on the show. It revealed his strategizing to be there solely for his career and they only touched on this part, I guess maybe since that wasn't in the big People interview, but there was also all his behavior AFTER getting back from filming when he was theoretically an engaged man. Behavior like inviting women he met in clubs back to his place. I don't see any comparison between this and what happened between Luke and Hannah IMO. 

This is spot on, thanks for writing it out!

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I couldn’t stand Hannah . I have never in all my years of living , seen someone who takes as much time as she does to get out a thought . It was really distracting for me all season to listen to her speak . 

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1 minute ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I couldn’t stand Hannah . I have never in all my years of living , seen someone who takes as much time as she does to get out a thought . It was really distracting for me all season to listen to her speak . 

That wasn't unexpected.  Remember last season when Colton asked her to make a toast (or maybe it was a cheers?!?! LOL) and she froze.

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Us Magazine - Tyler  talks about Hannah


I think that we just both needed to have that time to talk and, you know, just see each other and be there for each other,” Cameron, 26, said on Nick Viall’s “Viall Files” podcastOpens a New Window. on Tuesday, July 30. “I think we have a great relationship, you know, and friendship, and that’s something that doesn’t need to be cut off because that didn’t work out. I think that’s immature.”

During his “Viall Files” appearance, Cameron shared his enthusiasm to reconnect with Brown over drinks. However, he noted that there is “no pressure for anything” to happen between them and added that he aimed to take things “one day at a time.”

“We went through a whole lot together. You know, that was a crazy journey to share and experience with somebody,” Cameron continued. “And I value and cherish our relationship and our friendship and that’s something I don’t wanna just cut off cold turkey because it didn’t work out. … [She’s] someone I would hope to have a drink with and see what happens and take it one step at a time.”

Doesn't sound like he's panting to get back together.

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Well that was...underwhelming. Of course, I was the lone person convinced that Peter was the "winner," so what do I know.

Most laugh out loud moment: when Hannah proclaimed, during her proposal, about how she was grateful for all of her struggles, since they had led her here. Um, can we get a recap of the struggles that she has endured in life? Because I see a good looking, middle to upper class young woman who seems to be adored by her family and her community, who ascended through the pageant world to be come Ms. Alabama and then got selected to be Bachelorette. So her struggles consist of having two relationships that ended?

Hannah, sweetie, as I say to my 1 year old daughter, "why don't you tell me all of your problems, and then I'll tell you all of mine"  

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I laughed when Hannah told Jed that she finally understood his family's reaction to her at the hometown visit; that they knew he had a girlfriend.  Hannah should read here because we all knew it as soon as we saw his hometown visit.

I, too, think Tyler is being kind while keeping his options open.  It's a delicate balance.  He has to be consoling and maybe a bit interested in order to be perceived as a gentleman and compassionate person.  But, he can't be too ready to get back with Hannah or he'll not have additional Bachelor opportunities.  so, he's in a tight place.  I thought he played it well-he was open to "catching up," made it clear that CH would be paying (lol), and supported Hannah in spite of her turning him down.  It will be interesting to see what opportunities come his way.

However, I am a bit concerned about the next season of the Bachelorette.  Hannah has tons of fans, the ratings are up...is it possible they'll give her another season?  Please, no.

Oh, and I don't know how a long-term relationship with her would work.  Once other posters pointed out how she adds a "k" to every word ending with a "g" I couldn't unhear it.  I even replicated it every time she did it in order to understand why that is her speech pattern.  It would drive me crazy...

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