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On 5/15/2019 at 7:39 PM, Bronzedog said:

Naomi doesn’t seem to be suffering, Craig.

Did you not see her look of disgust when he walked in the room with another girl? She is sooooo not over it. So much she spilled her drink on Patricia's couch.  Then got herself together to say hi to his date.  The sour face that Kathryn had for the new girl is the exact face Naomi had for Craig.

She needs to thank her lucky stars she dated him otherwise she wouldn't have her current nice paycheck she's getting. 

On 5/15/2019 at 8:18 PM, Duke2801 said:

Why would Chelsea ask Whitney if he slept with Kathryn? Why wouldn’t she just ask her good friend Kathryn herself? Weird. 

Kathryn looked... not great at that dinner party. That dress was fug.

And then Chelsea said to Austin "he said it never happened...."  so there's obvious some talk behind the scenes about something. Which I'm assuming we'll be shown later otherwise they probably wouldn't have brought it up.

On 5/15/2019 at 10:00 PM, ParadoxLost said:

So did Austen or his girlfriend post the film of her busting him for having a threesome without her in it.  That seemed so fake.  Perfectly placed camera.  .  I assume they were in on it together.

The comment on screen said "hidden camera by girl in Austen's apartment" or something like that.  

  • Love 6
34 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Did you not see her look of disgust when he walked in the room with another girl? She is sooooo not over it. So much she spilled her drink on Patricia's couch.  Then got herself together to say hi to his date.  The sour face that Kathryn had for the new girl is the exact face Naomi had for Craig.

That is not at all how I interpreted that look and Craig is the one who made that awkward by greeting and introducing others to his date but not Naomie.

  • Love 6

I thought Naomi’s new boyfriend seemed a bit snarky toward her and I can only hope that karma will be a bitch! I agree that Craig seems over Naomi but they are both so in love with themselves that neither can imagine the other being over them.  If Craig watched last season I imagine it would be hard to return to that harridan. And if he follows social media he knows that he will never be without some kind of female attention.

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1 hour ago, Dmarie019 said:

Did you not see her look of disgust when he walked in the room with another girl? She is sooooo not over it. So much she spilled her drink on Patricia's couch.  Then got herself together to say hi to his date.  The sour face that Kathryn had for the new girl is the exact face Naomi had for Craig.  

I didn't read it as "Craig walked into the room with another girl" so much as "Craig walked into the room".  

  • LOL 8
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Kathryn has always been awkward and self conscious. She acts like she knows she doesn't fit in and her constant fidgeting is her attempt to calm herself. She can't carry on a conversation without making weird faces. She is trying to hide her extra weight with layers of fabric and it's not working for her. She is a young pretty woman but she has no sense of style and dresses so matronly.  I remember in season 2 I think Cam referred to her as Mrs. Doubtfire because of the way she dressed.

  • Love 10

I enjoyed this episode!  I am so glad they got rid of Thomas and that the show is still entertaining without him. I feel so badly for Kathryn, having to deal with him for the rest of her (or well his) life.

I will be interested to see more of what Metul is like.  He was fairly snarky to her as others have pointed out.  It may just be them bantering - I guess we will see! 

I love Bethany the dog!

Shep's thing with Madison seems dumb and I'm sure he is just mad that he didn't get with beautiful Madison.  His reasoning for hating her makes no sense.  It's not his relationship and if Austen is okay moving on, then just forget it - Austen started it so it's not like his poor lil soul got crushed.  That being said, Austen and Madison's relationship seems problematic at best if the first 8 months were rocky. 

Someone please have Madison or Chelsea do Kathryn and Eliza's hair going forward! And any other female cast member could assist with fashion and make up. I think Kathryn is stunning but her fashion, make up, and hair taste is so ugh.  I AM SORRY IF YOU ARE READING THIS KATHRYN! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!  I looked how she looked when she was trying to play the senator's wife role with Thomas so I can understand her wanting to rebel against that look. It also probably sucks to gain a little weight and then have to be next to the other girls on this show who are freaking RAIL thin!  

Eliza sucks, please get rid of her from this show.  When Austen and Shep are successfully schooling you on how to act, you must have a problem. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Pickles said:

Just Shep's face looked so bad! That drinking really takes a toll on your looks. He looks about 10 years older than his actual age.

Love how Cameran cruises around in her hugely expensive Mercedes and Naomi in her Porsche. I suppose Cameran makes more now than her anesthesiologist husband. If it is to be believed, I read that she and Shep are making $450k this season. Big raises for them. Between that and all of her ads/endorsements on Instagram, Cam is raking it in. Pretty good for no college education.

And it's so ironic, because, in the eternal words of Rachael Green (tm Friends), they both "lift right out."  Neither of them have any real entanglements or interesting relationships with the rest of the cast.  Shep is just sad to watch, and I am way over all Cameron's judgment of others and endless whining about her own cushy, perfect life.  For all she's gone through, Kathryn should be the highest paid member of that cast.  She is the star of this show, for better or for worse.

Edited by JillThePill
spelling is important
  • Love 11

I don't understand Kathryn's sense of fashion.  Admittedly, she makes many, many fashion/make up/hair mistakes, but then, once in a while, she gets it right and knocks it out of the park.  The first Caroline Day ball, for instance.  Also, last season, when she went to Thomas' house one evening, in that cream cape and khaki slim-fit pants, she looked like a million bucks.  I thought she looked amazing at the polo match last season as well.  I think, if she would just stop trying so hard, she would be stunning.  Her obvious insecurity and self-consciousness, though, will probably keep that from happening for some time yet.  

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, Pickles said:

Just Shep's face looked so bad! That drinking really takes a toll on your looks. He looks about 10 years older than his actual age.

Love how Cameran cruises around in her hugely expensive Mercedes and Naomi in her Porsche. I suppose Cameran makes more now than her anesthesiologist husband. If it is to be believed, I read that she and Shep are making $450k this season. Big raises for them. Between that and all of her ads/endorsements on Instagram, Cam is raking it in. Pretty good for no college education.

Cameran’s husband is also a very successful doctor. If Cameran wants to work and be successful in a career that’s fine, but her attempts to suggest she needs to work or come from a humble background are more of her trying to create a persona that’s fake. She doesn’t need the money from this show or a job (completely her choice to pursue them, but not necessary) 

  • LOL 1
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13 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Cameran’s husband is also a very successful doctor. If Cameran wants to work and be successful in a career that’s fine, but her attempts to suggest she needs to work or come from a humble background are more of her trying to create a persona that’s fake. She doesn’t need the money from this show or a job (completely her choice to pursue them, but not necessary) 

In the first season when she is trying to start her real estate career, she says that her husband could leave her at any time or get hit by a bus or something so she doesn't want to be completely dependent on him.  I think she said she was influenced by her parents' divorce.  

27 minutes ago, JillThePill said:

I think, if she would just stop trying so hard, she would be stunning.

I totally agree!  I think she is heavily influenced in her fashion taste by the other Madison who works at Gwynn's.  She probably won't get any better while she is really close with her.

I hate how much they make Ashley the central figure to the whole season's trailer.  Ashley is probably loving that. 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, iloveit said:

Shep's thing with Madison seems dumb and I'm sure he is just mad that he didn't get with beautiful Madison.  His reasoning for hating her makes no sense.  It's not his relationship and if Austen is okay moving on, then just forget it - Austen started it so it's not like his poor lil soul got crushed.  That being said, Austen and Madison's relationship seems problematic at best if the first 8 months were rocky. 

Madison apparently has a reputation in SC as someone who gets around, but then, who really cares?! It's a small town. I don't really get Shep's beef with her. It doesn't seem to be the "you're annoying and I'm going to swat you away like a fly" beef, but something-rooted-deeper beef, maybe even actual anger. 

And it CANNOT be just because she cheated on Austen. It's mighty rich of Shep to preach about the values of fidelity when he himself tried to sneak up on Austen's GF two seasons ago. 

I wonder if it's something like Madison turning him down. Or Madison seeing his pee-pee and it's small and laughed at it.

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I'm not here to be casual about my snarky comments.

Madison looks like a guy.

Kathryn looks puffy and big.  

Austens video was so fake.

Why does Palmer go to "preschool?"  I don't think she can even walk yet.  If Cameran needs a break from the baby that's fine but don't try and dress it up. She goes to daycare. I'm surprised her husband lets Palmer be on screen since he isn't. 

Cameran had no interest in talking to a 22-year-old twit like Eliza. I don't want another little kid on the show, they need to be around the same age group. 

Whitney is still gross but he looks much more handsome than he did Season 1/2 when he was at his douchiest. 

  • LOL 2
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19 hours ago, iloveit said:

I enjoyed this episode!  I am so glad they got rid of Thomas and that the show is still entertaining without him. I feel so badly for Kathryn, having to deal with him for the rest of her (or well his) life.

I will be interested to see more of what Metul is like.  He was fairly snarky to her as others have pointed out.  It may just be them bantering - I guess we will see! 

I love Bethany the dog!

Shep's thing with Madison seems dumb and I'm sure he is just mad that he didn't get with beautiful Madison.  His reasoning for hating her makes no sense.  It's not his relationship and if Austen is okay moving on, then just forget it - Austen started it so it's not like his poor lil soul got crushed.  That being said, Austen and Madison's relationship seems problematic at best if the first 8 months were rocky. 

Someone please have Madison or Chelsea do Kathryn and Eliza's hair going forward! And any other female cast member could assist with fashion and make up. I think Kathryn is stunning but her fashion, make up, and hair taste is so ugh.  I AM SORRY IF YOU ARE READING THIS KATHRYN! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!  I looked how she looked when she was trying to play the senator's wife role with Thomas so I can understand her wanting to rebel against that look. It also probably sucks to gain a little weight and then have to be next to the other girls on this show who are freaking RAIL thin!  

Eliza sucks, please get rid of her from this show.  When Austen and Shep are successfully schooling you on how to act, you must have a problem. 

Eliza sucks, but don't get rid of her. She will be good for the drama. I don't like Naomie, find Chelsea and Cameron mostly boring, but downright fascinating compared to Danni, so I think they need a female to fill the Ashley void since she will be scarce this year. So glad to have this show back though. I do worry about Craig having an active dog though. If you have to worry about your dog darting out, put it in another room or, at the very least, hold it's collar when you open the front door. Not sure he is capable of caring for a dog.

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The show hasn't changed from last year, a group devolved into "Mean Girls."  Kathryn looked like crap, and she acted like a witch to Eliza, who BTW I can't stand. 

I want to feel sorry for Kathryn because she must feel horrible, I mean she's forever connected to Thomas because she has children with him, she can't cut her losses.  But it's very hard to feel sorry for Kathryn when she acts like an entitled witch.  Eliza is young and Kathryn was once young and stupid not too long ago.

  • Love 5

The appeal of this show was in getting a glimpse into the WTF world of Charleston society, where people's value correlates to the number of slaves their forefather's owned and how directly their family caused the Civil War.  

Thomas was the King, Shep was the Prince, Kathryn was the Princess, Whitney was the Valet, JD was the Jester, Patricia was the Dowager Queen, Cameran was the Outsider who understands the rules and Craig was the Outsider who didn't understand the rules.  The further they get from having this hierarchy and the tension surrounding it as the backbone of the show, the less interesting it gets.

Chelsea, Naomi and Austen could be on any bland reality show, from The Bachelorette to The Amazing Race.  Nothing about them is uniquely "Charlestonian" and I'm not interested at all in their lives.

I have hopes that Eliza, who is from Charleston society and still lives within it, will help recenter the show to what it started as.

  • Useful 2
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1 hour ago, ninjago said:

I have hopes that Eliza, who is from Charleston society and still lives within it, will help recenter the show to what it started as.

My hopes are the opposite--that I never see or hear her again.  She's ignorant, lacks class, thinks that money can buy her class™and seems to be in an age group that just doesn't relate to anyone on the show.

™The Countess...

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On 5/17/2019 at 12:53 PM, Heathrowe said:

Not so great on the show. I wonder if the looks and make up that work well for print/photos don't work as well on TV.

The TV professionals should know what looks good--and if Kathryn is in charge of her look, someone needs to intervene.  She needs a more natural look...desperately.  I hope she watched herself on Andy Cohen's show--and took note of her uncomfortable postures and nervous mannerisms.  

  • Love 5
On 5/18/2019 at 2:27 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Whitney is still gross but he looks much more handsome than he did Season 1/2 when he was at his douchiest. 

I found myself thinking he actually looked appealing, which I never expected to think. Erg.

So now I want to see whatever Whitney/Kathryn story there is. It would be horrifically fabulous if it ended in an actual marriage. Chelsea can stick around, Danni just for the upcoming spat, and Patricia's butler for his veiled snark. /Flight of fancy

I'm not looking forward to Shep once again harping on Craig, Austen trying to be the next big thing, Naomi transforming herself into a two-dimensional cartoon, Cam's attempts at witty talking heads...or the birds of a feather twins, Eliza and Ashley. None of this will stop me from recording the series, alas.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, HouseofBeck said:

aomi transforming herself into a two-dimensional cartoon

How is that? She has got a successful business and relationship and actually unlike Craig who just put a coat of not that great applied paint and didn’t care to hide the wires or the oddly placed wine fridge  (not to mention we haven’t seen the disaster zone of a kitchen) on his “remodel” has a lovely finished house a lot of which she did on her own or with friends.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

The TV professionals should know what looks good--and if Kathryn is in charge of her look, someone needs to intervene.  She needs a more natural look...desperately.  

Yes. She looks much better with natural makeup and tailored clothes. But I have to disagree on the style intervention. 

I’m here for Kathryn, wearing fake eyelashes, black lipstick, and mismatched animal print, going totally mute on her next job interview as one or both of her new boobs falls out. 

i hope we get to see “mean Metul in the wild.” I’m living for the day he turns to Naomi and says, “I’m a *doctor.* WTF do YOU do all day?” 

I want to giggle while drunk and disheveled Shep hits on girls half his age without realizing they are laughing at him, not with him. 

I enjoy Cam’s snark. I don’t like Eliza *at all* but she could bring a fun white trash element to the show.  Maybe SHE will hook up with Whitney, if he doesn’t come out of the closet already. 

I do find Patricia’s face disconcerting and find myself staring at it like it’s an exhibit of some strange life form from the bottom of the middle of the ocean (much as I do Tinsley’s mom on RHNY). 

No snark on Craig because while I think he should be medicated, some of his more delusional statements provide comic relief. 

This is a reality TV show, and as such, it is character-driven. Plain vanilla froyo does nothing for the entertainment factor (I’m looking at you, Austen and Chelsea). I do think Austen is upping his douche factor, but even that’s not entertaining so much as it is desperate. 

What I don’t want to see more of is Ashley. She made a great villainess for awhile last season but the Stockholm syndrome with a side of anorexia and cocaine sprinkles is just plain disturbing. Get her off the ONE version of charmed this southerner actually enjoys. I’ll watch her episode of Snapped.  

Just my opinion.

Edited by CringeWatcher
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On 5/17/2019 at 1:39 PM, iloveit said:

In the first season when she is trying to start her real estate career, she says that her husband could leave her at any time or get hit by a bus or something so she doesn't want to be completely dependent on him.  I think she said she was influenced by her parents' divorce.  

I totally agree!  I think she is heavily influenced in her fashion taste by the other Madison who works at Gwynn's.  She probably won't get any better while she is really close with her.

I hate how much they make Ashley the central figure to the whole season's trailer.  Ashley is probably loving that. 

I still don’t buy Cameran’s story. I think there’s what she says to the camera and her actual motivations. Truth is, she has a rich husband who provides a luxurious lifestyle for her. If she wants to sell houses or crap on IG that’s fine, but she’s not the hard-working, independent average girl she wants us to believe she is. At least that’s my opinion. We can agree to disagree. 

  • Love 8

Watching for the third time.  I just love Patricia’s house.  I’d love to just go in and look at everything, like her bedroom, and all the furnishings and things in the house, probably from all around the world.  If only I could convince the hubs to go to Charleston.  Dying to see the whole city.  Love the South, being from the northeast.

  • Love 7

It’s awkward that Cameron’s husband refuses to be on camera and interact with her or accompany her to dinner parties. Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s an interesting cast member but she also feels hollow and above everyone else because she doesn’t share a very large part of her life. I personally think she doesn’t belong on the show. 

  • Love 7

Cameran just seems to be an extra.  She is non-compelling and plays it too safe. She’s just showing up for the paycheck at this point and I’m done with her whining about how hard it is to be a mother. I’m sure Kathryn rolls her eyes too. 

Metul seems a bit machismo to me. Naomi went to the other extreme with him.  He makes me uncomfortable and I find to be too much of a try-hard. 

Eliza looks like she’s on the wrong show. 

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Cameran just seems to be an extra.  She is non-compelling and plays it too safe. She’s just showing up for the paycheck at this point and I’m done with her whining about how hard it is to be a mother. I’m sure Kathryn rolls her eyes too. 

Metul seems a bit machismo to me. Naomi went to the other extreme with him.  He makes me uncomfortable and I find to be too much of a try-hard. 

Eliza looks like she’s on the wrong show. 

Exactly! And you said it perfectly...she’s an extra. An extra in way too many scenes with too much camera time. 

She’s very similar to Whitney, although at least his scenes are limited. He shows up to a few parties and mutters a couple sentences — which is all Cameran should be doing if she’s going to be boring and hide her husband. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, msblossom said:

which is all Cameran should be doing if she’s going to be boring and hide her husband. 

She’s not hiding him he doesn’t want to be on the show and given these fools who can blame them. Not to mention reality show fame is hard on marriages so it’s probably for the best. 

I cant believe this show had two people of color on one episode! I think that’s a record. 

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 9

Similar to some of you here, my husband and my observations were as follows: 

Bravo- stop trying to make muppet mouth Austen happen. It's not working. At all. Now amping it up with this fake 3some story is worse and making the show less watchable.  His GF Madison looks like she is a man and I thought i saw an Adam's apple when she chuckled at one point. 

Naomi digs Metul bc he will treat her like sh** at a moment's notice and she has him on the pedestal as opposed to Craig who had *her* on a pedestal.  I hope Craig stops talking about her and saves what's left of his dignity. Naomi will come to regret choosing this new guy. 

Cameran looks great. All the ladies except Kathryn have whittled away to practically nothing. However, motherhood doesn't quite fit Cam. Something is off and she seems like she wishes to still be "on top of her game." Though I'm willing to bet her "sales awards " were some ass kissing consolation prizes from her Dr. Husband's connections. All those folks are tied in together and sales is a popularity contest as it is. I don't see Cam as a hustler. 

I miss the O.G. cast and would even trade T. Rav back in for Austen, his "girlfriend", Eliza, & Naomi. I don't like when a 1 or 2 season generic cast member/non Charlestonian starts bringing *their* "love interests" onto the show.  I feel like they're shoving this mediocrity down our throats. 

I wish Kathryn all the best in her recovery. Stay strong, girl. 

  • Love 10
On 5/16/2019 at 3:12 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

On the other hand, Eliza was so thirsty last night (mad shade to Patricia for even inviting her), and I was so happy to see her burned (!) by Kathryn.  It was perfect.  Eliza was begging for a confrontation with Kathryn, and for Kathryn to basically be like, "well, I didn't even know you lived here, and my coat tails are worn out," was so good.  I wish Kathryn could have been that cool last year against Ashley.  I guess she'll have another chance!

I am not a huge Cameran fan.  I think she gets way too much of a pass, and she acts like her underarms don't get odiferous.  She has gotten way too good of an edit since season one, so I take her with a grain of salt.  Not much to see there. 

I LOVED that Kathryn moment too. The coattails line was pretty much Housewife-level shade. She needs more confidence and a makeover, but Kathryn has fantastic future potential (to entertain me- I’m not sure for what else).

Cam is actually surprisingly open about her odiferous underarms:


Other thoughts: Craig’s beard is yummy! Austen is so boring. And his threesome sting doesn’t make him more interesting. I just don’t care.


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On 5/17/2019 at 1:22 PM, 65mickey said:

Kathryn has always been awkward and self conscious. She acts like she knows she doesn't fit in and her constant fidgeting is her attempt to calm herself. She can't carry on a conversation without making weird faces. She is trying to hide her extra weight with layers of fabric and it's not working for her. She is a young pretty woman but she has no sense of style and dresses so matronly.  I remember in season 2 I think Cam referred to her as Mrs. Doubtfire because of the way she dressed.

K.                       Katherine is beautiful with her original red long hair and less makeup and work done.  The worst outfit was on a reunion where she had a long pink dress with gold embellishment on the sleeves, and the best was the black gown at some ball where she had a confrontation with Ashley with blonde hair curled up on her head.  Stunning.  She doesn’t look good now with the matronly dresses and new work done on her face.  I just really feel sorry for her as she has her plate full with her sobriety and Thomas arrested.

Edited by Gem 10
  • Love 3
On ‎5‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 11:27 PM, Lizzing said:

For what it's worth, the video was allegedly shot by one of the 2 women Austen brought home that night.  I was kinda surprised the video made it into the show.  If you want to see the whole thing, unbleeped, it's in this article: https://realityblurb.com/2018/07/08/video-southern-charm-star-austen-kroll-busted-cheating-on-his-girlfriend-madison-lecroy/  Though I agree that the video is very, very stable (until the last second) for something being shot in a closet by a hand-held camera.  Maybe the gal shooting it was a stedicam operator? LOL!

The video has been captioned in a couple of places as being "hidden camera". I assumed one of the threesome propped their phone up against something and was taping on the sly (although I entirely don't get why the hell you would do this - you're going to be implicated in the tomfoolery as well).

As an aside, Austen is not good looking enough to justify this level of interest from anyone, much less three people.

  • LOL 5
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On 5/17/2019 at 9:31 AM, Pickles said:

Just Shep's face looked so bad! That drinking really takes a toll on your looks. He looks about 10 years older than his actual age.

Love how Cameran cruises around in her hugely expensive Mercedes and Naomi in her Porsche. I suppose Cameran makes more now than her anesthesiologist husband. If it is to be believed, I read that she and Shep are making $450k this season. Big raises for them. Between that and all of her ads/endorsements on Instagram, Cam is raking it in. Pretty good for no college education.

Probably helping pay all the medical school bills.  She doesn’t have too much of a story line except being the Mother Hen.

1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

Probably helping pay all the medical school bills.  She doesn’t have too much of a story line except being the Mother Hen.

I would be surprised if they had medical school loans to repay. Cam's husband is into his 40's and I think his family has money. His dad is a doctor. Maybe he didn't even have med school loans or could have paid them all off before he married Cam. They live in a big house too, so doubt they have been scrimping to repay med school loans. I think Cam probably just likes having her own big money. Who wouldn't? It would be hard to walk away from almost half a million dollars for a few months of sporadic filming. 

  • Love 18
On 5/16/2019 at 11:04 AM, cameron said:

The other thing that bothered me about last night's show was the way the women were pulling on and rearranging their hair at the dinner table.

They were sitting outside, and Shep said something when he came in about how hot it was outside.  Cam and Dani kept trying to get theirs into good ponytails to get the hair off their necks and cool off a little - I was doing the same Friday night when my friends decided we’d eat outside at their house.   So I can kind of understand the hair fidgeting.

Echoing the comments about Kathryn needing a style intervention.  She is very pretty but she does not know how to style herself.  I was just waiting for that clasp in the middle/top of her party dress to open and for everyone to get a show.  It also seemed she wasn’t wearing a bra bec she seemed very droopy.  Not a good look at all.

  • Love 3
On ‎5‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 11:28 PM, Sage47 said:

Patricia is so haughty with Michael. She was quite put out that she had no silver tray to put her martini on. Rich people problems. 

Michael was a little off his game, and also a little snarky/mouthy!  I bet he is like that when he and Pat are alone, but she seemed annoyed that he was acting like he didn't GAF that he didn't have a tray when there were guests in the house!

On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 12:11 AM, ninjago said:

The appeal of this show was in getting a glimpse into the WTF world of Charleston society, where people's value correlates to the number of slaves their forefather's owned and how directly their family caused the Civil War.  

Thomas was the King, Shep was the Prince, Kathryn was the Princess, Whitney was the Valet, JD was the Jester, Patricia was the Dowager Queen, Cameran was the Outsider who understands the rules and Craig was the Outsider who didn't understand the rules.  The further they get from having this hierarchy and the tension surrounding it as the backbone of the show, the less interesting it gets.

Chelsea, Naomi and Austen could be on any bland reality show, from The Bachelorette to The Amazing Race.  Nothing about them is uniquely "Charlestonian" and I'm not interested at all in their lives.

I have hopes that Eliza, who is from Charleston society and still lives within it, will help recenter the show to what it started as.

YES!  I don't particularly like Eliza but maybe she will bring it back to what it was.

I had decided that I was done with this show, and then I gave it 10 minutes and it sucked me back in.  It's not as good as it was, but hoping it will get better.  They really need to lose the bland Chelsea and AWFUL gross Naomi.

15 hours ago, biakbiak said:

She’s not hiding him he doesn’t want to be on the show and given these fools who can blame them. Not to mention reality show fame is hard on marriages so it’s probably for the best. 

But why is SHE on the show?  What does she bring?  She's like wallpaper.

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Enh I like Whitney enuff.  Yeah he can be a cheese ball and I don't really like the way he's treated K in the past but I do think he is genuinely a nice, fun guy and for reality T.V. he's entertaining to watch.  And oh yeah he's definitely improved on looks since S 1/2.  A shorter hair cut, the glasses help, and his dorky, uncomfortable answer to if he and K did the dirty over the summer was kinda funny in a dorky kinda way.  Yeah he's ok in my book.

As far as Katherine's looks go I wish she had kept her hair shorter and more of a strawberry blonde color like it was last year.  She is smoking HAWT but these awful dresses that hide her body and going back to that colored red hair isn't working in her favor.

Ok I'm just going to come out and say it--I miss Thomas.  He isn't someone I would want to know or be around in real life but for reality T.V. he is GREAT!  I feel like Eliza is just a quick fill in for the this season's bad-y.  No one can come close to T-Rav's evilness! 

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I share the popular opinion that Kathryn does not look good this season, and she was mostly 'miss' in previous seasons.

I have the (probably unpopular) opinion that Kathryn looked her best when she first came on the show.  When she first appeared, and she wasn't a cast member, I had no respect for her, and I thought she was a tramp (for her attitude, and for sleeping with 3/4 of the male cast, and yes, I thought the men were tramps and worse things too), but she was gorgeous.  She had that long dark red Ariel mermaid hair that doesn't really appear in nature, and she had that teeny tiny svelte body, but with curves, sort of like Sarah Jessica Parker, and she had those really long, thick false eyelashes.  She looked exactly the way Whitney described her:  a femme fatale.  I haven't seen her look that good again since season one, regardless of who was styling her.  I don't like the lighter, almost orange hair color on her at all. 

I know this is not very nice, but aside for the comb-over type part that Kathryn wears, I think the most important thing she can do is work on her body.  It's not just that the other women on this cast have zero body fat; It's that Kathryn legit looks lumpy now--worse than during or directly after either pregnancy.  I understand that getting and staying sober is a bitch, and that it's better to turn to the sweets than the substances, but girl friend needs to get to a gym.  Her ass looked horrific in the leggings she was wearing this episode.  Like semi-crushed pumpkin pulp.

I say this because Kathryn is my favorite female lead and I want her to look amazing again, because I think she would be happier.  She is still so young and beautiful that she can make the turn-around.  Someone like Chelsea or Landon can have the sickest body in the world and they will never be a head-turning beauty like Kathryn, so even though it seems like I'm casting aspersions, it's because I think she's absolutely stunning and can be a 10 or at least a 9 if she just did such-and-such.  If she doesn't care? Even better.  I just know very few people who don't care about their appearance enough to be willing to listen to feedback.  More power to those who don't want or need it.  I will be and have been on Kathryn's side no matter how she looks, because she has exhibited a really strong spirit that I find rare and fascinating.

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33 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

Ok I'm just going to come out and say it--I miss Thomas.  He isn't someone I would want to know or be around in real life but for reality T.V. he is GREAT!  I feel like Eliza is just a quick fill in for the this season's bad-y.  No one can come close to T-Rav's evilness! 

Agreed so much: this episode definitely had a huge sense of emptiness without T-Rav’s usual good ol’ boy goofiness and drawled talking heads tossed in. It just feels like something was totally missing and kinda off with this episode’s overall vibe, like it felt a bit tedious almost; every single season has always centered mostly around Thomas and his story in some way and I don’t think Kathryn alone can fill that great void. Damned shame, because I feel like the lack of Thomas’s usual shenanigans is going to completely kill the vibe and momentum of this once awesome show.

For sure Thomas is a horrible person who doesn’t need to be regularly celebrated on a television show, but that dude is indeed reality gold. I can’t help but miss him and his unintentionally hilarious comments/antics.

I just realized that “Southern Charm” without Thomas is starting to feel like what I’d imagine “Shahs of Sunset” would be without Reza: it just doesn’t seem to work. 

Edited by Sun-Bun
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