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S09.E10: A Supreme Snub

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20 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Jesus.  The creep is still alive.

At least he's on Death Row.

Cold comfort, but it's something.

Kyle's Vanderhall was almost 30 grand?!

She better be careful. Burglars could easily fit her cocktail rings and Rolex in it.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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2 hours ago, snarts said:

She needs to choose a darker font in which to write. I gave up trying to read it after two paragraphs. 

Hated Kyle’s dress at the shower. It wasn’t flattering, the bow looked ridiculous (as did the cuffed short sleeves), the color was all wrong, and even though I’m sure it was actual silk, it looked like cheap polyester. Yet, I would bet the dress was super cute expensive. 

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Camille was probably talking about her old hooker days.  Back when she married Kelsey and he was famous all the stories came out.  She did a lot of nasty nasty stuff for money.  Prostitutes are commonly sexually assaulted so this is where it hit the raw nerves as well.

Maybe Camille will play.....the I have been wrongly accused card.....but, it was all true.  

Howard Stern was obsessed with porn stars and playboy bunnies on his show.  He said a bunch of stuff about her time in Brunei and so did other playboy bunnies who were there with her.

Camille never sent her lawyers after Howard Stern.  It was all true.

Regardless, it is going to be hard to watch her house next episode.  That must be so hard.  She has the kids.

Something is always happening to her.  The divorce, domestic abuse, extortion, the cancer....and, now the house fire.  

Hopefully, the wedding is her happy ending.  

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11 minutes ago, missyb said:

ON WWHL Andy asked Rinna about the video that has been going around social media asking Dorit about a lawsuit and the money she owes. He asked why it was never brought up on the show. She said after bringing up the lawsuit against Ken and Lisa, she thought it best not to bring lawsuits up ( a i guess until it "suits" her).

I saw that!  I thought she was going to say ....the discussions didn’t make it on air....but, then said that instead! 

Rinna has an answer for everything....eh?

You know they talked about it when the cameras were gone.

I can bet my last watermelon slice they were all gossiping and laughing at Dorit.

Fake.  They have all turned fake!

WTH...happened to Dorit?  She was really cute her first season.  Now, she is always wearing costumes with ugly hairstyles. 

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2 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

So Kyle sent invites out to a shower via text? Seriously?  LVP blocked her...so of course she didn’t get the invite!

No, not Kyle, Miss Perfect Beverly Hills Proper Manners! She must have sent engraved invitations?!?  Right?

2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Kyle’s two sisters being in the same restaurant was so planned and scripted. 

But, Kyle said it was a coincidence . . . ? Of all the gin joints? 

2 hours ago, Wicked said:

Wow, Lois has been through some real stuff, she's a survivor

Lois is amazing.  I love her.

1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

God bless that woman - she is strong!!  I cannot imagine ever having to go through that.  And, then, to have the guy be released from prison to go on and kill 18 more women?  Wow.  

Lois just seems so down to earth and pleasant.  Are we sure Rinna is actually her daughter?  This is seriously a case of the apple falling as far away from the tree as possible!  

I have to wonder what she thinks when she looks at that entire branch of her family tree.  Ok, you can tell yourself your daughter is quirky, but she's an actress, she's been successful, she's happily married, she's a bit outrageous, but she's had a career, and she needs to keep her name out there . . .  But, then you get to the grandkids and you're like, well? Granted, yes, they are modeling and they seem to have some success, but they've kind of started from a platform that most kids don't have with their parents being famous and them announcing they wanted to model while their mother was on a tv show.  It's not like they were living in rural Idaho and randomly got discovered.  And if they can't make it as models? I'm not really sure what plan B is going to be, neither one seems particularly bright or overly interested in learning/doing anything.   

1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

Kyle's clothing choices were very unfortunate and very unflattering tonight.  Her dress at Camille's shower wasn't bad, but needed to be at least five inches shorter.  That outfit for Lois' dinner was probably the most horrible thing I've ever seen her wear on the show.  I know she usually has very questionable taste in clothes, but those two outfits were horrendous.

Kyle also had the super dark hair paint out again.  She had a pretty distinct part on one side at Camille's party, but the the rest was all colored in.  When she's in the confessional in the red doily dress, her part is pretty wide.  

14 minutes ago, SimonSeymour said:

Hated Kyle’s dress at the shower. It wasn’t flattering, the bow looked ridiculous (as did the cuffed short sleeves), the color was all wrong, and even though I’m sure it was actual silk, it looked like cheap polyester. Yet, I would bet the dress was super cute expensive. 

I think she stole it from Portia.

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25 minutes ago, SimonSeymour said:

She needs to choose a darker font in which to write. I gave up trying to read it after two paragraphs.

Totally agree with the font choice.  I did mostly read the whole thing.  Mostly.  So LVP wanted more than a text from Kyle.  Sorry LVP, you told her to leave your house the day before but you wanted flowers or a phone call the next day for your birthday.  Never enough.  Just like Erika's hand written note.  You said a 'few' lines.  No wonder Erika took a pix and I'm pretty sure LVP didn't expect 'that'.  I'm not an Erika fan but she could have ordered flowers faster than hand writing the 'few' lines, addressing the envelope, putting stamps on the envelope and putting it out in the mailbox.  Poor LVP.  Sorry LVP, you're a player.  Just watch the after show on Vanderpump Rules. 

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Where is Lisa Rinna’s compassion for Julianne Philips?

Since a woman must always be believed why did Lisa Rinna freak out when Kim’s Richards was going to out Harry Hamlin as a rapist?

#Metoo except don’t you dare talk about my husband!

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1 hour ago, langford peel said:
1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

Jesus.  The creep is still alive.

I know right.

I said the same thing when I saw PK in the coming attractions.


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4 minutes ago, Door County Cherry said:

If Julianne has said anything about Harry assaulting her, I haven't found it.  The Harry situation isn't "believe women."  It's "believe this blind item." 

It could be true.  Or it could be Richard Gere & a gerbil. But I don't think people are hypocrites for proceeding with caution with blind items or rumors.*


But that is what this whole season is based on this year. Blind items about Dorit and rumors that Lisa Vanderpump leaked them.

Why should Lisa Rinna get a pass?

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I don't like either of the Lisa's.  Vanderpump wants blind loyalty from her friends but I remember numerous times when she didn't support Kyle.  Especially when Lisa had Brandi G. in tow.  So she can lose me with her bullshit.  And Lisa Rinna is just a two faced shit stirrer.  And Kim Richard's didn't seem to give two shits about you walking right past her Rinna because guess what?  She walked right past you!  

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

(Plus, her kitchen just doesn't look clean to me.)

I had an awful dream once that I was attacked in Rinna's kitchen. Doesn't it look like the set of one of those 80s slasher made for tv movies?

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3 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:
3 hours ago, Stats Queen said:
3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

My takeaway from what she said was that she thought she was lied about and accused of doing or saying things that she didn’t do/say during season one. I remember her being a real bitch everyone hated during that season.

They made it seem like it was about what happened on the show but when she talked to Rinna later, I think it was about her divorce from Kelsey.  As I understand it, that got pretty ugly with some accusations being thrown around. 

Well, it couldn't be Kelsey accusing Camille of infidelity since he already had his side piece pregnant when he divorced Camille.  That was the only time during season 1 that I actually felt bad for Camille.  

Edited by swankie
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2 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

I don't think Erika gives a shit about any of the women.

Not entirely sure that Erika gives a shit about anyone but herself.

If this is true, Erika and LVP have a lot in common.

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1 hour ago, smores said:

LVP's blog broke my heart a bit.  My biological father died suddenly and while we didn't have a typical relationship, we were close in our own way.  I truly did not think I would be devastated by his death, I had lost someone I was much, much closer to and while I grieved, I was able to go on with my life as normal.  But when my biological father died, it shut my entire world down and knocked me completely off of my feet.  I was the last person to realize it, of course, I thought I was just going on with life as usual, and even when people started trying to gently, then more persistently talk to me about it, I brushed it off as I'm fine.  One day I kind of woke up and was like, What the hell is going on in my life? and then I started to put the pieces back together, but that was over 6 months later.  So I can completely understand LVP's pain in this, as she bluntly states that she was knocked off balance and had to work to put her life back together.  Only when this was happening, her friends didn't show up to talk to her and try to get her to seek help the way mine did, they launched an attack.  

I also fully get her point with Kyle.  Kyle's story is that she loves LVP, she's her friend and she was there to A) hear her side, B) tell her that this is the truth (and it's the truth because we all got together and decided it was) and C) all your friends talked about you behind your back today.  But don't worry, I love you and I'm your friend, I really WANT to be on your side, I just can't because all these other people say this stuff and I think it makes sense.  So, just say you did it, and then we'll be good.  Of course LVP doesn't take that well, and I doubt she would have if she wasn't going through her grief with her brother.  But, she is, and then the very next day, the person who is supposed to be her BFF on the show, the one who has been going on and on about how they've had this long friendship, who KNOWS she's been grieving the loss of her brother, who LVP has supported through fights with her siblings, this person can't manage to do anything other than send a text?  It would ring hollow to me.  Also, it shows that Kyle had nothing planned anyway.  I mean, if you were going to send flowers, you'd have ordered them before the fight the day prior.  If you were going to buy a gift, you'd have sent it, or brought it the day before and at least left it on the counter, if you hadn't walked in with it front and center.  But, no.  Kyle did none of those things.  She simply sent a text that day, no forethought, nothing.  And, this to a person who bought her a new purse after hers were stolen.  Kyle can afford new purses, but LVP wanted to make her feel better, so she bought her one to help start her new collection.  But, Kyle can't return that favor knowing LVP is going through her first birthday without any member of her nuclear family?  Fuck Kyle.

And maybe Kyle did but changed her mind after.  Let's not forget that Kyle was there for Lisa after her brother died.  LVP admitted that even though LVP tried to say that Kyle wasn't and Kyle called her out and LVP did admit she was. 

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On 4/16/2019 at 9:07 PM, nexxie said:

Interesting that Camille struggled more with being lied about than she did with being assaulted - at least at the time this was filmed.

To me, that's a bit like comparing apples to oranges. In the first instance, I feel for most it's like the dark night of the soul. The struggle is deep and internal. It's nights of tears and days of questioning.

Being falsely accused, for me, brings an overflow of explosive emotion. I react like LVP. It's infuriating and frustrating and everything bubbles to the surface.

Edited by renatae
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5 hours ago, SimonSeymour said:

She needs to choose a darker font in which to write. 

YES re that font. I was phone on all the way bright with the phone tilted sideways away from my eyes reading the blog side eyed! That's my dedication (err more like desperation)!

Kyle can go to hell w putting her child in that car! So so so unsafe.  No doors! No helmet I did not like it. It looks like a seated Spyder or motorcycle more than convertible.  Helmet !!!! Seriously. No room for her groceries COME ON. vanity vanity vanity car and scene. 

I did love Portia shopping in her purple rain Squeaky Fromme hat.

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18 hours ago, Wicked said:

Wow, Lois has been through some real stuff, she's a survivor

Not the least of which is being responsible for unleashing Rinna and the Hamlets on the world.

17 hours ago, ChitChat said:

 It makes me sad that people no longer send paper invitations to bridal showers and the like.  I'm old school and don't do everything by smart phone.  Most of the time I shut it off when I come home and don't turn it back on until the next morning.  If I had any kind of social life, looks like I'd miss out if people only reach out via text.  Sigh.


I do email for super casual stuff like a night of kbbq, drinks, and karaoke.  For showers and stuff like that I get invites designed and printed and mail them.  You can get an invite designed on Etsy for very little and printing isn't that expensive either.   

17 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I didn't notice that, but I'm not impressed with Rinna's house.  The exterior and grounds are gorgeous, but the inside seems very outdated and cluttered to me.  (Plus, her kitchen just doesn't look clean to me.)

Why would her kitchen seem unclean?  It can't be all the rat shit in the oven.

17 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

Also Camille? Its great that NOW teenage girls feel more empowered to speak up, but speaking as someone who graduated H.S. in 1985 and had one of my father's friends make a pass at me two years later. . . I never told a soul about it. I think this is the first time I've ever even mentioned it in any way. And that's all I ever need to say about it. Never told ANY of my friends, certainly never told my parents! My father wouldn't have believed me -- "he's such a great guy!" Yeah, except when a pretty 19 year old is around . . . 

I didn't talk to my dad for most of the 2000s over something similar.  My stepmom's sister's finance would make super gross comments to me and I asked my dad to step in and he wouldn't even entertain the thought that it had actually happened even though it happened multiple times in front of several people.  I was hardcore about not talking to him or my stepmom for almost a decade but finally just accepted that he's an idiot and I needed to lower my expectations for the sake of family harmony.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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"It makes me sad that people no longer send paper invitations to bridal showers and the like.  I'm old school and don't do everything by smart phone.  Most of the time I shut it off when I come home and don't turn it back on until the next morning.  If I had any kind of social life, looks like I'd miss out if people only reach out via text.  Sigh."

We had a wedding last year and are having another one this year. In both cases, Save the Dates, shower invitations, and wedding invitations were, or will be, mailed. Using email is just plain lazy and classless. In other words, it fits this group perfectly.

Wouldn't it be northwest chub chubs since Rinna is from Oregon?

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4 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

This season is based on manufactured reality drama.  The season is based on a sourced story everyone knew was true before it was published.  And it's about who is suspected to be the source for the story based on what they know of the players involved.  #RHofWatergate.

Rinna is fair game, of course.  I am just missing the correlation between the old blind item and the current story.  I know what Rinna knows about the current story. I don't know what she knows about the Harry/Julianne relationship if there's anything to even know.  

But my main point was that people aren't hypocrites for saying "believe women" and then not condemning Harry Hamlin.  The implication is that not going after HH with pitchforks means that they don't believe Julianne Phillips.  That can't be true because Julianne Phillips, as far as I know, has never put anything out there to actually be believed. 

Basically: Blind items aren't women.

Sometimes women lie too.

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While I don't like Kyle and think she's a dumb as hell basic bitch, I give her a pass for the texted invites.  This was probably not Camille's real shower but a last-minute one thrown together for filming purposes.  Which would also explain the presence of the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick.

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Too many comments to go through ( which I will for sure -later tho) but had to come here and say I have always kind of liked Kyle. yes she is phony as they all are, but something about her I like. But what was with her and her hats ? I see occasionally some of them where a hat but it seems like someone must have said "you have a face for hats". In that stupid scene with her and Portia even poor Portia was sporting the hat.

Does she have a hat line?

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