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S03.E18: Her

Message added by Lady Calypso

Hi everyone! Just a reminder that anything discussed in interviews and articles about future plot points, such as confirmation on future Rebecca's condition, should be taken to the Spoiler and Speculation thread, not in this episode thread. Keep the discussion about what has happened in this episode. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

It can also mean that a light bulb went off in her head that there are these kinds of women everywhere, and she can work with them anywhere. Or specialize in children, either way, it made her go and check out Philadelphia immediately. Randall had his moment of clarity when Deja hit him upside the head with her speech. It actually seemed like it was Randall who was reluctant about moving, he mentioned their current house and how they were married there, etc. She was doing whatever it took to 'open the door', and Randall was willing to as well, so they both come out smelling like roses. I still think some underlying stuff needs working out, but these writers aren't going there. Randall + Beth all the way into the future.

I also that it showed Beth was teaching adults, yet she was in no way bonded to them.  Class was over, the students interacted with each other, no one even noticed Beth was there.  I felt it was a recognition on her part that her role there was interchangeable for the students at this point, and also meant that pursuing her dream wasn't tied specifically to this place.  

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About Rebecca: Okay, so she had this car accident, and the purpose of it mainly seemed to show that Jack Pearson isn't smart enough to make peanut butter sandwiches for his kids on a tough night, when mom's not there. 

That said, earlier this season, Rebecca had a health scare, also.  Were they looking for cancer? Do we remember which kind? I just know she got a clean bill of health. 

I'm just wondering if that health scare storyline and the car accident storyline will also connect  (as far as illness/injury goes) with whatever is ailing elderly Rebecca, aside from old age.

One thought on the "It's Randall, your son," line. During the flashbacks in "Her," Randall was jumping to conclusions that Rebecca was going to end up brain damaged. I did wonder if older Randall wasn't doing the same thing -- assuming Rebecca doesn't have her wits about her, just because she's ill and old.

In other words, I wouldn't die of shock if the show picks back up with Rebecca saying, "I'm dying, Randall,  but I still have my faculties."


I think the Kate and Rebecca scenes were great.  Everyone's on edge. Everyone's touchy. But no one was a giant ass on purpose. They were all just worried about baby Jack, and Kate had the added worry every new mother has of "How am I ever going to be able to do this?" I'm grateful they didn't make it into THE ESTRANGEMENT:  PART DEUX. 

11 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Here's a wild theory to the mother of Kevin's future child: Madison, Kate's friend.

I think this is the most likely. The writers brought her to the hospital, when Kate was in labor, to give her a good dose of the Pearsons.

The other possibility in my mind is that it is Sophie, because she's a nurse,  so maybe that's part of the reason Kevin feels able to care for Rebecca in his home.

23 minutes ago, TwoGrayTabbies said:

Do the writers have any conception of how hard it is to start a business?  Opening a dance studio would be a huge challenge.  It will require a properly equipped building rental/purchase and qualified instructors.  It’s a non-essential service probably already has a supply to meet the demand.  Not to mention that Beth is out of practice and this is a new city where she hasn’t built up a network.  Wouldn’t it make more sense for Beth to get an urban planning job and teach dance as a side hustle/hobby?

Starting a business is difficult. That said, a dance studio doesn't require a ton of specialized equipment. You need open floor space, the proper flooring, mirrors, and a bar for barre exercises for a barebones one. Beth will have better luck than the average new Philadelphian making contacts, because of Randall's political office. Also, they went to school in PA, so who knows who they know? Carnegie Mellon is in Pittsburgh, but some people had to end up in Philly. 

This season wasn't written as if Beth and Randall are having big money troubles. It was written to recognize their income dropped and they needed to remember that when hiring childcare, etc. I've just decided Randall has been socking away money since he was a kid, made big money in his commodity futures job, and that he and Beth continued saving during marriage, and they're just far more comfortable than I'll ever be. 

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I know a lot of people who are angry that Randall "won." But if Randall won, then Beth won even more than he did.

Beth got what she wanted, and then some. She isn't just teaching a few dance classes anymore. They're selling their house and moving into a smaller place so that she can buy a studio - which is going "all in" on her dream just as much as they've ever done with any of Randall's dreams.

Randall quitting his job would have screwed over his constituents, and set a terrible example for the girls.

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, Nancybeth said:

I'm going to guess that the visit to "her" (who in my mind is Rebecca and no one else) is on the Big Three's birthday and that she has Alzheimers.  She has been talking about planning a party for the kids. That's why they have the game and the chalk -- because Rebecca is picturing the Big Three as kids and remembering the kind of activities they did at parties then. Kate may in fact be dead by then, which would make birthdays harder for Kevin and Randall. The show's premiere episode centered around their birthdays, it would only make sense that it ends (whenever it may end) on a birthday. 

That fits perfectly into the writing style of the show!

I do hope Rebecca didn't live to lose another child, or Jack go through losing his mother at such a young age.

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I think Rebecca is dying and everyone is gathered to celebrate the Big 3 Birthday and say goodbye. I think Miguel will show up with Jack in reference to "they are on their way." I think Kate has passed which will be the reveal at the end of Season 4 and the plot line for Season 5. I think Rebecca and Miguel have been raising Jack as a result because Toby has a breakdown following her death. I think Kevin and Sophie end up together and she is the mother.

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4 minutes ago, General Days said:

I think the Kate and Rebecca scenes were great.  Everyone's on edge. Everyone's touchy. But no one was a giant ass on purpose. They were all just worried about baby Jack, and Kate had the added worry every new mother has of "How am I ever going to be able to do this?" I'm grateful they didn't make it into THE ESTRANGEMENT:  PART DEUX. 

This is all so true, and I know I got territorial around my oldest.  The first time I touched him (the day after he was born), the nurse watched me and then when I was done said, “You did it wrong.” Frankly, my eyes just welled typing that.  I wasn’t allowed to touch him again for a week and didn’t hold him for the first time until after he was a month old.  I watched all these nurses and doctors handle my baby for months while I could do nothing.  If my mom (who was absolutely wonderful) had been in there asking questions and seemingly taking charge like Rebecca did (whom I like and thought did absolutely nothing wrong), I don’t think I would have handled it well at the time.  I would like to think I would have caught myself and apologized, but it was a rough several months.

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37 minutes ago, TwoGrayTabbies said:

Do the writers have any conception of how hard it is to start a business?  Opening a dance studio would be a huge challenge.  It will require a properly equipped building rental/purchase and qualified instructors.  It’s a non-essential service probably already has a supply to meet the demand.  Not to mention that Beth is out of practice and this is a new city where she hasn’t built up a network.  Wouldn’t it make more sense for Beth to get an urban planning job and teach dance as a side hustle/hobby?

Well, it can't be any harder than Randall buying and repairing a whole building on his own! Or running for an election and winning on his first try!

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22 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

I know a lot of people who are angry that Randall "won." But if Randall won, then Beth won even more than he did.

Beth got what she wanted, and then some. She isn't just teaching a few dance classes anymore. They're selling their house and moving into a smaller place so that she can buy a studio - which is going "all in" on her dream just as much as they've ever done with any of Randall's dreams.

Randall quitting his job would have screwed over his constituents, and set a terrible example for the girls.

I completely agree with you.  Randall needed to honor his commitment to the people who elected him.  Resigning his position would have many consequences for the people who voted for him and for any other newcomer to Philadelphia politics for decades to come.  It would have been the worst possible outcome for everyone involved.  They had to move to the Philly area because Randall would never had been able to drive back and forth on an almost daily basis for 2 years.  Beth found a way for her to be happy.  The girls will be alright moving to a new area.  

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3 hours ago, GodsBeloved said:

I think that defeats the purpose though. If Zoe has changed her mind about being a mother, why not have her own baby? Unless of course you are suggesting Kevin has the child then he and Zoe rekindle their relationship.

I'm not seeing Nicky being in the room means he and Rebecca became an item.

It's Kevin's house and he is the one who wanted to help Nicky. Maybe he's staying with Kevin and sitting by Rebecca's bedside, presumably in her last stage of life isn't surprising at all.

Because some women may have issues with their own eggs.  I'm not saying that they used a surrogate, I'm saying that the child may have been conceived using a donor egg.  As for why the boy appears to be white, perhaps the egg donor is biracial?  

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15 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I'm glad you brought up Rebecca's accident. I thought the writers had her spend a night away from the kids to show that the family was just as dependent on her to survive as it was with Jack, at least when the kids were adolescents. But I didn't even think about them writing the accident as a way to affect Rebecca's health years later. Good thinking on your part.

My grandmother fell and hit the back of her head pretty hard and 30 years later she developed senile dementia. Doctors didn't know if the head injury was a factor, but it could have been. Right away I figured the accident and mention of an MRI was related to the flash forward and Rebecca's condition.

Also, I liked that she was swigging coffee while Beth was making coffee in the present AND in the future.

Just once, I think it would be fun for Rebecca to be singing along with "Candy" on the radio...just once!

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11 hours ago, moonorchid said:

I’m glad Randal and Beth worked it out but honestly I’m highly annoyed at the selfishness they are still exhibiting. It should not be taken lightly to literally uproot your kids from everything they’ve known because mom and dad want to follow their dreams. In the end they’ll prob be fine but the way they aren’t even taking their kids into consideration annoys the crap out of me.

I know they were trying to get a lot in, but it would have been nice to at least see a conversation with the kids before they started packing. I guess that scene was slightly in the future (I've long since given up on trying to figure out timelines, but finding/working out a lease on the dance studio space, selling the house, and finding a place to live in Philly can't happen in a day); maybe we'll get a flashback to their reaction to learning this news...?

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15 hours ago, Eureka said:

I know they were trying to connect the past Rebecca story with the present one with her and Kate but I did not like the idea that the family could not get along without her for one night. That was just ridiculous. I had emergency surgery a few years ago and my family did just fine, without being overly worried. I do wonder if the MRIs she’s talked about are connected to what we just saw which suggests dementia (like others have mentioned).


corn sandwiches ?  Jack couldn’t buy a pound of bologna or order a pizza ?  Dumb.  I groaned when Jack went into his speech for the nurse.  A few years back i was in a car wreck and was in the hospital/rehab for over a month - MrDNR & the little D’s managed to keep it together .  One night ? Lmao

Kevin charming the nurse gave me a chuckle ☺️

So many questions :  

Kate & Toby , married?divorced?

Is Kevin’s son his with Sophie ?

Whats up with Rebecca ; why is Nicky in the room with her ; Miguel has passed or ??

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Ok, I have to admit I have not read all the comments, except some on the first page. I had to come here to just say that for a few episodes I have been suspecting Dementia/Alzheimer's. My mother has had this for about 8 years (that is just when she was diagnosed but the odd signs were there for at least 2-3 years prior). I watch the show casually and wasn't sure exactly who the "her" would be, but the moment they started showing Rebecca's odd fixations with hospital décor, it reminded me of the same odd/unimportant things my mother paid attention to in the early stages. Then the writing down of everything, so as to not forget--patients with Alzheimer's get creative to not only find ways to meet their needs, but to camouflage their confusion so others don't pick up on it. 

By the time Randall had to tell Rebecca he was her son I was in tears. First time I can recall having actually cried for this show, that was close to home. My mom is still with us but it is a challenge every day. Watching a loved one's brain get shredded to pieces--it's the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. My cousin said the same thing (his mother, my mom's sister, is also diagnosed and in a nursing home now), and he was deployed to two tours in Afghanistan. But I digress...

For all I know it could have been some thing else (stroke, cognitive decline caused by trauma, etc). This just felt familiar to me.

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16 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I know they were trying to get a lot in, but it would have been nice to at least see a conversation with the kids before they started packing. I guess that scene was slightly in the future (I've long since given up on trying to figure out timelines, but finding/working out a lease on the dance studio space, selling the house, and finding a place to live in Philly can't happen in a day); maybe we'll get a flashback to their reaction to learning this news...?

Besides that, Jack Jr. was leaving the hospital, Kevin was moving back to LA. So, I'm assuming at least a couple months have passed since Beth and Randall's reconciliation. Deja seems fine with the move, but Tess and Annie seemed more understandably upset. I'm speculating that Annie will give Randall and Beth more grief in the next few years. 

With Kevin moving back to LA, I do wonder how Nicky plays into all of this. He still lives in Pennsylvania. 

I know Tess is so much older than Kevin's son, but it doesn't appear they are that close. I wonder if Annie is close to either Jack Jr. or Kevin's son. 

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16 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

Uhm ok.  So what's up with Rebecca?  Where is Miguel?  So how many years is this in the future? 

Any bets that Kevins kid's mom is Sophie?

I was watching this at my mom's house, and this is what she's saying too. Wouldn't surprise me either I guess.

Nicky was my "whoa" moment last night - curious to see how that plays out.

7 hours ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

What if it's not dementia, alzheimers or a stroke?  Earlier in the season, Rebecca mentioned that she basically takes Advil like it's candy.  What if the car accident caused her chronic pain that got so bad in her old age, that she was confined to a wheelchair, etc, and was opting for assisted suicide?  It would explain the calmness of everyone (this had been discussed and planned) and the games - it was her "going away" party.  It's why Tess was reluctant to see her, because she knew she'd have to watch her die.  She was also probably super drugged up, like she was in the hospital after her accident.  Which is why Randall introduced himself as her son.

That occurred to me, too (mostly because of Tess's "I'm not ready"), but she'd have to be of sound mind to be able to make the decision herself, and the fact that Randall had to tell her who he is made me think probably not. If she's on enough drugs that she doesn't recognize her own kids, I don't know that they could do it. I could be wrong.

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5 hours ago, GodsBeloved said:

Because the makeup crew haven't decided how to age Kevin yet.

And  judging from the really great job they did on Randall, I think we should allow them to take their time and get it right.

4 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

There really is not enough room.  With the basement, presuming it is finished, those type of rowhouses are around 1600-2000 square feet.  The bedrooms and bathroom are on one floor, the living room/kitchen is on the main floor and the basement is below grade and often unfinished.  

There are 5 of them.  They won't fit into a 1600 square foot home?  My family can.

On the corn sandwich controversy:

Pro-Jack - Rebecca had the accident coming back from the market.  Maybe they had run out of soup, peanut butter, logical other quick foods.  It was late when they left the hospital and perhaps all the fast food places had closed.

Anti-Jack - if you spread mayo or something on the buns, then the corn will stick.

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8 hours ago, debraran said:

Maybe Philly will give them more stories but jof course I'm thinking as an older adult, "how much do they owe on their home, if it sells for 400,000, would they be able to find one and have enough left over for a new home and  studio?  Then I realized how tired I was and went to bed, nothing like having a bad tax year to make reality get confused with fantasy.

Alpine, NJ is one of, if not THE community with the highest property values in the US. For most of the homes in Alpine, you'd have to add another zero to the $400,000 you listed and then keep escalating. I'm not saying that Randall and Beth's house will sell for $4 million, but $1.5-$2 million is probably a good estimate. They'll definitely have $$$ from the sale to play with by downsizing.

8 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I know families move all the time because of a parent getting a job somewhere else, but it sucks that four people have to uproot their lives so that Randall can have this job he shouldn't have anyway. Changing schools sucks.

Not to mention that there's no stability in Randall's new job. His constituents have the ability to vote him out every 2-4 years, depending on the length of term for Philadelphia Council members. 

7 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

I worked at wendys, and fries dipped in a frosty is so good Im finding a wendys today. yum.

so she was getting all those things, a burger, fries and a shake to dip them in AND an iced tea. 

A Frosty was exactly what I envisioned when Deja was talking about dipping her fries. You still need something to drink in addition to a Frosty!

6 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm so glad to see Beth and Randall still together, although I hate that Randall gets his way yet again.  When the camera focused on Beth's rings I finally exhaled.

This will be an unpopular opinion but I think that the camera's focus on Beth's rings may very well be the ultimate TIU misdirect. From the way Randall and Beth greeted each other I got the distinct impression that they were no longer together as a couple. We may have seen rings on her left hand but their body language and verbal intonations indicated just the opposite to me. I think Beth is married to someone else.

5 hours ago, AzraeltheCat said:

Rebecca annoyed me at the hospital Taking notes is fine.  But you're not the mom, let the dr finish a damn sentence and let the actual parents ask questions first.  But then Kate pissed me off when she ran to get the nurse instead of tapping Jack, and getting mad at Rebecca for doing the right thing.  Ummm, Kate - you don't run get the nurse, that's what the alarm is for. Also, you could tap your damn kid and tell your mom to get the nurse. Sigh. 

Kate mentioned to Rebecca afterwards that she specifically did NOT tap Jack's foot because she wanted to make sure that a nurse would respond quickly to Jack's alarms sounding if she was not there to tap him. She was running a test of her own and from the camera shots, it didn't look as if a nurse was coming. Kate probably should have alerted Rebecca to the idea that she was going to do that the next time Jack "forgot" to breathe though.

I LOVED Deja's speech to Randall. OTOH, St. Jack's to the nurse was just another in the long line of special snowflake persuasion speeches that annoy the hell out of me. 🙄 I SO wish the nurse would have told Jack that he was welcome to sit in the waiting room until 6 a.m.!

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3 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I feel like Rebecca is in kind of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't," situation when talking about the baby with the doctor.  If she talks to Kate about it privately, Kate will be defensive.  If she asks without discussing it with Kate, Kate will be defensive.  If she says nothing and Kate later finds out that Rebecca knew what to ask and Kate did not, Kate will become defensive.   

So wait, are you saying Kate is... defensive?

(sorry, I couldn't not)

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2 hours ago, TwoGrayTabbies said:

Do the writers have any conception of how hard it is to start a business?  Opening a dance studio would be a huge challenge.  It will require a properly equipped building rental/purchase and qualified instructors.  It’s a non-essential service probably already has a supply to meet the demand.  Not to mention that Beth is out of practice and this is a new city where she hasn’t built up a network.  Wouldn’t it make more sense for Beth to get an urban planning job and teach dance as a side hustle/hobby?

I don't think "This Is Us" worries about how difficult it would be to do that kind of thing in real life. They tend to gloss over the hard stuff. Randall gets elected when he is polling way behind a couple of weeks before the election. That just doesn't happen unless the polls are severely flawed. We didn't really spend that much time with Deja getting adjusted to being adopted and living an entirely different lifestyle. She's already killing it at school, writing excellent articles and performing above her grade level. Have we seen Kevin struggle with not drinking that much? One minute he's drinking out of a water bottle and the next he's moving on with his life. Kate got pregnant fairly easily. Once on her own which I find unrealistic and then with treatment that only works 10% of the time? Beth starts dancing again and it's like she never skipped a beat. Not to mention that the big fight between Randall and Beth was solved by them...deciding to move!!! That's it? That's going to solve their problems? They really aren't as smart as they think they are, are they? I mean, if a practical solution is all that is necessary to fix their big fight, how can they think they are such a great team? A great team would have started with brainstorming practical solutions.

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15 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

Kate mentioned to Rebecca afterwards that she specifically did NOT tap Jack's foot because she wanted to make sure that a nurse would respond quickly to Jack's alarms sounding if she was not there to tap him. She was running a test of her own and from the camera shots, it didn't look as if a nurse was coming. Kate probably should have alerted Rebecca to the idea that she was going to do that the next time Jack "forgot" to breathe though.

I heard Kate tell her mother that she was running to get the nurse -- and thank her mother for remembering what to do because she(Kate) completely lost her head, panicked and could only think to run for the nurse.  She then went on to say that Rebecca always knew what to do, was a "magical" mother, etc.  

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I don't understand why people think Randall is flighty and Beth is a martyr.  As I recall, Randall spent YEARS drudging away in a very stressful job to the point of a breakdown.  That certainly wasn't his dream job!  Beth was working at her dream job when he wanted to run for office, right?  So everything still seemed very stable.  And she was ON BOARD for the ONE job that he actually wanted.   Yes he tracked down his dad and brought him to the family, but that doesn't threaten their financial security.   To my way of seeing it, she has done what she wanted for years and he is finally getting a chance to do the same. 

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12 hours ago, moonorchid said:

I’m glad Randal and Beth worked it out but honestly I’m highly annoyed at the selfishness they are still exhibiting. It should not be taken lightly to literally uproot your kids from everything they’ve known because mom and dad want to follow their dreams. In the end they’ll prob be fine but the way they aren’t even taking their kids into consideration annoys the crap out of me.

 how old are Tess & Deja? There was SOOOO MUCH DRAMA around R&B conflicting schedules. They Cant babysit Annie here & there  ?  Microwave a dinner? Carpool with a friend to after school activities?  Uprooting the family for Beth to teach Philadelphia housewives instead of NJ , its not like she’s a famous retired dancer and students will flock to her school . Whatevs.  Kids move all the time and Beth ultimately gets even more than she wanted. another poster made great points : Annie is young and will make friends quickly, Deja can adapt to any situation and Tess gets to start fresh in Philly. 

overall good finale in a season that was approaching dreaded  Jump the Shark territory

Edited by DNR
More thoughts on finale
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Just now, Granny58 said:

I don't understand why people think Randall is flighty and Beth is a martyr.  As I recall, Randall spent YEARS drudging away in a very stressful job to the point of a breakdown.  That certainly wasn't his dream job!  Beth was working at her dream job when he wanted to run for office, right?  So everything still seemed very stable.  And she was ON BOARD for the ONE job that he actually wanted.   Yes he tracked down his dad and brought him to the family, but that doesn't threaten their financial security.   To my way of seeing it, she has done what she wanted for years and he is finally getting a chance to do the same. 

Actually I think Randall's job was the result of the career track he quite deliberately, and calculatingly pursued with intent.  That it ended up not being good for him may well be true, however I do believe Randall was in that job and succeeded in that job because that is exactly what he had decided he was going to do -- and he was going to be the very best at it.  

Beth put away her dance dreams when her father died for a variety of reasons.  She was happy at her job, and was excited about going back to it full-time after stepping back her career after the girls came along.  The loss of that job and the inability to find another was devastating for her, we saw that play out.   

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17 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Some funny lines in this one...

Jack: "Blockbuster Video's not going anywhere."

Jack: "I used to eat these all the time before I met your mom."
Kevin: "You're really lucky you met her."

Deja: "Not now, doin' a speech." Damn, she's turning into Randall.

Randall: "It was very me."

Maybe Rebecca crashed on purpose to get away from her needy family for one freakin' night..

Ohhh and when Kevin was charmingly flirting with the nurse to convince her to allow Jack and the kids to visit Rebecca after visiting hours in the hospital, Jack says to the nurse, "Sorry.  I don't know that THAT was!"  I laughed literally out loud!

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I said out loud (to no one), "Is this gonna turn out to be a Gift of the Magi situation?"

Yep. Me too. THat would've been hilarious. "Hey, I quit my job!" "So did I!" LOL

From personal experience...Dementia is a long, slow death with many instances toward the end where the family is called together to say one last goodbye" over and over until everyone is praying for the actual end. Did that for both mother and mother-in-law. I'm in the camp that this is what's happening to Rebecca. She's in the comatose state right before the end. But who knows on this twisty show where they love to play "gotcha" more than have simple logical conclusions.

For next season I'm interested in having more stories around Randall and Beth's daughters. They're about the most interesting characters right now. But of course the writers would chuck stupid plots at them and make us despise them for being bratty teens before it's over.

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I thought the main reason Beth wanted to start her own studio wasn't either to teach children or adults, but to show respect to all her students.  The "fat housewives, " thing was insulting whether it came from Randall or the studio owner. Some adult students may be trying to kill time and lose weight and some kids are just doing it because their parents want them to improve their posture, but in both groups there are students who really love to dance and I think that's who Beth wants to encourage.  I remember how proud she was after she had helped one of her older ladies learn to do a perfect pirouette.

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What irritates me about this show is it’s just not at all realistic. Beth goes from “I miss dancing” to being a full-fledged dance teacher and now to owning her own studio in the span of what...weeks? It’s actively offending me at this point. These people drop and pick up new careers at the drop of a hat and barely breaking a sweat. It’s flat out annoying.

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48 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

This will be an unpopular opinion but I think that the camera's focus on Beth's rings may very well be the ultimate TIU misdirect. From the way Randall and Beth greeted each other I got the distinct impression that they were no longer together as a couple. We may have seen rings on her left hand but their body language and verbal intonations indicated just the opposite to me. I think Beth is married to someone else. 

I speculated at one time that Randall was maybe married to someone else, but I don't really think so anymore.  It would be hard for me to reconcile Beth having a real meaningful childhood memento of his if they were divorced.  Possible, sure, but not so likely. 

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53 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

This will be an unpopular opinion but I think that the camera's focus on Beth's rings may very well be the ultimate TIU misdirect. From the way Randall and Beth greeted each other I got the distinct impression that they were no longer together as a couple. We may have seen rings on her left hand but their body language and verbal intonations indicated just the opposite to me. I think Beth is married to someone else.

Randall said "Hey baby" and they kissed on the lips so I doubt Beth is married to someone else.

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Decent episode, but overall I'm not particularly impressed with this season. Not much happened really.

Randall and Beth had troubles, but now they are fine.

Kevin got a girlfriend, but then they broke up. 20 years into the future, he has a son approximately 10 years old.

Rebecca got older.

Kate had a baby.

It's all quite meh.

Oh and we met Jack's brother. Yay?

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, GodsBeloved said:

Randall said "Hey baby" and they kissed on the lips so I doubt Beth is married to someone else. 

That's pretty much how Sloane Peterson greeted her father after her grandmother died, so that may just be how things are in their family without it meaning more. 

I did think the Randall/Beth reconciliation was a little too quick.  And I just rolled my eyes at Randall asking if he could resign his seat before taking office.  If it really is to that point Randall, you never should have run. 

Edited by txhorns79
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26 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

And of course, Beth makes that impulsive decision affecting the entire family, not even considering how it affects the children.  But hell, since when did either of these two assholes put their children first.

Nothing was fait accompli when Beth came home.  She presented her solution to Randall.  She could not have sold their home without his consent.

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11 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

That's pretty much how Sloane Peterson greeted her father after her grandmother died, so that may just be how things are in their family without it meaning more. 

I did think the Randall/Beth reconciliation was a little too quick.  And I just rolled my eyes at Randall asking if he could resign his seat before taking office.  If it really is to that point Randall, you never should have run. 

I have no idea who Sloane Peterson LOL

But "baby" and lip kissing with your ex when you're married to someone else? I hope that's not how Beth rolls LOL!

This reconciliation was inline with the other one over Randall not quitting the race so I wasn't surprised. 

Did they say how far in the future that flash forward was and why do people think kevinKid is 10?

Edited by GodsBeloved
  • LOL 1
Just now, Tikichick said:

Nothing was fait accompli when Beth came home.  She presented her solution to Randall.  She could not have sold their home without his consent.

As far as how it affects their kids, it already appears that the current situation is having a detrimental effect on their kids and Beth knows that.  I guess I am not up to date on current parenting practices, but, when I was growing up, my parents made the decisions as to what jobs they took, what hours they worked, how difficult the commute and where we would live.  I do not subscribe to the notion that Beth and Randall are required to find jobs that allow them to earn the income and support the family in the same home for all of their lives.  We saw that Randall's previous job, while very well paid, was very detrimental to his mental health.  He really doesn't have the qualifications to get a different job at that pay level; so any career change was bound to be a downgrade.  Beth didn't leave her job, it wasn't her choice.  She was looking for work near home in her field and it seems that there were few opportunities.  They are both at a crossroads professionally; it seems to me that, no matter what else they did, a change in their lifestyle was inevitable.  Kids are far more resilient and adaptable that they are given credit for.

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, GodsBeloved said:

I have no idea who Sloane Peterson LOL

But "baby" and lip kissing with your ex when you're married to someone else? I hope that's not how Beth rolls LOL!

I was making a joke regarding this.

7 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

She could not have sold their home without his consent.

Not to mention, it's not like she could have really bought the studio without his knowing.  She'd likely have to take out loans, etc.

Edited by txhorns79
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I have a relative who owned a dance studio for many years, focusing on children's dance.  One time I mentioned that we sent our daughter to dance academy (another one), and went to the required recitals when they came up.  I laughingly said that it appeared to me that 90% of the kids were there simply as babysitting/activity time, because they weren't really very good at all.  Disclaimer:  I include my daughter in that group.  Anyway, my relative replied that the untalented kids who were there for activity time were the bread and butter of the studio, and that's how she stayed in business.  So, yeah, businesses don't always have the highest opinions of their clients.

There's a myriad of models of operating something like a dance studio.  Some studios are run by those who know dance, but don't have the organizational skills necessary to handle any of the other aspects, including imparting the discipline necessary for the students to build technique.  Some studios are built on the model of creating a competitive team or company.  Within that style some "care about" their students as it pertains to results and that's where it ends.  Also within that style some utilize the model wherein being a member of the company or member of the team is undertaken in a more holistic way, wherein the group becomes almost family like and endeavors to provide support for aspects well beyond the dance studio floor, seeking a way for students to flourish in all aspects of their lives.   

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I completely agree with you.  Randall needed to honor his commitment to the people who elected him.  Resigning his position would have many consequences for the people who voted for him and for any other newcomer to Philadelphia politics for decades to come.  It would have been the worst possible outcome for everyone involved.  They had to move to the Philly area because Randall would never had been able to drive back and forth on an almost daily basis for 2 years.  Beth found a way for her to be happy.  The girls will be alright moving to a new area.  

I agree. Kids move because of their parents' jobs all the time and the girls are young. Annie is what, 7? Tess is in middle school, I think, which is an advantage because lots of kids change schools for middle school so she probably won't be the only new kid. Deja is pretty used to adjusting, plus IIRC they said her bio mother was in Wilmington, which is within an hour of Philly (there's a commuter train that goes between the two). If one of the kids was a senior in high school I'd feel differently - and even then, I'd think they should go, maybe with Beth waiting a year with the senior and moving after she graduates. (I have a family friend who did this. He got a new job - his dream job - about three hours away from where they lived when his oldest was a high school senior. He and the two young kids moved, and his wife stayed behind with the oldest so he could finish out the year.) 

Glad they had Zoe stick to her guns. Also glad they acknowledged that just because you don't want kids doesn't mean you don't like them. My friend who doesn't want kids is a teacher. 

4 hours ago, One Imaginary Girl said:

I'm probably going to be a PITA next season about Philadelphia stuff.  Dan Fogelman* and Ken Olin both went to Penn, so I hope they will make some effort to be realistic, though they might not have been back here in ages.   I will say that thirtysomething was pretty good at portraying Philadelphia, so I hope that rubbed off.

I'll be a PITA with you. Philly is my hometown, going back three generations on my dad's side (northwest Philly - Germantown, mostly. I grew up in Mt. Airy). It used to drive me nuts that Cold Case was set in Philly and they'd do some establishing shots of City Hall or whatever, and then they'd be like "The suspect lives in Fairmount" and they'd cut to a single-family home with a half-acre lawn.

Justin Hartley has a teenage daughter that he's apparently close to (I've heard him talk about that in interviews) and I think that shows in his interactions with his "nieces."

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

As far as how it affects their kids, it already appears that the current situation is having a detrimental effect on their kids and Beth knows that.  I guess I am not up to date on current parenting practices, but, when I was growing up, my parents made the decisions as to what jobs they took, what hours they worked, how difficult the commute and where we would live.  I do not subscribe to the notion that Beth and Randall are required to find jobs that allow them to earn the income and support the family in the same home for all of their lives.  We saw that Randall's previous job, while very well paid, was very detrimental to his mental health.  He really doesn't have the qualifications to get a different job at that pay level; so any career change was bound to be a downgrade.  Beth didn't leave her job, it wasn't her choice.  She was looking for work near home in her field and it seems that there were few opportunities.  They are both at a crossroads professionally; it seems to me that, no matter what else they did, a change in their lifestyle was inevitable.  Kids are far more resilient and adaptable that they are given credit for.

I'm not understanding why you quoted me?  I responded to another poster's thoughts that Beth unilaterally made a decision that affected the entire family, my point was simply that she hadn't done anything final, merely some thinking, some research and came home and presented the proposition to Randall. 

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I do wonder why older Rebecca is staying at Kevin's place instead of some hospice, if she is dying, or some long-term care facility. I know the Pearsons can be co-dependent, but I can't help but wonder if it's more than just Kevin offering to let Rebecca stay with him because he has the most room at his home for her. 

If people can afford, financially and emotionally, to have their loved ones at home when they are dying (I haven't watched yet, so I am just assuming she is dying) that would be the more humane of doing things. There are studies that show how Alzheimer's patients (which can be Rebecca's case) seem much happier when they are surrounded by people they love, and who love them. Even if they cannot access memories, their feelings are still intact - meaning, they feel happy when they are with people they love, they feel sad when someone leaves. They cannot say why, but they still feel the presence, the absence, the companionship, the loneliness. I don't remember if the studies mentioned more more complicated feelings, but it is possible that they might feel abandoned if they don't get visitors for example, which affects their quality of life.

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't know how else to interpret that Beth was asked to teach a class on Sunday to four women that were trying to lose their last ten pounds, that were never going to lose their last ten pounds.

Too bad that dance studio owner didn't have the balls to say that to her clients faces.  I am pretty sure she would have been out of business in no time.  What a bitch.

Yes to this. That's ridiculous to say about her students. I don't care that they are adults, they are still students in class. For all the owner knows, Beth is just teaching these classes to lose the last few pounds--but she doesn't assume that because Beth has no pounds to lose. Any adult woman who isn't at a perfect weight could still be taking classes because they love dance. 

I would hate being seen that way by my instructor and would rake them over the coals (is that the saying?) on Yelp.

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Message added by Lady Calypso

Hi everyone! Just a reminder that anything discussed in interviews and articles about future plot points, such as confirmation on future Rebecca's condition, should be taken to the Spoiler and Speculation thread, not in this episode thread. Keep the discussion about what has happened in this episode. Thanks!

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