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S38.E05 & S38.E06: It's Like the Worst Cocktail Party Ever

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24 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Half that damn tribe cannot spell.  It made me really lose respect for them.  Lorine and Luaren popped up.

See, if I were on Survivor (I would never be on Survivor) I would spell everyone's name wrong every single time as a tribute to the first ever vote of Season 1:


1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

LOL Reem and Big Wendy are the polar opposites of this game.  Whoever said that Big Wendy will really drive Reem mad out there.... I am laughing and shaking so hard I can't even type

I wonder about that. They were allies and Wendy's the only person who didn't vote for her, so maybe Reem would be fine with her. Then again, that was before Reem decided she was Colonel Kurtz. The way Reem was lying on the ground screaming to herself this episode made me worry that Chris's ears were going to end up on the end of a stick.

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Reem is hilariously awful.  Chris didn't do anything wrong... he pointed out that Reem told Keith about the box in the water and she went from zero to crazy in about two seconds.  "HOW DARE YOU TELL ME I GAVE IT AWAY GO $#@! YOURSELF."  I really hope she watched this episode at home with family and friends (if she has any) and right after she pointed out the box to Keith they turned to her and said "why would you give it away like that".

Reem's voice makes my ears bleed.  It's so gratingly annoying.  Like Sue Hawk ("SOUNA" hahaha) without the nasalness.

11 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

It is a little weird given that rice is supposed to be one of the foods that you eat when your stomach is upset (the "R" in the BRAT diet), but everyone's system is different. If she's not eating rice and they never win rewards, I'm not sure how long she can possibly last out there. 

Since they've been whining about how there's no food, I can't understand why nobody but David even tried to look for food.  He definitely found a large clam but I guess it was firmly stuck to the ocean floor.  But why not help him try to find crabs, or maybe snails?  They just sat there and accepted that they had no food.  Also, "we have no shelter".  Why not at least try to build something better?  I get it, they are tired and hungry.  But they made zero effort.

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1 minute ago, blackwing said:

Since they've been whining about how there's no food, I can't understand why nobody but David even tried to look for food.

This was driving me crazy too, David is skin n bonez and not a natural/graceful swimmer but he was willing multiple times to try and go get fish/clams/snails but every time he said he wanted to try everyone especially 'wardog' was like "nah man, I'd rather go wander about aimlessly." And they all eventually just sat there watching David as he flailed about. They'd have had that clam if someone anyone else was there with him.

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11 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

 It is a reassuring Survivor Fact (I think?) that nobody has ever been voted out and won: Burton and Lil did not, Matt and Andrea did not, Ozzy did not, Laura and Tina did not.  Hopefully this will continue to be the case, but it means that all this time we spend with them is time wasted.

I agreed with your entire post, except for two points:

1.  No one voted out has won, but Lil determined who won.  She won the FIC, knew whoever she chose to go to FTC with her would win, and picked Sandra.  So while I hate it whenever boots get to come back, they can impact the game in a crucial way.

2.  JT is the reason Malcolm got booted.  Brad took advantage of JT's idiocy, and booted maybe the biggest threat that season.  Great play by Brad, awful play by JT. 

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25 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

This was driving me crazy too, David is skin n bonez and not a natural/graceful swimmer but he was willing multiple times to try and go get fish/clams/snails but every time he said he wanted to try everyone especially 'wardog' was like "nah man, I'd rather go wander about aimlessly." And they all eventually just sat there watching David as he flailed about. They'd have had that clam if someone anyone else was there with him.

You must not have heard Wardog proclaim that they needed to save their energy for challenges. You know, those challenges that they never win anyway, so obviously it's a grand idea to also deprive yourself of the chance to eat some food in the interest of saving up energy for your next bout of ineptitude.

Seriously, why do they keep listening to this idiot? 

As for misspelled names, I think my award goes to Amazon Heidi for her "Gene" vote when voting out Jeanne. I could understand "Jean" as it's more common than "Jeanne" but is at least a woman's name. 

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How hard is it to spell Lauren?

This makes me so mad that we don't get to see the votes anymore because I really need to know who spelled it so gloriously wrong. I also would like to know who it was that put "Big Wendy." Ugh, stupid EoE.

58 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

That wouldn't surprise me at all. Wendy was also weirdly non-committal when approached about the women's alliance, which would have lifted her head off the chopping block. Even though there was an alternate plan to oust Aubry, she didn't know about it, so she should have expected to be the boot and that plan should have been a welcome option. 

I'm not so sure she didn't know about the plan. There was a quick scene with her, Victoria, Gavin, and Eric with Eric assuring everyone that the plan is on and Wendy did vote for Aubry, so I think there's a solid chance she was in on the Aubry vote from fairly early on. That might have been why she was so bad when Victoria/Aubry talked to her about the women's alliance/voting out Eric. She said she was bad at lying.

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At one of the challenges, when they had to dive off the platforms, one of the men dove off, then about a third of the way towards the water, gave a kick and did a turbo-dive to get much farther out.  Does anyone know who that was?  It was impressive as hell.

I'm disappointed in Joe's weepfest.  I've always enjoyed watching him because he seems like he's just on a dream vacation playing fun games, no worries, man.  Now he's thrown soggy angst into the mix and ruined it.

Production's gonna have to use big-game strength tranquilizer darts on Reem pretty soon.

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14 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

You guys will find anybody smug; well, any woman.  Wink or no wink, "cute as a bug hipster strategist" is my kind of player.  Of course that probably means she'll be voted out right away, but I'm going to enjoy Victoria as long as I have her.

Yeah I don't get this whole "smug" thing that a lot of people seem to have a problem with on this show. What is wrong with a player or group of player showing some emotion, some satisfaction or happiness that a great plan came to fruition?  Victoria winking at her alliance mates after a great blindside is somehow offensive or something? Why?  What is the big deal? I honestly don't get it.

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I am so over Kelley Wentworth.  Haven't ever been a "fan" and haven't really enjoyed her this season.  But this episode?  Stating that David may as well be a female?  I just can't!  And then having the nerve to yell at David during the swimming challenge during which she also didn't get the floats loose.  She doesn't help out around camp that much but seemingly considers herself queen of the losers.  It was an interesting choice by the editors to include her statement about David and females.  I am so bewildered by that statement (am female by the way).  I never really understood the hype around her and am hoping that she is voted out next week (not a spoiler-I have no idea). 

I really wish Wardog had been voted out.  Having him on EoE with Reem would be amazingly entertaining and I would be in for it!  It would be like cartoon hilarity and ineptitude.  

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18 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Yeah, I kind of felt that way about Eric/Gavin, too-just a little too smug.  Something about Gavin just bugs the hell out of me, and I can't figure out what it is. 

It's not just women that people point out as smug, as mentioned by LadyChatts here.  To read someone's smugness is subjective and yes, some people don't like it.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

As for misspelled names, I think my award goes to Amazon Heidi for her "Gene" vote when voting out Jeanne. I could understand "Jean" as it's more common than "Jeanne" but is at least a woman's name. 

I had a female friend decades ago whose middle name was Gene - named for her father.

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3 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

As for misspelled names, I think my award goes to Amazon Heidi for her "Gene" vote when voting out Jeanne. I could understand "Jean" as it's more common than "Jeanne" but is at least a woman's name. 

Mine goes to Ralph from the Redemption Island season, who voted for Ressel (Russell), Krasta (Krista), Stifinie (Stephanie), and, my personal favorite, Phile (Phil). I loved Ralph.

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4 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

ink my award goes to Amazon Heidi for her "Gene" vote when voting out Jeanne. I could understand "Jean" as it's more common than "Jeanne" but is at least a woman's name. 

Maybe she was a fan of Gene Tierney.

Who the heck was Souna?

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35 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Maybe she was a fan of Gene Tierney.

Who the heck was Souna?

Sonja was an older lady on the first season, possibly the very first boot. “Souna” is kind a fascinating misspelling, those aren’t the letters I’d expect one to reach for when trying to spell it phonetically.

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14 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

And she totally gave away that advantage.

Better hope Reem isn't reading this. She'll come at you like a wolverine. 

I was also in the dark about Aurora. I thought Jeff was calling someone O'Rourke during the challenge at first.

And there is a Julie and a Julia. Next week maybe they'll add a Juliet!

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3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I am so over Kelley Wentworth.  Haven't ever been a "fan" and haven't really enjoyed her this season.  But this episode?  

I did like the part where she was complaining to camera that Kama tribe has had a holiday because Joe has been winning the challenges for them.  And how she would love it if she had someone winning challenges for her......well maybe she shouldn't have voted off Chris.

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I don't know about this season...

My favorite moment of the episode was mid-challenge when David finally snapped, after Lauren angrily shouted at him again, for the nth time - she's shouted his concentration to shreds in every puzzle challenge I can recall - but this was pure rage at him not going as or when or where she wanted through the ropes, and he snapped back, in a slightly squeaky voice, 'Stop shouting at me!'

Actually, all the best bits were shouty! Reem going off like a mad dog at Chris for telling her she gave the box thing (I've now forgotten what it was!) away to Keith, when she did give the thing away to Keith.

And Wentworth having conniptions on that wooden raft, as everyone else failed to achieve what she'd also failed to achieve - having 'dived in' like a four year old, herself.

The only people I like in all three tribes still left are... David. (And Ron? I guess, for old time's sake, back in episode one. Maybe Aurora?) So pretty well everyone I have any desire to see win is on EoE.

I like Victoria's hair, but yeesh. Insufferable. And that fecking snood or whatever it is. Julia finally got a confessional, and more than one, and she was...not charismatic. I can see why when short for time they left her on the cutting room floor until necessary-ish.

Eric and Gavin seem amiable enough, but we hardly know ye. Joe, god bless him, needs to shave that annoying moustache off before I can take him seriously, and that's not going to happen. 

The Warthog is lousy in challenges, lazy around camp, apparently, and yet feels entitled to rule uber alles!  Wentworth continues to flare her nostrils in barely contained rage and disgust, like a pernickety queen. Just as bizarre! Lauren looks great in her bikini as she is slowly starving... but that's about it, and it's hardly a healthy reminder.  

Anyway, I am sick of seeing someone who is not eating being listless and then shouting at other people as she does equally poorly in challenges - having actively voted off Chris, the strongest male in their dumb tribe, because Warthog said so. (I wish they'd all voted her off instead of cheerful Big Wendy, as maybe she would have taken the cheeseburger option.) I don't understand, as others have said, why they are not more actively seeking food, and even went so far as to discourage David from his fishing.

Almost everyone left, apart from David and Ron, seems insufferably smug, or insufferably dull, or just plain insufferable. Good times!

I am holding out hope for Gavin, Aurora, Ron, and maybe even Eric...  But how would one know, as we've had nothing but the drama of the stupido tribe cannibalizing itself week after week.

Really, I would like the whole of the rest of the season just to be about the EoE people losing their minds and/or cracking dark jokes, with sudden pans to huge closeups of Aubry skulking about looking morose.

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19 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

The EDGE OF EXTINCTION is such a waste of time and so boring.  If I wanted to watch people fiddling around with clues and looking for buried treasures, I'd watch some Twitch streamer playing Monkey Island.  It is a reassuring Survivor Fact (I think?) that nobody has ever been voted out and won: Burton and Lil did not, Matt and Andrea did not, Ozzy did not, Laura and Tina did not.  Hopefully this will continue to be the case, but it means that all this time we spend with them is time wasted.  It is hilarious that they sent Aubry the advantage for no reason, although I guess she keeps her extra vote like she keeps her idol.  But I have no desire to see any of these people back in the game.


THIS ↑↑↑

And the big question remains how will they and how many will actually get back in the game.

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13 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

LOL You and I go way back so I will argue with you on this one. Brad didn't screw up anything, he was on the tribe that voted Malcolm out so his plan went perfectly. 

8 hours ago, kikaha said:

2.  JT is the reason Malcolm got booted.  Brad took advantage of JT's idiocy, and booted maybe the biggest threat that season.  Great play by Brad, awful play by JT. 

Rather than argue off-topic, I will point towards my posts on this at the time, and for this thread just note that Aubry definitely did not have Malcolm in mind at all, rather the next vote, when JT was, like her, voted out with an idol in his pocket when he had every imaginable rational reason to think he was the target, but somehow decided that he was fine.  There was nothing in common with the Aubry vote and the Malcolm vote, but lots in common between her and JT.

5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It's not just women that people point out as smug, as mentioned by LadyChatts here.  To read someone's smugness is subjective and yes, some people don't like it.

Maybe not, but it's pretty skewed in that direction, so it seems to me.  Parvati, Kelley, Cirie, Chrissy, now Victoria, basically any woman who ever did anything in the game and expressed pleasure in it has always been labeled smug.  You only get to not be smug if you are permanently grouchy like Sandra or a failure.  To me none of these people were smug, just proud.  The only really smug person I can remember on Survivor was Terry Dietz.  Maybe my smug-o-meter is only calibrated to the unjustifiably smug.

Oh well, villains have more fun, as a wise woman once said.  If haters gonna hate,


Edited by KimberStormer
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I assume that everyone will be sent to EoE until only Joe is left in the game. And then, by default, he will get all of their "give an advantage to a remaining player" benefits. And then they will have a final immunity contest, of, like, fishing or tree-climbing or hair-styling... and he will still somehow lose.

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9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

What about when Wardog threw the (ball?) at the (thing?) and Lauren whined, "No!  Wrong way!"


(Sorry guys, the forum used to merge all of my multiple quote replies into one beautiful post.  It doesn't do that anymore.)

Yes it does.  Click on the +" (left most, plus sign means multiple quotes) and not just the "

6 hours ago, LanceM said:

Yeah I don't get this whole "smug" thing that a lot of people seem to have a problem with on this show. What is wrong with a player or group of player showing some emotion, some satisfaction or happiness that a great plan came to fruition?  Victoria winking at her alliance mates after a great blindside is somehow offensive or something? Why?  What is the big deal? I honestly don't get it.

Happy about a plan working?  Fine.  But smug?  Not so much.  And there is a difference between the two.  One celebrates what you and others have done.  The other looks down on people.  I hate smug. 

5 hours ago, TallulahBelle said:

So if Aubry is the player who comes back - if that's what happens next week - does she still have her idol and extra vote? 

5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

She does not!  It was discussed earlier in the thread.

These two above went together.  I have read this thread thoroughly ever last post and I have not seen it discussed earlier in the thread as in "answered."  There were a couple of people asking about the extra vote and one about the idol.  Nowhere on the show did they tell us the answer to either. 

So no, we don't know if she gets to keep them or not.  But since she isn't removed from the game I personally don't think she should have them removed either until she is like out of the game as in REALLY out of the game.  I mean she had them in her bag and she took her bag with her.

Now they may well not let her use them if she came back.  I don't know.  Just hope that could be true because I would think it would be hilarious if she did make it back with both advantages and wrecked havoc on all those smug Kama newbies starting with Pigtails.

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17 hours ago, Special K said:

Re: Reem -- a lot of us wonder about the first boots, what they would be like if they really had a chance to stay.  Some have even proposed a season of all first-boots.  Well, she is providing what I like to call "confirmation of the break up" -- that's when you run into the ex-boyfriend you've been pining for, and he's the same dumb asshole as ever, and you are able to finally let go.  Reem is weekly proving why she was voted out. 

On other sites, people are saying this is an unexpected benefit of the EoE concept; we're learning more about why the early boots were early boots.  Not just Reem, but also Keith.

16 hours ago, ByaNose said:

It also wasn't their usual beautiful confesional spot with the nice sand and perfect background. It was all face.

Pretty much all the of the THs on EoE have been All Face.  It's probably meant to be a metaphor for "we're getting even closer to who these people are out here", or some other BS like that.  But it is a consistent signature, so it does make it a little easier to tell which side of the game we're being shown.

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2 hours ago, green said:

One celebrates what you and others have done.  The other looks down on people.  I hate smug.

This is projecting.  There is no physical way to tell the difference between these, certainly not from a few snippets of edited footage.

Edited by KimberStormer
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1 hour ago, KimberStormer said:

There is no physical way to tell the difference between these, certainly not from a few snippets of edited footage.

Er, yes there is. Or no-one would bother to watch movies or go to the theater, etc. We read, interpret, and feel emotions and attitudes from others all the time.

I do get that some people are pretty well immune to nuances in facial expression and vocal tonality, and others may not pay particular attention at any given moment, or at all; but one can discern all manner of emotions, attitudes, and general airs by observation.

Past experience plays into this, also, I think in quite a big way - so if one was subjected to great levels of contempt growing up, one might be highly attuned to a micro-expression of contempt, for example.

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3 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Pretty much all the of the THs on EoE have been All Face.  It's probably meant to be a metaphor for "we're getting even closer to who these people are out here", or some other BS like that.

Ever since last year's dramatic editing smash cuts to black or the artsy shot of Angelina going "you've got this" to herself, the editors are convinced they're entering episodes in Sundance or something. Hey, editors. How about instead of trying to make the episodes look pretty, you try to develop characters and storylines?

I will say, I've enjoyed the way they've edited most of the veterans. The newbies may not get any screen time, but the veterans have been painted in a harsher light than I remember. The Aubry "I say the same thing to everyone" montage from a few episodes ago never would've happened. I'd also venture to say we wouldn't have been shown something like the Joe "It's so hard to be this awesome" soliloquy (unless it was played straight, and this clearly wasn't). Kelley has gotten the "I'm angry all the time" edit that I don't quite remember in Second Chances, and even David, whose edit has arguably been the kindest, has reverted to his "I suck, I'm pathetic" natural state.

But is some screen time better than none at all? I feel like I know more about the people on Edge of Extinction than I do about players still in the game, and that's a huge flaw. I know we're meant to invest in Edge of Extinction, but having the Kama kumbaya folks mainly be a giant "404_file_not_found" + Joe isn't the best way to tell a story.

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4 hours ago, green said:
4 hours ago, green said:

So no, we don't know if she gets to keep them or not. 

As mentioned earlier, this is from the Entertainment Weekly interview with Probst:

"Aubry gets blindsided with an idol and an advantage in her pocket. Are her idol and advantage still in play and available for her to use should she make it back into the game?

Nope. Both of them are done. Bye-bye. El gonzo."


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21 minutes ago, dsteele said:

As mentioned earlier, this is from the Entertainment Weekly interview with Probst:

"Aubry gets blindsided with an idol and an advantage in her pocket. Are her idol and advantage still in play and available for her to use should she make it back into the game?

Nope. Both of them are done. Bye-bye. El gonzo."


They (Victoria) really played Aubry well. She had no clue. It's a bummer since she finally found an HII and had a newly aquired advantage and still got voted out. I don't know exactly it's played next week but I think she's done. I just think Chris or Devens get back in. I don't want Keith in. Reem would be good for laughs but I think she is too spent to win any challenge. I am curious to see if Victoria and Lauren will pair up or will be on opposite sides in the game?!

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15 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

That wouldn't surprise me at all. Wendy was also weirdly non-committal when approached about the women's alliance, which would have lifted her head off the chopping block. Even though there was an alternate plan to oust Aubry, she didn't know about it, so she should have expected to be the boot and that plan should have been a welcome option. 

I feel like she doesn't want to commit to a particular alliance until she has time to think about it, or not at all, but a Survivor free spirit. Or a freedom ranger (type of meat chicken).

Edited by Lamb18
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22 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Didn't Aubry read that Rick's extra vote advantage was good until there are 7 people left in the game?  If that is the case, I think he could have given it to anybody, not just those going to the next TC.  

I suspect he gave it Aubry because he was already tight with David and wanted to try to create a post merge/return from EOE relationship with another player who might be eager to work with him and David.  

Honestly I've been a little surprised at people not aligning with returnees.  They NEED allies, they are experienced players, they don't necessarily seem to be more loyal to each others.  Why not join Aubry and Joe or Kelly and David?  Or the 3 of them at the merge.  

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10 hours ago, violet and green said:

I am holding out hope for Gavin, Aurora, Ron, and maybe even Eric...  But how would one know, as we've had nothing but the drama of the stupido tribe cannibalizing itself week after week.


I was also in the dark about Aurora. I thought Jeff was calling someone O'Rourke during the challenge at first.

Huh, I also thought I heard O'Rourke and was thinking "didn't we just have an O'Rourke?" (we didn't, it was just Rourke, I think). I literally had no idea there was an Aurora.

Nor do I know who ANY of the people in the top quote are, save Gavin who I only noticed this very episode because he appears to have low-key Challenge Beast potential with his performance at one of the rewards. 

Not a good sign this far into the season. 


But is some screen time better than none at all? I feel like I know more about the people on Edge of Extinction than I do about players still in the game, and that's a huge flaw. I know we're meant to invest in Edge of Extinction, but having the Kama kumbaya folks mainly be a giant "404_file_not_found" + Joe isn't the best way to tell a story.

LOL, and true. 

I'm reminded of the days of the "Beauty" tribe back in Aubry's first season who skated through the first several weeks on challenge wins, so we saw little of them. The eventual winner came from that tribe and her win over Aubry became quite the contentious topic, mainly because the story felt half-told. We'd had weeks and weeks of Aubry TV only to have what seemed like a minor character win in the end. Hopefully that isn't the path we're heading down this time. But if it is, let me get my chance to seem like Nostradamus... Aurora for the win! 😉 



I'm not so sure she didn't know about the plan. There was a quick scene with her, Victoria, Gavin, and Eric with Eric assuring everyone that the plan is on and Wendy did vote for Aubry, so I think there's a solid chance she was in on the Aubry vote from fairly early on. That might have been why she was so bad when Victoria/Aubry talked to her about the women's alliance/voting out Eric. She said she was bad at lying.

This brings up a question I had during the episode. Why on earth did they feel the need to even tell Wendy? Redhead and her two male cohorts are 3, Wendy and Aubry are 2. There was no way to safely split votes to avoid an idol bounce, so the 3 of their votes were enough to sink Aubry as long as she didn't play an idol.

Why bring in an unreliable player whose sole purpose seemed to be sowing chaos and who is also bad at lying? And even if Wendy got upset at being left out of the loop, who cares? She's one person, they're a 3-person alliance. 

Edited by ljenkins782
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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

The eventual winner came from that tribe and her win over Aubry became quite the contentious topic, mainly because the story felt half-told.

Ha, but that was shortly after I believe the show had received criticism (or "criticism" from the "fandom") for the glowing hero edits for the (predictable) winners of Worlds Apart and Second Chances. So, I believe the winners of Kaoh Rong (not Aubry), Millennials vs Gen X (and Game Changers?) got similar "stealth" gameplay edits, like "hey, look, isn't this winner shocking! Bet you didn't see this one coming!" But I think this ended up just annoying the "fandom."

It also didn't stick, because once we got to Heroes/Healers/Hustlers, the editors clearly got sick of not doing hero edits anymore.

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Seriously, why do they keep listening to this idiot? 

I don't get this either. They've been letting Wardog call all the shots every time and all it's done is bite them in the ass. I think Wentworth paid lip service to how much she trusted him or some such nonsense but that only goes so far in a tribe situation where you have to win competitions so you don't get voted out. So I guess it's a collective idiocy rather than all on one person.

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14 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get this either. They've been letting Wardog call all the shots every time and all it's done is bite them in the ass. I think Wentworth paid lip service to how much she trusted him or some such nonsense but that only goes so far in a tribe situation where you have to win competitions so you don't get voted out. So I guess it's a collective idiocy rather than all on one person.


Don't these folks know how to say "Wardouche STFU"

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16 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I really wish Wardog had been voted out.  Having him on EoE with Reem would be amazingly entertaining and I would be in for it!  It would be like cartoon hilarity and ineptitude.

Oh my.  That would really make EoE camp worth all the camera time it gets.  Oh, Survivor gods, please make this happen!  I'll make the popcorn....

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30 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get this either. They've been letting Wardog call all the shots every time and all it's done is bite them in the ass. I think Wentworth paid lip service to how much she trusted him or some such nonsense but that only goes so far in a tribe situation where you have to win competitions so you don't get voted out. So I guess it's a collective idiocy rather than all on one person.

14 minutes ago, preeya said:

Don't these folks know how to say "Wardouche STFU"

They should have said something about the Chris vote. They had enough votes to take out Chris which means they had enough votes to take out Wendy. She is strong in the competitions but crazy around camp. David and Rick would have gone along with voting her out. But voting out the guy who is helping you stay close in competitions was ridiculous.

And yes, that means that Kelly has to keep someone who was targeting her but she should have realized that 1) Chris wasn't acting alone 2) Chris would have needed more then Wendy and Dan to vote with him 3) David and Rick were somehow involved in potentially voting out Kelly. So why target the strongest person on your tribe when you have three other targets who would be less damaging to vote out? Hell, if you want to keep Wendy because she is good at the comps, target Rick or David.

Instead they killed their chances to win just about anything by voting out their strongest competitor. All to make Dan happy.


6 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Oh my.  That would really make EoE camp worth all the camera time it gets.  Oh, Survivor gods, please make this happen!  I'll make the popcorn....

OK, so Dan at EoE would be all sorts of fun. I would say that Dan and Reem and Wendy at EoE would be far more entertaining then Kama any day of the week and three times on Sunday.

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34 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get this either. They've been letting Wardog call all the shots every time and all it's done is bite them in the ass. I think Wentworth paid lip service to how much she trusted him or some such nonsense but that only goes so far in a tribe situation where you have to win competitions so you don't get voted out. So I guess it's a collective idiocy rather than all on one person.

I think it is has been because:

a) The tribe has been divided, basically the Wentworth faction vs. the David faction, so it was easier for those groups to try to work with The Warthog, than to team up to vote him out.

b) He was perceived as an asset in challenges because of his size, though that perception seems to have changed.

c) About half the time, The Warthog's strategy made perfect sense, so they were going along with a good plan.  

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I pretty much loathe all these players this season, nobody seems rootable. Reem is a screeching harpy who is just unbearable. Keith...Keith is that special kind of dumb that you have to be born with, you just can't learn that type of stupid. Then there's Wardog, who can literally do nothing - can't excel in challenges, can't catch fish or get food, can't make a shelter, he's so fucking lazy, I can't understand why he even applied to this show. And for the record, he's a law student? After seeing his lazy ways here I would never ever hire him for any legal work, not even to draw up papers on who gets my dog when I die. He's awful. Wendy is batshit crazy, to the point I can't even feel empathy for her Tourette's, she's so obnoxious I am able to loathe her without any reservation or "yeah but she's..." She's just awful, period end of story. That redhead is a piece of work, I can't stand these young players who are barely off their mother's teat and they act all self-righteous about how the older players are useless but they can't do shit either. And then there's Kelly Wentworth, who's name I remember but who's season I've long forgotten. She's just a  C U Next Tuesday. That comment about David acting like a female? I wanted to reach into my TV and punch her ass in the eye, that was a disgusting comment and showed who this creature really is. I guess the only two people I felt I could root for were Joe and Aubrey, but Aubrey lost me when she fell for their bullshit and didn't play her idol, she really disappointed me, I thought she was a better player than that. So yeah, I guess, Go Joe...?!?

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7 hours ago, violet and green said:

Er, yes there is. Or no-one would bother to watch movies or go to the theater, etc. We read, interpret, and feel emotions and attitudes from others all the time.

I do get that some people are pretty well immune to nuances in facial expression and vocal tonality, and others may not pay particular attention at any given moment, or at all; but one can discern all manner of emotions, attitudes, and general airs by observation.

Past experience plays into this, also, I think in quite a big way - so if one was subjected to great levels of contempt growing up, one might be highly attuned to a micro-expression of contempt, for example.

We do but we are carefully manipulated into our interpretation by the artists who make these things.  The Kuleshov Effect is a thing, for example.  The same footage of a face can seem happy, sad, scared, etc depending on context, which is exactly what I'm talking about here.  And of course even the footage we see is a teeny tiny fraction of what actually happens -- if we were there in real life we'd have completely different kinds and amounts of information about these people and how they think and feel and hold themselves etc.  As it is we have, statistically speaking, nothing.  I doubt we have as much as 10 minutes total of Victoria so far, and they've been there like three weeks already.

I agree we bring personal things into it -- I don't agree that it's necessarily a more accurate detection ability.  I think we bring a lot of our own stuff to the art we see/read/hear/etc.  I certainly do, and I know I want to see strong women doing well in the game and being proud of it.  I would personally say this is not because I had such a lovely carefree childhood and an immunity to nuances in facial expression but rather because having had a rough and disempowering life in some ways I am always looking for evidence that success and strength are possible and pleasant for people like me.  Nothing wrong with suspecting my interpretations based on this bias, but I feel like it's more positive than jumping to the smug conclusion as seems to be so popular.

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I think it is has been because:

a) The tribe has been divided, basically the Wentworth faction vs. the David faction, so it was easier for those groups to try to work with The Warthog, than to team up to vote him out.

b) He was perceived as an asset in challenges because of his size, though that perception seems to have changed.

c) About half the time, The Warthog's strategy made perfect sense, so they were going along with a good plan.  

And d) He would throw a hissy fit and target you if you didn't go along with him.

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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

I pretty much loathe all these players this season, nobody seems rootable. Reem is a screeching harpy who is just unbearable. Keith...Keith is that special kind of dumb that you have to be born with, you just can't learn that type of stupid. Then there's Wardog, who can literally do nothing - can't excel in challenges, can't catch fish or get food, can't make a shelter, he's so fucking lazy, I can't understand why he even applied to this show. And for the record, he's a law student? After seeing his lazy ways here I would never ever hire him for any legal work, not even to draw up papers on who gets my dog when I die. He's awful. Wendy is batshit crazy, to the point I can't even feel empathy for her Tourette's, she's so obnoxious I am able to loathe her without any reservation or "yeah but she's..." She's just awful, period end of story. That redhead is a piece of work, I can't stand these young players who are barely off their mother's teat and they act all self-righteous about how the older players are useless but they can't do shit either. And then there's Kelly Wentworth, who's name I remember but who's season I've long forgotten. She's just a  C U Next Tuesday. That comment about David acting like a female? I wanted to reach into my TV and punch her ass in the eye, that was a disgusting comment and showed who this creature really is. I guess the only two people I felt I could root for were Joe and Aubrey, but Aubrey lost me when she fell for their bullshit and didn't play her idol, she really disappointed me, I thought she was a better player than that. So yeah, I guess, Go Joe...?!?

Funny, the only players  I really don't like are Reem (though I find her insane rage kind of entertaining), Wendy and The Warthog.

Everyone else, I am pretty much either neutral or positive on.  

Keith is an odd case.  He seems like a sweet sort of timid guy, who is going against those instincts and playing cutthroat.  I can see people not liking him, but I like him.

Wentworth is fine.  Not one of my favorites, but I don't get all the hate.  She didn't say David was acting like a woman, she said that him being physically weak made it like the tribe  had 3 women and 1 man when it came to challenges.

I love Victoria.  I don't remember her saying anything about the older players being useless.  I have heard her talk about wanting to get out the returning players.  

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15 hours ago, preeya said:

And the big question remains how will they and how many will actually get back in the game.

My big question is, will the win of a person who has been voted out be valid? For me, it won't. You are voted out and only won cause of a twist. You didn't play a winning game, you were just lucky.

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21 minutes ago, himela said:

My big question is, will the win of a person who has been voted out be valid? For me, it won't. You are voted out and only won cause of a twist. You didn't play a winning game, you were just lucky.

Well, whether people like it or not, that is this season's 'twist'. I just have to watch each season and hopefully enjoy it. By now, they're full of tricks. So if a returnee happens to win, then I think they deserved it within the parameters of this season.

To me, it's like saying so-and-so would've been voted out if they hadn't played an Idol, then went on to win the game. They all voted you OUT.

It's sort of like when people complain about a team being last in TAR, but were saved by a non-elimination leg, then going on to win the game. Oftentimes, folks say they didn't deserve the win because they were only saved by chance.

Edited by mikewho
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