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S38.E02: One of Us Is Going to Win


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I read that after the first tribal, there was torrential rainfall all night while Reem sat alone wrapped in a bit of sail. All they actually showed tonight was her feet in sodden shoes. Of course we also saw everyone's pruny hands. But at least they had each other. If Reem eventually decides to raise the sail after however many days sitting alone, starving and soaked, not even knowing what she's waiting for, I'm not going to judge her negatively. I don't think any of us can begin to imagine what that would be like. (Recently I spent what felt like the longest night of my life, sitting up all night in an emergency room, coughing and feverish, waiting and waiting. I just about threw in the towel, even though I was indoors with working bathrooms and access to food. Am I crazy that I thought about the Survivors?) 

Which is something I wondered about tonight, not for the first time. Survivors keep sitting up, night after night, frozen and soaked and starving and sleepless. Yet no one ever has a cold or pneumonia or flu. How is this possible? 

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Aubrey was really annoying to me.  It was funny watching how everyone knew she was running the same line of bull with just about everyone else.

Forgot about that little montage, so funny. That was the definition of fake sincerity. If she told ME that I reminder her of herself my instant response would have been "Oh... really? Well, that can't be good..."

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39 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

The people on the Blue Tribe are almost naked - men walking around in only underwear - and the people on the OTHER tribe are wearing knits for goodness sakes.  The redheaded woman was wearing a TOQUE.... A TOQUE, something I'd only wear for negative temperatures, Celsius, and the woman who made the speech about how she doesn't understand idols was wearing a knit sweater!  Very weird.

Is that the winter hat?  I can't stand when people wear winter hats in warm climates - if I were Trista I would never have married Ryan for that reason.  It used to be in my top 3 pet peeves, but was bumped to #4 when people started getting so aggressive with picture taking on vacation.  So that redhead is at the bottom of my list 😄

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Tonight was a good episode. The editors kind of fooled me with all of the Kelley talk of being voted off. I understand why Keith had to go, though. I would have liked to see if he decided to go to IOE or not instead of him praying for what to do. I also would have liked to see who voted for who. 

YES! Lauren found the idol, and is keeping it a secret from Kelley. That's good playing. I enjoy watching her and her game. She's got it.

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37 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Forgot about that little montage, so funny. That was the definition of fake sincerity. If she told ME that I reminder her of herself my instant response would have been "Oh... really? Well, that can't be good..."

"That's too bad Aubry, I was hoping I was more like someone who won."

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2 minutes ago, OutOfTheQuestion said:

"That's too bad Aubry, I was hoping I was more like someone who won."

"I've always considered myself more of a Michelle."

It's funny though because when I watched Aubry's first season I rooted hard for her because in some ways she totally reminded me of myself. So I probably would've responded favorably.  I still love her but I don't think she's getting far this season. Although if her team keeps winning I guess it's possible.

Did Joe say anything this episode? No loss. He doesn't do it for me and I don't think he's very interesting.

I still don't have much of an opinion on the new people yet. Anne of Green Gables is kind of odd so she might be interesting to watch. Some of the guys seem interchangeable at this point.

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3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I didn’t need a cliffhanger. This isn’t Who Shot J.R.. We already have Extinction Island to deal with.

That's actually why we (well, TPTB) needed a cliffhanger.

If everyone quickly chose to go to EoE, then there'd be no point in showing the decision point. We'd just see them arrive on the sandbar, and it'd be Outcast/RI Redux.

If everyone just as quickly chose to end their game, the whole twist would have been pointless to bring up in the first place.

But a cliffhanger actually helps sell the gimmick.  It enforces that there really is a big choice to be made.  And Keith's waffling, even if it wasn't as long as they made it out to be (what, Survivor editors exaggerating the timeline?  No way...), was enough to give them an early opportunity to get a cliffhanger in and sell the story.

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Wardog is bad enough but, this episode, he referred to himself as “the Wardog”

There's many reasons I don't use the self-given nicknames.  And Dan just demonstrated another one here.

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I find I don't even slightly care about any of these people.   Although the ginger girl is cute.

The way people are targeted on this show ... does it dawn on cast members that their primary targets (aside from Kelly) have been a) an older woman  b) a black man, and c) a person with a disability?   Fine commentary on society.   Sometimes it really feels like we're moving backwards, not forward.

And what was with Reem's bawling?  Do you know what I would give for a few days alone on a tropical island like that?  

Edited by millennium
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I have watched every season of Survivor & have absolutely no memory of Kelly Wentworth. Everyone keeps talking about her like she's a great player, & I don't remember a thing about her. 

I really hope Keith choses the leave option. If he really has a problem deciding whether to stay or leave & it's still the beginning of the competition, he should leave.

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Not loving the cliffhanger, since I think most people couldn't care less which choice he makes. It's possible they're setting Keith up for a huge underdog comeback into the game, so they need us to care about him.

I think Wardog's days are numbered. He will get a lot of show time as a villain of sorts, but they'll dump him when he gets too annoying and overbearing.

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Victoria: “I know I should be looking for idols, but I have no idea how you’d even begin to start looking!”

Me: “Maybe try moving your feet?”


I was thinking along the exact same lines:

“Well, first you move your feet... and then you move your eyes... and hey, guess what’s happening?  YOU’RE LOOKING!!!”  


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5 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I liked Wendy trying to build a consensus against Wentworth.  But, I HATED her "She's already had her chance" talk, in the confessional.

If you want to target returning player, great.  But, the "It's my turn" crap sound so entitled.

I agree, that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. But I still like Wendy, even though I was sure I would find her irritating during the pre-show clips. So glad my perceptions were wrong, since I want her to go far. I just find her adorable!

Also, it could be worse. Has anyone on Survivor busted out the "You're taking food out of my child's mouth!" horseshit that houseguests tend to pull on the regular on Big Brother? I haven't seen every season of this show, as I gave up for a few years since almost every season had casts filled with despicable vile human beings. I'd be watching 3 or 4 episodes into the season, and I'd be sitting there all, "Why am I watching this show? It's not fun, and I loathe ALL these fuckers!" Millennials vs. Gen X was the first season in years that actually held my attention all the way through; and no, it wasn't (just) for the obvious reason, I just really enjoyed the game-play. I think taking a few years off really helped with that too.

5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

So there are TWO really hot guys this season.  And one of them, well, let's just say...................... I've basically seen his entire body tonight.  All of the....... parts.  And I am fine with that.  hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.

Ah, Chris! Another one with ink, but at least it's not a lot and it's not brightly-coloured, so as to be extra-distracting. (I can't wait until this trend ends.) But him in his underwear, especially the ass shots? DROOL. I may have to arrange for a fainting sofa and some smelling salts if this continues.

I know the name Kelley Wentworth, but seeing her this season made me realize I've never actually watched her seasons, so am unfamiliar with her game-play. I do find her insufferably smug though, and wish she'd go sooner rather than later. She can take Wardog (UGH) with her. Aubrey can go next, and I guffawed when the editors showed us all of her lines repeated to various tribe members, followed by them all gathering to compare notes. I do find Victoria interesting though, and hope to see more of her.

I guffawed again when Keith was all, "Good luck with the challenges!" as he stormed off. I can understand him being upset and emotional, but I have a feeling Manu may do better in challenges from here on out. But I dunno, his "Oh God, help me, Jesus" sputtering didn't seem genuine to me, just irritating.

I didn't find Rick as annoying this episode, but, poor guy: every time I look at him, I see the resemblance to Jared Fogle. It's unfortunate, as it's not his fault, but I read that somewhere (either here or the Datalounge) and now I can't un-see it.

Also, I did feel a twinge of the "awwww" for Nurse Jackie. And then she started speaking again.

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It says a lot about the players, as they've been shown so far, that I can't think of much to say about them.  I hope this season won't be a snoozefest.    So far I think I still like Wendy, but I have a sneaking feeling that she's been told one time too many how adorable and quirky she is.  She may wear out her welcome in my head.  I still can't stand Warthog; I dislike ex-military types who think it makes them extra-special and he's already grating my last nerve.  I don't know enough about any of the others yet, except the returnees.  Aubrey is disappointing me by playing hard but badly - her strength used to be subtlety.  Joe is just pleasant background.  He's fun to watch in challenges and doing some physical chores, but I've never seen evidence of any personality or brainpower.  David can't really do his lovable underdog shtick anymore, so he's like an new player in an old player's body.  If Kelley is the one who got mugged by a couple of neanderthals as she was going for an idol in another season, I'm glad she's back for another chance, but i don't know what she's like except she seems to play hard.

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4 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Hah... I totally caught that I was thinking "Well at least I have a nice warm hat" usually doesn't enter into the game often... but then I also was waiting for someone to say 'Keith?? Can I have your jacket?' as he slung it over his shoulder on the way out so maybe the knits will come in handy?

That brings up an interesting point.  In future seasons will players who get voted out decline to leave behind their jackets and other clothing because they might need them if there is an EOE Island they haven't been told about? 

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4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Yeah, the knit cap was very random. Was it a luxury item? I guess it helps if it rains. She looked very 70’s with the braids & knit cap. She looked cute but out of place with the location. 

i have liked Victoria since watching her pre-game interview. But, if she lasts long she is going to be a 110 pound pile of freckles after being in the sun that much.

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So I'd only made it halfway through Page 1 when I made my comment, and I'm glad to see others instantly see Rick as a Jared Fogle-lookalike as well.

I'd laugh hysterically if Lauren went back to find her idol only to discover it had washed away with the tide. Not that I dislike her that much, I don't really feel one way or another about her, just that it'd be worth it to point at the screen with a belly-laugh and a knee-slap or two.

I'm so glad people know the word is "returnee." Ugh, I wanted to slap all those dumbass fuckers on Big Brother a few seasons back when they kept saying "returner, returner."

That challenge looked quite difficult, but as I said in the premiere episode thread, why not bother learning the basics of how to swim? I realize a swimming pool and the ocean are quite different, but I fail to see how this is still a debate. (Also, why people just never bother learning to swim, period, but that's neither here nor there.)

2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

If David says he trusts Jared Fogle, he's not as smart as I thought he might be.

Keith probably wishes his mommy could make his decision for him, but perhaps god will answer after the 56th time of being mentioned.

Yeah, not sure what I was hoping for with a David return, just that I was glad to see him again. But if Jared Fogle is the one he trusts implicitly, well, I may have some hesitation going forward.

Edited by HeShallBMySquishy
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If God decides to send Keith to EOE with Reem instead of making him quit, I hope he spends most of his time there getting more swimming lessons.

His bitterness and yelling at God annoyed me.  But, I LOVED that he is so polite that he yelled "dang it" a dozen times because he is too polite to even say "damn", much less the expletives most people would use these days.

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I am excited cute-looking and all round sensible person Chris has ELOHIM in big letters on his right flank - a better class of tat, surely - and interested to know what it means to him.

So glad poor Reem wasn't inflicted with Kelley Wentworth, after all that. It's a bit deflating to not know if Keith made it to EOI island - he dang well better, as I don't want Reem to go insane all on her ownsome and quit. I would prefer it there, myself, nice and peaceful...

It's all a bit underwhelming so far. I actually screamed when Wenty's trusted ally of all possible people found the idol, but then she went and buried it shallowly in wet, tidal sand. Idiot!

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7 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I am a little disappointed in how they present the choice.  Instead of "This way to continue, that way to end your adventure", it should be more like, "If you are willing to go through Survivor hell to stay in the game, get on the boat.  If you want to get a hot shower, a comfortable bed, and all the food you want, go to the right."

I was more than a little disappointed when I saw that first episode.  It's like they want to oversimplify it and really give no choice anyway.  They may as well say 'if you want to quit go this way'. 

And Keith going on about God/Jesus asking for help making his decision reminded me of that player from last season (who I didn't like).  Keith was definitely an obvious boot. 

I think his remark about losing challenges was that they would lose with or without him anyway.

Edited by amazingracefan
8 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I liked Wendy trying to build a consensus against Wentworth.  But, I HATED her "She's already had her chance" talk, in the confessional.

If you want to target returning player, great.  But, the "It's my turn" crap sound so entitled.

She did say she had two chances before, so she'd already had a second chance.  Also returning players are arguably better on a returning players season than on a mixed one.

Why weren't we shown the individual votes at the end of the episode?

Edited by amazingracefan
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So, it seems like 2 factions have sort of naturally formed in Tribe Ginobili.

The more Alpha, athletic types, Kelley, Lauren, Chris and The Warthog and the Nerdy Strategists David, Rick and Wendy.

I am rooting for the nerds, but right now, I can't see any good reasons for the 4 Alphas not to stick together. Plus, Lauren has the idol, so they are not going to lose the majority by the other 3 playing an idol.

The best hope might be if Lauren and or Chris think either Kelley or, more likely, The Warthog is trying to boss around the tribe too much.

Lauren has a lot a power right now.  She could be a swing vote, if she wants and has the idol.  I think she has a great shot of being able to take it to the merge.

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6 hours ago, TVFan1 said:

Tonight was a good episode. The editors kind of fooled me with all of the Kelley talk of being voted off. I understand why Keith had to go, though. I would have liked to see if he decided to go to IOE or not instead of him praying for what to do. I also would have liked to see who voted for who. 

YES! Lauren found the idol, and is keeping it a secret from Kelley. That's good playing. I enjoy watching her and her game. She's got it.

When Lauren found the idol and then hid it saying she wasnt even telling Kelley I felt Vindicated cause I was saying last week there was no sign of her and Kelley being a "Power Couple after 3 freaking days. Wendy is just obsessed with getting her out while looking stupid ignoring the very real threat David Presents 

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3 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

When Lauren found the idol and then hid it saying she wasnt even telling Kelley I felt Vindicated cause I was saying last week there was no sign of her and Kelley being a "Power Couple after 3 freaking days. Wendy is just obsessed with getting her out while looking stupid ignoring the very real threat David Presents 

David is a threat, but he is willing to work with Wendy.  I don't think Kelley is.  

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4 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Because those illnesses are caused by a virus, not cold/wet weather conditions.

I agree that this is what we're always told, but from  personal experience, getting unusually exhausted and chilled seems to reliably lower my immune system to the point where these bacteria or viruses can take hold and I end up sick. I've seen it in other people too. So I continue to be mystified and impressed by the Survivors ability to withstand the brutal conditions. 

I don't know why I'm so aware of this. It's my own particular obsession. But every single Survivor later says that no one can understand how brutal and tough conditions are until they experience them, and after watching so many seasons, it's easy to lose sight of this, or to minimize the impact on the game.

Since my main reason for watching the show is my fascination with human psychology, I'm astonished every season at people's ability to willingly withstand a kind of mental and physical torture to stay in this game. I doubt if I could do it. So kudos to those who do, and I have lots of compassion for those who crack, like (potentially) Reem or Keith. 

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11 hours ago, wallflower75 said:

Did Keith imply that there was no way the tribe would win challenges since they voted him out?  Um…evidence points that their chances increase without him there.??

He didn't imply it he actually said it, not an exact quote b/c I don't remember the exact words but basically "Good luck winning challenges without me".   As a parting shot it was about as stinging as the classic "Oh Really"

11 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I'll debate it.  The show isn't Outswim, Outdive, Outfloat.   We all know that swimming is NOT the deciding factor on this show or else my beloved Dolphin Boy Ozzy Lusth would have won at least once instead of zero out of four times.  

Is Sandra, the objectively Best Player of All Time, even an accomplished swimmer?  I don't remember her winning physical challenges but please correct me if I'm wrong.

True but at the same time it's Outlast and it's impossible to outlast and avoid council when one tribe member is five minutes behind everyone else in the challenges especially if they have to wait and all be on the  mat or touching the bamboo or whatever before they can move on.   It wasn't solely because of swim ability but the Ulong tribe lost every time and ended up with Stephanie just boating over and joining the other tribe because she was the only member left.  I think a balance between being careful about bringing strong people to the end where they can win individual immunity and keeping the strong and letting the weaker ones go to win tribe immunity is fairly logical game play.

I can't remember if Sandra  struggled with swimming.     Contestant mix up, the rest of this paragraph is actually about Cirie (thank you to Eolivet for pointing out I got the two mixed up):   I do remember her Cirie in the first few days freaking out about everything and saying she was afraid of leaves at one point.  I though Oh Boy this one is not made for this game she's not going to last.  She wound up being one of my favorite players though.  

Keith's cliffhanger was underwhelming, I hope it's just the game and this indecisive panic isn't how he is at home.   He can't know for sure but he has to realize at some point stay in the game means fight for your place in the game so I wonder if some of the reason he's unsure is (despite his parting shot to the tribe) deep down he knows the physical part isn't his strong suit especially if it involves water and is he willing to suffer more only to lose again and be out permanently.   This is a new twist to the game so I think the  unknown aspect of it is going to weigh on people to some extent - like anything else in life I'd guess some are going to just say hell yes and grab that torch and some are going to think and debate what this could mean like Keith is.

The editor who decided to string all of Aubrey's conversations together was brilliant but for pete's sake Aubrey change up your wording and conversations a little.  Sure they aren't watching on TV and don't have the inside info we do but they're going to talk and when even one of them says "Aubrey said I remind her of her" it's guaranteed three or four of them who hear that will look up in shock and blurt out she said the same to them.  Being sneaky and disingenuous is the game, doing it in an obvious way and getting caught can be the kiss of death.

Edited by sigmaforce86
Correct thought from Sandra to Cirie
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7 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I read that after the first tribal, there was torrential rainfall all night while Reem sat alone wrapped in a bit of sail. All they actually showed tonight was her feet in sodden shoes. Of course we also saw everyone's pruny hands. But at least they had each other. If Reem eventually decides to raise the sail after however many days sitting alone, starving and soaked, not even knowing what she's waiting for, I'm not going to judge her negatively. I don't think any of us can begin to imagine what that would be like.

I was very critical of Reem last week, for falling straight into the bossy older woman trap, but I'm all admiration now.  I've seen some very tough Survivors fall apart after a night in cold rain when they had a good shelter and other people around them. 

Only one piece of coconut?  Shouldn't she, at least, have a bag of rice?

3 hours ago, EllenB said:

  Aubrey is disappointing me by playing hard but badly - her strength used to be subtlety. 

Aubrey annoyed me by saying, "dialogue" when "talk" would have worked just fine, then she said it five different times and added the laughably conceited, "You remind me of myself."  It was like an SNL routine.

Pippi Longstocking and the slightly older brunette were women I was hoping to root for, but their beach conversation finished all that.  "Lets not look for idols, but sit here and complain about the patriarchy and how the cavemen did all the hunting and gathering and wouldn't let the cave women do anything fun or get paid as much."

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35 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

I hope David costs Wendy the game. With her focus on only Kelly .  And  Wentworth is deemed real smug by a few people I've seen WAY WORSE on this show. Like Tony, Parvati and others 

I don't have any problem with Wentworth.  But, I also see no benefit to Wendy in getting rid of David.

David and Rick were willing to work with her.  If they had gotten rid of Kelley, David, Rick, Keith and Wendy would br running the tribe right now.

If Wendy flipped to the cool kids alliance, she would be the clear #5 of 5, and all alone with 2 pairs of buddies (Chris/The Warthog, Kelley/Lauren).

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17 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

He didn't imply it he actually said it, not an exact quote b/c I don't remember the exact words but basically "Good luck winning challenges without me".   As a parting shot it was about as stinging as the classic "Oh Really"

True but at the same time it's Outlast and it's impossible to outlast and avoid council when one tribe member is five minutes behind everyone else in the challenges especially if they have to wait and all be on the  mat or touching the bamboo or whatever before they can move on.   It wasn't solely because of swim ability but the Ulong tribe lost every time and ended up with Stephanie just boating over and joining the other tribe because she was the only member left.  I think a balance between being careful about bringing strong people to the end where they can win individual immunity and keeping the strong and letting the weaker ones go to win tribe immunity is fairly logical game play.

I can't remember if Sandra struggled with swimming, I do remember her in the first few days freaking out about everything and saying she was afraid of leaves at one point.  I though Oh Boy this one is not made for this game she's not going to last.  She wound up being one of my favorite players though.  

Keith's cliffhanger was underwhelming, I hope it's just the game and this indecisive panic isn't how he is at home.   He can't know for sure but he has to realize at some point stay in the game means fight for your place in the game so I wonder if some of the reason he's unsure is (despite his parting shot to the tribe) deep down he knows the physical part isn't his strong suit especially if it involves water and is he willing to suffer more only to lose again and be out permanently.   This is a new twist to the game so I think the  unknown aspect of it is going to weigh on people to some extent - like anything else in life I'd guess some are going to just say hell yes and grab that torch and some are going to think and debate what this could mean like Keith is.

The editor who decided to string all of Aubrey's conversations together was brilliant but for pete's sake Aubrey change up your wording and conversations a little.  Sure they aren't watching on TV and don't have the inside info we do but they're going to talk and when even one of them says "Aubrey said I remind her of her" it's guaranteed three or four of them who hear that will look up in shock and blurt out she said the same to them.  Being sneaky and disingenuous is the game, doing it in an obvious way and getting caught can be the kiss of death.

I am not sure if Keith meant they couldn't win challenges without him, because they would miss his spectacular athletic prowess.  I think he might have meant it more like, "Manu was going to keep losing with or without me, so why not get rid of a threat."

I wonder if the editors noticed Aubrey saying the same bull to all the other players or if they were tipped off by the others comparing notes and by Victoria's confessional.

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1 hour ago, amazingracefan said:

She did say she had two chances before, so she'd already had a second chance.  Also returning players are arguably better on a returning players season than on a mixed one.

Why weren't we shown the individual votes at the end of the episode?

I think the votes are going to be replaced with a shot of the person/people on extinction island waiting for a potential new arrival.

19 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I was very critical of Reem last week, for falling straight into the bossy older woman trap, but I'm all admiration now.  I've seen some very tough Survivors fall apart after a night in cold rain when they had a good shelter and other people around them. 

Only one piece of coconut?  Shouldn't she, at least, have a bag of rice?

Aubrey annoyed me by saying, "dialogue" when "talk" would have worked just fine, then she said it five different times and added the laughably conceited, "You remind me of myself."  It was like an SNL routine.

Pippi Longstocking and the slightly older brunette were women I was hoping to root for, but their beach conversation finished all that.  "Lets not look for idols, but sit here and complain about the patriarchy and how the cavemen did all the hunting and gathering and wouldn't let the cave women do anything fun or get paid as much."

I have no idea about coconut but is it possible that there is some meat that is fine and other you can't eat for some reason? I was glad to see that she quickly made use of the materials on the island and started on a shelter and fire. I think the food is going to be a hard thing. They have been given nothing. I did like that the message at the sail did not tell them what to expect. They don't know if this is like the exile tribe or redemption island. If you are going to stay in the game for a chance to get back into the real thing, you have to be willing to pay a price.

Hopefully Keith, who should have been the first vote based on the "weakest player" argument (Everyone knew he couldn't swim and he gave no indication that he was stronger then Reem) goes to extinction island and gives Reem some company. I think she has the skills needed to stay for a while but strikes me as the type of person who is very much an extrovert and won't last long solo.

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Aubrey really annoyed me when she whined about hating "Kumbaya Survivor" and said she was anxious to go to tribal council.

Tribal unity and victory are good things.  Enjoy then while they last. God forbid you have some fun before things get nasty, especially when you are a prime candidate to be the first one voted out.  She is really a negative person.

Ron Clark aka Matthew Perry aka Chandler was hilarious choreographing the Kama dance.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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11 hours ago, LanceM said:

Loved the montage of Aubry saying the same things to each member of her tribe.

In what I found a very ho hum episode (honestly it kept losing my attention) this was hilarious.  The bright point of the night.  Aubry's comment about I hate Kum bya Survivor made me like her just a little bit.  I hate it as well.  "oh lets braid hair" Gah

11 hours ago, Haleth said:

I wonder if the producers are making a new tribe with the EoE exiles. Is there any doubt Keth will go there?  Maybe once they have enough exiles the third tribe will be reintroduced?

I don't know if it will become an actual tribe later in the game but its certainly taking up air time like a 3rd tribe. 

11 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I'm trying to think if there's a Dan on Survivor I've actually liked. I didn't like Dan last season much, hated Dan from Worlds Apart and now this Dan (a.k.a. Wardog), who's like the love child of Dom and Tony, with his "I must control this vote, and if we're not doing what I'm doing, it's wrong."

I've worked with men like this and just....argh.  No self doubt whatsoever, my plan, my ideas, my way is the best way of course and I have no problem forcing everyone else to agree.  TheBossyPuppy

11 hours ago, ByaNose said:

If you can’t swim you don’t belong on Survivor. I still can’t believe this even up for debate. 

IDK.  What about people who suck at puzzles?  Thats always big.  Or balance challenges. Or throwing.  Not many are good at all things.  Swimming challenges usually occur early when in tribes.  If your tribe is winning and you are good in the puzzles that come later you are better off being bad at swimming.  

So....shaping up for a pagonging?   I hope Wentworth votes out TheBossyPuppy Dan with his "we can use her as a shield" like she isn't playing the game too.  
Is it editing or?  that Wentworth seems the huge threat to David?  I mean, does David feel like - "why does no one see me as a threat?  Did my game suck that much?"

Aubry's overplay is really going to boomerang.  They said she lasted a long time in both her seasons but I'm not sure why?  From Joe's perspective that could seem good unless it just keeps highlighting them as returnees.  Which her interrogations about "how do you feel about returnees" certainly did.  Shut up Aubry!

Keith was doing all his yelling while walking wasn't he?  It didn't seem like it took long to make a decision to me.  

Probst just seems to get more and more leading and obnoxious both during challenges and tribal.  I mean, to the point he is influencing the game. 

Edited by marys1000
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Brookside said:
  9 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Wardog is bad enough but, this episode, he referred to himself as “the Wardog”. Just no.

6 hours ago, Brookside said:

I just kept seeing Warthog.

Ha!  Same for me Brookside!  And I do not want to keep seeing him mansplain shit all season and watch him preen about his presumed alpha status for too much longer.  I sincerely thank you for your military service, Mr. Dog, but please dial the testosterone back to a tolerable 4 or 5, mkay?  And after trying to figure out who he reminded me of, it came to me....a younger, local comedy club tier Ben Stiller impersonator doing a middle schooler's talent show level impersonation of a young Bruce Willis.  I think it's the pursed lip thing.

 Kelley can go ASAP.  I honestly do not remember her AT ALL, but don't like what I've seen so far.  I'm not a fan of returnees, but I can't help liking David for some reason.  I hope he goes far with his new alliance dude (who bears an unfortunate resemblance to Jared, the Subway perv, but I will do my best to ignore that).

Why was Keith ever allowed to be put on the plane to join the cast?  I'm sure these folks sign a mountain of liability waivers and accident disclosures, but good God! If I can't swim or even wade in shin-deep water comfortably, than going on a month long self-imposed exile to a place surrounded by WATER, where I will be expected to compete in said water is not a good life choice.  All of his 'help me God! Oh Jesus!' keening at the end really annoyed me.  The sign did not read, "Choose this path if you want your mother to be in a disfiguring car accident OR this path if you want your father to suffer a heart attack".  

  • LOL 4
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10 minutes ago, marys1000 said:

In what I found a very ho hum episode (honestly it kept losing my attention) this was hilarious.  The bright point of the night.  Aubry's comment about I hate Kum bya Survivor made me like her just a little bit.  I hate it as well.  "oh lets braid hair" Gah

I don't know if it will become an actual tribe later in the game but its certainly taking up air time like a 3rd tribe. 

I've worked with men like this and just....argh.  No self doubt whatsoever, my plan, my ideas, my way is the best way of course and I have no problem forcing everyone else to agree.  TheBossyPuppy

IDK.  What about people who suck at puzzles?  Thats always big.  Or balance challenges. Or throwing.  Not many are good at all things.  Swimming challenges usually occur early when in tribes.  If your tribe is winning and you are good in the puzzles that come later you are better off being bad at swimming.  

So....shaping up for a pagonging?   I hope Wentworth votes out TheBossyPuppy Dan with his "we can use her as a shield" like she isn't playing the game too.  
Is it editing or?  that Wentworth seems the huge threat to David?  I mean, does David feel like - "why does no one see me as a threat?  Did my game suck that much?"

Aubry's overplay is really going to boomerang.  They said she lasted a long time in both her seasons but I'm not sure why?  From Joe's perspective that could seem good unless it just keeps highlighting them as returnees.  Which her interrogations about "how do you feel about returnees" certainly did.  Shut up Aubry!

Keith was doing all his yelling while walking wasn't he?  It didn't seem like it took long to make a decision to me.  

Probst just seems to get more and more leading and obnoxious both during challenges and tribal.  I mean, to the point he is influencing the game. 

You can't drown from not being able to do a puzzle.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, sigmaforce86 said:

I can't remember if Sandra struggled with swimming, I do remember her in the first few days freaking out about everything and saying she was afraid of leaves at one point.

That was Cirie, not Sandra. Sandra's first impression (as I'm rewatching Pearl Islands right now) was to walk into that Panamanian village and bargain for everything under the sun for her tribe. She traded her gold necklace for a feast of barbecued chicken, the aluminum foil, the plates, utensils -- everything but the grill.

Sandra was not good at challenges at all (her poor swimming ability lost her team a reward), but she was also on two tribes in her two winning seasons that lost very infrequently, so she didn't visit tribal council as much, where her lack of challenge prowess might've come up in a vote. Instead, her perceived weakness helped rather than hurt her on a merged tribe.

Man, I love Sandra. The original Survivor badass.

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  • Love 18
5 hours ago, EllenB said:

If Kelley is the one who got mugged by a couple of neanderthals as she was going for an idol in another season, I'm glad she's back for another chance, but i don't know what she's like except she seems to play hard.

I believe that was Alicia and the neanderthals were Scot and Jason. I forgot which season but it was Aubry's first season and Michelle ended up winning. Tai was on that season, too.

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