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S09.E03: Sleepless in Laredo

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Now we know why Felicity wears head ornaments - to keep everything in place while her mom shakes rocks her.

How does Ben handle tutoring math and taking one college level class? No wonder Jessa slaves away at home cooking and cleaning. She has to have everything nice for her over worked best husband ever!

In reality, Jessa, Ben and the boys must roll out of bed at 10am, throw a couple of urine soaked diapers on the pile and head over to the TTH. What a hard life.

Well, we must remember that Bin spends a lot of time being more in love with Jessa than ever. 

I mean, that was her only answer when asked what he'd been up to lately. So I'm guessing that makes it the big time consumer. 

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Is John David really a pilot? To me, a pilot is someone who flies and gets paid for it. John David flies his daddy's planes, and I imagine gets nothing for it. He flies as a hobby is all. He is not qualified to haul people other than family around, is he?

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14 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

My guess is   

a) no one has raised them and 

b) they are BORED out of their minds. All the damn time. 

c) Energetic, hyper, kids doing lots of varied activity films well for quick cut TV. They've been partly conditioned into by the show - what else is new? I wouldn't be surprised if they constantly do recaps of what happened 5 minutes ago to each other before beginning a new conversation.

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Is John David really a pilot? To me, a pilot is someone who flies and gets paid for it. John David flies his daddy's planes, and I imagine gets nothing for it. He flies as a hobby is all. He is not qualified to haul people other than family around, is he? I have never seen anyone constantly shake a baby like Jinger was doing..a wonder the poor child didn't throw up.

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29 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Is John David really a pilot? To me, a pilot is someone who flies and gets paid for it. John David flies his daddy's planes, and I imagine gets nothing for it. He flies as a hobby is all. He is not qualified to haul people other than family around, is he? I have never seen anyone constantly shake a baby like Jinger was doing..a wonder the poor child didn't throw up.

The definition of pilot doesn't say anything about getting paid though. It just involves flying or driving a plane, helicopter, aircraft, even a ship I think. So I don't have a problem with JD saying he's a pilot as long as he has the proper credentials, even if he doesn't get paid. I don't know what his credentials entail exactly, although I think he can fly any small plane, but he can't fly a Boeing 747 for example.

Yeah, I was scratching my head at Jeremy's comments about the way Jinger was rocking Felicity...talk about keeping sweet! I actually thought Jeremy did it better than Jinger...when he rocked Felicity she wasn't fussing. Felicity was fussing more when Jinger was rocking her. Perhaps that's why Jinger offered to make Jeremy coffee (rather than Jeremy making Jinger breakfast) so that Jeremy could be the one to continue rocking Felicity. 

I think one of my biggest issues with the way they homeschool (although this may have been for TV) is that there were kids of multiple grades receiving the same lesson. You had Josie receiving the same lesson as Jackson and Johannah. No wonder Jackson was the only one really participating because he was the oldest, but then the younger ones are likely to leave it up to the older ones. At least they all had notebooks? Again, though I think that was just for show. And Michelle's "presentation" of Ben and his lesson, well I can't even.

Edited by madpsych78
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17 hours ago, sATL said:

Now I love math - but I thought for recipes it's not always a straight multiplication, when increasing the serving size. But I guess he had each kiddo doing just 4 serving size.  I missed there cleaning and cutting up of the chicken breasts..

No, it isn't always a good idea just to  double or in this case increase by tenfold the ingredients.   There are worksheets online for how to double and halve recipes, but I have never used them.  Definitely with baking you have to be careful about baking powder and baking soda amounts.  Also I think with spices, you multiply by 1.5 instead of 2. 

I  expected the conversion of tablespoons to fractions of a cup, but I figured that was too advanced.  Also there was no point in multiplying any of it by 10 except for the actual purchase as it seems like they cooked it in 10 separate pots. 

I know their education level isn't high, but it was a terrible idea to squish everyone in at that table.  Those kids really need individual attention when it comes to school work.  I do think Bin probably has realized after living with Jessa that her education was very minimal.  I hope he really can help.  I think the first crack in Duggar unity will be someone complaining about the lack of education, although it may not be in my life time.

I like JD's interest in flying.  I don't recall seeing him fly at night so I don't know if he has his instrument rating yet, but I would guess he does as it is useful for flying in bad weather as well as at night.   I would like to see him make a decent career out of his flying (not a commercial pilot, but maybe a private pilot for some company) and I would like to see Abbie get to be an RN.   Probably not going to happen, but a girl can dream.  

Speaking of dreams, I need to visit the Prayer Closet soon.

Edited by Twopper
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2 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

They're not shy about sharing so I wish Jinger had expanded on why she gave up coffee - made her jittery, acid was giving her stomach problems, caused headaches or breakouts?  Just curious and it seems like something that isn't exactly private or secret (compared to, say, something like circumstances around Sam's birth).

I'm sure it was because of the caffeine.  Many doctors will tell nursing moms to avoid caffeine as it can affect the baby's sleeping, etc. ETA:  and many people don't want to drink decaf, especially in "designer" coffee, which it seems is what Jinger usually enjoys. 

Edited by Julia67
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2 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

I''m fuzzy on the timeline.  And I feel like I want to tread carefully here because however Josiah and Lauren might have jumped the gun on announcing pregnancy, even if they had kept it to themselves for a few more months they were still really excited and it's still a loss so no snark there but...............Jessa is now posting on-line like she and Lauren were pregnancy buddies, she even said they had the exact same due date.  Apparently they're going to address the miscarriage next week but going by show time not real time Jessa hasn't said anything about being pregnant so to me it's odd and awkward how and when that fits in.

Is it possible that Lauren has conceived again? Not sure how long it was advised for her (and Josiah)to wait until trying again.

I wonder if jinger modified her coffee habits to prepare for pregnancy. She was a very heavy and strong coffee connoisseur.

Edited by sATL
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Who was that random girl sitting in during the homefooling? Did the Duggars recruit another nanny-slave?

My guess would be she was Ben's sister.  She travelled two hours to be in Ben's math class!

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13 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

My guess is she was actually a "tutor" but either wasn't getting paid or was getting paid under the table for her services. She's probably been told to stfu about the entire thing.

Regardless they have Ben now to teach math!

I thought she was a babysitter though I did find it weird that she lived with them.

11 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

“You know me. Angel.”

"Uh, no we don’t. We don’t know anything about you, Jason."

Poor Jason hes number what in the line up 13? I'm guessing I haven't got a clue. 

11 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

I did LOL at Jeremy describing the evolution of his relationship with coffee once Felicity was born. 

Michelle was really just taking up space, wasn't she?

Also, no Austin anywhere, although we saw Joy and Gideon. I wonder if he'll be the next to get off the Counting On ship...

I was wondering what Michelle was doing there if Ben was teaching them? Also I doubt shes looked at a textbook in 10 years. 

Unlike the rest of this family Austin works so I wouldn't expect him to be spending all his time hanging around the duggar compound. 

8 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

“It’s kind of in cursive, so it’ll be kind of hard for them to read it.”

I know cursive is a dying art form but this made me laugh. 

Also, I would be LIVID if I showed up to a reception and was pointed towards a porta-potty to pee. 

I found this episode sad especially now we know shes had a miscarriage, also sounded like the day after she missed her period she peed on the stick and then decided to tell everyone two days later? I'd be interested to know how far along she was. 

I'd rather a porta potty then as one of them said ( JD I think?) you could go in the trees or a bush.  Imagine going to a wedding with no toilets!

5 hours ago, graefin said:

That's not the only thing. You forgot acquiring an entire set of organic spices (I haven't seen the episode yet; apparently there was a reference to organic spices? I'm thinking of the set of organic spices they like to proudly display on their window sills once they get married) and growing their hair down to their asses.

Michelle was the one squeeling in the supermarket that the spices were organic. I wonder when Michelle last went to a supermarket I bet Jana goes.

10 hours ago, louannems said:

Lost Girl Jordyn appeared utterly exhausted when questioned about serving 40 people dinner.  There was just no spark nor spunk to that poor child at all.  And Jenny kept yawning.

lol Jordyn is so done with her family. 

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6 hours ago, sATL said:

JD sure thinks he one "Top Gun" of a pilot . I think the 4-star general of the Air Force, Head of Pilots at any of the commercial airlines, and the Rear Adm. of of the Navy Pilots, probably don't talk about flying, planes and being a pilot as much as he does. But let me be happy that the man is at least speaking...

My husband is a B52 pilot in the Air Force, and amongst themselves, pilots talk shop endlessly. However, when they're in another situation, the pilot and plane talk goes away.  And I'm still surprised that JD is actually a licensed pilot. I really didn't think he had enough schooling to achieve it. 

That "homeschooling class" was painful to watch. These kids need to be in regular school. I know that's never going to happen, but still. 

Edited by QuinnInND
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1 hour ago, winsomeone said:

Is John David really a pilot? To me, a pilot is someone who flies and gets paid for it. John David flies his daddy's planes, and I imagine gets nothing for it. He flies as a hobby is all. He is not qualified to haul people other than family around, is he?

JD has a commercial pilot's license from the FAA.  He's a pilot, instrument rated, etc.

Regarding how long to wait after a miscarriage, my daughter's doctor said only to wait until after the first regular period so about a month.

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9 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

“It’s kind of in cursive, so it’ll be kind of hard for them to read it.”

I know cursive is a dying art form but this made me laugh. 

Also, I would be LIVID if I showed up to a reception and was pointed towards a porta-potty to pee. 

I actually watched this episode (i dont, usually, but it's reading week so clearly i'm treating myself.)

the problem was that it wasn't so much hard to read, it was that she was sitting and therefore obscuring half the words. there was a shot of her holding it out to be more visible as she was sitting but like, stand. stand up. say something like "oh, im going a the kitchen to get a glass of water. does anyone want anything?" (i know, this requires you to suspend your disbelief that the duggars 1) own glasses and 2) drink water, but please try your best) and let someone read it. 

also, i have this thing with toilets ive never been in before (read: scared of all of them) therefore the minute i had to pee, i'd leave so i could do it in the comfort of my home.

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1 hour ago, winsomeone said:

Is John David really a pilot? To me, a pilot is someone who flies and gets paid for it. John David flies his daddy's planes, and I imagine gets nothing for it. He flies as a hobby is all. He is not qualified to haul people other than family around, is he?

He apparently does now have a commercial license. ....

I expect that's because, previously, they were taking money under the table from some of the "friends of the family" they were hauling around. Because would Boob really help people fly just for their own share of the expenses? Nah ................

But it's illegal to fly anybody or anything for money if you don't have a commercial license. So if they were going to do that, JD had to get qualified for one and, apparently, did....maybe two to three years ago now...

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1 hour ago, winsomeone said:

I have never seen anyone constantly shake a baby like Jinger was doing..a wonder the poor child didn't throw up.

I know, right? Jinger looked positively manic doing that. Did Michelle teach her to do that? I don't know how poor Felicity is expected to fall asleep with all that rough bouncing around! I don't know, I have never had a newborn, is that normal? 

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The whole trying-to-get-weeks-old-Felicity-to-sleep was fake.  She was not a few weeks old when that was filmed. She was too big, and she had some control over her head.  My guess is that Jeremy & Jinger wanted time without the cameras for a while to adjust to parenthood, and then the producers wanted the "struggling to sleep with a newborn" storyline.

I could be wrong, but as they wanted time without her family right after they got married, I could see them wanting time without the cameras when the baby first came home.

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3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I know, right? Jinger looked positively manic doing that. Did Michelle teach her to do that? I don't know how poor Felicity is expected to fall asleep with all that rough bouncing around! I don't know, I have never had a newborn, is that normal? 

Haha. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one to think the whole rocking seemed ridiculous.  (I'm not a mom and haven't been around babies much so I thought maybe that was the norm).

Jinger looked adorable in her sweatpants, though.  And Felicity is cute.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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37 minutes ago, Puffin said:

I was wondering what Michelle was doing there if Ben was teaching them? Also I doubt shes looked at a textbook in 10 years. 

Michelle was the one squeeling in the supermarket that the spices were organic. I wonder when Michelle last went to a supermarket I bet Jana goes.

lol Jordyn is so done with her family. 

Michele was sitting behind them at the school table. I think she explained to the kids at the beginning what Ben's lesson would be. 

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11 hours ago, Twopper said:

I guess Jackson is the oldest of that group.  I think he is the one that fell into the orchestra pit or something like that and got lost in an airport. 

Jason fell in the orchestra pit. Jackson got lost in the airport.

They all start to blend together.

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6 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

When Josiah kept saying "we figured out she was pregnant" I laughed to myself, sounded like he wasn't sure if what they were doing was right then BAM, they figured it out lol.

His choice of words was funny. 

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2 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

When Josiah kept saying "we figured out she was pregnant"

2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

His choice of words was funny. 

Actually they both said she was "expecting". And said it again at the family reveal.  It sounded so old fashioned to me. Are they not allowed to say pregnant? 

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58 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Actually they both said she was "expecting". And said it again at the family reveal.  It sounded so old fashioned to me. Are they not allowed to say pregnant? 

They don't say it, so the suspicion is that the word pregnant is too Nike.  Used to be, TV shows and movies didn't use that word either.  If you watch 'I Love Lucy', you'll notice she is never 'pregnant' with Little Ricky.  She is 'expecting', she is 'having a baby'.  Pregnant is apparently a dirty word in DuggarLand.

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I could not stop staring at Jinger in PANTS! Is this allowed, since she is trying to get back down to her pre baby weight? Or just another FU internet moment. She was just at home and around her husband.....and I certainly don't feel this was "defrauding" anyone. I was still shocked at the pants though. I guess Jeremy is her "headship" now and he seems rather normal compared to the other husbands.

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2 minutes ago, Calibabydolly said:

I could not stop staring at Jinger in PANTS! Is this allowed, since she is trying to get back down to her pre baby weight? Or just another FU internet moment. She was just at home and around her husband.....and I certainly don't feel this was "defrauding" anyone. I was still shocked at the pants though. I guess Jeremy is her "headship" now and he seems rather normal compared to the other husbands.

Too funny. Not defrauding anyone except the people who watch the show on the TeeVee.  Imagine all those impure thoughts around the world!!

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3 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

Jason fell in the orchestra pit. Jackson got lost in the airport.

They all start to blend together.

And possibly more so for Meeechelle than for you and me....   ;  )

Edited by Churchhoney
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47 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

They don't say it, so the suspicion is that the word pregnant is too Nike.  Used to be, TV shows and movies didn't use that word either.  If you watch 'I Love Lucy', you'll notice she is never 'pregnant' with Little Ricky.  She is 'expecting', she is 'having a baby'.  Pregnant is apparently a dirty word in DuggarLand.

Ahhh you beat me to it, @doodlebug! The title of that episode is “Lucy is Enceinte” because, as you said, pregnant is a dirty word. 🤐

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Actually they both said she was "expecting". And said it again at the family reveal.  It sounded so old fashioned to me. Are they not allowed to say pregnant? 

I was more humored by term "figured out" lol, I didn't even realize they didn't say pregnant 🙂

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6 hours ago, sATL said:

Is it possible that Lauren has conceived again? Not sure how long it was advised for her (and Josiah)to wait until trying again.

Would she see a doctor about her miscarriage, I wonder? And even if they were advised to not try again immediately, would they follow that advice? Lauren is expected to always be joyfully available and it's not like they would use birth control.

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5 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

The whole trying-to-get-weeks-old-Felicity-to-sleep was fake.  She was not a few weeks old when that was filmed. She was too big, and she had some control over her head.  My guess is that Jeremy & Jinger wanted time without the cameras for a while to adjust to parenthood, and then the producers wanted the "struggling to sleep with a newborn" storyline.

I could be wrong, but as they wanted time without her family right after they got married, I could see them wanting time without the cameras when the baby first came home.

Jinger never struck me as one who would tolerate cameras like some of her family. There would no birthing of babies on the shitter and keeping sweet while the cameras camped out in her living room for weeks. 

Edited by FakeJoshDuggar
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1 hour ago, jcbrown said:

Would she see a doctor about her miscarriage, I wonder? And even if they were advised to not try again immediately, would they follow that advice? Lauren is expected to always be joyfully available and it's not like they would use birth control.

Well that's medically scary. Esp. if there was alot of blood passed

Based upon what was said (Josiah mentioned she was sick) and what is stated in people mag ( link )  - just getting checked out wouldn't be bad idea:

"“I wasn’t feeling well,” recalls 19-year-old Lauren, breaking down in tears. “I was cramping really, really bad, which was quite strange because I normally don’t. I was thinking maybe I had something that had gluten in it. It was late at night and I went to use the restroom and there was the baby. Gone. I couldn’t believe it and I was hoping it wasn’t true.”

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17 minutes ago, sATL said:

Well that's medically scary. They practice abstinence before -so waiting a period or two shouldn't be that big a stretch...

Based upon what was said (Josiah mentioned she was sick) and what is stated in people mag ( link )  - just getting checked out wouldn't be bad idea:

"“I wasn’t feeling well,” recalls 19-year-old Lauren, breaking down in tears. “I was cramping really, really bad, which was quite strange because I normally don’t. I was thinking maybe I had something that had gluten in it. It was late at night and I went to use the restroom and there was the baby. Gone. I couldn’t believe it and I was hoping it wasn’t true.”

Oh, I totally agree she should get checked out and abstinence for a period would not be the end of the world, but these are the IBLP patriarchal Duggars (redundant, eh?) we're discussing.

This episode and the next, from its previews, feel really exploitive to me. 

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7 hours ago, louannems said:

Who was that random girl sitting in during the homefooling? Did the Duggars recruit another nanny-slave?

My guess would be she was Ben's sister.  She travelled two hours to be in Ben's math class!

I didn't see the episode but saw a screenshot on FJ, and she looked like the girl that appeared in a few of Anna's Instagram posts before. (She went to the sewing class with Jordyn and Mckynzie.) Anna referred to her as "cousin Emily," and I think someone figured out she was a relative on Michelle's side? No idea why she seems to be hanging out at the compound so much.

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3 hours ago, doodlebug said:

They don't say it, so the suspicion is that the word pregnant is too Nike.  Used to be, TV shows and movies didn't use that word either.  If you watch 'I Love Lucy', you'll notice she is never 'pregnant' with Little Ricky.  She is 'expecting', she is 'having a baby'.  Pregnant is apparently a dirty word in DuggarLand.

As Archie Bunker explained to his daughter, Gloria, "Don't ever say you're pregnant! Only bad girls get pregnant. Nice little married girls like you are expecting or in the family way!"

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3 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

I was more humored by term "figured out" lol, I didn't even realize they didn't say pregnant 🙂

I agree &  "the figured out" part  what was I was referencing in my previous post about Josiah's choice of words. 

Edited by Barb23
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5 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

And possibly more so for Meeechelle than for you and me....   ;  )

I suspect Jackson will look like a little child for the rest of eternity so at least he's easier to tell apart from the rest.

The Howlers are legitimately process of elimination. I wonder if Michelle just randomly says names until someone's head turns.

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Oh for fuck’s sake, Jackson! He should not be in school with Josie, and why does he still look like a 10 year old? I know that girls mature faster than boys (I was 5’10 in 8th grade!), but his old bestie Hanny looks like his older aunt. And he acts like a baby. I had full on big crushes at that age, and smoked pot at 15! He looks like he should be playing Legos and taking naps 

I didn’t do pregnancy tests until several weeks had passed. I planned my second pregnancy, but still had many other things happening in life besides 2am pee sticks. 

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Yup, sounds like Lauren had a stash of pee sticks in her drawer and was peeing on one every night hoping for a positive one.

She could have waited a few weeks to announce and got the pregnancy confirmed by a doctor but wanted it filmed in time for the new season.

Lauren's parents are creepy as fuck.

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The whole "don't say pregnant" was some weird network thing that was decided by CBS, who took the word out of the script. Neither the I Love Lucy writers/producers/stars nor the priest, minister, and rabbi (who read over the exact script to make sure it wasn't offensive) objected to word, and they all thought CBS was "weird." 

3 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

I didn't see the episode but saw a screenshot on FJ, and she looked like the girl that appeared in a few of Anna's Instagram posts before. (She went to the sewing class with Jordyn and Mckynzie.) Anna referred to her as "cousin Emily," and I think someone figured out she was a relative on Michelle's side? No idea why she seems to be hanging out at the compound so much.

She looks a little like Cousin Emily, but I wasn't sure that was her.   Emily is Michelle's sister's granddaughter and her father is Michelle's nephew Will. He runs a ministry for men with Dwain Swanson (Josiah's father-in-law.)  

Edited by Temperance
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6 hours ago, Calibabydolly said:

I could not stop staring at Jinger in PANTS! Is this allowed, since she is trying to get back down to her pre baby weight? Or just another FU internet moment. She was just at home and around her husband.....and I certainly don't feel this was "defrauding" anyone. I was still shocked at the pants though. I guess Jeremy is her "headship" now and he seems rather normal compared to the other husbands.

Jinger has been wearing pants since shortly after the wedding, though I believe this was the first time we've seen it on the show. There are several pictures online of her in jeans.

Some of the married Bateses wear pants as well, though never on their show. 

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